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Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

A collaboration between the Singapore Art Museum and Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya (Apad) (Association of Artists of Various Resources), this exhibition showcases works by current and former members of Apad, ranging from established artists to young promising ones. Founded in 1962, Apad works towards the development and appreciation of visual art. Inspired by Apad’s 46 years of history, this exhibition reflects the group’s diversity in art practices and approach which straddle the old and new.

ISBN 978-981-08-2092-3


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

13 December 2008 to 5 April 2009 Singapore Art Museum

co-organised by


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Foreword by SAM Director Kwok Kian Chow Director, Singapore Art Museum Inaugurated in 1962, Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya, also known as Apad, is one of Singapore’s most established art associations. Apad: Tradition, Innovation and Continuity is the association’s 34th largescale art exhibition. The exhibition also marks the association’s 46th anniversary and celebrates the achievements over four decades. Apad has now grown into a thriving community of 71 artist members. The exhibition Tradition, Innovation and Continuity draws together works done by past and present Apad members and associates, forming a link from the 1960s till current time. This exhibition represents an effort by Apad to chart the art association’s history, and also to share with the public the artistic evolution of their current members. Works by pioneer Malay artists such as M Sawoot A Rahman and Aman bin Ahmad will be on display, alongside the younger members of the association. The anniversary is also an appropriate occasion to showcase the association’s collection of archival materials, including old newspaper clippings and exhibition catalogues.

Tradition, Innovation and Continuity not only plays an important role in bringing together the many generations of Apad members and supporters; it also serves to raise awareness of the association’s work. In its long history, Apad has contributed greatly to the promotion and development of the art scene in Singapore. The association has organised many significant activities in the past, such as the Pingat Apad art award scheme, started in 1974 and awarded locally to artists who have significantly contributed to the development of the visual art field in Singapore. Previous recipients of this award include some of Singapore’s best known artists – Liu Kang, Cheong Soo Pieng, and Georgette Chen. Apad is also active in the field of art education with its TUNAS Children Art Programme which seeks to nurture the artistic abilities of the young. My colleagues and I at the Singapore Art Museum would like to congratulate Apad’s on its achievements, and we are proud to collaborate with Apad in presenting this significant show.



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Foreword by Apad President Suhaimi Sukiyar Apad President The only Malay visual art society that has withstood for more than 4 decades, Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya or widely known as Apad has been playing an active role in providing opportunities in garnering the young Malay-Muslim art practitioners to the art scenes locally and internationally. Back in 1990 when I first joined Apad, I was just an art student eager to be included in the art scene. For me, it has been indeed a privilege to be able to showcase my artistic talent through exhibitions organised, sharing at art workshops and coffee talks with better known artists such as Mr Abdul Ghani Hamid, Mr S. Mohdir, Mr Abdul Rahman Rais and the late Mr Mohammad Din Mohammad. It has indeed been an inspirational journey, filled with awesome and memorable experiences that made me realise art is not just about brushes and canvas. There is more to art. It is about sharing ideas, understanding different media and most importantly networking. Apad has taught me that what I become is more important than what I have accomplished. I am proud to say that I have grown with Apad and it has indeed nurtured my confidence and guided me to be more than just a practising artist. Throughout the many years I have dedicated to Apad, I have witnessed many constructive changes catering to the needs of its members. Apad is now more open to members from diverse disciplines such as art and

event managers and administrators, film-makers, performance artists, designers, art editors and curators into its family. For me, Apad has evolved and passed from its pioneer to the younger generation of today. Despite the generation gap and odds, needs and changes and exposure to different ideas, the young and old are still able to work together closely in making Apad a stronger visual art society than before. Hence, Apad is honoured to be given an opportunity to be invited to showcase its first exhibition at Singapore Art Museum. It is a celebration of its 46 years of achievement of its artistic pursuit. A collaborative effort between Apad and Singapore Art Museum, this exhibition aims to highlight the historical development of Apad and yet promises an exhilarating body of works from diverse medium such as multimedia and installation arts. Besides showcasing art work from the pioneers to the younger generation, the exhibition is also dedicated to its former and late members, whose past contributions to Apad should not be forgotten. On behalf of Apad, I would like to congratulate all working committees and participants who are involved in making this exhibition a memorable and exciting milestone. I would also like to thank the families of our late artists for their generous support in lending the artworks for the exhibition.


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Curator’s note Apad Curatorial Team

When the curators of the Singapore Art Museum proposed this exhibition to Apad, it generated a lot of excitement and interest from the association’s members. From the senior and established ones to the young and promising, they were eager to be part of a milestone event in the association’s history. An exhibition such as this is few and far between as it is a big-scale event held in a premier art space. As cocurators appointed by the association, we were given the responsibility to primarily, conceptualise the exhibition, and subsequently, select artworks spanning a period of forty-six years from every member of the association. The curatorial team worked in stages. First, to conceptualise the exhibition, and second, to set its objectives, which are to reflect the history of the association, document its present situation and chart the trajectory of its future. Considering these objectives, the team decided to present the exhibition in two parts: a historical overview and a contemporary section. The historical overview is delivered through the works of artists who have in the past made a mark in the Singapore and international art scene as well as within the history of the association. This component of the exhibition includes documents and recordings of Apad’s activities, events and publications extracted from the association’s archives. The contemporary section is intended to broadly represent current members, former members and artists who are affiliated with the association through collaborated projects and activities. This section consists of artworks drawn from this wide group and selected by the curatorial team.

All artworks were chosen based on the criteria that they were technically proficient, refreshing in ideas, innovative in the ways they are presented and expressing emotions that are genuine and readily shared by the community. As half of the exhibition consists of works sourced from the family of deceased former members, it was a challenge to locate some works as well as contact their custodians. At the end of the selection process, we have a collection of artworks that reflects the association’s philosophy and its members. Apad consists of diverse practitioners who paint, sculpt, install, assemble, or simply create images through various mediums and materials. We believe that we have selected artworks that best express the ideas and aspirations of the artists, be they recent art-school graduates, self-taught individuals or seasoned practitioners. This exhibition is an opportunity for participating artists to challenge themselves to produce works that exceed those in previous years. It is important for them to stay abreast and recognise that they can only achieve success through hard work. There are no short cuts. This exhibition is a fair reflection of art produced within the association, whose members come from a wide variety of backgrounds and disciplines, ideas and ideals. For the association to reach the next level, it is depending on every member to persevere, show commitment and contribute at a level that sufficiently and accurately portrays the association’s collective sensibility. When this is achieved, the association would then be ready to line up a new generation of promising members eager to contribute to local art and also take on the world.



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

SAM Curator notes Ong Zhen Min Assistant Curator, Singapore Art Museum The term ‘tradition’ is usually defined as a set of practices transmitted across different generations, whereas ‘innovation’ is described as the act of introducing the new. Although general usage of these two words often sees them positioned as oppositional terms, they can in fact be said to share several similar points. Tradition is sometimes viewed as passive and unchanging, but in reality, the passing of traditional values from one generation to the next is an active and eclectic process in which customs and ideas from the previous generation are shifted through and assimilated – sometimes in new ways – by the next generation. Innovation, while espousing the new, rarely operates independently but arises when one attempts to transcend old boundaries. In trying to understand this relationship between tradition and innovation, and also how ideas are passed from the past to the present, the curators of this exhibition have adopted the display strategy of juxtaposing the works of the pioneer Malay artists with their younger contemporaries. Tradition, Innovation and Continuity offers us several entry points into this discussion. First, the exhibition gives us the chance to re-examine the roles the older artists have played in developing Singapore art, and also opens up discourse on how their

works may serve to stimulate fresh tangents of thought and art practices in the next generation of artists. Second, the exhibition allows us to appreciate the role of new media techniques and subject matter utilised by the younger artists during the conceptualisation and execution of their artwork. As reflected in the exhibition works, the increasing diversity in both technique and subject matter of recent works forms an interesting study of how the changing environment and concerns of the Malay artists working in Singapore have influenced their works to date. Each generation of artists responds to the works of the previous generation, in either studying its methods, or attempting to break away and form new grounds. How an artist adheres to, or diverges from, a set of practices and ideals is telling of certain affective changes in circumstances and mindsets, and which in turn, informs our overall understanding of the works produced. Tradition, Innovation and Continuity forms a critical meeting point for the Apad artists of different age groups to examine each other’s thoughts and processes, and also serves as an overall survey of the development of the association as a whole from the past to the present.


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Collective Development of Malay Art Activities in Singapore Research & text by Abdul Rahman Rais



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

22 January 1956 Angkatan Pelukis Muda (APM) Young Artists’ Movement Headed by Abdul Ghani Hamid

Early art societies in Singapore 1 May 1949 Persekutuan Pelukis Melayu, Malaya (PPMM) Society of Malay Artists, Malaya President: C. Mahat



Early generation of Malay artists Pioneer artists

Second-generation artists

Aman bin Ahmad (Pak Man) 1893–1968

M. Sawoot A. Rahman (Pak Sawoot) 1907 – 1972

Abdul Ghani Hamid 1933 75 years

Mohamed Abdul Kadir (S. Mohdir) 1936 72 years

Mahat bin Chadang (C. Mahat) 1921 – 1996

Sulaiman Hj Suhaimi 1922 – 2008

Jaafar Latiff 1937 – 2007

Iskandar Jalil 1940 68 years

Sarkasi Said (Tzee) 1940 68 years


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


3 January 1964 News of Apad’s registration appears in local English newspaper

29 July 1962 Inauguration of Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya (Apad) Association of Artists of Various Resources at Sims Avenue Community Centre


4 November 1964



The Apad logo was designed by S. Mohdir

1st Apad President Abdul Ghani Hamid at age 29 years for 22 years 1962 – 1983

26 December 1963 Apad-LTK Art Exhibition Officiated by Mr S Rajaratnam, Minister of Culture at Victoria Memorial Hall

5 July 1964 Apad art class originally convened at Madrasah Al-Maarif Al-Islamiah, Ipoh Lane



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

10 October 1971

15 December 1973

14 August 1977

Group ‘71 Art Exhibition Official opening of exhibition held at Malay Art Gallery

Contemporary ‘73 Art Exhibition Officiated by Mr A. Rahim Ishak, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs at Chinese Chamber of Commerce

First Children’s Art Exhibition officiated by Mr Sidek Saniff, MP for Kolam Ayer





18 December 1976 Among the guest artists in the first Contemporary Art Exhibition were (clockwise): Georgette Chen, Tan Teng Kee, Wee Beng Chong and Ho Ho Ying

Presentation of ‘Pingat Apad’ to Mr Cheong Soo Pieng (extreme left) and Mr Liu Kang (extreme right)

14 August 1977 Pingat Aman The winner of each category is awarded this medallion, named after a pioneer Malay artist, Aman bin Ahmad and one of the founders of Apad


2nd Apad President Mohamed Abdul Kadir (S. Mohdir) at age 48 years for 8 years 1984 – 1991


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


25 February 1988 ‘ Art 25’, 25th Anniversary Art Exhibition Officiated by Mr Wong Kan Seng, then Minister of Community Development at the National Museum Art Gallery


1988 13 August 1988 ‘Transformasi’ Art Exhibition Transformation of poem to painting in conjunction with Malay Language Month. Officiated by Mr Goh Chok Tong, then 1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence

21 June 1987 Goodwill and study tour to Malacca



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

29 October 1993 13 June 1990 Publication of first book ‘Collective Activities of Malay Artists’ written by Abdul Ghani Hamid

23 October 1992 ‘Art 30’, 30th Anniversary Art Exhibition Officiated by Professor Tommy Koh, Chairman, National Arts Council at The Substation

‘Rasajagat 93’ Art Exhibition Officiated by His Excellancy Mr Low Choon Ming, High Commissioner in Kuala Lumpur at Galeri Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan

3rd Apad President

1990 1991

3 December 1990 ‘Action 90’ Art Exhibition Mr Idris Mohd Ali presented with ‘Cipta Mekar’ Award

Abdul Rahman Rais at age 35 years for 10 years 1992 – 2001


20 December 1991

10 August 1992

Bapak Srihadi Soedarsono of Indonesia (2nd from right) is Apad’s guest-artist under the Artiste-In-Residence Programme

‘Islamic Contemporary Works of Art Exhibition’ Officiated by Dr. Ahmad Mattar, Minister for the Environment and Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs at Royal Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza


20 June 1993 Official launch of Apad Art Centre’s mascot – ‘Corak & Coret’


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


18 November 1995 Apad members participated in ‘Festival Istiqlal II ‘95’, Jakarta Indonesia including a one day study tour to Bandung, Indonesia




1 May 1998 Allocation under Arts Housing scheme at Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre (Tapac) by National Arts Council


26 October 1997 28 May 1994 Art exhibition in conjunction with 600 years of Historic Malacca at the invitation of Malacca State Government and Academy of Arts, Melaka

‘Art 35’ 35th Anniversary Art Exhibition Launching of Apad’s website (www.apad.org.sg) Officiated by Mr Abdullah Tarmugi, then Minister for Community Development



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

4th Apad President Mohamed Kamal Dollah at age 34 years for 4 years 2002 – 2005


20 July 2003

17 September 2003

First ‘Racial Harmony Day 2003’ Art Exhibition Officiated by Mr R. Ravindran, MP for Marine Parade GRC & Advisor to Braddell Heights GROs at Braddell Heights CC

‘Cinta’ Apad’s First Women Art Exhibition Officiated by Ms Penny Low, MP for Pasir RisPunggol GRC at MICA Atrium


23 September 2005 2 October 2002 ‘Forty’ Art Exhibition Officiated by Mr Yatiman Yusof, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts

‘Batik: Rethinking Tradition’ Batik Exhibition Officiated by HE Datuk N. Parameswaran, Malaysian High Commissioner to Singapore at MICA Atrium



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


25 May 2007 ‘Kampong’ Contemporary 2007 Art Exhibition Officiated by Mr Zulkifli Mohammed, President of Majlis Pusat at Malay Heritage Centre, Kampung Gelam

5th Apad President Suhaimi Sukiyar at age 33 years, current term 2006



26 April 2008 Apad in collaboration with Coral Malaysia, Balai Seni Lukis Negara is listed in The Malaysia Book of Records for achieving the ‘longest underwater painting’. Held at Marine Park, Pulau Tioman, the painting measures 56.4 m long.

2008 13 December 2008 – 5 April 2009 ‘Apad: Tradition, Innovation & Continuity’ Art Exhibition at Singapore Art Museum

7 December 2006 ‘reACTION’ Sangkar Art Exhibition Officiated by Mr Kwok Kian Chow, Director, Singapore Art Museum at The Substation



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Abdul Ghani Hamid The Face in Meditation 1975 . 61 x 86 cm . Oil Donated by Abdul Ghani Hamid  .  Singapore Art Museum Collection


Abdul Ghani Hamid Billet-Doux (Surat Cinta) 1973 . 59 x 84 cm . Oil

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Abdul Ghani Hamid Breezy Garden 2000 . 61 x 51 cm . Oil


Abdul Rahman Rais Kampung 1970s . 21.5 x 31cm . Watercolour

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Abu Jalal Sarimon Kahwin Tu Senang (Marriage is Easy) 2008 . 153 x 122 cm . Acrylic


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Ahmad Abu Bakar

Ahmad Abu Bakar

Journey of a Point to Geometry series 14/1 2008  .  Variable size  .  Clay and carbon powder

Untitled Chair 1992  .  125 x 49 x 45 cm  .  Mixed media Singapore Art Museum Collection




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Aman Bin Ahmad (Pak Man) Perahu Nelayan 1950 . 89 x 58 cm . Acrylic Hajah Nona Asiah Aman (Mdm) Collection


Amin Yasin Terbalik 1992 . 76 x 102 cm . Acrylic

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Ashrudin Mohd Sani Peace Off! Year  .  95 x 95 cm  .  Mixed media


Dino Hafian Ahmad Fancy Illusion 2008  .  60 x 60 cm x 2  .  Mixed media

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Erzan Adam Naked As We Were 2008  .  1.2/1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm  .  Fabric


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Hamidah Jalil

Hamidah Jalil

Flower of Heart I 2006 . 149.6 x 200 cm . Acrylic

Flower of Heart III 2006 . 110 x 138 cm . Acrylic




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Harman Husin

Harman Husin

Othello 2005  .  53 x 46 cm  .  Silk Screen

Mahabbah (Love) 2004 . 14 minutes . Video


Hj Mohamed Abdul Kadir (S. Mohdir) Sengketa Sesama Sendiri 2008  .  157 x 157 cm  .  Acrylic

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Hj Mohamed Abdul Kadir (S. Mohdir) Mergastua 1975 . 121 x 75.5 cm . Acrylic Donated by Mohammed Abdul Kadir  .  Singapore Art Museum Collection


Hj Mohamed Abdul Kadir (S. Mohdir) Mandi Safar 1959  .  157 x 157 cm  .  Acrylic

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Hj Sulaiman Hj Suhaimi Trengganu Street (Chinatown) Undated . 63 x 86 cm . Batik Hajah Mardiah Ahmad (Mdm) Collection


Hj Sulaiman Hj Suhaimi Taqwa 2000  .  77 cm x 62 cm  .  Airbrush mixed Hajah Mardiah Ahmad (Mdm) Collection

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Hj Wandly Yazid Mount Merapi 1997 . 70 x 56 cm . Watercolour Hajah Isnawar Wahid (Mdm) Collection

Hj Wandly Yazid Mount Singalang 1997 . 70 x 56 cm . Watercolour Hajah Isnawar Wahid (Mdm) Collection


Ibrahim Muda (Ismail Muda) Pemandangan 1962 . 60 x 45 cm . Oil Azizah Burhauddin Alhulaimy (Mdm) Collection

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Idris M. Ali Kampong Pasir Panjang 1965  .  62 x 52 cm  .  Watercolour


Idris M. Ali Lorong Buangkok 2005  .  75 x 54 cm  .  Watercolour

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Irda Haeryati An-Nisa 2001  .  Various sizes  .  Mixed media


Iskandar Jalil Blue Vessel 1990  .  27 x 29 x 29 cm  .  Ceramic Singapore Art Museum Collection

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Jaafar Latiff

Jaafar Latiff

Wandering 1976  .  100 x 100 cm  .  Batik Donated by Jaafar Latiff  .  Singapore Art Museum Collection

Untitled 2000  .  62 x 50 cm  .  Mixed media Sarah Hj Abdul Manan (Mdm) Collection


Jailani Kuning Still Performance 1994  .  256.8 x 61 cm (1 of 16 panels)  .  Pencil and watercolour Singapore Art Museum Collection



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Khairul Anuar Salleh Chemical Warfare 1990 . 136 x 112 cm . Charcoal Singapore Art Museum Collection


M. Fadzel Abdul Karim Bab series 2008 . Various sizes . Ink and pencil

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

M. Sawoot A. Rahman Penjual Satay 1950s . 68 x 46 cm . Oil Khairul Bariyah Rashid (Mdm) Collection

M. Sawoot A. Rahman Pemandangan 1950s . 61 x 46 cm . Oil Khairul Bariyah Rashid (Mdm) Collection


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Mahat Chadang (C. Mahat)

Mahat Chadang (C. Mahat)

Lakaran 1 Undated . 36 x 46 cm . Marker Hajah Naimah C. Mahat (Mdm) & Ibrahim C. Mahat (Mr) Collection

Lakaran 2 Undated  .  36 x 46 cm  .  Marker and watercolour Hajah Naimah C. Mahat (Mdm) & Ibrahim C. Mahat (Mr) Collection



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Maya Nurdin Let’s Begin… 2007  .  100 x 100 cm x 2  . Oil


Maznah Ahmad Allegory of the Cave: Philosopher King Series 2008 . 153 x 122 cm . Batik

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Mohamed Elfie Samsidi Lines 2008  .  10 x 60 cm  .  Ceramic and Mixed media


Md Suhirman Sulaiman Gallus Maximus – King of Kings 2008  .  Variable sizes  .  Metal rod, Wood, Mirrors, Sound, Light, Carpet, Costume, Sensors

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Mohammad Din Mohammad

Mohammad Din Mohammad

Calligraphy Energy I 2006  .  200 x 49.6 cm  .  Acrylic Hamidah Jalil (Mdm) Collection

The Mistaken Ancestor Variable sizes  . Mixed media Singapore Art Museum Collection


Mohammad Din Mohammad Portrait Painting 1976 . 51 x 40.6 cm . Oil Singapore Art Museum Collection

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Mohd Harezam Abdul Rahman Jibrel’s Touch 2008  .  200 cm circumference  .  Mixed media on corrugated board


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Mohd Kamal Dollah

Mohd Kamal Dollah

Prisoner Within 1993  .  71 x 71 cm  .  Mixed media

Vehicle 1: Fantasy of Flight 2007  .  360 x 150 x 150 cm  .  Batik Installation




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Noor Ezan Khatib Mines 2008  .  100 x 180 cm  .  Enamel paints & epoxy resin


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Razali Mahat Tiang Seri 2008  .  50 x 50 x 220 cm  .  Mixed media Singapore Art Museum Collection



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Rofizano Zaino Give Me Strength 2008 . 150 x 90 cm . Oil


Rohayah Abdul Majid Ya Sin 2008  .  80 x 86 cm x 2  .  Black pen

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Rosman Mohd Shahid Speed – The Driver & The Companion 2008  .  21 x 29.7 cm  .  Graphite, charcoal and red wash


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Rudy Djorhanaen Md Hussain Pabila Saloma Berlagu (When Saloma Sings) 2008  .  80 x 80 cm  .  Mixed media

Rudy Djorhanaen Md Hussain Shioknya A Mug of Hot Chocolate 2008  .  80 x 80 cm  .  Mixed media



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Sadali Musbah Human Concept & Belief 1997  .  100 x 180 cm  .  Batik on Velvet, Pen


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Said Mohd Ali Lorong 3 Geylang 1970 . 60 x 57 cm . Batik

Said Mohd Ali Bushes (Belukar) 1973 . 94 x 67.5 cm . Oil



Saiman Ismail Batu Series II 180 x 180 cm  .  Mixed media

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Salleh Japar Born Out of Fire 1993  .  Variable sizes  .  Mixed media. Installation Singapore Art Museum Collection

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Sarkasi Said

Sarkasi Said

Abstract Painting 1971  .  34 x 30 cm  .  Ink Singapore Art Museum Collection

Fish 1978  .  101 x 83 cm  .  Batik Singapore Art Museum Collection


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Sazali Rahmat Sayang Sekarang Barang Jarang Ditukang 2008  .  10 x 10 x 10 cm  .  Granite. Installation




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Suhaimi Sukiyar Barricades 1995 . 100.7 x 140.7 cm . Oil Donation of Vincent Wong  .  Singapore Art Museum Collection


Sujak Rahman Essence of Love 2006  .  122 x 153 cm  .  Oil and sand

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Sujak Rahman Searching For Peace 1987  .  90 x 114 cm  .  Batik Singapore Art Museum Collection


Surina Mohamed Sani Path to Nowhere 2008  .  91 x 60 cm  .  Acrylic

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Suyatdi Yadoni Reflection of Misunderstood Mat Rockers 2002 . 56 minutes .  Video


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Tumadi Patri

Tumadi Patri

Pak Dalang Dance 2003  .  107 x 136 cm  .  Dye and white cloth

Waves of Life – Gelombang Kehidupan 2000-2003  .  45 x 40 x 24 cm  .  Mixed media. Installation



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Ye Ruoshi (Ruoshidah Yip Abdullah) Tea with Mr. M (Hua Dan series) 2008  .  56 x 78 cm  .  Oil


Yusoff Abdul Latiff Peranakan Shophouse 2008 . 37 x 56 cm . Watercolour

Tradition, Innovation & Continuity




Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Zainol Arifin Glass & Kettle – Still life 2003 .  23.5 x 27 cm .  Pencil

Zainol Arifin Small Boat, Big Boat 1999 . 29 x 26 cm . Watercolour


Tradition, Innovation & Continuity


Participating Artists 1.

Hj Abdul Ghani Hamid Tel: 67827296

15. Ibrahim Muda (Ismail Muda) (D) Refer to Apad

29. Mohammad Din Mohammad (D) Refer to Hamidah Jalil


Abdul Rahman Rais Hp: 96798525 arais@singnet.com.sg

16. Idris Mohamed Ali Hp: 94699105

30. Mohd Harezam Abdul Rahman Hp: 92378132 bithewayiamhappy@yahoo. com.sg




Abu Jalal sarimon Hp: 96647914 abjsarimon@yahoo.com.sg Ahmad Abu Bakar Hp: 96261004 ahmad.bakar@hotmail.com Aman Bin Ahmad (Pak Man) (D) Refer to Apad


Amin Yasin Hp: 91770885


Ashrudin Mohd Sani Hp: 96971450



Dino Hafian bin Ahmad Hp: 94783541 dinohafian@yahoo.com.sg Erzan Adam Hp: 97727060

10. Hamidah Jalil Hp: 81803835 11. Harman Hussin Hp: 98258996 12. Hj Mohamed Abdul Kadir (S.Mohdir) Hp: 91260336 13. Hj Sulaiman Hj Suhaimi (D) Refer to Apad 14. Hj Wandly Yazid (D) Refer to Apad

17. Irda Haeryati Hp: 98182492 irdalee@yahoo.co.uk 18. Iskandar Jalil Hp: 93671440 19. Jaafar Latiff (D) Refer to Apad 20. Jailani Kuning Refer to Apad 21. Khairul Anuar Salleh Refer to Apad 22. M. Fadzel Abdul Karim Hp: 92471869 fuzz_dell@yahoo.com.sg 23. M. Sawoot A Rahman (D) Refer to Apad 24. Mahat bin Chadang (C. Mahat) (D) Refer to Apad 25. Maya Nurdin Hp: 91357662 26. Maznah bte Ahmad gaughin50@hotmail.com 27. Mohamed Elfie Samsidi Hp: 90026649 dustinhoffman@excite.com 28. Md Suhirman Sulaiman Hp: 98277047 Hirman23@hotmail.com

31. Md Kamal Dollah Hp: 96805094 kamal@bobassociates.com 32. Noor Ezan Khatib Hp: 94527340 ezangirl@hotmail.com 33. M Razali Mahat Hp: 96949651 padigallerydesign@gmail.com 34. Rofizano Zaino Hp: 98767574 rofizano@gmail.com 35. Rohayah Abdul Majid Hp: 93830931 rohayah8@yahoo.com.sg 36. Rosman Mohd Shahid Hp: 92721984 bumimu@yahoo.com 37. Rudy Djorhanaen bin Md Hussain Hp: 83143849 rudymakeart@yahoo.com 38. Sadali Musbah Hp: 98622701 39. Hj Said bin Mohd Ali Hp: 90283116 kenari51@yahoo.co.uk 40. Saiman Ismail Hp: 98323324

41. Salleh Japar Hp: 91718072 salleh.japar@yahoo.com.sg 42. Sarkasi Said Hp: 98361197 43. Sazali Rahmat Hp: 97816429 Sazali_rahmat@moe.edu.sg 44. Suhaimi Sukiyar Hp: 98486123 apadsam@yahoo.com.sg 45. Sujak Rahman Hp: 90015217 46. Surina Mohamed Sani Hp: 91851748 fethal3@yahoo.com 47. Suyatdi Yadoni Hp: 98201261 48. Tumadi Patri Hp: 94772526 twomadi@singnet.com.sg 49. Ye Ruoshi@Ruoshidah Yip Abdullah Hp: 98573730 ruoshi@bobassociates.com 50. Yusoff Abdul Latiff Hp: 98293940 yusoff_abdul_latiff@yahoo. com.sg 51. Zainol Arifin Tel: 67811662

(D) – Deceased



Tradition, Innovation & Continuity

Acknowledgements The Singapore Art Museum and Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya wish to extend their grateful thanks and profound appreciation to the following for their co-operation and assistance towards the success of this exhibition.

Apad Exhibition Working Committee

guest of honour Mr Abdullah Tarmugi Speaker of Parliament

assistant project manager Rosman Mohd Shahid

sponsors National Arts Council a.r.t.s. fund Lee Foundation Singapore Arts Federation family of late artists Mdm Hajah Iswanar Wahid Mdm Hajah Nona Asiah Aman Mdm Azizah Burhauddin Alhulaimy Mdm Khairul Bariyah Rashid Madm Hajah Naimah C. Mahat Mr Ibrahim C. Mahat Mdm Hajah Mardiah Ahmad Mdm Hamidah Jalil Mdm Sarah Hj Abdul Manan

project manager Suhaimi Sukiyar

curators Hj Salleh Japar Abdul Rahman Rais Ahmad Abu Bakar secretary Nuranggraini bte Md Yusuf Kasiran (Ms) design Rofizano Zaino Ahmad Effendy Razali Mahat art program coordinator Mohd Kamal Dollah treasurer Dino Hafian Ahmad

Mass Media All individuals and organisations who have supported and helped the association in one way or another.

singapore art museum Assistant Curator Ong Zhen Min

Š 2008 Singapore Art Museum & Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya Every effort has been made to identify copyright holders in seeking permission to reproduce images. Singapore Art Museum & Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya apologise for any inadvertent errors or omissions. Published by Singapore Art Museum & Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Published in December 2008 Cover illustration by Rofizano Zaino Design & produced by bobassociates Design Consultants www.bobassociates.com ISBN: 978-981-08-2092-3

71 Bras Basah Road, Singapore 189555 Tel: (65) 6332 3222  Fax: (65) 6334 7919

Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre (TAPAC) 182 Cecil Street #03-07, Singapore 069547 Tel/Fax: (65) 6221 0904 Email: president@apad.org.sg www.apad.org.sg



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