an aRt exhibition of small works by MembErs of APAD
PaRticipating Artists 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
Abdul Rahman Rais Abu Jalal Sarimon Amimah Amin Dino Hafian Ahmad Emad Md Ali Aseeri Hamidah Jalil Hazelina Oh Hui Zhong Idris Mohd Ali Izziyana Suhaimi Jeffrey Wandly Juhardi Mohamed Kamal Dollah M. Razali Mahat M. Rizal Mustafa Masturah Shaari Mohammad Fariz Abdul Aziz Muhammad Faisal Sidek Muhammad Najib Abdul Rahman Neelaufar Ayup Nhawfal Jumaat Norhidaya Kamaruddin Normaya Nurdin Nur Aisyah Mohamed Yatim Nur Iman Sumani Nur Nasuha Zakariah Rofizano Zaino Rosman Mohammad Shahid Rudy Djoharnaen Md Hussain Said Mohd Ali Saiman Ismail Sazali Rahmat Suhainah Sugeti Sujak Rahman Thaib A. Wahab Tumadi Patri Ye Ruoshi @Ruoshidah Yip Abdullah Yusoff Abdul Latiff
AD 3 P A 01 2 f o er s b Er to b m Oc e M 10 y 3– b Organised by
i it
Generously supported by
Moving On
Abdul Rahman Rais President
“Moving On” marks APAD’s first exhibition after moving out from Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre (TAPAC) and moving in to the Aliwal Arts Centre in April 2013. For this show, APAD has reached out to 37 participating artists, with a record number of young talented art graduates in one exhibition. The exhibition will only showcases small works so as to give everyone a ‘level playing field’ for both established artists and fresh talents to display their works side by side. I am pleased to note that 16 artists (comprising over 40%) who participated in this exhibition are below 30 years of age. In comparison, the youngest is 22 years and the oldest is 72 years.
2013, 19 January: TUNAS 2013 - Chikdren’s Artwork, Past & Present
“Moving On” is also the final series of three art exhibitions which are specially organised in conjunction with APAD’s 50th anniversary since the beginning of this year. The primary aim of this exhibition is to showcase APAD new and young emerging talents with the intention to encourage them to be actively involved in the creative process. With the renewed vigour, APAD looks forward towards contributing a vibrant visual art scene in the years to come.
2013, 2 March: Our Pioneer Artists - Malay Visual Art Practices From Post-War Period
Moving On
Lakaran Pelukis
Gerakan Seni Rupa Melayu Singapura Pasca Perang
Mohd Raman Daud Wartawan dan ahli seumur hidup APAD
kelas lukisnya dan pelbagai kegiatan lain akan terus menjadi
AHAD 24 Februari 2013 merakam semacam kerinduan dan pilu
cabaran besar - bahkan sejak penubuhannya.
terasa pada rakan-rakan ahli Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya (Apad). Kami hadir bagi mesyuarat agung ke-50 dan buat sekian
Segelintir saja badan Melayu/Islam yang mempunyai rumah sendiri. Mentelah Majlis Pusat yang pernah dianggap pejuang budaya Melayu, pun tidak dapat lagi membela nasib
kalinya di Pusat Seni Persembahan Telok Ayer (Tapac) yang
badan seni Melayu sejak status lamanya sebagai ‘induk’
usang dan dikosongkan badan-badan seni awal tahun ini.
dilucutkan lebih setahun lalu.
Tapac ialah bangunan bekas sekolah rendah dan terletak
Oleh itu, penakatan badan seni seperti Apad ialah
kerdil dibayangi pencakar langit Shenton Way. Tanahnya
sentiasa menunjukkan ia terus relevan pada mata NAC atau
memang terlalu berharga sedang yang menghuninya sekadar
pemerintah. Mengisi syarat ini memang bukan mudah. Pun
badan-badan seni, ujar seorang pelukis.
saya berbangga dapat terus mengikuti perkembangan Apad
Tapac mula dihuni pada 1985 sebagai antara daya galak
sejak mengikuti kelas lukisnya ketika beruniform sekolah
dan naungan daripada pemerintah untuk seniman lewat Majlis
(seluar pendek) pada awal 1970-an di bangunan lama
Seni Kebangsaan (NAC). Memang tanpa ‘rumah’, sukar bagi
Madrasah Al-Maarif di Ipoh Lane.
badan seni seperti Apad bergerak seperti mengadakan kelas lukisnya pada hujung minggu. Langkah NAC dalam aspek ini, antara lain, menepati pelan
Kini sudah ada pelukis atau pengarca kita yang sudah dianggap profesional sebagai pensyarah di maktab seni setempat atau kian dikenali di persada dunia menerusi
induk seni negara. Namun perjalanan nusa ini untuk menjadi
pameran di kota raya besar seperti New York. Sayangnya
Kota Kebangkitan Seni di Tropika masih jauh lagi.
pencapaian sedemikian dikecapi sebahagian ahlinya saja.
Dengan saiz Singapura yang kecil dan padat penduduknya
Majoriti masih lagi berhempas pulas mahu menjadi pelukis
pula, rumah atau hartanah di sini bukan saja kian mahal,
atau pengarca dengan bergantung pada pekerjaan tetap bagi
bahkan kian sukar diperolehi badan seni yang ‘kais-kaisan’
menyara hidup.
(kais pagi, makan pagi). Mujurlah, Apad yang baru berusia lebih 50 tahun masih
Hakikatnya, ahli seni atau seniman memang insan bermaruah, apatah lagi dalam konteks ketimuran. Malangnya
diberikan ruang kecil secara perkongsian di sebuah pusat
sejak dulu, seni selalu diletakkan di kedudukan terendah
seni di Aliwal Street. Namun mencari ruang lebih besar bagi
dalam lapisan keperluan masyarakat. Keutamaan masyarakat
Moving On
ialah ekonomi yang digerakkan usahawan, syarikat,
mempunyai bakat peniaga atau pengurusan untuk ditampilkan.
profesional dan sebagainya.
Akibatnya, pencapaian badan seni kita masih lagi belum
Menurut sejarah, sejak zaman Kebangkitan Eropah
sampai ke mana untuk dipasarkan.
(Rennaissance) dalam abad ke-15 di Eropah, seniman yang bertaraf pujangga seperti Leonardo da Vinci perlu
Landskap Seni
mempunyai ‘naungan’ seperti keluarga Medici, golongan
Landskap seni Singapura berubah agak pesat antara 1930-an
saudagar yang menguasai ekonomi kota Florence. Adakah terdapat seumpama Medici di Singapura? Maklumlah watan ini dicatatkan dengan kadar jutawan tertinggi di dunia. Dalam ruang lingkup Singapura pula, ahli seni memang mendambakan bantuan pemerintah, diikuti dengan penajaan korporat dan pembelian daripada tokoh yang berada. Baru-baru ini, Singapura dikejutkan oleh kisah kebakaran studio seni di Telok Kurau. Banyak karya seni terbakar atau rosak dek pancutan air untuk memadamkan api. Studio seni ini juga di bawah skim NAC. Semoga pengalaman pahit ini mendorong langkah memastikan ia tidak berulang lagi bagi rumah seni yang lain. Pembelaan kepada ahli seni watan perlu berterusan kerana mereka menjadi penjalin antara apa yang diharapkan daripada pembangunan pesat Singapura iaitu mekarnya taman seni yang cukup indah. Yang perlu diinsafi ialah ahli seni bukanlah seorang pengurus niaga. Jarang kita menemui pelukis yang arif memasarkan hasil seninya. Segelintir seniman yang dapat berasa kaya dengan hasil seninya. Misalnya, kisah perih seniman besar P. Ramlee yang cuba melancarkan penerbitan filemnya di Kuala Lumpur (selepas masa depan perfileman Melayu di Singapura mulai goyah) pada dekad 1960-an sudah cukup menjadi iktibar kepada kita. Sayangnya, boleh dikatakan tiada badan seni Melayu yang
sehingga kini. Walaupun Singapura pernah menjadi pusat cendekiawan Melayu antara 1850 hingga 1960, namun tuahnya berubah selepas perpisahan dengan Persekutuan Malaysia pada 1965. Bahkan kesannya juga terasa pada kegiatan seni umumnya (tidak terhad pada masyarakat Melayu). Antara lain, setelah lama cuba menghidupkan kegiatan atau apresiasi seni, seorang usahawan seni berbangsa Inggeris, Donald Moore, menyifatkan Singapura sebagai ‘cultural desert’ (tandus seni) pada akhir 1960-an. Saya mula mengenali APAD pada 1972, ketika di menengah dua Sekolah Menengah Swiss Cottage. Seorang guru, Rafeah Ismail, telah menggesa saya menyertai kelas lukis APAD yang ketika itu diadakan di bangunan lama Madrasah Al-Maarif di Ipoh Lane. Pada mulanya agak kekok juga menyertai kelas yang mengajarkan seni lukis mengguna cat minyak, cat air, pensel atau arang serta kemudian batik. Ketika itu, pada usia 14 tahun, saya berkenalan dengan para murid kelas itu yang termasuk Sdr Abdul Rahman Rais dan Tuni Sharif (kini bertugas di bahagian grafik Berita Harian). Tulang belakang kelas lukis APAD ialah Idris Ali yang sehingga hari ini masih cukup sabar mengajar saban minggu, tidak kira hari hujan atau adakalanya kelas dihadiri seorang dua murid saja. Menurut Hj Abdul Ghani Hamid lewat bukunya, ‘An Artist’s Notes’ (terbitan Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya, 1991),
Moving On
kesedaran mengenai perjuangan pelukis atau seniman rupa
kesusasteraan baru oleh Chairil Anwar. Di Singapura, Angkatan
Melayu sudah berputik lama sebelum abad ke-20. Banyak
Sasterawan ‘50 merupakan yang pertama menggunakan istilah ini.
pelukis Melayu cenderung melukis pemandangan alam dan
APM menampilkan Mustafa Yasin (terkenal sebagai pelukis
membuat kerja tangan. Ini memandangkan pekerjaan melukis
latar untuk filem Studio MFP, Jalan Ampas), R Selamat Shariff,
sering rendah ganjarannya. Mentelah imej pelukis tidak
Marhaban Kasman, Yusof Aman (anak lelaki Aman Ahmad),
dipandang mulia sebagai suatu kerjaya.
Mohd Daud dan A Ghani Hamid yang bertindak sebagai
Namun selepas Perang Dunia II, barulah kesedaran itu berubah menjadi usaha bersama untuk menubuhkan Persekutuan Pelukis Melayu Malaya di Kelab Kota Raja (dalam
ketuanya. APM diasaskan pada 22 Januari 1956 tetapi tidak lepas landas kerana kekurangan sokongan cergas. Untuk beberapa lama, para pelukis Melayu tanpa sebuah
perkarangan Istana Kampung Gelam) pada 1949. Pelukis
pertubuhan pun. Namun mereka sempat menyertai kegiatan
terkenal, Mahat bin Chadang (@C Mahat) dipilih sebagai yang
pameran oleh pertubuhan Melayu lain yang tumbuh bak
dipertuanya dan setiausahanya pula, M Salehuddin.
cendawan dalam musim hujan dalam dekad 1950-an. Misalnya,
Sebelum penubuhan PPMM, C Mahat telah mengadakan
para pelukis pernah menyertai Perkumpulan Seni (PS,
kelas lukis seawal 1947. Hasil lukisannya dipamerkan di
ditubuhkan pada 1955) dalam menyerikan Pesta Seni pada
Dewan British Council pada 1949.
Oktober 1957. Pada 2 April 1959, pameran lukisan selama
PPMM telah mengadakan pameran sulungnya di Dewan
seminggu diadakan oleh PS di dewan Sekolah Melayu Kota
British Council, Stamford Road, pada 11 hingga 17 Februari
Raja yang dirasmikan oleh pelukis ternama Indonesia, Radin
1951 yang disertai para pelukis terkemuka C Mahat, Sulaiman
Basoeki Abdullah.
Haji Suhaimi, Suri Mohyani, M Sawoot dan para pelukis dari
Persatuan Kebudayaan Melayu juga mengadakan kelas
utara Semenanjung seperti Saidin Yahya dan A.B Ibrahim.
lukis di Balai Rakyat Kebun Ubi, Jalan Penggaga setiap Ahad.
Lewat PPMM, nama-nama seperti Aman Ahmad (ayah
Lewat usaha Lembaga Tetap Kongres pula, sebuah
penyanyi terkenal Nona Asiah), Nik Zainalabidin, Idris Haji
pameran diadakan pada 22 hingga 28 April 1961 di Dewan
Salam dan Abdullah Ariff kian dikenali dan dihormati.
Peringatan Victoria.
PPMM juga mengadakan pameran pada 23 hingga 29 Disember 1951 dan pada 1953 yang turut disertai Latif Mohidin, Adam, Yusof Hashim, Mustafa Yassin, S Mahdar. Sayangnya, kegiatan PPMM mulai pudar dalam pertengahan dekad 1950-an. Muncul pula barisan pelukis yang menamakan diri mereka Angkatan Pelukis Muda (APM). Istilah ‘angkatan’
Saya masih teringat mewawancara wartawan veteran, sasterawan dan cendekiawan, Abdul Samad Ismail (19242008) pada pertengahan 1990-an di rumahnya di Petaling Jaya, bahawa Singapura merupakan pusat Dunia Melayu yang menyaksikan peranan tiga ombak kesedaran: pertama, kesedaran siasah yang antara lain membawa
sering digunakan untuk memancarkan perjuangan. Ia
pembentukan Kesatuan Melayu Singapura (1926) pimpinan
luas digunakan di Indonesia untuk mencerminkan gagasan
Mohd Eunos Abdullah (namanya diabadikan di Jalan Eunos);
Moving On
kedua, kesedaran gerakan pendidikan dan peningkatan
lewat penyertaan dalam arus nasional serta akrab dengan
taraf ekonomi seperti kelas madrasah sehingga usaha wanita
para pelukis Cina yang sudah lama berakar dalam gerakan
untuk berdikari, Tenaga Murni, dan
kesenimanan di Singapura. Ini merupakan antara pendekatan
ketiga, kesedaran para seniman untuk meningkatkan
A Ghani Hamid yang akrab dengan pelukis seperti Georgette
harga diri seperti terpapar dalam usaha Zubir Said dan Ahmad
Chen, antara pelukis perintis di Singapura. Bahkan sebilangan
Jaafar dalam bidang muzik, P Ramlee dalam filem, kesedaran
pelukis bukan Melayu seperti Thomas Yeo telah menerima
membangun masyarakat marhaen oleh Asas ‘50 dan sebagainya.
pengiktirafan APAD.
Permulaan Apad
Daya Cipta Dan Tanggapan Masyarakat
Ketika bertemu di rumah Cikgu Marhaban Kasman di 497-2
Kebanyakan pelukis Melayu sering mengambil ‘jalan biasa’
Jalan Timun, pada 1 Julai , Abdul Ghani Abdul Hamid (@A
dalam berkarya seperti menghasilkan lukisan cat air atau cat
Ghani Hamid) menampilkan peri perlu ditubuhkan sebuah
mengenai pemandangan kampung, pinggiran kota dan potret.
badan pelukis. Gagasan ini disokong oleh lima pelukis lain iaitu Muhammad Ali Sabran, Muhammad A Kadir (S Mohdir),
Namun M Salehuddin yang terkenal dengan rencah komiknya, ‘Long dan Ngah’ dan ‘Si Kumbang’ di mingguan Utusan Zaman,
Ahmin Haji Noh, Hamidah M F Suhaimi dan Mustafa Yassin.
telah cuba ‘mencetuskan’ pembaharuan dengan menghasilkan
Maka tertubuhlah Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya pada 29
lukisan abstrak ‘Bahana Asmara’ - gaya lukisan seniman
Julai 1962. A Ghani Hamid telah menjadi Yang Dipertua yang
Perancis Fernand Leger.
pertama. Wartawan akhbar Berita Harian, Sulaiman Jeem, melaporkan: “Seluruh pelukis Melayu di Singapura sekarang ini telah
Bagaimanapun karya pelukis A Ghani Hamid dari genre abstrak, ‘Mata dan Hati’ (1957) yang telah menarik ulasan ‘kurang senang’ di Utusan Zaman yang menyifatkannya rasa
mempunyai persatuan sendiri, ‘Angkatan Pelukis Aneka
kurang senang. Lukisan ini telah menimbulkan semacam
Daya’. Satu cogan kata yang akan menjadi matlamat dan
polemik yang menolak erti seni moden, khususnya abstrak.
lambang angkatan itu bergiat dalam perjuangan mereka,
Namun kritikan sedemikian hanya mendorong para
telah dipersetujui oleh pelukis-pelukis ini dalam sidang permulaannya, baru-baru ini. Cogan kata tersebut berbunyi ‘Secita Mencipta’.” Sejak itu, APAD tidak lagi tersekat-sekat dalam
pelukis Melayu terus meneroka pendekatan dan teknik baru. Mereka juga menyedari bahawa teman-teman para pelukis Cina sudah jauh lebih menyerlah dalam bereksperimen. Namun para pelukis Melayu juga menyedari batas susila yang
pergerakan. Para anggota pengasasnya, terutama A Ghani
ditetapkan Islam. Hal ini menjelaskan bahawa hampir tiada
Hamid dan S Mohdir boleh disifatkan sebagai ‘paksi’
gambar yang dinilai ‘menjolok mata’ seperti gambar wanita
penakatannya (survival axis). Walaupun mencerminkan citra
bogel dan sebagainya.
pelukis Melayu, APAD cuba bersifat terangkum atau inklusif
Pada 1969, Menteri Ehwal Masyarakat, Encik Othman Wok
Moving On
dalam amanatnya sempena pameran seni Apad, menyatakan
Tapac dengan tiga muralnya yang megah dihasilkan Kamal
bahawa usaha pelukis setempat untuk meneroka gaya baru
Dollah dan rakan-rakannya akan memberi laluan kepada
demi menghasilkan suatu yang terbaik berbanding tradisi yang
pembangunan. Kami bergambar berlatarkan mural-mural ini
beku, wajar digalakkan.
dengan pelbagai rasa di hati.
Sejak itu para pelukis Melayu Singapura kian ‘bebas’ berkarya walaupun tidaklah sebebas pelukis Barat dalam menampilkan tubuh pukas manusia atau gambaran dan arca
Mungkin di tapaknya nanti tersergam sebuah lagi bangunan gagah tinggi menjulang di kawasan pusat bandar kita. Tetapi badan seni kita pula ke mana arahnya?
yang boleh dianggap tidak sesuai dengan adab ketimuran. Para pelukis dan pengarca Melayu kian dikenali di persada nasional dan serantau. Di anak tangga teratas ialah Iskandar Jalil, pandai tembikar dan penerima Pingat Budaya. Sarkasi Said @Tzee telah menempa nama sebagai pandai batik dan begitu juga Sujak Rahman. Dua pengasas Apad, A Ghani Hamid dan almarhum S Mohdir (Mohammed bin Abdul Kadir) memang telah lama dikenali kerana kegigihan mereka dalam berkarya dan membangun Apad sebagai ‘ikon’ masyarakat. Saya yakin para ahli Apad yang menjadi pelapis seperti Kamal Dollah, Suhaimi Sukiyar dan lain-lain akan memberi sumbangan besar untuk membawa Apad ke tahap selanjutnya.
Badan Sosial Apad perlu memikirkan apakah ia wajar merubah corak urusannya ke arah usaha sosial (social enterprise). Hal ini boleh dibincangkan dengan para ahlinya dengan kerjasama Majlis Seni Kebangsaan dan pihak-pihak tertentu. Antara faedahnya ialah Apad boleh memilih untuk menjadi badan mencari laba (untung) atau tidak. Tenaga pengurusan (kakitangan bergaji) boleh diambil. Namun ia memerlukan pejabat dan juga balai seni untuk mempamerkan karyakarya ahlinya. Di samping itu, laman sawang (website) atau Facebook Apad perlu menampilkan karya-karya ahlinya untuk dipasarkan di serata dunia. Tentulah Apad boleh mendapatkan
Sesudah 50 Tahun
suntikan dana daripada syarikat atau individu untuk tujuan ini.
Keusahawanan amat diperlukan bagi penakatan Apad di tahap selanjutnya dengan pemasaran Facebook dan sebagainya. Para ahlinya perlu dikenali dan dikagumi untuk membawa kesan kepada kewujudannya. Apa pun, Apad boleh disifatkan antara segelintir badan seni mapan kerana daya tahan relawannya yang luar biasa. Namun tentulah ia perlu melalui paradigma atau tatacara baru untuk membangun - jauh berbeza daripada zaman atau kaedah rintisan para pendirinya seperti Haji Abdul Ghani Hamid, 80 tahun, dan almarhum Mohamed bin Abdul Kadir (S Mohdir).
Tukikan Seni Rumpun Rantau rumpun Melayu Asia Tenggara merupakan kawasan seni tampak yang masih ‘baru’. Apad boleh menjadi ‘gerbang’ kepada khazanah ini dengan cuba merangkai kerjasama dengan para pelukis atau badan seni tampak menerusi pelbagai perjanjian yang tidak begitu mengikat dari segi pemasaran dan seumpamanya.
Moving On
Biasiswa dan Geran Seni Sudah tiba masanya Apad cuba menghulurkan biasiswa seni untuk murid kelas lukisnya atau ahli mudanya yang berpotensi. Untuk ini, Apad boleh bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud (LBKM). Pemberian biasiswa boleh diikatkan dengan rancangan pembimbingan (mentoring) ialah pelukis muda diberi tunjuk ajar oleh pelukis Apad yang veteran. Akademi Apad Sesudah kelas lukisan, wajar bagi Apad mewujudkan akademi seninya. Langkah ini memang sukar namun ia merupakan perkembangan wajar dalam usianya yang semakin matang. Lewat Akademi ini, pelukis atau pengarca berkebolehan dapat diasah dan terus dipupuk menjadi seniman terbilang. Harapan Saya yakin Apad akan dapat hidup 50 tahun lagi jika ia mempunyai para ahli yang berdedikasi. Usaha rintisan A Ghani Hamid dan para sahabatnya kini diwarisi oleh Encik Abdul Rahman Rais dan rakan-rakannya. Proses patah tumbuh, hilang berganti ini perlu dipastikan terus bertali-arus. Kepimpinan dan pengurusan trampil amat diperlukan oleh Apad untuk menjadi institusi seni yang disegani lagi dikagumi.
2013, 24 February: APAD 50th Annual General Meeting (last held at Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre)
Moving On
Artist’s Sketches
Mohd Raman Daud Journalist and lifetime member of APAD
The Malay Fine Art Movement in Post-war Singapore
Translation by Syed Muhd Hafiz (Curator based in Singapore)
housing centre along Aliwal Street. However the search for
Sunday 24 February 2013 was a poignant day and it was
bigger premises for its painting classes and other activities
particularly sad for friends and members of the Angkatan
is the bigger challenge; in fact it has been its main challenge
Pelukis Aneka Daya (APAD).
since the establishment of the society.
We had our 50th general assembly, the last one, at
Only a small fraction of the Malay/ Muslim organisations
Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre (TAPAC), a run-down and
here have their own premises. Majlis Pusat was once considered
recently-vacated building.
the champion of Malay heritage and culture. But it is no longer
Dwarfed by the skyscrapers along Shenton Way, TAPAC, used to house a primary school. “It is sitting on premium land and the old building is just housing some artists’ organisations,” said an artist. Started in 1985, TAPAC was a government initiative to
able to perform that role since revoking its status as an umbrella body for many affiliates of Malay cultural organisations. Therefore the strategy adopted by arts organisations like APAD is to demonstrate its relevance to the National Arts Council or the government. This endeavor has not been an
help the local artists, administered through the National Arts
easy process. However I am proud to have followed APAD’s
Council (NAC). Without a ‘house’ it had been tough for local
development, ever since my participation in their art classes in
arts organisations like APAD to find a venue to conduct their
the 1970s (while still in my school shorts and uniform) at the
activities and their weekend art classes.
old premises of the Madrasah Al-Maarif, at Ipoh Lane.
Housing our art bodies is part of the NAC’s many tasks
Nowadays we hear of local painters or sculptors becoming
in line with our Nation’s master plan for the arts. Yet our
professional lecturers at our art colleges or participating in
Nation’s journey is still far from over to reach the status of the
exhibitions at international cities like New York, though only
Global City of the Arts.
a few in APAD enjoy this status. Most of its members are still
With Singapore’s space constraints and increasing population, land and housing properties are not just
struggling to be artists as they juggle full-time jobs. Honestly, a person of the art or an artist is a dignified
expensive but it’s getting increasingly more difficult for arts
person, what more in the Oriental context. Yet since time
organisations - most of them being humble organisations with
immemorial, arts have been given a low priority in society
not much operational budget - to get access to these sites. Fortunately APAD which recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, was offered a small shared office at the new arts
which usually places premium on the well-being of the economy run by so-called entrepreneurs, companies and professionals.
Moving On
Historically, the beginnings of the Renaissance period in
The Arts Landscape
Europe around the 15th century had the support or patronage
The development of the arts landscape in Singapore has
of the Medici family, a powerful clan that dominated the
evolved significantly between the 1930s till now. Even though
economy of Florence. Through their patronage, we see the rise
Singapore was the center of the Malay intellectual scene
of great artists like Leonardo da Vinci. Do we have individuals
between 1850 to 1960, her fate took a drastic turn since the
or organisations like the Medici family here? Especially now
separation from Malaysia in 1965. The consequences of that
when it has been said that Singapore has the highest number
event affected the arts scene (not exclusive to the Malay
of millionaires in the world. The local artists would really
community). One of the effects was Donald More, a British
need government assistance, corporate sponsorship and the
businessman and supporter of the arts proclaimed Singapore
patronage of philanthropists and buyers who will buy local art.
to be a ‘cultural desert’ in the late 1960s after failing to
Recently, the local arts scene was shocked by the fire incident that broke out at the Telok Kurau studios. Part of the
enliven the arts scene and arts appreciation here. I was first introduced to APAD in 1972 while I was still a
NAC Arts Housing scheme too, many artworks were destroyed
Secondary Two student in Swiss Cottage Secondary School. A
during the extinguishing of the fire. We can only hope that this
teacher by the name of Rafeah Ismail had encouraged me to
unfortunate incident would not repeat itself, especially for
join APAD’s art classes which were held at the old premises
the other arts housing buildings. Support for the local artists
of Madrasah Al-Maarif at Ipoh Lane. Initially, it was abit
have to be continued as they are the ones that balance the
awkward attending the art class which taught oil painting,
modernization of Singapore, with cultural progress and making
watercolour, charcoal drawing followed by batik. At 14
it a creative hub.
years of age, I had then been introduced to fellow students
The ones that need to be supported are the artists, not the
including Abdul Rahman Rais and Tuni Sharif (now working in
businessmen. Rarely do we meet artists who can market his/
the Graphics Department of Berita Harian). The anchor or the
her artworks well. Only a fraction of artists manage to become
teacher of that class was a certain Idris Ali, who till this day
rich. A prime example would be the legendary P. Ramlee
still teaches every weekend, rain or shine, even when only two
who tried to launch his new film production company in
students turn up for the class due to the weather.
Kuala Lumpur in the 1960s, after the Malay film industry was declining. His failure is a lesson for all of us. It is lamentable that no Malay arts organisations have the financial capabilities or that entrepreneurial spirit to propel
In his book, ‘An Artist’s Notes’ Hj Abdul Ghani Hamid mentioned that the awareness of artists’ struggles and of Malay artists have long developed since before the 20th century. Many Malay artists were inclined to depict natural
them. Due to this unfortunate lack, the achievements of our
landscapes and craft work since painting did not bring much
arts organisations are still nowhere to be marketed.
income, therefore a career as an artist was frowned upon.
Moving On
However after World War Two, this awareness expanded
Selamat Shariff, Marhaban Kasman, Yusof Aman (the son of
into an initiative which saw the founding of the Persekutuan
Aman Ahmad), Mohd Daud and Abdul Ghani Hamid who was
Pelukis Melayu Malaya (PPMM or The Malayan Malay Artists
the leader of the society. APM was established in 1956 but did
Society) in 1949, at the Kota Raja Club. Renowned artist
not last long due to lack of a strong support.
Mahat Bin Chadang was elected to be its first president and M
For quite some time, the Malay artists were without
Salehuddin was its secretary. Before the formation of PPMM,
any organisations. However they still continued to take
C Mahat had already been organizing art classes as early as
part in exhibitions organized by other Malay societies that
1947. His works were also exhibited at the British Council Hall
was mushrooming rapidly in the 1950s. For example, they
in 1949.
participated in a show by Perkumpulan Seni (PS, which was
PPMM organized its first group show at the British Council
formed in 1955) to grace the Pesta Seni (Arts Festival) in
Hall at Stamford Road which was held from 11-17th February
October 1957. On April 2nd 1959, a week-long exhibition
1951. The exhibition featured locally renowned artists like C
was organized by PS at the Kota Raja Malay School hall,
Mahat, Sulaiman Haji Suhaimi, Suri Mohyani, M Sawoot and
which was opened by renowned Indonesian artist, Radin
other artists from the rest of the Peninsular like Saidin Yahya
Basoeki Abdullah. Persatuan Kebudayaan Melayu (Malay
and A.B Ibrahim. Through PPMM, names like Aman Ahmad
Cultural Association) also held their art classes at the Kebun
(father of famous singer Nona Asiah), Nik Zainalabidin, Idris
Ubi Community Centre along Jalan Penggaga every Sunday.
Haji Salam and Abdullah Ariff also became recognized and
Between 22-28th April 1961, another exhibition was also held
respected. PPMM also held other exhibitions, one between
by the Lembaga Tetap Kongres at the Victoria Memorial Hall.
23-29th December 1951 and in 1953 where artists like Latiff
I still recall the interview of the senior journalist, literary
Mohidin, Adam, Yusof Hashim, Mustafa Yassin and S. Mahdar
laureate and academic, Abdul Samad Ismail (1924-2008)
in the mid-1990s, at his house in Petaling Jaya where he
Unfortunately PPMM’s activities began to decline around the middle of the 1950s, afterwhich a new batch of artists who called themselves Angkatan Pelukis Muda (APM or The Young Artists Society) emerged. The term ‘Angkatan’ is usually
mentioned that Singapore was the hub of the Malay world which saw three waves of realization: first, political awakening that resulted in the formation of Kesatuan Melayu Singapura (Singapore Malay Union, 1926)
used in the context of a ‘struggle’. In Indonesia, the term is
led by Mohamed Eunos Abdullah (several roads and housing/
widely used in the literary movement led by Chairil Anwar. In
industrial estates are named in honour of him);
Singapore, Angkatan Sasterawan ’50 (ASAS 50) was the first to adopt this term. APM featured Mustafa Yasin (renowned for his supporting roles in the MFP Film Productions, located at Jalan Ampas), R
second, social awareness that led to the robust educational and economic upliftment programmes such as Anglo-Malay evening classes and women’s movement, Tenaga Murni, and third, awareness among the art community to strengthen
Moving On
the Malays’ self esteem shown in the works of maestros Zubir
Creativity and Society’s Perceptions
Said and Ahmad Jaafar, P Ramlee’s films and the struggle to
Most Malay artists tend to take the ‘normal route’ in their
uplift the poor in the literary works of writers known as Asas
practice by creating watercolour or oil works of kampong
‘50 and others.
sceneries, suburban scenes or portraits. However M Salehuddin who was known for his comic series ‘Long dan Ngah’ and ‘Si
Beginnings of APAD
Kumbang’ in the daily, Utusan Zaman, attempted to ‘provoke’
In a meeting at the house of teacher Marhaban Kasman at
a change by producing an abstract work ‘Bahana Asmara’ – in
497-2 Jalan Timun on 1st July, Abdul Ghani Hamid suggested the need for an artist’s society. This suggestion was supported by five other artists: Muhammad Ali Sabran, Muhammad A Kadir (S Mohdir), Ahmin Haji Noh, Hamidah M F Suhaimi dan Mustafa Yassin. Therefore on 29th July 1962, Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya (APAD) was formed. Berita Harian journalist, Sulaiman Jeem reported: “All the Malay artists in Singapore have their own society now known as Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya. A slogan that will be their mission and symbol of their direction, have been agreed upon in a recent meeting. That slogan is ‘Secita Mencipta’ (With Common Objective We Create).” Since then, APAD was no longer restricted in their progress. The senior members, especially Abdul Ghani Hamid and S Mohdir can be considered the society’s ‘anchor’. Even though it may seem that APAD was supporting the Malay community, it also tried to be inclusive by working together with the Chinese artists who have been active in the art scene in Singapore for a significant period of time. An example would be Abdul Ghani Hamid’s close relations with artists like Georgette Chen, one of the pioneer artists in Singapore. Also, a number of non-Malay artists like Thomas Yeo have received awards by APAD.
the style of French painter, Fernand Leger. Abdul Ghani Hamid who is an abstract artist had also created ‘Mata dan Hati’ in 1957 which received an ‘uncomfortable’ response from Utusan Zaman. The painting raised a polemic debate, rejecting the definition of modern art, specifically abstraction. However these criticisms only inspired the Malay artists to further their practice and improve on their technique. They also realized that their artist friends, like their Chinese counterparts have gone far in their experimentations. Malay artists also realized the limitations of their own religion, Islam. This limitation dictated their works which prevented them from creating provocative works like nude women and others. In 1969, the Minister of Social Affairs Mr Othman Wok, in his opening speech for an APAD exhibition said that local artists should be encouraged to explore a new language to produce something significant based on their traditions. Since then, local Malay artists here have been ‘free’ to create though of course, not as free as Western artists who depict the nude body or sculptures which are not sensitive to our Eastern values. Local Malay artists have been recognized here and internationally. At the top would be Iskandar Jalil, a master potter and a recipient of the Cultural Medallion. Sarkasi Said @Tzee has established himself as a Batik expert, so has Sujak Rahman. The two APAD co-founders Abdul Ghani
Moving On
Hamid and the late S Mohdir have long been recognized for
for its salaried staff. It would also need an office and gallery
their commitment towards their art and establishing APAD as
space to display its members’ works and also, APAD’s website
an ‘icon’ for the community. I am confident that the younger
and Facebook page should be displaying its members’ works
APAD members like Kamal Dollah, Suhaimi Sukiyar and others
so that it can be exposed to the rest of the world. It is possible
will contribute significantly in taking APAD to the next level.
for APAD to get some funding from corporate sponsorships or through individuals.
After 50 Years The entrepreneurial spirit is needed in pushing APAD to the
Niches for Malay Heritage
next level, for example through Facebook and other forms of
The Malay Archipelago is a region where its visual cultures
social media. Its members should be recognized and respected
can still be considered ‘new’. APAD can be the bridge to these
to enable the society’s relevance.
cultural legacies by co-operating with fellow artists or visual
Nonetheless, APAD can be categorized as only one of the few established arts organisations due to its strong network of
culture organisations, though various informal tie-ups and other types of collaborations.
volunteers but of course, it still needs a paradigm change or new strategies to continue its development. These strategies
ought to be relevant now, compared to the earlier challenges
The time has come for APAD to give out scholarships to its
faced by the pioneers like Abdul Ghani Hamid, 80 years old and the late S Mohdir. TAPAC with its three grand murals done by Kamal Dollah and friends will give way to redevelopment. We took a group portrait in front of the murals with mixed feelings. Maybe another skyscraper will rise, towering over our city but where is the direction of our arts organization? Social Body APAD needs to think about whether it should change its management towards a social enterprise. This can be discussed with its members, together with the National Arts Council and relevant parties. A plus point would be APAD being able to be a for-profit or non-profit organization. Funds can be utilized
art class students or young members with potential. For this scheme, APAD can work together with Lembaga Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud (LBKM). The distributions of scholarships can be tied in with a mentoring scheme where the veteran APAD artists will guide the young artists. APAD Academy After its classes, APAD should establish its own art academy. This move is admittedly challenging but it is a logical step since APAD has been around for quite some time. Through this academy, talented painters and sculptors can be trained and nurtured to be renowned artists.
Moving On
Aspiration I am confident that APAD can live on for another 50 years if it has dedicated members. The early efforts of Abdul Ghani Hamid and his peers have been taken up by Abdul Rahman Rais and friends. This tradition of renewal has to be strengthened. A strong leadership and skilled management are most needed by APAD to become an arts organization that is admired and respected.
2011, 28 May: Contemporary 2011 Art Exhibition
2011, 17 September: Equilibrium - 2nd Women Art Exhibition
2013, 3 August: APAD participated in an art exhibition in conjunction with Racial Harmony Day Celebration cum 18th Anniversary of Miao Hua Chinese Art Society
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Abdul Rahman Rais b. 1956 Moving Out <Tapac > 2013, Photography 60cm x 22cm 96798525
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Abu Jalal Sarimon b. 1964 Single Sofa, Love Seat #1 2013, Acrylic on canvas 40cm x 30cm 96647914
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Amimah Amin b. 1986 Enclosed Desires 2013, Mixed medium on watercolour paper 30cm x 30cm 94515545
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Dino Hafian Ahmad b. 1980 Random drawings 2013, Marker and pencil on paper 29.7cm x 21cm 94783541
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Emad Md Ali Aseeri b. 1989 Only if for a night 2013, Digital illustration 30cm x 30cm 81838528
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Hamidah Jalil b. 1960 Hampatong V 1997, Acrylic on canvas 51cm x 66cm 81803835
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Hazelina Oh Hui Zhong b. 1991 Presence 2013, Oil on canvas 30cm x 30cm 91740715
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Idris Mohd Ali b. 1944 Coffee Shop 1999, Watercolour 40cm x 30cm 94699105
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Izziyana Suhaimi b. 1986 Making Working Time 4 2013, Mixed - embroidery on paper 30cm x 40cm 93395027
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Jeffrey Wandly b. 1964 Tengkhuluk #2 2012, Ink and pastel on canvas 38cm x 48cm 97359880
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Juhardi Mohamed b. 1988 Clockman #1 2010, Digital print on fine art paper 30cm x 45cm 90271904
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Kamal Dollah b. 1967 Tiada gambar secantik lukisan (progress detail) 2013, Mixed medium 30cm x 30cm 96805094
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M. Razali Mahat b. 1963 My Space - A Poetic Dialogue #2 2013, Acrylic on canvas 36cm x 36cm 96949651
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M. Rizal Mustafa b. 1976 Untitled 2013, Watercolour 30cm x 40cm 91593332
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Masturah Shaari b. 1969 Crumpled Up 2013, Coloured pencil on paper 28cm x 38cm 96746050
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Mohammad Fariz Abdul Aziz b. 1991 Gentrification #1 2013, Plexiglass Variable dimensions 90925620
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Muhammad Faisal Sidek b. 1986 Rakus 2013, Photography Variable dimensions 90303067
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Muhammad Najib Abdul Rahman b. 1989 Spacescape 2013, Photo collage 30cm x 30cm 98574774
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Neelaufar Ayup b. 1991 White Plastic Bag 2013, Photography 30cm x 42cm 98410886
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Nhawfal Jumaat b. 1991 Beyond Writing, After Caspar D. Friedrich, of Jerusalem 2013, Laser print on paper 29cm x 29cm 97789577
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Norhidaya Kamaruddin b. 1985 Adapt 2013, Batik 40cm x 50cm 94740994
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Normaya Nurdin b. 1978 “Mmmm…5 Minutes” (in series of 2) 2013, 3D mixed medium 25cm x 25cm 85244714
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Nur Aisyah Mohamed Yatim b. 1991 Jibam Jibam 2013, Light box 42cm x 29.7cm 83832624
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Nur Iman Sumani b. 1990 Where Got Time? 2013, Aerosol paint on canvas 97731104
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Nur Nasuha Zakariah b. 1991 Bangkit 2013, Mixed medium, pencil work/ink 30cm x 60cm 93572110
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Rofizano Zaino b. 1970 Make Your Mould 2013, Mixed 60cm x 60cm 98767574
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Rosman Mohammad Shahid b. 1972 Dis-mobility: A Drawing Process 2013, Pen & Charcoal on paper 25cm x 25cm 92721984
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Rudy Djoharnaen Md Hussain b. 1980 dan sebutlah perkataan… “ Zam Zam Ala Ka Zam” (and say the words “ Zam Zam Ala Ka Zam”) 2013, Mixed media on paper 40cm x 40cm 83143849
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Said Mohd Ali b. 1941 Bamboo 2013, Chinese ink 30cm x 40cm 90283116
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Saiman Ismail b. 1952 Clone 2013, Acrylic 36cm x 48cm 9832 3324
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Sazali Rahmat b. 1970 Pucuk Menakung (Series) 2013, Pottery (Coiling) 10cm x 15cm 97816429
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Suhainah Sugeti b. 1991 Pupil of Expression 2013, Mixed media on canvas 46cm x 61cm 82998521
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Sujak Rahman b. 1949 Mother and Child (III) 1986, Batik mixed 50cm x 60cm 90015217
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Thaib A. Wahab b. 1990 Trypophobia (Series 5) 2013, Photography 21cm x 30cm 90293242
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Tumadi Patri b. 1959 Wayang in Glass 3 2013, Mixed media on paper 36cm x 48cm 85306482
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Ye Ruoshi @Ruoshidah Yip Abdullah b. 1973 Paper aeroplane 2013, Oil on canvas 51cm x 51cm 98577370
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Yusoff Abdul Latiff b. 1946 Keppel Bay Marina 2013, Watercolour 56cm x 37cm 98293940
Moving On
Acknowledgement Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Association of Artists of Various Resources (APAD) wishes to extend its grateful thanks and profound appreciation to the following for their co-operation and assistance towards the success of this exhibition: Guest of Honour
Curatorial Committee
Mr Masagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos Mohamad
Mr Abdul Rahman Rais
Senior Minister of State
Mr Kamal Dollah
Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr Suhaimi Sukiyar
Editorial Team
National Arts Council
Mdm Azizan Duana
Lee Foundation
Mr Mohd Raman Daud
The Substation
Mr Syed Muhd Hafiz
YayasanMendaki The Singapore Arts Federation
All participants, individuals and organisations who have supported and helped the association in one way or another.
Exhibition Venue
Officiated on
Exhibition Period
The Substation Gallery
3 October 2013
4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10 October 2013
45 Armenian Street
12pm to 9pm daily
Singapore 179936
Š 2013 Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya Every effort has been made to identify copyright holders in seeking to reproduce images. Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya apologise for any inadvertent errors or omissions. Published by Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya All rights reserve. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Published in October 2013 Design & produced by seven10 ISBN: 978-981-07-7920-7
28 Aliwal Street #02-01 WS09, Aliwal Arts Centre Singapore 199918 email:
28 Aliwal Street #02-01 WS09, Aliwal Arts Centre Singapore 199918