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“Lizzy vs Lana� Who’s who? O.-6%/:=+1*':<

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them swoops fire! santa rosa, fire! lizzy vs lana; who’s who? laneway festival reviews

p/9 p/11 p/15 p/17 p/19 p/21

autumn/winter trend report designer spotlight: apom editorial: urban jungle label spotlight: sol hermana

p/23 p/29 p/31 p/41

martha marcy may marlene review an ode to melbourne the great victorian road trip a tale of retail horror baby’s got grey eyes

p/43 p/45 p/47 p/49 p/51

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page 13


fashion THE COLLECTION IS VERY TEXTUAL, WHAT GOES INTO SELECTING THE FABRICATION OF A GARMENT, OR DO YOU DESIGN WITH A SPECIFIC FABRIC IN MIND?? We believe that they both go hand in hand. Sometimes we’ll have a great idea for a fabric and then just drape it on a dummy and see how it can work. Other times well have a garment in mind and then just search for the right fabric. We work with an amazing artist that helps with a lot of prints, so most of the time we can just show her some images and she develops something for us.

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Texture especially knits are a big part of the APOM aesthetic, the options for what you can do with knits is endless so its a lot about experimenting and playing with the drape of the fabric and stumbling upon a way to use it.

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WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FROM APOM NEXT?? Well the future is exciting for APOM. Being such a new label we are taking things one-step at a time. ÂŹÂş œÇº ¸ĂŠĂ‡Ă‡ÂşĂƒĂ‰Ă ĂŽ ÂżĂŠĂˆĂ‰ IJĂƒÂş Ă‰ĂŠĂƒžĂƒÂź ÄÊÇ ĂˆĂŠĂ‚Ă‚ÂşĂ‡ †‡„†ˆ collection, and beginning to work on winter.

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page 27


culture M A RT H A M A R C Y M AY M A R L E N E Rated R 18+, 102 mins Director: Sean Durkin, Stars: Elizabeth Olsen, John Hawkes

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page 13











letter from the editor We were lucky enough to get a sneak preview of fantastic new label, Sol Hermanaʼs debut collection and shot a selection of their pieces for the editorial, and spoke to up-and-coming label APOM about whatʼs coming up for them. Weʼve got a trend report for the coming autumn/winter season to keep you fashionable while you battle the cold weather, and as always, fantastic Hi again, and welcome to issue three of SEVEN/SEVEN!

reviews and reads to keep you busy through the month in our ʼcultureʼ section.

After all the hectic times that comes with December, weʼve settled back into real life and have put together an issue that weʼre sure youʼll all love! Weʼve got interviews with bands, Fire! Santa Rosa, Fire! and Them Swoops both of which should really be on your iPods by now, and coverage of Laneway Festival that has just passed.

We hope you enjoy it, and until next time!

e g i a P x p/6









THEM SWOOPS Paige Richards

Them Swoops are captivating listeners everywhere with their “sharp, fuzz guitar-psych wig-out chaos-pop from the future of your past”.We talk to vocalist Dave McGann about influences, rising success, and what’s next. How did Them Swoops come into being? We got started in mid-2011 after three guys (and general, all round best-buddies) decided to start a new band―because the world definitely needs another band (!). We’d all played in bands together and apart in the past so we were all familiar with how to work together. Adam, our drummer, was a guitar player but seeing as we couldn’t find a permanent drummer we convinced him to give it a go. Unfortunately, just as things started to happen for the band Adam has gone overseas indefinitely, due to a long-standing commitment. So we’ve enlisted some awesomely talented friends to help out with the live shows―Zac on drums and Tosh on synths/guitars. How would you describe your sound? Who influences you? We play a combination of upbeat guitar pop, wig-out fuzz garage and off-kilter rhythmic future-jams. We take notes from old favourites Phoenix, Deerhunter, Spoon, The Shins and get inspired more recently by Unknown Mortal Orchestra and Portugal. The Man.


With things like Triple J Unearthed, how do you feel the industry is reacting to new artists like yourselves now? It feels like everyone is excited and on our collective sides. There’s a hunger for new music and people ([and things] like Unearthed) are prepared to listen to a lot of music in order to find something good. In the past, you might’ve written a good song, but not had the platform to get it heard. It feels like people these days are paid to sit on the internet and scour blogs, Facebook, Soundcloud etc for exciting new material. You feel like it could actually be worthwhile getting a song out there. Which is awesome. You've been gigging around recently; what would be your ideal tour line up? Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Deerhunter, Ariel Pink, Kurt Vile & the Violators, and The Greasers. Your tracks 'Work Around It' and 'Too Fast For Love' have been added to rotation on Triple J, and were up for voting in the Hottest 100 - what's next to conquer in 2012? We just won an Unearthed Competition to be flown to Adelaide’s Fuse Festival and play to a lot of people, so that’s exciting. Hopefully we can just keep going, getting more fans, and getting more people excited about our tunes. We have some great tunes in store for our album. Finally, what's coming up for Them Swoops? Finishing up our recently-shot film clip, and we’re starting a new film clip in a few weeks for a song called ‘Shapes’. We’re also releasing a double AA-side single in America in late February on Cosine Records. It’ll have ‘Work Around It’ and ‘Take Your Time’ on it. We’ve almost finished our debut EP which should be out soon, and have started work on a fulllength album.

CHECK THEM SWOOPS OUT AT: REVOLVER - Melbourne, VIC 15 FEB FUSE FEST 2012 - Rymill Park, Adelaide, SA 22 - 24 FEB THE TOFF IN TOWN -Melbourne, VIC 28 FEB

REVOLVER - Melbourne, VIC 3 MAR Hurricane Evie Tour w/Pluto Jonze & Cub Scouts WORLD BAR - Sydney, NSW 9 MAR



FOR over half a decade, Fire! Santa Rosa, Fire! have toiled away, refining their sound, and building a national following.

part of what have so far been some significant changes in sound with the group delving into everything from synth pop to pub rock.

And now it seems the Adelaide-based fivepiece are taking the next step towards making a life in the music industry a reality, moving to the east-coast for further opportunities.

She also became the front of the band, and FSRF’s first and only female member.

The group has come a long way since its original members played cover songs during their time at Adelaide High School, quickly going on to feature on bills including the Big Day Out, Homebake and Laneway and touring with acts including Dappled Cities, Sia and Bertie Blackman.

“It does get a bit tiring sometimes,” Duff said, as she explained the highs and multiple lows when it comes to touring in a band with four young men. “When I was a bit younger I was less of a prude than what I am now and I find that I can find some of the things the boys do to be a bit grating.

Caitlan Duff was not an original member of the band, but it is fair to say the young and charismatic face of the group has had a big influence in how FSRF are now presented.

“But, at the same time, you’ve just got to loosen up and I’m sure it’s the same for any girl in a majority-male band, you can’t take anything seriously.

Taking over the role as lead vocalist from guitarist David Williams, Duff became a huge

“Yes boys are sexist and racist and they fart a lot, but what can you do?”

With experience beyond her years and a voice to match, it seems like she is a veteran of the stage, despite only being in her early 20s. Years on the road has also taught her a few lessons when it comes to withstanding the opposite sex. “I’m not going to be going around talking about periods all the time, or my boobs... [I)] just let bygones be bygones,” Duff said. “It used to be a lot easier, I’ll be honest, but that might just be a combination of being sick of driving everywhere.” While Duff has been a big part in shaping FSRF’s current sound, they say their hometown has also had a big influence in what type of music they have produced from their early days. However, as the band has become busier with a heavy schedule of touring they often struggle to find a place that enables them to jam and refine new tunes.

“It’s funny because I suppose a lot of local people would have an area or a place that they like to write, or they like to practice in, but for us, it’s always just been on the road,” Duff explained. “That’s where all of our ideas come from. It’s an impressive claim, especially considering the conditions in which they somehow manage to conjure their likable tunes. “It’s very basic and very honest,” drummer Sam Stearne said. “We travel around in a Commodore Station wagon, all five of us, with as much gear as we can get in the back. “It’s a very well-worn car.” “But I think you can take a lot from the stage as well and you find new sounds everywhere you play,” Duff explained.


The Ed Castle is often described as a hub for upand-coming local and touring acts in Adelaide and it is a place that Duff holds good memories. “The Ed Castle I think gave us a real foothold in that Aussie pub rock thing that we were doing for a while and that was a really big thing.

“We’ve found that it’s not that sort of fairy tale or that really quickly scrolled-out version of ‘writing a really good song suddenly means you’ve made it,” Stearne said. “Nobody gives you a pay cheque for free, which is fine, we’re realistic about it.

“But we haven’t played here so much lately and I suppose we’ve been in a few more ‘shiny’ venues and we’ve been writing a lot more pop.

“But as soon as somebody does step up and offer us a bit of money to do it, we’re not going to waste that opportunity.”

“It’s interesting that when you play as often as we do and you don’t get to rehearse as often as we should, but I guess it has worked out in a way that you are taking photos of us here at the Ed because that’s where we have got a lot of our ideas.”

It’s also a shock to Duff, who said she and the others weren’t ever expecting to be a touring band.

The group have done it the hard way, working hard to be one of the rare local outfits to genuinely earn their spot in the Adelaide limelight.

The group then got serious, making the tough decision to push friends out of the band, rather than letting certain members’ positions become untenable.

Now they play some of the nation’s more wellknown venues including the Oxford Art Factory.

“The structure that we have now, the cohesiveness seems to be working,” Duff said.

However, FSRF’s debut EP Seize the City, I’ll Seize the Sky changed that.

“Everyone we have now are the kind of the people that at least like to practice, and may have had some lessons, so that does help.” FSRF have just come off a mountain of gigs in 2011 and instead of working on new material, or heading onto the studio, the five said they were much more looking forward to giving themselves some breathing space. “I think it’s going to be a much well-deserved break for everyone, we’ve been pretty much non-stop for five years,” Duff said. Returning to Adelaide to some form of reality before moving to Melbourne also presents a relief, though not all of it is glamorous. “I’ve been working in a supermarket, and I just don’t want to be there anymore,” Stearne said. “It’s just one of the only jobs I can imagine doing and one of the only ones I’ve come across so far that I can hold on to when I come back.”

The likelihood of new music and extended touring in the future is very likely for the amiable group, and it seems like seeing them while they’re still playing venues nationally may be a good idea. The group are always looking for bigger opportunities, and according to their growing fan base, it’s only a matter of time before they present themselves on a bigger stage. “We’ve had the best-laid plans but finding the right investment opportunities and making it worth it is another thing,” Duff explained. “You can easily go off to Melbourne and do a show where no one rocks up, but if you spend thousands and thousands of dollars to get to the UK or America and no one rocks up, it’ll be a waste of time. “The way we’re doing it at the moment is sort of biding our time and making sure it’s worth our while.”



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PITCHFORK .COM Telford Mills

My iPod is struggling through one of the

it. Those art-wank reviews of the latest Fiery

seemingly endless Pitchfork top 100 lists. They are wonderful, elongated things with endless treats and even more endless disappointments. It’s the kind of thing you have on your iPod so that you can put it on and argue extensively

Furnaces EP? The pop ups for obscure festivals headlines by bands you’ve never heard of? Brilliant,right? Eventually, most indie kids, at least partly weaned on Pitchfork’s diet of Pavement and Guided by Voices (and no doubt

about it when you play it. Arguments are what seem to turn people on when you’ve got a degree under your belt to chuck in your two cents. It’s a wonderful and exhausting process which is better attempted with a bottle of gin in

acquired some cred and a girlfriend or two in the process) decide to cut the apron strings. This brings up to the inevitable anti-Pitchfork stage, which appears to be mandatory for every Mighty Mighty-inhabiting, stovepipe-wearing so and so.

the vicinity. People argue over music more than they used to; perhaps because there’s more music to argue over, perhaps because our generation’s anxiety levels are increasingly higher than the generations before us and

Kids suddenly begin to sneer at the pretentious reviews, the endless Bowie references. They adopt a sudden vengeance against The Arcade Fire ask with a sneer if anyone remembers when they thought The Strokes were cool.

defending a band you love is the closest most of us will come to having a kid. The difference being, most people don’t disown their kids when they reach puberty and suddenly become popular.

A word about Pitchfork then. Pitchfork is like smoking. You pick it up in your late teens because it makes you look and because (shhh don’t tell anyone) you find you actually quite like


This is where I sigh and try to offer an explanation. These kids, with their ego boosts and their Camel cigarettes have NOT successfully renounced Pitchfork. Instead, they have BECOME Pitchfork, for it is only when one is so drunk on a diet of themselves and overpriced vinyl that they think they can truly believe that their music taste surpasses that everything that has got them there in the first place.

I am not saying that Pitchfork is gospel; far from it. It is unashamedly ostentatious (although, ironically, anyone who uses that word probably is), and you can argue till the gazelles come home whether album X should have been placed a few places higher on the top 50. But the bottom line is this; If one disowns Pitchfork, where are they going for their next musical fix? Not Rolling Stone, stuck in the Seventies and constantly on the lookout for the next AC/DC. Not Q Magazine, who tend to give five stars to the album FOLLOWING a classic and in the last decade, have named both Coldplay and Keane as band of the year, TWICE. And surely not NME, which, once a respectably eclectic publication, has pissed its credible pants in order to keep the spirit of working class British Rock alive, and helped launch the inane careers of The Libertines, The Arctic Monkeys and all those that slid down the pile after them.

Pitchfork needs to be taken with a few tablespoons of salt and god knows I disagree with a lot of their musical de jours. As much as I’ve tried, I hate Pavement. I can’t stand Sonic Youth, Fiery Furnaces, Modest Mouse, or Broken Social Scene and am bored to tears by TV on the Radio. But that won’t stop me trawling through their top 100 albums of the Seventies every few weeks and picking a few to try on. If it wasn’t for Pitchfork, I doubt I would

❝A word about Pitchfork then. Pitchfork is like smoking. You pick it up in your late teens because it makes you look and because (shhh don’t tell anyone) you find you actually quite like it.❞ know about Godspeed! your Black Emperor or Panda Bear. People still care about which album Pitchfork puts as number one, because, although it may not be the best, it might just be the most interesting. And most importantly, I think Pitchfork shows you that when their top five singles for a year has Kelly Clarkson and Justin Timberlake rubbing shoulders with Animal Collective and Joanna Newsom, that they really don’t give shit who’s cool or who you think is cool. They have no pretensions. If they think an American Idol contestant has a great tune, they’ll shout about it; fuck the indie kids. This is my favourite thing about Pitchfork. It taught me not to be ashamed of what I have on my ipod, and that Britney Spears and Gang of Four can happily co-exist in the same hemisphere, if you want them to. I think more self-confessed musos need to learn that.


the drums

lane fest girls


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The Weeknd The Trilogy The Weeknd has saved R&B. Big call? Maybe, but it is truly deserved. With the third and final mixtape in a trilogy released late last year, The Weeknd offered an oasis amidst the auto-tuned electro wasteland modern R&B has become.

rabbit-hole with the claim “You don’t know what’s in store/but you know what you’re here for”. ‘Want You Need’ is punctuated by a straw sucking down the last of a drink (or something more sinister) which sets the tone for the darkness ahead.

The Weeknd is Abel Tesfaye, a 21-year old Canadian, whose haunting style is melancholia and hedonism is as brilliant as it is disturbing. From the first mixtape, House of Balloons the haunting distorts that open ‘High For This’ to the drug paraphernalia percussion of ‘What You Need’ makes it very clear this is not the R&B you’re used to. Slipping effortlessly between between aggressive ladies man to vulnerable casualty of the party scene, he navigates through the trials and tribulations of his relationships, deep personal reflection and social commentary. It’s a concept album that through three acts tells the sordid tale of the party, the after party, and the aftermath.

The grinding nervousness of ‘House of Balloons/ Glass Table Girls’ only adds to the lyrical content and vocally invokes Prince at his most seductive (and Michael Jackson at his most paranoid.) ‘Wicked Games’ is true to it’s name, weaving a dark and illicit tale of a urban Sid and Nancy, dependent on each other and other more potent substances. ‘The Party and The After Party’ is the standout track, with Tesfaye smoothly navigating the listener through his act of seduction from first contact to the hotel room.

Opener ‘High For This’ slithers out seductively, with Tesfaye inviting his femme fatale down the


The concept goes beyond just the partying though the desperation and longing of ‘Coming Down’ and the so-dirty-you’ll-need-a-shower ‘Loft Music’. ‘The Knowing’ is a brilliant closing track; showcasing his vocal ability and the remorse of his hedonistic lifestyle.

Thursday, the second release took a more introspective look - focusing on lyrical content as opposed to the melody-driven Balloons. Put it this way, if House of Balloons was the party, Thursday is the aftermath. ‘The Birds (Part 1)’, and its refrain “don’t make me make you fall in love with a n***a like me” in any other hands could come across as a dare, but in Tesfaye’s hands it’s almost a desperate last ditch attempt to persuade his lover that he’s no good. ‘Heaven or Las Vegas’ is a standout; beckoning the listener to come and join Tesfaye’s twisted circus. The lyrical content is superior to it’s precursor, and set the course for the darker subject matter of the third, and final mixtape - Echoes of Silence. For the opening track, Tesfaye delivers an unbelievable performance of Michael Jackson’s ‘Dirty Diana’. I generally have a chip on my shoulder about MJ covers (Search YouTube for Shakaya’s version of ‘The Way You Make Me Feel. Yeah, that happened), but it is obvious that Tesfaye gets Jackson - and the subject matter of the record obviously hits close to home. ‘The Fall’, and ‘Next’ convey Tesfaye’s meteoric rise to fame as a metaphor for a relationship. ‘Fall’ has a brilliant hand clap percussion driving the beat, and highlights Tesfaye’s vocal range with the pseudo acoustic breakdown, whereas ‘Next’ is a down-tempo rebuff of an over enthusiastic groupie. Consider it his ‘Dirty Diana”. The standout track of Silence, however is the experimental track ‘Initiation’. The dipping vocals and grinding beat invoke a true vision of the story the lyrics are weaving and strike a perfect

The production quality is amazing across all three tapes - considering the youth and lack of experience that comes with that of Tesfaye. The melodies are rich and the musicality is beautifully nuanced. Unlike many young artists, Tesfaye is aware of, and knows the tonality of his voice and how to best control it, giving it a beautiful sadness.

❝The grinding nervousness of ‘House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls’ only adds to the lyrical content and vocally invokes Prince at his most seductive (and Michael Jackson at his most paranoid.) ❞ All three mixtapes are available for free from, and all soon be available as a collection as stated by Tesfaye tweeting “I can't wait to re-release The Trilogy as a package, remastered for you to collect with bonus features... #2012” The Weeknd is definitely one to watch, and it’s not just the blogs that are obsessing over him. Drake has him featured on a third of his latest record, and festivals are clamoring to have him play. If you like your R&B to have more style than electronic bleeps, definitely get on the bandwagon while there’s still room.

balance of Tesfaye’s trademark sexy, yet terrifying style of seduction.




Lana Del Rey is polarizing as she is talented. The music blogs have been buzzing about her, but after the tragic performance on Saturday Night Live, the public tell a different story.

Female rappers like Nicki Minaj and lil’ Kim have long spoken about the divide between them and the boys, but what happens when you’re a female white rapper?

Regardless of what you think about her personally, Born To Die is a solid debut album. The trip-hop beats the underline the record give the tracks an edge, and the ‘gangster Nancy Sinatra’ a great platform for her voice.

Iggy Azalea, blonde, blueeyed, and very Australian has just dropped her debut mixtape and proves that she can keep up with the boys just fine. Standout tracks ‘Backseat’ and ‘Hello’ highlight her clever lines, and ‘You’ proves to be her ‘Superbass’.

Her lyrics are the true standout of the record. Obviously taking notes from Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, Born to Die is full of little-girl-playing-seductress references and clever flips like “take another drag/turn me to ashes” from ‘Diet Mtn Dew’.

Her influences include Tupac and Andre 3000 and her vocal nuances convey this, and her rapid fire delivery show her being able to keep up with the best in the game.

Buzz tracks ‘Video Games’ and ‘Blue Jeans’ are the album standouts. Unfortunately, here’s a lot of filler, and a lot of room to grow, but after all the controversy it seems to be forgotten that this is Rey’s first record. Save the criticism for record #2.

She’s been accepted well by the industry - T.I. is a fan and will be producing her debut record, The New Classic. Nicki might say she’s the female Weezy, but Iggy’s the real deal.



In the last 12 years, there’s been no comparison to Goldfrapp’s electroglam sound - or any comparision to Alison Goldfrapp’s seductive, breathy vocals.

Brooklyn hipster-housers, Blondes (Zach Steinman and Sam Haar) have just released their debut record filled with their signature lo-fi, electro sound.

The Singles encapulates all the tracks that have made Goldfrapp the down-tempo disco favourites of hipsters everywhere - the sexy, stomping ‘Ooh La La’, ‘Strict Machine’, ballad ‘Black Cherry’ among the 14-track set.

The record is a two-disc set The first filled with duality-titled tracks (‘Business’ and ‘Pleasure’, ‘Water’ and ‘Wine’), and a second remix disc, with guest DJ’s putting their spin on the tracks of the first.

There’s additionally two new tracks on this anthology ‘Yellow Halo’, and ‘Melancholy Sky’ which easily could have fit in well on Felt Mountain and is a nice way to come full circle.

The standout is the first disc - the lo-fi production calls back to the days of 808’s and allows the grooves to stand on their own.

There’s some cuts that are overlooked, but five records worth of hits is hard to narrow down. Definitely a fitting way to revisit the fantastic back catalogue that the last decade has amounted.

It’s strangely hypnotic, and makes for repeated listening - however it’s more headphones-than-dancefloor. Perfect background music to add to your soundtrack while you chase the last part of summer.



Autumn/ Winter Trends 2012 Nilushi Warusevitane

Now that summer is coming to an end, it’s time to say goodbye to bikini season and say hello to 2012’s Autumn/Winter fashion trends!

COLOUR You might think about forgetting colours since we’re moving on from bright and sunny summer, but that still doesn’t mean you can’t use colour in your wardrobe! This season, it is all about fantasy colours—deep reds and midnight blues, or even for rich purples and warm crimsons will keep you right on trend! As seen through the recent pre-fall seasons, salmon pink, light oranges, as well as natural earthy browns are in high demand on the runways and will be great for a romantic and girly style.


PATTERNS It is a modern trend which will no doubt be spotted on celebrities, runways and even on the streets‌ plaids! For an elegant look, a plaid coat or dress can be worn with some flirty jewellery and a cute clutch. If you want to head for a more casual look, then you can score with a top or jacket with long pants. A popular pattern that has already been seen making the rounds is houndstooth, which can make anyone look like a rockstar. Think Gwen Stefani. If you are keen for a more feminine appearance, you can always try a floral print.



MAKE-UP The right make-up is all it takes for your outfit to go from good to amazing! The runways have been sporting the ongoing trend of a bold lip by applying a deep orange or red lip colour. Remember to let the lips do the talking and keep the rest of the face natural. Not only is the look eye-catching, but the vibrancy of a bold colour plumps your lips, giving the illusion of a full, beestrung pout. If you would rather go for a softer approach, go for a peachy pink colour. For the eyes, the smoky eye is still a staple. Be sultry, but casual by creating the look with caramels and dark browns, or go all out with kohl pencils and a matte black shadow when you are heading for a night out with your friends!Â


ACCESSORIES With the change in weather, autumn is the perfect time of year to layer up with accessories. Keep your neck warm (and stylish!) with scarves; a classic cool weather trend. With the wide-ranging selection, including snoods, furry scarves, pashminas—there’s something for everybody! While you’re staying warm, why not look after your hands too and slip them into some fabulous gloves? Depending on what outfit you choose to wear, gloves can make your outfit either elegant or edgy and you don’t have to be race car drive to wear them! Another classic staple that’s always in style is a leather accessory. Incorporate the trend into your wardrobe with a handbag, a good set of flats or some fantastic boots.


looks we LOVE for autumn

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THE COLLECTION IS VERY TEXTUAL, WHAT GOES INTO SELECTING THE FABRICATION OF A GARMENT, OR DO YOU DESIGN WITH A SPECIFIC FABRIC IN MIND?? We believe that they both go hand in hand. Sometimes we’ll have a great idea for a fabric and then just drape it on a dummy and see how it can work. Other times well have a garment in mind and then just search for the right fabric. We work with an amazing artist that helps with a lot of prints, so most of the time we can just show her some images and she develops something for us. Texture especially knits are a big part of the APOM aesthetic, the options for what you can do with knits is endless so its a lot about experimenting and playing with the drape of the fabric and stumbling upon a way to use it. WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FROM APOM NEXT?? Well the future is exciting for APOM. Being such a new label we are taking things one-step at a time. ¬º ¶Çº ¸ÊÇǺÃÉÁÎ ¿ÊÈÉ IJú ÉÊþü ÄÊÇ ÈÊÂ异 collection, and beginning to work on winter.









HERMANA Sol Hermana - the brainchild of sisters Jo Ayson and Pina Morello, and the label shot for the editorial is definitely one to watch. So what is the Sol Hermana vibe? “It’s what happens with pretty, punk and tough morph together. So whether you at a cocktail party, a rocking party or strolling down the street you still feel the noise!” The history of how we got to what we are doing now with Sol Hermana started many years ago [when we were] looking for clothes that were different!” explains Jo. “We were reconstructing and redesigning our purchases based on the colour and designs of fabric we would like. Eventually we became regulars at our local fabric stores sourcing amazing prints and making our own clothes.” “Our mum taught us how to sew when were kids so she became our mentor and kept teaching us the finer details of sewing, this addictive passion got us to where we are now. And no creation gets past our mums opinion, praise and help.” “With this collection we want fashion hungry addicts to appreciate and love the creations of mixing prints texture and colour into clothing art. and to wear it loud and proud!” Our Spring/Summer 2012 "Come On, Feel The Noise" collection will be available August this year! We will have our stockist list on our web page by March and can't wait to share the love!”

For more information, check out







M A RT H A M A R C Y M AY M A R L E N E Rated R 18+, 102 mins Director: Sean Durkin, Stars: Elizabeth Olsen, John Hawkes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Telford Mills

Once again, I pick up her corporate heels and

hour of till they can tuck into their packet of Lucky

settles in a new country. She stops at duty free for

Strikes and fart loudly.

a couple of bottles of Bombay and a couple of shuttles and trams later, reaches the stylish stomping grounds of Melbourne, Australia. It’s a cool place, methinks. Wellington on Steroids with a sprinkle of Victorian class. There aren’t many beaches but there is a river; a great, greasy thing called The Yarra which winds its way through the CBD. Tourists dutifully snap photos of but will probably delete them a few hours later. The weather is fantastic. There are more bars here than any alcoholic could ever stumble in and out of; more restaurants and bistros that can ever be counted. Horse drawn carriages clip-clop up and down Swanston Street, carrying fat, bored families of tourists in akubras. No one in this arrangement looks pleased to be here, particularly the horses, whose dignity is lost somewhere between their elaborate tassels and the enormous shit bags swinging beneath their tails. If they could cry, I’m sure they would. The drivers wear their top hats grudgingly, waiting out the half


There is a woman in the CBD who stands outside a jewellers and yells until her throat is raw (I imagine) about cheap diamonds. No one goes near her. On the other side of the street, a docile looking fellow plays various Andrew Lloyd Weber songs on his pan pipe. Halfway through ‘Memories’ from Cats, a bunch of construction men started up a jack hammer, blocking both of them out. I felt sorry for the pan pipe man. Our flat is a wee brick villa, located in the uberchic suburb of Fitzroy (north). Brunswick Street is filled with ethnic delights, not least the faction of souvlaki cafes, which serve up mouth watering pita breads filled with grilled lamb at all hours of the day or night. Up the road is a Soup Kitchen, which dishes out dreamy Moroccan from a spoken menu. The trick is to be polite to the harried waitresses or you might get thrown out into the chilly Melbourne evening, sans soup. The whole thing is so Seinfeld, I almost can’t handle it. We went to see Vampire Weekend on a week night. Ironic?

In Lygon Street, Italian restaurants are packed wall

mainly of Marilyn Manson and Slipknot which

to wall. They quietly terrify me. Walking past in the

seemed appropriate as two teams of girls in hot

evening, seedy matradees try to coax you in with a

pants and roller-skates raced around a rink and try

beckoning finger, offering you a free bottle of

and push each other over. The roller derby girls

cheap wine if only you’ll come in and try their

had amazing names such as ‘Skate Bush’ and ‘Kitty

mouth-watering linguine. Out the back sit the

Von Krusher.’ At one point, our ringside view was

owners, ex-Soprano henchmen with hands

blocked by an obese man with a ponytail until his

clenched into fists and blood smeared aprons. It’s a

friend brought him over three hot dogs and he had

good time to have a vegan boyfriend by your side,

to go and sit down so he could hold all of them. At

shaking your head at the creamy, meaty delights on

half time, a gimp man in a neon blue dog suit and

offer and escaping to the Thai place down the

wraparound sunglasses serenaded the crowd with

block. The owners’ eyes follow you down the street

an air guitar rendition of the ‘Danger zone’ song off

and light another cigar. I swear this is reality and

Top Gun. People cheered and threw their empty

not an HBO cliché. We eat our Thai with shaky

beer cups at him. Out in the freezing night, we

hands, sweat dripping into our red curry.

smoked cigarettes because everyone else was.

Last week, we watched the YouTube video of Oprah interviewing a woman who had her face and hands torn off by a chimp. It was a cultural experience.

Melbourne is a place of treats. There are things to do, eat and gawk at in every crevice of the city. Whether you’re looking for a good Ethiopian restaurant or a Friday night sex party and you’re

On Saturday, we trekked to hideous outer suburb

bound to find one that exceeds your expectations.

Reservoir to attend a Roller Derby. The crowd was

Fun times are many. Put on your red shoes and

an interesting mix of lesbians, bogans and art

dance the blues.

school kids trying to be ironic. The music consisted


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A Tale of

l i a t e R Horrors

Alex Lokan If you thought shopping at Christmas time was a bitch, you should have been on the other side of the counter.

All I can come up with is that I must have made an error in a past life which the universe seemed to want to avenge.

Working in retail is a constant battle against a rotating roster of thieves, perverts and messy teenagers who seem to work in tandem to make your day as chaotic as scenes from 28 Days Later.

And while most of you are lovely clean human beings, some of you can’t seem to walk and eat at the same time.

There are more bodily fluids involved in retail than you would ever think possible.

And if you can’t drink coffee without spilling it onto the nearest white top, then perhaps green tea might be a good option for you.

I’ve cleaned up urine, blood, and spit off the shop floor and counter; spraying Ajax like it’s holy water and hoping that this will be the very last time this happens (it never is). Don’t ask me how the man with the ten centimetre cut on his shin came to be my problem.


Sushi is a sit-down food, people.

Or more time spent at home. But accidents happen, and we can understand that. They’re also more likely to happen when anyone under five is involved.

Little Timmy hasn’t got his motor skills finely tuned yet, so he won’t quite know how to operate an ice cream in one hand with all the distractions a shop can offer. I can guarantee you this, he will steer that rainbow cone straight into the nearest display. And while I’ve got the spray and wipe out again, what a fantastic opportunity for the group of teenage girls to decide to steal for the first time. I’ve got news for you girls: I can smell your fear.

❝Oh, and don’t forget to make sure you apologise to the person on the other end: ‘Sorry, the chick was saying something or something.’ Yes I was saying something. And thank god you couldn’t hear it.❞ this-call-even-though-you’re-talking-to-me-‘

Well, actually I can’t.


It’s just you’re sweating harder than a waterfall and when all five of you keep looking at me and whispering to each other, I know it’s not because you like my lipstick.

Unless you’re President Obama, no call is that important that you have to ignore me while I ask ‘Cheque, savings or credit?’ for the seventh time.

But at least you girls are paying attention to me.

Oh, and don’t forget to make sure you apologise to the person on the other end: ‘Sorry, the chick was saying something or something.’

The middle aged woman is a customer so fearful of your almighty selling skills that they will avoid you at all costs. Should you offer a hello, they will mutter a hurried ‘just looking!’ clutch their handbag to their side so their money can’t escape and avoid staring into your powerful gaze that will inevitably result in a sale. She will then warily move around the parts of the store, avoiding the counter and staying at least five metres away from you at all times. But the customer that all retail workers reserve their most spiteful back room ranting for is the ‘I’m-so-busy-and-important-that-I-must-take-

Yes I was saying something. And thank god you couldn’t hear it. Don’t get me wrong: I love my job, and it’s completely worth it when you have made someone’s day even the tiniest bit easier because of a service you could provide them. But you can make mine that little bit easier by coming into my store without a lit cigarette, a dripping ice cream or chasing a five-finger discount. Let’s compromise, shall we?





*#*$% EYES

!"#$%&'()*##+ An almost compulsory part of the newly single lifestyle is that—foolish as it may see (and it does seem foolish, I am aware) a rebound fling is well in order. It doesn’t really matter who it is, as long they don’t give you crabs and you don’t get too attached. The second criterion is more important than the first.

And so, with this hovering somewhere in the back of mind, somewhere between worrying about my thesis and my housemates, I bike the long and winding road to the University of Melbourne. It’s windy and rainy but kind of beautiful, especially when my scarf unravels just the right amount and trails behind me like some kind of faux-Burberry flag. People are walking their dogs and look happy, others are smoking cigarettes and look annoyed. The dogs themselves don’t really have expressions, they just sniff at things.

My university office, perched on the sixth floor of the crumbling arts building, is empty. I share it with two other PhD students, neither of whom has been in for at least a week. One studies


travel writing; the other, Paradise Lost. Ironically, the travel writing student is absent because he is having a difficult month and the Paradise Lost student is absent due to travelling. On one of the bookshelves stands a collection of impressive looking gin bottles. All of them are empty; I have checked many times. Above my desk, I have blue tacked black and white pictures of my favourite playwrights; Chekov, O’Neil, Albee. I have not read as many of their plays as I should, but I like to claim that they inspire me. Also, they cover up the cracks in the paint.

The morning takes a jagged turn when I realise that I am supposed to be attending an Induction Meeting for first time tutors; something which I have written and underlined in my diary, but clearly forgot to check the night before. I repack all my worldly possessions and swear a little bit and then scuttle run to the big, flash building off campus with a revolving door where the induction in question takes place. I arrive in one of the rooms puffed and slightly sweaty, interrupting a group of earnest looking students with name tags stuck on each of them. As I am late, I don’t get a name tag. Instead, I sit quietly and try to appear interested in what the (clearly impressive) mature student with glasses and a Houndstooth blouse is telling the students about the importance of a clear lesson plan.

Two seats down from is a guy who looks as bored as I feel. He taps his pen on the table and rolls his neck. He has tight black jeans, large biceps and incredible grey eyes. He sports a relatively thick (although carefully maintained) beard and a nose piercing; an extremely rare combination even amongst the most indie of independent scenesters. Needless to say, I was intrigued.

The induction continued. We split into groups and discussed the what makes a good tutorial and a bad tutorial. There was a lot of fierce nodding and writing of notes and I attempted a series of subtle glances at the Grey-Eyed Boy at the other end of the table. Every now and then I felt like he was glancing back towards me, but its ever so hard to tell whats what this early in the piece. But I think that’s half the fun.

Trying to spot a homosexual is much like converse. After ten minutes, we more or trying to spot a witch. In the Roald less gave up. He told me how he hated Dahl book of the same name, we are told Seinfeld, how he abhorred smokers and how that there are several signs which mean he spent the majority of his spare time that a woman might be a witch; gloves, playing video games. I asked him what he large nostrils, flat shoes.. but even was currently reading and he showed me with all these signs, it is nearly some horrifying fantasy novel, third in impossible to tell. The Grey-Eyed Boy a series of eight and around 900 pages had a nose piercing; a generous tick on in length. Each new fact screamed ‘Deal the list of potential gay behaviours. He Breaker!’ in my ear and as they stacked sat with one leg crossed tightly over up, they seemed to fall over upon each the other, another tick. But there are other like a row of dominoes. plenty of handsome men in the world with nose studs who are as straight as they come, especially in the Arts faculty of It became very awkward. It was late. We an urban University campus. And then had run out of conversation. I finished there was the beard. my glass of wine and he did not offer to get me another. That’s the problem with We broke for morning tea and the Grey-Eyed the rebound fling; it’s never as good Boy and I got to talking. I asked him what as it needs to be. The fun is in the he studied, he asked me what I studied. flirting, and then things always seem to I complimented his nose stud. He smiled go downhill. Perhaps its because I move and thanked me, touching it slightly self too fast. I never really learn. consciously. We laughed about the mature student with the Houndstooth blouse and praised the complimentary danishes. At lunch time, we ate sandwiches and talked And so I left. I dragged my bicycle about David Lynch. The conversation down the three flights of steps and he flowed deliciously and by the time he went back to his fantasy novel. I was slung his leather strap bag around his disappointed in the Grey Eyed Boy and shoulder (another tick) and strolled to even more disappointed in myself. It was work, I had his number. We agreed to hang late but I was hungry and I picked up out soon. After a few semi-flirtatious a lamb souvlaki and biked home and ate texts, he suggested the evening ahead. it in bed watching The West Wing. The People move fast when there is potential souvlaki was very greasy; the show was sex involved. And there it was; a date dry. I drank a pot of tea from a pumpkin shaped teapot and licked the meat juice with a stud with a nose stud. off my fingers. And somehow, for a brief And so I biked over to the address moment in my tiny, drafty bedroom in located on google maps at about 10pm; the middle of Melbourne at one in the excited, aftershaved and giddy as a morning, everything seemed at peace. school boy. I dragged my bike awkwardly up three flights of stairs and knocked. The apartment was small, ugly and smelt The next morning as I deleted all the strongly of bleach. There was a hideous, texts from the day before, I suddenly slightly lopsided, abstract painting on remembered how colour blind I am. In one of the walls and nothing else. The reality, his eyes probably weren’t even Grey-Eyed Boy sat opposite each other that grey. in the makeshift lounge and tried to p/53

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