/INSIDE THIS ISSUE/ Check out what we’ve got in store for you this issue
/DEC-JAN/ /MUSIC/ Kashmere Club
The Salvadors
How Does That Song Go Again? p/13 Foo Fighters Review
/FASHION/ ‘Tis The Season
Sheer Delight
Chandellier Rose
Editorial:Summer Skin
Designer Profiles
/LIFESTYLE/ Christmas Gift Guide
What’s On in Dec/Jan
IT IS JUST ME, or does Christmas seem to sneak up earlier and earlier every year? I swear weʼd just finished putting everything away! Despite my greatest denials, Demember is well and truly here and with it brings the truly silly season. Before you brave the crazy shopping lines, let us take your mind off the stress with issue two. We have interviews with both The Salvadors and Kashmere Club; two very exciting bands that weʼre
loving at the office, and with Chantelle Asciak, the owner of the new online
Stuck for gift ideas? Weʼve got you covered with a comprehensive gift guide
boutique Chandellier Rose.
for tricky recipients, and if youʼre still searching for a great bar for Christmas drinks, weʼve done the hard yards and found some of
In our fashion section, weʼre helping you get ready for summer, and in particular, the beach season with an editorial featuring some fantastic beach-ready pieces from new labels, Ivana & Katerina and October Storm, and a trend report on Summer staple, and runway favourite, sheer fabrics.
the greatest places in your city to toast to the new year. Until next time!
Paige xx
Kashmere Club
The Salvadors
Foo Fighters Tour
Reviews &
much more!
Image courtesy of Kate Teasdale
Image courtesy of Joel Noon Photography
Melbourne three-piece Kashmere Club have become a fixture on the Melbourne music scene, and with their unique blues-rock fusion, they are definitely a band to watch. SEVEN/SEVEN speaks to vocalist/ guitarist Billy O’Connell about their music, touring, and what’s on the horizon.
You’ve been together for a relatively short time, how did Kashmere Club come together? We’d all been in other bands earlier in our careers, and got to know each other by playing at the same venues. Our current line up with myself, Jono (Colliver - Bass & Vocals), and Nathan (Johnston - Drums) have been together since early 2010. How would you describe your sound? I think our 3-piece line up drives our sound somewhat. A lot of bands have a second guitar, or keys, or extra percussion, but by having just the three of us, our sound is naturally more vulnerable and raw. If I had to put us into a genre, I would describe us as alternative-rock/blues.
You’ve been touring steadily throughout this year, what has been your favourite venue to play? Our favourite venue to play would have to be The Espy in St. Kilda which is one of the, if not the most, iconic venue in Victoria. We played in the front bar with Bonjah and were lucky enough to have Chris Cheney (The Living End) just happening to be in the crowd. He’s currently moving into producing other bands, and after the show he had a chat with us. Since then we’ve been in contact back and forth and are organising a time to work together once he’s off tour. With the advent of things like Triple J Unearthed, do you feel like the industry is becoming more welcoming to new talent? I think it’s changed the process in terms of exposure. It’s definitely made it easier, because now a band can record a track, upload it, and have it heard within the same day, but the industry still remains quite political. You don’t simply upload a track and get signed. You still have to prove that you are marketable, and there has to be promise that you’ll have longevity, but it has definitely changed the way bands release their music and get heard. You’ve got an EP out in iTunes now, any plans for a full length record anytime soon? We released the EP in March of this year, and we’ve been touring it ever since. The next step is a single release followed up by another EP which we will be recording early in 2012. And finally, what’s next for Kashmere Club? We’ve got a Saturday night residency coming up at The Vineyard in St Kilda, and we’re finishing the edits of a new film clip, and obviously pre-production and recording for our 2012 release. The Roundabout Girl EP is out on iTunes now.
Images courtesy of Kate Teasdale
creative spaces:
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In an era where music is becoming more and more readily accessible, you’d think the industry would be thriving more than ever before. And with new mediums popping up all the time, it should be the case that artists would be gaining more exposure. The 80s saw the advent of MTV; a new and exciting way to hear and see your favourite bands without leaving the lounge room, and more importantly, without having to pay a cent. Today, you’d be hard pressed finding a music fan that hasn’t at some point skipped the traditional payment and physical ownership of an album, single or DVD. With new avenues such downloadable torrents and live streaming, why would you make the trip to the record shop? Perhaps one of the biggest new-age factors in absorbing music has come through one of the most diverse and global tools we’ve ever seen – YouTube. There’s no doubt YouTube has changed the way we find our music. Gone are the days when you would like to hear a song and the options include buying the single in a store or sitting by the radio until it’s played again. What seems to be the trend is jumping on YouTube, whether it’s at the computer or smart phone and playing the song from start to finish with the aid of a video clip.Yes, the next time you’ll be asking yourself ‘how did that song go again?’ you’ll even be bypassing the iPod. Something that should be focussed on particularly is the advent of the smart phone, which can access YouTube, the iTunes store and even music torrents from almost anywhere. As a result, some would argue radio has almost become obsolete. If the smart phone has severely wounded radio, coupling an iPhone with YouTube may bury it for good. So what chance does the music we usually hear on the radio have if the very medium it has relied on is dying a slow death? There are probably two ways around it for artists – produce a video clip clever enough so people will look for your music on YouTube whether the song is good or not, or producewatered down music with sexist lyrics. It seems to be working for a lot of acts these days. With
“I mean, we wouldn’t have Justin Beiber if it wasn’t for YouTube. Right? But why should Justin Beiber ruin YouTube (amongst many other things) for everyone?” those options in mind, it doesn’t leave a whole lot of room, or interest in genuinely good music. There are other factors too though when deciding if YouTube is destroying or enhancing music. I mean, we wouldn’t have Justin Beiber if it wasn’t for YouTube. Right? But why should Justin Beiber ruin YouTube (amongst many other things) for everyone? There is an opportunity for real acts to become famous using the online phenomenon if there is an audience. It can be a tool for easy access to underground sensations who can’t afford to distribute, not just Ke$ha’s most recent attempt at music. And yes, music videos are more important than ever, but there are also other types of music we see on YouTube – live music. Imagine if we saw Nirvana perform their first set on YouTube, or Black Sabbath or even Elvis Presley? A band’s live performance has never been more important, especially considering people aren’t buying music anymore. The music industry can still rely on live shows because people continue to invest in them. So why shouldn’t YouTube be tapped into more often for promotion of these shows? Especially since it’s free and for signed up members it’s almost totally unfiltered. Either way, YouTube is changing the way music is lathered on us. Perhaps the reason why it’s not helping musicians produce respectable music is because of the audience. Unfortunately, YouTube may be the new commercial-radio or Video Hits. Maybe YouTube is something that should be looked at as an opportunity, rather than a medium that dumbs-down music we love. After all, it’s not leaving our iPhone screens anytime soon.
Probably the biggest rock concert to hit Adelaide, and even Australia, this year, the Foo Fighters managed to wow a crowd of over 30,000 die-hard fans at the Adelaide Oval on the 5th of December. As one of those whom attended the concert, it was one of the single greatest nights of my young life. Melbourne locals Calling All Cars opened up with a few songs and were a great unexpected opener. Looking just like rock stars should, the three piece really used the stage to their advantage and were extremely tight knit. Toronto based band, and most aptly titled, Fucked Up then took to the stage. Where Calling All Cars’ set was neat and responsive, Fucked Up seemed a little disjointed, or maybe the crowd as a whole wasn’t used to something so extremely violent sounding. As the first song rolled by, the colourfully clad and almost Beach Boys reminiscent band trundled along, front man Damian Abraham stripped off his shirt to reveal what seemed like a fur coated torso and back. Hardcore punk, yes. Tight band, yes. Great vocals, not so much. With all Australian Rock and Toronto scary-as-shit punk beside, the only support act anyone was there to really enjoy was the Mighty D. As soon as Jack Black and Kyle Gass walked onto the stage, a roar from the crowd ensued. I myself have never purchased an album, or seen the movie but I sure as hell knew ‘Tribute’ when I heard it. Tenacious D really are performers, putting on a dramatic show that saw Kyle leaving and re-entering the band over two songs. They performed their new song ‘Roadie’ which was a huge and hilarious hit. You get what you know you will get with Tenacious D, as Kyle stand there in his sunnies, shorts and a shirt he’s calm, yet, looking to the right, Jack Black is a crazed and hyper ‘rock star’. Their act is truly hilarious and one that I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to go and see again.
And then it was time. The sun began to drop behind the stands of the oval and a cool breeze washed over the crowd, a bit of relief from the previous four hours of heat. All the lights dimmed instantly and as Dave Grohl, Nate Mendel, Taylor Hawkins, Chris Shiflett, and Pat Smear walked onto the stage the crowd roared with excitement. Dave, donning his Gibson DG 335, strutted to the stage playing the muted power chords of ‘All My Life’, just teasing the crowd. And tease he did, keeping it up for a few minutes, as soon as the chorus dropped Dave and the entire crowd went insane. Screaming the song, you could tell that the band and the audience were giving it their all. The Fooies played 18 songs, all of which were hits, and all were the songs that everyone wanted to hear. ‘Stacked Actors’, ‘White Limo’, ‘Arlandria’, ‘Best of You’, ‘Monkey Wrench’, ‘Learn to Fly’ and ’Breakout’ were just some to list a few. The stage was something else altogether, the lighting was phenomenal and simply enhanced the experience in every way possible. Multi angle screen with projected images and two giant screens either side of the stage allowed everyone to see what was happening. The concert was everything you wanted it to be. Dave and Taylor chatted to each other for a while, Chris did one of his amazing guitar solos, Pat made the most of the night, and Nate, well Nate bobbed around enjoying every moment. Dave asked if we were expecting him to scream like he had ‘for the past sixteen years’, and he did exactly that. The long catwalk and riser at the end of it allowed us to feel extremely close to all of the action and even those in the “shitty seats” that were taken note of by Mr. Grohl himself. The time that everyone was really looking forward to was the encore, because as every Foo Fighters fan knows, ‘Everlong’ will forever be their last song. Already have played 18 songs, one of which was a cover of Pink Floyd’s ‘In The Flesh’, they departed. As the crowd stood, waiting, there was a green flash and all of a sudden we see Dave on night vision displayed upon the big screens, tauntingly asking if we wanted another song. A hyper Taylor pops up behind him, gesturing to do two songs. Going on for five or six minutes, Dave finally leaves the big screen and comes racing down the catwalk. They continued to perform another four songs and a cover of Queen’s ‘Tie Your Mother Down’. Seeing the Foo Fighters was one of the greatest nights of my life and was by far the best concert I’ve ever experienced. It was extremely emotional at time crowd favourite ‘My Hero’ was sung as loud as possible by the audience, while I stood and cried. I highly recommend you go see the Foo Fighters whenever possible and it seems it might be sooner rather than later with Dave saying he would rather play ‘the shitty pub down the street’ before the big show next time. Delivering a show you will never regret seeing, whether you want to jump and mosh, sing or stand and watch in awe, the Foo Fighters deliver a jam-packed two and a half hour non-stop night of rock, sweat and tears.
MUSIC/REVIEWS/ From the powerhouse vocals radiating from the opening track ‘Only If For A Night’, it’s safe to assume that Florence Welch is indeed, a machine. It’s the only explanation for her inhuman talent and stamina. Following up the outstanding Lungs comes Ceremonials, a blend of iconoclastic U.K. pop and stadium rock, with a heavy dash of melodrama. There is also a large focus on the spiritual, with several tracks invoking a rebirth for Florence as she retreats from bad romances (ones without as many odd metaphors that the ones Lady GaGa sings about). ‘Shake It Out’ is probably the most literal interpretation of this, with lyrics including “I am done with my graceless heart/So tonight I’m gonna cut it out and
You’d not be wrong to draw parallels between Florence and fellow British alt-superstarts Kate Bush and Siouxie Sioux, but during ‘Lover to Lover’, Welch channels fellow UK diva, Adele nearly unmistakably. Lead single ‘What The Water Gave Me’ is truly the standout of Ceremonials, with a darker, more jaded Florence commanding the song. From the bubbling beginning to the roar for the final chorus, it captures the direction of the new record and serves as a great divider between Ceremonials and Lungs. Another great separator between the two records is the musicality of this record. As opposed to the celestial sound of the machine’s debut, Ceremonials touches on rich Celtic melodies, bluesy rock stomps, nods to goth and gospel.
FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE The rock-gospel vibe of ‘Leave My Body’ is Florence-goes-U2. As Welch roars out for her future transcendence: "I'm gonna leave my body/Moving up to higher ground/Lose my mind,” you cannot help but think of it as a big, brash, Bono-worthy sentiment. This is not a bad thing.
Ceremonials was the record Florence needed to make; it showcases her enormous voice, but also sounds amazing artistic growth. Whatever was in the water certainly worked. Download: ‘What The Water Gave Me’, ‘Only If For A Night’, ‘No Light, No Light’.
with the banging trance breakdown. It runs seemlessly into the Calvin Harris produced "We Found Love! which is serving as the perfect summer jam. Title track "Talk That Talk! features mentor Jay-Z, who seems to relish the dismissal of the PG ratings of previous records, opening with the line “I be tryin! to chill, bitches wanna fuck me/Ever little city I go, fuck me!! "Umbrella! Part II, this is not. "Roc Me Out! (with it!s not-so subtle nod to the label) "Cockiness (Love It)! and it!s follower "Birthday Cake! turn up the raunch tenfold, the former lead by Rihanna!s call to her lover to be her "sex slave! before telling him that she "loves it when [he] eats it!. "Cake! follows a similar formula, ZLWK D K\SQRWLF EHDW OD\HUHG ZLWK ÁLPV\ sexual innuendo. The one thing that holds the track back is the length. at 1:18 minutes, the fun is drastically cut short (and mid-sentence). It would have vastly improved the track with an additional two minutes attached.
With the frequency that Rihanna drops records on the same par as Glee soundtracks, you!d be forgiven for dismissing it as nonsense pop. You!d be wrong though. Her latest release Talk That Talk, her sixth in as many years, takes the conversation started with Loud!s "S&M! but turns it to eleven, making it one of the dirtiest records since Madonna!s Erotica. And with the success of lead single "We Found Love!, it!s apt that Rihanna seems poised to upsurp Madge!s throne from the trying-too-hard Lady GaGa and the sickly-sweet Britney.
"We All Want Love! is not a standout (and would have been better served as a bonus track, as would have "Farewell! - a poor man!s "Take a Bow!), but it!s follower "Drunk on Love! is fantastic. With its sample of "Intro! by the xx and powerful vocals, it stands as one of Rihanna!s most powerful ballads. The bonus tracks "Red Lipstick! and "Fool in Love! would have been worthy replacements for some of the weaker tracks, with "Lipstick! appropriating "Saxon! by Chase & Status, and "Fool! serving as a companion piece to Rated R!s "Stupid in Love!. "Do Ya Thing!, the weakest of the bonus tracks, should truly be left at that.
Album opener and current single, "You Da One! Talk That Talk may be Rihanna!s best album ERXQFHV DORQJ ZLWK D KHDY\ &DULEEHDQ ÁDYRXU since 2009!s Rated R, but now it seems that the with a dirty dubstep breakdown mid-track. The demons from her past have been exorcised – and most refreshing difference between Talk and with Rihanna sings as if she is in love with life previous records is the presence of Rihanna!s again, it!s clear she wants us to join the party. Bajan accent; previously only brought out as nearly a novelty, gets to really shine on "One! and Download: the frolicking "Watch n! Learn!. "We Found Love!, "Where Have You Been, "Drunk !Where Have You Been! is one of the standout tracks with the desperate pleas counteracting
on Love!, "Red Lipstick!
You’d think the success of 2010’s Thank Me Later would have cheered Drake up, but on his latest Take Care, he sounds miserable as ever. Luckily for us, it makes for an entertaining ride.
Consider this electro -pop gone prog-rock. The French duo Xavier de Rosnay and Gaspard Auge depart their 2007 debut, †, to indulge in Pink Floyd-esque riffs and extravagant power chords.
The production is far superior, with a rich and expansive soundscape, and an impressive array of guest vocalists and producers (Jamie xx, Rihanna, The Weeknd, Stevie Wonder, and Nicki Minaj just to name a few). Standout tracks, ‘Make Me Proud’, ‘Doin’ It Wrong’ and title track ‘Take Care’ show an artistic growth to Drake’s with social commentary like “We live in a generation of/Not being in love”, to hilarious oneliners “Shout out to Asian girls/Let the lights dim some”.
But fans needn’t worry; the massive beats and synth-y grooves of Justice's previous club jams are still alive and well; tracks like ‘Helix’ and ‘Horsepower’ could have easily made it onto †. It’s a nice touch to honour their breakthrough sound while staying true to the vision of the new record. What is more commendable is that fact that the major soundscape was created by only a handful of electronic instruments. Listening to the epic, ‘Civilization’ you’d never know.
For those doubting Lil’ Wayne signing the former Degrassi actor, this is the album to change your mind.
The duo have said that they wanted to move from the nighttime vibe from the debut to a more daytime feel; consider this one for the summer BBQs ahead.
News of a musician’s untimely death usually begets the announcement of a posthumous release. Not surprisingly, Amy Winehouse’s tragic death has been followed up by Lioness: Hidden Treasures, and unlike other releases, it is a cohesive, and entertaining record. The tracks remind you (although I doubt you could forget) the powerful voice behind the tattoos and behives. ‘Half Time’ shows Winehouse’s sultry side, whereas covers of ‘Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow’, and a reggae-tinged ‘Our Day Will Come’ show her versatility. While it’s a treat for fans, (alternate takes of ‘Valerie’ and ‘Tears Dry’ are a highlight) the record is clouded with sadness. Winehouse was still a talent in formation, and while Treasures is a great record, it is a stark reminder that her greatest record was still to come.
After The Black Keys Grammy-winning Brothers, it was hard to imagine how they’d follow it up. With the ‘70s loving, hard rocking El Camino is how. The Clash and The Cramps serve as the record’s greatest inspirations, with ‘Dead and Gone’ and ‘Hell of a Season’ odes to a decade past. Also of note is the pop sensibility brought to the table by Danger Mouse, returning for his third appearance on a Keys record. Serving as co-producer and cowriter for Camino, his influence greatly felt on the sixties swinger ‘Gold on the Ceiling’. The vintage look of the cover captures perfectly the soundscape that the Keys present; heavy on sexy garage grooves and glam-rock swagger.
Chandellier Rose Sheer Delight Summer Skin What to wear
This holiday season make the right impression in fun, festive pieces from these great labels.
Stolen Girlfriends Club
KJ by Kirrily Johnston
This digital print maxi is sure to help you stand out from the crowd.
Perfect for Christmas barbeques or casual drinks to celebrate the season!
Bec & Bridge
If you始re stuck for a dress for New Years Eve, look no further than this!
Ben Sherman
Perfect for casual family Christmas lunches or for catch ups in the new year.
This button up shirt is perfect for your work Christmas party.
Grab these Summer staples to get you from preChristmas beers to the New Year of festivals.
From Rhianna to Cate Blanchett, the sheer detailed dress is the hottest trend for this summer. For those wanting to cover up but have a twist of flirtatiousness, some hints of semitransparent and cheekiness is fast becoming a big trend. Several Australian designers are feeding local style savvy girls with interesting, irresistible and affordable versions of the look. Stella McCartney, YSL and Valentino have featured this trend which has been stayed dormant since sheer layering in the 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Variations of textures, contrasts and placement of sheer fabric with use of lace, strategically placed polka dots, stitching patterns and subtle cut outs, all combine to make this trend easily wearable for so many fashion stalkers out there. Just as proof of Australiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s design and fashion forward thinking, local designers have released their own interpretations of the sheer trend just right for Aussie wearers. Amorette, Purple Ginger and Elly M are just a hand full of labels incorporating this cheeky trend into localsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wardrobes. Sydney labels Amorette and Purple Ginger are well known for designing gorgeous, quality fashion with a twist and feminine yet strong styles. With use of silks and cottons, these two labels are ahead of Australian fashion design with creative eyes on easy to wear, stand out and finely detailed designs.
Designer of Amorette, Paul del Giglio says the feature is a tricky trend to pull off when designing a collection and it needs to be kept quite subtle. “I think less is definitely more when it comes to sheerness and women should feel at ease and empowered” says Paul. “Australian lifestyle is perfect for this hot trend, mainly because it is made for our summer and it’s quite versatile - in that you can layer it or go for that peek-a-boo effect and show some skin if you’re a little more adventurous…” says Paul. Melbourne label, Elly M has always celebrated femininity and style in their collections. Releasing a dress collection each season, Elly M is one to look out for when searching for the sheer trend on the racks. Cover up to hide those bits you hate but still give the illusion of showing a bit of skin. If you’re lagging behind on your summer tan, sheer sleeves, cut outs and detailing will be a girl’s best friend. Head to, & for more information.
/GET THE LOOK/ Show some sheer genius and get into this hot Summer trend now!
Rihanna in sheer blouse
Amorette Shadows sheer halter dress
Amorette Heartache paneled dress
Amorette Heartache paneled dress
Alice McCall Ladies in waiting shirt
To say that Chantelle Asciak is a busy woman would be saying the very least. She has lived and worked in Florence, is an accomplished stylist, building a management business, and is the founder of the fantastic online boutique, Chandellier Rose. Oh, did we mention she’s just 21? The store, which opened its doors earlier this year - but has been a labour of love since 2009 - takes its name from Asciak’s two favourite decades - ‘Chandellier’ (with two l’s) from the 1700s, and ‘Rose’ from the 1980s and bands like Guns and Roses. We spoke to Chantelle about the store, her additional businesses, and what it’s like being a young professional in the fashion industry
How would you describe Chandellier Rose in 5 words? Chandellier Rose in five words would be class, inspirational, quality, elegance, and unique. What are some of the labels you stock? The labels Chandellier Rose stocks include Amorette, Purple Ginger, August Street, and Luisa Clare. We also sell one off vintage pieces and soon we will be selling couture pieces from a young designer from London, Nabel Martins. What was the inspiration behind opening the boutique? Opening the boutique funny story actually. [As Iʼm sure] every girl has gone through, a break up [prompted the boutique]. What made me decide to do it at 21 rather than doing it at 25 was I wanted to put my passion and love into something which wouldnʼt break me or make me lose my concentration. I guess I knew that what I love most is fashion. My inspiration, my drive and passion for what I love has brought me to this wonderful place where I am now. Fashion has been a part of my life since i was young, my godfather is a well known melbourne couturist, and he taught me the ins and outs of the business and opened my eyes up to many more opportunities. The vintage well, my mumʼs a hoarder!My sister and I used to open up all of her vacuum bags with all her clothing from the 70's to the 90's, which now we wear today.
As a young professional, did you ever feel like you had taken on too much? How did you overcome that?
Yes, at times I do. [Like] when things arenʼt going the way I want them to go. As every business owner knows, you have to adjust to the environment or the situation youʼre in. [It helps] having a great support system, such as my mum, family and friends who are always there for me and look up to me makes me want to work harder to the outcome I want. It's hard at times when you look around the people you know and your life is the total opposite to what your friends are living, but I wouldn't change my decisions. I love my busy lifestyle and meeting new people, building my name up in the industry, because you don't have enough time to do that when your older. All youʼre thinking of doing then is that you need to have a job, family, marriage etc. I think having to learn when I was younger to get a job, pay for my things, taking control of my own life, made me who I am now. I thank my mum and dad [for that] who taught us to work for what we want, because youʼre not going to get it always on a silver platter. When you work for it, you receive outcomes and you appreciate it a lot more. I would never give up on what i've started because I love it too much.
You also offer stylist services; whose style do you envy? If there anyone you'd love to work with? Now thats a hard one. My style mixes up a lot, but Audrey Hepburn would have to be whose style I envy the most. She was all about class, elegance and was unique. Three words that describe Chandellier Rose. Then you have the Olsen twins. Their style constantly changes - new
Asciak far left; pictured at the Freedom for Fashion Charity Show in London. She was the head stylist behind the show clothes, old clothes - and thats another part of Chandellier Rose. We not only sell brand new pieces, but we also have our unique, one off vintage pieces; I love mixing up fashion - mixing the old with the new - what more could you want? I would rather have a real vintage piece than a remake because it has the individuality and I can proudly say I am the only one with this piece left! [As for] who Iʼd want to work with, I know it sounds cliche, but Rachel Zoe. She has accomplished so much! And even with a family she's not giving up on her job. She still is building that career she wants while creating that family she wants. She doesn't take the crap from anyone, finishes on a job, and doesn't give up.
You can find Chandellier Rose online at
The brainchild of Storm Bergman, October Storm is sure to be a label on everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lips. The latest collection (including the pieces we shot in the editorial) is aptly named The Secret Garden, and celebrates the subtle femininity the name invokes. Consisting of soft neutrals and delicate fabrics, the pieces are sure to make you stand out in the crowd. For more information, and for a further look at the collection, visit /37
Ivana & Katerina
Ivana and Katerina are poised to take over the swimwear world. With their bold prints and fantastic cuts, their suits are bound to make anyone look fabulous on the beaches this Summer. The current collection, Love Parade, is perfect for those that want a little more fashion with their bikinis, with pieces that can take you from tanning to partying without much effort. For more information, and to view the complete collection, visit
Gift Guide to Christmas 2011 Eat/Drink/Play What’s on in Dec/Jan
/YOUR GIFT GUIDE TO Christmas time is a great time for catching up and enjoying time with family and friends. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fantastic food, everyone is merry....and very stressed. Why? Searching for the perfect gift. We aim to take the stress out of Christmas and have put together a comprehensive gift guide to help you find the perfect present for everyone in your life!
/UNDER $30/
/UNDER $50/
/UNDER $100/
Typo Card Holder $9.95 For the mum on the go, this is a perfect stocking stuffer!
Keepsakes: Recipes, Momentos & Miscellany Frances Hansen
$44.95 This is a cookbook with a twist!
MOR Cosmetics Emporium Excitement gift box set $69.95 With candied vanilla almond scent, this decadent gift pack is perfect for your mum.
CHRISTMAS 2011/ /DAD/ /UNDER $30/ Teraforma Whisky Rocks $29.95 If you始re dad is the Mad Men type, these whisky rocks will be a perfect gift!
/UNDER $50/ Ralph Lauren Polo Explorer $49.00 This is a classic scent that始ll be sure to impress your dad.
/UNDER $100/ Country Road Billfold Wallet $59.95 Stuck for ideas? Go for a classic with this wallet from Country Road.
/SISTER/ /UNDER $30/ DVB Signature Her EDT $29.95 This scent is a classic Summer-y staple!
/UNDER $50/ ILLAMASQUA False Lashes From $31.00 For the image conscious sister, these lashes will go down a treat!
/UNDER $100/ Ricardo Rojas Brush and Mirror $95.00 These limited edition sets inspired by the colourful hues of Argentinian houses are perfect if you始re stuck.
CHRISTMAS 2011/ /BROTHER/ /UNDER $30/ The Bro Code $18.95 Everyone始s favourite Barney Stinson can始t go wrong!
/UNDER $50/ Mossimo Dirk Beach Short $49.95 These shorts are perfect for the up-coming Summer...and as a stylish gift.
/UNDER $100/
Sony iPod/iPhone Speaker Dock $79.95 For a brother that has everything, this is a great gift (and will keep him from taking yours!)
3 Wick Candle - Rose & Honeysuckle $19.99 This candle set is a fantastic stocking stuffer!
/UNDER $50/ Cage Rectangle Box Clutch Colette Accessories $44.95 Impress her with a very-now clutch!
/UNDER $150/
Station Leather Necklace House of Harlow 1960 $109.00 If your girlfriend is one for glamour, this necklace from Nicole Richie始s collection is a perfect fit.
CHRISTMAS 2011/ /BOYFRIEND/ /UNDER $30/ Belkin Auto & Mobile Power Kit (iPhone/iPod) $30.00 Save him from a flat phone battery at all times!
/UNDER $50/ Peter Alexander Sleep Short $39.00 Get him out of the sloppy boxers, and into something new and comfy!
/UNDER $150/
Paco Rabanne One Million $125.00 You can始t go wrong with this; smells fantastic, and comes in a pretty package!
/ADELAIDE/ For a quick break from the Christmas shopping, pop into the Botanic Bar and enjoy one of their amazing pizzas. And the icing on the cake? They are all six dollars! There’s also a large cocktail list that is too good to skip over! You’ll find the Botanic Bar at 310 North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000 or phone (08) 8227 0799
If you’re stuck for a venue with a difference to catch up with friends and family this silly season, don’t look much further than Casablabla. The multicultural bar and restaurant is a fun and quirky meeting place, with a wealth of menu choices and a great vibe. Try one of the many cocktails, or share the house favourite sangria and soak up the fantastic weather in their fabulous beer garden. You’ll find Casablabla at 12 Leigh Street Adelaide 5000 or phone (08) 8231 3939
Rocket Bar is one of the gems of Adelaide nightlife that often gets overlooked. The decor is fantastic, and adds to the vibe, and has a rotating circuit of great resident DJ’s. Perfect for a night out over this holiday season! You’ll find Rocket Bar at 142 Hindley Street Adelaide 5000 or phone (08) 8212 1117
Offering Modern Australian cuisine with a European flair POP aims to take alfresco dining to a whole new level.This fusion makes for a dining experience unsurpassed in iconic Hardware Lane. Focusing on local produce, and offering the greatest seasonal tapas in town, it is truly something special. You’ll find POP at 68 Hardware Lane Melbourne 3000 or phone (03) 9642 1341
If you’re looking for a unique place to relax over this Christmas season, the Tuscan Bar and it’s heated rooftop bar is one of Melbourne’s largest, and is perfect for an afternoon drink or late night socialising under the stars. There’s a fabulous view, and even better drinks on offer, so what’s stopping you? You’ll find the Tuscan Rooftop Bar at 79 Bourke Street Melbourne 3000
The Decca Bar is a secluded nightspot for some R&B music on Friday and Saturday nights, with Saturday hosting an “Islander” theme. Take advantage of some great drink specials on base spirits and beers and sit back and relax in their curved chocolate booths. it boasts an intimate vibe and many other other tempters. You’ll find Decca Bar at 95 Queen Street Melbourne 3000 or phone (03)9600 0900
Although the Slip Inn might be more well known as the spot Princess Mary met her husband, it's worth a look-in during the week for a bite to eat as well. The menu offers modern pub offerings, but instead of mash, the schnitzel is served with a red wine jus, and even the steak sandwich is served with tomato and saffron aioli. There are also Thai diners that are a slightly cheaper dining option, with all the classics including green chicken curry and banana flower salad. You’ll find the Slip Inn at 111 Sussex Street Sydney 2000 or phone (02) 9240 3000
Zeta Bar is an opulent oasis in the heart of the city. Featuring a CBD rooftop terrace, Zeta reveals a unique view of the historical Queen Victoria Building and looks downwards towards the Harbour. Zeta Bar is fast becoming a Sydney icon with many celebrities (including Snoop Dogg, Nicole Ritchie, Jennifer Hawkins, Hugh Jackman, and Megan Gale) all having called in for a drink. You’ll find Zeta Bar at 488 George St. Sydney 2000, or phone (02) 9265 6070
Tank is one of the seminal clubs in Sydney’s CBD. Featuring music mixed by some of the worlds most famous DJ's pumps across 2 levels. With 3 bars, a huge a huge dance floor area make Tank a favourite nightclub for Sydney revellers. Tank is only open two nights of the week (Friday and Saturday), and their events sure make the most of that! You’ll find Tank at 3 Bridge Lane Sydney 2000, or phone (02) 9240 3000
/WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ON/ /DEC-JAN/
Summer is here, and so is the influx of festivals. Check out one of these tours when they roll into your city!
SUMMADAYZE touring nationally and featuring Pendulum, Snoop Dogg, Calvin Harris, Busy P, and Justice. For ticket information and more, check out
KANYE WEST Playing a one-off BDO sideshows on the 27th (Sydney) 31st of January (Melbourne), this is a show not to miss! For ticket information and more, check out
BIG DAY OUT touring nationally and bringing Kasabian, Foster the People, and Dubstep darlings Nero, this is the 20th year of the seminal festival. For ticket information and more, check out
Looking for anyone featured in this issue online? Look no further!
Kashmere Club
The Salvadors
Chandellier Rose
Ivana & Katerina
October Storm