FF Play - Winter 2021/22

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importance of play







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Family Feature

The importance of play for children’s mental health We asked childcare expert Dr Amanda Gummer, founder of Dr Gummer’s Good Play Guide, for her thoughts on the value of play for children today.


ow more than ever it’s important that we have an open dialogue about how to care for our mental health, look out for each other and live happy and fulfilled lives. Opportunities for children to relax, let off steam and take some time for themselves can also be equally important for the mental health of children who live increasingly busy lives and often spend the majority of their days studying for school. This is where play comes in. Play can be a powerful tool for children’s mental health because of the freedom it gives them to express feelings, make connections, have fun and improve their wellbeing. The reason play is so good for helping children to learn is because it allows them to explore and experiment, shaping their experience of the world around them. In the same way, it can help children with their mental health by offering them a safe space to act out and make sense of different feelings. This works particularly well with young children, who may easily become frustrated or frightened by their emotions when they are not yet able to recognise or vocalise what they are feeling.


Selfexpression through creative and social play Creative play, such as drawing and painting, gives children an outlet for their feelings. This is because it allows children to express themselves without having to put their thoughts and ideas into words. It can be beneficial particularly for children who might not have the language skills to express their emotions but, nevertheless, still have an important voice that needs to be heard. This is why art therapy can often be so useful for helping children to deal with negative or traumatic situations. Storytelling and make-believe play also allow children to act out and make sense of different scenarios. Through role-play, children can start to understand different roles and behaviours, for example, when playing with a doll they may imitate nurturing behaviours they have seen at home. In this process, they are learning about why it is important to take care of themselves and others. Make-believe play also

gives children a rich fantasy world to escape into when real life is particularly tough. Make-believe play is great for playing with friends, too. It allows children to work together and build relationships with others, while developing their confidence in expressing their feelings. Coming up with the story, deciding who is going to play which character and setting up the props, encourages children to work together, communicate and make decisions. As children learn these skills, they are forming the foundation for building healthy and supportive relationships, which is one of the most important factors in developing good mental health. A sense of belonging in their friendships can help children in future times of adversity as well, because it gives them confidence and a source of support and acceptance.

Relaxation through screen-free play and hobbies Another important part of play is the downtime it offers for children to decompress and let loose. Relaxation is important for children because, much like sponges, their brains are constantly taking in new information and they are learning new things every day. Sometimes, busy brains need a break and so making sure they get enough rest is crucial for looking after our children’s mental wellbeing. Calm and tactile activities that don’t feature a screen, such as completing a puzzle or model-making, can offer a great way to relax. They can be completed over an extended period of time, taking the pressure out of the process. These activities can be relaxing because focusing on the puzzle or model pieces forces children to be present and mindful. By requiring a level of concentration that needs them to be in the moment, it takes them outside of themselves and their worries.


Family Feature

Healthy competition For a more social activity, board games that require strategy and competition can provide a place for bonding between family or friends. By competing against each other, children also start to understand winning and losing, which is an important part of developing resilience. Losing in play – and realising it’s not the end of the world – helps children to understand failure and learn not to fear it. By understanding and accepting their mistakes, they work out how to do things differently next time, which is a key part of dealing with challenging situations in the future. You might also find that in their own time, some children are keen to pursue a particular hobby or interest. This can be fantastic for their mental health because it empowers children and provides them with a sense of purpose and belonging. For example, your child may be a budding gardener or magician. By nurturing these interests through play, they get a sense of fulfilment and independence. They can join a club related to their hobby for the chance to meet some like-minded friends, too.

Active outdoor play in green spaces can be a natural tonic for both physical and emotional health. There are countless benefits to getting the blood pumping around our bodies and enjoying time in the fresh air, relating to more than just our cardiovascular health. For example, being exposed to sunlight helps with melanin production, allowing children to feel more awake in the daytime and sleep better at night. It also provides vitamin D, which has an important role in mood and relaxation. Being outdoors helps to reduce the ‘stress hormones’ cortisol and adrenaline and increase the ‘happy hormones’ serotonin and endorphins. Outdoor play helps children to develop important skills such as perseverance, coordination and teamwork. Independent activities such as cycling or running teach children to persevere, work hard and challenge their fitness levels; more social activities such as team sports or building an outdoor den teach children to work with

others and problem-solve. Encouraging children to form healthy habits and routines, such as having a physical outlet to let off energy, can also come in handy as a coping mechanism if they are feeling low. If we teach children to take care of both their minds and their bodies, we equip them with a toolkit to be able to help themselves in challenging times.

Conclusion One of the best ways to reduce the stigma around talking about mental health is by starting the conversation with our children from a young age. We can begin by offering children varied opportunities to recognise and express their feelings and reinforce that no feeling is too big or small, or wrong or right. Children who learn to recognise and share their feelings will be more likely to grow into resilient and empathetic adults. Play offers the freedom for children to learn all sorts of valuable skills. It provides a safe space where they can try, fail and experiment with new ideas and new experiences. We can also use it as a starting point for being open and positive

Letting off steam through active play In addition to expressing their feelings, it is also helpful for children to have the opportunity to let off steam in a physical way. Doing this allows children to release excess energy and relieve stress.

Play can be a powerful tool for children’s mental health



Family Feature

about mental health, allowing children to express themselves freely, decompress away from daily stressors and let off steam through physical activity. Discovery is a key part of learning and so by providing your child with lots of varied play experiences, you are ensuring they have the opportunity to develop into emotionally healthy and resilient adults.

Creative play, such as drawing and painting, gives children an outlet for their feelings It is important to note that while it is completely normal for children to experience anxiety or low mood – particularly around life events such as starting or changing school, moving house or getting a new sibling – if it starts to consistently affect their day-to-day life, it is probably time to seek some extra advice or support from your GP.

Home of the Good Toy Guide and Good App Guide, Dr Gummer’s Good Play Guide (www.goodplayguide. com) is an independent organisation, dedicated to ensuring every child can develop the skills they need to thrive during a happy healthy childhood. The team’s mission is to help make the world a more playful place.

Quick tips for good mental health


Avoid overscheduling your child with too many clubs and activities. Instead, give them plenty of free time so they can play without time restrictions or structure.

2. 3.

As well as play, a healthy diet, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of sleep is key to good mental health. You are your child’s main role model, so try to take care of your own mental health too so they have someone to learn from. You’ll also feel better for it!

4. 5.


Where to get help If you’re worried about your child’s mental health, there are many charities available to find out more or contact for support: Place2Be: place2be.org.uk YoungMinds: youngminds. org.uk Mind (11-18+): mind.org.uk

Exercise and being out in nature is good for the whole family, so try to take a walk together at least once a week.

Would your child like to be a play tester for Dr Gummer’s Good Play Guide?

Regular family mealtimes are another great way to support positive mental health for all of you. They encourage healthier eating habits and give everyone a chance to offload after a stressful day or celebrate one another’s achievements.

They’ll have the chance to give their thoughts and opinions to help make toys, apps, family products or services the best they can be. As a thank you, you may also be able to keep the toy, app or product and sometimes we will offer cash or vouchers. Register your interest here: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ ZFVHMQL



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Subscription kids bikes. Exchange as they grow.


The Bike Club Guide to Cycling Confidence Expert advice from Dr Sharie Coombes - Child Psychotherapist Through learning to ride a bike, your child will discover their own emotional and physical capacity to confront worries, achieve mastery and reign victorious over a challenge that felt way too difficult at first. We repeat this cycle throughout our lives, and your mini-me has already done this multiple times from birth with various obstacles, such as learning to roll over, crawl, stand, walk, use cutlery and so much more. You’ll need this gem of information at a few of the crunch points ahead, as you’ll see.



Accept Your child WILL be nervous about getting on that bike. It’s important to accept this, and let them know that.

Articulate Tune your child into their reasons for wanting to learn to ride their bike. Get them to articulate the benefits they’ll get from being a confident cyclist.


Ask Check with them what is worrying them and do your best to give honest answers to their questions. Ask them what they do and don’t want you to do. Make it your mission to help them feel as safe as possible and be playful and positive.

Assure Remind them that you’re in charge and will be making sure everything is okay. Assure them that you’ve thought about everything and realised they have the ability.

Have them think about how life will be more fun, convenient or exciting.


Any new challenge brings inevitable worries. Acknowledge that it’s a physical and emotional challenge, but it’s one you think they can handle. Remind them that when they were a baby, they learnt to do ‘scary things’, like walking.

Keep the stakes low and stay playful. It’s not ‘now or never’.



Remind them you got them through all the scary baby stuff, so you’re a trustworthy co-pilot.


Agree You’re so close now! Agree together what the plan is and encourage them to be curious about how it might go. Sum up what you’ve decided and then go for it!

Feeling inspired to get your child cycling? Visit bikeclub.com

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Instagram https://www.instagram.com/noblecollectionuk/

Family Feature

Spark their imagination! Professional toy photographer Mitchel Wu shares his top tips on how to encourage kids to have fun taking photos of their toys and create amazing photographs.



Family Feature


maginative play is a really important activity for children of all ages. A brilliant way to spark kids’ imaginations is by playing games and coming up with stories using their favourite toys. Why not try taking this one step further and help them to learn a new skill while also have fun with their toys by taking photographs of the toys doing different activites or telling a story. You can even turn this hobby into a career one day – I am living proof! You don’t need to have a big fancy digital camera to take great photographs, a smartphone (you might need to ask your parents nicely to borrow their’s) or a basic digital camera will do. The aim of the activity is to create a cool image that brings your toys to life, so choose your favourite toys for better storytelling. Storytelling is what makes an image fun, impactful and memorable.



Family Feature

Here are some top tips on how to take the best photographs: Bring your camera down to the toy’s level so your viewer can easily enter into the world you’ve created. Zoom in on your toys or simply move in closer to them. This keeps the focus on the toy and helps remove unnecessary distractions and clutter. Try different camera settings, like one that allows you to keep the focus on the toy while the background gets soft and blurry. Portrait mode on some of the newer smartphones does this nicely. Experiment with light to create mood, mystery and drama. A big part of toy photography is light and the use of light. You can find a location to shoot that has beautiful natural light (outdoor indirect sunlight is great to shoot in) or you can create your own light using your mobile phone’s flashlight or even a desk lamp. Choose the environment and props that fit the size and theme of your toy. This creates a richer story and allows the viewer to lose themselves in the image. The moment you introduce something that doesn’t belong or clashes with the toy, you’ve brought the viewer back to reality. For example, if you’re photographing a toy truck and there’s a large flower pot visible in the background, you’ve reminded everyone it’s a small toy and have broken the illusion.



Top tips on how to take the best photographs (continued from page 14): How many toys will you include in your photo? Including two or more toys in an image encourages storytelling. Will they be interacting with one another or reacting to something? Is there an emotional connection or tension between them? All of these things can help tell a story. Think about composition, which is how you arrange your image. A strong composition helps create movement and flow, and directs


viewers’ eyes to where you want them. Avoid putting your toy directly in the centre, as this can stop the eye and create a more stagnant image. Instead, think about placing it towards the right or left area of the image as this will create movement and interest. The best toy photos are the ones that tell a story. Story ideas can come from your imagination, observing everyday life or showing characters in unexpected ways. For example, if a character is fierce and mean, you can surprise viewers by showing them as warm and friendly.

Based in Los Angeles, US, Mitchel Wu is the founder of Mitchel Wu Toy Photography. He uses toys to create stories with motion and emotion. Clients include The Walt Disney Company, Marvel Entertainment, Sony Pictures Funimation, Warner Bros, Hasbro, Mattel and others. His work has been featured extensively in print, online and on TV. Mitchel can be seen in the documentary series, “Marvel’s 616, Unboxed “ currently streaming on Disney+. Learn more on Instagram at @mitchelwuphotography FamilyFirst.co.uk

Inspire a Love of Learning Learning to write made easier quicker and fun Let’s imagine a life where learning to write never has to be boring again... Now, imagine that your child enjoys learning to write so much that they now LOVE writing... Now... what if we told you that you don’t have to just imagine? Because that is exactly what happens when children use Love Writing Co. handwriting practice books and writing resources!


Our unique chunky pencils are suitable for LEFT and RIGHT handers. Perfectly designed for little hands to help prevent muscle fatigue and encourage the tripod grip.


Award winning handwriting practice books focused on letter and word letter formation, building pencil control whilst being phonic friendly.

Washable Arty Crayons

Our Crayons are perfectly designed for little artists and keep children occupied for hours drawing and colouring whilst supporting fine motor skills. 12 vivid colours can be used as Crayons, Pastel and Watercolours!

Complete Packs

Creative integrated packs developed for specific stages of learning with fun and engaging resources and activities that help children learn to love writing.

Approved by The British Dyslexia Association and SEND Friendly. Resources designed to aid a positive and happy mind. lovewritingco.com | hello@lovewritingco.com


Supporting good playtime Dantoy shares its ethos on play and explains how the brand is involved in sustainable and eco-friendly initiatives.

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hildren of all ages need sturdy toys. They must be able to withstand being thrown, bitten, as well as being banged on the floor and on tables. And dantoy’s toys can. This is how toys are explored and skills are developed.

Dantoy’s philosophy is based on the importance of play, as play has a crucial role in child development and sensory stimulation, imagination and social skills. The entire dantoy range supports good play, where children can express themselves physically, creatively and imaginatively.

Dantoy has been developing and producing toys for the youngest members of the family for more than 55 years. In 2010, dantoy was the first toy manufacturer to launch Nordic Swan Ecolabelled toys worldwide.

None of dantoy’s toys contain batteries or electronics. This encourages children to use their own sounds, movements, motor skills and, most importantly, to create their own play experiences indoors and outdoors, all of which



help to foster their creativity and imagination. Dantoy wants to limit its environmental impact, which is why it produces all of its toys locally in Hobro, Denmark. The entire production process consists of raw materials without chemicals and harmful toxins, where the use of bioplastics and new innovative recycling processes minimise CO2 emissions. Green Bean is the name of the award-winning range of recycled plastic toys from dantoy. The toys are made from plastic leftover from production. This excess plastic waste is given new life rather than just ending up as waste. The Green Bean range is 100% sustainable. The recycling process means that colours, textures and shades will vary for the individual products and will depend on the stock, which means each toy and the entire product range are unique. The Green Bean range has just been crowned the 2021 Gold Winner at the prestigious European Play for Change Awards in the Sustainability category. Each year, a toy manufacturer is selected who respects the environment and uses sustainable production processes. Another interesting alternative to recycled

plastic is dantoy’s new range of toys made from discarded fishing gear used in the maritime industry. Blue Marine is an exciting project that demonstrates how companies can help promote plastic recycling while giving recycled materials a new life and purpose.

Play has a crucial role in child development and sensory stimulation, imagination and social skills Dantoy is currently evaluating a new and sustainable concept: Take Back. The project aims to collect worn out Nordic Swan

Ecolabelled toys that would otherwise have been thrown out and give them a new lease of life. The company is investigating how best to transform a used toy into something brand new, thereby extending its life and saving the environment from further damage. In addition to the sustainable production process, the Take Back project also helps to teach children about sorting waste and recycling, both of which have long-term environmental benefits. It is a good way to involve children and give them an understanding of resources and recycling. Take Back is dantoy’s latest project, which focuses on sustainability and innovation. Dantoy has always been a frontrunner with respect to environmental certifications and sustainable initiatives, so this is a natural step for the company.

For more information on dantoy, visit: dantoy.dk/en/



WARNING: Sharp Objects! Choking Hazard! Small Parts. Not intended for children under 3 yrs. Adult supervision required.

Includes Patented Product.

WARNING: Sharp Objects! Choking Hazard! Small Parts. Not intended for children under 3 yrs. Adult supervision required.

Includes Patented Product.

Basic Diorama Kit

Use the Basic Diorama Kit to landscape flat, green dioramas or displays. Kit contains the scenery materials needed to make fields, grasslands, farmlands, woods and meadows.


Mountain Diorama Kit

Use the Mountain Diorama Kit to landscape mountains or hilly dioramas and displays. A volcano tube is included for building an erupting volcano.


Desert Oasis Diorama Kit

Use the Desert Oasis Diorama Kit to landscape flat, sandy dioramas or displays. Kit contains the scenery materials needed to make prehistoric habitats, shorelines, wastelands, beaches or deserts.



Water Diorama Kit

Use the Water Diorama Kit to landscape dioramas and displays with water. Kit includes the materials needed to model various types of still or moving water.



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Family Feature

The power of creative role play


The Early Learning Centre explores how role play toys are not only fun for kids, but are also really important for children’s development.

ole play is an important part of development, because it presents children with situations where they must think for themselves and take action. It helps to build confidence, communication, problem-solving and social skills, and encourages expression, reactive thinking


skills and helps children to physically develop with some of the actions they perform. Role play allows children to take on adult roles in a fun, safe environment. For example, a child may receive a novelty doctor’s outfit, which they can wear and pretend to play doctor, helping their patients (who could

be family members or toys) and discussing what might be bothering them. This will help the child to learn how to process what their patient wants and treat them as they see necessary. This one example involves communication, decision-making and taking action – which helps to develop social and cognitive skills.


Family Feature

Here, we will run through some of the different role play options for children and how they can positively benefit from them.

these characters more in their play, children will be taught important things about how to treat others. Using the example of Frozen, the film touches on subjects such as love, family, having confidence in yourself and making the right decisions – all very beneficial for a child’s growth! This also improves a child’s speaking and reading skills as they relay their rehearsed lines and it also does wonders for their confidence, as they can experience public speaking. This will also encourage empathy among children, as they are naturally going to empathise with the character they are portraying.

Outside of food, it is common to see young children play with baby dolls. Dolls allow children to take on a pretend parent role, which gives them responsibility to learn how to look after their baby.

Role play allows children to take on adult roles in a fun, safe environment

Role play is so important for children; simple fun and games translate to great experience for them. It encourages creativity and imagination, social development, communication skills, problem-solving skills and physical development.

Occupational role play This form of role playing allows children to pretend play various adult job roles. It is common to see children pretend play as chefs, doctors, vets, shopkeepers, firemen and police officers.

Acting out scenes Children love movies and TV – it often leads to them impersonating their favourite characters, such as Elsa from Frozen. It is good to encourage children to act out scenes or take part in school plays. Taking part in something like this allows children to understand the stories, which will always have positive themes for the children to understand. By being able to relate to


to chop some fruit or vegetables (supervised, of course) with a child safety knife, as this will boost their confidence in the kitchen as they accomplish the task.

Real life role play

All types of pretend play are beneficial to your child, so do whatever you can to get them involved in role playing!

Shopping sets and food cooking and serving sets allow a child to play a role in the house just like their parents would. Food is a great thing for children to role play with. A BBQ set, for example, enables a child to prepare, cook and serve food to their friends, allowing them to play the role of a chef and a host. It encourages them to think about how food works and to care for others by serving them whatever dish they prepare! A wooden food set allows a child to think about where food should be stored; a real-life scenario they will have probably seen their parents tackle. Situational role play such as this improves communication skills and physical mannerisms. A child using toy food as a starting point for cooking allows them to prepare for the real thing. We would encourage allowing your child

The Early Learning Centre is committed to creating quality products and bringing innovation through new product design, as well as continuing to make the much-loved and trusted toys we all know and love. Early Learning Centre toys (including the product images shown in this article) are available from ELC.co.uk and at The Entertainer stores.


Family Feature

Baby bubbles Kindi Kids Poppi Pearl Bubble N Sing Doll, RRP £29.99 Available from Smyths (smythstoys.com)

Ready, steady, bake


FOR 2022

Dantoy BIOplastic Bio Baking Set Gift Box, RRP £19.99 Available from Smyths (smythstoys.com)

Whether you want to choose the perfect birthday present or your kids have saved up their pocket money, we roundup a fantastic range of new and exciting toys.

Snap happy

Imagine it, build it

MyFirst Camera Insta 2 , RRP £95 Available from MyFirst.Tech (myfirst.tech)

Planet Junko Zoomer Kit, RRP £36.99 Available from Planet Junko (planetjunko.com)



Family Feature

Colour fun WOW! STUFF CoComelon Learning Sheep, RRP £24.99 Available from Amazon (amazon.co.uk)

Super STEM Geomag Mechanics Loops and Turns 130 Piece Construction Set, RRP £34.99 Available from The Entertainer (thetoyshop.com)

Small and squishy

‘For real life?!’

Squishville by Squishmallows, RRP from £3.99 Available from Smyths (smythstoys.com)

Bluey’s Family Home Playset, RRP £39.99 Available from The Entertainer (thetoyshop.com)

Choo choo! Playtrains – ‘Flash’ The Local Express Remote Controlled Battery Train Set, RRP £54.99 Available from Hornby (uk.hornby.com)

Amazing builds Magna-Tiles Metropolis Set, 3D magnetic building tiles, RRP £129.99 Available from Amazon (amazon.co.uk) FamilyFirst.co.uk



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Read and








Make and


What “ Great screen-free stuff to do and they can enjoy their heroes, thanks.” parents There’s so much to do and as a parent (and teacher), “ think: I love the range of fun activities.” “ Thanks for making things that cheer small people up and save parental minds on rainy days! ” “ Makes learning fun for my 4 yr old! Plenty of activities to do together and with her siblings.”

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Hornby’s new Playtrains thunder onto the market As Hornby releases the new Playtrains line, Family First looks at what makes its trains stand out from the crowd.

Flash is the fastest train in town and has special powers so he can travel at the speed of light. Flash is best friends with Bolt and Thunder, both of whom have special powers too: Bolt is strong and can pull 200 coaches in one go, and Thunder has engine-roaring special powers, being able to make his engine rumble louder than a thunderstorm. Children can find out more about each engine, including their favourite food, colours and hobbies, on Hornby’s Playtrains portal. Along with their fabulous expressions and fantastic characterisation, the trains come complete with battery powered remote controls, so they are easy to manage and exciting to steer. There are three speeds that can be set up going forwards and in reverse, and bright lights to turn on and off.

Introducing STEM Hornby is keen to promote all the elements of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) within its Playtrains system and it is true that without even being aware of it, children playing with their trains will be introduced to the basics of STEM.


e are so excited to see that master train maker, Hornby, has just released a brand new set of trains, tracks, coaches and accessories especially designed for your junior train enthusiast. Playtrains are Hornby’s model railway set for children aged three and over. The trains, tracks, wagons and coaches are all available to buy separately, so you can make the whole system as large or small as you wish. Hornby has designed the train tracks for Playtrains with little hands in mind: they are simple to fit together, but robust enough and


constructed well so that they don’t easily fall apart. The varying options of track means that there is a huge scope for different designs for your young person’s railway line, which encourages creativity and the use of fine motor skills, which are essential to children’s development.

Train characters Another unique aspect of Hornby’s Playtrains is that each train has its own personality. Their expressions are fun and enable characterisation, which, in turn, encourages little imaginations to grow. We love that the main characters have their own stories to tell. Flash, Bolt and Thunder are Hornby’s principal characters in Playtrains and you can read more about them on the Hornby portal (uk.hornby.com/ playtrains). Hornby writes: “They have stories to tell, adventures to go on and friends to make.”

With the geometrical elements of the track and the requirement for the curves of the track to match to create a circle or an oval, to linking elements of the track together by the use of points, there is a lot of learning to be gained from this fun set. On top of all this, children can start to ask scientific questions around what is making the trains move, how do they move and what drives them.

Hornby’s Playtrains are now available to buy from the Hornby website: uk.hornby.com/ catalogue/train-sets-rollingstock/playtrains and other retailers. The Hornby portal (uk.hornby.com/playtrains) is available online with a realm of supporting material to encourage play.


Visit InsectLore.co.uk for more!

Picks for parents Beehive Toys

The Zoo Play Table from Beehive Toys is a must have wooden activity toy for keeping little ones entertained. Printed with roads, rivers and more to inspire little imaginations and stimulate storytelling. The table is the perfect height for toddlers to play at, either independently or with their friends. beehivetoyfactory.co.uk/shop/zoo-play-table/

Dinosaur Ridge LandESCAPE Kit (Item No.WSP4261) A pterodactyl soars over the ridge while hungry herbivores feast on vegetation like vines, bushes, trees and more. Use your imagination, along with the included terrain and landscaping materials, to create a world straight out of the prehistoric era. LandESCAPES kits come with easy-to-follow instructions to ensure success and realism. There are multiple colours and textures of landscaping materials, and special details like dinosaurs are included to bring the scene to life. scenearama.co.uk

Word on the Street Did you hear the Word on the Street? Get in the fast lane in this fun-fuelled race to claim 8 letter tiles faster than your opponents in this hilarious tug of words. With over 400 category cards, you will become a wordsmith in no time in this family classic! amazon.co.uk/dp/B0987YBV5W

Dantoy Experience together how the garden’s plants and colors change during the year. A mini greenhouse set where children can grow, look after and care for their own plants and vegetables. It is suitable for both play and the cultivation of living plants, where green fingers can unfold. dantoy.dk/en/

Hachette board games It’s time for the annual temple-building contest. Who will make the best use of their bricks and take the victory in this fast-paced, roll-and-build adventure? Players must construct different 3D shapes of various sizes and difficulty from the 2D silhouette drawings on the temple cards and score them! hachetteboardgames.co.uk/shop/jac003te-templerush-116




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It’s simple: two teams, two poles, two cans and one flying disc…. Score points by knocking the other teams can off a pole. 2 points for hitting the can clean off, 1 point for hitting the pole and the can falls off, but, hit the can off and the other team catches it then they are awarded 1 point! But be careful, a mistake knocking your own can off will lose you 1 point! The first team to ten points wins! Let the fun can off battle begin.

Picks for parents Bike Club - Forme Cubley 14

The Forme Cubley 14 is a great first pedal bike that weighs only 6.12kg, which makes it easier to learn on than most other bikes. It’s one of the lightest bikes in the world for its price point and specification. It comes in a range of bright, fun colours too! bikeclub.com/products/forme-cubley-14-blue

Inspiring a love of learning How amazing is it to take away your child’s frustration when learning to write? Our award winning books and resources make learning to write easier, quicker and fun. Perfectly designed for little hands, our award wining products are suitable for LEFT and RIGHT handers. lovewritingco.com

Ravensburger - On January 29th each year we celebrate National Puzzle Day in the UK, and there’s nothing better than nurturing young minds with a puzzle, particularly one from a TV show they enjoy watching or characters they adore. The Ravensburger children’s puzzle range offers a variety of piece counts and favourites such as Peppa Pig, Bluey, Bing, Thomas & Friends, Minions, Paw Patrol, Disney Princess and Gigantosaurus. Available from all good retailers and toy shops. ravensburger.com

Insect Lore - The Original Butterfly Garden

with 3-5 Caterpillars

Watch the Miracle of Metamorphosis Up Close This educational kit gives children, students, and families an unforgettable opportunity to watch caterpillars change into chrysalides and then emerge as beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies. Raise and feed your very own butterflies and then release them into the wild! insectlore.co.uk/butterflygarden-with-3-5-live-caterpillars.html

Tri Action Toys These larger than life hand puppets must be played with to be believed, first emerged from the imaginations of designers in 1986, selling over $100 million internationally and are now back for a new generation to discover. Riding the crest of a Red Hot Industry wide nostalgia toy trend collectors and children alike have been snapping up Boglins since they were launched in April 2021 -





SnapWatch is the super cool way to tell the time in 2022! It’s a brand-new wearable, featuring flexible display technology, enabling this snappy little watch to be snapped around a wrist and stay there securely without a buckle. There are many options to choose from - plain designs include Icy Black and Spring Purple and fun character graphics Dragons and Unicorns. Designed for interactive kids play ages 5 -12. SnapWatch requires no software or app and features easy control buttons for 12/24 time, date and month. The bright daytime LED display can be viewed straight or curved mode and has big numbers, so easily readable and remembered, particularly helpful for visual learners. For outdoor fun and games, the SnapWatch forms are soft touch silicone, lightweight, splashproof and shockproof! A replaceable battery with two years life is included - so they’re all ready for action. Unbox your SnapWatch for fun times.

Available late January 2022 from £12.99 plus P&P at www.snapwatch.co.uk Follow @snapwatchltd

© SnapWatch Limited 2022

Press Office: Simon Valins, SV Comms Tel: 07941 369745; Email: simonvalins@gmail.com

Picks for parents The Lionheart Tales

The Lionheart Tales is a new YouTube animal inspired animation targeted at pre-schoolers aged 3-5 years. It is supported by a range of plush toys as well as creative art and craft lines for children that have been designed to support development, learn new skills and offer additional benefits, such as pen control, concentration and mindfulness for young learners. thelionhearttales.com

Looney Tunes Mini Bendyfigs™ A line of highly-detailed Toyllectible™ mini figures based on the much beloved characters of Looney Tunes. Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Marvin the Martian and the Tasmanian Devil are recreated in a bendable form factor to pose and display. Each figure measures between 9-15cms. noblecollection.co.uk

Razor USA Razor embodies the spirit of fun and freedom. Designed in California by a passionate group of people who live to ride and share the experience of riding with others, Razor products have been made with playful enthusiasm since 2000. A full range of innovative Razor rides is available worldwide. Razor.com

Redan Publishing Founded in 1990, Redan is an award-winning children’s magazine publisher renowned for producing high quality, fun, imaginative and educational products widely praised by parents and care givers. In 2021, Redan received the Mum’s Choice Gold Award for ALL of their magazine titles plus the Progressive Preschool award for Best Preschool Publishing Range. redan.co.uk/store

Fab Dab Do by Splatter Make Step into the world of Dinosaurs with our t-shirt painting activity and mess free fabric dabbers.. Children can create Fab t-shirts they will love to wear, building their confidence around art. Everything you need is in the kit and both the Dinosaur and Space theme compliments the school curriculum. Price: £26 fabdabdo.co.uk/product/dinosaur-kids-t-shirt-craft-box



For the best brands in nursery & preschool go to www.1two.co.uk

play mat bags for tidy play and to take toys away. Many designs available in Printed, outdoor and Soft Designs

Water-based nail polish, lip gloss, bath bombs and more containing soothing ingredients for safe fun play

Now at 60 years old, Sophie le girafe remains the perfect friend for every baby, soothing teething pains and providing comfort

The Lionheart Tales is an exciting new children’s animation streaming on YouTube! Step into Lionheart Town where the residents including Arthur the Lion and Benji the Elephant go on adventures and share important messages with their friends!

Products developed with advice from educationalists.

The Lionheart Tales supports children’s mental health charity, Place2Be and the reforestation project, Creating Tomorrow’s Forests. A percentage of sales via our website are donated to their charitable efforts.

An award-winning art and craft range designed to help children develop fine motor skills and more.

Encouraging colouring, crafting and educating in young minds from an early age!

Available at www.thelionhearttales.com

Let Your Imagination Run Wild...

Heartfelt episodes which tell the tales of Lionheart Town. Featuring Arthur the Lion and his friends!

Each episode captures the essence of key development themes for children including; courage, sharing with friends and listening to others!

An exciting pre-school animation developed for children aged 3-7! Watch 4 fun and engaging episodes only on YouTube!

Scan to watch!

3+ Years


Boglins are back!

photos, trade stories and keep track of when the coolest new Boglins drop.” Boglins are distributed in the UK exclusively through HEO, which has partnered with UK Menkind (menkind.co.uk).

We celebrate the return of the iconic 80s toys Boglins: they’re stretchy, creepy, fun and larger-than-life puppets.


laytime just got a lot more interactive with the return of Boglins from TriAction Toys. With their ultra-stretchable arms, moveable/glow-in-thedark eyes and creepy-cool manipulative faces, Boglins offer a huge dose of squishable fun. Boglins first emerged from the imaginations of designers Tim Clarke, Maureen Trotto, and Larry Mass in 1986 and are now back for a new generation to discover. In 2021, kickstarter backers raised millions of pounds to bring King Drool, King Vlobb and King Dwork back from the bog,


along with the Dark Lords Blobkin and Bog o Bones. Since their launch in March 2021, Boglins have released further characters, including Golden Horned and Red Eyed Kings. There are 21 new styles of Boglins planned for 2022!

Share the fun Boglins are also intent on carving out their own place on the Internet. A new site (theboglins.com) has been created to act as a hub for the growing fan community to use. “This will be an exciting space for collectors and fans alike,” explains Chris Cofoni, founder of TriAction Toys. “It’s where they can go to share their

TriAction Toys is the US distributor for European toymakers Teddykompaniet from Sweden and Les Déglingos from France and the Master Toy Partner for Boglin. TriAction was founded by Chris Cofoni, a 14-year toy sales professional who has worked with Melissa & Doug, Jazwares and other toy companies. Discover all of the newest and coolest toys at: TriActionToys.com.


Handmade t-shirts they’ll love to wear

T-shirt Painting Kits Fabulous Fun

Everything you need in the box

Great for parties too!

Create your dream team

Fab Dab Do kits spark children’s imagination into life, giving them a break from screen-time and a place to channel their creativity. You don’t have to be an ‘artist’ to create a great t-shirt design – our stencils and no mess paint dabbers create brilliant ‘WOW’ results time and again.





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