Eyes and Ears

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eM Glo


Bulletin 2011 SEPTEMBER


ITALY August 2011 Job Alerts Irregulars have the right

to get married Repatriations. New stricter decree One day of revolt in Bari


Refugees from Syria at the South eastern border of Turkey While the number of those escaping from Syria and going into Turkey has reached 10 000, it was declared that some of these are superior officers of the Syrian army.

death of Efosa Okosun  Human Mobility and Social Diversity  Regional health spending cutting  Cospedal to levy fines on striking pharmacies in debt row Political pain or blame game?


―Italia ‗n‘ Caledonia‖ by Nigel Carter Can a more equal society prevent riots? ―Some Milestones in Algerian Migration‖– by Kouider Djilali Beloufa  Maria Elfani‘s Research

Syria army, has started operations at Cisr Eş Şuğur region. Because of the therat of the operation, 2000 people ran away from the country and went through the Turkish border. Besar Esad is declaring that the armed groups are responsible for this attack.

The number of those running to Turkey form Syria is increasing. Only last night 1000 people passed the border at Yayladag which neighbors Cisr Eş Şugur region. The Syrian at the camp, made victory sign, and shouted “hurray for Turkey…” which is the most

TURKEY popular slogan among UK lawmakers: Turkey must them. A flow of migra- improve border control to tion that is hidden from join EU  Precarious lives of migrants the eyes of media is go- in Turkey ing on at the Syria bor- XVIth Conference der. Syrian migrants cho- of IAHPE se safe border lines whe- A portrait: Festus Okey re the Syrian soldiers do Refugees from Syria not have control. Hund- GERMANY reds of syrian are rejected  Threat for Medical Assistance for Refugees in Berlin at borders too.  Humanitarian Congress

One day of revolt in Bari On Monday August the 1st 2011 in the CARA center of Bari 1200 people detained in this structure, blocked the SS16 highway … >>4

Threat for Medical Assistance for Refugees in Berlin The Office was almost closed this year in its 16th year of … >>7

Regional government expenditures in danger Spain has had to respond to the emergency caused by the debt crisis by announcing additional ...>>9

Can a more equal society prevent riots? Most UK politicians and the mainstream media blamed ‗gang culture‘ (a sub text and code … >>10



GlobHe-M course has provided the opportunity to listen to lectures, share experiences and ideas on migration, health and globalisation issues. Moreover it has now created the important means of sharing country spesific news and scientific literature through this so called “Globhe-M Bulletin”. As we had planned in the end of the summerschool, in this issue, we corresponded with colleagues from each country. They have sent us the information they gathered and we tried to put them into a bulletin format. We hope you like it!

Country Team responsible for this issue: Turkey

Raika Durusoy, Seyfi Durmaz, Hür Hassoy, Işıl Ergin Ege University Department of Public Health




Some kind of foreword So here we go with the first Italian bulletin. Actually more than issue number one, we conceive this first collection of news regarding migrations in Italy like the ―number zero‖. And zero is not only a number. It is a very important concept: it gives us the possibility to think of open spaces to be filled in time with different contents and

August 2011 AAA… Are you looking for a job?!? Well, there is an opportunity for you to be employed as a ―detector‖! What does it mean? You have to work at the 15th general census of the population (Italy is going to count everyone, Italian and foreigners). It‘s a one year long job (October 2011September 2012)… If you are interested please look for the public contest, fill the application form and wait for the winner list! … Yes, a good chance, but … if you are not a citizen (Italian or EU citizen) when you are looking for the public contest you will discover that no…it‘s not a chance for you, it‘s only for people with the Italian citizenship! To this notice, ASGI, an association for legal studies on migration, started a lawsuit against one of the municipalities (Milano). The court claimed the requirement of the Italian citizenship as illegitimate. Following this proclamation, UNAR (The National Anti -Discrimination Office)

forms, according to changes in needs, focus shifts, possible future happenings and - above all - in consideration of your feedbacks and suggestions, dearest readers! For this time we decided to present briefly five topics which have been characterizing the Italian debate on migrations this summer:

1 – A case of discrimination in the selections of candidates to be employed in the 15th Italian census 2 – A court sentence confirming the right to get married for irregulars 3 – A social settlement campaign on citizenship and right to vote 4 – A stricter new decree on repatriations 5 – A revolt day in a detention center for asylum seek-

Thanks for reading and thanks for coping with our written English!

Job Alerts declared as discriminatory not only the requirement itself but the idea and the behavior that stood at its basis. Other associations around the country have aroused the problem and the present outcome is that besides Milano, other big municipalities such as Genova, Roma, Firenze, Faenza, Perugia, Pordenone and Padova have reopened the selections for the positions of detectors, enabling nonEU citizens to participate (with the clause of an adequate knowledge of the Italian language)!!!

What's sad is that this didn't become a national movement - as a result, the rest of the municipalities have proceeded with the discriminatory ban. Neither did ANCI (The National Association of the Italian Municipalities) take a position on this. However, now the limit date has moved on September 7, 2011. We'll see how many immigrants have applied and at what position will they be at the Winner List. Last, but not least we are to ask how this census is going to take place? Since they're going to count Italian and foreigners, how are they going to do it for the latter since the census bases itself on registered residency??? ...To be continued...

Link http://www.asgi.it/ home_asgi.php?n=1766&l=it




i r a B in lt o v e ri r a B f o in lt y o a v d re e f o n One day ingg.. O A ccaallllin RA AR CA C The problem of Italian detention centers for immigrants does not go on holiday. And what happened on Monday August the 1st 2011 in the CARA center of Bari Palese

LİNKS - Link to videos: http://www.reuters.com/ video/2011/08/01/ immigrants-clash-with-policein-italy?videoId=217744295 http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=R_dhFGyPEho - Link to article in English on the media approaching the facts: http:// economicsnewspaper.com/ economics/omerta-media-onriots-illegal-in-bari-italy53596.html - Link to actvists‘ article of a revolt in the same place in 2007: http://www.tlaxcala.es/ pp.asp? lg=en&reference=3554

close to the city of Bari (south-east Italy, in the Puglia region) seems to fulfill the general statement above, with concrete flaming facts. From 6.30 am, some hundreds of the 1200 people detained in this structure (Centro di Accoglienza per Richiedenti Asilo: Reception Center For Asylum Seekers, according to the official naming of the structure) blocked the SS16 highway bypass and a nearby railway network, as a means of protest against the unbearable extension of their forced permanence within the CARA and the bad living conditions in it. According to the Italian Ministry of Interior this structure, obtained by adapting an old military airport, can host 994 people for a maximum period of 35 days, each. But protests enlighten a ―slightly‖

different reality: the structure is overcrowded and people have to spend whole months in it waiting for only one commission to examine (and rarely accept) their asylum requests case by case and with increasing delays. The protest actions caused traffic jams, train cancellations and led to violent clashes with the police, which arrived on the scene to push back the protesters in the CARA. Clashes and tension featured stone throwing and fire setting against the use of tear gas and batons. They lasted until early afternoon (around 14.00 pm). By this time negotiations, which started in the late morning inside the CARA and involved local authorities (vice-prefect Antonella Bellomo and the regional councilor for migrations Nicola Frantoianni), brought some convincing results for the protesters. Indeed, rioting started quitting and blockades were removed, when authorities

subscribed the guarantee for the asylum seekers of a second examining commission (in order to speed up the procedures) and the guarantee of a briefing with the

Italian ministry of interior under-secretary Alfredo Mantovano. The official numbers of this revolt speak about 29 arrested people, 15 injured among the protesters and 35 among the police. Despite their relative littleness (if compared to the 1200 people detained in the center) these numbers got used by the media in a very peculiar way to ―comb facts‖. On one side they were used to minimize the importance of the facts and to let them slide rapidly down in the scheduling of the news day by day. On the other side the number of 35 injured public officers and other details about the damaging acts were used to naturalize the description of the protesters as ―violent‖, ―organized‖ and ―ready to attack‖. Furthermore, the legal inquiries in the following days enforced this categorization by anchoring it to ethnic groups, marking as ― few turbulent organizers‖ the involved people from Africa (Mali, Ghana, Ivory Coast) and separating their legal position from the one of the other ―forced rioters‖ from Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh). Despite its limited direct results on the detainees‘ conditions and despite the filter of the media, this day of revolt allowed the problem of detention centers for immigrants not only to spread on activists‘ networks but to scratch the surface of mainstream public debate.




ri a B in lt o v e r f o y a d e n CARA calling. O

“Map of the problematique”, 2011.

The Italian detention network for immigrants is basically made of three types of structures: CDA, CIE, CARA http://onoriandrea.blogspot.com http://www.interno.it/mininterno/export/sites/default/it/temi/immigrazione/ sottotema006.html

CARA: structures meant to host and identify asylum seekers entered in Italy without papers or without presentation at frontier controls, and waiting to obtain the refugee status.


CIE: structures meant to identify and detain irregular immigrants for which expulsion procedures are enacted.


Caltanissetta, Contrada Pian del Lago


Crotone, S. Anna


Foggia, Borgo Mezzanone


Gorizia, Gradisca d’Isonzo


Trapani, Salina Grande


Trapani, Mazara del Vallo (CDA+CARA)


Trapani, Valderice (CDA+CARA)


Trapani, Marsala (CDA+CARA)


Trapani, Castelvetrano (CDA+CARA)


CDA: structures meant to guarantee first aid to irregular immigrants traced in Italian territory, and at the same time are meant to identify them and decide on the legitimacy of their staying.



Bari Palese


Bologna, Caserma Chiarini



Caltanissetta, Contrada Pian del Lago Catanzaro, Lamezia Terme

96 75

Agrigento, Lampedusa


Gorizia, Gradisca d’Isonzo


Bari Palese (CDA+CARA)


Milano, Via Corelli


Modena, Sant’Anna


Brindisi, Restinco


Roma, Ponte Galeria


Torino, Corso Brunelleschi


Cagliari, Elmas


Trapani, Serraino Vulpitta


Brindisi Restinco


Crotone, Sant’Anna


Lampedusa (closed)


Foggia, Borgo Mezzanone


Crotone, Sant’Anna







For everyone: the campaign proposes to shorten to 5 years (instead of 10) of legal staying in

“I am Italy too” campaign

―L‘Italia sono anch‘io‖ (―I am Italy too‖) it‘s a national popular campaign sustained by 19 organizations of the civil society. The campaign proposes to reform the laws which are actually ruling the acquisition of citizenship for foreign people. According to the promoters the way to achieve this goal is the mobilization of

tive law projects. Two are the major points. The citizenship For children born or raised in Italy from migrant parents: the promoters propose to consider an Italian citizen whoever is born from a person legally present in the Italian territory for at least one year and whoever is born in the Italian territory from foreign

Italy the time required in order to ask for the Italian citizenship.

Link to the campaign website: www.litaliasonoanchio.it

public opinion through socio-cultural initiatives, public demonstrations and the collection of signatures, necessary to present in Italian parliament an alterna-

parents, independently of their juridical condition. This would be a significant change as now only who is born from Italian citizens owns the Italian citizen-

ship. For everyone: the campaign proposes to shorten to 5 years (instead of 10) of legal staying in Italy the time required in order to ask for the Italian citizenship. The administrative vote The promoters also ask for the right to vote (elect and be elected) in the administrative elections (cities, provinces and regions) to be extended to immigrants in possession of the permit of stay since at least 5 years. Until now immigrant regularly staying in Italy can‘t vote and are excluded from any other type of political and administrative participation.

The International People's Health University (IPHU) of the People's Health Movement (PHM)

People, Politics and Global Health; actions to change the approach Further details at: http://www.iphu.org/ en/london2011/ announce

a short training course scheduled in London, UK October/November 2011 The course will be conducted in English APPLY NOW! Application deadline: 26 September 2011




Irregulars have the right to get married:

The Sentence of Constitutional Court” According with the sentence of 25th July 2011 Irregular immigrants have the right to celebrate their marriages with an Italian citizen in Italy: this sentence was pronounced by the Court that declared partially illegal the first paragraph of the article number 116 of the Italian Civil Code. The article says that a foreigner can get married in Italy only if he has got a regular permit of residence

and it was introduced by the Italian Government in August 2009 to fight mar-

riages of convenience. But for the Court Wedding and Family are basic and inviolable rights and no law can‘t stop you to celebrate your

marriage here. Regaining a recent pronouncement of the European Court and the article number 12 of the Convention, Italian Court replied to a ItaloMoroccan couple who questioned the refusal to celebrate their marriage. The sentence officially reopens the issue of the possibility and right for irregular immigrant to wedding in Italy

- Link to an article from the Italian press on the topic: http://www.corriere.it/ cronache/11_luglio_25/ consulta-sentenza-dirittonozze-clandestini_a24ec730b6e7-11e0-b3db8b396944e2a2.shtml - Link to a specific article on the legal aspects of topic, in Italian: http:// www.stranieriinitalia.it/ normativail_matrimonio_dello_stranie ro_non_puo_essere_limitat o_dalla_condizione_di_rego larita_13580.html - Link to an article on the topic in English: http://www.africa-news.eu/ immigration-news/ italy/2931-constitutionalcourt-illegal-immigrants-can -marry-in-italy.html


e e r c e d r e t tion and c i New str Deportation for un-

On the 2nd of August 2011 the decree of 23rd June 2011 about repatriation became law. The decree introduces the immediate deportation for all undocumented migrants who get to be classified by authori-

ties as dangerous for law and order, who try to escape, who don‘t respect


the terms for leaving the country. The measure of deportation becomes effective also for communitarian citizens considered dangerous for law and order, when the law about free circulation of communitarians is not respected. Another key point of the decree is the lengthening of the period of permanence in the CIEs (Centro di Identificazione ed Espulsione) which are the Centers for

documented migrants: the maximum length of the period of detention, that was 6 months, becomes 18 months. Alternative measures are defined for undocumented migrants not considered dangerous for law and order, as the delivery of the passport or an equivalent document, freedom of movement restrictions like the ―Dwelling Obligation‖ (―Obbligo di dimora‖, the forbiddance to leave the territory in which the place of residence is registered), or the mandatory presentation at public forces offices.

Links to specific articles on the topic, in Italian: http:// www.immigrazione.biz/363 2.html http:// www.stranieriinitalia.it/ normativaespulsioni_ecco_come_e_cambia ta_la_legge_13652.html




The death of Efosa Okosun

http://www.elpais.com/ articulo/english/Palma/s/ Gypsy/and/Nigerian/ communities/in/peace/ deal/after/violent/scenes/ elpepueng/20110830elpen g_9/Ten

Palma's Gypsy and Nigerian communities in peace deal after violent scenes. African immigrants saw sinister cause behind death of man who fell from fourth-floor balcony

ablaze in altercations between members of the Nigerian community and the police overnight on Monday after claims that Okosun had been thrown from an apartment block by three men of Gypsy descent.

The neighborhood of Son Gotleu, Palma de Mallorca, awoke to calm on Tuesday after a night of tension 24 hours earlier following a verbal agreement between Nigerian immigrants and residents of Gypsy origin to prevent further scenes of strife. Violence had flared on Monday following the death of Efosa Okosun, a 28-year-old Nigerian who fell to his death from a fourth-floor balcony.

Representatives of both communities met on Tuesday at the local police station in Son Gotleu to call for calm.

Five people were arrested and some 30 cars were set

The head of the island's public safety department, Guillermo Navarro, informed both parties that the police are investigating the events surrounding Okosun's death and that they would be the first to be told of the authorities' findings. Navarro asked the representatives to prevent any repeat of Monday's altercations, to which end

they joined the local police in a walkabout in Son Gotleu to call for patience until the case is solved. In spite of the show of unity, police reinforcements remained in place on the streets of Son Gotleu on Tuesday. The police investigation into Okosun's death continues, although preliminary hypotheses rule out the involvement of a third party. Inquiries up to now support the theory that Okosun fell while trying to climb from one balcony to another by holding onto a pipe, which subsequently gave way. In August, 2009 a street battle between Nigerians and Gypsies ended in three people being injured by knives.

VII CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL MIGRATIONS IN SPAIN, Human Mobility and Social Diversity BILBAO (Spain) on 11th, 12th and 13th April 2012 Organized by: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with the collaboration of the Basque Immigration Observatory, Ikuspegi@k-Immigration.


Call for papers until 30th September http://esomi.es/vii-congreso-migraciones-internacionales-en-espana/gmx-niv114.htm



Regional health spending cutting by closing 40 health care centers Catalonia to close one in 10 healthcare centers over summer. Move will leave tens of thousands without their local doctors' and emergency-room services The Catalan government has decided to close at least 40 primary healthcare centers - one in 10 of the total in the area - over the sum-

mer as part of its ongoing measures to cut regional health spending. The move will leave tens of thousands of people in dozens of municipalities without local

doctors' and emergencyroom services and, according to labor union estimates, having to travel up to 25 kilometers to receive treatment. Staff at the affected centers who are not on vacation will also be relocated.


http://www.elpais.com/ articulo/english/ Catalonia/to/close/one/in/ healthcare/centers/over/ summer/ elpepueng/20110726elpe ng_8/Ten

Cospedal to levy fines on striking pharmacies in debt row The Popular Party regional premier of Castilla-La Mancha, MarĂ­a Dolores de Cospedal, announced Friday that she would begin proceedings to fine pharmacies who staged a strike in the region the previous day.

for the day in protest over the non-payment of some 125 million euros the regional administration owes in subsidies for prescriptions. Cospedal is blaming the previous Socialist regional government for the late payment.

In all, 718 out of 1,274 pharmacies shut up shop

"What the [central] government should do is

meet its obligations, and we have the right to oblige it to comply with the law," Cospedal said. "As all they have left is debt, it is very difficult to meet the payments on time." Cospedal set the wheels in motion to impose fines, which could range from 3,000 euros to 15,000 euros, on those outlets that closed.

http://www.elpais.com/ articulo/english/Cospedal/ to/levy/fines/on/striking/ pharmacies/in/debt/row/ elpepueng/20110812elpen g_11/Ten

Political pain or blame game? Cutbacks in regional and local government budgets may jeopardize basic services Like other European countries, Spain has had to respond to the emergency caused by the debt crisis by announcing additional budget adjustment measures, which Economy Minister Elena Salgado is due to present in upcoming Cabinet meetings. The most notable measure is an increase in corporate tax payments for large companies, but perhaps an even more important aspect will concern the regulation of

regional government expenditure; this ought to be ready before the end of September. In a ruling issued on the 27th of last month, the Constitutional Court recognized the state's capacity to impose limits on regional spending. But the government has declined to take this course, and awaits an agreement on spending guidelines, to be approved by the regional govern-

ments that so desire. Salgado also set a date for the planned reform of the accounting system, which will offer a more exact idea of regional deficits. Both Brussels and the Bank of Spain had warned of the specific risk which the state of regional and local finances posed to the Spanish economy — due not only to the volume of debt they carry, but also to the opacity that surrounds it.

http://www.elpais.com/ articulo/english/Political/ pain/or/blame/game/ elpepueng/20110815elpeng_7/ Ten




Review: “Italia „n‟ Caledonia” by Nigel Whilst holidaying this summer in Scotland, it was my good fortune to chance upon a wonderful play about Italian emigration to Scotland at the beginning of the 20th century. ―Italia „n‟ Caledonia‖ recounts the history of Italian families settling in Scottish communities. By the time of the Second World War there was an ice cream café or fish and chip shop run by an Italian family in

many towns and villages throughout Scotland. The dark clouds of war however, were soon looming ominously over this cheerful success when on June 10th 1940 Mussolini declared war on Britain. Overnight Italians became ‗enemy aliens‟ and were interned or deported for the duration of the war. Nowadays, Scottish Italians work in the health services, high tech indus-

tries, and the arts, as well as in cafés and restaurants. Italia „n‟ Caledonia is both a celebration of the dynamic contribution of Scottish Italians to their new homeland as well as a poignant reminder of the trials and tribulations faced by those who emigrate seeking fresh opportunities to settle in pastures new.

Can a more equal society prevent riots? Most UK politicians and the mainstream media blamed ‗gang culture‘ (a sub text and code for ‗Black culture‘) and/or resorted to an ‗underclass‘ discourse of ‗welfare dependency‘ and deviant social behaviour/values to explain the recent UK urban disturbances. The immediate post-riot moral panic and kneejerk ‗discipline and punish‘ reaction is now beginning to give way to calm-

Ctrl and Click on the links


acy, mental health, prison numbers, life expectancy and social mobility prove better in countries that have the smallest gap between rich and poor? This is the compelling argument put forward by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson in their new book ‗The Spirit Level‘. Recent events in the UK seem to strongly support their analysis.

Some Interesting Publications 

The Migrant Rights Centre of Ireland campaigns for improvement in the rights of migrant workers in Ireland. They also conduct research and you can find their publications and other information on their website:- www.mrci.ie

The Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey publishes the Social Research Update on-line. Issue 47 is entitled ―Measuring quality of life using free and public domain data‖ – you can find it at http://sru.soc.surrey.ac.uk/ SRU47.html



er reflection and more thoughtful enquiries into whether Britain‘s growing socio-economic inequalities are the root cause of the current social malaise. So, even a former London Police chief, Brian Paddick, when asked why Sweden doesn‘t have this problem? Replied: “Because there‟s a more egalitarian society there” Do assessments of a country‘s social cohesion such as crime rates, liter-




“Some Milestones in Algerian Migration” by Kouider Djilali Beloufa Migration is ―a complicated, challenging, and diverse phenomenon involving changing statuses and multiple geographical trajectories‖ (Samers, 2009) and Algerian migration is no exception. We no longer talk only about a colonial (and post-colonial) migration but also about a new process, a product of several changes:- the enlargement of the migratory space, feminization of flows and mobility of families, mobility of skilled and highly skilled people, and irregular emigration. Factors such as cultural affinity, geo-

graphical proximity, social networks or ―favourable‖ migration laws (actually, nonexistent in ―Fortress Europe‖) fail to explain this process of diversification. The migratory process is a total social fact where conditions at both origin and destination, as well as the characteristics of the immigrants, should be considered to reach a best approach, capable of explaining this complex human phenomenon. Understanding the system émigré-immigré is crucial at two levels: theory

and practice. In the latter, Algerian policymakers are starting to take into account the role of the ―national community abroad‖ in homeland development (not just economically but also politically, socially, scientifically and culturally) which means that the Algerian emigrant is no longer that absent physically, socially and politically. Algeria is also shifting from being a country of emigration (and still it is) to a transit and destination country; hence the need to develop new legal instruments to deal with immigration.

Maria Elfani‟s Research Why would migrants be differently affected by the minimum wage, in the sense of non-wages benefit received? Are there any differences between migrants and nonmigrants? Non-wage benefits account for a significant proportion of

overall income and as they can be flexible and voluntary, employers can reduce these benefits to minimize costs, including the costs of rising minimum wage rates. Such benefits include training, health/life insurance, pension scheme, meals,

paid rest (paid break time), etc. Her research intends to provide a clear picture of non-wage benefits received by minimum waged workers, compared to those on above minimum wages, and specifically in relation to migrant workers.

Some Interesting Publications 

McKay, S., Craw, M., and Chopra, D., (2006) Migrant workers in England & Wales: an assessment of migrant worker health & safety risks, Health & Safety Executive, UK http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrpdf/rr502.pdf Burke S, Keenaghan C, O‘Donovan D, Quirke B. (2004) Health in Ireland – an unequal state. Public Health Alliance Ireland, [download] 281KB.

Ctrl and Click on the links www.hse.gov.uk/research/ rrpdf/rr502.pdf www.nuigalway.ie/ health_promotion/ documents/ D_ODonovan/2004_health_ in_irl_an_u8nequal_state.pdf


TURKEY UK lawmakers:

www.setimes.com/cocoon/ setimes/xhtml/en_GB/ features/setimes/ features/2011/08/01/ feature-05

A group of UK lawmakers called on the EU on Monday to make arrangements for Turkey to take some of the attributes of membership in the Union prior to its full accession. (UK Parliament, BBC, FT, The Guardian, Huffington Post, Belfast Telegraph, Daily Mail - 01/08/11) Turkey's EU accession would pose serious security risks, some UK MPs warn.


Turkey must improve border control to join EU [Reuters] Turkey must strengthen its border controls before joining the EU, a group of UK lawmakers said in a report released on Monday (August 1st), warning that the country's accession would pose risks to the security of the 27-nation bloc's external border. Turkey began entry talks with the Union in October 2005, but the process has stalled for various reasons

and several member states remain opposed to the country ever being admitted as a full-fledged member. EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule told members of the Commons Home Affairs Committee, which prepared the report, that the predominantly Muslim nation is not generally expected to join the bloc until 2020 at the earliest.

Marking 50 years of Turkish immigration to Germany

with ar t

www.todayszaman.com/ news-255756-marking-50years-of-turkishimmigration-to-germanywith-art.html

Both Germany and Turkey are hosting a series of events commemorating 50 years of Turkish immigration to Germany this year, and the Turkish events, jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, İstanbul’s Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts and the Goethe Institut, are set to get under way in late October. Everyone knows the story, more or less; maybe it

didn’t affect each household in the country, but 1960s Turkish immigration to Germany left its mark on almost every city and village in Turkey. That massive flow of the workforce from Turkey to Germany that started in 1961 not only altered the Anatolian people’s perception of “gurbet” (a place far away from one’s homeland) forever, it also gained the Turkish lexicon a term called “acı vatan,” which can be literally translated as “bitter land.”

A protocol overseeing Germany’s transfer of workers from Turkey signed between the two countries on Nov. 2, 1961, brought about numerous tales for both countries; some bitter and some sweet. Turkish immigration to Germany, which started as a wave that at first seemed to only affect Turkish immigrant laborers and their families, in time morphed into an interaction between two diverse cultures that sometimes led to conflicts.

XVIth Conference of IAHPE

“Crisis of Capitalism and Health” 29 September-2 October 2011

The place: CAGDAS SANATLAR MERKEZ 4 Kennedy str, Kavaklidere, Ankara IAHPE in collaboration with the TURKISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION with

the support of CANKAYA MUNICIPALITY www.healthp.org/node/287




A por trait Festus Okey Four years has passed since the death of the Nigerian migrant, Festus Okey, with a police bullet in Beyoğlu Police Center. The court is still busy, trying to understand if the murdered person is Festus Okey or not. Festus Okey is a world citizen. In 2007, he was arrested for carrying narcotics and after his arrest, his dead body left the police office. It was concluded that he was killed with the

bullet of the police who had recorded his testimony. It was said that he had been shot as he tried to take the gun of the police. The video records of that so called moment where he tried to take the gun and the bloody shirt of Festus, which could prove the long distance/short distance shot was LOST. The lawyers of the police declared that “the name of

this man is not Festus Okey, he has entered the country with a fake visa” and they asked the court for a further analysis of this situation.Nigeria government has not answered within the past three years. The court is is busy excavating whether the murdered person is Festus Okey or not.

http:// www.setimes.com/ cocoon/setimes/ xhtml/en_GB/ features/setimes/ features/2011/08/12/ feature-04

The last journey of Festus Okey (video): http:// www.youtube.com/ watch? v=wMmHG0dZaag& NR=1

Refugees from Syria at the South eastern border of Turkey While the number of those escaping from Syria and going into Turkey has reached 10 000, it was declared that some of these are superior officers of the Syrian army. Those who escape are increasing, the operations started Syria army, has started operations at Cisr Eş Şuğur region. Because of the therat of the operation, 2000 people ran away from the country and went through the Turkish border. Besar Esad is declaring that the armed groups are responsible for this attack. “Hurray for Turkey...” The number of those running to Turkey form Syria is increasing. Only last night 1000 people passed the border at Yayladag which neighbors Cisr Eş Şugur region. The Syrian at the camp, made victory sign, and shouted “hurray

for Turkey…” which is the most popular slogan among them . A flow of migration that is hidden from the eyes of me-

dia is going on at the Syria border. Syrian migrants chose safe border lines where the Syrian soldiers do not have control. Hundreds of Syrian are rejected at borders too. Iran: there are armed terorists among those who run away

Iran Governmental TV, Press TV, declared that the rebels who killed 120 policemen in Cisr el Şukur were among those who ran away from Syria To Turkey. Barones Ashton ve head of the humanitarian aid of EU Kristalina Georgieva, declared that Turkey is succesful in dealing with the problems of the Syrian refugees but the means to get in touch with the refugees considering international participants is problematic. In Turkey many NGO’s are complaining about not being able to get permission to go into the camps. Some people living in the camp, has started hunger strike, because of being strictly limited from the outside world.

http://bianet.org/ bianet/goc/130832suriyeli-gocmenlerkarantinada-aclik-grevibasladi




Somali news in Turkish media The hunger and famine in Somali has recently gained great attention from the Turkish government, religious NGO’s, singers, actors, etc. It seems that everybody is trying to organize

or be a part of the humanitary aids. However, this sudden interest is ironically blind to “why” people are starving there. Moreover the healing they want to provide to the hungry pe-

ople seems to be healing only their conscience. The media is fully behind this “human reflex.” Here are some interesting examples of the current idea of HELP in media.

"To fast to understand hungry” a gathering for the dinner (iftar) after the fasting day. In Kutahya, those who have fasted for empathy to the hungry people of Somali, are gathering at the iftar meal. The meal will consist only water, date, yogurt and simit (a kind of bread).


www.zaman.com.tr/ haber.do?haberno=1178807

www.hurriyet.com.tr/ gundem/18534590.asp

The national Team of Wrestling will wrestle for Somali.

Life in Somali, the site of hunger and famine, is partially returning back to normal life with the aids. After the visit of President Tayyip Erdogan to the region on 19th of August, the activities taht started at the capital Mogadisu is stil continuing. Before the visit, people were even afraid to go around for shopping, but now they are able to shop around. The bazaar in the city center now has meat, bananas, bread, water and some other food as well as some clothings.

www.aa.com.tr/tr/ kategoriler/dunya/92464somali-yardimlarla-hayatbuluyor

http://arsiv.ntvmsnbc.com/ news/405040.asp

Pray for rain in Somali Yesterday in some cities people went out to pray for rain in Somali.

23 refugees from Somalia, Eritrea and the Palestine were arrested in Konak district of Izmir, while trying to escape out illegally out of the country . The driver who wants to take the refugees to the beach were also detained.



Threat for Medical Assistance for Refugees in Berlin Berlin, Germany. According to estimates, there are between 200,000 and 500,000 people without legal residency status, living in Germany; around 50,000- 100,00 of them in Berlin alone. While it is legal to provide them with acute medical care according to the German Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, social services are obligated to disclose their personal information to the immigration authorities (except for emergency situations). On August 30, 2011, the Office for Medical Assistance for Refugees in Berlin and several of its partner organizations, informed about recent developments in the city. The Office (founded in 1996), is a self-organized non

-governmental organization, which tries to connect persons with no legal access to health care with anonymous and free-of-charge treatment/ providers. For the past 2 years, a new patient group has grown significantly. Today, 1/3 of the patients are not illegalized Non-EU residents but EUresidents from new accession countries in Eastern Europe who have either no right or access to health care in their home countries or there is no contractual agreement between Germany’s and their respective countries’ social services. This concerns e.g. seasonal workers as well as minority groups like the Roma population in Romania. As a self-organized, nongo-

vernmental organization, the Office for Medical Assistance was almost closed this year in its 16th year of existence, due to lack of funding, and could only be saved last-minute by private contributions. In a public panel discussion with political representatives from the federal senate, the future of the Office was discussed. It was stated that migration and migrants’ access to health care played no significant role in the campaign for the upcoming senate elections for all major parties. A common road map to improve the Office's funding or measured to improved access to health care could not be found. Appeals to the political representatives were made.


More information on http://medibuero.de

Story of Tigran Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, July 2011: The story of 14 year old Armenian citizen Tigran S. who was threatened by deportation by federal authorities was both reported in local and national newspapers. Tigran S. is an Armenian citizen on paper but has been exclusively living in Germany for 11 years. As his parents were recently denied political asylum (after 11 years of revising

their papers), he has no residency status on his own. There has been a solidarity movement from his friends, school, soccer club, neighbours and the local newspaper reported in favor of him, so that as of yesterday he gained an exceptional residence permit (that also allows his family to stay) due to civil society's commitment. Schleswig-Holstein's Minister of Justice, Emil Schmal-

fuß, has declared his intention to start a legislative initiative on the national level ("Bundesratsinitiative") before the next elections in May 2012 to facilitate approval of permanent citizenship to teenagers under 15. Communal and federal politicians from opposition parties (SPD, Grüne, Linke) and some members from the current parliament (CDU, FDP) incl. have expressed their support.

http://www.ln-online.de/ lokales/ostholstein/3216866/ nach-dem-fall-tigranschmalfuss-fordert-neuesbleiberecht

Médecins sans Frontières, Médecins du monde, the German Red Cross, the Berlin Chamber of Physicians and the Charité warmly invite you to the

XIII. Humanitarian Congress:

"Ideals, Reality and Compromises: Do We Meet Humanitarian Needs?" Date: October 28 & 29, 2011 Venue: Charité Campus Mitte, Luisenstraße 64, 10117 Berlin

This year's congress seeks to address questions including the ongoing humanitarian operation in Sudan over the last 30 years; food security in East Africa; as well as medical issues such as cholera, maternal health and Kala Azar. Other panels will tackle the complex situation in Pakistan, 'Fortress Europe' and the controversial UN-resolution 'Responsibility to Protect' (R2P).

For more information and online-registration please visit: www.humanitaererkongress.de


The moment

A moment may sometimes reflect the total story. This is a Picture of such“a moment”. A creative debate has just ended. Groups have supported their teams with


great enthusiasm and the award of the winning team has gone to the “birthday child”. Everyone is enjoying to share the belief that “another world” is possible

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