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San Francisco Apartment Association Office
265 Ivy Street San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel 415-255-2288 Fax 415-255-1112
Email memberquestions@sfaa.org
Web www.sfaa.org
SFAA Staff
Executive Director Janan New Deputy Director Vanessa Khaleel
Education Specialist Stephanie Alonzo
Government and Community Affairs Charley Goss
Marketing Lara Kisich
Member Services Gershay Castaneda
Member Services Maria Shea
Accountant Crystal Wang
SFAA Officers President J.J. Panzer
Vice President Robert Link
Treasurer Jim Hurley
Secretary Kent Mar
SFAA Directors
Eric Andresen, Honor Bulkley, David Gruber, Neveo Mosser, Chris Bricker, Bert Polacci, James Sangiacomo, Dave Wasserman, Paul Gaetani
JULY 2023
Published by San Francisco Apartment Association
Publisher Vanessa Khaleel
Editor Pam McElroy
Art Director Jéna Safai
Production Manager Cameron Shaw
Tel 415-255-2288
Web www.sfaa.org
SF Apartment Magazine (ISSN 1539-8161) Periodicals Postage Paid at San Francisco, California and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the SF APARTMENT MAGAZINE, 265 Ivy Street, San Francisco, CA 94102.
The SF Apartment Magazine is published monthly for $84 per year by the San Francisco Apartment Association (SFAA), 265 Ivy Street, San Francisco, CA 94102. The SF Apartment Magazine is not responsible for the return or loss of submissions or artwork. The magazine does not consider unsolicited articles. The opinions expressed in any signed article in the SF Apartment Magazine are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the SFAA or SF Apartment Magazine. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If legal service or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought. Acceptance of an advertisement by this magazine does not necessarily constitute any endorsement or recommendation by the SFAA, express or implied, of the advertiser or any goods or services offered. Published monthly, the SF Apartment Magazine is distributed to the entire membership of the SFAA. The contents of this magazine may not be reproduced without permission. Publisher disclaims any liability for published articles. Printed by Printing Partners Copyright @2023 by SFAA.