Annual report 2011
From Castro Street Answering
to Sixth Street, the call for 30 years. The very first call came in April 1982, on a single telephone installed in a tiny room on Castro Street. Our community was being devastated by HIV/AIDS. People needed somewhere to get information and connect with others going through the same struggle — somewhere to call. San Francisco AIDS Foundation was created to be that place. Today, our clients are as diverse as the free services we offer, and we operate five locations in hard-hit neighborhoods throughout the city. But one thing remains the same: We are still answering the call from this community, 30 years later. Over the last year, we have experienced tremendous growth, driven by a single enduring purpose: a community still in need. There remains a significant demand for HIV/AIDS prevention and care services in San Francisco. We still see roughly two new HIV infections every day in the city. Public programs that assist people living with HIV/AIDS face budget cuts at all levels of government. That’s why we are expanding free services at a pace like never before. In the following pages, you will see just how far we’ve come — across our 30-year history, and especially in the last year. It’s been a lot of hard work. But we know that to truly end HIV/AIDS, we need to be as bold and tenacious as the men and women who started this foundation three decades ago. We draw inspiration from their legacy and we draw strength from you, our supporters. Without you, our work is not possible. When you support San Francisco AIDS Foundation, you provide thousands of free HIV tests annually, you advocate for better care, you distribute millions of sterile syringes and hundreds of thousands of condoms, you give support to people worried about having a roof over their heads, you educate people at risk for HIV, you help clients adhere to their medications, you offer community support groups, you help someone deal with their substance use, and you improve the health of our entire community. Because of you, we continue to offer all of these services for free. Thirty years ago, the first call came in to the foundation. Every day since, we’ve been here to answer the call from our community. And because of your support, we will be here until the phone falls silent — until HIV/AIDS is no more. This is our commitment to everyone we serve.
Tom Perrault, Board Chair
Neil G. Giuliano, Chief Executive Officer
An eerie thing happened when we started the foundation in 1982. The guy from the phone company came to install the phone line. And as he was walking down the stairs to leave, the phone began to ring before we had even publicized the number. That phone never stopped ringing. Thirty years later, it’s still ringing. – Cleve Jones, Co-Founder
1982 The first diagnosis of Kaposi’s Sarcoma occurs on April 9 in San Francisco
Cleve Jones, Dr. Marcus Conant, Frank Jacobson, and Richard Keller form the Kaposi’s Sarcoma Research and Education Foundation
The U.S. Centers for Disease control and Prevention first uses the term “AIDS�
A volunteer-operated information and referral hotline opens on a single-line telephone at 520 Castro Street
When people visit San Francisco AIDS Foundation, or when they call seeking help, Randall is often one of first people they meet. Many of our clients access multiple services at the foundation. Randall helps people navigate services so our clients experience seamless access to care. This has been part of our mission from day one: to provide the best possible care for people at risk for or living with HIV/AIDS in San Francisco. Randall continues our 30-year legacy of answering the call from our community.
1983 The foundation reorganizes as the AIDS/KS Foundation
The AIDS food bank is created by the foundation, becoming one of the first in the country
HIV education and referral services provided by The Foundation expand beyond San Francisco to 22 Northern California counties
The Foundation And Gay Men’s Health Crisis in New York City organize the country’s first candlelight vigils for AIDS
OUR COMMITMENT TO THE PEOPLE WE SERVE IS Your support Among our many achievements, in 2011 the foundation:
Doubled the number of free services offered to clients Doubled capacity for HIV testing and screenings for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Achieved record levels of engagement on HIV/AIDS issues via social media Established a medical peer advocacy program for 250 HIV-positive African‑American men
Opened a new office in the Castro providing counseling services for people coping with alcohol and other drug use Welcomed an average of 20 new clients each week into our new offices in the mid-Market neighborhood
Created the first Syringe Access Collaborative to coordinate the distribution of 2.4 million sterile syringes citywide Helped establish a game-changing law allowing for the purchase of syringes at California pharmacies without a prescription
Joined forces with Stop AIDS Project to create a more robust network of prevention and care services
Expanded collaborations with partner agencies to 13 — the most ever
1984 AIDS/KS Foundation reorganizes as San Francisco AIDS Foundation
The Foundation criticizes San Francisco health officials for closing bathhouses, saying the move does not address the root causes of risky sexual behavior
On May 22, 2011, foundation staff and dozens of volunteers installed the first-ever red ribbon on Twin Peaks to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the first reported AIDS cases and highlight the urgent need for increased investment in HIV prevention and care. Images of the ribbon appeared around the world.
California honors The Foundation as “Outstanding Contractor of the Year”
The Foundation adopts its first logo — a pink triangle overlaid with storm clouds
Because of your support, 1,500 people participate in Prevention 1985 “AIDS in the Workplace” program is launched
Actor Rock Hudson dies, motivating many people to join the fight against AIDS
Nick wants to make San Francisco a better place for everyone. He’s an active member of the foundation’s Bridgemen program, which organizes community service projects for gay and bisexual men in their 30s and 40s. Through the program, Nick has served meals to LGBT seniors and cleaned up trash on Ocean Beach. He also distributes free condoms and educates gay, bisexual, and transgender men about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Nick is passionate, he’s involved, and he embodies the true spirit of our community. At San Francisco AIDS Foundation, we are committed to providing programs like Bridgemen that bring people together, because we know that community support is one of the most effective tools to fight HIV/AIDS. When people are provided a safe, non-judgmental environment to connect with their peers, share stories, and learn vital information, they are more likely to take care of their health and the well-being of their partners.
our free support groups. 1986
Bridgemen is just one example of our work. The foundation offers free support groups for African-Americans, Latinos, and men who are newly dealing with their HIV diagnosis. All of these programs are closely connected to fostering and maintaining excellent client health. Prevention starts with people like Nick. He is making San Francisco a better place. The foundation produces the nation’s first video about the HIV antibody test
Because of your support, 600 People living with receive free care services.
ople mong pe needs a t , e r m a n e u y t t greates mple meal. Tha e. od driv i e of the o s n f o a y , s a 3 a d 8 w li S o D h I , In 19 A t k / s n V e a with HI ed a mod ned the Food B living sponsor aw gs of ndation ful that it sp ,000 ba u 4 o 2 f n e a h h t t s s e e r c o c m u os red It was s ts peak delive st one year. ti in ju s t n which a e i l es to c groceri
1987 Bleachman, an educational AD campaign targeting intravenous drug users, is launched
6,000 people participate in the first AIDS Walk San Francisco in Golden Gate Park
HIV/AIDS Today, one of the most significant unmet needs for people living with HIV/AIDS is a roof over their heads. Malou works every day to change that. She is a housing case manager at the foundation. She and her colleagues provide support to hundreds of clients who receive subsidies to pay their rent. Malou understands the vital importance of a home for someone living with HIV/AIDS. When our clients are stably housed, they are far more likely to see a doctor, take their medications regularly, and be emotionally healthy. Our care services don’t stop with housing. We also offer medical case management for people living with HIV, as well as free counseling services to help clients receive care through the AIDS Drug Assistance Program, disability insurance, Medicare, Medi-Cal, food stamps, and social security. We create a seamless network of care so that none of our clients fall through the cracks. For Malou, the most rewarding part of her job is establishing relationships with her clients and walking beside them step by step as they improve and maintain their health. That’s what care is truly all about. The foundation forms a public policy department, advocating for all people at risk for or living with HIV/AIDS
Because of your support, We provide 12,000 free hiv and STI screenings annually.
1989 Bulletin of Experimental Treatments For AIDS (BETA) begins publication
El Grupo, a LATINO support program, joins the Foundation
Gay Men’s Health
Todd knows the importance of getting tested regularly for HIV and STIs. He volunteers as an HIV counselor at Magnet, our gay men’s health and community center in the Castro. Todd takes deep pride in his work. He knows that until AIDS is over, he’s making his own contribution toward helping men in our community know their HIV status and take care of other sexual health needs.
In San Francisco, gay and bisexual men continue to bear the brunt of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. With one in four gay men already living with HIV, we know that we have to engage both positive and negative men in ways to reduce rates of new infections. That’s why we provide an array of services for both HIV-positive and HIV-negative men. At the heart of those services is Magnet. In 2011, we doubled our capacity. We also streamlined the process for getting tested by adding an “Express Lane,” providing customers with a more expedited system that gets them in and out of Magnet quicker. Magnet also provides a series of cultural and community events to foster a sense of connection among gay men and improve the overall health of our community. Todd says volunteering at Magnet has made a profound impact on his life. His service is making a profound impact on the health of our city.
1990 Rubberman campaign is launched
Congress passes the Ryan White Care act, a Federal program championed by the foundation
Because of your 600 people receive free substance use and
1991 The AIDS food bank transfers to Project Open Hand
AFter NBA star Magic Johnson reveals he is HIV positive, calls to the foundation’s hotline skyrocket to 2,000 per day
support, services to address mental health issues.
Substance use and Mental Health
Tyrone first walked through the doors of the foundation in early 2011. He felt like he’d lost control of his life and he wanted help coping with his substance use. That’s when he met Rick, the coordinator of our Positive Reinforcement Opportunity Project (PROP). The program gives financial incentives to guys who want to stop using crystal meth. Tyrone credits Rick and the program for turning his life around and saving his 22-year relationship with his partner. PROP is one component of The Stonewall Project, the foundation’s program for substance use and mental health. As a certified outpatient drug treatment program, Stonewall serves gay, bisexual, trans, and other men who have sex with men through a broad continuum of services including individual counseling, an array of group meetings, informational websites, and community outreach. Through our harm reduction approach, we help people make significant life improvements by reducing their substance use, learning to use more safely, and/or abstaining from alcohol and other drugs. We also connect clients to primary medical care and HIV/STI testing, and assist men with adherence to psychiatric and HIV medications. Tyrone is now a dedicated volunteer with PROP, helping to facilitate group meetings and supporting other men as they deal with their own substance use. Tyrone is taking the gift of good health he received from the foundation and he’s giving it back to our community.
1992 The foundation COMMEMORATES its 10th anniversary
“Be Here For The Cure” AD is launched — one of the first campaigns focusing on HIV-Positive people
Because We free sterile 1993 celebrated photographer Annie Leibovitz produces some of the first public images of People living with AIDS for a groundbreaking public health campaign for the foundation
The foundation becomes a licensed agency for needle exchange
Syringe Access Services
Every Friday, Mimi and Melissa help to distribute sterile syringes and safer injection supplies at our Syringe Access Services location on 6th Street. It sits between the Tenderloin and the South of Market neighborhoods, two areas hardest hit by HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C in San Francisco. They’re part of a six-person team, supported by nearly 100 dedicated volunteers, who operate 11 syringe access sites every week across San Francisco. Through their collective work, rates of new HIV infections among people who inject drugs in San Francisco are substantially below the national average. And that’s not all. Sterile syringes are highly effective in stopping the spread of hepatitis C, one of the most common causes of chronic liver disease in the United States. The Syringe Access Services team offers medical facts, safer injection techniques, wound care, unbiased information, and common sense about the use of illicit drugs with the goal of reducing harm and promoting individual and community health.
of your support, distribute 2.4 + Million syringes Annually.
Mimi, Melissa, and their coworkers earn the trust of our clients. When the time comes for someone to seek help for their substance use and other issues, they turn to foundation staff who can refer them to treatment programs and other social services. We also offer HIV and hepatitis C testing for anyone who walks through our doors. Syringe Access Services supports people, engages with them on a personal level, and empowers them to live better lives. San Francisco Mayor Frank Jordan declares a state of emergency to keep needle exchange sites open
For World AIDS Day 2011, San Francisco AIDS Foundation collaborated with city leaders to illuminate City Hall in red, raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, and encourage people to get tested regularly. Photos of the building were published worldwide.
Because of your support, When we speak, public
1994 Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand perform at Separate sold-out AIDS fundraisers
The foundation’s public policy department secures a $5 million state budget augmentation, the first such increase in six years
Advocacy San Francisco AIDS Foundation is renowned for its leadership on public policy. That’s because our policy experts are among the most effective in the nation, advocating for fair, compassionate, and scientifically sound policies to fight HIV/AIDS across all levels of government. We also have some of the bravest clients in the nation working with us to share their stories with lawmakers so that people in power understand the impacts of their decisions. In 2011, we successfully prevented cuts to California’s AIDS Drug Assistance Program, a vital lifeline for thousands of HIV-positive people who need help accessing medications. We co-sponsored and helped pass game-changing legislation to allow all Californians to purchase up to 30 syringes at a pharmacy without a prescription, an important tool for stopping the spread of HIV and hepatitis C. At the national level, we led community efforts to modernize the distribution of resources through the Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) program. We also worked closely with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to establish guidance on how to administer pre‑exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), in which HIV-negative people take antiretroviral medication daily to reduce their chances of becoming infected with HIV. Moving forward, we will work closely with the local, state, and federal governments to ensure people living with HIV/AIDS get the services they need as the Affordable Care Act is implemented. We will collaborate with the federal government to protect vital housing services and promote equity. We will push for new resources to expand access to HIV testing, encourage more frequent testing, and streamline linkages to HIV care. Most importantly, we will never stop providing a strong and effective voice for all people at risk for or living with HIV.
officials listen.
1995 The foundation joins the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center for the second California AIDS Ride
“Sumt’n ta say / behind our backs” is published, a cutting-edge resource guide for young gay men
We need your continued
1996 The foundation opens an indoor NEEDLE EXCHANGE site on Sixth Street at Mission
In coalition with AIDS organizations across the country, the foundation spearheads the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act
support. Thank you. We take our responsibility to our clients and our community very seriously. That commitment starts and ends with our ability to secure the funds to open our doors and keep our lights on every day. The programs and services of San Francisco AIDS Foundation are supported by thousands of passionate, committed donors and fundraisers who move us toward our collective goal of ending HIV/AIDS once and for all. We are reducing our cost of fundraising year after year to ensure more money goes directly to our free local services. In 2011, AIDS Walk San Francisco marked its 25th year. Thousands of people from all walks of life came together to raise nearly $3 million for vital HIV/AIDS services in the Bay Area. Our Big Gay 10K and Santa Skivvies Run events saw record levels of fundraising and engagement. Our vast network of generous supporters substantially increased online donations in 2011 to directly fund our free local programs and services. We provide a complete account of our financial performance for the 2010–2011 fiscal year on pages 28–29. When you support San Francisco AIDS Foundation, you support a better future for all people at risk for or living with HIV/AIDS. You keep us strong moving into the future. Our work is not possible without you.
1997 The foundation launches its first website,
California records its 100,000th case of AIDS
co rancis m San F 33,000 o r f s ke nted $ eir bi recede ide th an unp ists r g l n c i y s c rai two Sixty- ssian River, Ru to the . t AIDS to figh
1998 Gay Life program begins, connecting the dots between physical health and emotional well-being for gay men
Black Brothers Esteem program launches to help African-American men find support, love, and Acceptance
to End Aids. In 2011, more than 2,300 cyclists and 600 volunteer “roadies” raised a record $13+ million through AIDS/LifeCycle to support San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center. The seven day, 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles is now the largest annual AIDS fundraiser on the planet, drawing participants from nearly every state and 11 countries. AIDS/LifeCycle and its predecessor, the California AIDS Ride, have raised more than $155 million dollars to support HIV/AIDS services.
2000 “How Do You Know What You Know?” AD campaign is launched
Needle Exchange programs are decriminalized in California
2001 Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation is founded to expand HIV/AIDS care and treatment in resource-limited locations
As San Francisco AIDS Foundation marks its 30th year, we are strong, robust, and active in our community. Without generous supporters like you, we would not be where we are today, and we will not be where we need to be tomorrow. If it’s been a while since you’ve engaged with us, we invite you to rediscover San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Get involved with us and make a real difference in the health of our community.
Our Community-Building and Fundraising Events
promote health, raise critical funds, and increase awareness about HIV/AIDS. Every year thousands of people join us for AIDS/LifeCycle, AIDS Walk San Francisco, The Big Gay 10K, and the Santa Skivvies Run. Supporters can also create their own event to fundraise for the foundation. Dining Out for Life is an annual fundraising event hosted at local restaurants, which donate 25% of their gross sales to support the HIV prevention and care services of the foundation. Donors enable us to make
a tremendous difference in the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS and in our quest to stop the spread of the disease. Our donor philanthropy programs offer an array of ways for you to give back to your community and make a real difference in the fight against HIV/AIDS. You can donate directly with a check or credit card by mail or online, leave a legacy to the foundation, set up a recurring contribution, donate stocks or bonds, take advantage of employer matching gifts, or become a corporate sponsor.
2002 The foundation commemorates its 20th anniversary
AIDS/Lifecycle is launched in collaboration with the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center
2007 The Speed Project is launched
Magnet gay men’s health center and The Stonewall Project merge with the foundation
To all Americans — we’ve got to keep fighting. Fight for every person who needs our help today, but also fight for every person who didn’t live to see this moment; for the Rock Hudsons and the Arthur Ashes, and every person who woke us up to the reality of HIV/AIDS. We’ve got to fight for Ryan White and his mother Jeanne, and the Ray brothers, and every person who forced us to confront our destructive prejudices and our misguided fears. Fight for Magic Johnson and Mary Fisher, and every man, woman and child, who, when told they were going to die from this disease, they said, ‘No, we’re not. We’re going to live.’ – President Barack Obama on World AIDS Day, 2011
2009 Pangaea becomes its own international organization
HIV testing begins at the Sixth Street location
Financial summary Years ended June 30, 2011, and June 30, 2010 $(000s)
Private giving and other non-government sources Government grants Total
Program services Fund development Support services Total
Substance abuse and mental health services Housing services Community-based health and HIV prevention services HIV advocacy and education Grants to AIDS service organizations Care coordination Total
$ %
14,580 7,192 21,772
67.0 33.0 100.0
$ %
16,059 4,446 792 21,297
75.4 20.9 3.7 100.0
$ %
3,898 3,871
24.3 24.1
3,338 2,766 1,458 728 16,059
20.8 17.2 9.1 4.5 100.0
The financial information included herein is derived from our audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2011, a complete copy of which can be found on our website at
2010 Magnet doubles capacity for HIV/STI testing
The Stonewall Project expands to address alcohol use
Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets Public and Government Support
Government grants Contributions and grants Individuals Corporations and foundations Donated goods and services Special events (net) Subtotal public and government support Net realized and unrealized gains on investments Investment income Service revenues Other Subtotal revenues and gains Total public and government support, revenues and gains Expenses
Program services Fund development Support services Total expenses
1,711 2,043 687 810 333 308 10,119 8,995 20,042 18,402 1,105 574 210 181 270 410 145 155 1,730 1,320 21,772 19,722 16,059 12,419 4,446 4,794 792 1,732 21,297 18,945
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
11,496 10,719 11,971 11,496
Net assets, end of year
Statement of Financial Position
Cash Investments Accounts receivable Contributions receivable, net Prepaid expenses Security deposits and other assets Property and equipment, net Total assets
2,051 9,591 825 657 636 138 1,650 15,548
Accounts payable and accrued expenses Accrued payroll and related liabilities Grants payable Refundable advances Capital lease obligations Total liabilities Net assets
LEADERSHIP Alan Beach Vice President, Development
Nancy Durlester DuBois Vice President Human Resources & Administration
Neil G. Giuliano Chief Executive Officer
James Loduca Vice President, Public Affairs
Revenues and Gains
1,835 1,108 241 222 171 3,577
1,371 9,373 1,104 713 623 228 656 14,068
1,209 789 229 212 133 2,572
Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets
11,226 325 420 11,971
10,921 155 420 11,496
Total liabilities and net assets
15,548 14,068
Bob Rybicki Vice President, Programs & Services
Jonathan Zimman Chief Financial Officer
Board of Directors Steven Abbott Dan Bernal Philip Besirof Carol Brosgart, MD Wesley Burwell Hamish Chandra Steven Chiodini Jonathan Deason Bruno Delagneau, MD Dale Freeman Laurie S. Hane David A. Hendricks Don Howard Robert Janssen, MD Tim Jones Michael Kidd Matt Maffei Tom Perrault (Chair) Mike Richey Jack Stephenson Lisa Sterman, MD Alan Taylor Lorna Thornton, MD (Past Chair) Judy Wilber
Cover photo © rinkfoto 1984 KS Office (03) by Mick Hicks City Hall (18–19), AIDS Walk (20–21), and 1035 Market Street (26–27) by Alex Bernardin Food Bank (10) and Bike-a-Thon (22) courtesy of UCSF Archives & Collections All other photos by Stephen Busken
2011 the foundation relocates to 1035 Market Street and dramatically expands client services
Stop AIDS Project merges with the foundation
San Francisco AIDS Foundation 1035 Market STreet, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103