Hydrophyte Volume 21 Issue 3 - July 2017

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The South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society












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The Hydrophyte Volume 21 Issue 3

Special Training Issue


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President’s Message Now that summer is upon us, ideal growing conditions will likely to persist until October or so, necessitating that aquatic weed managers be on task! As is customary, before the onslaught of summer, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF-IFAS) hosted their 41st annual Aquatic Weed Control Short Course, May 8-11. This year’s attendees list was 456 participants long and Dr. William Haller and Dr. Lyn Gettys did such a fantastic job of organizing and coordinating the event. If by chance, you haven’t had a chance to attend it really is worth your time. Of course, at the upcoming June meeting for SFAPMS, we also pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for all things aquatic weed management. To this end there will be an excellent slate of speakers, CEU’s and many members and attendees from across the aquatic weed management spectrum to exchange ideas and new products and services. So, come on up to Palm Beach County on June 29th at the Green Cay Wetlands to join the meeting! Looking forward to seeing everyone and thank you! Regards, Scott Jackson Scott Jackson / President

Board Members - 2017 Officers 2017 Scott Jackson, President

(561) 402-0682

Linda Wolonick, Secretary/

(954) 370-0041

Treasurer Norma Swann, Immediate Past

(334) 741-9393

President Board Members 2017 Rose Bechard-Butman

(954) 519-0317

James Boggs

(352) 521-3538

Hughie Cucurullo

(305) 224-3562

Andy Fuhrman

(954) 382-9766

Lyn Gettys, PhD

(954) 577-6331

H. Dail Laughinghouse IV, Ph.D. (954) 577-6382 Dharmen Setaram

(407) 670-4094

Michael Shaner

(813) 267-5650

Steven Weinsier

(954) 382-9766

The Francis E. “Chil” Rossbach Scholarship Fund

Funds from the scholarship are used to help defray costs for students taking classes related to the study of aquatic environmental sciences or related areas. The scholarship is open to anyone, and all are encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted throughout the year and the scholarship awarded when a suitable candidate is found. Money raised by the Society during the year partially goes to fund this scholarship, the intent of which is to promote the study of aquatics. For an application, please go to www.sfapms.org.

Cover Photo: Steven Weinsier | Allstate Resource Management Inc.

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2017 Calendar of Events SFAPMS - General Meeting Green Cay Wetlands and Nature Center Thursday, June 29, 2017 www.sfapms.org Aquatic Plant Management Society July 16-19, 2017 Daytona Beach, FL www.apms.org SFAPMS - General Meeting Sunset Lakes Community Center Thursday, September 28, 2017 www.sfapms.org American Fisheries Society 147th Annual Meeting August 20-24, 2017 Tampa, FL www.fisheries.org


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Training Module - The Pesticide Label No continuing education credits are available for this training module, it is purely for training purposes.

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Training Module - The Pesticide Label


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Training Module - The Pesticide Label

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Training Module - The Pesticide Label


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Training Module - The Pesticide Label

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Training Module - The Pesticide Label


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Training Module - The Pesticide Label

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Training Module - The Pesticide Label


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Training Module - The Pesticide Label

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Training Module - The Pesticide Label


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Training Module - The Pesticide Label

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Training Module - The Pesticide Label


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Training Module - The Pesticide Label


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SFAPMS SCHOLARSHIP SUCCESS STORY SFAPMS proudly sponsored Sam Hazamy for entry into the Florida State Science and Engineering Fair - Plant Sciences Division. This fair was held on March 29, 2017. Sam earned second place for his project on controlling invasive aquatic vegetation. He attributes his success to the continuous support of his family, teachers, school and the Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society divisions. He has been selected by FAU High School on the Boca Raton campus of FAU as one of the 150 of 700 applicants to enroll in the 2017-2018 school year. FAU High School serves as a dual enrollment school where students can obtain Associates Degrees prior to their high school graduation. Sam has no doubt that he will continue to challenge himself to better the environment, the world, and himself. Sam was also nominated to enter the 2017 Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge, which is greatly coveted among students.

Congratulations Sam!


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Community Outreach University of Florida | Everglades Education & Research Center - Field Day

Nova Southeastern University - Earth Day

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