Hydrophyte July2020 Vol24 3

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The South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society







The Hydrophyte






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Highlights Flights of Fancy: The Butterflies of Southeast Florida How Nanobubbles Work to Treat Lakes and Ponds Where Traditional Methods Fail Yellow Brazilian Peppertree Leaf Gallers

Volume 24 Issue 3

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President’s Message Wow have things changed!!! During this time of the year aquatic applicators are usually concerned about getting ahead of the early invasive vegetation and algae. This year we are worried about staying six feet away from any other human being. Some may see this pandemic as the end of the world. I do not. This situation has made me understand how lucky we are to be in this industry. We are essential. Each and every person that wakes up and makes the water in Florida better, is essential. So, while waiters, barbers and every other non-essential employee has to worry about where their next paycheck is coming from, you get to wake up with a purpose, go to work and make our environment safer. However, you must understand that now when you are on a body of water, there may be many more eyes on you. Make sure you are doing everything correctly including wearing the correct PPE. Don’t give anyone a reason to take away your livelihood. Hopefully by the time you are reading this the country has reopened. Whatever happens, please be safe and I hope to see everyone at our next quarterly meeting (whenever that may be). Andy Fuhrman President

Board Members - 2020 Officers 2020 Andy Fuhrman, President (954) 382-9766 afuhrman@allstatemanagement.com Dail Laughinghouse, Vice President (954) 577-6382 hlaughinghouse@ufl.edu Linda Wolonick, Secretary/Treasurer (954) 370-0041 linda@expertbizsolution.com Hughie Cucurullo, Immediate Past President (561) 845-5525 hcucurullo@avcaquatic.com Board Members 2020 Keith Andreu (239) 694-2174


Rose Bechard-Butman (954) 519-0317 rbechardbutman@broward.org James Boggs (352) 521-3538


Norma Cassinari (334) 741-9393


Lyn Gettys, Ph.D. (954) 577-6331


Scott Jackson (561) 402-0682 Rory Roten, Ph.D. (321) 890-4367 Dharmen Setaram (407) 670-4094

scott.jackson@syngenta.com roryr@sepro.com dsetaram@landolakes.com

Steven Weinsier (954) 382-9766 sweinsier@allstatemanagement.com

The Francis E. “Chil” Rossbach Scholarship Fund

Cover Photo by Colleen Sullivan Allstate Resource Management

Funds from the scholarship are used to help defray costs for students taking classes related to the study of aquatic environmental sciences or related areas. The scholarship is open to anyone, and all are encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted throughout the year and the scholarship awarded when a suitable candidate is found. Money raised by the Society during the year partially goes to fund this scholarship, the intent of which is to promote the study of aquatics. For an application, please go to www.sfapms.org.


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Flights of Fancy THE BUTTERFLIES OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA By Steve Carbol, Lake & Wetland Management Biologist Butterflies inspire and amaze with their miraculous transformation from earthbound wormlike caterpillars into dazzling winged marvels. The word "butterfly" is thought to originate with the European Brimstone Butterfly, a relative of our sulphur butterflies, a yellow or butter-colored flying insect. Further, folklore that holds that these insects, seen around dairies, sought to steal sips of milk or butter. In reality, butterflies are more likely after bovine products which we consider far less appealing that are in no short supply around dairies. Many butterfly species are attracted to dung and urine for nutrients and trace elements. Regardless of its origin, the name "butterfly" endured and is applied to approximately 160 breeding species here in Florida and more than 20,000 worldwide.

Butterflies, along with ants, flies, bees and beetles, just to name a few, undergo complete metamorphosis; a dramatic, mysterious process that involves the young insect, known as a larva or caterpillar, shedding its skin to transform into a pupa or chrysalis. Further chemical and hormonal changes occur in the insect's body in the next 10 to 15 days, resulting in the replacement of stumpy prolegs and powerful leaf-chewing jaws with elegant wings, long jointed legs and coiled nectar-sipping mouthparts. After emergence from its chrysalis, the adult butterfly dries and exercises its new wings before taking flight in search of a meal and a mate.


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THE BUTTERFLIES OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA Butterflies, along with ants, flies, bees and beetles, just to name a few, undergo complete metamorphosis; a dramatic, mysterious process that involves the young insect, known as a larva or caterpillar, shedding its skin to transform into a pupa or chrysalis. Further chemical and hormonal changes occur in the insect's body in the next 10 to 15 days, resulting in the replacement of stumpy prolegs and powerful leaf-chewing jaws with elegant wings, long jointed legs and coiled nectar-sipping mouthparts. After emergence from its chrysalis, the adult butterfly dries and exercises its new wings before taking flight in search of a meal and a mate.

Nearly all caterpillars eat leaves. Plants providing these leaves are called larval host plants. Butterflies locate these plants by their distinct odors and lay their eggs on the leaves so that, upon hatching, the caterpillars have a readily available food source. Most adult butterflies eat nectar, the sweet liquid secreted by some flowers, and seek out their meals with excellent color and ultraviolet vision. Providing just a few larval and adult food plants greatly improves the variety of butterfly species attracted to a property. Native shrubs and trees provide butterflies with cover, and allowing a garden corner to grow wild with wildflowers and grasses attracts even more species such as hairstreaks, blues, small sulphurs and skippers.

Butterflies fly year round in much of Florida and given the various butterfly life stages and the number of plants utilized in each, there is a glut of interesting material to study. Whether viewing butterflies in a butterfly garden or in the wild, observation and identification is greatly facilitated and enhanced by a good pair of binoculars, especially those with close focus. Many resources exist to assist the butterfly watcher in identifying lepidopteran quarry with specialized books covering caterpillars, their larval and adult food plants, and especially adult butterflies. Personal favorites include Caterpillars of Eastern North America by David L. Wagner, Florida’s Fabulous Butterflies by Thomas C. Emmel and Brian Kenney, and Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies of North America by Jim P. Brockman and Kenn Kaufman.

Florida Blue Crab Cake Benedict Recipe from Fresh From Florida

Ingredients Blue Crab Cake Benedict 1 pound Florida crabmeat, drained, shell pieces removed 1 large Florida tomato, sliced 4 eggs, pan fried ¼ cup red onion, finely chopped 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped 3 tablespoons light mayonnaise 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard ¾ teaspoon seafood seasoning ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 egg whites, lightly beaten 1 ½ cups panko (Japanese breadcrumbs), divided 2 tablespoons olive oil

Hollandaise Sauce 3 eggs, yolks separated ¼ teaspoon Dijon mustard ½ lemon, juiced Hot pepper sauce, to taste 1 stick unsalted butter, melted Sea salt, to taste

Preparation Blue Crab Cake Benedict Combine the red onions, parsley, mayonnaise, mustard, seafood seasoning, worcestershire sauce, and egg whites a medium bowl. Gently fold in crabmeat and ¾ cup panko. Cover and chill 30 minutes. Shape the crab mixture into 8 patties about ¾-inch thick. In a shallow dish, roll patties in remaining ¾ cup panko, coating evenly. In a nonstick skillet over medium heat, heat oil and cook 4 crab cakes at a time for 7 minutes until golden brown on each side. Hollandaise Sauce In a blender or food processor, add mustard, lemon juice, egg yolks and a few dashes of hot pepper sauce. Blend ingredients and slowly add the melted butter until the ingredients thicken. Taste hollandaise and adjust seasoning with salt and hot pepper sauce. Serve sauce immediately. To assemble Florida Blue Crab Cake Benedict, place one or two slices of tomato on each plate. Season the tomato lightly with salt and pepper. Place a pan-fried egg over each tomato slice. Add a crab cake to the top of each pan fried egg. Evenly distribute the hollandaise sauce over the top of each crab cake and serve immediately.


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THE BUTTERFLIES OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA Another outstanding resource for conservation, identification, recent sightings, butterfly gardening and upcoming butterfly-related events is N.A.B.A., the North American Butterfly Association, which may be accessed online at https://butterflies.naba.org and locally at https://www.naba.org/chapters/nabaac/. Giant Swallowtail With a wingspan of up to 6 ¼ inches, this is one of North America's largest butterflies. One of several south Florida swallowtails, this one is the most common and easiest to identify in many areas. The splotchy caterpillars discourage predation by resembling bird droppings and extending foul-smelling red scent horns (osmeteria). Known as Orange Dogs, the caterpillars munch Wild Lime, Torchwood, and domestic citrus leaves and are sometimes considered agricultural pests. Adults visit Scarlet Honeysuckle, lantanas and milkweeds. Great Southern White Males of this species are bright white with an irregular black border on the upper wing. Females can be white, ivory or smoky with single dark spots on the upper surface of each forewing. Baby blue-tipped antennae are a key field mark in both genders. Common coastally, the caterpillars eat the leaves of capers and saltwort. Inland, the gray-and-yellow-lined caterpillars may be found on peppergrass and domestic cruciferous vegetables such as radish, cabbage, kale, horseradish, broccoli and cauliflower. Adults are fairly Catholic in diet but seem to favor Spanish Needles, Verbenas and Plucheas.

Orange-barred Sulphur The largest of several sulphurs in our area, this species colonized the Sunshine State from the West Indies sometime around 1928. It is unknown if this species arrived under its own power or if the caterpillars were accidentally brought into Florida on nursery plants. The yellowish caterpillars eat Patridge-Pea and Bahama Cassia (also known as senna), pea plants with flowers as yellow as the insects themselves. The butterflies seem to favor red-flowered plants such as Turk's Cap Hibiscus, Firebush and Gaillardia.


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THE BUTTERFLIES OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA Atala Named for the heroine of a 1801 French Novella by the same name, this unique little hairstreak butterfly was thought to have been wiped out in Florida by 1937 due to habitat loss from development and overharvesting of the caterpillars' only native food source, the cycad Coontie, for root flour. Following rediscovery in 1959, intense conservation efforts and widescale planting of Coontie has helped bolster the population. The larvae are striking and unmistakable, aposematically colored waxy orange-red with yellow spots. The caterpillars incorporate the Coontie's toxins into their bodies, making them distasteful to predators, a trait retained into adulthood. Adult Atalas feed at a number of flowers including mints, Fiddlewood and Spanish Needles. Ceraunus Blue This tiny, thumbnail-sized butterfly is common in weedy fields where wildflowers proliferate. Adults are bluish above, and spotted on a powdery gray background below. The green, slug-like caterpillars consume a variety of legumes, especially the flowers and fruits, and are often attended by a company of ants. Ants protect the caterpillars like livestock in return for the opportunity to milk glands on the larvae's abdomens for a sweet nectar-like liquid. Adults frequent a variety of weedy wildflowers including Frogfruit, Blue Mistflower and Painted-Leaf Wild Poinsettia.

Zebra Longwing The state insect of Florida, this is one of our longest-lived butterflies with adults surviving up to six months. The secret to the species’ longevity is a diet of protein-rich pollen as well as nectar. The butterflies release enzymes from their proboscises onto pollen grains, partially solubilizing them, making them drinkable. Adults roost communally in groups of around 30, dispersing at dawn in search of Blue Porterweed, Golden Dewdrop and Firebush. Larvae are porcelain white, with scattered long black spines, and feed on passionflower or "Maypops.”


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THE BUTTERFLIES OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA Gulf Fritillary Despite its name, this rich flaming orange, sun-loving insect only outwardly resembles other fritillary butterflies and is more closely related to the Zebra Longwing. It is, however, common in states bordering the Gulf of Mexico. The ochre-colored, spiny, striped young dine on poisonous passionflower vines, stockpiling the plants' toxins in their bodies, making them unpalatable to predators. Adults sip nectar at Pickerelweed, Scarlet Sage and Liatris.

White Peacock One of our most common butterflies, the White Peacock is white, tawny and orange above, hiding lovely scarlet and periwinkle hues beneath its wings. Frequenting weedy fields and wet shorelines, it is often seen flying low to the ground. The black, scarlet-spotted caterpillars favor Lemon Bacopa and Frogfruit while adults sip nectar at a wide array of flowers including Spanish needles, goldenrods and asters. Ruddy Daggerwing This tropical butterfly is locally common in hammocks, parks and neighborhoods with access to its larval food plants, fig (Ficus) trees. Adults sport dagger-like tails on their hindwings and are vibrantly tiger-striped in orange and black above. If threatened, the butterflies have only to close their wings to expose the camouflaged underwings, perfectly mimicking a dead leaf. The larvae are ornately and jaggedly patterned in orange, cream, black and emerald. Adults drink at flowers such as Buttonbush, Fiddlewood and Blue Mistflower, and also feed at mud puddles, on rotting fruit, tree sap and carrion.

Monarch Common and widespread, familiar and popular, nearly everyone knows the Monarch. Found year-round in south Florida, many northern monarchs make epic migrations to Mexico, with several new generations hatching along the way to take up a leg of the journey. This wanderlust has led the Monarch to land on far-flung Pacific islands and colonize Australia, feeding on introduced exotic milkweed plants. Adults and larvae are distasteful to predators due to the white, yellow, and black banded caterpillar's exclusive diet of toxic milkweed leaves. Adults feed at Butterfly-Weed and other milkweeds, thistles and Ironweed.


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Queen A handsome cousin of the Monarch, the Queen is slightly smaller, darker and more solidly-colored. Queen caterpillars are also visually similar to those of the Monarch and both share a larval diet of milkweed. Queen caterpillars bear three pairs of whip-like tubercles compared to the Monarch's two. Both species build up milkweed toxins in their bodies, making them unpalatable to predators. Both Queen and Monarch adults are mimicked by the unrelated but also distasteful Viceroy butterfly. Milkweeds and Purple Coneflower are attractive to the adults, but Blue Mistflower is perhaps this species' absolute favorite nectar plant.

Fiery Skipper Skippers make up approximately one third of all North American butterfly species. Skippers are odd, small, heavy-bodied, big-eyed butterflies that live up to their name with speedy, erratic, skipping flight. This common little skipper wears a fuzzy golden coat, dappled triangular wings, and antennae clubs tipped with hooks. The smoky, big-headed caterpillars dine upon a variety of grasses, even breeding in lawns. Adults drink at asters, Spanish Needles and Scorpion-Tail. Photo credits: Great Southern White, Orangebarred Sulphur, Ceraunus Blue, Zebra Longwing, Gulf Fritillary, White Peacock, Monarch, Queen & Fiery Skipper by Greg Lavaty. Giant Swallowtail, Atala & Ruddy Daggerwing by Steve Carbol.


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CONTROL ALGAE WITH NANOBUBBLES How nanobubbles work to treat lakes and ponds where traditional methods fail By Christian Ference, Application Engineer, Master of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering Traditionally, aquatic management companies have relied on two methods for managing algae blooms in lakes, ponds, and water features: namely, chemicals (like algaecides and alum) and conventional aeration. Algaecides directly control algae by breaking down algae cells while alum removes phosphate (a known stimulant of algae blooms) from water by causing it to settle to the bottom of the warterbody. Aeration is used to dissolve and circulate oxygen in a waterbody in an effort to reduce nutrient levels that contribute to algae blooms. While chemicals and aeration can be effective in reducing the severity of algae blooms, there are environmental consequences and economic factors that need to be considered for both treatment methods.

A new chemical-free algae control method is being applied across the United States to accelerate the treatment of harmful algae using tiny bubbles of oxygen called nanobubbles. In this piece, we’ll explore the benefits of this new treatment method against traditional options. Chemicals (Algaecides and alum) Copper sulphate and hydrogen peroxide are algaecides commonly used to treat algae blooms. These chemicals break apart, or lyse, algae cells, disrupting the cell’s integrity and reducing the severity of an algae bloom. Alum (aluminum sulfate) is a chemical used for treating high levels of phosphorous that cause algae blooms by pulling the phosphorous out of the water and trapping it in the sediment.

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How nanobubbles work to treat lakes and ponds where traditional methods fail While chemicals can be an effective treatment method, they often need to be applied at least yearly, incurring a repeating cost for the pond or lake owner. Further, when used in the natural environment, there can be ecological risks associated with undesirable impacts on plants and animals as well as from bio-accumulation. Applying the incorrect amount of chemical can vastly change the desired outcome. Too much chemical can cause the pH level to plummet, harming the aquatic ecosystem, or the algae cells can be broken apart too quickly causing a spike in harmful algae toxin release.

Aeration (Increasing dissolved oxygen) The traditional alternative to chemicals is known as aeration, a process that increases the dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in bodies of water and supports healthy aerobic microbial activity. Aeration can be provided by bottom-mounted diffusers that release large bubbles into a water body or as water features like fountains and waterfalls. The large bubbles created by aeration are not efficient at dissolving oxygen into water because they quickly rise to the surface and burst, returning most of the oxygen in the bubble back to the atmosphere. All of these forms or aeration struggle to supply oxygen to the bottom of waterbodies where it is needed to prevent algae blooms by limiting nutrient release from the sediment. Effectively aerating waterbodies can be particularly challenging in shallow, warm, or saline waters.


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What Are Nanobubbles? Nanobubbles are tiny bubbles that are 2,500 times smaller than a grain of table salt and don’t float to the surface and burst. Nanobubbles follow a process called Brownian motion: the tiny bubbles stay suspended in the water for long periods of time, moving throughout the entire water column. This evenly increases DO levels throughout the water column, trapping nutrients in the sediment. There are three main benefits to using nanobubbles to treat algae-prone water.


Nanobubbles regulate and increase the dissolved oxygen levels in water

Over time, nanobubbles dissolve nearly all their oxygen, providing the highest oxygen transfer of any aeration device with an efficiency rate of over 85 percent, even at shallow water depths. This is in comparison to traditional aeration methods that have an oxygen transfer rate of about 10 percent at a five to eight foot water depth. As opposed to conventional aeration, nanobubbles efficiently dissolve oxygen in warm, shallow, and saline waters. Further, thermal stratification can be maintained because nanobubbles transfer oxygen without circulating the water column.


Nanobubbles help degrade contaminants such as algae toxins, reducing the need for chemicals, and improving water quality Over time, nanobubbles dissolve nearly all their oxygen, providing the highest oxygen transfer of any aeration device with an efficiency rate of over 85 percent, even at shallow water depths. This is in comparison to traditional aeration methods that have an oxygen transfer rate of about 10 percent at a five to eight foot water depth. As opposed to conventional aeration, nanobubbles efficiently dissolve oxygen in warm, shallow, and saline waters. Further, thermal stratification can be maintained because nanobubbles transfer oxygen without circulating the water column.


Nanobubbles provide a long-term, cost-effective solution for maintaining and improving aquatic ecosystems Nanobubbles provide a chemical-free, cost-effective method for long-term pond and lake management. Nanobubbles reduce or eliminate the need for chemical treatments to provide a truly effective chemical-free treatment alternative. Nanobubble generators are a simple, shore-mounted, plug-n-play system that can be easily installed in just a few hours. Since nanobubbles are injected at a single point that does not require significant submergence depth, maintenance access is convenient compared to deeply submerged equipment like bottom-mounted diffusers. Treating water, whether it’s a small pond, or a large lake can be a challenge. Traditional methods of chemical treatment and conventional aeration can have disadvantages, both environmental and economical. Nanobubbles provide aquatic managers with a reliable, chemical-free solution to prevent harmful algae outbreaks in small and large waterbodies.

About Moleaer - Moleaer, is the world’s leading nanobubble technology company, developing and deploying nanobubble generators to treat algae in lakes and ponds in the U.S. Its patented technology delivers the highest proven level of oxygen transfer rates in the gas-to-liquid transfer industry. www.moleaer.com | info@moleaer.com


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YELLOW BRAZILIAN PEPPERTREE LEAF GALLER [CALOPHYA LATIFORCEPS] Everything You Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask By J. P. Cuda1 and C. R. Minteer2 What is it? The yellow Brazilian peppertree leaf galler Calophya latiforceps Burckhardt is an insect that belongs to the Order Hemiptera, or true bugs, Family Calophyidae. This group of insects is recognized by its mouthparts, which are of the piercing-sucking type. The mouthparts of this insects are used for sucking plant sap. Calophya latiforceps is one of several jumping plant lice associated with Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (Burckhardt et al. 2018). What does it look like? Newly laid eggs are oblong in shape, white in color (< 3 days old) and turn black before nymphal hatching (Fig. 1). Eggs are laid along the margins and veins of new leaf ushes.

Figure 1. Fully developed eggs of Calophya latiforceps (Photo credit: Rodrigo Diaz, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA) 1 University of Florida, Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Entomology and Nematology, Gainesville, FL 2 University of Florida Institute, for Food and Agricultural Sciences, Indian River Research and Education Center, Ft. Pierce, FL

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Yellow Brazilian Peppertree Leaf Galler Newly hatched first instar nymphs are mobile and are referred to as “crawlers”; subsequent nymphs are bright yellow (Fig. 2) and secrete waxy droplets. When removed from the leaf, the fifth instar resembles a half-sphere. Figure 2. Late instar nymph of Calophya latiforceps. (Photo credit: Rodrigo Diaz, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA) Adults are bright yellow (hence the name yellow leaf galler) and are found on new leaf flushes of Brazilian peppertree. Females are larger in size than males. The eyes are greyish in color. Antennae are yellowish basally, and gradually becoming darker towards the apex. Legs and feet are greyish brown. The forewing has yellow or light brown veins, and the membrane is colorless and transparent. The sex of the adults can be distinguished by the shape of the tip of the abdomen, which is pointed in females.

Figure 3. Adult female (left) and male (right) of Calophya latiforceps. (Photo credit: Rodrigo Diaz, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA)

Where is it from? Calophya latiforceps is native to northeastern Brazil and has only been collected from the state of Bahia (Burckhardt et al. 2011). It was discovered in Brazil in March 2010. How does it live? The life cycle of C. latiforceps was investigated by Diaz et al. (2014b). Newly emerged adults are pale green in color and remain inactive for ~30 minutes on the leaflet from which they emerged. Groups of adults feed and search for mates on new leaf flushes, and mating occurs a few hours after emergence. Adults remain on the plant during the cooler hours of the morning or late evening; they are poor fliers and move < 30 cm in random jumps. Females oviposit on new leaflets and eggs are laid individually along the leaflet margins and veins as well as along leaf petioles. First instars (crawlers) walk slowly on the upper side of leaflets and settle after a couple of hours. Most of the crawlers settle on the same leaflet where the eggs were laid. A yellow halo in the plant tissue appears around the nymphs 24 hours after settling. Plants respond to nymphal feeding by forming a slight depression that enlarges to an open pit; surviving nymphs increase in size rapidly as they mature. There are five instars and total developmental time from egg to egg stage is 47 days on average.

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Yellow Brazilian Peppertree Leaf Galler What does it do? Developing nymphs of Calophya latiforceps injure the plant by injecting saliva as they feed. Damage may be localized or systemic and is characterized initially by gall formation on the leaflets (Fig. 4). The type of damage diverts resources from normal plant growth resulting in decreased photosynthesis, leaf drop, plant growth, and reproduction.

Figure 4. Leaves of Brazilian peppertree attacked by developing nymphs of Calophya latiforceps. (Photo credit: Rodrigo Diaz, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA) Is it safe? Calophya latiforceps is one of 14 species in the genus Calophya Lőw that form galls and are associated with plants in the genus Schinus. The only known host plant for Calophya latiforceps is Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthifolia. Quarantine host range studies on 99 plant taxa (species, varieties and hybrids) from 43 families showed that this insect was only able to colonize Brazilian peppertree (Diaz et al. 2014a). Calophya latiforceps was recommended for release in Florida in May 2016 and a release permit was issued in June 2019. Why is it important? Brazilian peppertree is one of the costliest upland invasive plants in Florida. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission spends nearly $3 million each year for its control in conservation areas (Hiatt et al. 2019).

Brazilian peppertree likely cannot be managed effectively by any single approach. Long-term sustainable management of Brazilian peppertree will require an integrated approach that incorporates the use of Calophya latiforceps and other biological control agents such as the thrips Pseudophilothrips ichini that was released in Florida on 16 July 2019 (see Prade et al. 2019) Concepts like Integrated Weed Management, or Integrated Pest Management or Invasive Plant Management have one thing in common. They all involve the coordinated use of weed and environmental information and all available control methods to prevent unacceptable levels of damage by Brazilian peppertree using the most economical means available with the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment. (Source: IPM Florida: http://ipm.ifas.ufl.edu/) References Burckhardt, D., J. P. Cuda, R. Diaz, W. Overholt, P. Prade, D. Luiz de Queiroz, M. D. Vitorino, and G. S. Wheeler. 2018. Taxonomy of Calophya (Hemiptera: Calophyidae) species associated with Schinus terebinthifolia (Anacardiaceae). Florida Entomologist 101: 178-188. Burckhardt, D., J. P. Cuda, V. Manrique, R. Diaz, W. A. Overholt, D. A. Williams, L. R. Christ, and M. D. Vitorino. 2011. Calophya latiforceps, a new species of jumping plant lice (Hemiptera: Calophyidae) associated with Schinus terebinthifolius (Anacardiaceae) in Brazil. Florida Entomol. 94(3): 489-499. Diaz, R., V. Manrique, J.E. Munyaneza, V.G. Sengoda, S. Adkins, K. Hendricks, P.D. Roberts, and W.A. Overholt. 2014a. Host specificity testing and examination for plant pathogens reveal that the gall-inducing psyllid Calophya latiforceps is safe to release for biological control of Brazilian peppertree. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 1-14 DOI: 10.1111/eea.12249. Diaz R., D. Moscoso, V. Manrique, D. Williams, W.A. Overholt. 2014b. Native range density, host utilization and life history of Calophya latiforceps (Hemiptera: Calophyidae): an herbivore of Brazilian peppertree (Schinus terebinthifolia). Biocontrol Science & Technology 24: 536-553. Hiatt, D., K. Serbesoff-King, D. Lieurance, D.R. Gordon and S. Luke Flory. 2019. Allocation of invasive plant management expenditures for conservation: Lessons from Florida, USA. Conservation Science and Practice 1: e51. 10 pp. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.51 Prade, P., C. R. Minteer, and J. P. Cuda. 2019. Brazilian peppertree thrips, Pseudophilothrips ichini (Hood) (Insecta: Thysansoptera: Phlaeothripidae). Featured Creatures, Entomology & Nematology Department, University of Florida, IFAS. Gainesville, FL. http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/BENEFICIAL/Pseudophilothrip s_ichini.html


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WEBSITES PRINT MARKETING Jodi Miller jodi@interactivedesignandmedia.com www.interactivedesignandmedia.com 561.843.1376

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2020 Calendar of Events SFAPMS General Meetings June 25, 2020 (Date to be Rescheduled) Holy Cross Hospital Fort Lauderdale September 24, 2020 - TBD FLMS State Conference August 26-28, 2020 Bonita Springs, Florida FAPMS State Conference October 5-8, 2020 Daytona, Florida UF/IFAS Short Course October 26-29, 2020 Coral Springs, Florida

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