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Driving Coach
Awareness - Real-time feedback for all driver errors enables subconscious self-coaching with low monitoring required
Acceptance - Driver trust and buy-in a result of accurate and objective driving model : 150+ driving scenarios, vehicle types, severity levels.
Transparency & Accountability – Both managers and drivers have access to the same recorded safety events for post-trip safety review
Engagement - personalized risk profiles, rankings and gamification motivate drivers for continuous improvement
Effects of Driver Behavior on Risk Related Costs
Drive Safe Telematics provides increased granularity in the data that is available from the system. With traditional Telematics, Fleet managers only see the tip of the iceberg - the risky behavior. If we only focus on the harsh man oeuvres, we are missing the early indicators of the potential underling risk. If a driver has a high frequency of events that are very close to the threshold of being a risky events, but these are not detected due to limitations in the system, the aggregated data that will support our risk assessment of the fleet – will be insufficient – we will not see the full extent of the problem
Limited harsh incidents vs. driving errors as self-coaching opportunity
GreenRoad’s accurate, highly detailed breakdown of Safety Events helps drivers and managers assess risks
Central to driver buy-in – and developing better driving habits