medical courses


Achievements • CME points available • The only DCD approved E-learning Provider • 60 different training courses across 4 industries • Blended learning available • 10 years In the industry • Operating in 2 Countries • Over 65,000 people trained • 10 International Awarding Bodies including ASHI & AHA 02

Save Fast approvals & accreditations to deliver advanced medical courses includes: KHDA, DCAS, DHA and MOHAP. International affiliating body includes ASHI, AHA and CPD Certification Service 03&Approvalsaccreditations


3.5 CME CertificatePoints validity 2 MOHAPDHALocalyearsapproval 05 basic life support IN PERSON american safety & health institute outline •Sudden Cardiac Arrest •Early •Secondary•ChainDefibrillationofSurvivalCardiac Arrest •Secondary Cardiac Arrest – Children and Infants •Secondary Cardiac Arrest – Opioid Overdose •Personal •Rescue•Chest•High-Performance•Calling•Personal•StandardSafetyPrecautionsProtectiveEquipmentforHelpCPRCompressionsBreaths–CPRMask

american safety & health institute
Save Fast gives the student the freedom to take a blended training with live, online remote skills verification. Students benefit from real-time feedback and guidance from instructors to correctly demonstrate the required hands-on skills and complete a two-year certification. Save Fast eLearning is a fully-integrated portal that delivers live remote hands-on skills verification with blended training
As a Training Center for the American Safety & Health Institute, Save Fast is offering blended courses in Basic Life Support that help users learn at their own pace, in their own time. Blended learning combines online delivery of educational content with the best features of classroom interaction and live instruction to personalize learning, allow thoughtful reflection, and differentiate instruction from student to student across a diverse group of learners. The blended learning is online training in place of the classroom portion.
Certificate validity 2 awardingashiyears body Local approval MOHAPDHA basic life support BLENDED LEARNING

awardingaha body Local approval MOHAPDHA basic life support american heart association outline • High-quality CPR for adults, children, and infants • The AHA Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS components • Important early use of an AED • Effective ventilations using a barrier device • Importance of teams in multirescuer resuscitation performance as an effective team member during intro The AHA’s BLS course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an AED. Reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). 07

10 CME CertificatePoints validity 2 awardingashiyears body Local approval 8-9DurationMOHAPDHAhours Advanced cardiac Life outlineSupport • Emergency Cardiovascular Care • Supplemental Lesson: Airway Management • Resuscitation Simulation Equipment • Airway Management & Adult BLS • Supplemental Lesson: Cardiac Anatomy and Electrophysiology • Cardiac Arrest Rhythms • Tachycardias • Bradycardias • Acute Coronary Syndromes • Supplemental Lesson: Acute Ischemic Stroke • Case Studies 08 intro The American Safety & Health Institute Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ASHI ACLS) program is a scenario (case-based) continuing education course intended for trained and skilled healthcare providers who either direct or participate in cardiopulmonary emergencies and resuscitation efforts. The course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to enhance and refine knowledge and hands-on skill proficiency in emergency cardiovascular care.

awardingashi body Local approval DurationMOHAPDHA Pediatric Advanced Life outlineSupport • Patient Assessment and Teamwork • Pediatric Basic Life Support • Respiratory •mProceduresEmergenciesforManaging Respiratory Emergencies • Shock • Bradycardias • Tachycardias intro The ASHI Pediatric Advanced Life Support (ASHI PALS™) program is a CAPCE-approved, scenario (case-based) continuing education course intended for trained and skilled healthcare providers who either direct or participate in cardiopulmonary and resuscitation emergencies in children. ASHI PALS provides students with an opportunity to enhance and refine their knowledge and hands-on skill proficiency in emergency cardiovascular care. 09

Certificate validity 2 8-9DurationMOHAPDHALocalyearsapprovalhoursoutline • Overview and Principles of Resuscitation • Initial Steps of Resuscitation • Use of Resuscitation Devices for Positive Pressure Ventilation • Chest Compressions • Endotracheal Intubation and Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion • Medications • Special Considerations • Resuscitation of Babies Born Preterm • Ethics and Care at the End of Life skills. 10

4-6Durationhours• Occupational exposure • MRD management • Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of equipment 11

12our clients

contact www.sfast.aeinfo@sfast.ae0097142592829 Office 503, 5th Floor Opal Tower, Business Bay Dubai, UAE