De-cl u t t er y ou r m i n d an d w el com e su ccess i n 2016! Bea ut y t i ps for t he m i nd body a nd soul L ash el l e Far r i n gt on
House of Uni
Styl i ng Sh ai q spere
e n O
T R I GGA February 2016
The Barbie Twins
M i ss LCA Pageant
He wanted a name that would truly describe who he really is. ?SHAIQSPERE? is not just a name it ?s a brand. He wanted to create something unique. He began working on his portfolio when he returned home from a Deployment sometime last year. His motto, ?Let Me Style Even The Very Box You Think Outside Of ?, is a motto that is very unique. As a Hardworking, Reliable, Enthusiastic, Personal Stylist and Military Vet. Shaiqspere (Alonzo) also has a passion for delivering excellent styling suggestions, whether it be for photo shoots, fashion shows, parties, events or just you?re every day wear. Websit e: ylingshaiqsper Facebook: st ylingshaiqsper e I nst agram : st yling_shaiqsper e Twit t er : SHAI QSPERE_JR
De-cl utter your mi nd and w el come success w i th zest i n 2016! Welcome 2016! You?ve blown the trumpets, you?ve partied really hard, you?ve enjoyed the fireworks and have lazed around in the long weekend with you family. And now here?s that dreaded time where we all have to get up and get some work done! Who wants to work just now when you?ve enjoyed a week or two vacationing and still reminiscence about that vacation and upon looking at the impending work, you?re just sulking away! But what if I told you, you could turn that frown into a smile instantly and can welcome the New Year with a lot of zest and attract success to yourself? What if I told you that you could end this year with much more success, much more happiness and even more positivity around you? You can do so by just simply following one simple rule. DECLUTTER YOU MIND! What makes us slow and lethargic is the fact that our mind is full of too many things, is under too much pressure and has too many unnecessary things that need to be kicked out of there PRONTO! But as easy as it sounds, decluttering our minds can be a daunting task! we fail to realize that with all those new year ?s resolutions that we don?t aim on keeping, all those fresh starts that we plan on having and all those ?new year new me?that we claim on, we forget to give a fresh start to our minds as well!
~T ri g ? , g n i o k eep g e m s e h m ak g u o r h t I w en t g n i h t ?Ev er y