2011 12 15

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A first first date in Coming Out Young column. Page 3.

Ready to Deck the Halls and Light Up the Menorah? Check Out the Special Holiday Calendar. Starts on Page 22.

Betty’s expanded gift guide for the holidays. Starts on Page 14.

The LGBTQ Newspaper and Events Calendar for the San Francisco Bay Area | July 28 2011 www.sfbaytimes.com

December 15-21, 2011 | www.sfbaytimes.com

President Obama and Secretary Clinton Stand Up for Global LGBT Rights

Linguist Jase Daniels Reinstated to Active Duty

Jase Daniels has been reinstated to the US Navy and will return to active duty as a linguist.

By Dennis McMillan

After the White House released a memorandum directing agencies to combat the criminalization of LGBT status abroad., Hillary Clinton spoke of the decision in a powerful speech to commemorate International Human Rights Day.

By Dennis McMillan In an unprecedented memorandum, the White House has for the first time called on American agencies to promote LGBT rights abroad. President Barack Obama has outlined a vigorous strategy to deal with human rights abuses of LGBT people. “The struggle to end discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender

persons is a global challenge, and one that is central to the United States’ commitment to promoting human rights,” wrote Obama in the historic directive. It orders all government agencies that engage in foreign affairs to promote LGBT human rights globally – including decriminalization of LGBT people and humane treatment of LGBT refugees and those seeking asylum, among other things.

The memorandum directs agencies to (among others) combat the criminalization of LGBT status or conduct abroad; protect vulnerable LGBT refugees and asylum seekers; ensure swift and meaningful U.S. responses to human rights abuses of LGBT persons abroad; and engage international organizations in the fight against LGBT discrimination.

“As Americans, we understand that no one should be made a criminal or subject to violence or even death because of who they are, no matter where they live,” said Joe Solmonese, president of Human Rights Campaign. “Today’s actions by President Obama make clear that the United States will not turn a blind eye when (continued on page 12

As Rep. Barney Frank Retires, LGBTQs Lose A Fierce Advocate

By Dennis McMillan US Representative Barney Frank, the state’s highest-prof ile congressman and one of the nation’s leading liberal voices after being among its first openly gay elected officials, has announced that he will not seek reelection next year – much to the dismay of LGBT activists. The Massachusetts Democrat is one of four openly gay members of Congress. The other three are Representatives Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Jared Polis (DColo.), and David Cicilline (D-R.I.). Baldwin is leaving her seat to pursue

a run for U.S. Senate, and gay candidate Mark Pocan is seeking to replace Baldwin. Frank, 71, served as a member of the Massachusetts State House in the 1970s and was first elected to Congress in 1980. He serves as the ranking Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee. The ultra-liberal Democrat was facing the prospect of a difficult reelection campaign next year after surviving a brutal battle in 2010. He also would have run in an altered district that retained his stronghold but involved much more conservative

towns. “With 325,000 new people – many of whom I never represented – makes it harder … in introducing myself to new people and learning about new areas,” he explained. He also said it was “always clear” that he would be retiring anyway after serving two more years. Frank said, “I began to think about retirement last year, as we were completing passage of the financial reform bill,” and added, “I have enjoyed - indeed been enormously honored by - the chance to represent others in Congress and

the State Legislature, but there are other things I hope to do before my career ends.” As for his future plans, he answered giving a big jab at Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, “I will neither be a lobbyist nor a historian.” He said he plans “to continue to be an advocate of public policy.” Frank noted that he would like to debate Gingrich on the Defense of Marriage Act, the federal law banning legal same-sex marriage. Gingrich helped pass DOMA into law (continued on page 25

Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) and the law f irm of Morrison & Foerster has announced that their client, Petty Officer 2nd Class Jase Daniels, discharged in April 2005 and again in March 2007 under the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) law, has been reinstated in the U.S. Navy and will return to active duty as a linguist. He was sworn in on Monday, December 12, 2011. “Today, I took an oath, and affirmed to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. I am humbled as I am reinstated to the job I love and by the enormous support I have received on this momentous day. I look forward to returning to the Defense Language Institute and ultimately, my career in the military,” said Daniels. “The reinstatement of Petty Officer Daniels into the United States Navy underscores that all qualified and needed service members are now off icially welcomed back into the ranks,” said Army veteran and SLDN Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis. “The new policy and regulations in this post-repeal era make this historic occasion possible.” He added, “We continue to work with our clients and the services to facilitate more reinstatements and help process applications for those discharged under DADT, who wish to serve their country again, whether it be on active duty, in the reserves, or in the guard.” “This is a great day for Petty Officer Daniels. This also is a great day for the United States military,” said M. Andrew Woodmansee, Daniels’ attorney at Morrison & Foerster. “All qualified American men and women who want to serve their country in the armed forces are now welcome to do so without regard to their sex(continued on page 8


Slain Supervisor Harvey Milk Remembered with Candlelight March

Names Project Quilt cofounder Cleve Jones spoke at the Harvey Milk/George Moscone rally at Harvey Milk Plaza.

By Dennis McMillan It was a night of remembrance of the lives and untimely deaths of Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone on the anniversary of their assassinations. This marked the 33rd such event. Around 100 participants gathered at Harvey Milk Plaza on Castro and Market on Sunday evening, where thoughts were given by community leaders on Harvey Milk’s legacy, followed by a candlelight march through the Castro. Milk’s nephew, Stuart Milk, issued a statement through the Harvey Milk Foundation saying, “Today the memory of both men stand as beacons of light not just in San Francisco, not just in California, and not just in the U.S., but across the globe to all who are diminished for simply being authentic.” Supervisor Scott Wiener spoke at the event, saying, “I’ve been coming to these events for the past 10 years. Now as an elected supervisor, this event has become even more meaningful than ever.” He urged, “It is important to know what Harvey Milk was all about, as it is with all the great leaders who came before him, and those who have come since then.” He said, “Many of the same fundamental issues that Harvey Milk fought for are just as important today as they ever were, whether it is affordable housing, public transportation, local parks,

and a clean environment. We are still fighting for these issues, but these issues are now harder than ever to fight for, as leaders in Sacramento and in Washington D.C., continue to take away and lead to the deterioration of public services.” Wiener concluded, “We always need to keep fighting!” “I am proud to be speaking here today as an openly LGBT Latino official in San Francisco,” City Treasurer Jose Cisneros said. “We need to remember that Harvey Milk stood not only for the LGBT community, but in hard economic times such as now, we need to remember that he stood for the idea that we all must stand together.” Supervisor David Campos spoke, stating, “It is now kind of mainstream to talk about Harvey Milk. But we must remember that part of the spirit of Harvey Milk lies in the non-conformist spirit of Harvey Milk, the idea of going against the grain, and the idea that we need to change the system, not just for ourselves, but to make the whole system as a whole more fair for all of us.” Comparing the views of Milk with Occupy San Francisco, Campos said, “Anyone who supports this movement should support Occupy San Francisco. What is at stake is the idea that we need to work to change the system so the world will become a better place. We need to make the system what it should be!”

Harry Britt was supervisor after Milk and was a good friend of the man. Britt said Milk never looked at the past, but always to the future and how to improve it. Milk was not just about gay rights, but civil rights for everyone. “He saw hope and possibility, and that we were not going to live in the shadows anymore,” said Britt. “We can’t allow people who have controlled us in the past to maintain their fantasy that they can control our future as well.” He said, “We are not going to take it anymore!” Cleve Jones, founder of the Names Project AIDS Quilt and young friend of Milk in the campaigning days, reiterated what Britt said and added his exhortation to continue the fight for civil rights for all. He urged the crowd to noise abroad all future Milk Memorial gatherings and bring in even more people next year – including people from all neighborhoods. “Harvey was a man for The Movement, and that includes all civil rights movements,” Jones said. He said not to mythologize the man – that he was not a saint, but a man that loved his city and everyone in it. And Milk wanted the best for everyone. Led by the lively marching band ensemble, Brass Liberation Orchestra, playing “As the Saints Go Marching In” and other tunes, the group marched down the middle of Market Street, crossed at Church Street, and back up 18th, carrying candles and painted Harvey heads throughout the neighborhood that Milk called home. We stopped in front of Milk’s old camera store at 575 Castro Street, which is now the Human Rights Campaign headquarters and location of the Trevor Project against bullying. We sang along to the band’s “We Got That Fire,” and then held a moment of silence for Milk and Moscone, later enjoying more band music and eventually going home with a fire in our hearts.

SF Pride Names Brendan Behan as Executive Director

Brendan Behan has been named Executive Director of SF Pride.

By Dennis McMillan The San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration Committee and its board of directors has announced that Brendan Behan, a longtime staff member and former deputy executive director at Pride, will serve as the organization’s new executive director. “For forty-two years, San Francisco Pride has been at the forefront of the movement for LGBT rights, demanding dignity for our community and creating a space for us to come together in celebration of our diversity,” Behan said. “I am committed to work with this community to ensure that San Francisco Pride is both 2 BAY  TIMES DECEM BER 15,


a financially sustainable organization and a vital institution for our ongoing struggle for justice and equality.”

Behan will officially assume the executive director’s position on January 1, 2012.

Behan began working with San Francisco Pride in 2006 as the organization’s administrative assistant and volunteer coordinator. He quickly worked his way up, becoming the deputy executive director in 2008. Behan left the organization in 2010 to work in Silicon Valley - only to return in April of 2011 to serve as interim executive director. Together with the board of directors, Behan helped lead the organization to one of its most f inancially successful years in its history.

Pride is deep into its planning for the 42nd annual San Francisco Pride Celebration and Parade that will take place on June 23-24, 2012. The theme for the event, selected annually by Pride’s membership, is “Global Equality.”

“On behalf of the board of directors, we are thrilled that Brendan will be stepping into this important role,” stated Board Chair Lisa Williams. “During his time as the interim executive director, Brendan proved his ability to lead and grow our organization by providing inspiring leadership, institutional knowledge, and the ability to fundraise.” “Brendan has been instrumental in stabilizing Pride and moving it forward,” stated San Francisco District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener. “Keeping Brendan is a very smart move by the Pride board.”

The San Francisco LGBT Pride Celebration Committee is a nonprof it membership organization founded to produce the annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade. San Francisco Pride is dedicated to education, commemoration of LGBT heritage, and celebration of LGBT culture and liberation. A world leader in the Pride movement, San Francisco Pride is also a grant-giving organization through its Community Partners Program. Since 1997, SF Pride has granted nearly $2 million dollars in proceeds to LGBT, HIV/AIDS, cancer, and animal welfare nonprofit organizations in the Bay Area. With over 200 parade contingents, 300 exhibitors, and more than 20 community-run stages and venues, the San Francisco Pride Celebration and Parade is the largest annual gathering of LGBTQ people and allies in the nation.

Holiday Child’s Play

Brass Tacks Heidi Beeler It’s not every day you get to perfor m f rom t he i nside of a pet r i dish. On Saturday, December 3, we packed up the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band and he a d e d over t o t he C a l i for n i a Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park for its ‘Tis the Season for Science Exhibit. Our mission: to transplant a mini Dance-A long Nutcracker into a museum setting to determine if it would thrive or collect dust. The glass shell of the Piazza – the cent r a l at r iu m st uck smack be t ween t he pla net a r iu m a nd t he 4 -story rainforest where we set up shop – looked a lot l i ke a g ia nt igloo i f you were in t he hol iday frame of m ind. Okay, yes, it’s a Ca l i for n ia at r iu m, so of cou r se t here a re t he requ isite fer ns spreading their wings in the sunbeams from all around the room. A nd yes, you could spot the living roof glowing green on top of adjoining bui ld ings t hrough t he clear glass ceiling, and the Califor n i a su n s h i ne w a s t u r ned up

B ut t he 3 0 - fo o t- t a l l s no w m a n s t a nd i n g i n t he m id d le of t he room took your mind North Polew a r d . A nd e ven w it h a 6 - fo ot long car rot nose, most of its g iant dome body ref lected blue and wh ite i n t he gl a s s , m a k i ng t he whole room feel frost y. Step inside the snowman just below the giant carrot nose, and you could watch f ilms about snow fall here on ea r t h a nd on ot her pl a net s. Ever y 3 0 m i nut e s , a me c h a n i cal gun blew “indoor snow” over the room – bubbles so tiny they’d make Don Ho jealous. CAS called t hem m icroscopic, but t hat was a bit of scient if ic hy perbole, because I could see them with even my ag ing na ked eye, if I caught them on my f inger and held them about 4 inches away. Teeny silic on bubb le s i n it s y c lu m p s s o sm a l l t hey looked l i ke Ba rbie’s country caviar. T h at i ndoor snow a ct u a l ly d id half our work for us. Ever y time it started to f ly, children skipped a nd d a nced a s it d r i f ted f loorwa rd, whet her we were play i ng music or not. A t r ue cont rol led env i ron ment for a successf u l Da nc e - A lon g t r a n s pl a nt wou ld have st a r ted w it h a room f u l of su l len , b or ed c h i ld r en , but we made the best of the dancing lot we’d been handed and set out to play. D r e s s ed i n ou r S ou s a -fabu lou s ma rch i ng ba nd u n i for ms, we piled out onto the short stage and pl ayed some l ight hol id ay fa re. Our f irst two pieces interspersed

famous orchest ra l and opera music w it h Chr istmas carols for comic ef fect. So “A L itt le Night Music,” “Barber of Seville,” and t he “1812 O ver t u re” h ad shu ff led in phrases from “God Rest Ye Mer r y G ent lemen,” “ Up on the Housetop” and “Sugar Plum Fa i r y.” We m u s i c i a n s , r a i s e d on Bu g s Bu n ny s i n g i n g op er a , thought this music was hilarious. The 3-to-8 -year-old set before us was not impressed. So our assistant conductor, Er ic Fletcher, signaled to pull out the bi g g u n s . Tc h a i kov s k y h it ou r music st a nd s a nd we wou nd up the Nutcracker music box. Then out i nto t he house bou nced Jo selle Monarchi in a 6 -foot-round inf latable ballerina fat suit. The k ids eyed t he ba l ler ina a la Aug u st u s Gloop wa r i ly at f i r st a s she bounced around to “Russian Tr e p a k .” W i t h s o m e p a r e nt a l coa x ing, a few k ids got out into t he a isles and spun and hopped in r ings w ith their folks and the giant ballerina. By the time we’d f i n i s hed “ C h i nes e Da nc e” a nd “Dance of the Reed Pipes,” clusters of kids were skipping around t he room a nd one t i ny 2-yea rold wa s ca l l i ng Josel le “ Mom.” Round one gave indications of a successful transplant. Playing for children was a genuine experiment for the Band over t he D a nc e - A lon g Nut c r a c ker ’s 26 years. The f irst production, a high-end cocktail party for adults in formal dress at the Gift Center Pavilion, looked radically dif ferent from our show today. Wayne F leisher, the Band producer and a stunt tap dancer who originated

A First, First Date willing to reciprocate were absolutely out of my range.

Coming Out Young Elizabeth Henk In all my seventeen years of living, would you believe me if I said that up until a little less than a month ago I’d never once been on any sort of social outing equivalent to a “date?” For my entire life I had been perpetually single and, while I think that I’m relatively good at it (you’d have to be, with so much practice), I can’t say I was very pleased about not having that one special person by my side who I could rely on and connect with on a higher level. It’s not that I’ve been particularly lonely or depressed. A better word wou ld probably be “ ir r it ated.” Among other things, I was frustrated by the unwanted advances of males who couldn’t seem to interpret my indifference and dully monosyllabic responses as the hints that they were meant to be; as much as I tried to appreciate this attention for what it was and acknowledge that my irritation was undeserved, it was more difficult than it may seem. I tended to feel that it was bitterly ironic that the only people who wanted anything to do with me were the people for whom I simply didn’t feel a thing. I perceived that the rest of the world was at fault; I wanted to share myself but the only people

Coming out was a liberating process for me, which ultimately helped me shake off those feelings. It allowed me to view my sexual identity as a part of me, as opposed to a secret that needed to stay unseen until further notice. Because of this change, my entire concept of dating turned on its head; instead of waiting for someone else to stumble across me in my little closet and sweep me off my feet, I realized that as long as I stayed hidden there, I might very possibly wait for the rest of my life for that unlikely connection to occur. So I allowed myself to let loose a little and explore my options. I started to seek opportunities to meet other lesbians. At first, nestled in my quiet little Chicago suburb, I wasn’t sure where to find “gay venues” where I could meet the girl of my dreams. Wheaton isn’t exactly known for its sexual diversity, you know. I’d almost resigned myself to waiting for college life to date, when one final burst of determination led me to look towards the setting with which I am intimately familiar: the internet. She may live over forty-five minutes away in the bustling city of Chicago itself, but it took me less than a week to meet a girl online who met and exceeded any expectations I’d built up. I was absolutely thrilled to meet her, and even more excited that she was interested in me. So when this girl I’d only interacted with over email and text alluded to the possibility of meeting in the flesh for an intramural basketball game at her school in Chicago, I didn’t think twice. I threw on a nice shirt and drove from my suburban home into the bustling city itself. What my GPS seemed to think would be a forty-five minute


full blast that Saturday afternoon in Golden Gate Park.

the Dance-A long, told me that in 1985, it was unthinkable that the Gay Com mu n it y wou ld host a n event for children. By the mid ‘90s, when the DanceA l o n g mo v e d t o Ye r b a B u e n a Center for the A rts, families bega n to show up w it h t heir ch i ld ren. T he number one quest ion phoned in ran along the lines of “Ca n I br i ng my ch i ld to you r G ay e vent ? ” But , c le a rl y, pa re nt s w i t h k i d s g o i n g t h r o u g h their fair y pr incess phase began to catch on t hat t hei r wee ones would love to be in a Nutcracker. At one memorable per for ma nce in ‘96, Jose Sarria, who appeared at m a ny Da nc e - A lon g pr o duc tions w ith a 5 -foot w ing span as t he Suga r Plu m Fa i r y, read t he open-hearted mood of the room, scooped up a 3 -year- old and danced with her in a feature number. It sounds odd today, but back then seeing the openly gay drag artist dancing with a tiny child as her parents and the entire room beamed brought tears to our eyes.

Today, the Dance-A long still has a n even i ng g a l a for g row n-ups w it h cockt a i ls. But t he day t i me shows a re packed w it h L GBTQ and straight families alike rushing the dance f loor, and par t of the char m is watching the reckless abandon of little munchk ins spinning and bopping among the adults. Back at Ca l i for n ia Academy of Sciences, we returned to the Piazza for set two. Many of the set one crowd returned, and this time, as soon as the operatic holiday chestnuts started, the kids were out of their chairs and up in the aisles. So we believe we have publishable proof. Even in a science museum setting, children and music mix. Wr i t e H e i d i a t B ra s sTa c k s . S F @ gmail.com.

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Professional Services drive turned into an hour and fortyfive minutes of slow, stop-and-go traffic and irresponsible rush hour fools with their iPhones on I-55. When I finally pushed through the congested traffic and pulled into the parking lot, I was an hour late, and had arrived to nothing more than a casual chat over an intramural basketball game. To say that our first meeting was a disappointment, however, would be wrong on so many levels. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and even if it might not have been enough to be considered a “date” by my standards. After all, that noisy basketball game in her school’s gymnasium and the fun we had was what led to a quiet dinner alone a week later that certainly qualified as first date material; I was so excited that I splurged on a whole new outfit for the occasion and took so much care to be on time that I ended up arriving early by almost a full hour. As a maid to the world of dating, I can’t even begin to know what’s waiting around the corner. However, if our date scheduled for next week is any indicator, we’re headed in the right direction. I’m glad that I finally realized that life isn’t like a Disney movie, and there is no prince(ss) who will gallop into my life on a silver stallion and stir up my love with a tender kiss. Truthfully, I had to put myself on the market eventually. True, this girl and I didn’t meet by chance in a whirlwind of “love at first sight,” but the circumstances of our first encounter doesn’t diminish my slowly growing feelings for her. I hope that they will continue to grow, but only time will tell. For now, though, I’m excited to enjoy my first holiday season with a beautiful girl at my side - and I can only hope that couples everywhere have as blissful a holiday season as me. BAY  T IM ES DECEM BER 15, 2011 3



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Guest Editorial - Our LGBTQ Seniors by Gilbert Carrasco Kim Corsaro Publisher 1981-2011

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Our LGBTQ civil rights movement has barely begun to grapple with the care of its elders.

ing and in need for management, caregivers and fellow residents.

Many would agree that the San Francisco Bay Area is at the forefront of the movement for inclusiveness and acceptance of all peoples, but what happens if one of us enters an assisted living community or needs long term care? Who trains the caregivers and management so we’re treated fairly, with dignity and respect? Do our LGBTQ elders have to go back into the closet when they age and need help? How about those who live in a community with LGBTQ people? What and how do we teach them about us?

The study offered a crucial baseline for looking forward. Following the survey administered by Dr. Michele J. Eliason, Director of Research and Principal Investigator with Gil Gerald and Associates, a LGBTQ training program was developed for caregivers and management regarding these complex and sensitive issues. Previous to this effort, Salem Lutheran Home trained its staff in the areas of ethics and the importance of respecting cultural diversity. This had

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ADVISORY BOARD Tracy Gary Nanette Lee Miller, CPA James C. Freeman Judy Young, MPH Gary Virginia CONTRIBUTORS Writers

Rink, Sister Dana Van Iquity, Ann Rostow, Melissa Myers, Linda Ayres-Frederick, Annette Lust, Kirsten Kruse, Natalia Cornett, Teddy Witherington, Kim Corsaro, Lori Major, Christine Dumke, Alexandra Bringer, David Grabstald, Kate Kendell, Pollo del Mar, Linda Kay Silva, Albert Goodwyn, Tom W. Kelly, Heidi Beeler, Lynn Ruth Miller, Jeanie Smith, K. Cole, Gary M. Kramer, Dennis McMillan, Tom Moon, Kelly Fondow, RoiAnn Phillips, Paul E. Pratt, Terry Baum Dayna Verstegen, Liz Bell. Photographers/ Illustrators

Rink, Dennis McMillan, Steve Underhill, Phyllis Costa, Biron.

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As Executive Director of Oakland’s Salem Lutheran Home, and as an out gay man, I wanted to share with you a groundbreaking effort begun earlier this year when Alameda County provided funds to study the knowledge, attitudes, and policies of those providing professional care in a retirement community. Developed by Gil Gerald and Associates with Lavender Seniors of the East Bay/ Tides Center, this study looked at the attitude towards LGBTQ elders of management, caregivers and residents who provided or received services from adult day programs, assisted living and independent retirement living. In short, the news is good. 94% of all surveyed feel comfortable sharing in activities with people who were LGBTQ and believed agencies should be welcoming and inclusive. The survey recommended training of staff to address knowledge gaps, especially in the area of transgender policies and procedures. The survey found agencies were well intentioned and accepting, yet found that training was lack-

been aimed in the past primarily at race, religion and ethnicity. So when Salem’s Life Enrichment Director, Eric Whitaker, brought Dan Ashbrook of Lavender Seniors and I together to figure out how to open up a dialogue about our LGBTQ elders, Salem was ready. As a not-for-profit elder care community, Salem is very dedicated to its staff training programs. We are a member of the Elder Care Alliance communities that support the Bay Area and are centered on respecting and celebrating the dignity and inherent worth of each person, helping to foster independence, respect and increasing quality of life for residents in its communities.

ual orientation.” When Petty Officer Daniels decided to sue the Navy in 2010 seeking a court order reinstating him on active duty, repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was uncertain. At the end of the day, a court order was not necessary in his case. Woodmansee said he hoped this is true for many others and that Daniels is just one of many brave gay and lesbian former service members who will be quickly welcomed back into the services. Daniels is one of the plaintiffs in a case, Almy v. U.S., filed by SLDN and Morrison & Foerster in December 2010 that challenges the consti-

tutionality of the three plaintiffs’ discharges under DADT and seeks their reinstatement to active duty. Sarvis said resolutions for the other plaintiffs, former Air Force Major Mike Almy and former Air Force Staff Sergeant Anthony Loverde, are expected soon. Daniels, now age 29, entered the military five months before the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and served his first tour of duty with the Ceremonial Guard in Washington, D.C., where he represented the U.S. at official White House ceremonies

So the next time you think about aging, remember who you are as a person and know your inherent worth. Be visible and celebrated and know that you and your family can live fulfilled lives just like those of the seniors and employees at Salem. Gilbert Carrasco is the Executive Director of the Salem Lutheran Home in Oakland.

and during state and military funerals at Arlington National Cemetery. From his post at Arlington, he watched the Pentagon burn that day, an experience he says reinforced his desire to serve. Daniels completed Hebrew linguist training and was stationed at Fort Gordon, Georgia, where he came to terms with his sexual orientation and outed himself to his commander. “Keeping the Navy’s core values of honesty and integrity – and very much naïve to the severity of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ – I provided my

commander with a written statement, which resulted in the start of discharge proceedings,” said Daniels. He was discharged in 2005. But, in 2006, Daniels received a letter recalling him to service, and he served in Kuwait for a year with the U.S. Navy Customs Battalion Romeo. Despite the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law in effect, he served for a year before he was discharged a second time under the law. Write to Dennis McMillan at baytimesdennis@juno.com.

The “We Don’t F#*@ Around” Person of the Week - Geri Jewell Recently she finished filming the role of Ms. Funker in Pie Head: A Kinda’ True Story and is now knee-deep in two other projects - a TV series called Alcatraz and a film called My Next Breath for which she is a producer. She has also finished production of a documentary called CinemAbility due out in 2012.

Calendar performers, clubs, individuals or groups who want to list events should mail, e-mail or fax notices so that they reach us by 5 p.m. the Thursday prior to publication. Please e-mail items to be considered for the Calendar to calendar@sfbaytimes.com. We cannot take listings by phone. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR


Since the survey and subsequent training, other parents of gay and lesbian children have come out about their families. This response has helped us in the further education of our employees and residents. Those of us who are LGBTQ and work in this field serve as role models to the rest of the community. We must be willing to answer the difficult questions and allow others to share their experiences while correcting misconceptions. It is only then that we will be able to truly dispel the myths about the LGBTQ community and create a celebrative environment for all.

(JASE DANIELS REINSTATED continued from page 1)


© 2011 Sullivan Communications, Inc. Reprints by permission only.

As for our current residents, we found that they were very open to the LGBTQ community and wanting us to be an active part of the Salem community. Residents at Salem already displayed advocacy for the LGBTQ community such as having Human Rights Equal Stickers on their doors. In addition to LGBTQ residents, we also have residents who are parents of gay children and grandchildren. For our resident, Jack Berry, it is particularly important for him to live in a community where he could be proud of his family, which includes a lesbian daughter and a lesbian granddaughter – and both of their partners!

The LGBTQ training was part of the very nuts and bolts of our philosophy. Creating an atmo-

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If you would like to write a letter to the editor with comment on an article or suggestions for the Bay Times, email us at editor@sfbaytimes.com.

sphere of open dialogue through the training was important and is a key to our success. We create discussion about understanding differences and respecting the privacy of each individual, offering personalized care and acceptance.

Geraldine Ann (Geri) Jewell was born in 1956 in Buffalo, New York. The actress, comic and author is best known for her role as Cousin Geri on the 1980’s sitcom, The Facts of Life. Jewell, born with cerebral palsy, was the first person with a disability to have a regular role on a prime time series.


Her 30+ year television and film career has never slowed with roles on The Great Space Coaster, the Emmyaward winning movie Two of a Kind with George Burns, Sesame Street, The Young and the Restless, Strong Medicine and the HBO hit series, Deadwood. She wrote and acted in an episode of 21 Jump Street called “Unfinished Business” in 1990.

She began her career doing stand-up comedy at the Comedy Store in 1978, with subsequent appearances on Evening at the Improv (A&E), Stand Up Spotlight (VH1), and clubs around the world. She has also appeared on a bevy shows and documentaries in effort to educate audiences about cerebral palsy, including Inside America, Wisecracks, E! True Hollywood Story, Biography, Hemispheres: A Documentary about Cerebral Palsy, and Good Morning America. She has been the recipient of many awards, including the 1992 Founders Award, the 2005 Independent Living Legacy Award, and a National Re-

habilitation Hospital Victory Award in 2006. In 2011, Geri Jewell came out in a big way, publishing an autobiography called I’m Walking As Straight As I Can. During a book tour stop in San Francisco over Pride weekend this year, she charmed and inspired an audience at the Duboce Park Cafe of LGBTs and people with disabilities. This remarkable, self-effacing woman could not have been be more kind and generous with her time. Eyes glowed with admiration and appreciation for a woman that could make often heart-breaking stories funny. For finding humor in the most dispiriting circumstances. For your honesty that inspires the same from others. For using your large microphone to debunk ignorance and prejudice. We name you Geri Jewell, our Person of the Week.

The Week in Review By Ann Rostow Desperately Seeking Higgs Welcome to my third attempt to begin this column. Attempts one and two were rudely interrupted by a power failure to my ancient Mac, which insists upon being plugged in order to function. First, a dog unplugged it at the outlet, destroying a wonderful introductory paragraph. Subsequently, I myself disconnected the cord at the computer, sending another fine effort into oblivion. That’s three times I’ve had to undergo the torturous startup process during which this piece of junk laboriously chugs into life, slowly filling its screen with archaic software and old

from last year should be thrown out because the judge in the case, Judge Vaughn Walker, is in a gay relationship. ( Judge Walker has since retired.) Our enemies in the Prop 8 marriage case have been successful so far in keeping the trial video under wraps, based on the far-fetched idea that participants in the case might be harassed by angry gay activists. Unfortunately, Judge Walker promised that the trial would not be broadcast, and the Prop 8 side now insists that the anti-marriage witnesses relied on that ruling for permanent protection. The Prop 8 side has also argued that Judge Walker was biased because he himself might have stood to benefit from a ruling in favor of same-sex

“Am I the only one who dislikes the phenomenon of car-as-Christmas gift? Who buys someone a car as a gift, without discussion? And if such a person really exists, don’t you think it would be a rich “one-percenter” rather than the family man or the young girlfriend that we see on TV? ”

files before finally offering itself up for further activity. I was reluctant to bore you with these tedious details but I had to get the frustration out of my system. Thank you for your patience. God knows I’ve had to stretch mine to its limit. Speaking of God, did you read that the boffins in Geneva have gotten a “glimpse” of the Higgs Boson? Yay! No, I don’t know what it is either. But I know enough to want them to find it. I gather they’ve found some evidence that might point to the decay of one of these sub-sub-atomic “God particles,” so that’s something. At any rate, even though this is a GLBT news column, I think the discovery of universal truths should take precedence over our own personal political concerns, don’t you? Also, while I was reading about the Higgs Boson, I noticed a link to a story about some people from Saginaw, Michigan, who tried to check 150 pounds of marijuana in their airport luggage. Say what? Of course I’ve never personally f lown with contraband. But perhaps part of the reason for that is the fact that I don’t think carrying drugs through federal security screening systems is a particularly smart idea. I do have a few crafty acquaintances who have come up with smuggling schemes. But packing large amounts of cannabis under a couple of sweaters in a checked suitcase does not rise to the definition of “scheme.” Hear! Hear! Let’s start the real news with the two mini motions argued before the Prop 8 panel last Thursday, December 8. As you’ve probably read elsewhere by now, the trio of judges at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit did not seem inclined to allow the Prop 8 trial videos to be released to the public. On the other hand, the judges also did not react well to the notion that our lower court victory

marriage. No one has taken this argument seriously, and it doesn’t sound as if the Ninth Circuit panel will be an exception to the rule. By this logic, no woman could rule on a gender-based claim and no minority judge could handle a race-based suit. Indeed, why should a straight judge be allowed to rule on a gay issue, since he or she might be “biased” in favor of the antigay cause? In other words, this motion is nonsensical. Check out the editorial on the Huffington Post by National Center for Lesbian Rights chief Kate Kendell. After watching last week’s hearing, Kendell noted that perhaps the suggestion that gay activists would react violently if the trial video was released was not completely off base, since she herself had the urge to approach the Prop 8 lawyers and slap them silly. What Now, Brown Cow? The best thing about these Prop 8 hearings was the timing. They were briefed and argued on a very fast schedule, indicating to most observers that the Ninth Circuit intends to rule quickly on the main question— whether or not Prop 8 is constitutional under federal law. After nearly a year’s delay over the procedural question of standing, it’s a relief that the court will not devote additional time to more arguments or more briefs or, God help us, another side issue.

Professional Services hold our lower court victory, and keep in place the stay that continues to block California marriage during the litigation. Then we’ll see whether the other side appeals to the full Ninth Circuit, or directly to the Supreme Court. If I were in their shoes, I’d want to skip the full Ninth Circuit and proceed to the High Court. Considering the nation’s growing approval of marriage equality, I’d be worried that further delay would favor same-sex couples. Then again, if I thought Republicans would win the 2012 election, I might try to stall and hope for another rightward shift on the High Court. Finally, keep in mind that neither the full Ninth Circuit nor the Supreme Court is required to accept review of this case. I know everyone assumes Prop 8 is too important to reject. But there may be strategic reasons for either court to step aside. If both courts deny review, the three-judge Ninth Circuit panel’s opinion would be final. Let’s Digress! Am I the only one who dislikes the phenomenon of car-as-Christmas gift? Who buys someone a car as a gift, without discussion? And if such a person really exists, don’t you think it would be a rich “one-percenter” rather than the family man or the young girlfriend that we see on TV? Not only is the very concept of caras-gift unlikely and the scenarios on TV commercials unrealistic, but in the case of those ubiquitous Lexis ads, we’re also supposed to believe that average people are familiar with the obscure Lexis theme song, and that whenever they hear a few notes, they instantly jump to the conclusion that their significant other has bought them a $35,000 luxury car. All these elements combine with an extra surrealistic detail in my least favorite Lexis ad, the one that takes place on an elevator. Here we have the twenty-somethings, who seem too young to afford the car. But to make the ad far worse, the Lexis theme song is played through the elevator sound system at which point the man cocks his head and smiles at the woman with a look that says: “I just heard the Lexis theme song as we’re riding in an elevator so that must mean that you bought me a $35,000 car! I love you honey!” But how do you arrange for a special song to play the minute you get on the elevator? You don’t. Ergo, why would anyone think the elevator song has a personal significance? Even if we assume that the man recognizes the Lexis theme and might expect his wife to buy him a car, he would never connect his wife to the elevator music. So it’s senseless! Doesn’t that drive you crazy? Because someone sat down and wrote that ad and got it approved by someone else and someone in the marketing department paid for its production and apparently no one said a word!

Instead, it looks as if the Ninth Circuit is making up lost time and perhaps has already drafted most of its main opinion. I mean, why not? Surely they didn’t sit around on their hands for all these months, knowing full well that they would very likely have to rule on the merits of California’s marriage ban. Assuming that some, if not most, of the work has been done, we could expect a decision basically at any time. After that, the fun begins!


I’m guessing the Ninth Circuit will grant standing to the proponents of Prop 8 to continue their appeal, up-

It’s hard to react to something so odd, and something that’s clearly directed

Speaking of ads, you’ll be happy to know that the gay bashing ad is biting Rick Perry’s butt. Oh you saw it, I’m sure. Bumble Boy is standing in the woods somewhere telling us he’s not ashamed of his faith and explaining that something’s wrong in America when gays can serve openly in the military while school kids can’t celebrate Christmas.

(continued on page 25)

Read more @www.sfbaytimes.com and check us out on Twitter and Facebook. BAY  T IM ES DECEM BER 15, 2011 9


Former Emperor John Weber spoke passionately at the World AIDS Day vigil.

By Dennis McMillan T he Nat iona l A I DS Memor ia l Grove commemorated World AIDS Day with two days of events honoring leaders instrumental in the fight against AIDS and whose work has been inspirational and courageous during the 30 years since the first diagnosis of AIDS in the United States. The Grove itself marked its 20th year with the theme: “Action = Life.” Later on, the “Paint the Castro” event produced by 30AIDS stated, “AIDS is still here; asked, “Now what?” and answered, “Do Something!” On the eve of World AIDS Day, more than 500 supporters of the Grove gathered for the “Light in the Grove” event. Much of the Grove’s seven acres were illuminated both to honor the sense of loss and to celebrate the spirit of light and life. Live entertainment included a classical cello accompaniment by Dan Reiter from the Oakland Symphony; classical harp selections by Natalie Cox; and moving contemporary dance pieces by Copious Dance Theater amid the redwood trees at night. The National AIDS Memorial Grove honored Ambassador James Hormel at “Light in the Grove” for his tireless dedication, commitment, and leadership, both locally and nationally, to improving the lives of those affected by HIV/AIDS. Hormel, who more than two decades ago helped create the Grove, has long stood as a philanthropic and courageous leader.

The staff of San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (Wards 5B, 5A, and 86) was honored with the Local Unsung Hero Award for nearly three decades of providing state-ofthe-art, compassionate, and patientcentered care for individuals living with HIV and AIDS. The delivery of HIV/AIDS care and treatment created at those wards has been replicated the world over and has been touted as the centerpiece of the “San Francisco model.” Letters were read on behalf of President Barack Obama and Governor Jerry Brown. Mayor Ed Lee participated in the ceremony at noon. “Today we come together as a community to honor our friends and loved ones who we lost to AIDS,” said Mayor Lee. “It is because of the hard work and courage of so many gathered here today that we have this beautiful National AIDS Memorial Grove as a place of healing.” Following the observance and after the reading of the names of those engraved into the Circle of Friends, the Grove officially unveiled and reactivated the newly restored 100 year old Victorian waterfall during a special ribbon-cutting ceremony. The Falls

culmination of a long awaited goal of returning water to the memorial. The 2011 World AIDS Day Scholarship Awards were presented. The Grove Youth Scholarship program was an integral part of this year’s World AIDS Day theme: “Action = Life,” calling attention to the importance of grassroots activism and civic engagement. The Grove stands as a testament to the transformative and healing power of community, which, as “Light in the Grove” Honorary Cochair Alice Russell-Shapiro observed, “began as the gleam in the tear-drenched eyes of people... who were losing friends daily, right and left, and didn’t know what to do. All

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at the new waterfall at the AIDS Grove on World AIDS Day.

these people needed somewhere to go to express their grief, to find solidarity, to experience the renewal and hope one feels when working in nature.” Later that day, a coalition of 16 leading HIV/AIDS service organizations in San Francisco invited the Bay Area community to a special World AIDS Day event, “Paint the Castro Red,” to commemorate the many individuals who have been lost to AIDS and to inspire our community into action - not only to get tested for HIV and protect themselves, but also to help those affected by HIV/AIDS. This public awareness and fundraising event helped ensure that the thousands of San Franciscans living with or at risk for HIV have access to the highest quality services, provided by the 30AIDS coalition of local HIV organizations. (continued on page 25)

ED Lance Toma with the beautiful performers at API Wellness’ benefit event at AsiaSF.

By Dennis McMillan Asian & Pacif ic Islander Wellness Center (A&PI Wellness Center) is the oldest nonprofit HIV/AIDS services organization in North America targeting Asian & Pacif ic Islander (A&PI) communities. To meet the needs of their clients who are often immigrants or refugees, A&PI Wellness Center’s staff speak many Asian languages including Cantonese, Hawaiian, Hindi, Ilokano, Japanese, Malay, Mandarin, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Visayan. Each year the Wellness Center holds a festive fundraiser dinner and show at AsiaSF restaurant, lounge, and dance club to honor two outstanding A&PI people. In 1998, Larry Hashbarger and Skip Young opened AsiaSF as a unique venue, in that all the waitresses are also gorgeous A&PI gender illusionist women known as The Ladies of AsiaSF, who entertain with elaborate lip-synching and dancing numbers in fabulous costuming on top of the long, long bar as a stage. Each Lady of SF has her own signature cocktail. The cuisine is CalAsian. Young welcomed everyone and emphasized that the Wellness Center was one of his very favorite organizations. A&PI Wellness Center Executive Director Lance Toma spoke about the free medical clinic that opened in March, the Wellness Clinic, serving San Francisco’s diverse community. The Wellness Clinic provides holistic, high quality, culturally competent and linguistically accessible primary health care, preventative care, and early intervention alongside behavioral health services. Their services are available free-of-charge for low

income, uninsured or under-insured San Franciscans without access to health care. They welcome and accept adults of all sexual orientations, genders, marital status, family configurations, and different mental and physical abilities. If you are A&PI and LGBTQ , the Wellness Clinic will provide you with the comprehensive, compassionate, culturally sensitive care you want and need and can’t always get from other healthcare providers. They seek to deliver quality health care in a caring atmosphere to strengthen the community’s health and well-being. Toma said this year they came very close to losing funding for the A&PI community with respect to HIV; but generous donors have allowed The Wellness Center “to remain as strong and stable and f ierce as we have been,” he said. And The City has come through as well. He said, as a result, they ended the past year in the black. “We would not have been able to sustain without our donors, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart,” said Toma. He said he honored everyone present, especially the staff and board. “You are doing such great work for our clients,” he said. Toma explained, “The Diva Award honors two very special individuals in our community that have had tremendous impact for our organization and for our clients in our community.” The first recipient of the Diva Award was Absolute Empress XIX Remy Martin. She is the first A&PI empress in the Imperial Court system, which is among other purposes a charity fundraising nonprofit organization. Empress Remy paved the way for (continued on page 25)

As Heard on the Street . . .


What are you doing this holiday season?






“I’m going to get away from the Castro hordes and relax in Palm Springs.”

“My favorite activity during the holidays is ice skating with my boyfriend.”

“During the holidays I like to cuddle near the fire with my husband.”

“I am going to spend quiet time with my boyfriend and his family.”

“I am going to cook for my lover and friends.”




with more than 600 people gathered for ceremonies to reinforce the link between the SF community’s historical significance in the epidemic and the Grove as a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. Former President Bill Clinton was honored with the National Leadership Award, and he delivered remarks via videotape. President Clinton was praised for bringing much needed attention and action to the fight against HIV/AIDS. During his presidency, funding for domestic AIDS-related programs such as the Ryan White CARE Act increased significantly, and he was a leader in developing international initiatives to search for a vaccine. In 1996, Clinton designated the Grove as the nation’s only memorial to lives touched by AIDS. After leaving the White House, he established the William J. Clinton Foundation and also created the Clinton HIV/AIDS initiative that among other leadership roles assists over 4 million people living with HIV/AIDS in accessing lifesaving drugs. P HOTO BY RIN K


World Aids Day Commemorations Around the Bay Area Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness On World AIDS Day morning, ob- is located in the western end of the Center Honors Two Citizens servances took place in the Grove Grove in the Circle of Peace. It is the

National News Briefs Queens, NY - Deportation Case v. Queens Lesbian Spouse Closed - 12.7 Acting on a motion supported by the chief counsel of the Manhattan office of US Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), an Immigration Judge has closed deportation proceedings against Monica Alcota, a 36-year-old Argentinean-born immigrant who lives in Queens and married her partner of three years, Cristina Ojeda, 25, in Connecticut last year. Ojeda is an American citizen. Immigration Judge Terry Bain’s decision was dated November 30 but announced on December 5, just one day before Alcota was due to appear before her for her next hearing. This is the first deportation case involving a married same-sex couple that has been closed since the Department of Homeland Security announced on November 17 that a “working group” had begun reviewing all cases currently pending in the Immigration Courts. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, in August, announced that the Obama administration would no longer pursue deportations against foreign nationals unless they are identified as security threats, convicted criminals, or repeat immigration law violators. In a press call at that time, an agency official emphasized that LGBT families would be considered “families” for purposes of reviewing existing cases.

Manchester, NH - Gay Veteran Steals the Show at Romney Endorsement Event - 12.12 At an event that was meant to highlight the endorsement of Romney by Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas, veteran Bob Garon of Ebson, N.H., asked the presidential candidate, who stopped by his breakfast table, whether he supports the repeal of the New Hampshire same-sex marriage law. “I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman.” “It’s good to know how you feel, that you do not believe everyone is entitled to their constitutional rights,” the 63-year-old New Hampshire resident responded. “... I learned something, New Hampshire is right, you have to look a man in the eye to get a good answer and you know what governor?” Garon said, pausing. “Good luck. You’re going to need it.” Asked by reporters after Romney left why he feels so strongly about the issue, Garon grew even more passionate. “Because I’m gay, all right?” he said. “And I happen to love a man just like you probably love your wife... I went and fought for my country and I think my spouse should be entitled to the same [benefits as they would] if I were married to a woman,” he said. “What the hell is the difference?” Source: ABC News

Source: Gay City News

Orlando, FL - Orlando votes unanimously for gay registry - 12.12

Los Angeles - George Clooney To Star in Marriage Equality Play - 12.14 George Clooney will star in 8, a play by Dustin Lance Black adapted from transcripts of the historic trial for marriage equality in California. “It is astonishing that gay and lesbian Americans are still treated as secondclass citizens,” Clooney says. “I am confident that, very soon, the laws of this nation will reflect the basic truth that gay and lesbian people — like all human beings — are born equal in dignity and rights.” Longtime equality advocate Rob Reiner will direct the one night only production March 3 at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles. Other cast members are expected to be announced soon. Like the recent production in New York which starred Reiner and an all-star cast, the L.A. reading will also serve as a benefit for the American Foundation for Equal Rights in its national fight for marriage equality.

A historic day for the city of Orlando as City Council voted Monday to initiate a Domestic Partnership Registry, a move that gives homosexual couples the same basic rights as heterosexual couples. The registry would allow couples - gay or straight - to visit each other in the hospital, make health care decisions and funeral decisions. Former Orlando Police Chief Val Demings was among the many who spoke out in support of the registry. It was an emotional time inside as couples hugged and clapped their hands as Mayor Buddy Dyer announced the registry had passed unanimously. Source: WDBO.com

Source: The Advocate

Local News Briefs Appeals court hears challenges in Prop. 8 case - 12.9 Sponsors of California’s ban on same-sex marriage seemed likely to succeed Thursday in preventing the public from seeing videos of their federal court trial, but made little apparent headway in a more ambitious argument: that the judge who ruled the measure unconstitutional should have been disqualified because he is a gay man with a longtime partner. In two hours of hearings at the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, a three-judge panel questioned claims by a lawyer for Proposition 8’s backers that former Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker’s thenundisclosed relationship gave him an improper stake in the outcome of his own ruling.

Miami, FL - More gays appear in ads, UM study shows - 12.13 In the past decade, the number of gays depicted in advertising has soared, according to a new University of Miami School of Communication study. And their image has been upgraded as well. There was a time when images of gays in mainstream commercials and print advertising were often vague, according to the study by assistant professor Wan-Hsiu “Sunny” Tsai. For example, some commercials would show two men shopping, and it wasn’t clear if they were buddies or partners. But now the relationships are more pronounced and overall the media portrays a socially desirable image of stylish consumers with high-end taste. according to the study, which was published in the Journal of Advertising. In 1994, Ikea was one of the first companies to have an American commercial that depicted two gay men shopping for a dining table together, she wrote. Today, gays and lesbians appear frequently in products that tend to experiment with edgy and unconventional imagery, such as fashion, design and alcohol, the study states. Source: The Sun Sentinel

50 groups share $690,000 to help Bay Area LGBT community - 12.14

San Francisco Interior Designer Ian Stallings Says Gay Kids Are Still Not Safe at School

The Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center in San Jose led the list of Santa Clara and San Mateo county non-profits winning grants from the Horizons Foundation. Based in San Francisco, Horizons announced $690,000 in grants Tuesday to 50 groups working with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents of the Bay Area.

San Francisco interior designer and safe schools activist Ian Stallings is raising money for the Gay-Straight Alliance Networkand asking others to help. Last year’s rash of news reports about gay teens being brutally beaten by classmates and harassed so badly they took their own lives struck a chord with San Francisco interior designer Ian Stallings. Now one of the city’s strongest activists for gay youth, Stallings is joining with his friends to help eliminate bullying at schools by fundraising for the Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSA Network) and conducting community outreach to encourage others to join the fight.

The DeFrank center won $17,500 for program that helps older LGBT residents in and around San Jose live as healthy as possible into old age. A second Horizons grant of about $3,000 will pay for technical assistance at the 30-year-old center.

“So a married judge could never hear a divorce?” asked Judge Michael Hawkins. That’s different, replied Prop. 8 attorney Charles Cooper, because Walker’s longtime relationship would raise an “obvious question” for most people - whether he would get married if he had the right to do so. That alone should have required the judge to disclose his intentions before the trial started in January 2010, Cooper said. David Boies, lawyer for two same-sex couples and a gay-rights group challenging Prop. 8, retorted that Cooper was advocating a “double standard” that would disqualify minority judges from considering any civil rights case.

Horizons awarded $12,000 to Gente Latina de Ambiente, a Hispanic group in San Mateo County, to hire staff and strengthen its board of directors and volunteer programs. Trikone, a group that works with South Asians in San Francisco and the South Bay, won $11,000 to hire a management consultant to help train a new board of directors and improve outreach programs. Song That Radio, a Vietnamese-language radio program broadcast by station KSJX AM in San Jose, was awarded $5,000. The grant will provide a consultant to help measure how well the program is reaching the Vietnamese community, gay and heterosexual.

Stallings’ involvement started relatively small, but ramped up quickly. He first sought out the GSA Network and made a donation of $100. But the feeling stayed with him, and he decided $100 just wasn’t enough. Over the next three weeks, he called on all of his friends and resources and pulled together a swanky fundraising event for over 300 guests who paid close to $50 each. In total, he raised $15,000. He later learned it was the largest event GSA Network had ever hosted until then. Called “Fabulous by Design,” Stallings helped host the event at De Souza’s expansive furniture showroom in the San Francisco Design Center. The event, which included an auction, brought in $50,000 that is now being used to make schools safer.

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

Source: San Jose Mercury News

Source: GSA Network BAY   T IM ES DECEM BER 15, 2011 11

Cultivating Your Own Inner Protector

Examined Life Tom Moon E c k h a r t To l le , i n h i s mo d e r n classic, T he Power of Now, writes: “You have probably come across ‘mad’ people in the street incess a nt l y t a l k i n g or mut t er i n g t o themselves. Well, that’s not much d if ferent from what you and a l l other ‘normal’ people do, except t h at you don’t do it out loud . The voice comments, speculates, judges, compares, compla ins, l i kes, d isl i kes, and so on... It is not u ncom mon for t he voice to be a person’s ow n worst enemy. Many people live with a tormentor in their head that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energ y. It is the cause of untold misery and unhappiness, as well as of disease.” Does any of this sound familiar? A l most ever yone in our cu lt ure seems to have an “ inner cr it ic,” which relentlessly evaluates their per formance in the tasks of life, and consistently f inds it def icient. In my experience, the attacks of t he i n ner cr it ic cont r ibute to a myriad of problems – anxiety and de pres s ion , d i s s at i s fa ct ion a nd despair, addictions and compulsions, and on and on. O ne of t he t h i n g s t h at m a ke s the critic so problematic is that, wh i le it s p e a k s w it h a t one of pa rent a l aut hor it y, ps ycholog ically, it develops when we’re very young, usua l ly about f ive or si x years old, so it’s rea l ly a chi ld’s idea of parental authority. That’s why its judgments tend to be unreasonable and sweeping. (“ You never do anything right!”) rather than mature and discerning. Is the inner critic more of a problem for people in the LGBT community than for others? My own i mpression is no – i ntense sel fc r it i c i s m i s u b i q u it ou s i n t he American psyche – but it may be that sexual minorities have a recognizable “f lavor” to their inner cr it ics. For gays and lesbians, it often spea k s in t he lang uage of i nter na l i zed homophobia. Even for those who have long ago come to terms with their sexual orientat ion, for instance, it may st i l l tel l t hen t hat t hey’re un lovable or unworthy of respect because in some way they’re “ less than” or “out of step” with others. W hile t hey may no longer be bla m i ng t hem s e lve s for t he i r s e x u a l it y, often the habit of self-blame has merely been focused on other aspects of their personalities. But it is possible to counter t he d a m a g i n g e f fe c t s of t he i n ner c r it ic b y d e l ib er at e l y wor k i n g to develop a n i n ner pr ot ec tor. Where the critic judges you, your i n ner protector w i l l i nstead offer compassion, acceptance, and w h e r e n e c e s s a r y, fo r g i v e n e s s .


W hen s ome one we c a r e a b out suf fers, we naturally feel compassion, which means the w ish that t h i s per son not su f fer, coupled with a feeling of sympathetic concer n. I n t he sa me way, we a lso have t he power to extend compassion to ourselves wh ich isn’t s e l f- pit y. We s i mply r e c og n i ze t h at “ I ’m hu r t i n g r i g ht now,” a n d o f fe r o u r s e l v e s t h e s a m e war mhear ted w ish for suf fer ing to end t hat we wou ld of fer a ny fr iend g rappl i ng w it h t he sa me pa i n or d i f f icu lt y. St ud ies have show n t hat sel f- compassion has many benef its, includ ing reducing self-criticism, lowering stress hor mones l i ke cor t isol, increasing self-soothing, self-encouragement, and other aspects of resilience. It can also help to heal any def icits in receiving caring from others in our childhoods. The practice of evoking self-compassion usually takes only a few second s, a nd t here a re med it at ive tech n iques wh ich faci l it ate it. Here’s one example: Pause for a moment and bring to m i nd t he feel i ng of bei ng w it h someone you k now ca res about you, maybe a close friend or fami ly member, or even a pet . L et yoursel f feel t hat you mat ter to this being, who wants you to feel g o o d a nd do wel l i n l i fe. Now bring to mind any dif f iculties or suf fering you may be experiencing, and imagine that this being who ca res about you is send i ng y ou w av e s o f w e l l -w i s he s a n d compa s s ion. Ba s k i n t h i s com pa s s ion , t a k i n g i n it s w a r mt h , concern, and goodw ill. Open to feeling more understood and nurtured, more peaceful and settled. T he power of t h is v isua l izat ion is that the exper ience of receiving caring primes circuits in your brain to give it, both to yourself and others. Having received compassion, let go of the visualization and turn your attent ion to what it feels like in your body to be on your ow n side. St reng t hen t hat feeling as much as possible. One way to do t h is is to of fer yours e l f we l l -w i s he s s uc h a s “ M ay this suf fering pass”, or “May I be happy, peaceful and safe.” Have some warmth for yourself, some acknowledgment of your own diff ic u lt ies , some w i s h for t h i n g s to get better. Feel that this compassion is sink ing in to you, becom i ng a pa r t of you, soot h i ng ca lming and streng thening you. F i na l ly, a sk you r sel f: Now t hat I’m on my ow n side, what’s t he best thing to do in this situation? W hen you pract ice self-compassion reg u la rly, you’re st reng t hen i ng t he neura l pat hways t hat support it, and creating an inner protector t hat w i l l be ava i lable to you in times of pain or stress. W hen you turn to it, you’ll f ind t hat , because you’re freer from t he d read, a n x iet y a nd g u i lt wh ich t he i n ner cr it ic i nduces, you’ll have greater clarity to make decisions that are more rational, mature, and self-af f irming.

Tom Moon is a psychotherapist in San Franci sco. Hi s webs ite i s tommoon . net.


On Cousins and Quetzals aunt, numerous aunties and cousins were all in the room feeling proud. Family pride comes in all shapes and sizes.

Parenting RoiAnn Phillips Children need a sense of community. They need to feel a part of something far beyond themselves. So do I really, if I’m being honest. I’ve known this forever. It’s why I work in non-profits, and it’s why I write. My partner and I and our closest friends have been very intentional about building community for our children. They have a web of cousins and aunties we celebrate holidays with, schedule play dates with and trips, people we call with the biggest news in our lives. This fall, we celebrated the first birthday of Mr. One-derful, the newest addition to our little enclave. He was born last year while the rest of us were picking apples. At his birthday party, he ate cake for the first time. He didn’t seem certain at first it was real, it was his, it was for eating, he could have more. Amazing! Cake? Cake. For me? Cake! How lucky we were to witness this moment, this First Sweet. So many cameras flashed. Dazzling. Delicious. Our boy is one! I felt a sense of pride. He is, of course, his mothers’ son – but he is ours, too, and this is amazing when you consider all four of his grandparents and an uncle, an

A friend of my daughter’s approached me last week after school, to ask if my daughter and her schoolmate were cousins. He knows they both have lesbian moms and this has never caused him concern, but he’s pretty sure none of the grown-ups are sisters, so the cousin thing didn’t make any sense. While I empathized with his predicament, I had my girls to look out for, too. “Yes, they are cousins,” I told him. My niece grinned at him broadly, triumphantly perhaps, and my daughter lifted her head brief ly to meet her cousin’s eyes, then smiled into the blacktop beneath her feet. Being cousins is important to our kids, and we’ve never differentiated between these cousins in our community and those named cousins by our parents and siblings. “It’s complicated,” I said to the girls when their friend had stepped away, “explaining how we def ine family.” “It is,” my young niece agreed, but it didn’t seem to bother her. She knows what is and what is not true.

Then she asked, “Why do we have to spell my name the Spanish way?” “Because you’ve had it since you were born and we wanted you to keep it forever,” I tell her. She was not convinced. I have to wonder what she’ll call herself when she’s older, how she’ll spell it, what she’ll say when she introduces herself to a new friend. I have conversations in my head with her, sometimes for years, where I work out what I want to say on complicated topics. Adoption. Queer families. Same-sex marriage. World peace. Guatemala. Birthparents. Poverty. Some of it sticks, and I get to say in the real world the words I’ve carefully chosen. Some of it does not, and I’m left fumbling.

I know for my daughter, what we’ve created is only part of what she needs.

We are planning a trip to Guatemala next summer. Some of the grandparents may come. It isn’t enough, but it’s a start. This may give her what she needs. Or maybe it won’t. I don’t know. I can’t know. But we have to go. At the very least, we will witness together a beautiful land, a homeland I’m confident she’ll someday be proud of.

Lately, she has expressed a deep sadness that she doesn’t look like anyone else in her life – not only in her family, but also in her classroom, in our neighborhood, or in her school. It isn’t that she doesn’t interact with brown people – she has aunties and peers of

I’ve already begun practicing what I might say. Something about cousins, I think. Something about poverty and impossible choices. Something about two moms and a baby already born. Something about quetzals. Maybe I’ll start with quetzals.

Still, this isn’t the only community our kids need – this community we have created for them and for ourselves. They need family. They need history. They need ancestors. They need to see where they belong.

(OBAMA & CLINTON continued from page 1) governments commit or allow abuses “Today, Secretary Clinton distinto the human rights of LGBT people.” guished herself as a legendary champion of rights for all people, including In tandem with President Obama’s those of us who are lesbian, gay, biextraordinary directive, Secretary of sexual or transgender,” said SolmoState Hillary Clinton gave a land- nese. “In a remarkable speech to an mark LGBT rights speech to com- international audience, the Secretary memorate International Human showed the power of American leadRights Day. “Some have suggested ership that calls on the world to live up that gay rights and human rights to the idea that all people are entitled are separate and distinct, but in fact, to basic human rights and dignity. they are one in the same. Gay rights There is no question that the adminisare human rights and human rights tration’s record of advancing equality are gay rights,” she said. “Being gay for LGBT people has been enhanced is not a western invention, it is a hu- by the leadership of Secretary Clinman reality.” She instructed, “Costs ton.” He added, “Along with today’s are incurred whenever any group is memorandum by President Obama, treated as lesser or the ‘other.’” “We it is clear that this administration will know the names of brave LGBT indi- not turn its head when governments viduals who have given their lives for commit or allow abuses of the human the cause, and many more we do not rights of LGBT people. Additionally, know.” “To LGBTs around the world Secretary Clinton’s message directly - wherever you live, please know that to LGBT people around the world you are not alone. You have an ally that they have an ally in the United in the United States of America. The States sends a powerful message.” He Obama Administration defends the concluded, “We stand with President Obama and Secretary Clinton to rehuman rights of LGBT people as part pudiate human rights abuses abroad.” of our comprehensive human rights policy.” “It was a historic moment for the Clinton announced a $3 million dollar global fund to help support equality and LGBT rights around the globe. She continued, “Those who advocate for expanding the circle of human rights were and are on the right side of history.” Clinton emphasized, “Opinion will converge once again with the immutable truth that all people are created free and equal with the dignity of human right,” and noted, “The story of the US is a story of a nation that has continuously grappled with inequality.”

many shades – but none of them share her ancestry, or her particular shade of brown, her beautiful bold eyes, her full lips. She read a bedtime story this week by Leslea Newman, about a girl born in Guatemala adopted by lesbian moms in the U.S. She read it over and over again. “I have black silky hair,” she said, after these words in the book were used to describe the young girl, “and I have big brown eyes!”

LGBT community and our nation to have our Secretary, on the world stage, saying unequivocally that transgender rights are indeed human rights,” said Masen Davis, executive director of Transgender Law Center. It’s one I won’t soon forget. She emphasized the importance of the work organizations like ours do to change the law.” Secretary Clinton said, “But progress comes from changes in laws. In many places, including my own country, legal protections have preceded, not fol-

lowed, broader recognition of rights. Laws have a teaching effect. Laws that discriminate validate other kinds of discrimination. Laws that require equal protections reinforce the moral imperative of equality. And practically speaking, it is often the case that laws must change before fears about change dissipate.” “As we have seen in California, changes in the law often precede broad public recognition of our dignity and human rights,” said Masen. “That’s why Transgender Law Center co-sponsored AB887, passed earlier this year, which clarified existing legal protections based on gender identity and expression.” “Secretary Clinton also spoke eloquently about the important role played by allies and community members in every human rights struggle,” Masen said. “TLC shares stories of transgender people who are courageous enough to live openly their authentic lives in the face of discrimination.” He concluded, “We’re making great strides, and yet we have so much more work to do.” A recent report showed only 2% of LGBT organizations are focusing on changing laws, and only 3% of LGBT individuals are donating money to any of the national LGBT organizations.

Arts&Entertainment Golden Girls Reenact Classic Christmas Episodes Flawlessly Sister Dana Van Iniquity It just wouldn’t be the holidays without a nice visit from the sweet old ladies. No, not your aunts and grandmothers – I’m referring to the four Miami seniors in the Golden Girls’ Christmas Episodes, now playing at the Victoria Theatre. The Golden Girls are back this holiday season with new costumes, new sets (with elaborately painted backdrops), and a new, larger venue. The wacky ensemble includes Heklina as sarcastic Dorothy Zbornak; Cookie Dough as her feisty old mother, Sophia Petrillo; Matthew Martin (who also directed brilliantly) as the oversexed Blanche Devereaux; and Pollo Del Mar as dingbat Rose Nylund. Laurie Bushman and Manuel Caneri costar in delightful drag king and drag queen roles respectively. All the actors have carefully, skillfully interpreted their various and diverse characters to perfection – down to the last nuance. The original TV series ran for seven seasons, and this is the sixth season for this live play interpretation. The TV series only had two holiday theme episodes. Opening night was a benef it for Project Open Hand, featuring special guest stars Fernando & Greg from Movin’ 99.7 radio. And D’Arcy Drollinger was Rose Nylund, filling in for a recuperating Pollo Del Mar. After the show there was a tacky holiday sweater contest that ended up go-

ing to the dogs – or rather the couple who wore matching cheesy Xmas sweaters with dogs on them. Each time the show begins, do feel free to loudly, proudly sing along that classic “Thank You for Being a Friend” theme song. The episodes use the same script and the same dialogue as in the TV sitcom originals – only the actors’ genders have been changed. If you didn’t recognize the four notorious female impersonators’ names, you might be surprised to see these are men beneath the false boobs and wigs. Although I find it hard to believe anyone has never heard of this crazed quartet of queens. The show has come a long way from its beginnings in someone’s parlor and a few rows of chairs, to an intimate but legitimate theater, to the current large auditorium and big, big stage. The place is rather huge. The actors really have to project their voices this time. I am almost nostalgic for the former forced intimacy, but the staging and lighting is way superior this run. There is a kitchenette (where from molehill to mountainous discussions occur), a living room with a big, decorated Christmas tree, and two portable bedroom scenes that appear and disappear before your very eyes. Episode one is entitled “Isn’t It Romantic,” and addresses the difficulty of a visiting lesbian friend of Dorothy’s (bodaciously butchly played by Caneri) being f irst mistaken, then recognized, and finally accepted by


Theater Review

Heklina (Dorothy), Cookie Dough (Sophia), Pollo Del Mar (Rose) and Matthew Marlin (Blanche) in The Golden Girls: The Christmas Episodes appearing at the Victoria Theater through December 23.

Rose and Blanche. Sophia is so very

her daughter was aware - way back

modern and worldly wise (the old

in college days. Blanche is at f irst

broad is caught watching porn) that

repulsed, then reticent, and eventu-

she knew Jean was gay even before

ally a bit jealous. Rose is utterly na-

ïve, missing all of Jean’s overt passes, then taken slightly aback, and then resolved – after a lot of confusion. (continued on page 17)

An Entertaining and Energetic Christmas Carol in San Jose Theater

iar story, resulting in a thoroughly entertaining show and an invigorating appreciation for the genius of Dickens. A large ensemble of talented actors fill numerous roles, including singers and musicians, some settling into larger ones as the story unfolds - Scrooge, for example, is taken up by Richard Farrell, well known to Bay Area theatre goers, although this is his first time on the SJRep stage. Most of the performers quickly change costumes to step into different roles, becoming townspeople, schoolchildren, carolers, shopkeepers-- whatever the scene requires. It's fun to watch them transform and reappear, sometimes with radically different appearances.


Jeanie K. Smith

Rick Lombardo, Artistic Director of San Jose Repertory Theatre, has had a vision, and brought it to life in a new adaptation of the venerable Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol. Lombardo's version breathes some much-needed new life into the staging of the famil-

Everett Meckler as Tiny Tim in San Jose Rep’s A Christmas Carol playing until Dec. 24.

Lombardo restores Dickens' deliciously erudite text, employing members of the ensemble as narrators. It's not the entire text, but enough of it to put us inside the story, and it feels often like hearing it for the first time. The themes come through loud and clear, such as the indictment of business and industry that ignores the plight of the common people. The text is augmented with a healthy dose of actual Christmas Carols, chosen to enhance a particular passage or bring home its message, and reminds us of the religious context for the season. This is a bit surprising at

first, since in our PC age we are so accustomed to the "cleansing" of a text to make it less religious; but Dickens had no such qualms, and wanted his readers to connect the season with tender sentiments born of a religious understanding of the holiday. Lombardo doesn't flinch from celebrating this connection, with song and word, but keeps it from becoming heavyhanded. At heart, the production captures a feeling of community and interdependence, emphasizing kindness and charity as well as familial devotion. We are transported to Victorian London to witness Scrooge's restoration in a night's visitations, only to recognize the need for restoration in our own hearts, and perhaps finding it in this delightful and touching story. The special effects, engineered by Scenic Designer Peter Colao, are suitably impressive and clever, wonderful theatrical devices that are transparent but effective - this of course includes buckets of lovely snow. The three Ghosts are especially ingenious, the Christmas Future being truly awesome. Costumes, by Frances Nelson McSherry, capture the period as if they jumped off a Victorian Christmas card, and accomplish the many character changes with minimal fuss.

Huge kudos go to the multi-talented ensemble of adults and children, who are basically on-stage almost nonstop for the entire show. They regale us with carols before the curtain, then sing, dance, act, play musical instruments, narrate, roll in the snow, and more, before the show ends. Their tireless energy and enthusiasm really make the show sing with spirit and feeling, and make the evening worthwhile. Having not seen A Christmas Carol in many years, I was happy to discover a production that renewed its joy and heart. If you're in need of something to dispel that Bah-Humbug feeling this season, San Jose Rep has the gift for you. What: A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, adapted by Rick Lombardo, presented by San Jose Repertory Theatre Where: San Jose Repertory Theatre, 101 Paseo de San Antonio, San Jose W hen: Wednesdays at 7:30 pm, Thursdays-Saturdays at 8:00pm, Saturday matinees at 3:00pm, Sunday matinees at 2:00pm; through Dec. 24 (check schedule on website) Tickets: $10 - $74, 408-367-7255 or at www.sjrep.org

BAY T IM ES DECEM BER 15, 2011 13

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irenehendrick and visit her studio at Hunter's Point. Ceremonies, Weddings, Celebrations, Blessings – Rev. Elizabeth River – What a great idea! Give to each other, to your family, or to a group of like-minded souls the gift of a ceremony designed and led by an officiant who has the style, grace and elegance of an angel come to bless you. Call to inquire at 415-6639627 and visit reverendriver.com.

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I’m Walking As Straight As I Can – Autobiography by Geri Jewel – She’s a most inspirational writer, speaker and personality. Best known as Cousin Geri on the NBC sitcom The Facts of Life, Geri was the first person with a disability to have a regular role on a primetime series. What’s more, she was a featured speaker this year at our own Literary Salon / Book Club at Duboce Park Café. Know someone who loves books? Visit gerijewell.com and find out more.

Panache Lighting by Jana Olson – We met Jana at the Celebration of Craftswomen last month and a oneof-a-kind lamp by her now adorns our kitchen table. They are creative, humorous, functional and joyful too. Check out the Kitchenware Lights section on the website panachelighting.com and be sure to tell them Betty sent you! Call 510-204-9375 or visit the Open Studio at their Berkeley location, 2743 Ninth Street: Dec 3 & 4, 10&11, 17th & 18. Saturdays and Sundays 11am to 6pm.


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Pet Portraits - You'll love the work of artist John Benko who since 1978 has created custom modern art images, including those pet portraits we like so much. Check out his unique work at www.JohnBenko.webs.com.

LadyParts Automotive - We love recommending owner Mae de la Calzada's shop where you car will get careful care under the leadership of service manager Jill Trotta. These women know how to get it done in all the ways a woman appreciates... “and we are nice to men too!” they love to say. Truly the best car care we've ever known. Gift certificates are excellent for the Holidays and they have shuttle service so it's easy to get to and from. Call 650-369-5239 and visit ladypartsauto.com. M ic h a e l B r u no L u g g a ge & Gifts – A longtime Castro favorite, Michael Bruno’s has more to offer than you can shake a stick at. Chock full of choices for all price ranges, the shop specializes in luggage, personal

BAY T IM ES DECEM BER 15, 2011 15


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Heidi Beeler (5th from the left) wrote the play and led the Lesbian/Gay Freedom Day Band's trumpet section into Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Hundreds of people enjoyed the stage show, the band performance, and their opportunity to dance along.

Theater Review Sister Dana Van Iquity

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T h is yea r’s “ Da nce-A long Nutcracker,” the big yearly fundraiser for the Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band, paid homage to those hippie, t r ippy days of t he Su m mer of L ove in Ha ight-A shbur y Sa n Francisco - w ith its love-ins and be-ins and turning on and droppi n g out . It w a s b a s ic a l l y t he Nutcracker Suite music of Tchaikovsky, and somewhat the stor yl i ne of t he Nutcrack e r Ball e t, but with a freeeky ‘60s f lower power inter pretation. Jadine Louie was artistic director/conductor; playw r i ght He id i B e e ler w r ot e t he

book; June Bonacich was the arr a ng er/ pa rod i st ; a nd C a roly n Ca r vaja l wa s choreog r apher. It star red F ly nn DeMarco as bot h Sg t. Pepper Nutcracker and Father Stahlbaum; Lia Metz as little Clara Stahlbaum; Leigh Crow as the Rat King; Leigh Korn as the Candy Man; Fif i & Fanny as Bernie & Yurt from the “bad side” of Sesame Street; Cor inne L ev y as Mot her St a h lbaum; a nd Rober t Casillas - who also directed - as Uncle Moon Juice Drosselmeyer. Many of the tables were set with Day-Glo color rings to wear and rub-on tattoos and hippie rubber duck ies. T he snack s a nd d r i n k s a l l had dr ugg y names. A bag of “weed” a nd “mush rooms” were av a i l able for “t r ippi ng out .” I f

you forgot to wear your tutu, you could rent one, or buy lighted tiaras, gold crowns, mag ic wands, and blinking bling – to name just a fe w a c c e s s or ie s for a pr op er night at the ballet. The program began with the Band (d r e s s e d i n bl a c k for m a l we a r) playing a medley of Beatles tunes – "Baby You Can Drive My Car,” “ E le a nor R i g by,” “ L ove,” et c . while the Stahlbaums entertained their family and guests. They had drinks at their bar; chit-chatted; formed a conga line; and did the bunny hop (or rather the reindeer hop, since t hey were dancing to the Rudolph Red-nosed number). Then it was time for the children to open (continued on page 20)

Donna Sachet’s “Songs Of The Season” were Certainly Pleasin’ Theater Review Sister Dana Van Iquity Every year Donna Sachet puts on her “Songs of the Season” cabaret show to benefit the AIDS Emergency Fund and Breast Cancer Emergency Fund. Every year the talent lineup is incredible. Her 19th season of “Seasons” at the Rrazz Room was nothing less than that. The show began with a medley of holiday tunes by Michael Grossman on piano and Randy Odell on percussion – both serving as accompanists for the singers to come. Sachet sang the love song of thanks for the best present ever, “Just in Time for Christmas” (you came along). Dan O’Leary sang “The Christmas Waltz” with those lovely lyrics: “May your New Year's dreams come true; and this song of mine, in three-quarter time, wishes you and yours the same thing too!” He followed with Joni Mitchell’s “River,” which is Christmas-themed but rather sad about a lost love. I enjoyed the fact that O’Leary did not change the gender to female, as often male singers do. His third number was “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. Vicki Shepard was dressed in scarlet red as a scarlet woman – a real sex dynamo! She put the boogie in “Boogie Woogie Santa Claus” who’ll chase away your blues, ‘cause he’s up and down your chimney. She also threw a little jazzy scat singing into the mix. David Carver was talent director, but also a performer who some may know

16 BAY T IMES DECEM BER 15, 2011

Donna Sachet performs during her "Songs of the Season" show at the RRazz Room.

in drag as Sheba. Carver said he had been “going through kind of a rough patch,” but that was over. He lit up his necklace of f lashing Christmas lights and sang “Let the Joy Rise,” getting everyone to clap and sing along with joy. Sachet sashayed back as Ms. Claus to sing how she wanted a “Christmas D-I-V-O-R-C-E” and to find a new man who would hang around all 365 days – not go off to who knows where. She followed with her bitter breakup holiday song, “I Don’t Remember Christmas, and I Don’t Remember You!” continuing, “and I don't remember crying, and I can't recall your touch; ‘cause I'd never be so stupid as to open up so much.” Bitter enough? How about more? “So Thanksgiving never happened, and Bermuda is a blur; and I'm not the type to waste time over things that never were!” Bitter, Donna, bitter! But then she did a funny take on the

kiddie story, “Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus,” changing the reading to “Yes, Billy Ray, there IS a Donna Sachet.” Hilarious! After intermission, Sachet returned in a silvery rainbow gown to sing a less bitter and more romantic number, singing her only wish: “I just want you for my own; more than you could ever know, make my wish come true,” because “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” Then she got all country on us with “Hard Candy Christmas” from Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, but with San Francisco style lyrics. Kelly Houston sang “Walking in a Winter Wonderland,” a piece that I always find a bit depressing, because of the phrase: “In the meadow we can build a snowman; then pretend he is Parson Brown; he'll say, ‘Are (continued on page 25)

Sister Dana Says . . . Sister Dana Van Iquity is Occupying the North Pole

Ho, ho, ho! No, not rea l ly ; but T he Sister s of Per pet ua l I ndu lgence d id help Occupy the Cast ro, where protester s held sig ns w ith the Monopoly game’s “r ich man in top hat and cane” f leeing from the 99% in fear. Sister Dana he ld a s i g n s t at i n g : “ Ta x t he Church!” We nuns per formed a Rosary in Time of Peril regarding t he ev i ls of t he 1% and had t he crowd repeated ly echoi ng bac k a f ter ou r l it a ny of i nequa l it ies: “We Occupy for Change!” Then everyone took over the streets and f iled into the Big Banks to ser ve them eviction notices. After that, T he Sister s went to t he old A rmory (now HQ for kink.com porn f i l m i ng) to hold a specia l si lver ring ceremony for nuns who were in service for three or more years; then a public taking of vows and veiling in Jane Warner Plaza back in the Castro. Here’s an idea: occupy J W P before a n ord i na nce against it is passed.

“A ll Over the World” (but not on skates). Sally Struthers was a little g i rl i n pig t a i l s tel l i ng t he cops that “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” (“and I saw lots ’n lots of tong ue!”), and revea l ing t hat her mom my was Donna Sachet, which explained a lot. Jason Brock rocked out with “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.” Paula West sang a jazzy “Let It Snow.” Shawn Rya n gave a booz y “12 Days of Christmas,” getting drunker and drunker with each shot of liquor.

Actress Sally Struthers sang "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" during REAF's Help is On the Way for the Holidays.

I enjoyed a festive holiday part y i n t he GL B T H i st or y Mu s eu m ( largest of its k ind in t he world) at 4127 18th Street, where I discovered t he C it y of E s s E f f h a s issued a cha l lenge to t he GL BT Historical Societ y for supporters in the form of a challenge g rant – match i ng dol la r for dol la r up to $17,0 0 0. V isit t he website at glbthistory.org.

Mar y Wilson of The Supremes celebrating her 50th anniversar y in show biz and lookin’ f ine - sang a rousing “Here’s to Life.” American Idol’s La Toya London belted out “ Si lent N i ght .” Sher yl L ee R a lph spoke of star r ing in 1981 Dreamgirls, and how she helplessly watched her fel low actor s d rop l i ke f l ies from t h is st range t hen gay disease now known as A IDS, then brought “ fabulosit y” to her emotional rendition of “Amazing Grace.”

R ic h mond / E r met A I D S Fou n dat ion presented t hei r 10 t h a nnua l “Help Is on t he Way for t he Hol idays” benef it ing Posit ive Resou rce C enter a nd Su nburst Projects at Marines Memorial Theater. Just a few highlights wer e: a c t r e s s B on n ie Fr a n k l i n (TV’s One Day at a Time) informed us of the history of “Jingle Bells” by Lord Pierpont (Google it) and then sang the song with glee, getting us to sing along. The cast of Xanadu ( playing at New Conservator y T heatre Center) per for med

T R EES PL E A SE: Ever yone should visit The World Tree of Hope in City Hall’s rotunda, on display through the holidays, created by Rainbow World Fund, the GL BT humanitarian foundation. T here wa s a l ight i ng ceremony with 7,000 white folded Japanese or iga m i cra nes (w it h i nd iv idua l w ishes inscr ibed) g iv ing t he ap pearance of snow on the f ir tree br a nches. SF B oy s Chor us performed holiday tunes along w ith Veron ica Claus and Josh K l ipp. Activist/actor Peter Coyote spoke

about hopes a nd w ishes com i ng t r ue t h r ou g h a c t i v i s m . Mu lt i aw a r d w i n n i n g a c t r es s , s i n g er, a nd d a nc er R it a Mor eno g ave a mov i ng, d r a m at ic read i ng of Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of t i mes … it was t he season of Light, it was the season of Darkness” to compare 1859 Europe to 2011 America. And don’t miss the fabulous Cast r o Tr e e i n f r o nt o f B a n k o f A mer ica - l it up w it h big, bold, colorful decorations – courtesy of t he Merchants of Upper Market and Castro. SF Gay Men’s Chorus put on a delightful pre-Xmas show at Masonic auditorium, “Joyous, Jolly, Jingles,” g iv ing a taste of what’s to come on Christmas Eve in the Castro Theatre on Dec. 24 at 5, 7, and 9pm. Highlights: The Chorus sang “Sleigh Ride” where “friends are calling yoo-hoo!” So gay! The L ol l ipop Gu i ld d id t a keof fs on Katy Perry: “I Kissed an Elf and I Liked It;” Lady Gaga’s Rudolph, you were “Born This Way;” and “Hanukkah” to the tune of “Xanadu.” Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” was melodically inter preted through expert bell ringers. “Rudolph and Other Queer Folk” had the other reindeers f inally letting Rudy play reindeer games, slaphands, and high-kicks. Vocal Minority sang “Lulla, Lully, Lullay.” C ont r a C ost a W i nd Sy mphony accompanied the boys on “Silver Bells” and (Gettin’). Gr a nd D uc he s s Kyl ie M i nono, Tw e a k a Tu r n e r, a n d R a q u e l a c oho s t e d “ We T h r e e Q u e e n s ” Christmas Show at Cafe Flore to raise funds for Mama Reinhardt’s toy drive for poor children. It featured Gypsy Love, Kippy Marks, Marco Middlesex, Garza, Olivia Hart, Phoenix Normand, and Mr. Gay K it Tapat a a s Jesus Ch r ist Superstar. COMPASSIONATE ACTION is st ill of fer ing their Last Wednesday of Each Mont h d inners and f ree ca nnabis medicine to anyone w it h an of f icia l med ica l marijuana card. These gatherings a re held i n t he Women’s Bu i ld (continued on page 21)

FILM A Trio of Films to Make You Laugh & Think This Week

Kevin Clash and his puppet Elmo in Being Elmo.

enough to keep t he com ic a nd/ or s e x u a l t en s ion s at t he r i ght gonzo pitch, and many of the Mav is/Buddy situations feel forced. Viewers w ill neither root for the couple to get together, nor hope for an epic fail. The of f beat humor and pathetic drama just don’t mesh well - except when Oswalt, the f ilm’s secret weapon, drops a deadpa n com ic bombshel l. De s p it e t he f i l m’s w i ld l y u ne v e n tone, Theron is excellent, conveying all of Mavis’ ego and insecur it y w it h g u sto. Un for t u n ately, Young Adult is ultimately less than the sum of its parts.

Film Review Gary Kramer A t r io of i nterest i ng f i l ms open t h is weekend— a pitch black comedy, a t a l k y sexua l ly t inged drama, and a charming documentary. Here’s a rundown of what to watch: T he r e t e a m i n g o f J u n o w r it e r Diablo Cody and d irector Jason Reitman yields a curious misf ire in Young Adult. YA aut hor Mav is (Theron) heads back to her hometow n hel lbent on w i n n i ng back her former f lame, Buddy ( Wilson), whose wife just had a baby. It’s an insane plan, and Mavis is told this - repeated ly - by Matt (Oswa lt), a not her for mer c l a s s m ate, who becomes her conf idante/drinking buddy. M av is, however, ig nores reason and goes after Buddy with everything she’s got. She’s unsympathetic, and audiences are asked to both laugh at Mavis, and with her - a tricky paradox. How Young Adult plays out its dark farce is interesting, but in a car-wreck kind of way. The f ilm isn’t paced well

While there is much naughty talk of masochism, masturbation, and u n r u l y s e x u a l de s i r e s , t her e i s very little actual sex in A Dangerous Method. This elegant, eloquent f ilm -directed by Dav id Cronenberg, and adapted by Christopher Hampton from his play - is more about issues/problems of the mind and the body. In chronicling Jung ( Fassbender), Freud ( Mor tenson) a nd t he or ig i ns of moder n ps ychoa na ly sis, A D a n ge rou s Method addresses neuroses t hat are of a sexua l or ig in. Even w it h t he inclusion of a few spanking scenes, however, t he f i l m is rarely pr ur ient. Sabina S. ( K night ley) is a hy ster ic a l Ru s s i a n wom a n who suf fers from attacks - madness? stemming from humiliation. Jung ta l k s her t hrough her problems, and they begin an unprofessional af fair. Jung also bonds with Freud over Sabina’s case -bot h in person a nd t h rough epi stol a r y exchanges. However, when the two (continued on page TBD)

GOLDEN GIRLS continued from page 13) Much of the fun is during frequent scene changes in the dark, when we hear classic commercials from the era and get to sing along with the familiar ones. “Plop! Plop! Fizz! Fizz! Oh what a relief it is … with Alka Seltzer!” “Everyone knows it’s Slinky: the toy for every girl and boy!” “Mars bars with big crunchy nuts and creamy nougat!” “Dr. Pepper: I’m a pepper, wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?” “Clap on! Clap off! The Clapper!” After intermission (and a trip to the bar in the foyer) it’s “Sister of the Bride,” with Blanche’s screamingly gay baby brother (drag king Bushman) coming to stay with the ladies over the holidays but bringing along some extra baggage – his gay cop lover Diego (usually played by Caneri; but that night the part was specially portrayed by gay radio’s Fernando). Blanche doesn’t mind her bro being a ’mo, but same-sex marriage is a nogo. That much “out” is simply out of the question. I mean, WHAT would people think?! Meanwhile Rose is excited it is almost a sure thing that this year - after seven times annually losing – she will attend the annual

awards banquet taking home a trophy for her philanthropy. But Rose learns an important morality lesson – or does she? There are only 11 of these hilarious shows at 8pm at the Victoria Theater, 2961 16th Street at Mission, Thursdays-Saturdays; closing Dec. 23. Tickets: $25 to $30 at ticketf ly. com/venue/2161 and trannyshack. com. Come share some holiday cheer with these side-splitting silver senior citizens!

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Lesbian/Gay Chorus Broke Us Up with BrokeBACH

By K. Cole


“Everyone owes this to themselves…an interesting retirement or an entirely new career.”….”It is a wonderful gift to give oneself. I highly recommend it to others.”…”I valued the spirited, pragmatic, sensitive and undeterred approach of The 3rd Act.”.


Dec 9-11 & 16-18 Scottish Rite Theater 1547 Lakeside Drive, Oakland californiarevels.org 510/452-8800

Tim Seelig (Oedipus Tex) and Fernando Ruelos (Billy Jo Casta) perform with cast during LGCSF's presentation of BrokeBACH Mountain.

Music Review is coming to… Cowpoke Sister Dana Van Iquity

At 50, we are entering uncharted territory. “Retirement” no longer has meaning as we live into our 90’s or longer. We want fulfillment, a new career, more balance or to make a contribution. This workshop offers opportunity for reflection, exploration and creation of a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Creating Your Third Act: A Retreat for Women Over Fifty Weekend of Women Jan 13-15, 2012 For more information and registration: http://webapp.esalen.org/ workshops/11131 or www.the3rdact.com

LGBT Night at Smuin Ballet Holiday Program Thursday, December 22 Please join us for our second annual LGBT Night at the Yerba Buena Center. Your $40 ticket includes wine, cocktails, hors d’ oeuvres, and your seat at The Christmas Ballet!

6:00 pm – 7:45 pm Reception 8:00 pm Performance Want to come? Use promo code LGBT when you purchase your tickets at smuinballet.org

Photo by Scott Harben/SEE Pictures


18 BAY T IMES DECEM BER 15, 2011

Penguin Prison Penguin Prison Created, in part, using a 7-inch Bee Gees rhythm machine, Penguin Prison, aka Chris Glover, serves up a strangely satisfying collection featuring his absolutely pristine pop vocals expertly mixed in a soup of disco-f lavored tracks. Best Cut: “Golden Train” Location: Elevator at The W.

The Lesbian/Gay Chorus of San Francisco presented BrokeB ACH Mountain at the Mission Cultural Center under the baton of Artistic Director William Sauerland. This delightful concert featured an eclectic mix of hit music from classical composers Bach, Offenbach, and P.D.Q. Bach and country – with an emphasis on the music from the Brokeback Mountain movie. Sister Dana dressed the part in a way trés gay pink, sequined, rainbow tiar’d ten gallon cowboy hat. The show began with the Chorus all in black doing “Chorale 151” by J.S. Bach, sung by Jim Oerther, as a classical music warning to shut off cell phones, followed by Bach’s “Bourree” and Offenbach’s “Can-Can” – both sung as la-la doo-doo wah gibberish. Paul G. McCurdy, assistant music director, soloed on piano with a lovely “Barcarolle” by J. Offenbach. Joan Goldman lent a solemn alto to the heartbreaking “A Love That Will Never Grow Old” from Brokeback Mountain “in a world that may say that we’re wrong.” Changing the mood radically, Ellen Miller and Lisa Vogt soloed with the Chorus cowgirls backing them in the rousing “These Boots Were Made for Walkin” with appropriate boot stompin’; followed by the whole Chorus doing a line dance to Brokeback’s “I Will Never Let You Go;” and then inviting brave audience members to join them onstage to get a quick dance lesson. Very few “suckers” took them up on their offer, except Sister Dana gave it his best try at line dancing. Not pretty. Tom McElroy came out in bad cowgirl drag (bearded and hairy-chested and made up like a cheap dancehall girl) to sing Tammy Wynette’s “Stand By Your Man,” f lirting with all the cowboys and eventually pairing up all of them as same-sex couples. McCurdy returned to show off fast and fancy fingering on the piano to C.P.E. Bach’s “Solfeggietto.” Andrew Field soloed on another emotional Brokeback movie song, “The Maker Makes,” tenderly clutching the shirt to his heart like Ennis did concerning his deceased lover Jack Twist, moaning: “One more smile I fake and try my best to be glad; one more smile does the Maker make, because He knows I'm sad.” The Chorus continued with “The Wings” from Brokeback and concluded Act One with the “Neighbors’ Chorus” comic opera by J.S. Bach - a funny, gossipy, staccato piece.

During intermission the set had been changed into an olde tyme Western saloon where Chorus cowboys and cowgirls sat drinking whiskey and playing cards. Old Gabe (SF Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band Conductor Jadine Louie) played the French horn and led members of the L/ GF Band. The Chorus sang a really melodramatic prologue: “Tragedy,” even spelling out “T-R-A-G-E-D-Y” as they fell to their knees, wringing their hands and wiping their brows. Thus began the P.D.Q. Bach “Opera in One Cathartic Act,” known as Oedipus Tex, cleverly blending classical Greek drama with tales of the Wild West. Needless to say, the opera was really queer in all senses of the word. With the aria, “Howdy There,” sung by Oedipus Tex (Ed for short), brother of Rex, (portrayed by SF Gay Men’s Chorus Conductor Tim Seelig), the plot thickened. We soon discovered the protagonist Tex (in sparkling ten gallon hat and furry cowhide chaps) had come to San Francisco with his pal, Gimpy Galoot (Dale Danley), having shot the sheriff (“but he did not shoot the deputy”) and eventually getting married to the sheriff’s widower Billie Jo (B.J. for short, played by Fernando Ruelos). Billie Jo and Tex were joined matrimonially by justice of the peace, L. Armstrong Jones ( Jim Oerther), and sang the same-sex duet, “My Heart,” with the Chorus. Suddenly a horrible plague came upon the inhabitants of the town with bodies dropping dead like flies. A sly gypsy, Madame Peep (Wendy Tobias) told the fortune of doom regarding the plague via her aria, “You Murdered Your Mother,” and informed B.J. that Tex was actually his son. Naturally with that news, B.J. had to drink himself to death while singing “Goodbye Cruel World.” And when Tex discovered he had married his father, of course he had to disappear backstage to gouge out both his eyes with B.J.’s diamond-studded spurs in the Grand Finale. This act resulted in the miraculous reanimation of the corpses back to life to sing the Chorale and drink to their health. Tex reappeared, blinded and wearing very gay rhinestoned, star-shaped sunglasses, crawling all over the stage utterly sightless. Gimpy and the Chorus cowpokes and cowgirls ironically sang “The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You” and gave the concluding musical moral, “Save It for Your Horse,” with the warning: you should always love your horse more than your lover. Curtains. The End.

Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross T he Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Winning the Oscar for their soundtrack to T he Social Network last year, Trent Reznor ( Nine Inch Nails) and a brilliant producer named Atticus (love that!) meet again over the hotly anticipated release of TGWDT. Best Cut: “Immigrant Song” Location: Way too fast on the southbound 280.

Killers The (RED) Christmas EP For those who enjoy a little satire with their holiday eggnog, the Killer’s (with a little help from Elton John, The Pet Shop Boys and others) create new holiday classics that twist tables on fables like “The Great Big Sled”, and “Don’t Shoot Me Santa.” A must-have pick to remember the 2011 season in 2015, and proceeds go to a good cause, The Global Fund. Best Cut: “The Cowboy’s Christmas Ball” Location: Caroling at Café Flore.

Cimorelli CimFam EP Missing the Jackson 5 are you? YouTube teen sensation allsisters sugar pop group Cimorelli has made their career solely by working the social media sites. Their remake of Mariah Carey’s “A ll I Want for Christmas is You” is sure to satisfy your sugar plum fairy. Best Cut: “Million Bucks Location: Shopping in the mall with Mom.

HOT TICKETS cember 18th matinee only at 2pm at ODC Theater, 3153 17th St. in SF. Tickets are available through ODC box of f ice or by phone (415) 863-9834. Wednesday – Saturday 12– 6pm. $25 adults (18+) / $20 students & seniors / $15 children.

David Sinaiko performs the adaptation of David Sedaris' Santaland Diaries at the Eureka Theatre.

Dav id Seda r is’ Santalan d D i a r i e s - C omb i ne d A r t for m is celebrating ten years with ten performances of Santaland Diaries by David Sedaris and adapted to the stage by Joe Mantello. David Si na i ko put s on h is el f hat a nd b o ot s t o r et u r n t o t he E u r e k a T heat r e a s e ver yone’s f avor ite el f, Cr u mpet . No one c apt u res t he cra ziness of t he hol idays l i ke D av id S e d a r i s . C ome s e e t he show t hat cr it ics a nd aud iences love and keep coming back for more and spend the holidays w it h Combi ned A r t for m at t he Eureka Theatre. Santaland Diaries r uns December 22 – December 30 at the Eureka Theatre located at 215 Jack son St. Show t i me is 8pm, Matinee’s 3pm. Tickets are $20 - $30, Opening Night - $40 and are ava i lable at brow npap er t ic ket s .c om/event /210792 or 800 -838 -3006. T h e J e w i s h N u t c r a c k e r, A Maccabee Celebrat ion - T he stor y of the Nutcracker becomes the tr iumph of the Maccabees t he t r ue m i r acle of Ha nu k k a h. The or ig ina l Tcha i kovsk y score i s re -i m a g i ned a s never before w ith trad it iona l cultura l dance. Showcasing the multi-genre choreography of Katy A laniz Rous, the production seamlessly blends da nce for ms such as F la menco, Chinese, Persian, Kathak, A froHaitian and Capoeira to illustrate t h e w or l d J e w i s h c o m mu n it y. This production introduces a new holiday tradition, recognizes the d iversit y of Jew ish cu lture, and re-tel ls t he stor y of Ha nu k k a h. The show runs Thursday through Saturday December 15th – 17th at 2pm and 6pm and Sunday, De-

Elayne Boosler will join an all-star group for the 19th Annual Kung Pao Kosher Comedy event on Dec. 23 - 25.

T he 19T H A n nua l Ku ng Pao Kosher Comedy™ - Jew ish comedy on Chr istmas in a Chinese restaurant! Now celebrating its 19th year, Kung Pao Kosher C omedy™ h a s been a n s wer i ng the age-old question, “What are Jews supposed to do on Chr istmas?” since 1993. W hat started out a s a joke by loca l st a nd-up com ic, L i s a G edu ld ig, h a s be come an institution in San Francisco, g iv ing over 20 0 0 comedy a f icionados a nd t hose escapi ng “ C h r i st m a s - m a n i a” a n a n nu a l reprieve from Jingle Bells. It’s the Bar Mitzvah you never had; and you don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy it. With Elayne Boosler ( Politically Incorrect; Comic Relief ), Avi Liberman (Comedy Central; E!), Jef f Applebaum ( L ate, L ate Show w it h C r a i g Fer g u s on) & L i s a G edu ld ig ( Ku ng Pa o cre ator, producer, host) Fri, Dec 23 & Sat, Dec 24: Dinner Show @ 6pm. Cockt a i l Show @ 9:30 pm Sun, Dec 25 (Early Bird): Dinner Show @ 5pm. Cocktail Show @ 8:30pm at New Asia Restaurant, 772 Pacif ic Ave in San Francisco’s Ch i natow n. $62 for D i n ner Show tickets and $42 for Cocktail

Show t icket s at: koshercomedy. post Ellen 21st Centur y. Victoria Theatre 2961 16th St. Saturday, com or 925-275-9005. December 31, 2011 ON LY! 7pm Veronica K laus & Her Tr io - & 9 pm $30.0 0 - $35.0 0 Ticket s Join Veronica Klaus and her trio can be purchased at TheR hino. a s she br i ng s i n t he New Yea r org or by calling (800) 838 -3006. w it h her s ig nat u re m i x of ja zz and cabaret, sly humor and so - T h e B a l l e t J o y e u x - O n c e phistication, romance and expe- U p o n A C h r i s t m a s - Wa l nut rience! Veronica is so excited to Creek based Lareen Fender’s The be sha r i ng a celebrat ion of t he Ballet Joyeux is pleased to presNew Year and a new beginning ent it s annua l Chr ist mas favorw it h her stel lar musicia ns, T he ite. A del ight f u l a nd color f u l ly R R azz Room and you, present- narrated holiday ballet that feai n g t wo s how s i n au g u r at i n g a tures Santa, his Elves and all the new performance space at the in- Toys in the Workshop. Once Upon t imate R2! Saturday, December A C hr i st ma s is a fa m i ly fr iend ly 31, 2011, 7:30pm - $45.00; Satur- holiday tradition allows audience day, December 31, 2011, 10:30pm members of all ages to pass across - $ 6 5. 0 0 ( i nc lude s c h a mpa g ne t he t h r e s hold of m a ke - b e l ie ve toa st at m id n ight , pa r t y favor s i nto a world where d rea ms ca n a nd c ou nt d ow n t o 2 012). T he and do come true by learning to Rrazz Room 222 Mason St., SF. f i r st bel ieve i n onesel f. O r ig iRrazzroom.com. nally Choreographed by Lareen Fender. Two Days Only! December 20, 7pm and 21 2pm & 7pm at Lesher Center for the A rts,1601 Civic Drive Walnut Creek. Tickets are $25 for Adults and $20 for Children 12 and under, available at 925 -9 43 - SHOW(74 69), or at leshercenter.org.

Lea Delaria performs The Last Butch Standing at the Victoria Theatre on New Year's Eve.

Ne w Ye a r ’s Eve L e a D e l a r ia Sta rs In T he L ast Butch S t a n d i n g - R h i no New Yea r ’s Eve Spectacular - The Rhino New Yea r’s Eve Spect acu la r ret ur ns with Broadway star and goddessvocalist Lea DeLaria brings her one of a k ind blend of song and h i lar ious sat ire to t he Victor ia. R i ng i n t he New Yea r w it h t he most out r a geou s , t u nef u l show in town. There are punch lines, torch songs and plenty of scatting in L ea DeL ar ia’s show T he L ast Butch Standing. The show is a mix of s w i n g i n g ja zz a nd st a nd -up blue comedy that explores what it is like to be a bad ass dyke in the

Photo of The Week

cisco appea ra nce i n over t h ree mont h s , pr e s ent i n g D i e t e r Un d Sheila At T he San Francisco International Youth Hostel with Combined Artform. If you haven't seen what Will Franken can do in a theatr ica l sett ing w ith 90 minutes to h i msel f a nd a qua l i f ied sound/ light technician work ing in tandem with his manic talent... well, in a nutshell, think comedy show me et s P i n k F loyd . A nd i f you haven't seen Will Franken at all – think of a one-man A mer ican ver s ion of Mont y P yt hon's F ly in g Circus (with a hint of Lenny Bruce s pr i n k led i n for s at i r ic a l goo d me a s u r e). T h i s l i m it e d t h r e e n ight hol id ay r u n of Fr a n ken's one-ma n, mu lt i- cha racter comedy per formances is g uaranteed to expand your mind at the same time it splits your sides”; runs Dec 21 – 23 at the Eureka Theatre located at 215 Jack son St. in San Francisco. Showtime is 9:30pm; Tickets are $20 and are available at combinedartform.com.

The Women of Windham Hill Winter Solstice Concert - The W i nd h a m H i l l record i ng l abel is sy nony mous w it h t he best of today 's new age, ja zz, a nd pop i nst r u ment a ls. A n a n nua l hol iday tradition brings some of the labels most celebrated art ists to p er for m a s e a s on a l c onc er t of solos, duets and fu l l g roup performances. Three time Grammy nominee Liz Stor y, multi-instrument a l i st , s i nger a nd Gr a m my nom i ne e B a r ba r a H i g bie, a nd highly original Billboard charting Celtic Harpist Lisa Lynne promise an exquisite sonic experience. T hey w i l l be joi ned onst age by mu lt i - i n s t r u ment a l i s t s G e or g e Tortorelli and A r yeh FrankfurtWill Franken will do three, one-man shows er. T h is is t he latest concer t i n at the Eureka Theatre in San Francisco, the ser ies that Higbie is putting December 21 - 23. together as Yoshi's f irst-ever ArtWi l l Fr a n ken i n D i e t e r Un d ist in Residence. Yoshi's Oakland, Sh e ila at T h e Sa n F ra n c i sco Thursday, December 15th ShowI n t e r n a t i o n a l Yo u t h H o s t e l time: 8pm, $20 Cover Info/Tix: -Renowned satirist/humorist/ab- 510. 23 8 .920 0 , yos h i s .com. 510 surdist Will Franken ( “San Fran- Embarcadero West, Jack London cisco's Patron Saint of Misrule”) Square, Oakland. returns to the Eureka Theatre in December for his f irst San Fran-

ruits f m o r “F s” to nut


FARMERS’ MARKET UPCOMING EVENTS: Dec 21: Pictures with Santa, 5-7pm Dec 21: SEASON END. Thank you for your support of local farmers. We’ll be back in March! IN SEASON: Apples • Artichokes • Beets • Bok Choy Broccoli • Brussels Spouts • Carrots • Chard • Garlic Lettuce • Persimmons • Pomegranates • Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes • Winter Squash WHAT ELSE: Bread • Cheese • Honey • Hot Foods Meat • Orchids • Smoked Salmon • Soaps • Sorbet

Keep up to date



Photographer: Steven Underhill Hundreds of Santas overran Civic Center on Saturday, December 10. Red-suited fellas and ladies brought their holiday cheer and ho-ho-hos to San Francisco for the 18th year. The f irst SantaCon took place in San Francisco in 1994 and was sponsored by The San Francisco Cacophony Society. SantaCon is now a global phenomenon with gatherings around in the world including Ireland, England, and New Zealand.

4PM - 8PM




BAY T IM ES DECEM BER 15, 2011 19

Georgina Beyer: New Zealand Member of Parliament

Inspiring LGBTQ Prof iles Kathleen Archambeau “Intelligent people would save their protest for the ballot." Georgina Beyer became the f irst openly transgender national politician in the world. Georgina went from sex worker to government worker. From drag queen to greeting the Queen of England. Elected a Member of Parliament (MP) in New Zealand in 1999, following a strong career in local politics in Carterton, a small town in the North Island, Beyer stunned detractors by winning the Labour Party nomination and serving a three-year term. Beyer was then re-elected twice. These wins were even more surprising considering the conservative nature of the farming communities she represented. One supporter raved, “she’s got grace and she’s just got something exquisite about her…wow! I wish I could do it as good as she.” It wasn’t easy. Beyer first got inklings of her gender identity as early as age four when she dressed up in her mother’s clothing. By age seven, she was severely chastised for continuing this behavior and hid her identity from

her family. Like half the transgender individuals who contemplate suicide, Beyer attempted suicide while at Wellesley College and dropped out at age 16. Like many Kiwis, Beyer traveled to Australia to find work, but found herself working the streets as a prostitute. In one terrible episode, Beyer was gang raped by four men, changing forever her perspective of herself. In 1984, at the age of 27, she underwent sex reassignment surgery to integrate her gender identity. Before her mother died, she made Georgina promise to come to the funeral dressed as George. Georgina honored her mother’s wishes, but chose that moment to come out as a transgender woman to her family to their shock, dismay and rejection. Following her surgery, Beyer won a Best Actress nomination from the Guild of Film and Television Arts (GOFTA) for her role in Jewel’s Darl in 1987. Georgina was featured in the Frameline award-winning documentary, Georgie Girl, in 2002. When I met the statuesque, beautifully coiffed Georgina at the film festival, I was struck by her dignity, directness and distinctive tropical flower-adorned hair. She attributed her famous sense of style to her bicultural Maori mother, at one time, a seamstress and a part-time model. However, a cloud came over her face when she talked of the loveless life of a public transgender figure. She pre-dated Chaz Bono with her appearance on New Zealand’s Dancing With The Stars in the premiere showing in 2005. Nearly a million viewers, in a country of four million, watched the final episodes. In her MP inaugural address, Georgina Beyer said, “I can’t help but

(DANCE ALONG NUTCRACKER continued from page 16) The mother soothed poor Clara’s dismay and put her to bed, where she began to dream. Suddenly it was time for the f irst d a nce -a long nu mber f rom Nutcracker Suite. But each movement was retitled in the language of the era. So began “Overture for a Hip Party,” as we wanna-be ballerinas and ballet dancers took the f loor to wh i rl a nd t w i rl a nd at tempt soph ist icated choreog raphy. My favorite movie maven, Jan Wahl, sat at my table. She actually tried to lift me into the air – w ith no results: let’s just say Sister Dana is no Black Swan! A woman joined friends to dance around the room at the Lesbian/Gay Band's Dance-Along Nutcracker at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.

t heir presents. Fr itz was jea lous of the toy nutcracker doll carr ying a t iny sousaphone that their Uncle Moon Juice Drosselmeyer had given Clara, and he promptly stomped on it and broke it in spite.

The Band played “Hey Jude,” and t he aud ience la la la hed a long. T hen we d id t he “ Da nce of t he Sugar Cook ie Fa ir y,” and t hose c o ok ie s mu s t h av e b e e n l a c e d w ith something psychedelic, because Clara started trippin’ balls and seeing the life-size Sgt. Pepper Nutcracker with a sousaphone come to life and dance with her.

20 BAY T IMES DECEM BER 15, 2011

mention the number of firsts that are in this Parliament. Our first Rastafarian… our first Polynesian woman… and yes, I have to say it, I guess, I am the first transsexual in New Zealand to be standing in this House of Parliament. This is a first not only in New Zealand, ladies and gentlemen, but also in the world. This is an historic moment. We need to acknowledge that this country of ours leads the way in so many aspects. We have led the way for women getting the vote (New Zealand was first to grant women the right to vote in 1893). We have led the way in the past, and I hope we will do so again in the future in social policy and certainly in human rights.” Georgina Beyer went on to fulfill every campaign promise, including ensuring the survival of Masterton’s hospital, bringing government services to heartland Wairarapa, passing the Prostitution Reform Act decriminalizing prostitution and protecting sex workers and their clients, and playing a pivotal role in passing the Civil Union Act of 2004, giving same-sex couples the right to legally join together. Of her career, Beyer says that there’s a “thin line between theater and Parliament.” Some call it “the longest running show in town.” Resigning early, Georgina was burned-out and disappointed, “I understand that as the first transsexual MP there will be a lot of media interest and I am happy to talk about my journey, but I felt belittled.” Unfortunately, like many transgender individuals, Georgina Beyer has wound up jobless after 14 years of public service. Many respected studies in the U.S. have cited a 35 per cent unemployment rate and a 60 per cent underemployment rate among transgender people. Georgina had to sell her home to make ends meet. Most MPs are appointed to paid positions on Boards and Commissions following their service. Beyer has not received one offer and was turned down for the Human Rights Commission, prompting her to say, “That I’m of no further use to my country is why I’m considering Australia, that my former parliamentary colleagues seem not to want to appoint me to anything, but are quite happy to accommodate others who have left or are about to. …One could be forgiven for being a little vexed.”

But soon we heard t he sound of roar ing motorcycles and t he rat pack (in black leather jackets with the words inscribed: “Tails of the City”) entered on their hogs, led by the Rat King (a sort of Elvis/ Fon z c omb o w it h s l ic ke d ba c k black hair and little pink rat ears and tail. He was way macho and a real bad dude. The rat pack sang “The Rat King’s Back” to the tune of The A ngels’ “My Boy fr iend’s Back,” and they kidnapped Clara. Cue the next dance-along, “Leader of the Pack” and “Dance of the Biker’s Pipes.” R at K ing lured Clara to t he Candy Man, a cagey cater pil lar who ruled the West Coast Snack Franchise, of fer ing her a l l sor ts of sugar y, empt y calor ie, fattening, decay-causing goodies. Then sudden ly t here appea red a t r io of g ia nt da nci ng snack foods: a huge M i l k y Way ba r, a massive box of French Fries, and a bodacious “Blur pee” slur pee drink to further tempt Clara. Candy Man

BOOKS Jane Lynch has Enjoyed Happy Accidents and a Remarkable Life u npl a n ned aud it ion , meet i ng a famous director at a cof fee shop, a nd bei ng rejected by one company which allowed her to be accepted by another.

Book Review EJ Womack Everybody’s favorite great big tall weird blonde - Or as some people know her: Sue Sylvester- the acid - spew i ng, na rcissism-redef i n i ng cheerleading coach on Glee. Happy Accidents is an inspirational memoir by one of the few out lesbian actors in Hollywood- Jane Lynch.

Watching TV, theater, and movies gave Jane Lynch the desire to be on stage by age f ive. Her young jour ney cont i nues w it h her zest and relentless hard drive to create and f ind avenues of per for ming. Yet, her per sona l l i fe cont i nued to take backstage to her stage life. She d id t r y to k iss a few boys… but you know how that turned out. And when she f inally kissed a girl (in her junior year at college) she k new she had reached t he point of no ret ur n. But, she rema ined closeted for a very, very long time. In this 2011 biog raphy she g ives u s a n out l i ne of t he t r av a i l s of work ing actors and t he constant

Raised in a pure Americana town in Illinois, she came from a loving, a lbeit , za ny fa m i ly. One shou ld have known she had star potential when the f irst grade teacher commented,” Ja ne spend s too much t i me t a l k i ng a nd v isit i ng.” Ja ne writes, “I could do no more stop mysel f from t a l k ing a nd cutt ing up t h a n I cou ld stop t he ea r t h from turning.” Yet, along with the comedy youthful antics, she had a dark side that erupted in nervous tension tantrums. Perhaps it was dressing up in her dad’s clothes and sipping her ‘imit at ion’ c o c k t a i l d r i n k . Perh aps it was i mag in ing she was in t he D i s ne y mov ie b ei n g t he her oic prince. Jane knew she was dif ferent and realized that she wanted to be a boy at a ver y ea rly age. But, as many young lesbians discover (especially in the 60's -70’s) one does not ad m it t hat to a nyone! If so, it would bring scandal and disgust. It was a disease and a curse, and sick and perverse. According to Jane… no one can ever, ever know. This was to become Jane’s dogma (and chain) for 20 more years of her life (she told her parents she wa s gay when she wa s 31). Ja ne Lynch’s autobiography gives us a glimpse into the path to stardom through a series of happy accidents. For example – walk ing in for an

soloed on “Bur pin’ USA” to the tune of the Beach Boys’ “Surf in’ USA . Cla ra got a t u m my ache, so Nutt y (the name Clara called her Sgt. Pepper Nutcracker) tried to rescue her from these bad rad r o d e nt s . We a l l d a n c e d “ T h e Rushin’ Dance.” A fter intermission, the orchestra played a med ley of Pau l Si mon nu mber s. R at K i ng took C l a r a t o t he m a l l , w he r e c on s u me r ism reig ned supreme, a nd sassy models came right up to her, sashaying and lip-synching “These B oot s A re M ade for Wa l k i ng.” We ballerinas danced to “March of the Mod Models.” Ratt y took Cla ra to meet t he cra z y Ber n ie & Yurt couple (Stephanie Lynne Smith and Carolyn Eidson) who were i n love w it h t hei r r ubber duckies, but frankly scared Clara. R at t y a nd Nut t y squa red of f i n a duet of “Feelin’ Groov y” while getting ready for a f ight. We leapt about with “Dance of the Smiley Faces” whi le Nutt y got taunted,

drive it takes to succeed. Being on stage is where she f it in and the only place she could be comfortable in her ow n sk in. We fol low her professional journey from acting in high school, small and large t heater houses, w r it ing her ow n comedic skits to her successful TV and movie career of today. Her personal journey talks about pulling women and fr iends close to her and after some time pushi ng some of t hem away for fea r of reject ion. In fact – when she felt less than others- her cynicism f lared and her words and actions bec a me s pitef u l a nd hu r t f u l. It (continued on page 25)

bu l l ied, a nd punched by R at t y, duet t i ng to “ It ’s Not Unu sua l” while getting beat up. Even Clara bullied Nutty, until all parties realized sticks and stones may break bones , but WOR D S C A N R E A LLY HURT YOU. Then Clara stopped bul ly ing Nutt y, promisi ng to be a fa it h f u l f r iend a nd sing ing “I’ll Be There” to Nutty w it h a d rag queen t r io back i ng them up. And we all participated in “Dance for a L ove-In.” Wit h t he sou nd of t he Ha wa i i F i ve-O theme, the rat gang tried one last attack but eventua l ly gave in to LOVE as their King admitted he was rea l ly a coward a nd he too wa s a ba nd geek , so let’s ma ke music instead of war. The aud ience joi ned i n w it h “Aqua r ius” and “Let the Sunshine In” from HAIR; Mandel gave another rousing solo; and everyone in the audience and cast f inished of f with “Waltz of the F lower Children.” It was truly a sweet Suite.



French Faux Pas

Put the (Peaches) Christ in Christmas, Midnight Mass Style at the Castro Theatre

t h rough t h i s u n i nterest i ng d i sh I beg a n to yea r n for somet h i ng w it h some f lavor a nd color. My colleague’s Beet and Duck Conf it Sa lad looked ed ible enough, but failed to rescue this already sinking ship.

Stone Soup Teddy Witherington T h e r e ’s F r e n c h , C a l i f o r n i a French and then, well, there’s the sor t of places t hat a re about a s French as a peck on t he cheek and as warm. C h a y a , w it h it ’s b ay s i d e v i e w of t he Br idge a nd Yerba Buena, cla i ms to combi ne t he cu l i na r y excellence and artistry of both Japan and France, but ends up with something more like Irish stew: a mish-mash of uninspiring and insipid sushi, sashimi and assorted soupçons. My g uest for lunch, a fr iend from t he East Coast , adm it ted to not bei ng a g reat fa n of sushi, which tur ned out to be just as wel l. Tempted by t he exotic prospect of the Tokyo-ParisSF menu, I t hought to st a r t my pi l g r i m a g e i n Tok yo a nd work my way westward. The Hamachi Crunch Roll didn’t (crunch, that i s) a nd wh i le it a c t u a l ly t a st ed better than it looked, the present at ion wa s about a s color f u l a s bleached caulif lower, which funnily enough was the basis of our next sampling. Reader s of t h is colu m n w i l l a lready be awa re of my fond nes s for the venerable chou-f leur, especia l ly when rendered i nto soup. My friend and I each took a cup. T ha n k f u l ly, on ly a cup: a bowl would have been little more than a n e x e r c i s e i n s i p p i n g. B l a n d wou ld not be too st rong a word to describe the shallow depths to which this concoction sank. Leav ing this culinar y equivalent of a rural French slum, we headed for t he br ight l ights of Par is, or was it New England, Tuscany or Minamata Bay? I selected the S e a r e d D ay B oat S e a S c a l lop s w it h Si x Gra in Marscapone R is ot t o, Tempu r a K i n g Tr u mp et Mushrooms, P ick led Fennel and Lobster Fondue. W hat I mistook as a discarded dishrag in the center of my d i sh, upon c loser i nspection, was revealed as a mass of tempura within which was embedded a cluster of mushrooms. I t hought our ser ver wa s jok i ng when he sug gested t he Br ussel s Sprouts with pancetta as an ideal accompaniment for the Scallops, but by t he t i me I wa s h a l f-way

Perhaps, dessert would revive our f lagg i ng spi r it s? T hey cer t a i n ly sou nd ed n ice. I chose t he t r io of crème brûlées – chocolate, citrus and coconut. The citrus, adorned w ith slices of orange and g rapefruit left little doubt as to its ident it y and was undeniably citr usy. T he coconut, lacked a ny br û lée to speak of and was inexplicably a dor ned w it h a fat s l ice of ba nana. The chocolate, is best left unremarked upon. My colleag ue opted for t he Quince Sorbet – a generous helping and one, which was left largely unf inished. T he su r rou nd i ng s a re plea sa nt , but unremarkable. The cost isn’t outlandish, but neither is it value for money. Given the right company, which I was fortunate enough to have, t he ex per ience is bea rable. Without, it would be excruciating. Neither f ish nor fowl, Arthur nor M a r t h a , C h ay a i s a r est au r a nt with an identity crisis that stems f r om t he i l l - c onc e i ve d f a nt a s y that the two cuisines blend at all. Such a mind-boggling idea could r e a l l y on l y b e b or n i n S out h e r n C a l i for n i a , w h ic h i s f r o m whence the Chaya brand seeks to inf i lt rate t he Bay A rea from it’s beachhead on the Embarcadero. With any luck, it w ill not gain a more permanent foothold. Chaya is located at 132 Emba rc a dero a nd i s open f ive d ay s a week for lunch and seven days a week for dinner. For reservations g o t o: w w w. o p e nt a b l e . c o m . I f you’re feeling spiteful, they have gift-cards for those inclined to elegant revenge. Stone S oup: A begg a r went to the back door of the King’s kitchen and asked the cook if he could simmer his stone for him so that he m ight have some stone soup. The cook, intr ig ued, inv ited the beggar into his kitchen to observe. Sipping the broth the beggar wistf u l ly c om ment e d , “a h h but for some season ing ” and eyeing t he cook, “some salt and pepper perhaps”. A nd so it when on, some stock, greens, slices of beef – not too ma ny as to d row n t he stone – carrots, potatoes and leeks followe d . F i n a l l y, t he b eg g a r de clared t he stone soup ready and shared a bowl with the cook. The cook, replete, f inished the whole b ow l a n d e x c l a i me d , “ I ne v e r knew you could get such a hearty soup from a stone.”

(SISTER DANA SAYS continued from page 17) ing on 18th and Guerrero Streets. T here i s a lway s a f u n cost u me theme. Last time was the “Happy Day s of t he ‘50 s.” For i n fo, go t o f a c eb o ok .c om /a x i s of love or ca l l (415) 79 6 -3672. Dec. 28 at 4:30 pm is next d inner. Wit h its recent ly a n nou nced cr ackdow n on these dispensaries, the federal government has proposed a solution in search of a problem, while California law supports allowing these distribution centers to give patients the medicine they need. Go to facebook site to sign a petition!

HEEEER E'S CHR IST M AS! T H E S H I N I N G (19 8 0 , St a n le y Kubrick) plays at the Castro Theat re at 7pm on Dec. 17t h w it h a n i nteract ive present at ion a nd t heat r ica l hol iday hor ror show, “The Torrance Family Christmas Revue” hosted by Peaches Christ! Stuck someplace alone with your family in the dead of winter can drive you crazy! Info & $20 tix at peacheschrist.com. V IP for $40. Visit the Haunted Ballroom Bar at Overlook Hotel. X mas is fast approaching, so fa la la la la and joyous NOEL – or as my dyslexic friend says, “LEON!” Well, have a cool Yule, y’all!

twisted, “Being stuck somewhere, isolated with your family, can really drive you crazy!” W h i le t here a re a ny nu mber of “ f i l m s mea nt to be ‘Ch r i st m a s mov ies’” she could have chosen, “ f l awed s idek ic k ” M a r t i ny a nd Christ have enjoyed T he Shining as “a sick family tradition for years.” Now, they open that tradition to the public -- in a very big way.

Peaches Christ will present a showing of The Shining starring Jack Nicholson at the Castro Theatre on December 17.

By Paul E. Pratt “The people who get it, really get it ,” Peaches Ch r i st say s w it h a trademark laugh. “That’s because they’re warped,” admits the drag legend, who has amassed a sizeable following over the last decade-plus through her on-going Midnight Mass cult movie ser ies. “They’re fucked in the head.” For those people, it makes perfect sense Peaches Christ Productions P r es ent s He e e e e e e e re’s C h r i st m a s, a br a nd new hol iday event a nd screen i ng of…T h e S hinin g. Wit h her mer r y ba nd of m i s c r ea nt s , Chr ist showcases the Jack Nicholson hor ror cla ssic – complete with highly-scripted and entirely-

original pre-show dragstravaganza -- Sat., Dec. 17, at The Castro Theatre. Based on a Stephen K ing novel, t he 19 8 0 St a n ley Kubr ic k f i l m t races t he ment a l unravel i ng of author and family man Jack Torrance ( Nicholson) as he is snowbou nd i n a n isolated New England hotel w ith his w ife (Shelley Duva l l) and young son. Though i n it i a l ly pa n ned , dec a des l ater m a ny r a n k t he f i l m one of t he a l l - t i me s c a r ie s t , a nd t he r ole remains among two-time Oscarwinner Nicholson’s most chilling. In other words, ideal for this time of year, says Christ. “This deals with part of the holidays people -- especially from the Bay Area -- can really relate to,” she explains, perhaps for the less

W i t h m o r e t h a n 1,4 0 0 s e a t s , Christ considers The Castro Theat re a “st ad iu m” ver sion of her product ion s , wh ich st a r ted out more t han a dozen years ago at t he G e a r y S t r e et B r id g e T he at re. P resent i ng c u lt f i l m s a nd stars from Elvira to director John Waters each summer since 1998, M id n ight M a ss beca me equa l ly well-known for highly-interactive preshow spectacles written by and featuring Christ and company. Recent ly, while repeat ing favorite f ilm events to great response, the Baltimore-born beauty admits lacking zeal to create new material. Her focus turned to feature f ilm-mak ing, culminating in the $1-million All About Evil in 2010. However, ju mpi ng to T he Ca s t r o pr ov ide d a s pa rk . I n M ay, when 1,0 0 0 people f looded U ltimate Mommie Dearest - featur ing Ch r i st ’s w i ld ly popu l a r Tra n n i e Dearest preshow costarring Trannyshack icon Heklina - her waning theatrical creativity reignited full-force. (continued on page 25)

Christopher Winslow is 1 of a Kind At Magnet Art Gallery you. Let it speak to you,” he urges. “Don't overwork it. Art is a mirror to our lives today.” He elaborates, “My art is a study in tension, color, and harmony.”

Art Review Sister Dana Van Iquity The art of Christopher Winslow is currently on display at Magnet, the health and wellbeing hub in the Castro for gay/bi men. Winslow studied music in college, but has continued to paint and make art all his life. He started making art as a child and used to study privately in an art studio in Atlanta. His mother studied as well: “She would go and take painting lessons, and I would take lessons in clay and pottery work,” he recalls. “I feel that music and art are directly related. Winslow was last seen onstage at the Magic Theatre as music director/pianist for The Lily’s Revenge and last fall in the cast of Jerry Springer: The Opera presented by Ray of Light Theater. Winslow has composed three fulllength theater pieces, Gaveston, based on King Edward II; Peer Gynt, based on Ibsen’s play, both with playwright Ken Prestinizi; and most recently OMFG! The Internet Dating Musical, which has its world premiere at ODC Theater in SF in July. His original electronic composition, “Slinky,” was part of the 60x60 series. Chris continues to create in multiple mediums. For instance, this art show, “1 of a Kind.” Winslow is an artist, composer, and musician. He enjoys teaching music to elementary students in Richmond, California. He currently sings with the Golden Gate Men’s Chorus. His past solo art exhibits include Games People Play, Expressions in Colour, and Counterpoint. The Artist’s Statement: “1 of a Kind” celebrates the unique qualities captured on paper when working with a printing press. All the images are one

I ask him to pick several different pieces and talk about them. I ask why are they so labeled. The title piece, “The Man I love,” is a collage, and within the collage is a phonograph label from the record by Gershwin with the same title. The colors are vibrant and rich. Artist Christopher Winslow at his show opening at Magnet Art Gallery.

of a kind originals created with oil on paper. The exhibit includes both abstract compositions and hints at realism. The process of pressing oil color onto paper produces beautiful surprises. This exhibit explores color, shape, tension, and harmony.” “I have pictures I drew when I was two years old,” he tells me. “I've always found art to be a comfortable thing for me. I remember looking at work all my life and saying to myself, ‘I can do that.’” He got scholarships in both art and music, and he studied art in high school at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia. His inspiration is nature, movement, dance, sound, music, food, color, conversation, and LIFE! (boldly capitalized, italicized, and exclamation pointed). He often works in oil colors but likes to explore print work and sculpture. This current show is all monoprints. His philosophy? “Life is a banquet, and I'm having seconds!” His message to art viewers is that art should be personal. “Let it move

“The Human Exclamation Point” is a single figure painted on the paper. “I've often considered myself an exclamation point: how I look at life and the world around me,” he offers. “I'm excited; I'm loud; Bold is beautiful!” “Caught in the Act” is a play on doing something new, something unexpected, playful - and possibly "naughty." Winslow says “Allusion” suggests that life is often an allusion as in the Joni Mitchell song, “Both Sides Now.” “I love the music and art of Joni Mitchell,” he says. “If she can make art and music, so can I.” “Circumlocution” means to speak around something “in a single stroke with black.” He continues, “It spins around but never f inds a f inish point.” This piece was one of the most popular pieces during the opening reception. He wants people who view his art to come away feeling excited and full of wonder, asking themselves, "How did he make it?" He says one word: Colorful. “My art is full of questions,” he points out. “I ask the viewer to discover and search for the answers.”

BAY T IM ES DECEM BER 15, 2011 21


compiled by Christine Dumke



Magnificat Baroque Ensemble presents a Christmas Story at several locations on December 16 - 18.

15 Thursday

Intersection And Hub Holiday Party - Enjoy the company of fun and enterprising people along with wine, music, and The Aphrodisiac Menu! Featuring: White Truffled Popcorn with Mountain Herbs,Fresh Shucked Hog Island Oysters with Champagne Mignonette, Rocket Spring Rolls, Kobocha Squash, Ginger Ponzu, Oxtail Sliders, Merlot Pickled Onion, Saffron Aioli, White Chocolate Dipped Strawberries, Balsamic Drizzle, Dark Chocolate Chipotle Truffles, Black Cherry, Fleur de Sel. 7:30-10:30pm, Intersection for the Arts. Tix at 2011hubholidayparty.eventbrite. com.

hour-long edition of Out in the Bay at 7pm, on KALW-91.7 FM Bay Area and kalw.org globally. (more info at OutintheBay.com).

16 Friday

Ugly Sweater Christmas Party Get on Santa’s worst dressed list!

Lookout presents the Ugly Sweater Christmas Party with DJ Christopher B. Don your ugliest gay apparel for an evening of fun! Christmas cheer in the form of SKYY vodka will be on special for $3, along with $4 well drinks, margaritas and glasses of wine. Plus a free food buffet from 6 to 8pm will give you the energy to finish

A Christmas Carol at ACT - The Charles Dickens plays at the ACT through December 24. The play features a lively cast of dozens, gorgeous costumes and those deliciously spooky ghosts. The tradition returns with a sparkling, music-infused production of the classic. Tickets at www.act-sf.org or call (415) 749-2228.

James Hormel on Out in the Bay, Gay Radio from SF Remember the 1960s comic character Richie Rich, The Poor Little Rich Boy, who had no friends because he lived in an isolated compound? Well, little Jimmy Hormel, heir to the SPAM fortune, had that problem and more in real life. Born in Austin, Minnesota, in 1933, he was also gay in a place and time long before being gay was in the public consciousness. After marrying, fathering five kids and becoming a law school dean, all while still in the closet, James C. Hormel eventually found himself and went on to become a political activist, ambassador to Luxembourg -- the USA’s highestranking gay official at the time, over the heinous and hateful objections of the religious “right.” He was also one of the world’s most effective gay civil rights activist-philanthropists. His memoir, Fit to Serve, full of insider political anecdotes from the tumult of the 1960s through today, tells his intriguing story. He shares it, live on the radio, with host Eric Jansen and you on this special

Connie Champagne performs as Judy Garland at the Rrazz Room for two shows only on December 20 and 21. 2 2 BAY TIMES DECEMB E R 1 5 , 2 0 1 1

the last of your Christmas shopping! $100 bar tab will be awarded to the winner(?) of the Ugliest Christmas Sweater! Get out your bedazzler and dress to unimpress! 5:00pm – 9:00pm. 3600 16 at Market, SF. Holiday Party in the SOMA - We will have a fashion show featuring SOLZ beach shoes worn with designer swimwear. We then pay homage to snuggle season with a “Catwalk of Shame” featuring SOLZ city shoes and an array of morning after wear.Smooth beats and an exclusive live “Summer vs Winter” DJ set by unbelievable local house music magicians J MILLION and DJ SO.LZ (surprise guest ... identity revealed at event)! There will be a VIP section with hosted appetizers by the brand new fashion and culinary magazine, “Gastonomique En Vogue.” Red carpet photo and video stations and and exclusive holiday launch deal on our new shoes for you some last minute stocking stuffers (which, ironically, do not require the wearing of socks).The after party will continue along with the beats of the dj on the gallery dance floor. 4 N 5, 863 Mission St. @ 5th Street, steps from Powell BART. Located in the heart of downtown San Francisco - you will find easy public transportation in an exciting area of San Francisco! Plus, with many excellent nearby restaurants, pubs, and wine bars, the socializing can easily continue! 4 N 5 will be serving beer, wine, and a special Sangria comprised of wine and sake. Yum!

17 Saturday

Queertetto Ma Non Tanto: Bowing In The Wind - String quartet from the Bay Area Rainbow Symphony playing Mozart (Oboe quartet and Clarinet Quintet) and Dohnanyi (Trio). Holy Innocents, 455 Fair Oaks (Between 25 and 26 St., and Dolores and Guerrero). SF. Free, but donations accepted. Reception following. Queer Youth Holiday Dance and Celebration Party - This is a clean and sober queer youth event for young folks 18 and

Under featuring our swank Holiday Disco Space with legendary DJ Puusspuss! Young folks can request songs in advance at DJPusspuss@gmail.com. Also scheduled: Live Entertainment – Youth Poetry - Prizes Amazing Dodge Ball Tournament, Holiday Makeovers with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Art with the Inter-generation Art Project from 7 – 9 pm. Free Food and Refreshing Beverages. Special guests and who knows what else? Cost is only $5. No one will be turned away for lack of funds - walk in scholarships available 7 pm – Midnight at the Eureka Valley Recreation Center, 100 Collingwood St, SF. For more information please call (415) 8316810. TSE Holiday Breakfast Fundraiser - TSE (Teaching Self Sufficiency through Education) Holiday Breakfast Fundraiser! Come Have Breakfast With Santa! There will be Raffles Going On All Day! You Can Take Pictures With Santa or Win a Door Prize! There will be a Children’s Jumper on site for the kids but most importantly “All you can eat Pancakes!” Receive a Raffle Ticket for every New, Unwrapped Toy you donate.... All donated toys will be distributed to families caring for children in foster care through TSE’s Holiday Food And Toy Give Away, Please Come Out and Support US! 9:00am -3:00pm. 420 Pendleton Way, Oakland, CA 94621 (Pendleton Way is across from the Wal-Mart off of Hegenberger Rd). Adult tickets are $8.00 at the door & children’s tickets are $3.00 at the door. New Queer Guys & Dolls dance in Foster City - Come dance and play! We had a great first dance with many in attendance in November. We are tweaking the playlist and this one will be even better. 8pm to 8:30: Beg Night Club 2 Step. 8:30 to 9pm: Beginning Cha Cha. 9 to Midnight: Fabulous Dance Party with yummy snacks. No experience or partner needed. Friendly atmosphere. You can dress up or dress down. All are welcome. $12 for 1 or both lessons and dance arty,$10 for ance only. Info at boo-

Orquesta La Moderna Tradicion plays their Cuban rhythms on December 22 at George’s Nightclub. giewoogieballroom.com. 551 Foster City Blvd, Suite G Foster City, 650-627-4854. Fauxgirls! - Our Annual Holiday Show, presenting Drag Cabaret at its Best, showcasing both glamour and camp! The Fauxgirls! revue features San Francisco’s finest female impersonators: Victoria Secret, Alexandria, Chanel, Davida Ashton, Tiger Lily, Maria Garza, Mini Minerva and special

move. Till then join us for our last dance parties at the studio and last month of classes.Every class and party is ‘straight’ friendly. Full schedule at queerballroom.com. Mark your calendar for parties: Wed. Dec. 14 Tango. Sat. Dec. 17 Swing Jam. Monday, Dec. 19 Salsa - 7pm lesson 8-9:30 dance parties. Drop-in series class is $15 per hour. $10 per half hour. Dance $5-$15 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of funds. Queer Ballroom, 151 Potrero Ave., SF. More info at QueerJitterbugs.com or 415-3058242.

20 Tuesday

Connie Champagne as Judy Garland - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. With special guests Tom Orr as Santa, Mark Sargent as Ethel erman, and the infamous Heklina as Liza Minelli. Two shows only at 8pm. Rrazz Room at the Hotel Nikko.(415) 394-1189. More information at conniechampagne.com.

21 Wednesday The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus will present Joyous, Jolly, Jingles in 3 shows on Chrstimas Eve.

Guest Stars, plus our very own “boy toy,” Bobby Ashton! Showtime is always 10:00 pm. NO COVER CHARGE! Reservations are recommended, and may be made at 415-695-1239, or online at fauxgirls.com.

19 Monday

Closing Parties for Queer Ballroom - Thank you to all for supporting our studio for past 7 years. We hope to continue to provide free to youth classes and affordable events and classes to all ages into 2012. We hope our troupe will continue on too in new practice space. But, we will have to close our studio. Tell us if you have an idea of where we can

The Madoff Scandal with Diana Hendriques - The only journalist to have interviewed Madoff twice in person at the prison, Diane Henriques takes a look at previously hidden, startling details of Madoff’s epic crime.Tickets: $10 $25. JCCSF Box Office: 415-2921233 or visit jccsf.org/arts at The JCCSF, 3200 California Street (at Presidio), SF.

22 Thursday

Orquesta La Moderna Tradicion -Orquesta La Moderna Tradición captures the fiery, sensual, and unforgettable style of the Havana social clubs of the 1950s. The dance floor will be open as the nine-piece ensemble, the only band of its kind in America, plays danzones, cha-chas and salsa music at George’s. From the first note, you’ll want to jump out of your seat! Orquesta La Moderna Tradición bursts with the sweet yet powerful sound of the AfroCuban charanga orchestra, which features violins and woodwinds

interlocking with driving afroCuban rhythms. 8pm Show / $12 adv / $15 door. George’s Nightclub at 842 4th Street, San Rafael. georgesnightclub.com

24 Saturday

Joyous, Jolly, Jingles! – The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus wraps a bow on the season with its 22nd annual Home for the Holidays concerts at the legendary Castro Theatre. The Chorus will again be joined by Melody Moore and Velocity Bells plus additional guests...including a special appearance by the one and only Donna Sachet. There is no better way to share the joys and warmth of the season. 5, 7, & 9pm. Castro Theatre, 429 Castro Street, SF. Tickets at sfgmc.org.

25 Sunday

ComedySportz - Do something different and exciting this time of year by laughing your way through the holidays with the happy and hilarious gang from ComedySportz! Come see why this is San Jose’s longest running show. ComedySportz is the award-winning interactive comedy show where two teams of “actletes” compete for audience laughs and points while improvising scenes, games, operas and musicals based on YOUR suggestions. The audience is always a part of the show! It’s not comedy about sports! It is comedy played as a sport! 8pm at The Retro Dome. Ticket prices are $25-$30. Children, student, and senior discounts available. Special discounts are being offered on-line before December 21. Includes show plus Chinese food buffet! (408) 404-7711 (ph & fax) info@guggyent.com.

On Stage

Magnificat Baroque Ensemble Christmas Story - Magnificat revives a program centered on Schütz’s Weihnachtshistorie (Christmas Story) in honor of its 20th season and SFEMS’s 35th. One of Schütz’s most beloved compositions, the oratorio’s colorful instrumentation, dramatic characterizations, and above all the brilliant role given to the Evangelist make it the most appealing setting of the Christmas narrative from the century before Bach. With special guests The Whole Noyse and the Sex Chordæ Consort of Viols. Friday, Dec. 16, 2011, First United Methodist Church, 625 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto. 8:00pm Saturday, December 17, First Congregational Church, Channing Way at Durant, Berkeley. 7:30pm Sunday, Dec. 18. St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 1111 O’Farrell Street, San Francisco at 7:30 pm. $35 regular; $28 SFEMS members; $30 seniors; $12 students. Tel. 510-528-1725, online at sfems.org.

A Christmas Carol plays at the ACT in San Francisco through December 24.

BAY T IM ES DEC EM BER 15, 2011 23

2 4 BAY TIMES DECEMB E R 1 5 , 2 0 1 1

(MIDNIGHT MASS continued from page 21) “Until then, we’d done things like S ing-Along P urple Rain, which fo cused on contest s a nd aud ience pa r t icipat ion, but I wa sn’t su re The Castro would work for a theatr ica l product ion,” Chr ist confesses, “I didn’t know if people in the balcony would see me roll my eyes at Heklina, but it worked. “It really opened my eyes to the pos s ibi l it ies ,” s ay s Ch r i st , who soon fou nd her sel f d rea m i ng of a white – and potentially bloodsoa ked – Chr ist mas. T he resu lt – T he Torrance Family Christmas Revue – comes to life just once this season in an 8pm show. “ T h is is act ua l ly a big dea l for us,” shares Chr ist, who says she hasn’t produced an ent irely new

preshow in years. “This is something I had to go away for while to write, and I’m really excited.” Starring the Midnight Mass players as Jack, Wendy and Danny Torr a nce a nd ma ny more favor ites from The Shining, the spectacular is rife with holiday-themed depravity including Peaches Claus. S et i n t he f ut u re, t he aud ience follows Jack’s descent into insanit y v ia a “a m i x of mu lt i med ia, horror and a good, old-fashioned drag show.” “There’s lots of a xes, screaming and running through the crowd,” Ch r i st a ssu res. ( W hy, t hat cert a i n ly d oes sou nd l i ke t he hol idays!)

“T h is show rea l ly inspires me,” Christ gushes. “I’m excited – like totally jazzed about it – but, God, it’s fucking weird! Peaches Christ Productions Present s He e e e e e e e re’s C h r i st m a s: T h e Shining, Sat., Dec. 17, The Castro Theatre, 429 Castro Street. 7pm Doors; 8pm show. O verlook V I P (i ncludes 2 cocktails, advance entry & special accommodation), $40; $20 general ad m ission. $45/25 day of show. Adva nce t icket s on l i ne. Day- of, av a i l able exc lu s ively at C a st ro Theatre box of f ice. For more information, visit: http:// www.PeachesChrist.com.

(JANE LYNCH continued from page 2) d id n’t help to use a lcohol as an escape from her insecurities and fear of failure. Since then she has cleaned up her drinking. Ta le nt e d ! S m a r t ! B r i l l i a nt ! Beautiful! We see her career bloom in many venues i nc lud i ng : Two a n d Half Men, T he Fugitive, Best in Show, T he 40 year old Virgin, T he L Word (the fem i n i st law yer who ha s a love scene with Cybil Shephard), and Julie and Julia. She a lso appears

in numerous TV commercials and magazine art icles. Her lead role now, as the sat ir ical g y m teacher- (who w i l l stop at not h i ng to stop the Glee Club) has given her awards, plat it udes, recog n it ion, and i l lust rates a cu l m inat ion of all of her hard work. F i n a l ly, s he f i nd s t r ue love by happy accident! I n Chapter 12 “ Per fect ” She glow i ngly retel l s getting lost in a hotel lobby and bumpi ng i nto Dr. L a ra A mbrey at the NCLR fundraising event in

SF. To her it was love at f irst sight. Meet ing Lara and her daughter, H a den , t r a n s for med t he s i n gle independent Jane into a fulf illed woman in a lov ing lesbian relat ionsh ip. T hey were ma r r ied i n Massachusetts and now live happily in Los Angeles. To add to her bliss she received the Emmy and Golden Globe award for her role in Glee. This is indeed her heroes’ journey of transformation- from a real “Sue Sylvester” to the happy fulf illed woman she is today.

(ROSTOW continued from page 9) towards a small deranged fraction of the Iowa electorate. You almost feel as if you’ve opened the door to a private study and seen something that wasn’t meant for you. Perry on his knees, naked save an American f lag wrapped around his loins and a Santa hat, kissing a cross held by an older white minister. “Oh. Sorry Governor. I was, um, I was just looking for the ladies room. Pardon me. I’ll just be, um. Sorry.” As for kids and Christmas, I was just reading again about an administrator somewhere in Michigan who changed the lyrics of “Deck the Halls” to “don we now our bright apparel.” I saw this last year and found it annoying. But when I read further I mustered up some sympathy for the elementary school Principal, who said he had absolutely nothing against gays or the word gay, but that his first and second graders could not get through the original song without exploding into unstoppable gales of giggles. Hey. I’d change it too. Moreover, whether we like it or not, the word “gay” has eclipsed its archaic definition and there is now only one overarching meaning of the word. I’ll punch the next senior who bemoans the loss of a perfectly good word, because you know what? It’s gone! Get used to it. And we all know the revelers who were decking the halls were, technically, wearing festive attire. I’m pretty sure. Abby’s Got Something

(API WELLNESS continued from page 10) other A&PI imperials such as the late Empress Suzie Wong, Empress China Silk, and Empress Tiger Lily. “She is a dear friend, a diehard cheerleader, and I look to her true heart for support,” Toma said. “She is magnificent!” “It takes a lot of us to raise money for this organization, and we do what we can,” said Empress Remy in accepting her award. “We try to keep the Wellness Center in our thoughts, and I thank each and every one of you for being here tonight and supporting the Wellness Center.” Supervisor Jane Kim was the next recipient of the Diva Award. Supervisor Kim represents District 6, one of the most dynamic and diverse districts in San Francisco, encompassing the Tenderloin, South of Market, North Mission, Civic Center, South Beach, Mission Bay, Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island, and Downtown neighborhoods. She has dedicated her career to serving our communi-

ties in San Francisco, starting as a community organizer at Chinatown Community Development Center, then a civil rights attorney at Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, and most recently as president of the San Francisco Board of Education. She serves as chair of the Rules Committee and is a member of the Budget Committee. Toma said he first met Supervisor Kim at a press conference they did at a No on Prop 8 event in Chinatown. “When she joined the board she was so eager to learn more about HIV,” said Toma. “Throughout the hard times we had this year, Supervisor Kim and all of her staff members were so supportive as we went through this process.” He said, “I thank you for all you do for our District 6, which we are in.” “It’s really an honor to receive this,” said Kim. “When I arrived, Lance asked me if I was enjoying my job, and I have to say that ‘enjoy’ is not exactly the right word – but I also really love the work.” She said, “I consider

(WORLD AIDS DAY continued from page 10) “Paint the Castro Red” was a Castro/ rants, and bars donated 10 to 15% of Upper Market-wide public awareness their sales to 30AIDS to show their and fundraising event held through- support for AIDS and the nonprofits out the day and evening. Participat- that serve their customers and coming Castro District businesses, restau- munity. Castro Street was adorned

it an honor to have this responsibility for the city of San Francisco, and I get to represent what I think is one of the most exciting areas of the City. Yes, I might be biased.” She concluded, “And it is such an honor to help represent the Wellness Center.” Wellness Center Program Supervisor Tita Aida started the show, asking, “Are we ready to party?” and introduced each Lady of SF and her number: Jasmine did “This Is It!” by Natalie Cole; Darna did “Zero;” Simone, “Take Control of Me;” Karmina and Jasmine did a duet of “Enough is Enough” by Donna Summer and Teena Marie; Nya, “Burlesque” by Christina Aguilera; Aliyah, “A Little Bit” by Rikki Lee; Darna and Amber dueted with “Telephone” by Lady Gaga and Beyoncé; Simone, “Crazy In Love” by Beyoncé; and Tita closed the show, bringing down the house in her Super Woman costume doing “I Need a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler. The Ladies truly outdid themselves!

with red lights, large, glowing red ribbons in over two dozen Castro store windows, and red balloons.

Do you have an ongoing or special event that you want to post in the Bay Times calendar? Send it to calendar@sfbaytimes.com. Events from all over the Bay Area are welcome. Please send special events at least 2 weeks in advance.

So, I was looking for more details on this year’s gay apparel story when I discovered that Abby of NCIS, or Pauley Perrette if you insist, says she won’t marry her f inance, Thomas Arkle, until Prop 8 is struck down. Thank you, Abby! We owe you a CafPow. And since we can live without further details on the latest debate about giggling six-year-olds, let me share an exciting tidbit, compliments of loyal reader Nicole from New York.

This story (which supplants my cousin Penny’s scoop about the British company that is now selling condoms filled with a Viagra-like gel) involves a conservative Christian politician who once ran unsuccessfully for governor of Alabama in 2009. Bill Johnson has reportedly spent most of this year helping with earthquake recovery in New Zealand as an employee of an American disaster relief company. His wife Kathy remained in the U.S.. In his spare time, Johnson has also been donating sperm to various lesbians through online registries, where he goes by the name of “chchbill.” According to a lengthy article by David Fisher, Johnson has offered to lend a hand to nine women, and impregnated three. Until his activities became public, wife Kathy was not aware of his efforts, let alone his pending fatherhood Somehow, Johnson drew the attention of local authorities, who have pesky rules and regulations for sperm donations and other fertility matters. Among other things, a donor has a limit of four contacts. Johnson explained that he has long wanted to be a biological father, but that his wife’s hysterectomy made it impossible to have children in his marriage. Kathy herself had three kids from a previous marriage, but apparently these kids weren’t enough to satisfy Bill’s paternal drive. Johnson said he hoped the pregnant women would allow him to have a parental role in the children’s lives, a dubious fantasy unless these women are headed for the reality show circuit. It’s not clear whether any of the pregnant lesbians know, or knew, about the others. Nor is there any reason to think the couples were prepared to deal with half brothers or half sisters for their new children, let alone an egomaniac conservative father figure. Good luck with that, ladies! Ann’s column appears every week at sfbaytimes.com. She can be reached at arostow@ aol.com.

BARNEY FRANK continued from page 1) in 1996 when he was House speaker. lationship with a House male page. Frank said he intends to pursue “some Frank said, “The 25th anniversary combination of writing, teaching, and of my volunteering [being gay] will lecturing.” be next Memorial Day.” He said, “The best antidote to prejudice is He stated, “I voted against President reality, because prejudice by definiBush, the f irst, request to go into tion is based on ignorance of people’s Iraq,” regarding the congressional real condition, and I am proud that vote that preceded the 1991 Persian by finally coming out at 47, I do think Gulf War after Iraq invaded Kuwait it was helpful [for others].” He said in 1990. one of the things he was proud of in the lame duck Congress last year, was President Barack Obama, stated, that he played a major role in the re“This country has never had a con- peal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” lifting gressman like Barney Frank, and the the military ban on gays, and “then House of Representatives will not be Speaker Pelosi put me in charge of the same without him.” that, and I now have the gavel that was used in the repeal.” Obama and others have praised Frank for helping to pass the Dodd- In 1989, Frank was involved in a Frank Act, which Obama has termed slight scandal after it was revealed, “the most sweeping f inancial re- unknown to Frank, that his boyfriend form in history designed to protect had operated a gay escort service consumers and prevent the kind of from his home. The only charge the excessive risk-taking that led to the House brought against Frank was for financial crisis from ever happening his fixing parking tickets for the boyagain.” friend. Frank was raised in Bayonne, N.J., and went to Harvard University and Harvard Law School. He was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1972 and the US House eight years later. In 1987, he became the very f irst member of the House to voluntarily acknowledge he was gay. Prior to that, US Representative Gerry Studds of Massachusetts had been forced to acknowledge his gayness in 1983 after disclosure of his sexual re-

Frank endured a very difficult campaign last year, narrowly defeating his opponent, Republican Sean Bielat, with a 53% to 43% percent margin. In fact, he admitted that he was thinking about retiring right after that arduous race. But he remained to valiantly fight the Republican lawmakers who ruled the House and attempted to dismantle the financial renovation he had begun. Frank said quite humbly, “I think I was pretty good at being a legislator.”

BAY T IM ES DEC EM BER 15, 2011 25

CLASSIFIEDS Business Opportunities

Masters. Providing Museum Quality Custom Framing. www.pelicanart.com, 707-773-3393

Graphic & Web Designer www.imagineit-design.com lori.au3@gmail.com

House Sitting

Beauty Services Connie Cook – Colorist/Hair Artist, www.conhair.com Phone: 650-2514010 Email: conhair@comcast.net Why Me? I Stop. (Talking) I Look. (At you, not at myself in the mirror) I Listen. (To you, not my ring tones) Char’s Hair Design, Charlotte ReedPrice @ Image USA Beauty Salon, 1645 Hollenbeck Ave. Sunnyvale. Phone: (408) 398-4892. Email: charreed2011@gmail.com

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Dating Services

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Single Gay Man Desires Sunny Room up to $850. Mature, Responsible, Clean, Humorous, Meditator. Ed 415-447-4388.

Gay Man Looking to be a Known Donor for a Lesbian/Couple. 5’10’’, excellent health, HIV neg., with high fertility numbers, educated (Masters), athletic, attractive, and descend from two loving and long-lived Spanish families. www.gayfamilyoptions.com item /221


B. Scott Levine 510-763-2300 bscottlevine@gmail.com

El Cerrito Hills-I80-Men: Info: www.rickoz2.com

Monument Markers Art of Remembering: Custom Memorial Markers in Bronze. Sigrid Herr, 510.708.9635. Sigrid@artofremembering.com

Discover the secret spots of Bahia/ Brazil with Leo. Visit www. TravelingwithLeo.com

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Self Defense

Sports San Francisco Gay Basketball Association’s Open Court Play every Sunday, 5:00 pm, Eureka Valley Recreation Center. www.gaybasketball.com

TRAVEL WITH US. Our members, gay men over 40, have been staying in each others’ homes, having good times, making new friends and saving $$$ as they travel for over 10 years. Travel Lambda Connections Club. www.TLCclub.net

Free weekly support group forming for gay men dealing with mid-life issues. Call Kurt for more info. 415-647-3465. Experienced Psychologist - LGBTQ Issues - Castro - Sliding Scale - Diana Gray, PhD (PSY10607) 415-309-4729



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BAY T IM ES DEC EM BER 15, 2011 27

2 12 NewYears


Party & Celebration Black & White Ball Theme

Celebrate and Dance in the New Year! San Francisco City Club 155 Sansome Street 7:30pm - 1:00am

Just Added!

Comedy Queen Karen Williams!

Join us for dancing with Critical Bliss and DJ Lori Z, hors d’oeuvres and a midnight champagne toast at the beautiful San Francisco City Club! Early Bird Pricing :: $115 :: Availability is Limited To purchase Tickets 415-503-1375 :: BettyEventInfo@bettyslist.com :: bettyslist.com

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