San Francisco BayTimes - January 30, 2025

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LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area


Leaders of the Emerging Resistance

See Pages 3–8

Leaders of the Emerging Resistance

People’s March 2025

On Saturday, January 18, 2025, multi-generational crowds of protestors gathered in cities across the world for The People’s March (still called the Women’s March in certain cities abroad, such as London). The largest event took place in Washington, D.C., culminating at the Lincoln Memorial. In San Francisco, the People’s March began at 24th and Bryant streets in the Mission with a rally afterwards at Dolores Park.

The nationally-led mobilization was organized by a coalition of organizations across the movement landscape through a broad committee structure. The coalition members, in part, include Abortion Action Now, Time to Act, SisterSong, Women’s March, Popular Democracy in Action, Harriet’s Wildest Dreams, The Feminist Front, NOW, Planned Parenthood, the National Women’s Law Center Action Fund, the Sierra Club, and the Frontline. Women’s March anchored the logistics of the mobilization. The numbers at the marches were not as large as for the first Women’s March and sister marches in January 2017, but the resolve was just the same. Often the marchers, in their dress and via the signs they carried, reflected this year’s theme: the “Day of Resistance.” Their handwritten messages concerned a variety of attacks inflicted by the Trump administration impacting the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, reproductive rights, climate change, and more.

For information about future related actions, go to:

Leaders of the Emerging Resistance

About Our Cover

As efforts to strengthen resistance against the new presidential administration build, leaders of the revitalized movement are emerging, and sometimes unexpectedly. When the Rt. Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, the Bishop of Washington, during her inaugural prayer service address made a plea for mercy and compassion towards vulnerable people, including members of LGBTQ+ communities, she expressed the sentiments of many while shocking listeners—even President Donald Trump—with her directness in that pivotal moment.

Danielle Moodie, co-host of The New Abnormal, said: “I can’t thank Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde enough for being an absolute profile in courage.” (She was referencing the late President John F. Kennedy’s best-selling book, Profiles in Courage.) Moodie added, “I know that MAGA loves to feed off people’s fear and that’s what gets them excited, but it is people like her that are modeling how you stand up to these people.”

The sermon clearly rattled President Trump, who had no choice but to sit submissively in the Washington National Cathedral, a place where Bishop Budde holds prominence. Just hours prior, during his Inaugural Address, he said, in part, “We will not forget our country, we will not forget our Constitution, and we will not forget our God.” He also said, “I was saved by God (from the assassin’s bullet) to make America great again.”

By that logic, he was also meant to hear Bishop Budde’s words and to heed them.

Another church leader speaking out boldly now is the San Francisco-based Venerable Miguel Bustos, Archdeacon and Director of the School for Deacons within the Episcopal Church. He is featured in this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times. As he shares, the Episcopal Church is welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community; allows same-sex marriage; and highlights respect, inclusion, and acceptance of gender identities and expressions. Just a few days ago, the Episcopal Anglican Church in Brazil ordained its first out homosexual priest, Auderli Sidnei Schroeder.

Also standing up for the rights of marginalized peoples and especially members of the transgender community is Bay Times columnist Honey Mahogany, who is the Director of the San Francisco Office of Transgender Initiatives; and Suzanne Ford, the Executive Director of San Francisco Pride. Both are included in this issue and have been speaking out nearly every day via local media outlets and more since January 20, 2025, Inauguration Day.

Internationally recognized marriage equality activists and Bay Times columnists John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney have also been intensifying their work. They too are included in this issue and are among the many other individuals who are emerging as leaders at this time of political upheaval and the Trump administration’s undermining of core democratic principles.

Reflections on Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s Inaugural Prayer Service Address

The words of The Right Reverend Mariann Budde, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Washington, during the inaugural prayer service at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., are etched in my memory as a profound moment of truth-telling and prophetic witness. As a gay Latino and a clergy member within the Episcopal Church, I was deeply moved by her remarks—not only because of their personal resonance, but also because they exemplified the courage and compassion our faith tradition calls us to embody.

In addressing President Trump, Bishop Budde articulated the fears and humanity of two communities that have been vilified and attacked in recent years: the LGBTQ+ community and immigrants, particularly those who are undocumented. She spoke of the pain caused by policies and rhetoric that seek to dehumanize and marginalize, reminding us that behind every headline, statistic, or political debate are real people—families, friends, and neighbors— whose lives are profoundly affected.

One of the most poignant moments in her address was her subtle acknowledgment of our shared history as strangers in this land. This served as a reminder that before any of us or our ancestors arrived—by choice or by force—this land was home to Native Americans. Bishop Budde’s recognition of this truth

called for humility and invited solidarity. She emphasized the moral and spiritual imperative to welcome the stranger, not as an act of charity but as an acknowledgment of our shared humanity and interconnectedness.

As a gay man, I have witnessed the harm caused by hateful words and discriminatory policies. The LGBTQ+ community has fought for decades for the right to live with dignity, and although we have made significant strides, the journey is far from over.

Bishop Budde’s acknowledgment of these struggles, particularly in a high-profile and politically charged setting, was a balm to many wounded hearts. It reminded us that our humanity is not subject to debate and that The Episcopal Church stands with us in the fight for equality and justice.

Likewise, as the son of Mexican immigrants, her words about the plight of undocumented individuals resonated deeply. I know the stories of countless immigrants who have come to this country seeking a better life, driven by hope and resilience. Yet, too often, they face hostility, suspicion, and systemic barriers that deny their dignity

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Verger Scott Saners, Rev. Canon Rose Duncan, Bishop Yvette Flunder, Rev. Miguel Bustos, Alex Rivera, Rev. Bustos’ husband, at the Washington National Cathedral
Rev. Bustos joined leaders from the drag community and beyond in the “Drag Up! Fight Back! March & Rally in San Francisco (April, 2023). The march was held in protest of anti-drag and anti-trans legislation proposed in states nationwide.

Leaders of the Emerging Resistance

Full Transcript of the 2025 Inauguration Prayer Service Address by the Rt. Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, the Bishop of Washington

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, oh God, for you are our strength and our Redeemer. Amen. Please be seated.

Again, my warm welcome to all who have gathered in this House of prayer for all people and for those who are joining us via livestream. As a country we have gathered this morning to pray for unity as a people and a nation, not for agreement, political or otherwise, but for the kind of unity that fosters community across diversity and division, a unity that serves the common good. Unity in this sense is a threshold requirement for people to live in freedom and together in a free society. It is the solid rock, as Jesus said, in this case upon which to build a nation. It is not conformity. It is not victory. It is not polite weariness or passive passivity born of exhaustion. Unity is not partisan, rather unity is a way of being with one another that encompasses and respects our differences, that teaches us to hold multiple perspectives and life experiences as valid and worthy of respect, that enables us in our communities and in the halls of power to genuinely care for one another even when we disagree. Those across our country who dedicate their lives or who volunteer to help others in times of natural disaster, often at great risk to themselves, never ask those they are helping for whom they voted in a past election or what positions they hold on a particular issue. And we are at our best when we follow their example. For unity at times is sacrificial in the way that love is sacrificial, a giving of ourselves for the sake of another. In his sermon on the mount, Jesus of Nazareth exhorts us to love, not only our neighbors, but to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us, to be merciful as our God is merciful, to forgive others as God forgives us. And Jesus went out of his way to welcome those whom his society deemed as outcasts.

Now I grant you that unity in this broad expansive sense is aspirational, and it’s a lot to pray for. It’s a big ask of our God, worthy of the best of who we are and who we can be. But there isn’t much to be gained by our prayers if we act in ways that further deepen the divisions among us. Our scriptures are quite clear about this that God is never impressed with prayers when actions are not informed by them. Nor does God spare us from the consequences of our deeds, which always in the end matter more than the words we pray.

Those of us gathered here in the cathedral, we are not naive about the realities of politics, when power and wealth and competing interests are at stake, when views

of what America should be are in conflict, when there are strong opinions across a spectrum of possibilities and starkly different understandings of what the right course of action is. There will be winners and losers. When votes are cast— decisions made that set the course of public policy and the prioritization of resources—it goes without saying that, in a democracy, not everyone’s particular hopes and dreams can be realized in a given legislative session or a presidential term, not even in a generation. Which is to say, not everyone’s specific prayers, for those of us who are people of prayer, not everyone’s prayers will be answered in the way we would like. But for some, the loss of their hopes and dreams will be far more than political defeat, but instead a loss of equality and dignity and their livelihoods. Given this then, is true unity among us even possible? And why should we care about it?

must be sturdy enough to withstand the many storms that threaten it. And, so what are they, the foundations of unity?

Well, I hope we care. I hope we care because the culture of contempt that has become normalized in this country threatens to destroy us. We are all bombarded daily with messages from what sociologists now call the outrage industrial complex, some of that driven by external forces whose interests are furthered by a polarized America. Contempt fuels political campaigns and social media, and many profit from that. But it’s a worrisome—it’s a dangerous way to lead a country. I’m a person of faith surrounded by people of faith, and, with God’s help, I believe that unity in this country is possible. Not perfectly, for we are imperfect people and an imperfect union but sufficient enough to keep us all believing in and working to realize the ideals of the United States of America, ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence, with its assertion of innate human equality and dignity. And we are right to pray for God’s help as we seek unity, for we need God’s help, but only if we ourselves are willing to tend to the foundations upon which unity depends, like Jesus’ analogy of building a house of faith on the rock of his teachings as opposed to building a house on sand. The foundations we need for unity

Drawing from our sacred traditions and texts, let me suggest that there are at least three. The first foundation for unity is honoring the inherent dignity of every human being, which is, as all the faiths represented here affirm, the birthright of all people as children of our one God. In public discourse, honoring each other’s dignity means refusing to mock or discount or demonize those with whom we differ, choosing instead to respectfully debate our differences, and, whenever possible, to seek common ground. And if common ground is not possible, dignity demands that we remain true to our convictions without contempt for those who hold convictions of their own.

The second foundation for unity is honesty, in both private conversation and public discourse. If we are not willing to be honest, there is no use in praying for unity because our actions work against the prayers themselves. We might, for a time, experience a false sense of unity among some, but not the sturdier, broader unity that we need to address the challenges that we face. Now to be fair, we don’t always know where the truth lies, and there is a lot working against the truth now. But when we do know, when we know what is true, it is incumbent upon us to speak the truth, even when, especially when it costs us.

On the third and last foundation I’ll mention today (as a) foundation for unity, is humility, which we all need, because we are all fallible human beings. We make mistakes. We say and do things that we later regret. We have our

blind spots and our biases. And perhaps we are most dangerous to ourselves and others when we are persuaded without a doubt that we are absolutely right and someone else is absolutely wrong, because then we are just a few steps from labeling ourselves as the good people versus the bad people. And the truth is that we are all people. We are both capable of good and bad. Alexander Solzhenitsyn once astutely observed that the line separating good and evil passes, not through states, not between classes, nor between political parties, but through, right through every human heart, through all human hearts. And the more we realize this, the more room we have within ourselves for humility and openness to one another across our differences, because, in fact, we are more like one another than we realize, and we need each other. Unity is relatively easy to pray for on occasions of great solemnity. It’s a lot harder to realize when we’re dealing with real differences in our private lives and in the public arena. But without unity, we’re building our nation’s house on sand, and with a commitment to unity that incorporates diversity and transcends disagreement and with the solid foundations of dignity, honesty, and humility that such unity requires, we can do our part, and in our time, to realize the ideals and the dream of America.

Let me make one final plea, Mr. President. Millions have put their trust in you and, as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and Independent families, some who fear for their lives.

And the people, the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals. They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, and temples. I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands, to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger for we were all once strangers in this land. May God grant us the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, to speak the truth to one another in love. and walk humbly with each other and our God for the good of all people. The good of all people in this nation and the world. Amen.

Rt. Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde

Leaders of the Emerging Resistance

Saying ‘Yes’ to Life in the First Days of the New Administration

6/26 and Beyond

For many of us, the first ten days of the second Trump administration have left us either shocked, fearful, angry, sad, or any combination of those feelings. It’s a natural reaction to the head-spinning number of brazen actions that the new administration has already taken. Indeed, it’s likely that Trump and his allies intended their actions to have that effect on us and leave us feeling hopeless and defeated.

When we learned that some people had gathered atop Bernal Hill to release a collective “primal scream” at the very moment Trump was sworn in on January 20, 2025, it seemed to us like an appropriate and amusingly unconventional, communal first response to the new administration. We recalled the famous “scream scene” in Cabaret, the award-winning 1972 movie musical set in Berlin during the ominous beginning of the Nazis’ rise to power, based on a book by the renowned gay writer Christopher Isherwood who actually lived in the German capital at that time. In the scene, Liza Minelli’s character Sally Bowles grabs the arm of the character modeled after Isherwood, and dashes with him to the spot beneath a railroad bridge where she periodically comes to scream at the top of her lungs at the moment the deafening noise of the passing train drowns out all else. In the

scene, Bowles lets it all out. But, of course, we cannot continuously scream physically—or metaphorically—for the next four years. Doing so would impede our ability to maintain our personal well-being and to limit the harm that Trump and his allies inflict on so many of us, as well as the earth itself. While pretending that nothing detrimental is going on or always looking the other way is no solution, being in a state of perpetual rage solves nothing and interferes with our ability to see openings for hope or resistance.

when he witnessed some prisoners’ generosity toward others even under such dire circumstances, he learned that “everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms— to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Sometimes that inner freedom may move us to do extraordinary things; at other times, negative thoughts and emotions may be so strong that realistically our only choice in a given moment is to try

Many things could be considered counterpoints—and sometimes complements—to screaming; laughter and music immediately come to mind. Perhaps the polar opposite of screaming may seem to be silent meditation. But it, too, in a very different way, invites something elemental deep within us to come forth and be seen and heard. Many meditation techniques offer a person the opportunity to follow the sensations of their breath, connect to the felt sense of their body, and let go for a period of time to attachment to the myriad thoughts and emotions that arise in the mind and heart. Many people experience over time that their minds quiet and more space opens up within them. When we sit down to meditate on any given day, we might have a pretty good idea of what we expect our minds to do based on what has been going on for us that day, but we don’t know for sure what will happen. It’s kind of like the beginning of the Trump administration. We have strong indications of what they want to take place, but we don’t know how things will actually unfold and how unexpected events, or our active engagement, may alter expected outcomes.

In meditation, when a person gives themselves a period of time to be free from following their thoughts and emotions to their logical conclusions, insights and creative thoughts and solutions often arise that had been obscured behind frenetic mental activity. And meditation can also allow us to experience the ever elusive “present moment” whose evanescence can

ironically offer nurturing sustenance.

Another reaction to the advent of the second Trump administration is to try to reassure ourselves and others that everything will eventually turn out fine. Doing so in a pollyannaish way is too facile.

However, Stuart and I as well as countless other queer people have seen our community confronted with seemingly impossible odds—such as the Supreme Court in Bowers v. Hardwick legitimizing the criminalization of our love, the horrors of the AIDS epidemic, the passage of Prop. 8 along with ballot measures in 30 other states that denied queer people the right to marry. Sometimes, it seemed as if change for the better would not come in our lifetimes. Although countless people suffered senselessly along the way, things did change. We must never relinquish this hope. We cannot be assured that the arc of

the moral universe will eventually bend toward justice, but maintaining hope that it will is vital to us in the present moment.

Although LGBTIQ+ Americans today face nothing as drastic as what queer people faced under the Nazis 80 years ago, the observations of the Nazi concentration camp survivor and writer Viktor Frankl about how to survive the camps have relevance today. Frankl (who sadly pathologized homosexuality) famously wrote that,

to refrain from acting on them.

The English translation of Frankl’s account is entitled “Man’s Search for Meaning,” but the original German title offers far wiser counsel: “ ... Still Say Yes to Life.” It comes from song lyrics a Jewish prisoner in the Buchenwald concentration camp wrote when the SS ordered the prisoners to compose a song that they would be forced to sing at roll call and when marching in seemingly unbearable conditions to their forced labor assignments. After the SS terminated this usage of the song, groups of prisoners on their own began singing it to themselves as a song of hope. The complete line of the song from which the title is taken is: “We will still say yes to life, for one day the day will come: then we will be free!”

Today, we, the LGBTIQ+ community, and many other communities, must say “yes” to life as well.

John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney, together for over three decades, were plaintiffs in the California case for equal marriage rights decided by the California Supreme Court in 2008. Their leadership in the grassroots organization Marriage Equality USA contributed in 2015 to making same-sex marriage legal nationwide.

Bernal Hill “primal scream” gathering on Inauguration Day, 2025.
The Scream by Edvard Munch
Michael Hardwick, defendant in the Georgia sodomy case Bowers v. Hardwick wih his lawyer Kathy Wilde, Atlanta (1986)
Victor Frankl

Leaders of the Emerging Resistance

It’s Happening

What we thought would happen, what Project 2025 said would happen, and what Trump promised would happen is happening.

After spending years demonizing transgender people in right wing media; years introducing anti-trans bills that allowed politicians to talk endlessly about the alleged dangers that trans people posed in bathrooms and on sports teams; and after pouring almost a quarter of a billion dollars into anti-trans ads during his presidential campaign, newly re-elected President Donald Trump and his cadre of sycophants are delivering on their promises.

standing when it comes to sex and gender identity and diversity.

The executive order notably affects the ability for trans and intersex people to have passports that accurately represent them by banning the use of the “X” gender marker and preventing people from changing their gender markers in the future. Trump’s new Secretary of State Marco Rubio has already instructed his agency to freeze any applications requesting a gender marker change or an “X” gender marker.

Trump’s executive order “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government” further removes anti-discrimination protections for transgender individuals, enforces sex-segregation in intimate spaces like bathrooms and prisons, restricts gender-affirming healthcare for incarcerated individuals, and prohibits federal funding for “gender ideology.”

On Day 1 of his Presidency, Trump signed an executive order mandating that the federal government use sex in place of gender on all federal documents, and that, moving forward, the federal government only recognize two sexes: male and female. This change would undue the progress that both transgender and intersex people have made in fighting for recognition and greater under-

Even before Trump was officially president, House Republicans endeavored to distract the American public from the fact that they cared nothing for making their lives any easier by wasting their time and energy instituting a policy restricting the use of bathrooms in the House chamber and halls. The rule, requiring that trans

people use the bathroom that aligns with their sex assigned at birth, was in response to the election of Delaware Congresswoman Sarah McBride, the first and only transgender woman in Congress.

Congresswoman Nancy Mace, the most vocal advocate for this mean-spirited and potentially dangerous rule, claims she is trying to protect women. This, of course, ignores the fact that transgender and non-binary congressional staff and visitors have thus far been using these bathrooms without incident. The rule has already led to at least one instance of a cis-woman reportedly being confronted and accused of being trans in the bathroom in the House, and also spawned a sit-in and dance party protest in a bathroom by trans activists and their allies on Capitol Hill.

At the same time, META founder Mark Zuckerberg announced policy changes to META’s platforms including moving away from fact checking in favor of community notes, and redefining the rules around hate speech to allow for queer and transgender people to be

referred to as mentally ill.

A week later, the House of Representatives passed House Resolution 28, the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act,” rewriting Title IX protections in order to ban transgender women and girls from playing sports. Opponents of the bill noted that not only does this resolution deny opportunities to transgender girls, but it also puts all girls in danger of being harassed, abused, and potentially assaulted as it could lead to them being forced to endure invasive examinations.

As terrifying as it is to see all of this roll out so quickly, it’s important that we not panic and that we not lose hope. Lawyers and activists, nonprofit groups, and local and state governments have been preparing for the worst, and challenges are already being made to block the current administration’s extremist agenda, including the recent blocking of their attempt to end birthright citizenship.

Additionally, here in California, we have protections. The executive order does not impact trans people’s ability to get a state driver’s license with an “X” gender marker or change their gender on their license.

LGBTQ champions in the State Legislature’s LGBTQ Caucus like State Senator Scott Wiener and Assemblymember Rick Zbur have both introduced legislation that would make all court documents related to transition confidential, helping shield trans people from being targeted, as well as a bill

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If the Trump Administration Playbook Works Against the Transgender Community, Your Group May Be Next

Over the last several days, the new presidential administration has begun to enact many of the promised policies concerning trans people. They seem intent on erasing our very existence. It is becoming increasingly difficult to change federal documents to reflect changed gender. Our access to healthcare is under attack. For example, military families’ transgender youth cannot receive gender-affirming care.

Now we face a new executive order concerning trans service in the armed forces. The White House order states that, “It is the policy of the United States Government to

establish high standards for troop readiness, lethality, cohesion, honesty, humility, uniformity, and integrity. This policy is inconsistent with the medical, surgical, and mental health constraints on individuals with gender dysphoria. This policy is also inconsistent with shifting pronoun usage or use of pronouns that inaccurately reflect an individual’s sex.” Keep in mind that over fifteen thousand trans people serve as active-duty personnel. The current Secretary of Defense has promised to end their service and prevent many others from serving.

Our trans community faces 4 years of persecution. No one is coming to rescue us. Many people have contacted me over the last week to ask if we are ok. Hell, no, we are not ok!

It feels like we have nowhere to turn. Just walking through an airport this week felt unsafe. The normal glares are enough, however, now they seem to carry more malice. Will trans women be dragged out of bathrooms as people stand by quietly? Will politicians stop supporting us when faced with a federal government that holds the purse strings? Will the media tell our stories, or just sensationalize the victimhood?

Yes, we are up against a wall. We have been here before. The community knows how to adapt and care for one another. There will be no capitulation! Trans people have always been here and will not be erased. We will continue to fight and demand our humanity.

The question is: What are you going to do? Will you stand with us and say no to this evil? Remember, if this playbook works against us, then your group may be next. Donate to organizations like the National Center for Lesbian Rights and The Trans Law Center as they support us in the legal system. Reach out to trans lead orgs like The Transgender District and offer your support. Finally, meet me on Market Street on June 29, 2025, as SF Pride marches through the city. Let’s show the world that there is another way to live with one another, celebrating diversity and demanding justice. Suzanne Ford is the Executive Director of San Francisco Pride.

Trans Action with Honey Mahogany
Congresswoman Sarah McBride
Mark Zuckerberg
Assemblymember Rick Zbur
Congresswoman Nancy Mace

Leaders of the Emerging Resistance

Repeat After Me: This Is Not Normal

In Case You Missed It

Since January 20, 2025, the new administration has trained a firehose of hate upon the American people. The Current-TemporaryResident-of-the-White-House got right to it after the inauguration, signing a mile-high stack of executive orders designed, quite frankly, to hurt a lot of people. He had warned us that he was going to unleash “shock and awe” upon the country, and, for once, he delivered on his promise.

The barrage of executive orders, which continued past inauguration day, comprised a litany of cruelty and hatred, designed to cause both physical hardship and psychological pain to millions of Americans. It has been disheartening, disturbing, infuriating, and frightening.

And, even though we’ve seen this before, in 2017, we must remember, this is not normal.

This barrage of executive orders—many of them sloppily drafted and, frankly, illegal—is specifically designed to intimidate, disorient, and frighten us. They are deliberately throwing everything but the kitchen sink at us as fast and hard as they can, in the hope that we will be so overwhelmed that we won’t be able to fight back. We must prove them wrong.

Overwhelmed by all the issues they are throwing at us? Pick one or two that matter most to you, and work on those. Support organizations whose job is to fight for those issues. Find experts you trust to help you sort

through all the noise. Speak out when you see injustice, and call them out, time and time again.

They want us to feel overwhelmed. They are counting on wearing us down. They want us to knuckle under and simply accept this strategic dismantling of our rights, and our country, as normal. But it is not.

This is not normal.

But it is overwhelming. Find your communities, and support each other. Find people, and groups, who will have your back, and be sure you have theirs, too. None of us should go through this alone. We can do this, people. We’re not giving up our country without a fight.

Creating Change

This year’s Creating Change conference, produced by The National LGBTQ Task Force and that opened in Las Vegas just two days after the inauguration, could not have come at a better time. The annual conference is the largest gathering of LGBTQ+

progressive movement activists and advocates in the U.S., with nearly 4,000 attendees and 77 exhibitors coming together for skill-building, sharing knowledge and resources, solidarity, inspiration, and communal joy. All of those are needed more than ever as the new administration has made terrorizing LGBTQ+ people a priority.

This year’s conference featured an additional surprise. While the conference was underway, the new president came to town. Fortunately, the conference planners took seriously their mandate to create a safe space for all their people, with extra security on hand, as well as trauma counselors.

The theme for this year’s conference was “Rooted in Resistance, Power, and Love.” Plenary sessions included “Black Leadership Rising,” “Democracy, Fascism, and the Road Ahead,” “State of the Movement,” and a session addressing issues of safety and security in the LGBTQ+ community: “We Got Us.” More info:

Good News in Oakland

While legislators around the country are busy trying to take away health care and basic human rights from anyone who isn’t a cisgender white male, Oakland is making sure that everyone else gets the care they need. On December 17, 2024, the Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Barbara Lee Oakland Health Center opened its doors, with a formal ribbon-cutting scheduled for February 1. This 12,000-square-foot facility is now the largest Planned Parenthood health center in the United States, featuring 19 exam rooms. Services include birth control, abortions, HIV services, and gender-affirming care. With such necessary and inclusive services becoming harder to access elsewhere, the Planned Parenthood Mar Monte locations in California and Nevada have seen a significant increase in patients, serving more than 300,000 people, including many from 39 other states. This new facility in Oakland fills a pressing need, and couldn’t come at a better time.

Honoring a Hero

On January 22, friends and community leaders gathered to pay their respects to Allan Baird, the legendary teamster organizer, activist, and LGBTQ+ ally. The bestknown highlight of Baird’s long career was his work organizing the Coor’s boycott in the 1970s, but his transformative work lasted throughout his long and useful life.

The lineup of speakers was a Who’s Who of activists who had worked with Harvey

Milk and Baird in the 1970s, labor organizers, and community leaders. Baird, who died January 7 at the age of 92, was a lifelong resident of the Castro, and advocated for equality until the very end. Most recently, he was advocating for the Teamsters to become more inclusive, lobbying for them to change their name from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters to the International Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Teamsters, to acknowledge the powerful and essential role that women play in the labor movement.

One of the speakers at the event was Professor Allyson Brantley, who had interviewed Baird for her book about the Coors boycott, Brewing a Boycott: How a Grassroots Coalition Fought Coors and Remade American Consumer Activism. Anyone wanting to honor Baird’s legacy would do well to read Brantley’s book. Donations in Baird’s name can also be made to the GLBT Historical Society, or to the Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy.

SF Pride’s 2025 Theme: Queer Joy Is Resistance

SF Pride has announced their theme for this year’s Pride celebrations, and it is both celebratory and defiant. “Queer Joy Is Resistance” will be a powerful call to action to defy the efforts of the haters to diminish, punish, and erase this community. It is also a reminder that just being your own, unique, colorful, and joyful self is an important daily act of resistance. As the SF Pride website states, “The theme serves as a reminder that the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights is ongoing, and that the community must remain vigilant, engaged, and united in its pursuit of justice and equality.”

Start planning your outfits now; June is right around the corner. And, in the meantime, be kind to one another.

Joanie Juster is a long-time community volunteer, activist, and ally.

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Barbara Lee Oakland Health Center

Creating a Plan for Senior Care Decisions

Let’s be honest. Conversations about senior care and senior living may not be glamorous subjects and they probably won’t be the most welcomed topics at your next dinner party. The tricky subject of age and how to plan for and cope with the many accompanying life changes associated with getting older is something many of us in the LGBTQ+ community would rather avoid. Over the holidays, you might have noticed changes in a friend or family member’s overall health, cognitive or physical decline, or even some emotional issues such as depression, loneliness, or lack of social connections. The new year is a good time to start focusing on aging and to begin planning for what our senior loved ones might require in the not-too-distant future.

Several years ago, I had a proverbial mid-life crisis that was centered on my career in tech but also had cascading effects on many other aspects of my life. I wanted to pursue something that would give me more connection to my community and a bigger purpose. With the help of a talented business coach, the loving support from my partner, and a lot of soul searching, I found the senior living industry. (Or maybe it found me.) Guiding families in making the right senior care and living decisions is abundantly fulfilling for me and has given me a mission to educate seniors and their families in the LGBTQ+ community and beyond.

Understanding the Growing Need and Costs for Senior Care

It is estimated that 70% of all Americans age 65+ will need some type of long-term care in their lifetime. As this segment of the population grows, it becomes even more important to start planning ahead for ourselves and our loved ones. Unfortunately, senior living options such as assisted living, memory care, and long-term skilled nursing (nursing homes) are often an out-of-pocket expense.

Long-term care insurance needed to cover in-home care, assisted living, and long-term skilled nursing costs can be prohibitively expensive. The average cost of a studio in an assisted living community in San Francisco is $6,300 per month plus care costs. Average monthly costs for memory care (specialized care for seniors with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia) and long-term skilled

nursing are even higher and they continue to increase every year.

Unique Challenges for LGBTQ+ Seniors

The LGBTQ+ community is unique in that many seniors, due to various circumstances, do not have immediate family members who are local. As we age, many of our friends either move away or pass away and our support network becomes increasingly smaller. We often rely on neighbors or other city programs for assistance. Our community in San Francisco is fortunate to have many senior-focused programs provided by organizations such as OnLok, Openhouse, and the Institute on Aging.

ney and create a property and living will as well as an estate plan.

The LGBTQ+ seniors in our community are also more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of isolation and loneliness. As we age, our mobility declines, which often prevents us from going out and engaging with others. Due to less local family support and shrinking social circles, the seniors in our community are at greater risk of losing social connections that may lead to loneliness and feeling that they lack purpose. In fact, many recent studies show that lack of social interactions as we age have huge impacts on our overall health, cognition, and longevity.

The Dangers of Failing to Plan Ahead

A large majority of seniors prefer to stay at home as they age. Misconceptions and fears about home care and assisted living drive many older adults to delay seeking help. Many seniors would rather remain at home even though they cannot adequately care for themselves. Far too often it’s an injury resulting from a fall that necessitates a senior to move out of their home and into an assisted living situation. In San Francisco, the difficulties for a senior to stay at home are exacerbated by hilly streets and the multiple levels and many steps required to access and navigate within the home.

Advanced planning and making timely decisions are critical for seniors who require assisted living or memory care. If a senior waits too long to make a decision to transition to assisted living, the delay can seriously limit what choices are available to them. Also, when a decision must be made quickly, as opposed to planning in advance, the expe-

Dr. Marcy Adelman oversees the A ging in Community column. For her summary of current LGBT senior challenges and opportunities, please go to:

dited nature of the transition can dramatically increase the care costs for a senior moving into a community. I often see seniors and their families caught off guard without having a plan in place. When a sudden decline in mobility or cognition forces a change, it causes the decision-making process to be more complex and difficult for all involved. During a health crisis, it’s challenging and stressful to navigate legal paperwork. It’s also a burden to understand and unravel finances while at the same time making difficult senior care decisions.

Starting the Planning Process

As a starting point, here are some initial steps for proactive senior care planning:

Legal Documentation: Establish advanced care directives, designate a power of attor-

Insurance Review: Review and understand existing long-term care insurance policies. In the case of cognitive decline, resulting from dementia or general cognitive impairment due to aging, friends and family members often have to assist seniors in making decisions. While this is a compassionate attempt to do what is best for the senior, in many situations, family members are reluctant or even refuse to intervene. This indecision may result in injuries to seniors and a further decline in their health. This can be especially difficult for children of the senior as the parent/child dynamic is confusing and upsetting for both. As loving family members or friends, we always want what’s best for our parents, older family members, or other senior loved ones in our lives, and it’s sometimes necessary to make difficult decisions on their behalf.

My Personal Lessons in 2024

In 2024 I had my own personal challenges. I searched for and found an assisted living community for my own parents. Shortly (continued on page 16)

Is Refinancing Your Home the Right Move for You? Let’s Break It Down!

debt, or building an emergency fund.

Money Matters

Thinking about refinancing your home loan? It could mean big savings on interest, lower monthly payments, or even the chance to cash out some home equity. But is it the right move for you? Let’s weigh the pros and cons and figure it out together.

The Bright Side: Why Refinancing Can Be Worth It

Lower Interest Rates and Payments: If your credit has improved or market rates are favorable, you might snag a better rate, saving you money and potentially shortening your loan term. Lowering your monthly payments can free up cash for other priorities like investing, paying down high-interest

Ditching PMI: Built up 20% equity in your home? Refinancing could help you say goodbye to costly private mortgage insurance (PMI). PMI is often required for borrowers who initially put down less than 20%.

Adjusting Loan Features: Whether you want a shorter term, a fixed-rate loan, or even to add or remove a co-borrower, refinancing can offer the flexibility you need.

Refinancing could allow you to switch from an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) to a fixed-rate mortgage to lock in stable payments, especially if interest rates are rising.

Cash-Out Refinancing: Need funds for big expenses like paying off high-interest debt or funding college tuition? Cash-out refinancing lets you tap into your home equity—just make sure the math works in your favor. It can provide liquidity at a lower interest rate compared to personal loans or credit cards, helping you manage big expenses strategically.

Optimize Debt Management: Refinancing may allow you to consolidate debts or restructure your financial obligations. With a lower rate and streamlined payments, you may reduce financial stress.

Adjust for Life Changes: Make sure your mortgage aligns with your current lifestyle

(continued on page 12)

Kickstart 2025 With 5 Estate Planning Resolutions to Secure Your Future

Trust Essentials

Jay Greene, Esq., CPA

As we step into 2025, it’s the perfect time to set resolutions that will protect your future and ensure peace of mind for you and your loved ones. While estate planning might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about New Year’s resolutions, it’s one of the most impactful commitments you can make.

Here are five essential estate planning resolutions to help you start the year on the right foot:

1. Review and refresh your estate plan.

Life is full of changes, and your estate plan should reflect those. Whether you’ve experi-

enced a marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or the loss of a loved one, it’s crucial to ensure your plan aligns with your current circumstances.

Quick Actions:

• Confirm your will and trust are up to date.

• Check for any outdated provisions that no longer serve your wishes. Simplify your plan.

• Update your list of beneficiaries, ensuring they reflect your current intentions and that the gifts to those beneficiaries still make the most sense.

By keeping your plan current, you avoid confusion and ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

2. Choose the right people for key roles.

The individuals you appoint in your estate plan play pivotal roles in carrying out your wishes. Start the year by reassessing whether these people are still the best choices.

Key Questions to Ask:

• Is your chosen executor or trustee still the best fit? Can they actually still perform the role?

• Does your healthcare proxy or financial power of attorney understand and respect your values? Can they get to a

(continued on page 12)

Message from Leadership

“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”

—Martin Luther King, Jr., Atlanta, 1967

Despite the best efforts of the Trump “oligarchy,” Americans are not a single identity. We are a kaleidoscope of identities and lived experiences that intersect at every level. We are a collective that has strengths and weaknesses, courage and humility, and, for the most part, can choose how we move forward.

I started this column the day after the inauguration. I wrote from a place of fear and despair. I started this way:

“I’ve avoided watching, reading, or listening

America First, Business First Does Not Mean People First

to any of the events of the inauguration of the 47th President of the United States. I am reading the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, cited by so many on social media. The juxtaposition of these events in the same moment is unsettling. My narrow focus on Dr. King’s sermons and speeches reminds me that community and courage are core values that we must demonstrate as we support each other. As Dr. King said, ‘Life’s most persistent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

It’s more important than ever that we show up for each other in meaningful ways. We must check in, ask questions, and listen to understand. We, individually and collectively, must source the energy and effort to stand strong against a current of disinformation and hate. In the San Francisco Bay Area, we live in an oasis of caring that we take for granted. As the federal government acts to

destroy the civil rights we have achieved since the 1960s, we must also be guided by the history of the Civil Rights Movement of that time. We have new and improved tools, and we can learn from the actions of those who came before us. We also enjoy a state government that supports the diversity of its constituents.

Ask yourself, “What does my community need today, this year and 3+years from now?” The GGBA Board is asking the same questions.

We understand that we must recalibrate our mission in service of our stakeholders, many of whom are under attack. It will also be uncomfortable at times as we listen to our stakeholders to discover how the GGBA has failed in the past and how we can best serve the needs of our members and sponsors going forward. We acknowledge that the GGBA can and must be better. This declara-

GGBA Member Spotlight Joshua Nair of Genentech

Joshua Nair is a driven Principal Administrative Business Partner and Operations Manager at Genentech, with over a decade of administrative and operational management. He passionately utilizes excellent customer service and organizational skills to drive efficiency and the execution of department initiatives to foster belonging, advance inclusive research and health equality, and transform society. He is also a new board member of the Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA)! Here, for the San Francisco Bay Times, Nair shares more about his work and his connection to the GGBA.

aim to have on people’s lives.

GGBA: Why did you decide to join the GGBA, and how long have you been a member?

GGBA: Most of us are familiar with Genentech as a major biotechnology company. Please tell us more, though, about it and your work there.

Joshua Nair: I have been at Genentech for 12 years. Genentech’s legacy and future aspirations are built on the belief that the boundaries of science are meant to be broken and that we can solve some of the hardest biomedical challenges plaguing humankind. Our history is marked by explorers tirelessly working to make seemingly impossible ideas a reality. The drive to be bold and courageous changemakers—not only in science, but for society—unites everyone working here today. That’s why we created Our Promise ( ): a commitment to ourselves, each other, patients, and society. It’s our north star that captures the essence of who we are today, who we strive to be in the future, and the impact we

Joshua Nair: I decided to join the Golden Gate Business Association because I wanted to deepen my involvement in the LGBTQ+ community and support local businesses that are vital to our culture and economy. After years of fundraising for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, I realized I could expand my impact by helping create opportunities for LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and professionals. The GGBA’s mission aligns perfectly with my personal values of inclusivity, empowerment, and giving back to the community.

tion is part of our healing process.

This year, we will continue our traditional community events that focus on networking and business acumen. Our Board Members will be conducting various listening sessions with the goal of gathering feedback to become more relevant and to increase the value of belonging for our members. We are not seeking a seat at another’s table; we want to know whom we need to invite to build the strongest table possible for the GGBA and for LGBTQAI2S individuals and families. Personally, I will be reaching out to our members to get feedback and to learn how we can do better.

Nancy Geenen is the Acting President of the Golden Gate Business Association. She is also the Principal and Chief Executive Officer at Flexibility

GGBA: Do you go to the GGBA monthly Make Contact networking events? Have they benefited you, and would you recommend them to others?

Joshua Nair: I’ve greatly benefited from GGBA networking events by connecting with a diverse group of professionals and entrepreneurs who share a passion for creating a more inclusive business community. These events have opened doors to new partnerships, inspired creative ideas, and provided valuable insights from others who’ve faced similar challenges or opportunities. Beyond the professional growth, I’ve found a sense of camaraderie and support that’s truly unique.

I would absolutely recommend these events to others, whether they’re established business owners or just starting out. They’re an incredible opportunity to build meaningful relationships, exchange ideas, and become part of a community that genuinely wants to see each other succeed.

GGBA: What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own business?

Joshua Nair: My advice to someone starting their own business is to focus on three

key things: community, resilience, and authenticity. First, build a strong network of support—whether it’s through organizations like the GGBA, mentors, or peers—because no one succeeds alone. Second, be prepared for challenges and setbacks, but don’t let them deter you; resilience is one of the most important qualities for any entrepreneur. Finally, stay true to your values and vision. People are drawn to authenticity, and building a business that reflects who you are will set you apart and keep you motivated through the journey.

GGBA: Is there anything else that you would like to share?

Joshua Nair: As a new board member and secretary, I hope to bring fresh energy and a collaborative spirit to the GGBA. My 12 years at Genentech have given me experience in organization, problem-solving, and building strong relationships—skills I believe can help the GGBA grow and thrive. I also bring a passion for connecting people and fostering opportunities, especially for underrepresented members of our community. Ultimately, I want to help amplify the voices of LGBTQ+ business owners and ensure that the GGBA continues to be a powerful advocate for economic and social equality.

MA Ed.,
Joshua Nair (left) and a friend at San Francisco Pride (2021)
Joshua Nair

Roland Schembari and Bill Hartman, Co-Founders

Randy Alfred, Founding News Editor, 1978 Kim Corsaro, Publisher 1981-2011

2261 Market Street, No. 309

SaN FraNciSco ca 94114

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The Bay Times was the first newspaper in California, and among the first in the world, to be jointly and equally produced by lesbians and gay men. We honor our history and the paper’s ability to build and strengthen unity in our community.

The Bay Times is proud to be the first and only LGBTQ newspaper in San Francisco to be named a Legacy Business, recognizing that it is a longstanding, community-serving business that is a valuable cultural asset to the city.

dr. Betty l. SullivaN/JeNNiFer l viegaS co-PuBliSherS & co-editorS

Beth greeNe, JohN SigNer, Michael delgado deSigN & ProductioN

kate lawS BuS NeSS MaNager

Blake dilloN caleNdar editor

kit keNNedy Poet-iN-reSideNce

J.h herreN techNology director

carla raMoS weB coordiNator

Mario ordoNez diStriButioN

JuaN r davila voluNteer coordiNator



Rink, Sister Dana Van Iquity, Ann Rostow, Patrick Carney, Leslie Sbrocco, Kate Kendell, Gary M. Kramer, Joanie Juster, Robert Holgate, Eduardo Morales, Dennis McMillan, Tim Seelig, John Chen, Rafael Mandelman, Jewelle Gomez, Phil Ting, Rebecca Kaplan, Philip Ruth, Bill Lipsky, Elisa Quinzi, Liam Mayclem, Donna Sachet, Gary Virginia, Derek Barnes, Marcy Adelman, Jan Wahl, Stuart Gaffney & John Lewis, Brandon Miller, Jamie Leno Zimron, Howard Steiermann, Fernando Camino, Honey Mahogany, David Landis


Rink, Paul Margolis, Bill Wilson, Michael Kirschner, Sandy Morris, Karina Patel, Abby Zimberg, Joanie Juster, Debra Reabock


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MILLER (continued from pg 10)

and goals. Refinancing can accommodate major life events, such as:

• adding or removing a co-borrower (e.g., after marriage or divorce);

• changing your financial needs (e.g., retiring and needing lower payments).

The Not-So-Bright Side: Why Refinancing Might Not Be for You

Closing Costs: Refinancing isn’t free. Expect to pay 2%–6% of the new loan amount in fees. If the savings don’t outweigh the upfront costs, it may not be worth it. How long will it take for savings to offset refinancing expenses?

Credit Score Dips: A hard inquiry on your credit and closing your old loan could temporarily lower your score. If you’re planning to apply for another loan soon, this might not be the right time.

Longer Loan Term: While smaller monthly payments sound great, extending your loan term could mean paying more interest over time.

More Debt: Cashing out equity can increase your debt-to-income ratio, making future borrowing harder.

When Refinancing Makes Sense Refinancing might be a good idea if:

• your credit score has improved, and

GREENE (continued from pg 10)

hospital or bank, if needed?

• Are alternate appointees named in case your primary choices are unable to serve? Are those people physically capable of serving?

Selecting trusted individuals for these roles ensures your affairs are managed responsibly and with care.

3. Incorporate digital assets into your plan.

In today’s digital age, your online presence is as important as your physical estate.

From social media accounts to online banking and cloud-stored memories, your digital assets need protection and clear instructions.

What to Do:

• List all your digital accounts, from social media to cryptocurrency.

• Assign someone you trust as your digital executor.

• Use a secure password manager to store and share account information. Planning for your digital assets reduces stress for loved ones and preserves your online legacy.

4. Evaluate your healthcare directives.

Your healthcare preferences are deeply personal, and documenting them ensures that your wishes are honored if you’re unable to

you qualify for significantly lower rates;

• you’ll save enough on interest to cover closing costs and come out ahead;

• you’re looking to ditch PMI, stabilize an adjustable-rate loan, or restructure your loan for a better fit.

When to Think Twice

Hold off on refinancing if:

• the interest rate savings are negligible after fees;

• you’re struggling to make payments— there may be better solutions, like a loan modification;

• you’ve just bought your home and aren’t eligible to refinance yet.

The Bottom Line

Refinancing isn’t a one-size-fits-all decision; it’s all about your unique financial picture. Take a close look at your potential savings, loan terms, and closing costs. And remember, improving your credit is always a smart move to open up better opportunities.

Want help figuring out if refinancing is right for you? Reach out to Brio. We’re here to guide you every step of the way!

The opinions expressed in this article are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any indi-

speak for yourself.

Steps to Take:

• Review your advance healthcare directive and living will.

• Confirm that your appointed healthcare proxy understands your wishes.

• Discuss your preferences with your loved ones to avoid future misunderstandings.

Having these documents in place is not just about ensuring your wishes are followed— it’s a gift to your family, sparing them difficult decisions during challenging times.

5. Simplify probate for your loved ones.

Probate can be a time-consuming and stressful process. Taking proactive steps now can ease this burden for your loved ones in the future.

How to Avoid Probate Pitfalls:

• Ensure assets like real estate and bank accounts are properly titled to bypass probate.

• Use tools like revocable living trusts to simplify the management of your estate in the event of your disability and death.

• Consolidate accounts and ensure payable-on-death (POD) designations are up-to-date and aligned with your Revocable Living Trust to create a

vidual or on any specific security. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. Any past performance discussed during this program is no guarantee of future results. Any indices referenced for comparison are unmanaged and cannot be invested into directly. As always, please remember investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital; please seek advice from a licensed professional.

Brio Financial Group is a registered investment adviser. SEC Registration does not constitute an endorsement of Brio by the SEC nor does it indicate that Brio has attained a particular level of skill or ability Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Brio Financial Group and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. No advice may be rendered by Brio Financial Group unless a client service agreement is in place.

Brandon Miller, CFP®, is a financial consultant at Brio Financial Group in San Francisco, specializing in helping LGBT individuals and families plan and achieve their financial goals. For more information:

complete Estate Plan. By streamlining your estate plan, you protect your family from unnecessary legal hurdles.

Start Today for a Strong Tomorrow

Your estate plan isn’t just about documents—it’s about safeguarding your legacy, protecting your loved ones, and providing peace of mind. These resolutions are simple steps you can take now to ensure your future is secure and your wishes are honored.

If you’re ready to take control of your estate planning in 2025, we’re here to help. Contact Greene Estate, Probate, & Elder Law Firm at or 415-905-0215 to schedule a consultation. Let’s work together to make 2025 your most secure year yet!

Statements In Compliance with California Rules of Professional Conduct: The materials in this article are for educational purposes only and are not legal advice. Consult an estate planning attorney for personalized guidance.

Jay Greene, Esq., CPA, is the founder of Greene Estate, Probate, & Elder Law Firm in San Francisco, helping LGBT individuals, couples, and families secure their future. For more information, visit:

GLBT Fortnight in Review

La La La La La La La

My plan, dear Readers, was to avoid the cries and hand-wringing of the transition period and wait until January 20 before returning to my usual massive consumption of news. Why should I worry about what various analysts feared Trump would do? Better to keep my powder dry and complain when he gets into office and actually does something horrific. Now, January 20 has come and gone, God help us, and the jaw-dropping orders rain down like waters and ignorant cruelty like an ever-flowing stream. I can’t resume my habitual monitoring of current events because it all makes my stomach churn. It’s physically and emotionally painful. I turn away and then I feel guilty, but I’m not sure why. It’s not as if my personal thumbs up or thumbs down has ever had an impact on the affairs of state. It’s not as if Trump and company might mitigate their nastiness if they sensed my watchful eye. But I suppose I feel as if deliberately ignoring the goings on in D.C. represents the kind of resignation that eases the road to tyranny. Surely I won’t be a party to that!

Um, sorry, fellow citizens, but I think I might be. I can’t do anything about military roundups of legal residents, executive pronouncements that countermand constitutional rights, the ousting of civil servants, and so on. But I don’t have to dig deep and read a lengthy op-ed about it or listen to a shocked constitutional expert explain why it’s wrong. I’m going to see the headlines anyway. I’m going to hear remarks and read the tops of articles before I turn away. I’m just not going to bathe myself in anxiety. And in the process of ignoring life, I’m going to get sevens on The New York Times weekly news quiz rather than tens. Sad.

What’s Happening?

This focus away from the realpolitik of Trumpland has carried over into my awareness of GLBT events, which is not good for my column. For years and years, I covered the gradual ascent of the gay civil rights movement; past sodomy laws and into civil unions; past military bans and into marriage equality. We hailed our victories, and while we bemoaned our defeats, we did so with the confidence that time would bend the moral universe our way.

Now, after plodding carefully up the mountain for decades, we were pushed off a hidden cliff! How long will it take us to recover and regain our poise and energy? I don’t know, but I’m guessing it’s more than four years. I haven’t delved into everything Trump has done in the last week or so, but it seems he’s “designated” only two genders, he’s banned transgender men and women from the military, and he’s ordered the State Department to list birth genders on passports.

Look. The politics of transgender rights is complicated. But you don’t have to support puberty blockers to recognize that transgender men and women are human beings with a treatable condition. They are not flukes or deviants or freaks. They are not men trying

to spy on women in the bathroom or win a medal in high school track. They are regular people; citizens, soldiers, teachers, parents. The ignorance and meanness that surround these regulations is astounding. Majorities of Americans think it’s fine, because majorities of Americans don’t know any transgender men or women. And they don’t know any transgender men or women because transpeople are less than one percent of the population, a minority so small that Trump can get away with restrictive laws.

The assaults on transgender men and women and teens of the last few years have been almost symbolic in the sense that these few individuals have been targeted as a means to make a point about “wokeness” and queerness. The question of whether or not transgender girls can play sports in public schools or colleges has reached the federal appellate bench, and yet testifying before a Senate committee late last year, Charlie Baker, the head of the NCAA, said there were only ten transgender athletes whom he knew of competing in NCAA sports. I can’t remember how many legislatures have wasted their time passing bans on the three or four transgender athletes in their state, or I don’t know, making sure a handful of transgender men and women can’t adjust their birth certificates or drivers’ licenses.

It seems transpeople have been assigned the role as scapegoats for all things that make your conservative grandparents throw up their hands and ask what the world is coming to. Picture phones, gizmos that answer questions and play music in your living room, talking maps, and what’s this? Boys who claim they’re female and want to get on the girls’ wrestling team? Enough is enough!

GLAD to Help Trans Inmate

The implications of Trump’s male and female pronouncement can’t even be anticipated. No sooner had the decree been trumpeted throughout the lands by Trump heralds did a transwoman prisoner near Boston get told that she was now a he, she would be transferred to a male prison population, and she would no longer be provided with the hormones she has relied on since her teenaged years. Using a pseudonym, the woman filed suit in federal court, arguing that the upheaval violated her right to due process, represented cruel and unusual punishment, and ran afoul of a federal law against depriving inmates of medical treatments.

Oddly, the lawsuit, which was reported by Reuters, was later “sealed for unknown reasons,” Reuters says. I find this suspicious in this new day of Project 2025. The prisoner is briefed by Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, one of the main champions of marriage equality and a terrific bunch of lawyers.

But it’s surprising, don’t you think? That within days of issuing a sort of vague Day One “order,” the powers that be in this particular prison decided to take immediate action against this woman. Has this happened elsewhere? Have other bizarre instantaneous repercussions gone on under the radar? Did these prison officials feel empow-

ered? Were they just horrible people? Did they want to see her suffer and couldn’t wait to start?

Meanwhile, the High Court is apparently continuing with the transgender youth health care case out of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. You know the one. It’s the Justice Department’s challenge to the Tennessee law that bans puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and flu shots for transgender minors. (No, it doesn’t ban flu shot, but you weren’t sure, were you? Hah! That’s where we are.) At any rate, the Sixth Circuit upheld the anti-trans law and the U.S. government of Joe Biden asked the Court to review that decision based on Equal Protection. I had thought Trump might simply withdraw the case and keep the law on the books, but maybe the Trumpies are so confident of a transgender loss at the Supreme Court that they’re happy to await the opinion in June. They are probably right, I hate to say.

The High Court has now picked up another GLBT matter, Mahmoud v Taylor, which asks whether or not the Montgomery County school district tramples on the religious freedom of Maryland parents when it reads gay storybooks to kids. Lower courts sided with the school district, while the Fourth Circuit said the “threadbare” record did not indicate that the books had any impact on the parents’ religion. For the record, these were all cute books, like the story of a puppy who got

lost at the pride parade. They weren’t like Jimmy Meets a Bad Man in the Park or What Exactly Do Heather’s Mommies Do in Bed? What Was I Saying?

I was just cruising through a news search for “LGBT” and I thought I’d pass along a string of three headlines in a row that suggest our troubles do not stop at the United States border:

“Erdogan likens LGBT community to ‘plague’ at his party’s youth wing congress.” “Russia mulls creation of databases to track LGBT people and sex workers.” And: “Catholic Bishops Urge Ghana’s President to Pass Anti-LGBT Bill.” Of course, they do. Feels like a worldwide shift to the right, doesn’t it? I used to take comfort in the fact that unfriendly locations such as these were dictatorships. But now, hmmm.

Let’s pause for some complaints from One Million Moms, shall we? Oh, but first, I just saw a headline about “shrimp fraud” along the Gulf Coast, where restaurants are secretly substituting imported shrimp for the local crustacean. Tests at 44 restaurants in the Tampa/St Pete’s area found only two had gulf shrimp. And other restaurants along the coast had more imports as well. My initial outrage was based on the lies. Lies! Lies! Lies! But then I read that many of these eateries didn’t necessarily claim their shrimp were local. In which case, where’s the “fraud,” (continued on page 16)

Mollie Stone’s Grand Reopening

Mollie Stone’s Castro, a family-run grocery store that has been open in the San Francisco neighborhood since 2011, held a Grand Reopening celebration on the morning of January 17, 2025, after months of extensive renovations.

San Francisco Bay Times team members assisted in planning the event, and columnist Donna Sachet served as emcee in her role as “First Lady of the Castro.” Sachet spoke eloquently, as did Elliott Stone, the son of owner Mike Stone and COO of Mollie Stone’s. Aaron Stone also attended and helped cut the Grand Opening ribbon.

Many of us regularly shop at Mollie Stone’s in the Castro, and our film columnist, Emmy winner Jan Wahl, is a Mollie Stone’s Sausalito shopper ... so much so that she has joked it is her second office!

A short video, by volunteer coordinator Juan Davila, captured the moment of the ribbon cutting. Watch it, and a video showing the renovated store, at

“Remember, a beer comes and goes, but friendship between us is forever! Solidarity forever!”

—Allan Baird

es, we are beginning to stretch our legs and get back out in the social whirl, putting our long and tedious recovery behind us. One of our first official appearances was for the swearing-in of the new Mayor of San Francisco on January 8, 2025. Civic Center was full of hope and positive energy as we witnessed the formalities of the changing of the guard, surrounded by thousands, including Ben Davis, Tom Horn, Cammy Blackstone, Sister Roma, Win Pham, and so many others. We all know that change won’t happen overnight and that there is a tough period ahead, but let’s hope for steady progress towards returning San Francisco to the city we all know it can be. At the conclusion, we were so pleased to sing along with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus our city anthem, followed by a swirling display of Chinese dancers and their traditional dragon.

In the spirit of supporting local businesses, we led the recent ribbon-cutting for Mollie Stone’s on 18th Street in the Castro, joined by various members of the Stone family, full of enthusiasm. Among the crowd were the Bay Times own Betty Sullivan, Reigning Empress Linda Summers, Andrea Aiello, Nate Bourg, and City Supervisor and recently elected President of the Board of Supervisors Rafael Mandelman. A brief glimpse inside revealed extensive remodeling, specialized categories of merchandise, improved lighting, and clear signage. Get over there soon and support your local, family-owned business, while enjoying a more incredible selection than ever before.

The following night, we joined Michelle Jester at the Chan National Queer Arts Center for Lea DeLaria’s Out Rage. If her name rings a bell, it is no wonder. Lea’s comic stand-up dates back to Josie’s Cabaret & Juice Joint and has taken her to acclaim on television, Broadway, and film. Her unabashed queer humor was supported by a variety of jazz-based songs with a very talented piano, bass, and percussion ensemble. A full house of around 200 roared with laughter and applause. Lea’s energy and dynamic connection with her audience was amazing. And she had performed an earlier show as well! It is great to have a new and wonderful venue to use. Watch for upcoming events here soon.

The entertainment continued on Monday, January 20, at Marines’ Memorial Theater for One Night Only with the touring cast of Some Like It Hot, benefiting Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and the Richmond/Ermet Aid Foundation. Every cast member brought a fresh performance, representing a wide variety of musical genres, and Darien Crago and Kelly Berman gave a unique twist as emcees. In addition, local favorites Paula West and Jason Brock each sang beautifully. After the show, we joined Gary Virginia at the reception with the cast and VIP guests to heap praise on all the participants and to catch up with our many friends and acquaintances, including Ken Henderson & Joe Seiler, John Newmeyer, Lawrence Helman, Jeff Doney & Adam Thier, Sophie Azouaou, Brent Marek, Salvador Tovar, Cicero Braganca, Joe Goodrich, and Heidi Betz

Finally, we attended the funeral service for Allan Baird, a respected San Francisco activist and leader in the labor movement, most notable in our LGBTQ+ Community for his collaboration with Harvey Milk on the Coor’s boycott. His open support of our community was evident from the attendees, like Bill Wilson, Rink Foto, and Joanie Juster, and speakers who included Cleve Jones, Dan Nicoletta, Anne Kronenberg, and Sue Englander. A moving slide-show ended with everyone joining in singing Solidarity Forever.

And next up ... Imperial Coronation! 60 years later and we’re still at it! Saturday, February 22, is the date of the 60th annual Imperial Coronation, but before that, watch for the official candidates Afrika America for Empress and Ashle Blow and Todd Hotty for Emperor, campaigning all over the city for your support. Then, join the Imperial Family the last week of February as we celebrate the successful Reign of Empress Linda Summers. Mama José Sarria would be proud!

Donna Sachet is a celebrated performer, fundraiser, activist, and philanthropist who has dedicated over two decades to the LGBTQ Community in San Francisco. Contact her at

Donna Sachet met up with Lea DeLaria following the performance of her new show Out Rage at the Chan National Queer Arts Center on January 18.

HENSLEY (continued from pg 9)

after they moved into the community together, my father passed away. While grieving the death of my father, my partner and I began looking for a memory care community for my motherin-law in Germany. These experiences have taught me that there are no cookie cutter plans for families to follow. Every senior’s situation is different. It’s not about “getting it right.” It’s about making the very best informed decisions with as much planning as possible.


Planning for decisions about senior care might be something we would rather not think about, but starting a conversation and making a plan to ensure that our loved seniors have the best possible care is something we can all work towards. It’s a new year and I encourage you to ground yourself in the love you have for the seniors in your life and start planning to help them live longer, healthier, and more engaged lives.

Brent Hensley is the Owner and Senior Care Advisor at Assisted Living Locators of San Francisco and San Mateo County.

BUSTOS (continued from pg 4)

and contributions. Bishop Budde’s insistence on recognizing their humanity and alleviating their fear was a powerful testament to our faith’s call to welcome the stranger and love our neighbor as ourselves.

As I listened to her words, I felt a profound sense of pride in our church and its mission. The Episcopal Church has long served as a beacon of inclusivity and compassion, providing a spiritual home to those pushed to the margins. Bishop Budde’s remarks highlighted our values and the tangible ways we live them out—by standing with the marginalized, speaking truth to power, and refusing to be silent in the face of injustice. This moment also underscored the importance of the space The Episcopal Church has created for all people. As a gay, Mexican-American, and Episcopalian clergy member, I have found a community of love that affirms my whole identity and challenges me to live out my faith in service to others. Our theology of inclusivity is not just a statement of belief; it is a lived reality that shapes how we engage with the world and advocate for change.

Her remarks were a moment of inspiration and a call to action. They prompted me to reflect on how I, too, can use my voice and platform to

amplify the stories of those who are often silenced. They reminded me of the power of faith to confront injustice and offer hope in the face of despair.

Bishop Budde’s address at the National Cathedral was a testament to what we can all be: a voice for the voiceless, a champion for the oppressed, and a community rooted in love and mercy. Her words were a gift, not only to those in the room that day, but also to all of us who strive to live our lives with integrity and compassion. May we continue this legacy of truth-telling and justice grounded in radical love.

Born and raised in the Mission District of San Francisco, the Venerable Reverend Miguel Bustos is the Archdeacon of the Diocese of California and The Episcopal Church’s racial justice and reconciliation manager.

MAHOGANY (continued from pg 7)

to increase access to gender affirming care, and more. All of this news can be overwhelming, but there is hope. As we continue to see anti-trans legislation and policies roll out, and as we continue to fight them, it’s important to make sure that we take care of ourselves. There are resources that can help. For more information about local and national resources including mental health support, healthcare access, job-training, shelter, relocation support, and more, check out the Office of Transgender Initiatives updated Resource Page by visiting:

ROSTOW (continued from pg 13)

ladies and gentlemen?

And now my attention has been hijacked by Mike Huckabee, who is promoting The Kids Guide to President Trump, which sports must-see cover art that I can’t describe.

This helpful kit is part of “a series of guides for kids that focus on our country’s history and values ... a great tool to help your children appreciate the principles America stands for. Some of the titles include: Donald Trump, The Reagan Revolution, Fighting Indoctrination, The Fake Media, and countless others!” Huckabee is pictured with his smiley beardy face and an avuncular “Hi, Kids!” kind of smile that really makes me cringe.

Folks, this is Stepford Wives type of stuff. This is Children of the Corn, or whatever that movie was called (you remember it). And we’re the well-meaning confused innocents who haven’t quite figured out what’s going on but have the feeling something is wrong.

Shut Up, Mom

Oh, yeah. One Million Moms.

Let’s start with the One Million Moms’ gushing recognition of Donald Trump’s male and female order.

“This executive order is HUGE!,” they raved. “It declares that the federal government will no longer recognize transwomen as women or transmen as men. This new policy will help protect women and children in women’s sports, as well as in dressing rooms, restrooms, locker rooms, and various living facilities. Women and children will be much safer in the future now because of this new policy.”

Can someone name me a time and place and incident where a transgender man or women endangered a woman or a child in public facilities? The answer is no, yet people assume comments like those above are based on actual events.

Meanwhile, the Moms were upset with several commercials, including one from Dunkin’ Donuts with Sabrina Carpenter launching the new “Sabrina’s Brown Sugar Shakin’ Espresso.”

“Unfortunately,” the Moms frown, “it also features a ‘Shake That Ess’ slogan.”

They added, “Foul language (or implication of it) is unnecessary in this or any advertisement. Yet, that is apparently what Dunkin’ intended. This inappropriate slogan is repeated throughout the commercial.”

Honestly, it took me a minute to figure out what the hell the Moms were objecting to. “Ess?” Ahh, I saw it at last. It might sound like, “Shake that ass.”

Oooooh, naughty. “Of course, the ad campaign obviously insinuates profanity throughout the entire commercial,” the Moms continued. “It’s also obvious that Dunkin’ chose to include this profane insinuation and to end the ad with viewers completely understanding the intended implication.”

I’ve said this before, but I’m really fed up with One Million Moms’ misuse of the concept of “profanity,” which means secular, nonreligious, laical. Here’s one of those online dictionaries on “profane”: “Relating or devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical; secular rather than religious; ‘a talk that tackled topics both sacred and profane.’” And definition two: “(of a person or their behavior) not respectful of orthodox religious practice; irreverent. ‘Desecration of the temple by profane adolescents.’”

See! What did I just say? In what universe is the word “ass” a religious slur of some sort? It’s not. It’s not “profane”; it’s “salty,” or whatever an accurate speaker would want to call it. These people who once filled me with pleasant amusement are now starting to annoy the hell out of me ... and perhaps even deliver a frisson of unease.

Honey Mahogany, a San Francisco native with a Master’s in Social Welfare from UC Berkeley, is a performer, small business owner, and activist. Her work has earned recognition from the City of San Francisco and various organizations. Mahogany co-founded the San Francisco Transgender District, is a founding queen of Drag Story Hour, co-owner of the Stud Bar, and a singer with nu-metal group Commando. She currently serves as Director of the Office of Trans Initiatives, Chair-Emerita of the San Francisco Democratic Party, and Delegate to the Democratic National Committee.

February 1

14th Annual BAAITS Two-Spirit Pow-Wow

10 am–6 pm Fort Mason Center Festival Pavillion

February 2

Indiqueer Drag Show

11 am–2 pm Mission Cultural Center Theater (MACCLA)

February 4

TGNC Health & Wellness

Community Fair

11 am–3 pm SF Public Library, Koret Lobby & LatinX Room

February 5 & 6

Transgender District + Queer & Well Presents: “TGNC Come Get Your Healing” Workshops 4 pm–7:30 pm SFLGBT Center

February 6, 13, 20, 27

Gender Youthphoria Support Group (Ages 16-24) 4:30 pm–6:30 pm SFLGBT Center

February 8

The Queer Ancestors Project: Artists Reception 7 pm–9 pm Strut SF

February 18

Free Name & Gender Change Workshop 6 pm–9:30 pm contact

February 19

Name & Gender Change Clinic

3 pm–6 pm 1067 Market St.

February 27

Community Self Defense Class 5 pm–7 pm 1067 Market St.

2025 MLK Music Festival

Led by the San Francisco Interfaith Council, the fifteenth annual MLK Music Festival brought a crowd of participants and spectators to the Great Lawn of Yerba Buena Gardens. Featuring music by the Glide Ensemble and others, the event was part of the Northern California Martin Luther King, Jr., Community Foundation’s MLK 2025 festivities that took place January 13–20.

Among the additional events held on Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, January 20, were the annual March, Labor & Community Breakfast, Health & Wellness and BCAF Festivals, and much more.

For Women & Their Friends in the Castro ...



The San Francisco Bay Times and Catch French Bistro are presenting a new monthly brunch and party series in the Castro for women and their friends.

Dates for the first three in the series: Sundays: February 9, March 9, April 13

View the Super Bowl with us on February 9!

Event Schedule

12 noon–2 pm Brunch with Live Music

3 pm–5 pm

DJ Spotlight and Happy Hour

6 pm onwards Optional Dinner

A New Sunday Brunch & Party for Women in the Castro

Acclaimed musician Dr. Dee Spencer, founder of the Jazz Studies program at SFSU and an LGBTQ+ community favorite, will be playing her iconic “Red Piano” during brunch.

At 3 pm, guests can enjoy cocktail specials, mingling, and dancing to beats by the Catch house DJ.

Along with special brunch menu items, guests can indulge in the Catch French Bistro Bottomless Mimosa service. A full bar will also be available at all times. Members of the San Francisco Bay Times team are especially fond of the Bloody Marys, Margaritas with or without jalapeños (petit piment piquant in French), Martinis, and much more. Oysters on the half shell with champagne is yet another bar service favorite, along with fritto misto, beet salad, and many other select offerings.

Catch French Bistro, at 2362 Market Street, near the intersection of Castro and Market, is located in an historic building that originally housed the Jose Theater, which opened in 1912. Films such as A Wild Ride made it a welcoming community destination, and it has retained that quality ever since. Later it became the original home of The Names Project workshop where thousands of panels were created for the AIDS Memorial Quilt.

Following the March 2024 closure of the original Catch that had been in business since 2002, a Grand Reopening Party was held in September of last year to introduce, under new ownership, the venue’s French-themed menu and décor. Catch in the Castro has for over two decades been a neighborhood beacon, especially for weekend brunches, and Mimosa will enrich that tradition on select Sundays in the months to come.

Dr. Dee Spencer

Queer Films to See at the 2025 San Francisco Independent Film Festival

The 27th San Francisco Independent Film Festival will take place February 6–18, 2025, in person at the Roxie and Vogue theaters as well as online. This year’s program has 80 features, documentaries, and shorts, including the drama, Bound, by Isaac Hirotsu Woofter, who grew up in the Bay Area. It features queer actors Jaye Alexander and Pooya Mohseni in supporting roles.

Here is a rundown of the handful of queer entries that will be screening at this year’s festival.

One of the highlights is Silent Notes, (streaming and at the Roxie on February 9 at 8:45 pm). Bruce (Daniel Durant) is a Deaf man who needs $120,000 to get a cochlear implant. To earn money, he starts

working as a delivery man for some gangsters. Bruce also, unexpectedly, finds himself attracted to Ethan (Matt Riker), a motormouth who happens to run in the same circles he does. The relationship that develops between Bruce and Ethan is sweet, and a scene of them drinking and smoking before a kiss is charming. But their happiness is jeopardized when Gene (Roland Sands), a cop, starts investigating things. Silent Notes showcases Bruce’s disability well, employing muted dialogue to capture his impression of the people he interacts with, without it ever feeling gimmicky or contrived. The way Bruce conspires to win out as his personal and professional lives converge is clever and satisfying. Director Toni Comas’ modest film is a nifty little sleeper.

a sassy, super drag queen with her own theme song. While her nightclub act is a highlight, most of the film’s action depicts her efforts to defeat the evil drag queen Dyna Bolic (Terren Wooten Clarke), whose nefarious plan involves trying to capture

The stylish French import, Scarlet Blue, (streaming and at the Roxie February 12 at 8:30 pm) features plenty of deep reds and blues (hence the title) as well as mesmerizing camerawork and copious Dutch angle shots. This surreal and atmospheric drama addresses mental illness as Alter (Anne-Sophia Charron) is trying to work through what may be a childhood trauma. There are many imaginative sequences, including a series of sexy lesbian encounters with the blue-haired Chris (Aurélia Mengin), and dreamy moments featuring a symbolic scarlet blue fish. The visuals will keep viewers intrigued as they and Alter puzzle out the reasons for her trauma, but Scarlet Blue can also choke on its own pretentions.

Maxxie LaWow: Drag Super-shero (streaming and at the Roxie February 8 at 9 pm) is a fitfully amusing animated comedy thriller about a 21-year-old barista, Simon (Grant Hedges), who is excited to go to his first gay bar with his bestie Jae (Erika Ishii). After receiving a prophesy and having a strange encounter, Simon becomes Maxxie LaWow,

tears for their age-defying properties. The queens’ fashions are fabulous, and the colorful animation is wonderfully exaggerated, but the comedy is hit-or-miss. For all the dumb, silly bits involving Simon’s

(continued on page 20)

Gary M. Kramer
Scarlet Blue

ineptitude, there are a few clever touches, such as a Beaches-like film-within-a-film. With drag queen clichés, a lip-synching battle, and plenty of groan-inducing puns, Maxxie LaWow is ultimately, a mixed bag.

Among the handful of LGBTQ shorts that will be screening at the festival, Maud et Luna (streaming and at the Roxie February 8 at 2:15 pm) is arguably the best. Shot in real time, and on 16 mm, and set almost entirely in the apartment shared by the title characters, this intense drama has Luna (Lary Muller) and her girlfriend Maud (Chloé Groussard) reevaluating their relationship after Luna reveals the painting she has been working on for weeks. Director Alec Huggins lets viewers absorb what is said by each woman and how their attitudes are recalibrated. This marvelously written and acted film cuts to the bone in just ten minutes.

The poignant drama, Bara (streaming), has two Japanese men—one closeted, the other a drag queen—meeting in a gay cinema “where men seek out beauty.” They head out to talk, not have sex, and their conversation, about doing drag and finding happiness, is sweet. The second half of the film shows the impact their encounter has on both men, and it is quite affecting. This is a lovely, heartfelt short.

Nico (streaming) is a sparse, melancholic film featuring the title character (Rene Leech) seeking community as a trans man. When he heads out to a nightclub to go dancing, he experiences a rejection in that space. Unexpectedly, he finds acceptance from his elderly neighbor, Helen (Lorinne

Vozoff), who sees Nico as a man, and asks him to dance with her. This moody short, written and directed by Max Olson, makes a case for the importance of finding safe spaces where one can be their authentic self.

The Sun Is in My Eyes (streaming) is an arty memory piece about Marco (Britney Grasso) recalling his lover Lucas (Cameron Lee Phan) through snippets of images of him on the streets of New York, dancing in a nightclub, canoodling in a hotel room, or frolicking on the beach. The voiceover narration tends to be overly lyrical, and the imagery is edited like a cologne advertisement, which make director Pablo Tapia-Plá’s stylish short more beautiful than meaningful.

For tickets, showtimes, and more information, visit the festival website at

© 2025 Gary M. Kramer

Gary M. Kramer is the author of “Independent Queer Cinema: Reviews and Interviews,” and the co-editor of “Directory of World Cinema: Argentina.” He teaches Short Attention Span Cinema at the Bryn Mawr Film Institute and is the moderator for Cinema Salon, a weekly film discussion group. Follow him on Twitter @garymkramer

The Sun Is in My Eyes
Maud et Luna Silent Notes

Bob Dylan Meets The Last Showgirl

Off the Wahl

Just when I was beginning to wonder if this was a weak period for movies, two came into my life and they are both a relief from the depressing, mundane, or disappointing. Yes, there were some recent releases that made my top list: Emilia Pérez, The Brutalist, and especially A Real Pain. But nothing had me reliving each scene until I saw these two: A Complete Unknown and The Last Showgirl

A Complete Unknown begins in 1961 when 19-year-old Bob Dylan arrives in New

York City. He has little more than his guitar, forging relationships with other musicians and singers. He tracks down his idol Woody Guthrie and crashes at Pete Seeger’s home, where it all begins for him. It is his music that connects, and you will connect to it, too.

Perhaps that is not accurate for all of you.

I became a fierce Dylan follower at age 11, fortunate to have an older sister who was a major fan. It was the early sixties, and protest filled the air. Dylan’s music was fluid, articulate, and challenged the notions of self and authenticity. But how to portray this obtuse, complicated artist?

Director James Mangold casted Timothée Chalamet, who put five years of study and musical practice into playing this role. Chalamet sang all of Dylan’s songs live in the film. It is

remarkable, and this is a Dylan freak saying this! He makes the unknowable Dylan knowable through his music.

As Oscar-worthy as this performance is, the film itself is beautifully made. Every phase of Dylan’s life is carefully set in the period, where we see the freedom of folk singing, the civil rights movement, protesters, and assassinations. We understand

where his music came from. Then, on an entirely different level, we see his need to play his music his own way, no matter the consequences.

Based on Elijah Wald’s Dylan Goes Electric, this film should receive every award possible. The costars step it up to match the lead, including a brilliant Edward Norton as Seeger, Monica Barbaro as Joan Baez, and Elle Fanning turning in one of her usual fine performances. I’ve been a fan of this young actress ever since she put on the crown as Catherine the Great in The Great Her sister Dakota is also a favorite; talent runs deep with those siblings. But I digress. Also in A Complete Unknown are portrayals of Johnny Cash, Al Cooper, Albert Grossman, and others. Do not miss this film on the big screen.

The Last Showgirl dives deep into the soul of a seasoned showgirl whose show closes

(continued on page 32)

Top of your stack


Carceral Apartheid: How Lies and White Supremacists Run Our Prisons (non-fictionhardcover) by Brittany Friedman

This book explores how U.S. prisons enforce white supremacy, targeting Black political movements through segregation, covert tactics, and alliances with white supremacists. Using interviews and archival data, Friedman exposes mass incarceration as a tool of systemic oppression and deception.

Sweet Fury: A Novel (fiction - hardcover) by Sash Bischoff

In Sweet Fury, America’s sweetheart Lila Crayne and her director fiancé, Kurt Royall, set out to create a feminist adaptation of Tender Is the Night To prepare for her lead role, Lila begins therapy to confront her past, but her seemingly perfect life begins to unravel. As secrets emerge and a deadly game of revenge unfolds, careers, reputations, and lives are at stake.

The Sirens’ Call: How Attention Became the World’s Most Endangered Resource (non-fiction - hardcover) by Chris Hayes

In The Sirens’ Call, NYT-bestselling author Chris Hayes reveals how attention capitalism has rewired our minds, politics, and society. Hayes argues that tech empires exploit our focus, turning it into a commodity and blurring the boundaries between public and private life. This shift has left us distracted, addicted, and alienated from our own attention.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, February 4 @ 7 pm (ticketedDominican University of California) Geraldine Brooks, author of Memorial Days: A Memoir

In Memorial Days, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Geraldine Brooks reflects on the journey to healing after the sudden and unexpected death of her partner, Tony Horwitz. Retreating to a remote Australian island, she explores love, grief, and the rituals that help rebuild life after devastation. Brooks will be joined in conversation by Michael Lewis.

Saturday, February 8 @ 4 pm (non-ticketed - SF Ferry Building store) Charles Piller, author of Doctored: Fraud, Arrogance, and Tragedy in the Quest to Cure Alzheimer’s In Doctored, investigative journalist Charles Piller uncovers how corrupt researchers, negligent regulators, and Big Pharma’s greed derailed Alzheimer’s research, setting back treatment for millions. Piller will be joined in conversation by Michael Castleman.

(continued on page 32)

Delights: A Story of Hieronymus Bosch by Guy Colwell

Delights is a beautiful graphic novel exploring the tension between medieval painter Hieronymus Bosch’s religious convictions and his sexy, freaky visions.

Never Breathe a Word

The stories in Never Breathe a Word are intimidatingly brilliant, offbeat, and amusingly acerbic to the point of being almost misanthropic.

Lea DeLaria Brought Out Rage to The Chan National Queer Arts Center

On Saturday, January 18, 2025, multi-talented artist Lea DeLaria kicked off the second season at the The Chan National Queer Arts Center with her electrifying show Out Rage. For back-toback performances, the house was packed twice with Bay Area fans bringing laughter, cheers, and standing ovations.

Accompanied by a stellar jazz trio—Chris Grasso on piano, Marco Panascia on bass, and Shirazette Tinnin on drums—DeLaria delivered bold

and heartfelt performances, blending her signature wit and powerhouse vocals. From the hilarious to the sentimental, her song list captivated and delighted. Audiences left inspired, proving that DeLaria’s boundary-pushing artistry continues to shine brighter than ever.

The San Francisco Bay Times was proud to be a media sponsor.

For more about the event:

And for updates about DeLaria:

In A Shallow Grave by James Purdy
This is a strange, affecting, and beautiful novel, as well as an unjustly forgotten gay classic.
by Caroline Blackwood

SF Pride Band Honors Retiring Pete Nowlen and Seeks Applicants for Concert Band Artistic Director

The San Francisco Pride Band’s (SFPB) current Artistic Director for Con cert Band, Pete Nowlen, is retiring. Appointed to this key position in August 2013, Nowlen has been one of Northern California’s busiest musicians, holding faculty positions concurrently at both Sacramento State and UC Davis.

Nowlen has also maintained Artistic Director roles with the Camerata California Chamber Choir, the Rancho Cordova Civic Light Orchestra, along with the role of Artistic Advisor for Music in the Mountains in Nevada County, California. He has also been the founder and driving force behind Sacramento’s VITA Academy, which is dedicated to revitalizing classical music through innovative community engagement, audience engagement, and school music programs.

His other conducting credits include the Sacramento, Auburn, Camellia, UCD, and CSUS Symphonies, along with more than a dozen major produc tions ranging from La bohème to the Rocky Horror Show

Chris Hewes, the President of the SFPB, told the San Francisco Bay Times :

“The San Francisco Pride Band is looking forward to honoring and celebrating our longtime Concert Band Artistic Director at his final concert in June. Over our 45+ year history, every artistic director has brought a unique kind of passion and energy to the organization, so while we’re sad to see Pete off in retirement, we’re also looking ahead to the exciting prospect of someone new who will help us continue thriving!”

If you believe that you would be a good fit for the organization, please review the Job Announcement (link at ). The SFPB welcomes applications from all interested individuals. Applications will be accepted until March 7, 2025. Please contact the band’s Search Task Force ( ) if you have questions about the organization or the position.

Photos courtesy of San Francisco Pride Band

Bay Times Dines

Wild Goat Bistro in Petaluma: A Gluten-Free Paradise With an Exquisite Cake Gaining National Acclaim

A destination restaurant well worth the hour or so trip from San Francisco to the North Bay is Wild Goat Bistro in Petaluma. Nestled in the historic Great Petaluma Mill, the bistro has an indoor space that is inviting, with a community farm table, reclaimed copper-top counter, and views of the open kitchen. The outdoor seating is right by the Petaluma River, off a trail. The restaurant is so hyper local that its menu is a showcase of multiple Bay Area food and drink small businesses, such that a meal there helps support these local purveyors too.

Here at the San Francisco Bay Times, we first learned about Wild Goat Bistro from columnist and Check, Please! Bay Area host Leslie Sbrocco, who shares that it is one of her own favorite restaurants. On the show she puts the focus on viewers’ restaurant picks, so Wild Goat Bistro has not even been featured yet on the popular KQED series, which will soon be heading into its 20th season. After leisurely walks, Sbrocco enjoys catching up with the couple who own the restaurant, Jacob and Kara Gamba. She also praised the “great outdoor space with a whole full tent that overlooks the river, and porch seating.”

for sale, my wife Kara and I were hoping to take over Risibisi in the near future, but as soon as I found out Wild Goat was for sale, we knew it was meant to be. Not only did the concept of

to eat pizza in, because most plant-based cheeses have cashews, almonds, etc. Like I said, there is something for everyone—and we include steak, salmon, and chicken on our dinner menu as we don’t want to leave anyone out!

Jacob and Kara Gamba: Yes, all of our beans come from Rancho Gordo! Buying and supporting local is one of those examples mentioned about growing the concept we bought into and how important buying local, eating local, and clean eating can have a huge impact on our lives and the environment around us. Have you ever heard of the slow food movement that started as a nonprofit in Italy in the 1980s? Their goal at the start of the movement was to ensure everyone had access to healthy food that was good for them, the people who produced it, and the planet. It’s crazy all these years later and we are still educating people on how their food choices affect the world around us.

San Francisco Bay Times: What are some of your other favorite local food and drink items that are included in Wild Goat Bistro offerings?

And then there is the Coconut Cake. As Sbrocco says, “It is gluten-free, light, loaded with coconut, and has a delicate buttercream frosting.” She will sometimes stop by Wild Goat Bistro just for a slice of that cake, which is brought in by Santa Rosabased Mad Batter Cakery Co.—and some of the bistro’s robust coffee. She is definitely not the only fan of the exquisite cake. “Best cake ever” is often mentioned in reviews, and diners have been known to journey for hours just to sink their teeth into that bucket-list dessert, which has also been getting raves from travelers drawn to Sonoma County because of its many wineries.

With our curiosity piqued, we checked in with the Gambas to learn more about Wild Goat Bistro.

San Francisco Bay Times: Wild Goat Bistro’s commitment to gluten-free options is a standout. What led to your decision to have so many gluten-free options, especially as your work at Risibisi in Petaluma included a menu known for delicious breads, pizzas, and pastas?

Jacob Gamba: Wild Goat Bistro was founded by Nancy De Lorenzo in 2010. She has some dietary restrictions and wanted a place for people like her to go and be able to have a nice meal. In 2022, she was looking to sell and move on from restaurants to retire where her and her partner, Sharon, reside now in Santa Fe, New Mexico. At the time, when I found out Wild Goat was

catering to people with dietary restrictions, a menu that has something for everyone, and a beautiful restaurant screamed yes to us, but it also was knowing we could keep it going and take the concept to the next level. Our menu is 100% gluten free, or can be; if you take away using gluten-free bread and pizza crust, we are creating dishes that are naturally gluten free. In addition to being gluten free, we have vegan options, nut-free options, and we consider our restaurant to be on the healthier, organic, all-natural side (clean eating). No canola oil, no deep fryer, less salt, and yet, still delicious food. The reason I say nut-free is because we make some things that normally would contain nuts, with no nuts. For example, our pesto is made nut-free. Also, our vegan pizza mozzarella from Miyoko’s in Petaluma is nutfree. That is important because, one thing a lot of people with nut allergies that also have dairy allergies say, is that we are one of the first restaurants they’ve been able

San Francisco Bay Times: So you are no longer with Risibisi? Do you own any other businesses in the area?

Jacob Gamba: No, I do not. I was actually the General Manager at Risibisi for 16 years, until 2022. The plan was for me to take over for Marco (the current owner), but things never materialized, unfortunately. I played a big role in building that restaurant up and it was sad to leave, but I couldn’t be happier with the decision my wife and I made with Wild Goat Bistro.

San Francisco Bay Times: We appreciate that you support many local food and drink businesses, offering several products made right in Petaluma. Do you still work with Steve Sando of Rancho Gordo (specializing in heirloom beans)? Members of our team ran into him the other day and enjoy his products.

Jacob and Kara Gamba: Just to name a few. FYI, a lot of these get delivered by the owners themselves: Ron Noble Family Wines Pinot Noir, Petaluma Gap

Leo Steen Organic Chenin Blanc and Rosé Goat Rock Organic Cider, Petaluma County Line Harvest, Petaluma

Whole Spice, Petaluma

Sky Hill Farms Honey

Full Circle Bakery

Miyoko’s Vegan Creamery

Mama Mel’s Petaluma (gluten free breads) Point Reyes Cheese

Laura Chenel

Mary’s Organic Chicken

Liberty Farms

Niman Ranch

Mad Batter Bakery for their award-winning gluten-free cakes

San Francisco Bay Times: With a surname like Gamba, we are guessing that there must have been a talented Italian grandmother, mother, or other relative who influenced your connection to fine foods and beverages.

Jacob Gamba: Gamba comes from my great grandpa from Calabria. To say I love Italy is an understatement. I definitely picked up the passion of food and wine from my Italian ancestors. However, my mom might argue that her father (my other grandpa) from Norway played a part in that as well. I was actually born in Petaluma at Petaluma Valley Hospital, believe it or not. I’m local for sure, born and raised. Started working as a paper boy for The Argus Courier when I was 12 years old and started volunteering at the Elks Lodge in the kitchen and

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Side tables at Wild Goat Bistro
Jacob and Kara Gamba
Award-winning Coconut Cake at Wild Goat Bistro
Shrimp and vegetable entrée at Wild Goat Bistro

Bay Times Dines

Love in Bloom: A Timely Affair

Cocktails With Dina

There’s magic in the dance of pollination, nature’s original love story. It is played out in countless gardens, orchards, forests, and meadows across the world. And while we humans might think we invented romance with our heart-shaped chocolates and carefully crafted bouquets, the truth is, we’re just following a script that bees and butterflies have been perfecting for millions of years.

Speaking of romantic encounters, Nicole Nathan’s “Love Letter” cocktail is more than just another timely pink drink for Valentine’s Day. It’s an ode to the delicate dance between species that keeps our world blooming, and perhaps, a gentle reminder that true love requires both perfect timing and a dash of chaos.

At its heart, Nicole’s Love Letter is a Negroni variant cocktail that quite literally buzzes with purpose. The cocktail’s Barr Hill Gin is the kind of spirit that makes you feel a little less guilty about your drinking habits. Every bottle sold helps plant 20 square feet of pollinator sanctuary, which is probably the most romantic thing a liquor

company has done; letting pollinators find more places to date and have sex.

The Sakura Cordial captures the ephemeral beauty of cherry blossoms, those fleeting pink petals of spring that are blooming earlier each year, thanks to our planet’s increasingly confused thermostat. It’s a bittersweet reminder that even nature’s most reliable love stories are being forced to adapt to our changing world. And, finally, the sencha-infused Martini & Rossi Bianco adds depth and complexity, like the best relationships do, while Select Aperitivo brings a touch of bitterness—because what’s love without a little edge?

But here’s where the story gets interesting, like a first date that unexpectedly turns into breakfast. Climate change is playing matchmaker with our ecosystems, and not in a good way. As temperatures rise, cherry blossoms are hitting the dating scene earlier and earlier, sometimes missing their traditional rendezvous with their pollinator partners. It’s like showing up to a blind date three weeks early and wondering why you’re drinking alone. These botanical blind dates gone wrong, or phenology mismatch—

nature’s equivalent of standing up your Tinder date—threaten not just the romantic lives of bees and butterflies, but also the things we eat and drink.

Nicole’s Love Letter isn’t just a cocktail; it’s a liquid reminder of what’s at stake. Each sip tells a story of interconnection, from the bees that make Barr Hill Gin possible to the cherry blossoms that inspired its creation. The grapefruit sakura flower garnish floating atop the king cube isn’t just for Instagram; it’s a tiny work of art that reminds us of nature’s own fleeting masterpieces.

So, this Valentine’s Day, raise a glass to love in all its forms—the romantic kind, sure, but also the kind that exist between a bee and a flower, between humans and the natural world, and between a bartender and their craft. After all, in a world where even cherry blossoms can’t keep their traditional dates, maybe what we need most is a drink that reminds us to stop and smell the flowers—or in this case, sip them.

And if you’re feeling particularly romantic toward our planet, consider showing some love to organizations working to protect our pollinators and their habitats. Because while this cocktail might help you forget your ex, it should also help you remember that the greatest love story of all is the one between every living thing on this rock we call home.

Nicole Nathan brings nearly a decade of expertise in the San Francisco bar scene, having honed her craft at establishments from Tartine Manufactory to True Laurel. When not creating seasonal, sustainable cocktails, she can be found leading at Camp Runamok, participating in Tales of the Cocktail, or planning her next adventure—most recently at the Ajabu Cocktail & Spirits Festival in South Africa. Her current mission? Building a more equitable bar industry, one perfectly balanced drink at a time.

San Francisco-based Dina Novarr enjoys sharing her passion for fine wines, spirits, non-alcoholic craft beverages, and more with others.

Love Letter by Nicole Nathan

1/4 oz. Sakura Cordial

3/4 oz. Select Aperitivo

1 oz. Sencha-infused Martini & Rossi Bianco Vermouth

1 1/4 oz. Barr Hill Gin Garnish: expressed grapefruit sakura flower cut-out

Stir all ingredients save for garnish in a mixing glass, then strain into a double old-fashioned glass over a king cube. Express small grapefruit coin, then use sakura punch out. Place sakura flower punch garnish on top of cube

Sencha-Infused Vermouth Blanc or Bianco

17 ounces vermouth blanc or bianco

1 tbsp sencha green tea

Steep vermouth blanc or bianco with sencha tea for 45 minutes. Strain out tea after 45 minutes.

Sakura Cordial

2 tbsp scoops of sakura blossoms

1 1/2 cups granulated white sugar

2 cups water

Simmer blossoms, sugar, and water in a pot. Take off heat and let cool. Strain out blossoms when flavor is fully imparted. Add to drinks, such as Love Letter, for a pop of color and a taste of spring.

Nicole Nathan

Embarking on a Wine Journey at Embarc Wines Bay Times Dines

The Gay Gourmet

When it comes to wine, I like to leave the recommendations to my knowledgeable San Francisco Bay Times colleague, Leslie Sbrocco. But a few weeks ago, I happened into a storefront downtown at the Embarcadero Center that sold wines in pours by the glass. Since I’m so shy and retiring, I started speaking with the owners and co-founders, Adam Lovingood and Richard Garcia. They just so happened not only to be business partners, but domestic partners as well.

Their idea for the business intrigued me, as well as the fact that it’s an LGBTQ-owned business. Plus, the wines are first-rate. I’d encourage my loyal readers to make the trek downtown to sample their captivating vintages. What follows is my lively conversation with both gentlemen about their enterprise.

David Landis: Tell me a little bit about how and why you started Embarc Wines.

Adam Lovingood: Both of us are passionate about wine, especially the social aspects of enjoying wine. There’s so much to learn, but you don’t really have to know anything about wine to enjoy it. For too long, the intimidation factor associated with wine has kept people from enjoying it. We don’t do this with any other food or beverage. We don’t expect that someone has extensive knowledge about cranberry juice before they can enjoy it. Wine is the exception, but it doesn’t need to be. We noticed that the typical wine bar/wine tasting experience could put obstacles in the way of enjoyment. We wanted to create a comfortable place that allows folks to be more in control of their own experience without intimidation or judgments or other

barriers to exploration, like slow service. It’s empowering to go into a space where you can try wines that you want to try at your own pace, based on your own tastes. There is absolutely more you can learn if you want, but it’s not necessary as part of the experience. It’s also incredibly fun!

David Landis: Why the name Embarc? How does Embarc Wines work? Can you try multiple wines? Do you need an appointment?

Adam Lovingood: While we considered a lot of names/brand identities for the concept, we knew we wanted to capture the idea of self-exploration. Walking into our space is just the beginning of your journey. We felt Embarc captured that.

David Landis: Plus, Embarc is a play-on-words for the location at Embarcadero Center.

Adam Lovingood: Yes. Regarding appointments: you absolutely don’t need an appointment. When you visit, you check in with our wine guides and get an Embarc Card—like a hotel key card—that tracks everything you try. You grab a glass and tap your Embarc Card on a machine that contains a wine you want to try and then you select the amount: 1, 3, or 5 oz. for dry wines and 1, 2, and 3 oz. for dessert wines. Once you select the amount, the machine dispenses that amount into your glass. For those who are more visual learners, we have several short videos on our website that demonstrate the process as well. We have 88 wines (including a few dealcoholized wines) to choose from, so you have lots of options to try. It’s all up to you. While we can’t have them in the machines, we also have champagne/sparkling wine available for purchase. You can also purchase most of our wines by the bottle, even though that’s definitely not our focus.

David Landis: Do you serve food? What kinds of accompaniments? How do you select what food works well with wines?

Adam Lovingood: While we don’t have a kitchen and don’t do any food prep, we have food available for purchase in a vending machine that allows you to buy cheese and charcuterie, potato chips, and still and sparkling water (we also have tap available for free). Over time, we’ll be adding other options as we see what people want. Cheese and charcuterie, in particular, is a classic item to pair with a lot of different types of wine, so that was an easy choice for us. In terms of pairing wines, we think what wine goes with a dish is the wine that you want to drink with that dish. Of course, there are pairing rules—and, if you want to discuss that, we’re happy to—but we don’t want people to feel constrained by those rules or feel judged if they like non-traditional pairings. It’s more about what you like, rather than what you should like.

David Landis: Embarc Wines is a gay-owned business, and you both are business partners and life partners for this enterprise. How does that work? Does it create conflicts?

Adam Lovingood: Richard and I have divided tasks based on our strengths. Richard deals with most of the operational issues as he has a lot of experience in retail management. I’m more back office and am more involved in wine selection/wine purchasing. We’ve been together for about six and a half years, so our relationship had a strong foundation before opening Embarc. We made it through the worst of the pandemic sharing a small apartment! We both have strong personalities and are opinionated, but we also share a lot of mutual respect. Conflicts are inevitable, but we just work through them based on

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David Landis
Embarc Wines Co-Founder Richard Garcia, former Mayor London Breed, and Co-Founder Adam Lovingood
Photos courtesy of Embarc Wines

Bay Times Dines

what’s best for Embarc and our customers. We also really enjoy being together and make sure we do activities that are separate from the business.

David Landis: What’s different about Embarc Wines? Do you specialize in certain regions, appellations, special varietals?

Adam Lovingood: What’s different is we put you in charge of your experience. We don’t specialize in any particular way, as we want customers to have broad exposure to a lot of different types of wine from different regions in different styles. That way you can discover what makes sense to you, and it may be something you’ve never had before. We like to say that the best wine for you is the one you’re enjoying right now.

To help give some structure to your experience, we divide the space between Old World wines and New World wines. And wines are generally arranged from white to red. We try to group wines of similar varietals and regions together to help comparisons.

David Landis: Why did you choose the Financial District as your location? Do you think downtown is coming back?

Adam Lovingood: It was really about finding the right space for our concept. We looked at a lot of spaces in different neighborhoods, but ultimately, we decided on our current location as the perfect one for our first location. It’s in an area that is densely populated with both residents and business tenants, and it’s an area with a lot of foot traffic. The Embarcadero Center is a bit of a San Francisco gem. It’s clean and safe, and has a community feel to it. The management company, BXP, has been incredibly welcoming and supportive. We genuinely feel we’ve found that right home for Embarc. We have noticed quite an increase in activity just over the few months we’ve been open. The city is making a real effort to bring people back downtown and we’ve seen the positive effects of that. We couldn’t be happier with our choice.

David Landis: Are you open every day? Can you rent out the space for special events?

Adam Lovingood: We’re open weekdays from 1 pm to 8 pm. We love having people rent space at Embarc. We’ve had several group events so far and the space has proven to be ideal for that. We’re really flexible in how we approach it and can work with the group to accommodate their size and their reasonable budget. We can also order special food items as well, if that’s desired.

David Landis: Personally, do you have a favorite wine? Favorite region? Favorite varietal?

Adam Lovingood: What has always amazed me about wine is the tremendous diversity available, especially considering they all start from the same basic ingredient. If there is one varietal that has become my go-to, it’s probably Riesling. Riesling is a wonderfully versatile grape that can give you wines that are bone

(continued on page 36)

A pouring at Embarc Wines
Interior of Embarc Wines

Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun

Sister Dana sez, “Commemorate and celebrate the history and achievements of African-Americans during BLACK HISTORY MONTH!”


MONTH (also known as BLACK HISTORY MONTH ) is an annually observed commemorative month originating in the USA, beginning February 1st and concluding March 1st—having been observed for 55 years. This year’s theme, African-Americans and Labor, focuses on the various and profound ways that work and working of all kinds—free and un-free, skilled and unskilled, vocational and voluntary—intersect with the collective experiences of Black people. Many historical figures come to my mind, including Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks,

Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Muhammad Ali, Frederick Douglass, Alvin Ailey, Audre Lorde, Marsha P. Johnson, Minnie Riperton, Malcolm X, Bayard Rustin , and Shirley Chisholm (the first ever Black woman to serve in Congress from 1969–1983). Among your celebratory fashion choice colors are definitely red, green, and yellow.

ASALH is the acronym for the ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN LIFE AND HISTORY, an organization founded in 1915 by Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson , the second African-American to earn the doctorate from Harvard University. ASALH was founded to address the dearth of information on the accomplishments of Black people and to disseminate information on Black life, history, and culture to the global community.

Congress had certified Trump’s 2024 Electoral College victory in a quick, uneventful ceremony—without a single objection from members of Congress or riots from supporters of the losing candidate. Unlike January 6, 2021, when 147 Congressional Republicans objected to Biden’s Electoral College win, and the Capitol was viciously attacked by rioters stirred up by Trump. Sister Dana sez, “And yet most of Repugnican Congressmen continue to bow down to that convicted f-word (felon) of a president!”

One day ahead of a nationwide movement in more than 70 American cities, San Francisco held a truly impressive “We Fight Back” protest march overflowing the Mission district—to blast Trump and the whole rotten system of billionaires above democracy, and to fight for human rights. And then, on the eve of inauguration, many more demonstrators rallied in the streets across from SF City Hall. Sister Dana sez, “We hope this powerful movement continues all four years of Trump’s awful administration!”

We members of the charitable Mardi Gras club KREWE DE KINQUE celebrated MLK, Jr., weekend with the I HAVE A DREAM theme on January 18 at Midnight Sun bar in the Castro. It›s the start of Mardi Gras season, so our reigning King XXI Robert Makowka and Queen XX Moxie helped us raise funds for our BAL MASQUE XXII beneficiary, RAINBOW WORLD FUND’s Los Angeles Fire Survivors campaign. We wished reigning Queen XXI Vivianne Vixen Rose speedy health. We announced our March 1st Bal Masque XXII theme, “MARDI GLOW UNDER THE SEA ,” when Celebrity Grand Marshal Brian Busta aka Chickpea will lead the festivities. Mark your calendars, because Bal Masque XXII will be held at The Café in the Castro on March 1, 6–9 pm. After having enjoyed our masked ball, be sure to join our KdK annual FAT TUESDAY CASTRO BAR CRAWL on March 4, 6–11 pm. No RSVP necessary. Just come crawl in costume with us—bar to bar to bar! Parade route not yet set.

As the Republican Party continues to push measures designed to maintain a status quo that privileges straight, white, Christian men at the expense of everyone else, it is now more crucial than ever for the Democratic Party to stand up for equality and justice. As we enter this new era, under a second Trump administration, the Democratic Party faces a critical choice: whether to maintain a cautious and often timid approach to confronting the right’s push for rolling back social progress or to fully embrace its capacity and potential for

advancing equality, justice, and democracy. Sister Dana sez, “Let’s not be timid! Let’s push for equality for all!”

Jim Obergefell is fighting for the survival of same-sex marriage as the new, alt-right national government takes even more power. Obergefell’s name and actions are the reason we currently have marriage equality. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of this right in Obergefell v. Hodges just days before New York City Pride on June 26, 2015. This queer activist is a board member of the LGBTQ organization, FAMILY EQUALITY; he co-founded EQUALITY VINES , which donates profits to the cause of equality; and he is an executive producer at the JUSTMARRIED PROJECT, which reinforces arguments for marriage equality through the storytelling of queer couples. If Obergefell got overturned, he said, “It would be emotionally devastating to queer couples and families. We would once again live in a country where couples could be denied the right to say ‘I Do’ to the person they love in the state they call home. Regardless of the Respect for Marriage Act—requiring all states to recognize all marriages—being forced to leave your home state to do something others do without thinking twice tells couples that they are less than others, that they don’t matter, that they don’t deserve the same rights as their neighbors.” Sister Dana sez, “I Do declare that our hero Jim is absolutely RIGHT in defending this hard-fought RIGHT!”

President Biden delivered an extremely important FAREWELL ADDRESS on January 15, including that alarming but necessary warning: “An oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power, and influence that threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms.” Bernie Sanders agreed, saying, “This is the defining issue of our time!” Sister Dana sez, “President Joe and Senator Bernie are absolutely right!” Because having already contributed over a million bucks each to T-rump’s “InAggravation” were Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Besos, Elon Musk, Apple, Google, and TikTok. This

(continued on page 32)

Sister Dana Van Iquity
Krewe de Kinque Queen VII Sr. Dana Van Iquity (right) with community photographer Darryl Pelletier at the benefit held on January 18 at Midnight Sun to support the L.A. Fire Survivors Migrant Aid Fund. To welcome the Mardi Gras season this year, Krewe de Kinque will host Bal Masque II, “Mardi Glow Under the Sea,” on Saturday, March 1, 6–9 pm at The Cafe.

dining room when I was 14. Ever since then, I’ve never left the hospitality industry, from hotels to restaurants. I studied at the old California Culinary Academy in San Francisco in hospitality restaurant management, which included culinary as well. My passion for food and wine has only grown over the years and now we have a restaurant that I can continue my passion to serve healthy and delicious food to everyone and anyone, and help out the earth too. However, none of this would be possible without my wife almost solo parenting on her own with our 3 kids (18, 12, and 10 years old) while I’ve kept a crazy restaurant schedule of nights and weekends from before they were born. I gave my oldest son, Austin, his first restaurant job when he was 15 at Risibisi, and now he is one of our best expediters at Wild Goat at 18 years old. Proud mommy and daddy.

San Francisco Bay Times: Are there any seasonal specials that you are featuring now?

Jacob and Kara Gamba: We always have a seasonal pizza, called In Season. The current In Season has fontina cheese, roasted butternut squash, balsamic caramelized onions, bacon, and pine nuts. Of course, anyone can swap crust with a gluten-free pizza crust and/or switch cheese for Miyoko’s vegan cheese. We also have some really yummy sweet potato quinoa cakes with tahini, chipotle, and a Brussels sprouts slaw. For a meat eater, we have a grass-fed Niman ranch burger served on a French roll from Full Circle Bakery, or a gluten-free roll delivered from Mama Mel’s Bakery here in Petaluma. We always have our ginormous salads, and gluten-free cakes as well.

San Francisco Bay Times: We’re curious and have to ask: What else does

from pg 21)

after a 30-year run in Vegas. Directed by Gia Coppola and written by Kate Gersten, the film stars Pamela Anderson as a sweeter version of Norma Desmond. She is not completely mad, but is so obsessed with her career that adapting to reality seems impossible for her. It’s a bittersweet look at a woman I have nothing in common with but was still rooting for by the end of the film.

Jamie Lee Curtis manages to steal the film from the sequins, feathers, desperation, and brief moments of joy. Curtis has the courage to look absolutely terrible, allowing for closeups of a woman who drank, smoked, and sunned way too much, and who was

BOOK PASSAGE (continued from pg 22)

Wednesday, February 12 @ 6 pm

(non-ticketed - SF Ferry Building store)

Kevin Fagan, author of The Lost and the Found: A True Story of Homelessness, Found Family, and Second Chances

Award-winning journalist Kevin Fagan takes a compassionate, deeply reported look at homelessness, focusing on San Francisco. Through the powerful stories of Rita and

Leslie Sbrocco order at your restaurant besides that amazing cake?

Jacob Gamba: You know, I always forget what Leslie orders for her meal because I’m always distracted from her obsession with our gluten-free Coconut Cake. You’ll have to ask her about that cake! I think she eats a meal just so she can order that. And I’m sure she’s not the only one who feels that way, ha!

San Francisco Bay Times: It takes at least an hour for those of us in San Francisco and the East Bay to make the trek to Petaluma. A visit to Wild Goat Bistro would seem to be the perfect ending or mid-day treat during a weekend daylong road trip.

Do you have any other favorite businesses, venues, or other stops that we should explore while in your area?

Jacob and Kara Gamba: Absolutely! FYI we are open 11:30 am–8 pm daily, except for Sundays we are open only 10:30 am–3 pm. We recommend:

Local wine tasting rooms in Petaluma at Brooks Note, Adobe Road, and Keller Estate, and La Dolce Vita Wine Lounge. Downtown boutique shops in the Petaluma Great Mill where Wild Goat Bistro is located, such as Hunter and the Bird and Refill Mercantile. There are lots of other boutique shops within walking distance from us in downtown Petaluma on 4th Street and Kentucky.

The Mystic Theater always does live music shows and Buffalo Billiards for a game of pool.

Helen Putnam Park for a beautiful hike and gorgeous views around Petaluma.

Cool off with Italian ice and soft-serve at Wicked Slush.

not able to afford plastic surgery. It is heartbreaking, gutsy, and brilliant. While not on the level of the Bob Dylan film, The Last Showgirl surprised and thrilled me with its overall question about the choices we make in our lives. It has stayed with me, and that is what a good movie does.

Jan Wahl is a Hollywood historian and film critic on various broadcast outlets. She has two Emmys and many awards for her longtime work on behalf of film buffs and the LGBTQ community. Contact her at

disgusting dictator had amassed over 200 million dollars from his orange butt-lickers— just for his “Inauguration Fund.”

Mere hours after being sworn-in, Donald the Despot granted blanket-pardon to all 1,500+ January 6 Capitol attack insurrection rioters—including violent criminals. He has commuted sentences and released from prison Oath Keepers and Proud Boys leaders. Political violence will now be rewarded Sister Dana sez, “Maybe democracy activists COULD have stormed one of Trump’s big pre-election rallies, done some nonviolent damage, and been immediately pardoned by then-President Biden at the time. Am I being bitter? Oh, hell yes, I am! And that’s just ONE of the many 100+ eXtreme X-ecutive orders from that damned disgusting dictator!!!”

Just hours after taking office, terrifying Trump signed an executive order attempting to deny citizenship to babies born in the United States. Sister Dana sez, “And, within just hours afterwards, the ACLU filed a lawsuit to stop him! We will ALL overcome tyranny!”

On his first day, “King Trump” signed an additional 25 executive orders, 12 memos, and 4 proclamations; and he revoked 78 of President Biden’s executive actions.

Sister Dana sez, “With the horrible incoming Presidential Administration, GOP control of every branch of government, and an extremely conservative Supreme Court, we activists for democracy and civil rights need to unify whenever and wherever there is an opportunity!”

MODERN MILITARY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA is supporting LGBTQ Veteran Benefits. A new settlement with the Department of Defense now offers LGBTQ veterans discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” a streamlined process to upgrade their discharge status and regain access to critical benefits.

CHINESE NEW YEAR is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. Marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring, this festival takes place from “Chinese New Year’s Eve” (the evening preceding the first day of the year) to “The Lantern Festival,” held on the 15th day of the year.

reflective, and aspirational atmosphere. We enjoyed “Year of the Snake” art installations; art-making led by Teaching Artists Aiko Cuneo and Monica Lee; a large-scale paper snake created by Ruth’s Table participants; and a collaborative mural inspired by the Year of the Wood Snake, created by 7th and 8th grade art students from Children’s Day School. We also experienced a double-headed lion dance symbolizing luck and resilience.

Sister Dana sez, “Happy GROUNDHOG DAY on February 2nd! But don’t these days of terrifying Trumpism feel like that same-named classic movie: each day--over and over--the same but only slightly different?!”

THE 67TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS will take place Sunday, February 2, at the Arena in Los Angeles—and the Recording Academy has refocused its aim to support relief efforts following the devastating Los Angeles-area wildfires. Hosted by comedian Trevor Noah for the fifth consecutive time, it will air live on CBS at 5 pm Pacific time. Benson Boone, Billie Eilish, Chappell Roan, Charli XCX, Doechii, Raye, Sabrina Carpenter, Shakira, and Teddy Swims will perform.

FISHNETS AND FILM will make history in Emeryville when it presents the first queer film festival there, DRAG ME TO THE CINEMA , on February 8 at AMC Bay Street 16, 5614 Bay Street, 12 pm–9 pm. This day-long movie show will include a Red Carpet entryway, audience-driven panel Q&As, and networking opportunities for participating filmmakers. Film Festival Director and Emeryville resident Robby Kendall currently hosts “Drag Bingo” at Public Market Emeryville as his drag persona Ms. Sweet Nothing and hosts recurring small-scale queer film festivals in Oakland.

Tyson—two unhoused individuals navigating addiction and recovery—Fagan reveals both the personal and systemic challenges behind the epidemic, offering a poignant call to reimagine how we address homelessness and inequality. Fagan will be joined by Gianna Toboni.

So, of course, Sister Dana dressed in red and gold on January 25 to celebrate local culture, art, and community at Ruth’s Table Art Gallery and Making Space, 3160 21st Street at their annual Chinese New Year’s event, YEAR OF THE SNAKE: 2025 LUNAR NEW YEAR CELEBRATION. Director Evan Johnson spoke eloquently about Ruth’s Table and introduced the live entertainment by singers, dancers, and music by the San Francisco Guqin and Xiao Music Society, performing traditional Chinese instruments—the guqin (a seven-string zither) and xiao (a bamboo flute)—to create a harmonious,

THEATRE RHINOCEROS presents DOODLER , a new one-man play by John Fisher A serial killer known as “The Doodler” was responsible for multiple murders in the Ocean Beach and Golden Gate Park areas of San Francisco. All of his victims were gay men. When he met each man, he presented him with something that charmed him. This is the story of a man who is determined to find the yet unidentified Doodler and avenge the death of one of his victims. Fifty years later, that case is still open. The show opens February 8 through March 2 at Theatre Rhinoceros, 4229 18th Street in the Castro. Previews are February 6 and 7.

This year’s SF CHINESE NEW YEAR FESTIVAL AND PARADE is on February 15 with Joan Chen as Parade Grand Marshal, Carrie Ann Inaba as ABC-7 Grand Marshal , and Mayor Daniel Lurie as Honorary Marshal. More info on that fabulousness will appear in my February 13 column. Sister Dana sez, “Wishing You Prosperity and Gung Hay Fat Choy!”

JAN WAHL (continued

Hearts in San Francisco

The San Francisco General Hospital Foundation (SFGHF) has announced that 22 artists have been selected to participate in the 2025 Hearts in San Fran cisco project.

Included this year will be two large heart sculptures, 10 tabletop ones, and 10 mini hearts. To follow the progress of these works, follow SFGHF and #HeartsinSF on social media, where artists will be sharing updates. Bids for sculptures can be placed on the Hearts Sculpture Auction page at

The Hearts in San Francisco project debuted in 2004, the inspired idea of two women: Nancy Bechtle and Ellen Magnin Newman. That year, 130 heart sculptures, created by local Bay Area artists, were placed on display throughout San Francisco for the public to enjoy while raising critical funds for the SFGHF to benefit the public hospital, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center.

Take Me Home with You!

Moose: A Gentle Soul Ready to Blossom in the Right Home

Meet Moose, a 4.5-yearold Australian Cattle Dog mix with a heart as big as her loyal spirit. Though a bit shy at first, Moose transforms into a loving, affectionate companion once she feels at ease. Her devotion to her people is as boundless as her potential to thrive in a supportive, calm environment.

Moose dreams of a home with a peaceful outdoor space where she can enjoy quiet moments of play and relaxation. Loud, high-traffic areas can be overwhelming for this gentle girl, but with continued training and encouragement, she’s building the confidence to navigate the world around her.

Currently thriving in a foster home, Moose has shown just how sweet and eager she is to connect with the right family. With patience and love, she’s sure to blossom into the loyal, devoted companion you’ve been searching for.

If you’re ready to provide Moose with the calm space and guidance she needs, she’s ready to fill your life with unconditional love. To learn more about Moose or to arrange a meeting, please email

Moose is waiting to meet you and start her next chapter!

Let’s Go Home!

Here are two of the many pets now available for adoption at Oakland Animal Services (OAS):


Meet Pearl, a sweet and gentle kitty who loves purring, cuddling, and playtime! While she may take a little time to warm up, once she does, she’s a loving companion who adores head pets, chasing toys, and snuggling up for naps. If you’re seeking a playful and affectionate feline friend, Pearl is ready to meet you!


Meet Getaround, a sweet 1-year-old husky ready for love and adventure! At 54 pounds, he’s a mellow, affectionate guy who loves walks, sniffing, and making dog friends. Playful but gentle, he enjoys chase games and would thrive with a medium-energy dog buddy or as your solo sidekick. Ready to explore and make memories? Getaround is waiting for you!

The OAS adoption process focuses on matching you with a pet who is a good fit for you and your family. Come by during open adoption hours Thursdays 12–7 pm and Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays 12–3 pm to adopt your new best friend, or to learn more about the OAS adoption process. Please see the OAS website to learn more about how you can help by adopting, fostering, volunteering, and donating:

Harmony by Margaret Luo
Baila Corazón Purple Heart by Anavictoria Avila
Harmonious Balance by Whitney Alyssa Bubbling with Love by Sophia Lee
Sweet Like Candy by Christina Chavez
Spark in Our Hearts by Quinn & Rowan Heyrana de Leyos Hidden Gems by Naomi Delott
Large Heart by Dev Heyrana
Touching Love by Rae Lanzerotti


Update From Bay Times New York Correspondent Fernando Camino of SuperFriends NYC

Fernando Camino, correspondent from New York City and moderator of the SuperFriends livecasts on YouTube, has represented the San Francisco Bay Times at many special events since his visit to the Bay Area for SF Pride 2024.

Selecting the “Best of Photos” from his submissions is not easy, as so many are both interesting and informative. We hope you will enjoy this collection and check out the (almost) weekly livecasts from Time Square featuring the Midnight Moment sponsored by the Time Square Arts organization and others. Check out the themes from previous Midnight Moments:

Be sure to visit the SuperFriends NYC page and click “Like”:

Crystal VIP Experience

Fernando Camino was again an invited guest to the pre-New Year’s Eve parties, including the final “ball check” atop the One Times Square skyscraper. Additionally, at the Crystal VIP Experience, invitees replaced one of the crystal triangles on the giant ball with pieces designed for this year’s ball drop. Participants were given the previous year’s crystal to keep, commemorating their connection to the annual

Photos courtesy of SuperFriends NYC
U.S. Men’s Volleyball Team Team USA’s Taylor Averill and Matt Anderson, an Olympic bronze medalist, met up with Fernando Camino at the Empire State Building following their return from the Paris Olympic Games.
WNBA Champions New York Liberty Celebration
A tickertape parade was held in celebration of New York’s WNBA team New York Liberty that won the 2024 championship defeating the runner-up Minnesota Lynx. Fernando Camino met up with the Finals MVP player Jonquel Jones (JJ) for an exclusive photo op along the parade route. He also photographed the Big Bus Tours vehicle that carried the Liberty team members. Fans proudly displayed the San Francisco Bay Times flag presented to them in appreciation.
34th Annual Tompkins Square Dog Parade
This popular pet-friendly event began near 13th Street and Avenue A and progressed to Tompkins Square in the East Village.
New Year’s Eve Times Square
NYC New Year’s Eve event.
West Indian Day Parade Carnival
This annual celebration of West Indian culture is held in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, and attracts between one and three million participants annually. Following the parade route along Eastern Parkway, contingents represent West Indian or Caribbean islands along with mainland Caribbean countries.

What Becomes a Legend Most: Conradin and Frederick

Faces from Our LGBT Past

Dr. Bill Lipsky

The multitude gathered early and eagerly to witness an event few could imagine they would ever see. Charles of Anjou (1226–1285), brother of Louis IX (1214–1270), King of France, had ordered the public execution of Conradin (1252–1268), Duke of Swabia and titular King of Jerusalem and Sicily, the last direct heir of the House of Hohenstaufen. With his beloved and

constant companion, Frederick, Margrave of Baden (1249–1268), he was beheaded in the market square of Naples on October 29, 1268. He was 16 years old.

Such an event was virtually unprecedented. Rivals to a royal crown, captured in war, usually were imprisoned, not dispatched to eternity in public. However, Conradin and Frederick, who was 19 when he executed, had led a series of campaigns against Charles, the nominal ruler of Sicily for the previous two years, which almost succeeded in deposing him. Although Conradin had been excommunicated by the church and convicted of treason against the state, he became the hero, not the villain of his story.

His death created widespread outrage against the French in both Germany and Italy, where the young lord who was as “beautiful as Absalom, and spoke good Latin” remained “for centuries a figure of legend and romantic speculation.” According to the poet Heinrich Heine (1797–1856), as late as the 19th century “the Germans still held a grudge against the French for his execution.” By then, he and Frederick were not only figures of a lost cause, but also symbols of great nobility and “steadfast companionship.”

During the great age of Romanticism that captured the European and American imagination during Heine’s lifetime, Conradin and the deep affection he shared with Frederick inspired novels, dramas, poems, and artworks in Germany, France, England, and Italy. Among the earliest was “The Death of Conradin,” written by Felicia Hemans in 1824, who used the vivid imagery and lyrical style that the era so admired to describe both his singular nobility and the tragedy of human suffering in a world of natural beauty:

But thou, fair boy! the beautiful, the brave, Thus passing from the dungeon to the grave,

While all is yet around thee which can give A charm to earth, and make it bless to live.

Charles Swain (1801–1874) made him the hero of his poem “Conradin,” published in 1833:

And yet, that youthful knight Owns no dishonour’d like; For, if the Victory crowned the right, Young Conradin, ‘twere thine!

50 years later, William John Rous (1833–1914), who served as an officer of the 90th Regiment of Foot (Perthshire Volunteers) Light Infantry in the Crimean War, romanticized the great love between Conradin and Frederick across 56 pages of verse, especially when:

[Frederick] turns to clasp with longing arms his friend, And turning, sees the fatal blow descend, Then presses with his lips the severed head, Last greeting of the dying to the dead.

When C. R. Ashbee (1863–1942), a leader of the Arts and Crafts movement in England, published his long poem “Conradin” in 1908, which romanticized him

into sentimentality, he dedicated it to his “patron and friend” Thomas Bradney Shaw-Hellier (1836–1910). A colonel in the 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards and Director of the Royal Military School of Music, he retired to Taormina, Sicily, where, according to Ashbee, he surrounded himself with a bevy of Sicilian boy retainers ... with large dreamy eyes.”

Were the two young nobles intimate in every way? In an age of chivalry and courtly love, men could express their deep affection for each other without anyone believing they had a sexual relation. When the medieval poet Marie de France (1160–1215) wrote of a king who embraced a beloved knight in “Lay of the WereWolf,” removing a curse upon him, and “kissed him fondly, above a hundred times,” she was not necessarily suggesting that there was anything more than “spiritual bonds” between them.

Others thought differently. Numerous chroniclers of the day wrote that many rulers enjoyed same-sex intimacy, including Kings Edward II, William Rufus, and Richard the Lion-Heart of England; Philip II of France; and others, including Robert, Duke of Normandy—and Conradin. Perhaps they were repeating claims made by

(continued on page 36)

Monument to Conradin and Frederick at their tomb in the church of Santa Maria del Carmine in Naples
A painting of Conradin and Frederick together by Pauline Soltau 1833–1902
Execution of Conradin of Swabia and Frederick of Baden by Peter Johann Nepomuck Geiger (ca. 1850)

(continued from pg 35)

their enemies, not their admirers, but European secular law mostly ignored homosexuality before the middle of the thirteenth century. Until then, sodomy cases were prosecuted in ecclesiastical courts, but rarely against the nobility.

The intense, loving relationship between Conradin and Frederick remained always central to the story. In his Impressions of Travel in Sicily (1842, Alexander Dumas (1802–1870) stated, “The two young men swore that nothing could separate them, not even death,” without explaining why.

Edward Prime-Stevenson (1858–1942) was bolder. Writing about “the youthful and brave Conradin of Hohenstaufen and his beloved and not less gallant cousin, Frederick of Baden, the ‘blameless’ paragon of chivalry” in The Intersexes (1908), his pioneering history of “similisexualism,” he affirmed they “indubitably were homosexual.”

During the 20th century, more and more historians acknowledged the sexual nature of their relationship, which some did not think was admirable. Writing in 1930, Paul Wiegler (1878–1949) used coded language to disapprove, stating, “Young Conradin was a pale and fragile beauty,” a “delicate young German” who “quivered with the affection of a weakling for young Frederick of Baden, the son of Gertrude.” When he heard they had been sentenced to death,

“Sobbing he embraced his friend, as a man a woman.”

After their execution, “In a final act of intense disrespect, Charles ordered the corpses to be put away in the sea-sand, hard by the stony cemetery of the Jews.”

Conrad’s mother, Elisabeth of Bavaria, later founded the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine in Naples, adjacent to the public square where they were put to death, for “the good of the souls of her young son and his companion, Frederick of Baden, as well as a resting place for their remains,” where they abide to this day.

Conradin built no castles or cathedrals. He founded no great cities, established no centers of learning, created no great libraries, commissioned no lasting works of art. Yet, we still care about him and his “great and good friend” Frederick, who perished together more than 750 years ago. We still celebrate them for sharing such deep love and devotion to each other that one willingly joined the other before their executioner. Their tomb is now a place of pilgrimage for loving gay couples from all over the world.

Bill Lipsky, Ph.D., author of “LGBTQ+ Trailblazers of San Francisco” (2023) and “Gay and Lesbian San Francisco” (2006), is a member of the Rainbow Honor Walk board of directors.


A New Sunday Brunch & Party for Women and their Friends

Sunday, February 9, 12noon-6pmWatch the Super Bowl with us at 3pm

Featuring live music with Dr. Dee Spencer

Questions: 415-601-2113

LANDIS (continued from pg 29)

dry or unctuous and sweet, and everything in between. I do tend to lean towards the Old World for Rieslings (both German and Alsatian). I also have found great examples in the New World as well (e.g. from the Finger Lakes Region in upstate New York). We’ve represented those at Embarc. But I’m also an Embarc customer and just love exploring what’s available at any one time. The kid-in-a-candy-store analogy comes to mind.

Richard Garcia: I am currently in love with New World zinfandel and cabernet sauvignon varietals. I love a bold, full-bodied, fruit-forward “jammy” wine, and we have plenty to keep me and our customers happy. Do you like to change it up a bit? I know I do, and we have multiple options, highlighting how the same grape can have dramatically different characteristics based on where it was grown as well as how much time it has spent in a bottle waiting to release its splendor to the world.

David Landis: In your other lives, Adam, you’re a lawyer and Richard is a veterinary recruiter. How did you get interested in the wine business?

Adam Lovingood: I had never been to a wine tasting room until I came to the Bay Area for law school in 1994, and most of my prior encounters with wine weren’t great. But coming here changed all that. I loved the entire wine tasting experience and spent a lot of time over the coming years exploring wineries. Once I started working, I started to meet lots of people in the restaurant business and became interested in doing something in hospitality. I started taking wine education courses and considered changing professions and becoming a sommelier. Eventually, I determined that back-of-the-house was probably a better fit for me, and I started thinking about potential business ideas. Years later, that led to the concept for Embarc, which is a bit full circle since Embarc is like a hybrid of a wine bar and tasting room.

Richard Garcia: Before moving to San Francisco, I was not a wine drinker. After meeting Adam, and seeing his passion for wine, I began exploring the vast flavors and history of wine, which piqued my interest. So close to us is Napa Valley, offering a very convenient way to explore different

varietals and styles of wine making. I like to learn. Visiting wineries and tasting rooms to hear about the history of the vineyard, and how the wines came to be, has made me an oenophile.

David Landis: If you could travel to any wine region outside of California, where would it be—and why?

Adam Lovingood: I’ve been very privileged to have had the opportunity to visit quite a few regions in both the New World and Old. I visited Budapest back in 2015 and had phenomenal Hungarian wines, both red and white, which you really can’t find outside Hungary. I didn’t get to visit the wine regions, though, so I would love to go back and do that.

Richard Garcia: I would love to explore the Australian and Italian wine regions. I love an Australian shiraz and an Italian primitivo and barbera. So, I feel like I need to spend time in these areas. It will help me get a feel for the other flavors being produced, and to expand my personal knowledge and palette.

David Landis: What are your business plans for the coming year?

Adam Lovingood: Mainly, we want to continue to build our business and introduce more folks to the wonderful experience we’ve created. And we’re always thinking about what’s next. We want to be the Blue Bottle of wine bars.

David Landis: Anything else?

Adam Lovingood: We’re just incredibly grateful for everyone who helped make Embarc a reality. Starting a small business is probably the most challenging thing we’ve ever done. That wouldn’t have been possible without the support from dear friends, wise advisors, and, of course, our customers who visit and understand our vision for a better way to experience the wonderful world that is wine.

David Landis, aka “The Gay Gourmet,” is a foodie, a freelance writer, and a retired PR maven. Follow him on Instagram @GayGourmetSF or email him at: Or visit him online at:


International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2025 Ceremonies

The 2025 International Holocaust Remembrance Day marked the 80th anniversary of the day when the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland was liberated on January 27, 1945. The United Nations General Assembly designated January 27 as the day to remember this significant moment and the millions of victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution.

The San Francisco ceremonies coincided with the annual international gathering held at Auschwitz-Birkenau. This year, King Charles III and numerous dignitaries, including former second gentleman of the U.S., Douglas Emhoff, participated in the ceremony in Poland. An official delegation, led by Secretary of Commerce nominee Steve Witkoff, also attended.

Here in the Castro, members of the American Legion Post 448, along with representatives of other organizations, gathered at Jane Warner Plaza. The group marched together to the Pink Triangle Memorial located on Market Street across from Harvey Milk Plaza.

Speaking during the ceremony were Jimmy McConnell, representing the veterans, and the Night Ministry’s John Brent. Sister Dharma from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence also spoke.

Guests included the outgoing President of the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club, Gary McCoy, and Congregation Sha’ar Zahav President Mike Shriver. Veterans Squadron Leader Morningstar Vancil also attended.

Many other such ceremonies took place across the city and Bay Area. At the Holocaust Memorial located near the Legion of Honor in San Francisco, several city and state officials, including Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis and State Senator Scott Wiener, participated in a ceremony hosted by the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Family and Children’s Services Holocaust Center.

For more information about the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, visit:

Dan Ashley’s Visit to Auschwitz in Observance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day

On January 27, 2025, for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, ABC-7 news anchor Dan Ashley looked back on his 2005 trip to Holocaust sites, including the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz in Poland. He was joined that year by an inter-generational group of survivors, as well as children and grandchildren of survivors, some from the Bay Area. They retraced the route of the train ride to Auschwitz that was made by so many during World War II. As of January 2024, there were an estimated 245,000 Holocaust survivors still alive and now living in more than 90 countries.

To view Ashley’s report:

Round About - Resistance

‘We Fight Back’ March and Rally in San Francisco the Day Before Inauguration Day 2025

In San Francisco on Sunday, January 19, the eve of the inaugural ceremony in Washington, D.C., marchers gathered at Civic Center Plaza for the “We Fight Back” rally followed by a march along Market Street, Steuart Street, and the Embarcadero Plaza. ln addition to expressing their opposition to the Trump administration’s actions and rhetoric, participants also voiced their opposition to continued reliance on fossil fuels that are contributing to climate change, on the Israeli occupation in Palestine, and on the unfair treatment of many immigrants and workers. As one of the speakers, Ramsey Robinson for the Party for Socialism, said, “We fight back, not just against Trump, not just against the billionaires. We fight against the whole rotting system that is capitalism.”

The January 19 rally and march were organized by the ANSWER coalition that included groups and unions such as Mission Advocates, La Colectiva de Mujeres, and Unite Here Local 2.

Recycled Cotton Woven Throws

Feel like staying home and hiding under a blanket? Get cozy with our selection of woven throws made from recycled cotton.

We have assorted colors and styles for $34.99 each.

Zafferano America

Cordless Lighting

The Theta Pro lamp is made from durable die-cast aluminum with a painted finish suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Offering 9 hours of cordless illumination and a dimmable and tunable LED light, the Theta lamp is perfect for placing bedside or on a dining table. An induction charging base and power cord are included. It is available in matte black or matte white for $144.99.

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the Mix Bar in the Castro”
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the Mix Bar”
Daniel Cherry

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