Welcome 2013!
December 20, 2012-January 9, 2013 | www.sfbaytimes.com
Our Annual News Quiz By Ann Rostow It’s that time again, Dear Readers. Time to take a short stroll down memory lane and revisit the idiosyncratic bits of flotsam and jetsam that wash ashore amidst the waves of our serious and important LGBT legal and political news coverage.
Last year, conservative majorities in the New Hampshire legislature unexpectedly refused to repeal the Granite State’s marriage equality law. Fine, fine, fine. But which gay icon had an asteroid named after him? Frank Kameny, of course!
Three of the following reported hate crimes were fabrications. Which one actually happened?
In an historic leap of progress, we legalized marriage in Washington, Maine and Maryland. Three cheers for us. But do you remember the name of the woman who lay dead for a week in her London house while her husband did drugs in the next room? It was Eva Rousing and I forget the exact details.
We won an anti-bullying consent decree against the Anoka-Hennepin school district in Minnesota. The EEOC determined that trans-bias was off icially covered under Title V I I’s work place d iscr im inat ion language. The Supreme Court accepted two major gay rights cases for the coming term. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But how about those TSA pranksters who taped a dildo to two gay guys’
b) Charlie Rogers, a Nebraska basketball player, was overpowered and slurs were carved into her body,
b) Leonard, a celebrity pug who lives in Tiberon,
d) Gay Republican, Kyle Wood, was assaulted by gay Democrats for his work on a GOP campaign.
d) Romeo, a swan who lives in the Boston Public Gardens,
Which of these countries legalized same-sex marriage in 2012?
e) Inca, a penguin living at the Madrid zoo.
Who’s gay and who’s not?
b) Honey Boo, c) John Travolta, d) The Green Lantern, e) Kristy McNichol. Who said that? Match the quotes to six of the following twelve names. a) “Tu eras maricon” b) “I didn’t know you had families.” c) “Fu-ker!” d) “Ain’t no homo gonna make it to heaven.” e) “Do you think Callista’s (Gingrich) hair snaps on?” f ) “If you do it (gay sex) you must know that you are wrong and it is rotten.” Jason Alexander, the King of the Zulus, Manny Pacquiano, Brad Pitt’s mother, Dahrun Ravi, Tripp Palin, Ric Grenell, a toddler in an Indiana church, Mitt Romney, Yanel Escobat, Aaron Schock, Alan Chambers.
Who wins the 2012 award for Straight People Behaving Badly in our Columns? a) The professional tennis umpire who killed her 80-year-old husband with a coffee mug, b) The Florida man who severely beat his mother at the dinner table for using his taco sauce, c) Lisa Biron, the conservative Christian New Hampshire lawyer accused of transporting a teenaged girl to Canada and forcing her to have sex with some guy on video, d) The 67-year-old man who called 911 a dozen times to get a lift to the liquor store,
What’s my line?
a) Gillian Anderson,
Which of these animals is openly gay?
c) Tank, the Pomeranian who fell off a boat into the Chicago river but miraculously wound up at a city intersection,
a) I thought the guy sitting next to me on the bus was an alien, so I killed him and cut off his head with a knife, b) I ran naked down McArthur Boulevard in Miami, beat up a homeless man and chewed off part of his face, c) I was captured while googling myself in a Berlin coffee shop and arrested for dismembering a student in Montreal and mailing parts of his body to Canadian politicians, d) When my 12 year old son lost the sixth grade championship basketball game, I attacked the other coach and bit off his ear, e) I bit the nose off another inmate because he was gay. Is my name: Timothy Forbes? Luka Rocco Magnota? Vince Li? Timothy Schwartz? Rudy Eugene?
I think you understand our priorities. So, without further introduction, let’s proceed to our annual news quiz. Good luck, everyone.
c) In Roanoke, Jordan Addison’s car was vandalized with antigay scratches,
a) Denmark, b) France, c) Tasmania, d) Australia, e) New Zealand, f ) Israel, g) Taiwan, h) Argentina.
luggage and covered it with lube? And did you hear that the famed chewy candies, “Mike and Ike,” officially got divorced? They seemed so happy.
a) Winkleman, the squirrel who can paint holding a brush in his mouth,
a) Joseph Baken of Missoula, Montana, was beaten up outside a gay bar,
e) The day care workers who organized “toddler fights” and recorded the events on their iPhones, f ) Lynn Evenchik, the straight travel agent who tried to initiate a class action lawsuit against Avis for offering discounts to a GLBT travel group.
How will the Supreme Court handle the two gay rights cases next June? a) They will strike the Defense of Marriage Act using the rational basis test and uphold the Ninth Circuit’s reasoning on Prop 8, b) They will deny standing to the Prop 8 organizers and strike DOMA using heightened scrutiny c) They will deny standing to the Prop 8 organizers and also deny standing to the House Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, but will acknowledge the Justice Department and strike DOMA in a vaguely worded decision d) They will restore Prop 8 and uphold DOMA using the rational basis test, e) They will issue multiple opinions on all aspects of both cases, creating a murky senseless hodgepodge, f ) They will find that gay couples have a constitutional right to marriage in a 6-3 decision authored by Roberts, g) They will produce a different variation on the above combinations.
Either Or a) Which Catholic priest accidentally screened gay porn to the parents in his First Communion class? Was it Father Marcel Guarnizo, or Father Martin McVeigh? b) Which political leader left his daughter at a bar? Was it David Cameron, or Silvio Berlusconi? c) Which sociologist recanted his antigay research? Was it Robert Spitzer, or Mark Regenerus? d) Which high-level (theoretically heterosexual) power woman was caught in a lesbian scandal? Was it Florida Lt. Governor Jennifer Carroll, or Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Suzanne Barr? e) Which word means “duck fat?” Is it schmaltz, or shrift? Answers start on page 7
Ten Things I Learned in 2012 barrassment. I hope all of us hold Supervisors Avalos, Campos, and Kim accountable for putting political ideology ahead of integrity.
Do Ask, Do Tell Zoe Dunning In the spirit of year-end ref lections, here are ten things I learned in 2012: 1. Every vote counts. I was elected to the San Francisco Democratic Central Committee (DCCC) in June by a mere 32 votes. Out gay candidate Steve Hansen won his seat on the Sacramento City Council by 173 votes. Norman Yee defeated F.X. Crowley for the S.F. District 7 Supervisor seat by 135 votes. Let your voice be heard and VOTE every Election Day! 2. Good, honest people can and do get elected to Washington, DC. The 2012 elections were extraordinary for women and LGBT candidates. I was excited to see Mark Ta kano, a gay A sian-A mer ican school teacher from Riverside County, get elected to Congress. Additionally, Tammy Baldwin, from my home state of Wisconsin, won her Senate race and will be our nation’s first out gay Senator. 3. Not so good, not so honest people can continue to serve in San Francisco public office. You can bruise your wife, plead guilty to false imprisonment, and do everything in your power to obstruct the investigation of domestic violence allegations, and still be Sheriff of San Francisco. I personally find it an em-
4. Republican men would do themselves a favor by not talking about women. Whether it was Mitt Romney’s “binders full of women,” Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a “slut,” or Senator Akin’s infuriating concept of “legitimate rape,” Republican men contributed greatly to the growing political gender gap in America with their blunders and miscues. 5. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Cuba each have more women serving in their Congress than the United States. I learned this thanks to Gloria Steinem’s speech at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee luncheon I attended in San Francisco. As we celebrate our many advances in getting women elected to political office, we still have a very, very long way to go. 6. Modern medicine can work miracles. Many of you are probably not aware, but in 2011 I had a very close relative diagnosed with an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer (triple negative). She was fortunate to be randomized into a clinical trial to receive some leading edge chemotherapy drugs. After 20 weeks of chemo, several hospitalizations and surgeries, and weeks of daily radiation treatments, she has spent almost all of 2012 cancer-free. I am grateful to her doctors and in awe of her bravery and perseverance. 7. There is a Dunning Vineyard outside of Paso Robles (no relation that I am aware of). We stumbled upon it while visiting the Central Coast this past July, and the wine was pretty good! http://www.dunning vineyards.com/
HIV/AIDS News The major reservoir for HIV infection was identif ied this week, representing a major breakthrough in HIV/AIDS research, according to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.
The reservoir, or cellular site where HIV can persist and replicate, turns out to be something called T follicular helper cells, otherwise known as Tfh or CD4 T cells. They are found in lymph system tissues in regions called germinal centers.
“This is a major discovery for the HIV field; we have finally identified the cell population predominantly responsible for supporting active HIV replication and production,” said Giuseppe Pantaleo, who worked on the study and is with the Swiss Vaccine Research Institute. “We have also provided evidence that the Tfh cells are likely to be responsible for residual virus replication in patients effectively treated with antiretroviral therapy.”
Professional Services
8. Rachel Maddow is as cool, sma r t a nd dow n to ea r t h in person as she seems on T V. In September, while I was in New York , I had t he oppor t u n it y to have d r i n k s w it h her a nd some friends. She is really quite impressive without being full of pretense. I believe she is an incredibly effective advocate and ambassador for our community. 9. Don’t take yourself too ser iously. Aug ust 23rd wa s pro cla imed “Zoe Dunn ing Day ” in Oakland. While sitting on BA RT on my way home f rom t he ceremony, a you ng ma n u nable to handle his alcohol sat down next to me. W hen it became clear he was gett ing ill, I unwrapped my procla mat ion a nd g ave h i m my plastic bag, which he immediately retched his evening’s drinks into. Clearly, the bag had more value and utility than my fanciful proclamation. 10. It is an amazing time to be an LGBT A merican. I feel ver y for t u n ate to b e at a n a g e where I have seen and benef itted from the progress achieved these past 30 years. In particular, 2012 brought us the successful implement at ion of D on’t A s k , D on’t Tel l repea l and passage of marr iage equa l it y measures in state a fter st ate. I look for wa rd to ( I hope) the next 30 years of change. As the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” I wish you all a safe, healthy, and politically active 2013! Zo e D u n n i n g i s a r e t i r e d N a v y C o m m a n d e r a n d w a s a l e a d a ct i v i s t i n t h e re p e a l of D o n’ t A s k , D on’t Tell . S h e c u r re ntly se r ves a s the 1st Vice Chair of the San Francisco Democratic Party.
He continued, “The identification of the major HIV CD4 T cell reservoir will be instrumental in developing therapeutic strategies to selectively target HIV infected Tf h cells. The elimination of HIV infected Tfh cells will represent a critical therapeutic strategy to achieve HIV functional cure, i.e. control of HIV replication in the absence of antiretroviral therapy, and potentially HIV eradication.”
Annual News Quiz Answers 1. The answer is c), Jordan Addison. When Addison couldn’t afford repairs, several local businesses fixed his car for free. Joseph Baken was caught on video trying to replicate a Gabby Douglas backflip while drunk as a skunk. He subsequently blamed his head injuries on a gay bashing. Charlie turned out to be a nutcase, as did Kyle to a lesser extent. 2. It’s a), Denmark. France continues to debate the subject. Tasmania and Australia voted against marriage equality. New Zealand marriage equality passed an initial vote and might be legalized next year. Israel agreed to a gay divorce and recognizes marriage from elsewhere. Taiwan does not recognize marriage equality but a gay couple “married” in a ceremony last May. Argentina legalized marriage in 2010. 3. a) Vince Li, b) Rudy Eugene, c) Luka Rocco Magnotta, d) Timothy Forbes, e) Timothy Schwartz. 4. a) Toronto Blue Jay, Yanel Escobat, who actually wrote it under his eyes, b) Mitt Romney, in a 2004 comment to the plaintiffs in the Massachusetts marriage case that came to light this year, c) Tripp Palin, age 3, to his Aunt Willow who refused to let him go swimming, d) The four-year-old at an Indiana church, who sang an antigay song to laughter and applause, e) Former gay Romney advisor Ric Grenell, who eventually resigned, f ) The King of the Zulus, during an anniversary celebration of the 1879 victory against the British at the battle of Isandlwana. 5. The correct response is e). Only Kristy, the star of “Family,” is officially gay. Gillian has had a few lesbian “flings.” Honey Boo is only seven or eight, but her Uncle Poodle is gay and likes to go “wallowing” with his husband. Travolta, well what can we say? The Green Lantern is straight, but another Green Lantern who lives on a parallel Earth is gay, so you get partial credit for d) if you honestly picked the parallel Green Lantern rather than the regular Green Lantern. 6. For the record, Jason Alexander said cricket was a “gay sport,” Manny Pacquiano said same-sex marriage was against God’s law, and Brad Pitt’s mother wrote an antigay letter to an editor. Dahrun Ravi was sentenced to jail time for his role in the 2010 suicide of Tyler Clementi, Illinois Congressman Aaron Schock triggered gaydars around the country when he wore a pink shirt, white pants and a teal belt to a White House picnic, and Alan Chambers, the head of Exodus International, acknowledged that he still felt attracted to men.
(continued on page 15)
Read more @ www.sfbaytimes.com BAY T IM ES DEC EM BER 20, 2012 7
National News Briefs compiled by Dennis McMillan
Clackamas County, OR - Gay Employee Led Customers to Safety in Oregon Mall Shooting - 12.13
Lansing, MI - No Licenses to Discriminate Will Be Issued to Adoption Agencies - 12.15
Allan Fonseca, a gay man who works at the Macy’s in Clackamas Town Center, reportedly guided scared, confused customers outside to safety during the recent fatal shooting when a gunman opened fire there, killing two people before turning the gun on himself.
Under pressure from thousands of Equality Michigan members, the Michigan legislature opted to kill discriminatory bills which would harm those most in need. The Michigan legislature did not hold final votes on House Bills 5763 and 5764, which would have provided adoption agencies with licenses to discriminate based on a moral or religious conviction, or on Senate Bill 975, which would have provided similar licenses to discriminate to healthcare professionals. “I was proud to be there for that moment, and today we celebrate with our supporters - along with all LGBT families across Michigan and our friends within partner organizations from Unity Michigan, labor, education, and other human rights movements,” said Equality Michigan Director of Policy Emily Dievendorf.
Fonseca, who works at the Lancome makeup counter inside Macy’s at Oregon’s Clackamas Town Center Mall, guided customer Jocelyn Lay out of the building during Tuesday’s shooting. Once Lay was safe, Fonseca went back inside the mall twice more to help other shoppers escape safely. “I felt that if I knew how to get out of the mall and out to safety, then I should share that knowledge with everyone else, like the shoppers who don’t come here regularly and don’t know all of the exits,” Fonseca told ABC’s Good Morning America. “So I decided to go back up because I wanted to see if there was anybody in panic or didn’t know where to go.”
The bills, introduced by extremists from both chambers, were three of many bills introduced this legislative session to promote an agenda of intolerance over compassion. While extremists in the legislature seem suspiciously motivated to keep hurling a wrecking ball at the rights of Michiganders, their colleagues recognized that Michigan citizens would not let harm to ANY families go unrecognized and unpunished, and heeded the call to put an end to these offensive bills. “You stood up for 14,000 foster care children in Michigan and defended the Hippocratic Oath,” said Dievendorf.
Fonseca has three times earned scholarships from the LGBTQ Greater Seattle Business Association’s Scholarship Association, most recently this year, when he received the Don Moreland Memorial Scholarship. According to the GSBA’s website, Fonseca served as the president of Eagle Pride and as vice president of VOX/Scary Feminists at Eastern Washington University, and hopes to study nursing.
Equality Michigan was proud to work with their allies in the women’s rights, labor, and healthcare reform movements in defeating these bills. It is clear that we should expect extremists serving in the Michigan Legislature to return to their cruel shenanigans when they begin the 2013-2014 session next January. But for now: victory!
Lay described the young man as “my hero,” and added, “It was my grandbaby’s first birthday yesterday, and I wanted to be around for that.” We congratulate Fonseca on his selfless bravery - for this and in choosing to be a nurse.
Source: blog.equalitymi.org
Source: Advocate.com Tupelo, MS - One Million Moms Give Up on Ellen Boycott - 12.8
Hollywood, CA - Matt Damon Did Not Deny Gay Rumors Regarding Ben Affleck - 12.14 Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s meteoric rise to fame with Good Will Hunting left behind a trail of tabloid speculation about their possible “bro-mance.” Damon, an avowedly straight man, did not address those rumors – until now. “I never denied those rumors because I was offended and didn’t want to offend my friends who were gay,” Damon said, “as if being gay were some kind of f-king disease. It put me in a weird position in that sense.” Although there is still progress to be made, Damon is happy with the recent advancements queers have made in the public arena. “The fact that Anderson Cooper and Ellen DeGeneres can come out so beautifully and powerfully, and it’s a big f--king deal that it turns out nobody gives a s--t,” Damon told Playboy. Damon is slated to portray Liberace’s lover Scott Thorson in the upcoming biopic Behind the Candelabra. “If Liberace were alive today,” Damon said, “everybody would love his music, and nobody would care what he did in his private life. Like with Elton John.” He added, “These two men were deeply in love and in a real relationship - a marriage - long before there was gay marriage. That’s not an insignificant thing.” When Gus Van Sant, the openly gay filmmaker behind Milk and Good Will Hunting, had asked Damon to star in Brokeback Mountain, Damon replied, “Gus, let’s do it in a couple of years. I just did a gay movie and a cowboy movie. I can’t do a gay cowboy movie now.” Source: nydailynews.com
The conservative group One Million Moms says it is “moving on” from its recent protest of Ellen DeGeneres and J.C. Penney. OMM, a media watchdog group founded by anti-gay, conservative Christian group American Family Association, spoke with The Christian Post about its ongoing protest of “strong gay activist” DeGeneres as a J.C. Penney spokesperson, telling the publication that the group is moving on from the most recent feud. The group made headlines this week after blasting the new JCP ad featuring DeGeneres. “JCP has made their choice to offend a huge majority of their customers again,” read a portion of the statement posted to the group’s website. “We’re not taking action, we’re moving on. We’ve already contacted the company,” OMM Director Monica Cole told The Christian Post. When OMM first criticized DeGeneres’ holiday commercial, in which she makes some clumsy “big” jokes in front of three tiny elves, many did not understand the underlying issue. OMM now claims it has a problem with “the agenda behind it.” With JC Penney viewed as a family store, many have found its embrace of a nontraditional family lifestyle offensive, Cole said. The company ran store flyers this past Father’s Day that featured two gay men. DeGeneres got support from fans and friends alike, including executive producer of The Ellen Show, Andy Lassner.
Washington, D.C. - Republicans’ Marriage Fight Price Tag Heads to $2 Million - 12.1 The cost of House Republicans’ defense of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) could reach $2 million or more, thanks to a decision by leaders to extend their previous $1.5 million cap to allow for additional litigation costs. Since the Obama administration stopped defending the law in 2011, House Republicans have been funding its defense in several cases, including a 1996 suit by Edith Windsor of New York that is slated to be heard by the Supreme Court. House Administration Chairman Dan Lungren of California, without consulting Democrats, authorized an increase of the amount of money outside lawyers are authorized to spend to defend DOMA to $2 million. The news came just hours after Boehner even refused to say if the cap would be raised about $1.5 million, saying only, “If the Justice Department is not going to enforce the law of the land, the Congress will.”
In February, when the openly gay comedian was chosen to represent J.C. Penney in its advertising, the group demanded DeGeneres be fired. But the store’s CEO Ron Johnson supported DeGeneres. And nearly 50,000 advocates joined GLAAD’s StandUpForEllen campaign in support. Ha! Our gay agenda towards world domination succeeds again!
The House Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group — which consists of Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer — has taken all its actions to defend the law with the opposition of the two Democratic members. Pelosi, who has opposed the defense, attacked, “It’s bad enough that Speaker Boehner and House Republicans are wasting taxpayer dollars to defend the indefensible Defense of Marriage Act – and losing in every case. Now, they have reached a new low – signing a secret contract to spend more public money on their legal boondoggle without informing Democrats. Their actions are simply unconscionable; their decisions are utterly irresponsible.” Gee, aren’t Republicans always responsible?
Source: HuffingtonPost.com
Source: buzzfeed.com
Local News Briefs City Asks: Can GLBT Museum Donors Meet the Challenge?
Castro Street Sidewalks to Be Widened
The City of San Francisco has issued a challenge to the GLBT Historical Society in the form of a $17,000 matching grant to support the stand-alone museum that the society operates in the city’s Castro District. To qualify for the funds, the Society must raise an equal amount of money from new individual donors or increased donations from past donors.
Funding has been secured and planning is starting for the long-discussed widening of pedestrian sidewalks in the 400 and 500 blocks of Castro Street (between Market and 19th Streets), according to Supervisor Scott Wiener. A community process, including public meetings to develop a streetscape design, will begin in early 2013. That process will be led by planners from the S.F. Planning and Public Works Departments and SFMTA, which oversees MUNI and parking issues. Business owners are encouraged to sign up for the project’s mailing list at http://signup.sfplanning.org.
“Now is the time for friends of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender history to become a member or make a donation,” noted Paul Boneberg, executive director of the GLBT Historical Society. “Through the city’s challenge grant, every dollar new donors give will be doubled. If they give $10, the city will turn it into $20; and if they give $500, the city will make it $1,000.” Boneberg added, “Plus there’s another way to help the Historical Society benefit from this great opportunity. People can simply ask their friends and colleagues to make a donation, and let them know that the City will match what they give dollar for dollar. This will help us not only reach new supporters, but also secure funds for new exhibitions and other museum initiatives.” In addition to the challenge grant from the City, a group of Historical Society supporters has agreed to independently match all individual donations up to a total of $13,000 through the end of December. As a result, all donations to the society will be doubled, and gifts from those who have not previously donated will be tripled. Tax-deductible donations are welcome by credit card, PayPal or check and made online (glbthistory.org/donate) or by mail, 4127 18th Street SF 94114. Story by Dennis McMillan
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Also in the Castro, Cliff’s Variety recently had a successful weekend with the fifth annual “Save Money Save the School” fundraiser sale. It raised over $2,000 for the Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy. The tree-lighting ceremony in our hood was a festive event hosted by Donna Sachet. Guests were treated to holiday music from members of the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, the Lesbian/Gay Chorus of San Francisco and the Metropolitan Community Church Choir. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence blessed the ceremony and its guests.
The LGBT Aging Policy Task Force L GBT sen ior s, but a lso revea ls sig n if icant gaps in infor mat ion, e s p e c i a l l y i n for m a t io n o n t he challenges and needs of transgender seniors, LGBT seniors of color and non-English speaking LGBT seniors.
Guest Contributor
I n a n ef for t to prov ide t he t ask force w it h more comprehensive infor mat ion for t heir delib erat ions, Dr. K aren Fredr i ksenG old sen w i l l repor t on t he Sa n
Francisco LGBT senior data obtained in her ground-breaking national study, the Care and Aging P roject (C A P ). D r. Fred r i k senGoldsen w i l l a lso assist t he task force in the design of a new San Francisco community survey that will be available in English, Chinese a nd Spa n ish a nd ava i lable for distribution in February, 2013. The task force is making every effort to ensure that all LGBT se-
niors par t icipate in t he community survey as well as the process a nd goa ls of t he t ask force as a whole. As Larry Saxon, task force outreach coordinator, said, “Our goal is genuine inclusiveness with an appreciation of the differences that diversity brings.”
the task force’s community survey project and present San Francisco i n for mat ion from t he Ca re a nd Aging Project. Check out the task force website for t ime and place information: http://sf-hrc.org/index.aspx?page=201.
P lea se joi n u s on Ja nua r y 8t h , 2013, 25 Va n Ness Avenue, 8 t h f loor, tentatively set for 4pm. Dr. Fredr i k sen- Goldsen w i l l d iscuss
Dr. Marcy Adelman is the co-founder of Openhouse and is a current Board Member.
Dr. Marcy Adelman On May 24, 2012, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed legislation establishing the city’s f i r st L GBT A g i ng Pol ic y Ta s k Force. Subsequent ly, f ifteen d iver se member s of t he com mun it y, L GBT sen ior s, advoc ates and prov iders were signed in to explore the issues, challenges and barriers to LGBT seniors liv ing hea lt hy, v it a l l ives i n t he Cit y and County of San Francisco. The task force will review existi ng repor t s a nd , over t he nex t yea r, hold publ ic hea r i ng s a nd i nv ite publ ic test i mony on t he needs of LGBT seniors. In preparation for the task force, community leaders worked with t he San Francisco Human Serv ice A genc y (SF HSA) a nd Depa r t ment of A g i n g a nd A du lt S er v ic e s ( DA A S ) t o pr e s ent a report of ex isting available cit y data on t he needs of LGBT seniors. T he r e p or t pr ov id e s a u s e f u l descr ipt ion of Sa n Fr a nc i sco’s
BAY T IM ES DEC EM BER 20, 2012 9
Round About – Holiday Season in Photos The classic schooner Freda B is dressed up for the annual Sausalito Parade of Lights. (Photo by Abby Zimberg)
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence members joined Rainbow World Fund’s Jeff Cotter, poet laureate Alejandro, Isabel Allende and Lucy Vargas at SF City Hall for the annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony. (Photo courtesy of Jeff Cotter)
Emcee Bevan Dufty congratulates Ruth Brinker Visionary Award recipient Larry Hashbarger at Project Open Hand’s Hand to Hand Luncheon at the Fairmont Hotel. (Photo by Rink)
Singer Alotta Boutte with Micah Lubensky and Tony Bradfrord at the LGBT Community Center where she entertained for the Black Brothers Esteem Kwanzaa evening. BBE fights AIDS in the African American community. (Photo by Rink)
Dance Along Nutcracker Goes Hollywood featured stars included (second from left) Billy Sauerland, artistic and music director of the SF Lesbian/Gay Chorus. (Photo by Rink)
Event leader Gary Virginia and volunteer Jerry Parks enjoyed the Edge Bar’s Leather Brunch, a benefit for Postive Resource Center. (Photo by Rink)
Emcee Michael Brandon and Sandy “Mama” Reinhardt at Mama’s Toy Drive Party held at the Edge Bar. A mountain of toys was collected. (Photo by Rink)
Artist and ferie activist Jokie X. Wilson smooth cut the red velvet cake at this birthday potluck celebration on Dolores Street. (Photo by Rink) 10 BAY TIM ES DECEM B E R 2 0 , 2 0 1 2
Matri’s executive director Michael Southwick joins volunteers at the organization’s Castro location on Thursday, December 15th. (Photo by Rink)
Round About - Help Is on the Way for the Holidays XI REAF’s 11th Anniversary AIDS Benefit Concert & Gala, benefiting Shanti and Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights AIDS, included casts of The Book of Morman and The Lion King, Mary Wilson, Bruce Vilanch, Jason Brock, Spencer Day, Tim Hockenberry, Paula West, Connie Champagne and more. (Photos by Rink)
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Bay Ti
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imes 2012
At the Bay Times we try to produce issues that are keepers, including more than the here today, often gone tomorrow, news. Our paper frequently serves as an important historical record, helping to preserve our community’s culture and relevance. This year alone we have presented in depth looks at LGBTQ scientists, Bay Area sailors, the Pink Triangle, AIDS activism, costume designers, spirituality, and so much more. If you have missed a past issue and would like to order a copy(ies), please send an e-mail to publisher@sfbaytimes.com. Thank you for all of your support. We already have expansion, improvements and some surprises in store for the coming year, so stay tuned! Look for our first issue of 2013 on January 10.
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Round About – Holiday Season in Photos
Conductor Tim Seelig and the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus perform at the Santacon Concert held at Davies Symphony Hall on December 6th. SFGMC’s annual Christmas Eve concert will be held at the Castro Theater on December 24th at 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM. (Photo by Rink)
SFGMC members performing at the SantaCon Concert. (Photos by Rink)
Empresses and Emperors of the San Francisco Court gathered to honor Empress I Jose Sarria at his 90th Birthday Gala. (Photo by Rink)
Participants enjoy the levity during the Santa Skivvies Run Women joined in the fun supporting the SF AIDS (Photo by Steven Underhill) Foundation at the Santa Skivvies Run. (Photo by Rink)
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SF AIDS Foundation executive director Neil Giuliano, second from left, with friends at the Santa Skivvies Run, a benefit for the Foundation, held in the Castro starting at Noe and Market next to Café Flore. (Photo by Rink)
Getting ready to race in the Santa Skivvies Run. (Photo by Steven Underhill)
In Defense of a Tired Old Custom ing any goal is to visualize it clearly. It’s not that there’s any magic in visualizing per se, but that we’re more focused when we know clearly and in detail what we’re trying to achieve. Second, a mountain of scientific research shows that striving for personal goals positively affects health and well-being. Studies of women with cancer, for instance, show that the women who live the longest are those who have children under the age of eighteen. Apparently their goal of living long enough to see their children through childhood increases their survival rates.
Examined Life Tom Moon, MFT
One way to begin this process is to think very big. Some people f ind it helpful to write a “mission statement” -- a one-paragraph description of what is most important for them to do in this life. Next, ask yourself what you can do during the next year to bring your life more in alignment with your mission statement. This is the time to get practical and specific. Don’t just resolve, for instance, to “get in better shape” in the coming year. What does that mean? Are you talking about strength, f lexibility, cardiovascular fitness? What kind of exercise will meet your specif ic
One of the reasons why so many people don’t get what they want out of life is because they’re not specific and clear with themselves about just what it is that they do want. We tend to live from day to day, reacting to what’s thrown at us, but with only a vague sense of what we’re trying to accomplish in the long run. The custom of making New Year’s resolutions can be an important tool in helping us to act rather than merely react. There are at least two other very good reasons for adopting this practice. First of all, the initial step in realiz-
goals? Where will you do it? How frequently? Your resolutions should be an action plan of several specific new actions you intend to take during the coming year. Once you have your list, don’t just forget about it. Resolutions shouldn’t be something you casually toss off in a hangover on New Year’s Day and then file away. They should remain with you all year. Keep the list in a place where you’ll see it regularly. Some of your resolutions may have specific deadlines attached to them. Make sure you have a calendar or personal organizer in which these dates are noted. It’s also a good idea to set aside a specific date every quarter of the coming year to review the entire list to see what you’ve accomplished and what changes or additions you need to make to the list. Making New Year’s resolutions may seem like a tired old custom, but I believe it is a practice that can help create a life that feels directed and purposeful, rather than aimless and reactive. Tom Moon is a psychotherapist in San Francisco. His website is tommoon.net.
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Speak Up! Speak Out! Laugh Often! Karen Williams To be Youthful, Gay, Black, Clean and Sober... Not exactly lyrics to a song, but certainly words to a saga. I am attending yet another social function for black lesbians where the music is jamming, the cards are being slapped down on the table, and the drinks are f lowing forth from the open bar in time with the rhythms. Cigarette smoke disperses through the air, f inding its way into my clothes and hair. Hey, it’s party time! That’s cool! Seems like gay people and black people share the cultural commonality of getting our drink and smoke on when we socialize.
I’m not making this up. Check out the number of alcohol and cigarette ads in any magazine that caters to either group. They’re chock full of celebrities and other hip folk imbibing and puff ing, perpetuating the myths that drinking and smoking are cool, and vital for having a good time. I could get moralistic and question the message that such behavior sends to our young counterparts, but let’s forget about them and think about what all that drinking and smoking is doing to us, particularly as “persons of a certain age.” I read articles about maintaining good health and all of the data points to what Dick Gregory said decades ago, that we are what we eat, imbibe and inhale. I took the liberty of adding drink and smoke to the equation. A recent article in AARP magazine says that the major def icit in our country’s national budget is the cost of health care -- largely attributed to our citizenry’s poor physical health -- and that the top three contributors to bad health are alcohol, meat, and smoking. And for those of you who are into the THC factor, back in the day, we WERE smoking grass. Today’s wacky crop has fifteen to twenty times the THC we used to ingest
and that’s the stuff that gummies up your lungs, just as badly as cigarettes. In the words of John Mayer who sings, “...for all of my trying, I still end up dying, how can it be?”...I know that none of us get out of here alive. But I sure would like to depart this plane with fond memories of my journey, without coughing and wheezing on my way out. I’m just saying, black is beautiful and we’re out and proud today, so perhaps we can let go of some of the cultural baggage attached to having a drink or a smoke in hand when we’re hanging out together. How about affirming life with some good conversation, a tall cool glass of pure water to oxygenate the blood, and your hand in mine if you’re fidgety without something to smoke between your fingers. Life is good and I want to enjoy it with some folks who are willing to try life another way, making healthier and saner choices that support being youthful, gay, black, clean, sober and happy. After all, whether we like it or not, we are leaving a legacy. So here’s to good health, one day at a time. Karen Williams is youthful, gay, black, clean, sober and happy! Hit her up at karen@sfbaytimes.com!
(ANNUAL NEWS QUIZ ANSWERS continued from page 7
7. The gay animals are b) d) and e), Leonard, Romeo and Inca. Winkleman and Tank have never commented on their sexual orientation, but Leonard, who belongs to Robin Williams, is openly gay. Romeo is in a long term relationship with her partner, Juliet. Inca and his partner, Rayas, recently adopted an egg. 8. The answer is c). I think we have to give the prize to Lisa, don’t you? 9. g) One can never predict the Supreme Court, ergo it’s unlikely that anything I can think of will actually transpire. 10. a) Martin McVeigh of Pomeroy, Ireland. Father Guarnizo was the guy who denied communion to a lesbian at her mother’s funeral in Maryland. b) David Cameron, who thought the child was in another car with his wife. c) Spitzer apologized for his 2001 work on reparative therapy. Regenerus stands by his study that compares the children of broken homes with a gay parent unfavorably to intact straight households. d) Oh My God. Jennifer Carroll was (allegedly) caught in the act having sex on her desk with a female aide. Suzanne Barr was forced to resign after (allegedly) sexually harassing various male subordinates. e) Schmaltz means duck fat. Shrift is priest-ordered penance after a confession.
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The Trevor Project Gives the Greatest Gift of All
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Danny Cowan Whether you are preparing for a holiday celebration this season with your chosen family, your biological one, alone or with friends, I encourage you to take time to think about a special group within our community: LGBTQ youths. The holidays can be particularly stressful for young people who feel isolated from their school friends during the winter break and/or without a family that accepts them for who they are. For those LGBTQ youths who may feel alone and that their world is ending, The Trevor Project is there to help them see that their future starts the moment they reach out for help. More than 14 years ago, the makers of TREVOR, an Academy Award® winning short film, chose to spread a much-needed message of acceptance and support for LGBTQ youths in crisis. Since then, hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ youths have reached out to The Trevor Project for help, connecting with trained volunteers who facilitate a wide range of programs like the Trevor Lifeline (suicide prevention hotline), TrevorChat, Ask Trevor, TrevorSpace and in-school workshops. Every day, hundreds of volunteers, many of whom are here in the Bay Area, work tirelessly to ensure that LGBTQ
youths nationwide know they have value and their bright future begins today.
year, LGBTQ youths will be able to text message with trained volunteers through TrevorText.
I was fortunate to grow up in the Bay Area, known for its historically accepting attitudes towards LGBTQ individuals, and my family was always loving and supportive. In college and as a young professional, I quickly learned that my case was an exception to what seemed a much darker rule, even for people who call California “home.” It wasn’t until I connected with Trevor that I realized the full gravity of the struggles countless LGBTQ youths face every day across our country and here in the Bay Area. The San Francisco Ambassadors of The Trevor Project have given me an opportunity to not only advance Trevor’s mission here at home, but also to join an utterly inspiring group of advocates who are working every day to give LGBTQ youths
Trevor is also building communities that are safe and affirming of LGBTQ youths, both online and off. Nearly 50,000 LGBTQ youths from around the world are part of their own unique social networking community at TrevorSpace.org where, for many members, it is the only outlet where they can fully and safely express their gender or orientation. Locally, Trevor teaches suicide prevention skills to parents, educators, healthcare workers, and students, and in cities like San Francisco, volunteers called Trevor Ambassadors are working to make our schools and neighborhoods safer for LGBTQ youths.
the greatest gift of all – a new outlook on life. For thousands of LGBTQ young people, The Trevor Project is a life-saving resource that empowers them to see a future that extends beyond the overwhelming challenges of their present. This year, more than 35,000 LGBTQ teens and young adults, (15 percent from California), called the Trevor Lifeline to talk to a counselor. Online, youths instant message with counselors three nights a week on TrevorChat, with a fourth night of service opening on December 18 and expansion to seven nights a week by summer 2013. Via Ask Trevor, youths ask questions and gain responses from trained volunteers. Beginning next
Every day, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of LGBTQ youths who need a supportive listener to talk to, or who simply want someone to tell them that they matter. If an individual you know seems to be having a tough time this holiday season, let them know you care. Share the Trevor Lifeline number (1-866-488-7386) and let them know it is free, confidential and available 24/7. Help them refocus, relax and stay calm if they face a difficult situation. Help the LGBTQ youths in your life to plot out a personal safety plan, outlining activities they can do to feel less overwhelmed--such as creating an art project to express their feelings, going on a run to clear their head, making music or more. Let’s start 2013 off strong. This holiday season, empower the LGBTQ youths in your life to reach for the bright future they deserve, and visit www.TheTrevorProject.org to learn more about how you can help end suicide among LGBTQ youth nationwide. Together, we can make a safer, more accepting and inspiring future for all young people. Danny Cowan is a corporate communications specialist at Edelman and serves as a San Francisco Ambassador of The Trevor Project.
Rink, Sister Dana Van Iquity, Ann Rostow, Kirsten Kruse, Teddy Witherington, David Grabstald, Kate Kendell, Pollo del Mar, Heidi Beeler, K. Cole, Gary M. Kramer, Dennis McMillan, Tom Moon, Paul E. Pratt, Terry Baum, Gypsy Love, Joel Engardio, Rafael Mandelman, Scott Wiener, Shelley MacKay, Kit Kennedy, Leslie Katz, Karen Williams, Gary Virginia, Stu Smith, Zoe Dunning, Kathleen Archambeau Photographers/ Illustrators
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Rink, Dennis McMillan, Steven Underhill, Phyllis Costa, Cathy Blackstone, Robert Fuggiti
Makeshift memorial shrines continue to grow near Sandy Hook Elementary, Newtown, CT, in remembrance of those who died.
Profiles in Courage and Compassion: Sister Roma Williams, and chose Sister Roma as her name and role. Asked what prompted her to choose this name, she replies, “The Wizard of Oz meets the Pope kind of thing…” and the rest is history.
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Don't Call It Frisco Stu Smith
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It’s mind boggling to look at the nonstop schedule of Sister Roma, one of the most generous and dynamic members of our community. She is forever helping others. A successful fundraiser for HIV/AIDS and many, many other LGBT causes must include Roma because she brings much more than her “habit.” Roma was delivered in conservative, Christian-reformed Grand Rapids, Michigan, and graduated from St. Thomas Aquinas with a BABS in the mid 1980’s. She casually says that “they turned out quite a nun, didn’t they?” It did not take long for Roma to head westward and claim residence in San Francisco. She let go of dependence on the name given to her at birth, Michael
16 BAY TIM ES DECEM B E R 2 0 , 2 0 1 2
Roma first saw the Sisters in 1987 and says, “In 1987, I saw a small group of people (only six fully professed members) who were making the world a better place. I realized that I was interested in the same things the Sisters were: freedom of speech and expression, human rights and winning the battle against AIDS. I never thought that I’d do drag, let alone become a nun, but there was no denying it... I embraced the costume, the makeup, the jewelry... It felt then and continues to feel quite natural. There’s no way I could NOT be Sister Roma. That’s why I know it’s a calling.” Roma joined the Sisters because she didn’t want her life to be lived in vain. She wanted to strive for civil rights for LGBT people, to fight the enormous battle to cure AIDS and to support those disabled by the plague. She felt she could make a difference in spreading love and tolerance, rather than fear and loathing. She decided to fight for universal joy and expiate stigmatic guilt. Roma created the “Stop The Violence” window placard campaign that led to the whistle give-away for people to call for help when being gay bashed. She served on the Sisters board and has participated in countless fundraising projects leading
to deep and strong relationships with a long list of causes that promote and serve the LGBT community. One of her career goals is to be on the cover of Vanity Fair. With the help of Photoshop, that wish easily can be granted. Asked about career highlights, Roma says, “I have the arduous task of looking at naked men all day long as the Art Director at Hot House Entertainment.” Roma is habitually, perpetually and happily single, but enjoys brief encounters when visiting her beloved Puerto Vallarta. With a schedule like hers, when would she have time to nurture a relationship? Summing up her time as the Sister Roma of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, she says, “In 25 years I’ve done it all baby! I’ve worked with everyone from AIDS to PAWS. I’ve served food at Thanksgiving with Tenderloin Tessie’s. I’ve painted kids’ faces for LYRIC. I’ve hosted a Masturbate-a-thon for the Center For Sex and Culture. I’ve moderated public forums on safer sex and serosorting for the SF AIDS Foundation. Mostly though, I’m a loudmouth who is very comfortable on stage. I’ve been the MC at countless events for years, including Folsom Street Fair, AEF Christmas Eve Dinner, Easter in Dolores Park, SF Drag King Contest, Mr. & Miss Gay SF Contest, San Francisco Pride, Halloween In The Castro, Castro Street Fair, and AIDS Emergency Fund County Fair - to name a few. I’m thrilled when-
ever anyone thinks to invite me to be a part of their event.” In closing she was asked her favorite quotation and she rattled off several: “Life’s a banquet and most poor sons o’ bitches are starving to death!”- Auntie Mame “All men are created equal.”- Abraham Lincoln “There’s only one true judge and that’s God, so chill, and let my father do his job.” - Salt N’ Peppa. Her advice to others is simple. “Be yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself. Live your life however you want, and don’t listen to what other people say or think, especially drag queens in a newspaper interview, for God’s sake!” Thanks, Sister Roma, for your inspiration, passion and service.
Arts&Entertainment “Red Lodge”: A Romantic Gay Dramady for Holiday Season Viewing me, but it’s a treat. I get to expand my acting repertoire. GK: On that same idea, Joseph, you created a backstory for your character. Do you like to make up backstories about strangers as Jordan and Dave do?
Gary M. Kramer
Available now on the website www. circa87.com and on Amazon, writer/ director Dan Steadman’s f ilm Red Lodge is a funny, sweet and touching romantic comedy drama. Jordan ( Joseph Kim) proposes to his boyfriend of two years, Dave (Rich Pierre Louis), who accepts. But then Dave returns the engagement cockring when the couple heads off to Jordan’s aunt Vanity’s (Diane Kylander) home for the Christmas holidays. While the seething Jordan is giving Dave the silent treatment, Dave bonds with Jordan’s adopted sister Lisa ( Jessica Garibay), and flirts with a young ski instructor. In separate Skype interviews for the Bay Times, I caught up with the gay Dan Steadman and the straight Joseph Kim to talk about their amusing and poignant Red Lodge. GK: Dan, why did you make a dramady about gay marriage set at Christmastime? DS: I wanted to make a Christmas movie with gay characters at the forefront. I love the holidays. There have been films I like set at Christmastime with gay supporting characters, such as Home for the Holidays, The Family Stone, and Love, Actually. I like movies with emotional truths. I wanted to walk the line, and show the reality of the holidays, but not make a movie about cynicism. Most of my favorite Christmas stories are the holiday episodes of thirtysomething and My SoCalled Life. GK: Joseph, what appealed to you about Jordan’s character? JK: Jordan’s character doesn’t play into the stereotype in the gay community that the Asian is more effeminate, or less dominant. What I liked about this was that there was no sense of this--“who’s the top?” The [lovers] are buddies. Society tends to define people by what they do in the bedroom, not who they love. Also I don’t see [m]any leading Asian males. I want to defy every stereotype. I’m not Bruce Lee, or good at math. I am who I am. This film broke down the walls of stereotypes. Both leading characters are minorities. Rich [Pierre Louis, who plays Dave] asked why I wanted to do this. I said I was secure in my sexuality, and it’s an opportunity and an honor that someone believes I can realistically play this. Asian men are [rarely] romantic leads. Jackie Chan is not marketed that way. How come I never see Asians kiss on screen? I never get romantic leading roles, and I got one in this movie. The character being gay matters little to
JK: As an actor, you create on your own experiences. There are people I’ve considered “the one” and you like them so much, you just know. And when you get rejected, it hurts so bad. I projected that same emotional trauma [as Jordan] on Dave. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, and was so devastated. So it helps set up the subtext. The hurt looks are living in the moment--flabbergasted in being rejected. I’ve experienced unrequited love often. The silent treatment I gave Dave was based on an experience I had before that was so incredibly painful that it’s better to pretend it never happened than confront it and fall to pieces. GK: Dan, why did you build all the dramatic tension around these two characters who were pushing each other’s buttons? DS: When it comes to the two leads, they are feeling hurt during the time of the year when you are not supposed to feel hurt. It’s a huge challenge to do that when you don’t have action scenes and car crashes and gunshots. For a character-driven piece, you need great actors who can express hurt and resentment and have them show that unfold. They need to have a fight. Is that fight going to happen during the artifice of “we’re going to have a threesome during Christmas”-that would be the worst time! GK: Speaking of the threesome, Joseph, how was f ilming that hot tub scene? JK: I was turning into a f-ing prune! We were in that really hot water for a couple hours. I don’t want to get in a hot tub anymore. GK: My partner cried at the f i l m’s r om a nt ic se nt i me nt “L ove g row s i n t he si lence shared between two people.” Dan, are you a romantic softy, or more cynical when it comes to relationship? DS: I’m right down the middle. I believe that love is possible, but I’m jaded about it happening to me. I believe it happens to others and I believe it could happen to me. That is my storytelling. I’m not writing that not believing that. I believe that Jordan and Dave could exist. I think when you see the flashback scenes, you can see the guys are absolutely in love with each other. But I wanted to ride the line of what a relationship--a realistic, gay relationship could look like--without idealizing it GK: Dave and Jordan are each sympathetic at different times in the film. How did you establish that balance in their relationship? DS: Dave has been honest since the beginning of the relationship. He never lied about what he was looking for. It was important for me for the audience to know that Dave loves Jordan, but that Jordan was trying too hard.
The drama in our lives is minutiae-small details that need to be sorted out before you can move on. They are playing a chess match. It’s one thing not to discuss how you feel in the café after you’ve been rejected. There’s a certain amount of time you can mope and give silent treatment. But three days into your Christmas vacation, the time is up. You can’t keep not having sex and giving each other the cold shoulder. You have a limited amount of time to be pissy.
aunt—but how she raised Jordan and Lisa. I want you to understand where Jordan learned that in order to keep the interest of your man, you have to plan things. I liked the unique family structure--Jordan’s adopted sister, that Jordan is half-Asian, and that there were no racial issues. I didn’t write it with actors in mind, but I wrote the characters based on people I knew. Dave and Jordan are both me.
GK: Joseph, do you think you and Rich could have swapped roles?
Are you more adventurous or boring? (This is more not either/or)
JK: I think so. Jordan is more defensive and reactionary, a more insecure person who wants to lock in the relationship--take all the element of discovery out of it. Love is about the tension--you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Jordan doesn’t like that. He wants security. If I were to play Dave, I don’t want to lock it in without a schedule and agenda, and live in the moment. Jordan is very past and future oriented, out of regret or fear. Dave is very present. He’s spiritual, in the now; no grudges, and not worried about what he’s going to do tomorrow.
DS: More boring. I’ll do everything once, but I want to be in my house five nights a week. It’s not that I’m such a homebody I can’t leave, but I say “no” to things so I’m home five nights a week. That makes me sound un-dateable!
It’s not sexual compatibility that they are together, but because one’s weakness is the other’s strength. GK: Dan, how did you conceive of the narrative structure of the film--the flashbacks and interview segments? DS: I think that I needed people to know why Jordan was feeling what he was feeling. There was always this risk that the audience wouldn’t know enough about their history. It’s difficult when you start a film in the third scene with a conflict. And you haven’t given audiences a chance to even root for a character, and this was always Jordan’s story, but without the flashback scenes that tell Dave’s story. Without those interview scenes, I don’t think you got the heart of Jordan. GK: What is great is that you give the supporting characters as much importance and depth as the leads. Was that deliberate? DS: Yes, I wanted viewers to know Aunt Vanity—not just as the wacky
GK: OK, lightning round:
JK: I’m a homebody, but when I go out I’m adventurous. Everyone wants to look their best, say the right things, (but) I am not afraid to be silly, laugh too loud, be inappropriate in public. If the world doesn’t like it, we’re enemies for life! GK: Do you like board games? Or do they bore you? DS: No card games, but board games are fun. I love going to gay game night and playing Celebrity with some really funny gay men. JK: Actually, I like Pictionary. GK: Are you a master at blunt flirtation? DS: Oh no. Shakes head. I’ll say this. I’m usually passive and terrible when it comes to f lirtation, but I’ve tried blunt flirtation and it’s paid off. I should use it more. People respond when you are bold and aggressive, but it hasn’t seeped into my everyday life. It works though, which is why I wrote a scene like that. JK: Yes. I’m pretty aggressive. It doesn’t work well in Holly wood, though. GK: Do you listen to Amy Grant’s Christmas CDs in August? DS: I do. [Laughs]. That’s the part of Dave that’s me. I listen to other things, too. Amy Grant shuff les up against Eminem.
GK: The characters talk about their fears of heights and other things. What are you afraid of? JK: My dad dying. DS: Teenagers. They seem so unreasonable. That’s left over from high school. I only deal with reasonable people now. Initially, the gay community scared me because of all the cattiness and intolerant pack mentality. It reminded me of teenagers with their cliques. So rather than find out where I fit in, I avoided it altogether. It was difficult to find my type of gay people, guys who are reasonable, fairminded, and full of ambivalence. Politically down the middle, who can see both sides. You hear outcry for gay marriage from people who aren’t interested in getting married. It’s humorous to me. Because they want a law that says that everyone accepts and approves of them and as equal. I’m 100% for the fight for marriage equality. GK : There’s a great pair of scenes where Jordan visits a web psychic (played by the hysterical Stephnie Weir). Have you ever been to a psychic? JK: I don’t believe in psychics. I went to a palm reader who said 2009 was going to be my hot year, and I didn’t book sh-t. DS: No. I love Stephnie. She makes the most of every scene. She made the scripted dialogue sound improvised. GK: Last question. Dan, your film is all about communication and commitment. What do you think are the most important things about being with a partner? DS: It’s so cliché to say, but honesty. The reason I hate dating is the mind games that go into it. Acting like you are only partially interested in them. The underlying theme of this coy game playing is that there is an element of lying. I would want that in a relationship. I would rather my partner tell me he flirted, or did something inappropriate because he was weak, than for me to play the game of checking his text messages. Because that’s not me. I need to trust someone 100%. I can handle someone admitting weakness, but I won’t tolerate deceit.
BAY T IM ES DEC EM BER 20, 2012 17
Leaders in providing LGBT accounting and tax specific services.
The Version Mary
Professional Services
Terry Baum I’m half of A Coupla Crackpot Crones. Our latest show, “Crones for the Holidays,” plays at Stage Werx in San Francisco through December 30. We do sketch comedy and improv from a lesbian, feminist and generally subversive viewpoint. What better subject to subvert in a Christmas show than the actual birth of Jesus? Perhaps the most interesting part of our show, and the part that was the hardest to create, is “The Version Mary.” Carolyn Myers, my crony, and I both felt driven to reshape the myth of the Virgin Mary -- but in very different ways. Neither of us believes that a
Discover the
Terry Baum and Carolyn Myers singing “Moishe the Green-Noswed Herring.”
woman was impregnated by a god, and gave birth to a baby who founded a religion. Everyone is aware of this myth. But it’s almost never explored theatrically in a subversive way. Some of our friends were shocked by the project. Although they were nonbelievers, they felt uncomfortable with anyone messing with the Virgin Mary. Oh, goody! My interest was in a real human being whose actions to save herself had given rise to the myth of the “immaculate conception.” I imagined a
young girl who invented a fantastical story to explain her otherwise disastrous pregnancy. How could Mary have convinced everyone around her that she had never had sex with anyone when she was pregnant? Carolyn, on the other hand, is a devotee of the Goddess. She considers the Virgin Mary a powerful manifestation of the Goddess that has been coopted by Catholicism -- as she wrote, “the face of compassion pasted on a brutal regime.” Carolyn wanted to (continued on page 21)
International Member of Leading Edge Alliance
Sister Dana Sez
By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Have yerselves some very happy holidaze - no matter how you prefer to celebrate; but remember to keep the ‘X’ in Xmas, you sexy little elves!”
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RAINBOW WORLD FUND presented the annual Tree of Hope celebration in the Rotunda, where you can still view this amazeballs 25foot magnificent lit-up evergreen-decorated with thousands of white folded origami cranes with wishes inscribed inside - at the top of City Hall’s staircase next to the bust of Supervisor Harvey Milk. It will be up all through the season. The festivities began with the Grammy award-winning SF Boys Chorus singing Argentine holiday tunes, and then the usual ones in English. The illustrious Donna Sachet emceed. RWF Executive Director Jeff Cotter explained that for seven years he, a professional origami artist, and RWF member Karen Kai have created the Tree. RWF was founded in 2000 as an international LGBTQ & friends humanitarian service agency having distributed nearly four million dollars over the past 12 years. You can donate online at rainbow fund.org. T he Read i ng of Wishes w r it ten on some of the cranes was g iven by Super v isor Scott Wiener and cla ss president at D ia n ne Fei nstein Elementary School, Hannah O’Connell, age 10. One of the inscriptions by President Barack Obama stood out: “I w ish for a world for our children more just, more fair, and more kind than the one we know now.” How prescient is that in light of the ver y recent t r a g ic m a s s mu r der of elementar y school k ids! Several w ishes, i nc lud i ng t h at of Re p. Na nc y Pelosi, were for marriage equalit y. SF Poet L aureate A lejandro Murg ia read a st ir r ing poem
a b o u t d i v e r s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y. Mayor Ed Lee and Consul Gener a l of Japa n H i r o s h i I nom at a exchanged cranes. The Sisters of Per pet ua l I ndu lgence, I nc. gave a blessing w ith ever yone repeating Harvey Milk’s famous phrase, “ Yo u g o t t a g i v e t h e m h o p e ! ” Isabel A l lende, aut hor, read her words about San Franciscans being entitled to joy (with a little dig at Romney’s ill-fated use of that word) and hope in this best of all states. Chanteuse extraordinaire Veronica K laus, accompanied by Tammy Hall on keyboards, sang lovely hol id ay song s , i nc lud i ng “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve,” wh ich rem i nd s me of t he upcom i ng a n nua l Si ster Da na’s Birthday on N YE at the End Up. Check Facebook for the deets. THE A NNUA L DA NCE A LONG N U TCR ACK ER went Hol ly wood at SF ’s Yerba Buena Center for t he A r ts! T h is year’s show followed Fritz and Clara to Tinsel Tow n as t hey hau led out t he Hol ly wood for t he hol idays! D r o s s e l me yer d i r e c t e d C l a r a’s ne w s c r e e n pl ay, a nd P r o d u c e r Cecil B. DeRatte made f ledgling actor Fr it z a n of fer he cou ld n’t r ef u s e, at f i r st . A t t he Da nc e A long Nutcracker, t he aud ience members were the wannabee ballet stars (some drag queens, some gender-bender ba l ler i na s, some leatherfolk, and others) improvising to Tcha i kovsk y’s sweet suite played by the SF Lesbian/Gay Freedom Ba nd, w it h a h i la r ious sk it by actors bet ween each nu mb er. G a i l W i l s on r et u r ne d to sing with the City Swing band for t wo n ight s on ly of big ba nd numbers and holiday tunes. The skit’s script was by Bay Times’ own Heidi Beeler, who also played the hor n w it h t he Fr e e d om B a nd . William “Billy” Sauerland, director of t he L esbia n/Gay Chor us of San Francisco, played Fritz to Rachyl Under wood’s Clara. F lynn DeMarco was Drossel meyer, and Mark Eichorn was DeRatte. Bradley Connlain was guest conduc t or. D on’t m i s s t h i s c l a s s ic event next year! The Midnight Mass Players presented TH E N IGH T M A R E
W E CA L L CHR ISTM A S at t he C a st r o T he at r e, ho st e d by Peaches Christ and Martiny, preced ing Edward Sc i ssorhand s screened at t he Castro Theatre. The pre-show was a combination of kook y f l ic k s a nd cha r acter s: M a r t i ny w a s M a r t i ny S c i s s or claws; Peaches Christ was Peach Boggs; Pegg y L’eggs was Joyce the hor ny hou sew i fe; C ou s i n Won der let t e w a s A l ic e i n Wonderland Wonderlette; Qween... The Qween Of Hear ts; Rox y Cotten Ca ndy ...t he E xecut ioner; R aya Light... the White Rabbit; Kegel Kater... Mars Attacks Martian Girl; Wewanna Rydeher was Lydia the love i nterest; M i hole Queef i n... Beetlejuice; Miss Sheldra... Mrs. L ovet t of S wee ney Todd , M ichael Phillis (Tang yna)... Pee Wee Herma n; E l ija h M i n nel l i... frea k f ilm producer Ed Wood with Dia Dear as Mrs. Wood; Trixxie Carr ... Vampira from Planet 9; Dulce de L eche... Tor ; A l ien L ady by Nik k i Six x M ile; Elliot Orona... Cop 1; Ginorma Desmond... Cop 2; B en K r a mer... C op 3; M i ke New ma n... Bela Lugosi; Aurora Sw itchblade... Helen; Sandra O. No - sh i D i’i nt ... L i nd a; P r i st i ne Condit ion... Susan; L Ron Hubby... Rose; Sister Pat N Leather... Stephanie; Velveeta Whore Mel... Sand-worm 1 and Precious Mess was Sand-worm 2. Toooo much!!! Plus: Di rector Ti m Bu r ton helped judge the costume contest! H EL P IS ON T H E WAY FOR THE HOLIDAYS XI was a fabulous fundraiser by Richmond/ E r met A I D S Fou nd at ion for Shanti and Broadway Cares/ Equ it y F ight s A I DS , produced by Ken Henderson and Joe Seiler at Marines Memorial Theatre. The st a r-st udded cast i ncluded fol k s f r o m T h e L i o n K i n g, c o m i c B r u c e V i l a n c h t a k i n g hu m or ou s pol it ic a l d i g s; Ja son Bro c k “Rock in’ A round t he Chr ist mas Tree;” Paula West giving a soulful “Chr istmas Song;” Spencer Day w it h “I f Chr ist mas Doesn’t K i l l M e ; ” B a r b a r y C o a s t C lo g g e r s dancing to “Gangam Style;” Tim Ho c k e nb er r y w it h “ C h r i s t m a s Ti me I s Here;” C on n ie Ch a m(continued on page 21)
Less About Pomp and More About Circumstance ARIES (March 21 – April 19) Your life story is proving to be quite an adventure novel, Aries. Reflect on how far you’ve come. Lessons learned will lay groundwork for writing your next chapter. Think big. better. TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) Mix it up, Taurus. You clearly excel at stabilizing your surroundings, but how do you ride the waves of change? Approach each day with a willingness to explore the unknown.
Astrology Gypsy Love Congratulations, fellow graduates! We’ve been through a lot over the past 25,800 years. Consider all those generations of individual journeys intertwined to weave what’s now the collective fabric of our Universe. It’s mind blowing, really. As we celebrate new beginnings, remember this commencement party isn’t about the “pomp” as much as the “circumstance.” Toss frivolous formalities aside. Remove your cap, unzip that gown, and let’s make heart-centered history.
LEO (July 23 – August 22) You’re feeling the heat of bright new insights igniting creative sparks within. Fan the flames, Leo. The Universe is providing all the elements necessary to birth your next masterpiece.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21) Beneficial bonds are forming now, Sagittarius. Collaborations with new and/or existing partners have the potential to be exciting and rewarding if you maintain a solid grasp of your true identity.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22) Hone in on the home front now, Virgo. Dealings with domestic partners could deepen your connection to “source energy” and guide you toward new pathways of personal fulfillment.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19) Pay attention to emotional queues, Capricorn. If an idea feels sour on the inside, it’s unlikely to produce something sweet on the outside. Your instincts will reveal where to recalibrate.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) Tremendous growth lies ahead for you, Gemini – especially involving the intricacies of interpersonal intimacy. Relationships are sacred. Connect the dots between your core values and your closest confidants.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22) Your state of mind is expanding, Libra. New possibilities in life and love are emerging before you. Consider all your options, and liberate from associations that oppress your precious vision.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22) Find solace through soul searching. Meditate about the manner in which you contribute to the world, Cancer. Is your helpfulness becoming a health hazard? Public service begins with personal wellness.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21) Reclaim authority over your finances, Scorpio. Set meaningful goals, purge unnecessary distractions, and invest in what matters most to you. Catching your stride is much easier when priorities are clear
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18) There’s no sense in harboring these hidden fears of loneliness. Look around, Aquarius. You’re surrounded by a dynamic and talented tribe. Join forces with your community, and know no limits. PISCES (February 19 – March 20) Let’s be honest, Pisces. How can you expect others to support your lofty ambitions if you yourself don’t believe? To realize your dreams, you must renew faith in your passions.
Gypsy Love’s astrology readings have helped 1000’s of people attract what they authentically desire.
As Heard on the Street . . .
compiled by Rink
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
Nina Grossman
Suzan Revah
Joanna Parks
Cindy Cooper
“To continue working on HIV/ AIDS until there is a cure! ”
“I resolve (every year) to ‘work smarter not harder’.”
“Do what I can to help others, be myself, and love unconditionally.”
“Bake a fabulous cake and get an Edward Maravilla Couture Gown.”
Edward Moose Maravilla “That I enroll at Central St. Martins for costume design.”
BAY T IM ES DEC EM BER 20, 2012 19
show originally pitted against Oprah Winfrey in the same time slot. DeGeneres has won hearts and minds by being herself. She’s the first comedienne to show up regularly on TV in pants, a vest and boy’s shoes. The first to dance, and some would say, badly, at the start of every show. And the first out lesbian to star in make-up commercials for Cover Girl. From the voice of Dory in the animated Pixar film, Finding Nemo, to Academy Awards host, DeGeneres continues to break ground.
Inspiring LGBTQ Prof iles Kathleen Archambeau “I was watching the news the other day brought to you by Paxil. Now I need it. Smart advertising.” Ellen DeGeneres American Talk Show Host and Comedian (1958 – ) Ellen DeGeneres has weathered the blows of Hollywood. After ABC produced “These Friends of Mine,” renamed “Ellen” in 1994, DeGeneres came out publicly on the show in 1997, resulting in the show being canceled. “The Ellen Show” in 2001 was also canceled. DeGeneres suffered severe economic consequences by coming out when she did. It wasn’t until 2003, when Ellen hosted “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” that the one-time standup comic achieved fame and fortune, garnering 12 Emmy Awards for her
Amid all her firsts, DeGeneres seems most proud of her legal marriage in California in 2008 to actress Portia de Rossi. Of marriage, DeGeneres wryly says, “If you’re married 20 years: it’s China. And who wouldn’t want to have their own country?” and “What do you get a woman who has everything? And, by everything, I mean, me.” Not only is Aquarian DeGeneres an outspoken animal rights activist, she, along with her 39-year-old wife, are vegan. They live in Beverly Hills with three dogs and four cats. Born in Metairie, Louisiana, DeGeneres never finished college, but gave the commencement speech at Tulane University in 2009 where she said, “Be true to yourself…you’ve already survived a hurricane, what more could happen?…Now you know your first job interview question: Is it above sea level?” The replacement for Paula Abdul on American Idol, DeGeneres, whose Kindness campaign is renowned, had trouble sending budding stars home and lasted only one season on the show.
Two major milestones were reached in 2012: the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This was as much a surprise to the former TGI Friday waitress, JC Penny sales clerk, oyster shucker, house painter and bartender as anyone. “I never could have imagined my life would end up this way,” she says. “I just thought I’d be a closeted gay comedienne wearing parachute pants.” In 2011, Hillary Clinton appointed DeGeneres Global HIV/AIDS Envoy in recognition of her commitment to raising awareness and raising funds to stop the spread of AIDS. Ellen DeGeneres posed with her wife Portia de Rossi backstage before opening for the 2012 GLAAD Media Awards. Ellen DeGeneres was chosen in recognition of the television platform DeGeneres has created to share a positive perception of out lesbians and gays and to address the social justice issues of bullying, animal abuse, discrimination and the denial of gay marriage rights. Bravo, Ellen!
Ben Lipitz Brings Pumbaa the Warthog to Life (Editor’s Note: Award-winning Broadway actor Ben Lipitz is in San Francisco currently performing with the North American Tour of Disney’s “The Lion King.”) “This show touches lives and brings families together,” reported veteran Broadway performer Ben L ipitz in an exclusive interview with the Bay Times. Asked about a favorite memory from his more than a decade with The Lion King, Lipitz recalled the words and faces of members of a family from Indianapolis who returned for a second time to see the show eight years after their first time. “We just want to say thank you,” Lipitz recalled the father saying as the family approached him in the lobby of the Murat Theater after the show. Lipitz was delighted they recognized him and stayed after the show to say hello.
Disney’s “The Lion King” at The Orpheum Theater through Janaury 13.
Declaring himself an ally and friend of the LGBT community, Lipitz walks the talk in every city The Lion King touring company visits. His role as organizer of benefit performances is one he enjoys and looks forward to.
Recalling his many years of working in stage productions alongside community members, Lipitz spoke with the Bay Times on the morning after the recent REAF (Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation) production of “Help Is on the Way for the Holidays XI” at the Marines Memorial Theater on the evening of December 10th.
Ben Lipitz (left) with The Book of Morman’s Gavin Creel backstage at the Marines Memorial Theater for REAF’s “Help Is On The Way for The Holidays” 20 BAY TIM ES DECEM B E R 2 0 , 2 0 1 2
Many who have seen the show are unaware that The Lion King North A mer ican tour ing company has raised more than $1.4 million dollars since the first such benefit was held in April of 2002. Of that, more than 55% has been awarded as grants to AIDS service providers in South Africa. More than 450 were US-based AIDS service organizations across the US. Combined with the two national tours and the Broadway company in New York, The Lion King has raised more than $5.8 million.
Lipitz speaks of himself as the embodiment of a seasoned road warrior who has learned to take along everything he needs to help gain a sense of home away from home. He travels with “chairs, pots and pans” and everything else he can cram into a car when the company moves from town to town. “I’m a guy. I like to grill and I’m very good at it,” he says, smiling and referring to his skills cooking with a microwave, toaster oven and indoor grill pan.
Although The Lion King story has as its central focus the journey of Simba the lion cub, Lipitz points out that the odorous Pumbaa and the meerkat Timon embody the heart of the show and provide comic relief.
As for family, Lipitz speaks with pride of his visits with his family at the home he shares in the Delaware Water Gap in the Pocanos with his wife Rosalie, son Matthew and daughter Mikaela. “I’ll be going back for the holidays very soon,” he said, explaining that he always builds holiday visits home into his theater contract.
Pumbaa the warthog, Lipitz suggests, is everyone’s favorite character. “I think he’s the embodiment of ‘hakuna matata’ - no worries. Pumbaa just kind of rolls with it and wears his heart on his sleeve. I think everyone really wants to be that way,” Lipitz said. Of working with award-winning director Julie Taymor, Lipitz explains “she continues to be very involved” and from time to time, everyone has to appear before her for a check-in or to attend a clinic she leads every so often.
In addition to The Lion King, Lipitz has performed in Broadway’s The Producers and on many TV show series such as The Sopranos, Law & Order and Homicide. He wishes all of you a safe and joyous holiday season, and looks forward to seeing you in the audience at SF’s Orpheum Theatre. The show will be running through January 13 only, so for tickets and more information, please go to http://www.lionking.com/ticket/san-francisco-ca.
POP ROX By K. Cole
ARIEL APARICIO “The Bedroom Tapes” OutMusic Award – Best Rock Song 2012. Low Fi cuts from “The Bedroom Tapes” have put this artist from the Hedwick & The Angry Inch vein on the stage at this year’s OutMusic Awards in Las Vegas for best rock album. His covers are stark and biting, his originals a reminder of Meatloaf at his best. It is rockin! Best Cut: “People Who Died” Location: The Knockout in the Mission
(SISTER DANA continued from page 18) pa g ne c r o on i n g a s ent i ment a l , T he br unch feat ured a n i mpecsincere “Have Yourself a Mer r y cable three-course meal prepared L itt le Chr istmas;” Mar y Wi lson by 15 of the Bay Area’s most talb e lt i n g out “ I A m C h a n g i n g ” ented chefs, l ive enter t a i n ment from Dreamgirls; the cast of Book by Nick Rossi Ja zz Tr io, K ippy of Mo r m on doi ng “ Ha rk! T he Marks “Improv-o-linist,” and the Hera ld A ngels Si ng ” st accato a Sa n Fra ncisco Gay Men ›s Cho cappella; and the entire cast con- rus. It was a time to grant Most cluding with “White Christmas.” Outstanding Community Partner There was in addition “The Chip- Award to Bon Appét it Ma nagemunk Song” sung through helium ment Company; Most Outstandto achieve that rodent tone, and ing Cor porate Partner Award to a crazy “Dreid le Song,” plus “A FedEx; Most Outstanding Media L onely Jew at Ch r ist ma s” from Pa r t ner Aw a rd to S a n F ra n c i sco South Park. Business Times; and Ruth Brinker Visionar y Award to Larr y HashP ROJ ECT OP E N H A N D cel- barger. eb r a t e d t he i r 21S T A N N UA L HAND TO HAND LUNCHEON G OL DE N GI R L S “C H R I STat t he Fa i r mont Hotel to r a i se M A S E P I S O D E S ” i s p l ay i n g funds for meal, grocer y, and nu- now through December 30th, Victrition services for those in need. toria Theater, 2961 16th Street at
And then there was Pussy Riot, the Russian punk band who occupied the altar of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow ten months ago, singing a song asking the Virgin Mary’s help to get rid of Vladimir Pu-
– K Cole has been reviewing music for major publications since it came via snail mail on cassettes. Submissions to Pop Rox by local LGBT artists encouraged. Join on Facebook.com/PopRox-Bay-Times-San Francisco or send it in to: K Cole, Katharinecole@yahoo.com.
If you missed the sold out “SantaConcer t ” w it h SF GAY MEN’S CHORUS in Santa suits at Dav ies Sy mphony Ha l l, don’t worry, there are still tickets available for three shows at the Castro Theatre on Christmas Eve! CastroTheatre.com. S i st e r D a n a sez , “ S e e y’a l l a t t h e Christmas Eve Dinner for People with A I DS , when he w ill transfor m f rom nun into Elf is the XXXmas Elf !”
tin, who is fast making himself dictator-for-life in Russia. “Virgin Mary, become a feminist! Virgin Mary, put Putin away!” was the chorus of their radical song. Three of these amazing young women were sentenced to prison in Siberia for their f lamboyant protest. We two Crones wanted to honor their courage.
MATTHEW DAVID “Masquerade – EP” OutMusic Award – Best Pop Song 2012. If you haven’t heard Matthew David, you definitely must have been visiting Mars, because this is high-end pop from a gay icon who is fully formed. He has everything: depth of lyric, caramel-smooth vocals, and first class production. Best Cut: “Frozen” Location: Headphones, Dolores Park Beach
VONTANNER “Wedding Bell Blues” OutMusic Award – Best Comedy Album 2012. Okay, so sometimes it’s a little too cheesy for me, but for those who love Kinsey Six and Lisa Koch and those musical comedy albums that just make you giggle, this one is for you. Sometimes gay humor can be a little dated, especially with the assimilation of our community into the mainstream these days, but it’s good to remember the cliché’ gay and revel in the absurdity of it all Best Cut: “Tranny Angel” Location: Martuni’s Friday night
a held-up plane foi l t heir plans. Who really is “ family” any way?! I n bet ween scenes, you w i l l enjoy c om mer c i a l s f r om t he er a , i nc lud i n g “ W her e’s t he B eef ? ” and “I’m a Pepper, You’re a Pepper.” “Thank You For Being A Friend,” the Girls sing to you.
(VERSION MARY continued from page 18) reclaim Mary as the Goddess of Loving-Kindness.
RAY BOLTZ “True” OutMusic Award – Best Album 2012. This is inspirational music from a strong very-male vocalist who has a vision and a dream of world peace. No, really—world peace. Christian artist Boltz gives the LGBT community its spiritual voice in this collection stating the obvious - that God created everyone and loves us all. Best Cut: “Don’t Tell Me Who to Love” Location: Glide Memorial Sunday
Mission, $30 - general admission (t r a n n y s h a c k . c o m) , T hu r s d a y, Fr id ay, S at u r d ay n i g ht s , 8 pm ; Sundays, 7pm. The most ly drag rev ue stars Hek l ina as sarcast ic Dorothy Zbornak, Cookie Dough as her elderly wisecracking mother Sophia Petrillo, Matthew Mart in as oversexed, Southern bel le B l a nc he D e ver e au x , a nd Pol lo Del M a r a s loony d i ngbat Rose Ny l a nd , w it h L au r ie Bu s h m a n and Manuel Caneri. Two hysterical episodes: “Scared Straight ” has Blanche’s brot her v isit w it h a specia l sur pr ise for a l l, wh i le Sophia thinks her late husband is visiting her in her dreams. “Twas the Nightmare before Christmas” has the Girls attempting to spend Christmas with their families back home, but a hold-up and
Carolyn Myers and Terry Baum in “Red Hanky Grannies.”
How to combine these three visions? Carolyn volunteered to write the damn thing, and she struggled mightily. First, it was a solo for Mary. Then we added a young pregnant girl in the Soviet Union in 1962. Mary became a Russian icon that comes to life. One scene became two—the second in Russia in 2012, to allow for Pussy Riot. Carolyn brought in version after version—or Virgin after Virgin, you might say. She gave up in frustration. So I wrote a Virgin, which still wasn’t right. Carolyn took the scene back. I was having trouble playing the young girl, so we switched roles and now I’m the Virgin Mary—and loving it.
In the end, a scene we worried would never work has become one of the strongest parts of the show. And the Pussy Riot theme demanded a multimedia extravaganza that these two Luddite Crones could never have imagined. To see the results of our mighty labors, come see “Crones for the Holidays.” December 22-30, Saturdays 3 pm & 8 pm Sundays 3 pm, Stage Werx446 Valencia St., San Francisco, Tix: brownpapertickets.com or 1-800 838-3006. For more info, please visit www.crackpotcrones.com.
Carolyn Myers singing to Terry Baum as she protrays “The Virgin Mary. “
D r . Ka t h l e e n Ke n n e d y, O . D . 415.626.0858 552 castro street w w w. f y e o c a s t r o . c o m
Advertise in the Bay Times! BAY T IM ES DEC EM BER 20, 2012 21
compiled by Robert Fuggiti
See many more Calendar items @ www.sfbaytimes.com
LGBT Night: Smuin Christmas Ballet – Yerba Buena Center. $55. 8 pm. (701 Mission St.) www.smuinballet.org. A stunning classical ballet with rollicking character numbers, and sass creates a seasonal celebration like no other.
New Year’s Neon Glow Party – The Sound Factory. $30. 10 pm to 6 am. (525 Harrison St.) www.guspresents.com. A late night dance party with music by DJ Paulo. Full weekend party pass available for $100.
Head Shots & Shots – El Rio. $10 donation. 6 pm to 10 pm. (3158 Mission St.) www.tofighthiv. org. Enjoy a fun filled evening of drinks, appetizers and a professional photo shoot to benefit the AIDS Life Cycle.
Bootie SF – DNA Lounge. $10. 9 pm to 3 am. (375 11th St.) www. dnalounge.com. A pre-New Year’s Eve party with three dance floors and guest DJ’s all night long.
The Creation of a Classic: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – The Walt Disney Family Museum. (104 Montgomery St.) www.waltdisney.org. An exhibit that celebrates the creation of Disney’s first feature-length animated film.
Hardbox – Powerhouse. Free. 10 pm to 2 am. (1347 Folsom St.) www.powerhouse-sf.com. Bring your boxing gloves and drink free at this monthly themed party. 3rd Annual Holiday Mess – Martuni’s. Free. 8 pm to 11 pm. (4 Valencia St.) 415-241-0205. Sing along to your favorite holiday songs while sipping on one of Martuni’s signature martinis. Dragon 2.0 Happy Holidays Party– Raven. $5. 9 pm to 3 am. (1151 Folsom St.) www.ravenbarsf. com. A monthly dance party with drink specials and holiday themed go-go dancers.
Annual Holiday Show and Toy Drive – Moby Dick’s. 7 pm
Steve Aoki – The Warfield. $25$275. 8 pm. (982 Market St.) www. thewarfieldtheatre.com. Global DJ Steve Aoki delivers a unforgettable show for one night only.
SantaConcert December 24 at Castro Theatre, 5, 7 and 9 pm shows. (Photo by Rink) to 10 pm. (4049 18th St.) www. mobydicksf.com. Bring a wrapped toy for a child in need this holiday season and enjoy a fierce drag show by Kitty Glamour. The Kinsey Sicks Present: Oy Vey in a Manger – Herbst Theatre. $28-$39. 8 pm to 11 pm. www.cityboxoffice.com. The Kinsey Sicks reinterpret the holiday classics, such as “God Bless Ye Femmy Lesbians,” “Santa Baby”, and “I’m Dreaming of a Betty White Christmas.” Shangri-La – Endup. $20. 10pm to 6 am. (401 6th St.) www.theendup.com. Keep the party going late into the night at this monthly dance party.
The GlamaZone: Stocking Stuffers – The Café. Free. 8:30 pm to 11 pm. (2369 Market St.) www.cafesf.com. A holiday edition
drag show hosted by emcee Pollo Del Mar. The Santaland Diaries – Eureka Theatre Company. $40-$50. 8 pm. (215 Jackson St.) www. theeurkeatheatre.com. Celebrating its 11th year, “Santaland” by David Sedaris is masterfully adopted and brought to life by director Joe Montello. The Golden Girls: The Christmas Episodes – Victoria Theater. $30. 7 pm. (2961 16th St.) www.trannyshack.com. Everyone’s favorite Christmas show is back! Starring Heklina, Cookie Dough, Matthew Martin, and Pollo Del Mar.
Christmas Eve Drag Show – Midnight Sun. Free. 9 pm to 2 am. (4067 18th St.) www.midnightsunsf. com. Honey Mahogany hosts a night of drag and Christmas Eve cheer with drink specials and performances all night. Clairdee’s Christmas – Yoshi’s Jazz Club. $20. 8 pm (1330 Fillmore St.) www.yoshis.com. Soulful jazz vocalist Clairdee delivers her 10th annual Christams Eve celebration. A Christmas Carol – American Conservatory Theater. $20-$95. 7 pm. (415 Geary St.) www.act-sf.org. The Bay Area’s favorite holiday tradition returns with a lively cast of dozens, delightful music, gorgeous costumes, and spooky ghosts.
5,000 Meals to be Delivered – San Francisco City Impact. $25. 8:30 am to 2 pm. (230 Jones St.) www.sfcityimpact.com. Help deliver 5,000 hot meals to those in need and distribute 1,200 toys to children on Christmas Day. All proceeds benefit individuals in need. Holiday Light Walk Tour – Dolores Park. $25. 6:30 pm to 8 pm. (20th St. and Church St.) www. discoverystreettours.com. Enjoy a guided tour through the streets of San Francisco and enjoy some of the best holiday displays that the city has to offer. Holiday Ice Rink – Embarcadero Center. $9.50. 10 am to 10 pm. (Embarcadero Center) www.embarcaderocenter.com. Enjoy the annual ice skating rink at the Embarcadero Center. 22 BAY TIM ES DECEM B E R 2 0 , 2 0 1 2
Ladies’ Night – Gestalt Haus. Free. 8 pm. (3159 16th St.) www. gestaltsf.com. Enjoy a night of great company in a casual setting. Play with BeBe – Harvey’s. Free. 8 pm. (500 Castro St.) www. harveyssf.com. BeBe Sweetbriar hosts a weekly trivia game with drink specials and prizes. Stay Gold – Public Works. $5. 10 pm to 2 am. (161 Erie St.) www. publicsf.com. Get down on the dance floor with music from resident DJ Pink Lightning and DJ Rapid Fire.
Movie Night at the Center – LGBT Community Center. Free. 4 pm. (1800 Market St.) www.sfcenter.org. Enjoy a free LGBT-themed movie screening on the last Thursday of every month. Holiday Snow Village Display – Hyatt Regency. Free. 10 am to 6 pm. (5 Embarcadero Center) www.sanfranciscoregency. hyatt.com. The Hyatt Regency will display iconic holiday pieces from Department 56’s “Snow Village” collection. Through December 31. Salsa Sundays – El Rio. $10. 3 pm to 8 pm. www.elriosf.com. Enjoy live music and dancing every second and fourth Sunday.
Beach Blanket Babylon Holiday Show – Club Fugazi. $25-$59. 6:30 pm. (678 Green St.) www.beachblanketbabylon.com. Packed with hilarious spoofs of pop culture and political characters, this holiday show features a chorus line of tap dancing Christmas trees and parodies of traditional Christmas carols. Through December 31. Some Thing Funny – The Stud. $7. 10 pm to 1 am. (399 9th St.) www.studsf.com. Guest DJ Miss Pop hosts a fun evening with performances by Glamamore, Mahlae Balenciaga, Mutha Chucka and many more. Gay Bowling – Mission Bowling Club. $15. 5 pm to 8 pm. (3176 17th St.) www.missionbowlingclub. com. Mix, mingle and meet new friends at this weekly bowling social. Full bar and restaurant inside club.
Crones for the Holidays – Stage Werx. $20. 3 pm. (446 Valencia St.) www.crackpotcrones. com. A holiday sketch comedy starring Terry Baum and Carolyn Myers. Directed by Joan Mankin. MASS T-dance – 1015 Folsom. $30. 6 pm to 6 am. (1015 Folsom St.) www.guspresents.com. A late night dance party to kick off New Year’s Eve celebrations. Drag Softball FundraiserLookout. Donation. 3 pm to 6pm. (3600 16th St.) www.lookoutsf. com. Support the Knockers Ladies Softball Club at this fun-filled fundraising event.
New Year’s Eve Celebration – Montclair Women’s Cultural Arts Club. $135. 8:30 pm. (1650 Mountain Blvd., Oakland) www.bettyslist.com. Ring in the New Year in this historic venue with two live bands, gourmet food, drinks and more. Hosted by Bay Times Publishers Betty Sullivan & Jennifer Viegas, and Barbara Price Productions. BATS New Year’s Eve Special – Bayfront Theater. $35. 8 pm to 10 pm. (B350 Fort Mason Center) www.improv.org. A perfect pre-party for New Year’s Eve: BATS presents a magical evening of scenes and stories that capture the heart and imagination. New Year’s Eve 2013 – San Francisco City Hall. $45-$95. 8 pm to 2 am. (1 Doctor Carlton B Goodlett Place) www.nyecityhall2013-lifesf.eventbrite.com. Enjoy live music and a host of DJs, along with cocktails and dancing throughout the entire night.
Gay Comedy Sketch – Mark I. Chester Studio. Free. 6:30 pm. (1229 Folsom St.) www.markichester.com. An hilarious queer comedy show happening every Tuesday. Funny Tuesdays – Harvey’s. Free. 9 pm. (500 Castro St.) www. harveyssf.com. An LGBT comedy night hosted by Ronn Vigh. The News – SomArts. $5. 7:30 pm to 9 pm. (934 Brannan St.) www.somarts.org. A monthly spotlight of queer artists.
Secret Lovers – Lexington Club. Free. 9 pm to 2 am. (3464 19th St.) www.lexington club.com. Featuring guest DJ’s Katie Duck, Ponyboy, and Durt playing the best of oldies, R&B, soul all evening. Booty Call - Q Bar. $4. 10 pm to 2 am. (456 Castro St.) www.qbarsf. com. Juanita More! hosts this weekly party with hot guys, strong drinks and fun dance mash ups. BINGO – The Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center. $15 to play. 7 pm. (938 Alameda, San Jose) www.defrank.org. Early game starts at 6:30 pm.
4Bidden – The Cellar. $10. 10pm to 2am. (685 Sutter St.) www.cellarsf.com. Enjoy a fun crowd and great drinks at this women’s night. 80’s Night – Cat Club. $6. 9 pm to 3 am. (1190 Folsom St.) www. sfcatclub.com. Serving up drink specials and classic 80’s hits all night long. Throwback Thursdays – Q Bar. Free. 9 pm to 2 am. (456 Castro St.) www.qbarsf.com. Playing dance and house music from the ‘80s and ‘90s with 2 for 1 drinks all night.
Boy Bar – The Café. $5. 9 pm to 2 am. (2369 Market St.) www.guspresents.com. The Castro’s hottest weekly party with go-go dancers and early drink specials. Kinky Beats – Café Flore. Free. 9 pm to 1:30 am. (2298 Market St.) www.cafeflore.com. A weekly gathering at Castro’s iconic Café with 2 for 1 martinis all night. Friday Nights at the De Young – De Young Museum. $11. 6 pm to 8:45 pm. (50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr.) www.deyoung.famsf. org. Enjoy the museum in a fun, festive and dynamic atmosphere with live music and cocktails.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch – Boxcar Playhouse. $25-$35. 5 pm. (505 Natoma St.) www.boxcartheatre.org. A story of love, betrayal, rock and roll, sexual identity, and a one-inch mound of flesh from a botched sex change. Through January 26. La Bota Loca – Club 21. $5. 9 pm to 4 am. (2111 Franklin St., Oakland) www.club21oakland.com. A weekly latino dance party with hot go-go dancers and drinks. Hayes Valley Follies – Marlena’s. Free. 10 pm. (488 Hayes St.) www. marlenasbarsf.com. New weekly show featuring some of the brightest talent the Bay Area has to offer!
Bears in the Pub – 440 Castro. Free. 4 pm to 8 pm. (440 Castro St.) www.the440.com. Stay warm in the winter and enjoy drink specials all day long. Silent Auction and Fundraiser – Corralitos Cultural Center. Donation based. 5 pm. (127 Hames Rd., Watsonville) michael@ michaelgaither.com. A fundraising
event with appetizers, live music and silent auctions. Proceeds benefit Randy Peyser, who’s currently recovering from breast cancer. Sundayz – Beatbox. $8. 3 pm. (314 11th St.) www.beatboxsf.com. The best t-dance party in town with a newly renovated dance floor and state of the art sound system.
Radical Vinyl – El Rio. Free. 9 pm. (3158 Mission St.) www.elriosf. com. Enjoy cheap drinks and a heated patio with music by DJ Ectcetera. Piano Bar 101 – Martuni’s. Free. 9 pm. (4 Valencia St.) www.dragatmartunis.com. Sing along to your favorite songs with friends and patrons. Monday Musicals: Superstar Edition – The Edge SF. Free. 7 pm to 2 am. (4149 18th St.) www.edgesf.com. Enjoy clips from your favorite movie musicals and Broadway shows.
Good Times: A Party for Women – The Den at the Fox. Free. 7 pm. (1807 Telegraph, Oakland) www.thedenoakland.com. DJ Olga T hosts a hump day party for women. GLBT Caregiver – SFSU Campus. Free. 1:30 pm. (1600 Holloway St.) www.sfsu.edu. A support group to discuss issues among gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s. Meetings occur second Tuesdays of every month. Meow Mix – The Stud. Free. 9 pm. (399 9th St.) www.studsf.com. A weekly cabaret variety show.
BAY T IM ES DEC EM BER 20, 2012 23
Two Great Dance Bands: Maria Cora & Azucar con Ache and Jean Fineberg & The Party Monsters • An Historic Venue Dressed in Candlelight • Passed Hors d’oeuvres & Gourmet Food Stations • Reserved Seating Upon Request • Singles Tables • New Year’s Celebration • Beverage Selections with Cocktail Special • Castle Rock and NAPA Cellars Wines • Espresso Bar • Subsidized Valet Parking Available Ticket Info: www.bettyslist.com or 415-503-1375