2013 05 02

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May 2-15, 2013 | www.sfbaytimes.com



Proud of Our First Responders The Saint of 9/11: FDNY Chaplain Father Mychal Judge

Out on the Front Lines By Lt. Lenny Broberg T he recent Boston ma rat hon bombing made me and many ot her s stop a nd t h i n k : W hat would I have done? If you had hea rd t he ex plos ion s , wh ich way wou ld you have r un? Cha nces a re you wou ld have r un away from t he perceived d a n g e r. T h a t ’s u nd e r s t a nd able, because our natura l ins t i nc t s c omp e l u s t o r u n t o safety. But as a police of f icer a nd f i r st res ponder, I wou ld have been thinking how to run safely to the scene of the blast a nd about how I cou ld help t hose who had been i njured. That is the way a f irst responder thinks.

By Brendan Fay Fr. Myc h a l Jud g e w a s b or n on May 11, 1933, and died on September 11, 20 01. He had a hea r t a s big a s New York . T here w a s room for a l l. To e v er yone he met , f r om t he s t r e et s of Ne w Yor k t o t he W h ite House, he was a ma n of tender compa ssion. From F l ight 8 0 0 to t he A I DS cr is i s , Mych a l wa s a sou rce of hope and healing in the midst of personal and national pain and tragedy.

F i r st res ponder s i nc lude po l ic e , f i r e a nd E M S p e r s on nel. A ll of us are trained to be t he f irst ones on t he scene of a med ica l emergency. We tr y to take control of a bad situation, to of fer assistance and to restore order. This is our job. It sometimes requires that our sa fet y becomes second a r y i n order for us to help others.

Lt. Lenny Broberg and EMT Harrison Kong


During 9/11, there were hundreds of police, f ire and EMS personnel in t he towers a fter the initial plane crashes. They were wel l awa re of t he d a nger that existed, but innocent people needed help a nd t hey responded. Un for t unately, as the buildings collapsed, many of these brave men and women d ied as t hey were attempt ing to save others. Even today, it is (continued on page 12)


The world came to k now Fr. Mychal Judge after his death at t he World Tr a de C ent er on September 11, 2001. That was a day of profound darkness for the human family- a day of terror and fear, injustice and death. Yet, out of the W TC pit of deat h and darknes s , a l ight bea med i n t he iconic image of Fr. Judge being carried by f iref ighters and rescuers. Identif ied as v ictim 0001, FDNY chaplain Mychal Judge became a face of courage, sacrif ice, profound hope, and compassion. On Sep tember 11, he embod ied t he prayer of his father St Francis: “Where there is sadness, let me sow hope, where there is hatred let me sow love… where there is darkness only light.” On 9/11, as most New Yorkers f led the World Trade Center, Mychal rushed toward the site w ith other f irst responders, which included the brave men and women of the FDNY, EMS and NYPD. This was his calling as a Franciscan FDNY Chaplain, to go to the place of (continued on page 12)

Meet Alexandra Williams, field training officer and EMT, page 12

2013 Pride Grand Marshals Announced

Chili D

Bevan Dufty

Veronika Fimbres

Kamala Harris

Perry Lang


Kenneth Monteiro

Betty Sullivan


Mario Benton

The San Francisco Pride Committee has confirmed the 2013 Pride Parade Grand Marshals. They include Mario Benton, wardrobe stylist and fashion show producer; Chili D (Diane Felix), DJ and event promoter; Bevan Dufty, SF Director of Housing Opportunity Partnerships and Engagement; Veronika Fimbres, licensed vocational nurse and transgender specialist; Kamala Harris, California Attorney General; Perry Lang, Black Coalition on AIDS executive director; Marlena (Garry McClain), bar owner and Empress XXV; Kenneth Monteiro, SFSU Ethnic Studies dean; and Betty Sullivan, Bay Times copublisher and founder of “Betty’s List.” Also confirmed is the organization Grand Marshal for 2013: Bay Area Youth Summit.

Round About – Openhouse Spring Fling – Photos by Rink

Openhouse executive director Seth Kilbourn receives applause acknowledging his six years of service to the organization.

Openhouse board chair Cynthia Martin (left) with her partner Selisse Berry, executive director of Out & Equal

Sisters Lillies of the Valley and Violet with executive director Seth Kilbourn

Openhouse board member Arthur Hurwith 2 BAY   TIM ES M AY 2, 2 0 1 3

The 9th Annual Openhouse Spring Fling, held at the Four Seasons Hotel, was a sellout success. Under the leadership of Dr. Marcy Adelman, co-founder; Seth Kilbourn, executive director; and Cynthia Martin, board president; the organization is developing the 55 Laguna Project in San Francisco. The project will include 110 affordable rental apartments for low-income seniors. This year’s Spring Fling honored former mayor Willie Brown and former supervisor Roberta Achtenberg, both of whom have distinguished records in public service and support for the LGBT community. The event also celebrated LGBT seniors and their work as pioneers in civil rights and as donors, boosters and volunteers for Openhouse.

On The Path to Marriage Equality—

By Thom Watson, Marriage Equality USA I was poised to write this column as a speculation about which state would be the tenth to recognize civil marriage equality for same-sex couples, joining nine other states and the District of Columbia where the freedom to marry is already guaranteed. Would it be Delaware, where the House recently passed a marriage equality bill, just five days after the bill’s introduction?

Might it even be former front runner Illinois, which seems to be floundering after an initial brisk start out of the gate, when swift Senate approval had been hailed as a Valentine’s Day gift for Illinois’s same-sex couples?

the question of which state will be the tenth to recognize marriage equality already seems clearly answered. Same-sex couples should be able to start marrying in Rhode Island this summer.

Even Nevada has gotten into the game, albeit by necessity and taking a much longer view. Due to statutory requirements, Nevada residents won’t be able to vote to repeal the existing ban and to sanction civil marriage equality until 2016 at the earliest.

I also wouldn’t be terribly surprised if we saw an 11th state moved into the win column very soon. The U.S. sometimes moves faster on marriage equality than even those of us who devote much of our time to the issue might expect or predict.

Coming of f a two-month period where there had seemed relatively little activity on marriage equality legislation, I was primed to handicap the race and make my predictions for the finish.

Maybe Rhode Island, where two critical Senate votes had finally been scheduled, three months after a similar bill passed in the House? Or Minnesota, where a state senator seen as a key swing vote announced he would support the pending bill?

But when you’re a writer, the real world can end up throwing curve balls – or, perhaps more aptly, dramatic ninth-inning game-tying home runs, which to Giants fans like my fiancé and me, has become a heartpoundingly familiar part of the game.


That’s pretty much what happened –a game-tying late-inning home run by the Giants and a marriage equality curve ball – just as I was putting my column to bed. Shift-click, delete. Reboot. Sadly, the Giants went on to lose that evening. But marriage equality was poised for at least one dramatic win.

Thom Watson with his partner Jeff Tabaco

With the Rhode Island Senate’s incredibly swift and stunningly lopsided bipartisan vote for marriage equality, the largely procedural formality of sending the slightly amended bill back to the supportive House for re-approval, and Governor Lincoln Chafee’s public endorsement,


Winning Rhode Island and Beyond

Now that my prediction about the outcome in Rhode Island is moot, I can turn to why I think it’s particularly meaningful. First, that any state comes to recognize the freedom to marry is momentous. Each state that moves to embracing fuller equality for samesex couples brings us one step closer to equality for all. Some Supreme Court scholars suggest that the Court cares very much about where states and state governments stand on an issue – more than they might care about where a majority of Americans themselves stand on an issue – so every state that recognizes marriage equality is one more point in our favor on that hypothetical scoreboard. There may never be a more critical time, in fact, than in this period between the February Prop 8 and DOMA oral arguments and the decisions expected next month, to demonstrate to the Court that more and more states are moving towards fuller equality for same-sex couples rather than continuing to reject or qualify equal treatment under the law. Still, Rhode Island has its own particular, and in some ways even unique, sig-

nificance in the movement for marriage equality. With Maine’s recognition of the freedom to marry at the ballot last fall, for example, Rhode Island had remained the only New England state to restrict marriage to opposite-sex couples. Significantly, all five members of the Senate’s Republican caucus voted for the bill, the first legislative caucus of either of the two major political parties in any state to unanimously support the freedom to marry. Marriage equality is not a partisan issue, and support for the freedom to marry crosses party lines, superseding politics. The Senate vote similarly demonstrated that marriage equality is not inimical to religious liberty, and that religious belief need not correlate with opposing the freedom to marry. The percentage of the population identifying as Catholic is among the highest in the U.S. Many state senators are publicly and proudly reli-

gious. During f loor debate, several confirmed they had been pressured to oppose the bill on religious grounds, but they had come to recognize they were voting for civil marriage equality, and that their churches’ understanding of the religious sacrament of marriage was neither affected nor in any way jeopardized by the civil marriage legislation. Perhaps the most important takeaway from the Rhode Island legislative process, however, was a message at the heart of Marriage Equality USA’s own mission. Hearts and minds change in favor of marriage equality when the legislator or the voter knows someone gay: a family member, a close friend, a neighbor or a colleague. Research has borne out what we’ve long proposed. When someone you know or love is gay, it’s less likely you (continued on page 18)

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National News Briefs compiled by Dennis McMillan

Salem, OR - Oregon Senator Is Optimistic for GOP Support for ENDA - 4.26 Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley (Oregon) said he has been having talks with key Republicans in the Senate about supporting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and which he reintroduced in the Senate last Thursday. Those conversations have included GOP Senator Rob Portman (Ohio), who came out for marriage equality in March, announcing that he’d reversed his position two years after his son came out as gay. “I’ve had an initial conversation with him and told him I’d be following up as we filed the bill,” Merkley said of Portman, who has still not indicated how he would vote on ENDA, which was introduced with bipartisan support, including co-sponsorship with Republican Senators Mark Kirk (Illinois) and Susan Collins (Maine). “But I can tell you I’ve sat down with a number of Republicans who have not come out publicly yet. They’re still mulling over what they’re going to do; but I think there’s a very good chance they’re going to be supporting this bill.” “In 1996, we came within one vote of getting the employment non-discrimination passed,” Merkley continued, referring to the last Senate vote on the issue, in which ENDA was voted down, 49-50. “That was 17 years ago, and the world’s changed quite a bit since then. This bill is way overdue. This is about equality under the law. This is about fundamental fairness. How can you possibly be a full member of society if you’re discriminated against in getting a job?”

Washington D.C. - NBA Veteran Center Jason Collins Comes Out - 4.29 NBA veteran Jason Collins set aside years of worry and silence to become the first active player in one of four major American professional sports leagues to come out as gay. In a first-person article posted on Sports Illustrated’s website, Collins begins: “I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.” Collins has played for six teams in 12 seasons, most recently as a reserve with the Washington Wizards after a midseason trade from the Boston Celtics. He is now a free agent and wants to keep playing in the NBA. “I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport. But since I am, I’m happy to start the conversation,” he said. Saying he had “endured years of misery and gone to enormous lengths to live a lie,” Collins immediately drew support for his announcement from President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, the NBA, current and former teammates, a sponsor, and athletes in other sports. Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant tweeted he was proud of Collins: “Don’t suffocate who u r because of the ignorance of others,” followed by the words “courage” and “support.” “We’ve got to get rid of the shame. That’s the main thing,” said Billie Jean King, a member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame who confirmed she was gay after being outed in the early 1980s. “And Jason’s going to help that. He’s going to help give people courage to come out.” The Wizards, whose season ended April 17, issued a statement from President Ernie Grunfeld: “We are extremely proud of Jason and support his decision to live his life proudly and openly.” Hey sports world, take notice! Source: ktvu.com

Merkley acknowledged, however, that in a Senate in which the Republican minority uses the filibuster rule to try to stop just about every Democratic bill, 60 votes would be needed to pass ENDA. When will we repeal filibustering? Source: huffingtonpost.com

Lafayette, IN - New Morality Clause Ends Openly Lesbian Teacher’s Career - 4.3 A new morality clause that is now included in diocese of Lafayette teachers’ contracts bars teachers from engaging in homosexual activity, using birth control or being married outside the church. The new clause has led to the end of the career of at least one teacher who is gay at Our Lady of Fatima School. “Fatima School did not ask me to leave. It was because I could not sign my contract and be honest to its content,” teacher Jane Riviere said. Riviere, a longtime art teacher at Fatima, will not be returning to the school next year because of the contract. It is unclear whether any other teachers have declined to sign a contract as a result of the new morality clause. The new clause is not sitting well with everyone associated with Fatima. Parent Jaci Russo, the president of Our Lady of Fatima Advisory Council, said Fatima has an amazing group of educators. “I would hate to think we would ever not renew the contract of a teacher who is an outstanding teacher because of something to do with her personal life,” Russo said. Louisiana’s state employment discrimination law covers all the grounds covered by Federal law, and a few others, but not sexual orientation. While Louisiana law says it’s legal for morality clauses to include sexual orientation, on the Federal level, employment discrimination also doesn’t include sexual orientation.

Miami, FL - James Franco Receives Ally Award at Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival - 4.27

Columbus, OH - Watterson Students Protest in Support of Fired Teacher - 4.29 About a dozen Roman Catholic high school students gathered outside the downtown offices of the diocese of Columbus, holding signs in support of a fired gay teacher. The Bishop Watterson High School students are among those who seek reinstatement of physical education teacher Carla Hale, who was fired in March. As cars passed the offices on Gay Street (ironically named), the students held poster board signs with messages: “ Come together,” “We are all children of God” and “#halestorm,” the Twitter hash-tag used to support Hale. Many wore rainbow ribbons or buttons incorporating an equals sign into the Watterson crest. Students at the Clintonville school had the day off. Senior Zac Simmons said he was demonstrating because he wanted his voice to be heard. “She’d always be there for us, and I just want to be there for her,” he said of Hale, who was fired after a letter signed “a concerned parent in our Catholic schools” complained to the diocese that the name of Hale’s partner was listed in an obituary for the teacher’s mother that was published in The Dispatch in February. The Catholic Church considers sex between members of the same gender harmful and wrong, and a contract between the diocese and the union that represents Catholic-school teachers says they can be terminated for immorality or serious unethical conduct.

“It’s been proposed at the Federal level a number of times to amend the Federal employment discrimination statute to include prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation,” LSU law professor William Corbett said. “It’s come very close to passage, but never quite made it.” Yes, thanks to Catholic dioceses, ignorant Democrats and Republican’ts.

Hale, 57, of Powell, wants her job back and has filed a grievance with the union. She is also asking the Columbus Community Relations Commission to review her firing under a city ordinance that makes it a crime for employers to discriminate based on sexual orientation. More than 62,000 people have signed a change.org petition asking the diocese to reinstate her. Where is the love, diocese?

Source: katc.com

Source: dispatch.com

Celebrating 15 years of fierce and fabulous film, the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival hits the silver screens around Miami through May 5. The highlight of the festival will be a personal appearance by actor-author-director James Franco, accepting the HBO Latin America Ally Award for his career accomplishments and his unwavering support of the LGBTQ community. “We are thrilled to host an actor of James Franco’s caliber at the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival,” said MGLFF executive director Franc Castro. “His multi-faceted talents coupled with his contributions to LGBT film both in front of the camera and behind the scenes have helped shine the spotlight on LGBT cinema and a filmmaker’s right to free expression.” Franco’s performance alongside Sean Penn in Gus Van Sant’s MILK earned an Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Actor. “At HBO Latin America, we are committed and proud to support diversity and promote equality of rights in the community, and it is with great honor that we are presenting this year’s awards to James Franco, Travis Mathews, David W. Ross and Heather Winters for their great contributions to the LGBT community,” said Miguel Angel Oliva, vice president of Public Relations and Corporate Affairs for HBO Latin America. “HBO is recognized for including subjects that affect the LGBT community, and we have been constantly showcasing diversity in many of our original programs.” Franco’s next film, Interior.Leather Bar. recently premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and at the MGLFF on April 28. It stars Franco and Mathews as themselves working on a film project that re-imagines and attempts to recreate the 40 minutes of deleted sexually explicit footage from the controversial 1980 film, Cruising. Hmmm, was that footage homophobic propaganda or just documentary? Source: movies.broadwayworld.com

Local News Briefs SF Residents Rally at Rep. Pelosi’s Office to Oppose Social Security Cuts

Last Call for Alcohol in SF Is Still 2 AM

Concerned San Francisco residents and MoveOn.org members outraged by President Obama’s proposal to cut Social Security recently gathered to protest and deliver a petition, signed by over 300,000 people, to Representative Nancy Pelosi at her office at 90 7th Street in San Francisco. It urges her to reject any budget deal that includes cuts to Social Security. The petition, started by Robert Reich, asks the President and Congress to oppose chained CPI, which would reduce Social Security benefits.

California lawmakers have rejected a bill, SB 635, which would allow bars and clubs to serve alcohol until 4 AM - two hours later than the current last call.

“I am organizing this demonstration because most people collecting Social Security are already starving for several days at the end of the month,” Clark Sullivan, a MoveOn.org member from San Francisco and organizer of the event explained. “Cutting benefits would increase the already unacceptable level of human misery for Americans who have paid a lifetime of taxes to support Social Security. The Social Security Act has been one of the most successful federal programs ever enacted and is more solvent than it ever has been. There is no need to tamper with its current success.” Sullivan, a San Francisco resident since 1981, has been compassionately organizing for social change for 43 years, feeding the hungry, healing the physically and mentally ill, advocating for medical cannabis patients who have been arrested, and generally helping those who are less fortunate than he is. “Americans all over the country depend on every single dollar they get from Social Security to put food on the table and pay for housing,” said Senator Bernie Sanders. Social Security doesn’t add one dime to the debt, and a typical 80-year-old woman will lose the equivalent of three months worth of food annually under this plan. 107 members of Congress vigorously oppose these cuts. Story by Dennis McMillan

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Senator Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, had said the extended hours would draw tourists, create jobs and help California cities compete with New York, Las Vegas, Miami and other areas that serve alcohol all night long. But SB635 failed to get enough votes in the Senate Governmental Organization Committee. Law enforcement said that could mean more public drunkenness, violence and drunken driving. They said drunken patrons would be hitting the highways just as the morning commute begins. But Leno argued that the current standard of 2 AM puts more pressure on law enforcement agencies, public services and transportation because bar patrons are all pushed into the street simultaneously at closing time. The deadline has passed for the senator to try again, killing the bill for the year. This was his second attempt to extend bar hours. He tried a bill in 2004 that would apply only to San Francisco, but it was rejected by the state Assembly. At least 15 other states leave it up to local authorities to decide when to cut off drinking. Many Castro residents have expressed opinions against longer hours for drunks to be out - while decent public transportation cuts off around 1 AM. In other local news, rumors are circulating that the former Diesel clothing store on Castro and Market is in escrow by Randy Rooster, a company that plans to install a male strip club. Already Castro residents have varying opinions- mostly against- worrying about more rowdy bachelorette parties bringing down the neighborhood vibe. Story by Dennis McMillan

Sister Dana Sez with the theme: “Embrace! Encourage! Empower!” sfpr ide. org. And congratulations go to Bay T imes co-publisher/editor Bett y Sullivan as a Parade grand marshal. SPA R K L E was t he annua l SPR ING F LING fundraiser for OP E N HOUSE L GBTQ sen ior housing held at the Four Seasons Hotel. Event Chair Sonni Zambino a nd Board Cha ir Cy nt h ia Martin welcomed Seth K ilbourn for his sixth year as executive director. 55 Laguna promises to be anot her proud land mark in SF. Dr. Marcy Adelman honored Roberta Achtenberg, and Supervisor Scott Wiener honored Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr. openhousesf.org.

By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “On May 1st, when I shouted joyfully, ‘May Day! May Day!’ — suddenly I was surrounded by several Coast Guard rescue boats. They conf iscated my Maypole.” May is the month of new beg innings. It ’s also a spiritual time, notably Beltane. MARIANNE WIL L I A MSON is a stellar spir itual teacher, author, and lecturer. She has published ten books, including four New York T imes #1 bestsellers. Her latest publication is THE LAW OF DIVINE COMPENSATION: On Work, Money, and Miracles. The California Institute of Integral Studies presented Williamson at the First Unitarian Universalist Society to expound on A Course in Miracles teachings and its relevance to spiritual activists wanting to change the world for good via miracles, which involve shifting of perception away from fear and towards uncond it iona l love. ciis.edu/publicprograms and marianne.com.

DA NCES FROM THE HEA RT 2 was a fantast ic fundra iser for Larkin Street Youth Services, BAY (Bay A rea Young) Posit ives, a nd Da ncer s G roup’s Parachute Fund at the Palace of Fine Arts, presented by RICHMOND/ERMET AIDS FOUNDATION (R E A F), produced by Ken Henderson and Joe Seiler. We enjoyed an evening of hope a nd compassion and passionate per for mers from eleven top Bay A rea da nce compa n ies, i ncluding Ballet San Jose, Chitresh Das Dance Company (traditional Indian), Company C Contemporary Ballet, Diablo Ballet, Joe Goode Performance Group, ODC dance, Post:Ba l let, Robert Moses’ K in, Salsamania, Smuin Ballet, and Te Mana O Te Ra (Tahitian). REAF Night at the Ballet with Company C Contemporary Ballet is May 3rd, 8:30pm, Z Space - 450 Florida Street. $50 tickets include premium seating and a chance to mingle with the dancers at the private cocktail reception. helpisontheway.org.

And for some spiritual as well as down-to-earth entertainment may I recommend Curran Reichert, who is bot h pastor of a church (ccct iburon.org) and a fabu lous lesbian cabaret performer whom I sat next to and exchanged quips with at OUT & EQUAL WORKPLACE ADVOCATES’ fundraiser gala at Four Seasons, MOMENTUM, which honored Brigadier Genera l Ta m my S m it h , t he highest ranking openly gay off icer currently serving in the military. The event, emceed by Liam Mayclem, opened w ith Cheer Sa n Fra ncisco g iv ing queer cheerleading, followed by Executive Forum Co-chairs Charlene Grabowski, Patrick O’Donnell, Lis Warren, and Adam Wolf spea k ing about momentum building for change in the workplace for LGBTQ rights. CEO Sel isse Ber r y prom ised Out & Equal would “continue adva nci ng work place equa l it y for all.” The gala concluded with The Choral Project of San Jose singing stirring classics.

All That Jazz: Our drag pal Jackie Coxx is moving to NYC to f ind success on the Great White Way, so COOK IE DOUGH’S MONSTER SHOW (every Thursday at the Edge) brought the entire Chicago soundtrack to life with Cookie Dough, Jack ie Cox x , Ol iv ia Hart, Daft-Nee Gesuntheit, Bohemian Brethren, Ariel Androgyny, and Roxy-Cotten Candy - plus DJ MC2 spinning. cookievision.com. L A M BDA L EG A L 40T H A N N I V E R S A RY SOI R E E wa s a sit-down dinner at Terra Gallery, featur ing a special per formance by Tony-nominated Mx. Justin Viv ia n Bond si ng i ng or ig i na l compositions and other numbers.

T he S F P R I DE PA R A DE & C E L E B R AT IO N C O M M I TTEE held a meet’n’greet at Dest i no’s for t hei r new CEO Ea rl Plante who assured me, “Ever ything is in great shape for the Parade this year,” which is June 30th (additional celebration June 29th)

COMING UP! 24TH A N N UA L GL A A D ME DIA AWAR DS will be at the SF H i lt on Un ion S qu a r e on M ay 11t h, honor ing pop st ar A da m Lambert, California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, and the SF Giants, among many others who are advancing queer civil rights. glaad.org. THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW 4 O t h A N N I V E R S A RY C O N C E R T T R I B U T E w it h PA T R IC I A QU I N N ( M a g e nt a) per for ming live on May 10t h & 11t h at Victor ia T heat re, 29 61 16th Street, is a fully realized rock music concer t present i ng song s from the original stage production orchestrated by hostess Peaches Christ. X-Factor contestant JASON BROCK is “Frankenfurter” and the Whoa Nellies’ LEIGH CROW is “Eddie.” Enter the Rocky Character Costume Contest. peacheschrist.com. Macy’s’ stunning models will be strutting around the Phoenix Hotel pool in the latest looks from HUGO BOSS, hot off the runway at SWIMWEAR FOR A CAUSE as a fundraiser for PROJECT INFORM on May 4th, 4-7pm at 601 Eddy Street. projectinform.org. A lthough many critics may have panned THE BIG W EDDING, Sister Dana sez you really oughtta RSVP and attend this merry matr imonial mania. Wr iter-director Ju st i n Z a c k h a m , a d apt i n g t he French comedy Mon Frère Se Marie, establishes its R-rat ing immediately, with Ellie (Diane Keaton) accident a l ly wa l k i ng i n on her ex-husband Donald ( Robert De Niro) as he’s about to begin orally pleasuring his longtime girlfriend Bebe (Susa n Sa ra ndon). El l ie (who is best friends with Bebe) has returned for the wedding of her and Donald’s adopted son A lejandro (Ben Barnes, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian) to lifelong friend (continued on page 22)

P H OTO   B Y   RI N K

HUNKY JESUS: THE SECOND COMING! was the continuation of the annual contest by The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence that was rained out and later reschedu led at club DNA . Sister Da na a nd Sister Roma nu nceed t he event , feat ur i ng enter t a i nment by Mut haChuck a , Rox yCotten Candy, Bebe Sweetbriar, L a Mon i st at , t he bu rlesque of Dott ie Lu x, and t he l ive band, L ove Cha r isse, w it h DJs Steve Fabus and Sergio from GoBang! Last year’s winner, Funky Jesus, brought his guitar made out of a huge cross to rock the house. The 2013 contest winner was Pleaseus Jesus aka Kyle DeVries, who pr om i s e d et e r n a l or g a s m s on earth. Hallelujah!

S en ator Ma rk L eno presented a Cer t if icate of Recog nit ion t o L a mb d a L e g a l . M av e r i c k Couch, the 16 -year-old junior at Waynesville High School in Ohio, won a legal f ight to wear his “Jesus is not a homophobe” t-shirt without suspension. He personally thanked Lambda L ega l for w inning that case. “For 40 years, our law yers and public educators have helped bring equality to the forefront by always staying on the frontlines,” said Kevin Cathcart, executive director.

Lambda Legal’s Kevin Cathcart with Senator Mark Leno BAY   T IM ES M AY 2, 2013


Million Dog March run free. They also want access to walk dogs in parkland designated for habitat restoration. Environmentalists and parents object to the idea of excited dogs trampling fragile plants, endangered birds and small children.

The Western View Joel P. Engardio

But there are lots of San Francisco families raising both kids and dogs. And plenty of Sierra Club members have dogs, too. “The love of dogs crosses all categories,” Stephens says, which means her Million Dog March will attract more than just doggie die-hards. Stephens leads a citywide dog owners’ group (SFDOG) that is hosting

While San Francisco is known for having more dogs than children, the world record for largest dog walk (22,742 canines) belongs to a small town in England. That might change when the Million Dog March comes to San Francisco June 2. Organizers don’t expect a million dogs (our city has about 150,000), but they like how the name suggests a force that can’t be ignored. “We want to show the size and passion of the dog community,” says event planner Sally Stephens. “It’s a gentle reminder to elected officials of the value that dogs have to people.” Dog politics have been a source of tension in San Francisco ever since Supervisor Harvey Milk famously stepped in a pile of doggie doo at an outdoor press conference in 1978. He wanted to pass a pooper-scooper law and staged his misstep to prove his point: Quality of life in a crowded city depends on how responsible its dog owners are. Today’s debate centers on where dogs should be allowed off-leash. Dog advocates want more areas for pets to

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It’s worth remembering that much of San Francisco’s coastal land was controlled by the military and off-limits until the early 1970s. Then it became national parkland with a mandate on recreation. A pet policy was created that allowed for off-leash dog play at popular places like Fort Funston, Ocean Beach and Crissy Field. In recent years, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area has focused more on restoration of native plants (even trying to drop “recreation” from its name). Now there is a proposal to replace the original pet policy and significantly reduce where dogs can go.

But dogs don’t go to parks alone. Keeping dogs out also restricts the people and families who bring them. A city of 800,000 people (and their 150,000 dogs) needs access to parkland for safe and responsible recreation. the potentially record-breaking dog walk in McLaren Park. Some call SFDOG an extremist group that pushes for dog rights over others who wish to enjoy a clean and tranquil park. But SFDOG advocates for more off-leash areas while acknowledging there can be a time for leashes. The Million Dog March will be a leashed event. It will also provide free poop bags. “We’re for off-leash only when the dog is under control,” Stephens says. “We don’t let dogs dig in the park. We don’t let dogs run up and jump on people.” Of course, dogs will be dogs, which is why training and public education is a big part of the SFDOG mission to ensure “responsible dog owners” have access to open space.

The Million Dog March will show how the dog community can assert itself while having a good time. The threemile walk isn’t a political rally. It has mainstream sponsors like Yelp, Zynga and Pet Food Express. It’s a party that includes music, games and dog contests like bobbing for tennis balls. “This will be a celebration of dogs and their place in our lives,” Stephens says. “It’s also a chance to stand up for our dogs and have a whole lot of fun doing it.” Joel Engardio serves on the board of directors of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club and Plan C, a San Francisco organization that advocates for moderate solutions and legislation. Follow his blog at www. engardio.com

Real Estate and Design

Museum of Craft and Design

Project Remodel Jim Tibbs Sensory overload is a common occurrence in our media-saturated world. It is a rare treat to have a “breakthrough” experience that surprises, delights and challenges the senses. I had such an experience at the opening of the Museum of Craft and Design in its new permanent home in San Francisco’s burgeoning Dogpatch neighborhood. When I received the invitation to the Museum’s opening gala, I was intrigued and curious about what I would see, but had modest expectations about the event. If the inaugural exhibition is any indication, the Museum of Craft and Design will become a major force in the San Francisco Bay Area arts scene. The opening exhibition features the work of Michael Cooper, Arline Fish and Rebecca Hutchinson, three artists who produce truly unique and beautifully crafted work. Words and photographs cannot do these exhibits justice. They have to be experienced in person and in the new museum space to be fully appreciated. If you are like me, you will marvel at the artistry, creativity and ingenuity on

display. There are elements of humor and fantasy that enliven the exhibits and make them appealing to art patrons of all ages. This landmark opening exhibition continues through the end of June.

Museum will originate exhibitions, host traveling exhibitions, present pop-up exhibitions and collaborate with museums from around the world to present outstanding works of craft and design.

Next up is “Good Design: Stories from Herman Miller” ( July 13-September 22), which explores innovative solutions for creating art with a purpose.

Designed by Gary Hutton Design and McCall Design Group, the new facility incorporates 4,000 square feet of exhibition and programming space and a street front Museum Store. The use of glass, concrete and exposed ducting maintains the industrial integrity of the building while movable walls and innovative use lighting create flexible exhibition spaces that enhance the experience of the art being shown. The Museum will be an exciting new arts destination in San Francisco and a beacon for the historic Dogpatch district.

The Museum of Craft and Design was established in 2004 and was originally located near San Francisco’s Union Square District. The museum lost its downtown location in 2010, which prompted an extensive search for a new permanent home. One year after securing their new facility, the Museum of Craft and Design opened its new space on Third Street in the historic American Industrial Center building in the heart of San Francisco’s Dogpatch district. The ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Saturday, April 6, beginning an exciting new era for this developing institution. The new facility expands the exhibition space by nearly 50% and features the museum’s f irst dedicated workshop and programming space. A non-collecting institution, the Museum of Craft and Design explores and celebrates the active roles that craft and design play in everyday life. The

The Museum of Craft and Design, http://www.sfmcd.org/, is located at 2569 Third Street between 22nd and 23rd Streets. The hours are Sunday 12 – 5 PM, Tuesday through Saturday 11-6 PM and it is open until 7 PM on Thursday. General admission is $6. For seniors and students it’s $5 and, for children, $3. Jim Tibbs is the creative director of HDR Remodeling. If you would like to learn more, please read his blog at http://hdrremodeling.wordpress.com or follow him on Twitter @HDRremodeling1.

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Great Expectations

Real Estate Mark Penn I had lunch today with eight other agents from around the Bay Area. We were all singing the same songs: “If only I had more properties to sell…” and “Where are all the listings?” In just a couple of years, most of the Bay Area markets have gone from far too many properties on the market, at rock bottom prices, to the present condition of near-starvation. An agent in my office has buyers who were just recently the “winners” on a property that commanded 32 offers. One of my lunch buddies today told us that he had over 60 offers on one listing. While those examples may be somewhat extreme, they are indicative of the rule and not the exception on properties that are appealing to buyers and priced aggressively. Marin County reports a decrease in inventory of 70% over the same period last year, and one office in SF has experienced an astonishing 100% of their contracts as being in multiple offer situations. Last month, I wrote about dealing with multiple offers from the buyers’

perspective, and kicked around some general strategies about how buyers might construct offers when there is competition for the same property. Now – let’s turn the tables and look at this from the sellers’ point of view. First of all, we are in a window of great potential for sellers. There’s not a lot out there on the market, and that translates to less competition between sellers who are currently marketing their properties. Less competition means you can be a little more demanding in the terms (yes, that includes price), which the lucky buyer must fulfill. Prices are up in almost all Bay Area markets. In fact, the March statistics show a 33% increase in Bay Area single-family-home median prices. This will undoubtedly level off—of course, we don’t know when. But, as my manager says, “While we don’t know what will happen next month, we DO know what’s happening today.” So it sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? What’s the downside? Well, for one thing, it’s safe to say that it’s rarely “fun” to sell your house. Even the best listing agents will still have to make some demands on you and your family that might make you squirm a little, in terms of preparing your home,

10% of every commission donated to the Sonoma Humane Society

how it should be shown to potential buyers, etc., and you should be prepared to swallow the “reality” pill. Just because the market is favoring sellers, it’s still critical to be realistic, even aggressive, in establishing your list price. This “sellers’ market” is still highly price sensitive throughout the Bay Area. A competitive list price will produce competitive buyers. An inf lated or unrealistic list price will produce a haze around your property that will make it almost invisible. And yes, in most cases, you should expect your agent to make some suggestions that will help your home “show” better and entice buyers into that multiple offer frenzy. A property’s “blemish,” which may be something that you lived with for years, might be enough to keep buyers at bay with no offers in sight. And lastly, LISTEN to your agent when they give you all that advice, even if it pains you. He or she will give you the professional guidance that will get your home sold. A Bay Area native, Mark Penn has been a REALTOR® with Coldwell Banker since 2004. He is also active in animal welfare, and is a former educator, facilitator, and air traffic controller. Mark can be reached at mark@MyHomeInSonoma.com.

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Offered at $1,699,000 Eloise Middleton (510) 386.0547 HomesbyEloise.com BAY   T IM ES M AY 2, 2013


A Thank You to First Responders By Mariko Pitts On A pr i l 15, 2013, t wo ex plo sions shattered spirits in Boston. L i ke ot her s , I per used t he T V networks looking for action shots and updates on the whereabouts of the person responsible for this hel l ish deed. Saddened a nd hu r t , I empat h ized w it h t housa nd s of peo ple feeling the blow t o ou r c ou nt r y. I even fol lowed po litical f igures on social networks for col lect ive words to ease t he pain. I am guessing many of you d id t he sa me, hopi ng for some sort of comfort. Dur i ng t h is t i me, a photo cap t u red my at tent ion. It show s a wou nded ma r at honer s pr awled on t he g rou nd w it h t h ree f i r st responders protecting him. The powerful, iconic image has had a lasting ef fect on me. It froze just one moment in the lives of these indiv iduals, show ing their emotions and braver y in the face of unthinkable challenges. I t hen reached out to a few fr iend s who happen to be f i r st responders. Through my career in publ ic relat ions, I have bui lt many friendships with f iref ighters, EM Ts, paramedics and pol ic e of f ic er s . E l len L uon g , a n E M T from Fresno, sat w it h me and shared lunch whi le I asked her why s he do e s t h i s t y p e of

work a nd wh at i n s pi res her to give back to others in such an extreme way. She was a bit nervous, but w it h genuine modest y sa id, “Together we save lives; it’s just what we do. As I am the f irst to arr ive to many situat ions, I am thanked in many ways by the ind iv iduals in need. It’s just what we do. I have always felt a calling to help people in this way.” Ellen, you’re my hero. The horrif ic tragedy in Boston reminded me of heroes like Ellen, whom we see on the job but might take for g ranted. Besides Ellen, I would like to mention Charles L ight foot and Gabr iel la Robles W ije g u n aw a r d en a . T h a n k s t o them, and to so many others, for serving the public and our nation.

We c o n t i nu e t o m o u r n t h r e e deat hs a nd lead prayer s for t he fu l l recover y of t he v ict ims wou nded i n t he B oston bomb ings. Now I acknowledge those in uniform and know that the death toll remained low due to the f irst

r es p onder s on c a l l . T her e a r e many people who have stepped into the line of f ire, or better said, over t he l ine of fear, to protect and ser ve those in need. I hope I can speak for count less others when I say we love and appreciate you. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, friends and families of the marathon tragedy.


Mariko Pitts is a member of the San Francisco LGBT Center’s Board of Directors. She is also principal of Rhino Nine Public Relations. You can reach her at mariko.pitts@rhino9pr.com


SAINT of 911 continued from page 1 suffering and anguish, and to be present with comfort and healing. Fr. Judge was well known in New York for h i s m i n i st r y w it h t he homeless, recover ing alcoholics, people w ith A I DS, immig rants, members of t he L GBT community, and others marginalized by society. He was a compassionate w it nes s of pea c e a nd non -v io lence in Belfast and in Jerusalem. For the Irish, he was one of their own. To the men and women of the New York City Fire Department, he was “ Fat her M i ke,” a fa m i l iar face in t he f irehouses, cit y diners and in burn units of city hospitals. He led the funerals for f iref ighters, and consoled and comforted widows and children. He wa s a fa m i l ia r face i n New York A A meetings and counseled m a ny, l i ke h i m s e l f, st r u g g l i n g with addictions. For the Catholic LGBT communit y, he was family as well as priest. We called on h im dur ing t he dark ness of t he A I D S c r i s i s . W hen ex i led a nd e x c l u d e d b y t h e i n s t it ut i o n a l C hu r c h , he pr ov ide d c ompa s sion and sacraments in our living rooms and community centers. I met Fr. Judge because he was one of t he pr iests who presided 12 BAY   TIM ES MAY 2 , 2 0 1 3

Brendan Fay (right) and his partner Dr. Anthony Moulton with Father Judge on a pre-9/11 occasion in New York City. (Photos courtesy of Brendan Fay)

at t he week ly M ass for Dig n it y N Y, which is a group for LGBT Cat hol ics at St Fr a nc i s X av ier Chu rch i n Greenw ich V i l l a ge. We met each week until expelled by order of Cardinal O’ Connor in 1987. This was the middle of the A IDS crisis. I reached out to Mycha l when asked for help by a family needing a priest to lead funeral prayers for two brothers who d ied f rom A I D S . A s w it h ma ny ot her s i n h is l i fe, we became fast friends. The fact that we were both gay w a s a n a l most u n s poken t r ut h b e t w e e n u s . H e w a s n’t “o u t ” out , a s Mych a l wa s select ively open about bei ng g ay, such a s

w ith friars and friends he could trust and people whom he could help by com i ng out . T hese i ncluded pa rent s st r uggl i ng w it h t hei r ch i ld i n a world of ig no rance and prejudice. In his diary he w rote, “I t hought of my gay sel f a nd how t he people I meet never get to know me fully.” He would become a huge supporter of working for change. He wrote checks to GMHC, to PFL AG and to St Pat s For A l l, and t hen he would show up in his Franciscan habit. He was delighted with the founding of FireF L AG/EMS by Eugene Walsh and f irst president T hom a s Ry a n , b ot h i n s pi r i n g pioneers in the FDN Y.

While proud of being Irish and a much beloved Catholic priest, he was disheartened by anti-gay prejudice in the Church and Irish community. He referred to these problems as “high levels of madness.” Te l e p h o n e c a l l s b e t w e e n F r. Mycha l Judge a nd I concer ned many matters. We would discuss L ou rdes , I rel a nd , pa r ades a nd t he g i ft of sobr iet y. Somet i mes we wou ld ju s t c h a t a b out t he latest books by his favorite writer s , Fr. R icha rd Roh r a nd t he gay pioneer priest John McNeill, who was his spiritual director for a wh i le. Ca l ls often ended in a brief prayer or laughter.

I was asked last year for the feast of t he “Com mun ion of Sa i nt s” t o joi n t he A l l S a i nt s Rom a n Cat hol ic pa r ish i n Sy racuse as they unveiled a statue in Mychal’s memor y. It was modeled on that iconic image of 9/11, of Mychal being carried out after the World Trade Center Collapse. All that is good and tender about the human heart is etched on the faces of the f irst responders as they carry the body of Fr. Mychal Judge and lay him down near the corner Church and Vesey – streets he walked and loved so much. Mychal loved New York and often walked the Brooklyn Bridge. As a son of Irish immigrants, he

job requires a stern and stoic ex-

Of f. Jav ier Pagan is openly gay a nd wa s t he B oston PD GL BT

Liaison. He was right there, near t he bombs a nd i njured people, a nd he wa s doi ng h is job. T he media coverage about him grew when it was discovered that his partner was a retired N YC police of f icer that assisted in rescue operations after 9/11. Many of the comments I heard indicated a level of surprise that an LGBT off icer would be in that kind of a situation. The conversation went back and forth until someone f inally said, “Who cares. He is a cop who happens to be gay. He was there to help and he did.” I guess, with that statement, I felt the best emotion of all—pride. I am proud that an of f icer, a f irst responder, was doing what he was trained to do: to assess the situation, attempt to gain some control and to help those in need. And, he happened to be gay. Lt. Lenny Broberg is a member of the San Francisco Police Department. He is also a community activist and forSpecial thanks to EMT Harrison Kong, right, for his assistance. mer Mr. International Leather.


RESPONDER continued from page 1 terior even though the interior is estimated that approximately 70 a maelstrom of emotions. I wish per cent of those 9/11 f irst re- I could fully share the times that sponders have some form of se- I was a fra id when bu l let s were r ious or terminal lung disease. being f ired, or when I was chasT hey responded a s t hey were i ng a n a r med su s pect t h rough trained to do, with the priority the dark night not knowing if or being to think of others and their when he would turn f ire at me. I wish I could convey to you my needs. emotions when I have gone home I have responded many times to and shed tears for t he dead inthe scenes of accidents, shooting fant t hat I had to remove from and homicides. When I arrive at her mother’s arms, for the young a scene, there is one thing that I man shot dead in the street and cannot br ing w ith me and that the loss of so much promise, for i s my emot ion s . My emot ion s the grieving mother whom I had cannot dictate how I do my job to inform that her daughter did since someone’s life may depend not survive the car accident. on my actions. My preservation of a c r i me s c ene m ay d ic t at e A l l of t hese t hought s c a me to someone being held accountable mind when I saw the iconic Bosfor the crime they committed or ton M a r at hon pict u re of t h ree Boston pol ice of f icers st and ing going free. I also might be able over a fallen runner. This image t o c on s ole a v ic t i m a nd he lp d rew up a nu mber of poig na nt them f lee a situation of abuse. emot ions. The picture also creBecause I control my emotions, ated a bit of a stir as people were I h ave been a cc u sed of bei ng commenting on the gay of f icer in cold , mea n a nd u nc a r i ng. My the picture.

Training First Responders I am a first responder who is a supervisor on an ambulance. I also happen to be a person of color who is gay- subjects that have not been addressed much in my field, which tends to be very conservative.


As someone who helps to launch others on their career paths to become f iref ighters or paramedics, I a m t herefore awa re t hat I ca n ser ve as a role model to individuals like me. By just being myself, I become the person they trust when asking questions and, together, we work through certain problems.

never forgot their struggles and wou ld be a n advoc ate for i mmigrants until the day he died. He was proud of this land and of stories about its immigrants. I have been g at her i ng h i s letters and notes for a col lect ion. He was g reat let ter w r iter. He wou ld st ay up u nt i l a l l hou r s of t he n ight w r it i ng notes a nd cards – to say thank you, to send a word of comfort, of encouragement, to celebrate a new job, the arr iva l of a new baby, the new home or new-found love. He celebrated weddings, baptisms and f u ner a l s, a s wel l a s t he major moment of new citizenship. He would w r ite a note of welcome to babies, to couples wedding, to fam i l ies and sur v iv ing spouses after a funera l, and a lso to ind iv idua ls in pr ison. People remember his love, his big heart-

In the end, despite any personal dif ferences, we as f irst responders a l l share goa ls in common. We want to help ot hers and to excel in our f ields. We thrive in teams and learn to work together, which ta kes t ime to evolve. Many of the situat ions we face requ i re spl it-second coord i nat ion, so our abi l it y to work t hrough our d if ferences a l lows us to get the job done, often saving lives.


By Alexandra S. Williams

Alexandra S . Williams is a f ield training off icer and E M T f o r R o ya l A m b ulance in San Leandro.

ed ness a nd h is sense of humor if you got too serious. That was our Mychal Judge! On each M ay 11, h is bi r t hday friends pause to give thanks for the gift of Fr. Mychal Judge. On each 9/11 anniversary, Mychal, even in his death, sends us a message. From the midst of the hell of war and violence, he points us to another possible path as human beings. T hose who fol low it, as he did, choose the path of compassion and tenderness. B re n d a n Fa y i s a f il m m a k e r a n d act ivi st . He co-produced “S a int of 9-11” and i s f ini shing a new f ilm entitled “Remembering Mychal.” He speak s at colleges and communities about his friendship with Fr. Mychal Judge. You can reach him at Brendan@stpatsforall.com

The iconic image by Reuters photographer Shannon Stapleton shows Father Judge being carried out of the World Trade Center North Tower Lobby after he was killed by flying debris when the South Tower collapsed. The photo became one of the most famous related to 9/11 and has been characterized as “an American Pietà.” The NYPD lieutenant who appears in the photo discovered Judge’s body and was assisted in moving

him out of the rubble by two firemen and two civilian bystanders. New York Daily News columnist Michael Daly reported that at the moment Judge was struck in the head, he was praying aloud, “Jesus, please end this right now! God, please end this!”

Judge’s death was “a special loss.

Father Judge’s funeral, held at St Francis of Assisi Church in Manhattan, was attended by more than 3000 people including Former President Bill Clinton, who said

Memorial” at General Theological

We should lift his life up as an ex-

ample of what has to prevail …. We have to be more like Father Mike than the people who killed him.”

Following Judge’s burial, Brendan Fey organized the “Month’s Mind

Seminar. Each evening’s program included Irish music, prayers and stories about Fr. Judge’s life.

BAY   T IM ES M AY 2, 2013


¡Viva AGUILAS! gay and bisexual, and sexuality. AGUILAS encourages the involvement of the community by incorporating a team of highly skilled, professional and peer consultants who facilitate our groups. AGUILAS has members who assist in health promotion activities through our Promotores de Salud Program, and who volunteer in a variety of activities. AGUILAS staff members participate in regional and national conferences on Latino/Latina LGBT issues and publish articles in academic peer reviewed journals.

Kim Corsaro Publisher 1981-2011

2261 Market Street, No. 309 San Francisco CA 94114 Phone: 415-503-1375 525 Bellevue Avenue Oakland CA 94610 Phone: 510-846-8158 E-mail: editor@sfbaytimes.com www.sfbaytimes.com STAFF Dr. Betty L. Sullivan Jennifer L. Viegas Co-Publishers & Co-Editors

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ADVISORY BOARD Tracy Gary Nanette Lee Miller, CPA James C. Freeman Jim Rosenau Judy Young, MPH Gary Virginia Dixie Horning CONTRIBUTORS

As noted in its mission statement, AGUILAS “strives to foster knowledge and pride of the diversity of our language, culture, history and spirituality. AGUILAS is committed to developing

Guest Editorial Eduardo Morales, PhD AGUILAS is the second oldest Latino LGBT organization in the U.S. It was founded in 1991 in the city and county of San Francisco. The Austin Latina Latino Lesbian and Gay Organization (ALLGO), located in Austin, Texas, since 1985, is the oldest existing Latino LGBT organization in the U.S. AGUILAS, which means “eagles” in Spanish, is an acronym for Asociación Gay Unida Impactando Latinos/Latinas A Superarse (Association of United Gays Impacting Latinos/Latinas towards Self-Empowerment). Currently, AGUILAS is a non-profit organization with services that include providing HIV prevention information in English and Spanish. These services are funded by the San Francisco AIDS Office to Latino gay/ bisexual men, and feature interactive discussion groups, individual counseling, and, in partnership with Magnet, HIV testing. Our success can be attributed to the fact that we provide a safe environment, specifically designed to address issues related to Latino culture, being

programs that promote health, well-being and community building that foster positive self-identities, healthy relationships and leadership skills.” Through funding from the Levi Strauss Foundation from 2011 to 2013, AGUILAS developed La Academia de AGUILAS providing leadership, advocacy, and social media certificate programs in partnership with Alliant International University. In 1991, AGUILAS helped to organize the first California statewide Health and HIV Conference funded by the U.S. Office of Minority Health. AGUILAS is planning another California state-

wide Latino LGBT gathering in SF for September 21, 2013, at the SF LGBT Center. We hope to gather many throughout the state to join together in developing collaborations and learning how to best strengthen our ties and networks. There are many other programs targeted for Latinos gays and bisexuals on HIV. AGUILAS, however, is the only organization in California that is for and by Latino LGBTs providing the services noted. Many Latino/Latina LGBT organizations have come and gone over the decades, and have contributed significantly to the LGBT community. AGUILAS joins with many of our regional partners for the SF Pride Parade in the last Sunday of June. We join forces in a collaborative marching unit at the celebration. That day is a reminder of the Stonewall Bar historic riots in NYC, where primarily African American and Latino drag queens stood their ground and pushed back the police who were harassing them in Greenwich Village. Since then, cities throughout the world celebrate at parades held on that eventful day. AGUILAS encourages networking and interactions through our Facebook pages that include “Llama Net,” focusing on advocacy efforts and policy issues, and “AGUILAS El Ambiente,” which offers information sharing and social networking. More information is available through the website w w w.sfag uilas.org. AGU I L A S is located at the SF LGBT Center, 1800 Market Street, Suite Q32 in San Francisco (415-558 8403). Eduardo Morales, Ph D , is the executive director and one of the founders of AGUIL AS . He is also a distinguished professor at the California School of Professional Psycholog y — SF of Alliant International University.



Rink, Sister Dana Van Iquity, Ann Rostow, Kirsten Kruse, Teddy Witherington, Kate Kendell, Pollo del Mar, Heidi Beeler, K. Cole, Gary M. Kramer, Dennis McMillan, Tom Moon, Paul E. Pratt, Terry Baum, Gypsy Love, Joel Engardio, Rafael Mandelman, Scott Wiener, Shelley MacKay, Kit Kennedy, Leslie Katz, Karen Williams, Gary Virginia, Stu Smith, Zoe Dunning, Kathleen Archambeau, Jim Tibbs, Mark Penn, Marcy Adelman, Stuart Gaffney & John Lewis Brandon Miller & Joanne Jordan Photographers/ Illustrators Rink, Dennis McMillan, Steven Underhill, Phyllis Costa, Cathy Blackstone, Robert Fuggiti BACK PAGE CLUB Catch Restaurant Fountaingrove Lodge Jordan, Miller & Associates Pelican Art Gallery NAPA Cellars Wines Olivia Travel Thank you to our leading advertisers.

Veteran NBA center Jason Collins, who completed a record-breaking college career at Stanford, became the first professional active male professional athlete in a major US sport to come out publicly as gay.

Profiles of Passion and Courage: Roger Doughty liams, Doughty went to work for the campaign of democratic Senator Paul Simon and decided to pursue law.

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Don't Call It Frisco Stu Smith

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14 BAY   TIM ES MAY 2 , 2 0 1 3

Roger Doughty is a gentleman of humility and conviction who serves our LGBT community as executive director of Horizons Foundation. His ability to organize, to bring people together, to empathize and to be a visionary match our needs here in San Francisco, given the city’s deep, complex and compelling charitable history, as well as our strong LGBT community. A native of Chicago, Doughty wrestled quietly and painfully with his homosexuality until he was in college and began the process of being his true self: a gay man and a dedicated humanitarian. After college at Wil-

He journeyed to UC Berkeley, where he earned his JD and MPP. His early legal work began with refugee rights. He then focused on immigration issues concerning when Latinos become eligible for political asylum. This work led to his lifetime dedication to human rights and his ongoing work with the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, where he is serving a second six-year board term. Doughty is also active in many other organizations and causes. He helped to found what is now The (LGBT) Center on Halstead in Chicago. He has served as president of the historic Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance in the nation’s capital, and he has been on a committee of the national Council on Foundations. Recently, he has served on the board of Northern California Grantmakers (the regional association of foundations). Partnered with Royce Lin and deeply committed to his career at Horizons Foundation, Doughty is a major force in creating an LGBT philanthropic consciousness that promises charitable

Roger Doughty

parity comparable to the efforts of our straight brothers and sisters. One of the recognitions Doughty treasures is his KQED (PBS) Local Hero Award. He’s been recognized many times by other great organizations, but this one really means a lot to him. He didn’t have a favorite quotation as such, but chose to share this line from a Grateful Dead song: “Sometimes you know you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” He’s proudest of the refugee rights work done, of helping to lead the

transformation of a modest-size community center in Chicago into one of the largest and most vibrant LGBT centers in the country, and of leading Horizons on its current path to developing major and permanent financial resources for generations to come. San Francisco and our LGBT community are fortunate to have a man like Roger Doughty helping to create, formulate, and deliver a major philanthropic foundation to us. He shines the light for other communities and individuals to find a place where they can learn to give as well as to receive.

The Week in Review By Ann Rostow Jason, Jason, He’s Our Man Don’t get me wrong. Jason Collins, our Great Gay Hope, seems like a really nice guy. He came out of the closet last week with grace and style. He’s handsome and smart, right out of central casting as the perfect professional gay athlete. But still. Does Jason really merit the tens of thousands of news stories he’s managed to generate in the last few days? Peyton Manning, maybe. But Jason Collins? Was it really such a shock to discover the sexual orientation of a veteran journeyman hoopster? A man that no one except serious basketball fans had ever heard of? Well, I guess it was. At any rate, the courageous center was rewarded with near universal support. A call from President Obama, an invitation to throw out a pitch at a Red Sox game, a general buzz of pleasure and praise from the media and the blogosphere. He certainly deserves the acclaim, as well as the promised Nike sponsorship that is coming his way. But before we tire of this subject, did any of you notice that Baylor superstar Brittney Griner came out of the closet a week or so earlier and no one said a word? She did, however, get a Nike contract as well, so there’s that. Viva La France So, the French senate finally passed marriage equality the other day, although we will still have to wait for two more votes. I’m not an expert on political procedures in the Land of Delicious Things to Eat and Drink, but it does seem that they conduct a hell of a lot of votes on the same bill before it passes. Nonetheless, this time the deal appears to be done, and marriage licenses are expected to be available by summer. Meanwhile, many American commentators have noticed that the opposition to marriage equality in France seems to take the form of massive marches and protests, the likes of which are not seen in the United States. How is it, they wonder, that a country with such a laissez faire attitude on many other social issues is bent out of shape by gay marriage! Actually, the French do not necessarily have an “anything goes” mentality. But more importantly, some 65 percent of the French continually support marriage equality in polls, a higher percentage than we see here in the Homeland. The French are better at organizing street protests in support of fringe viewpoints, that’s all. Equality States Hit Double Digits You probably read about the good news out of Rhode Island, where the state senate finally got it together to take a vote on marriage equality. Once the bill has been ratified by the house and signed by the governor, Rhode Island will become the 10th state to allow gay unions, and New England will become a solid block of Free States, as I like to call them. It should be a done deal by the time you read this column. “It’s bad enough when families break down through divorce or death,” said Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage after the vote. “But it’s unconscionable when a state encourages this through policies that deprive children of the love of both a mother and a father.” You know, quite frankly I wish the Rhode Island legislature had left out the section of the bill that deprives kids of the love of one of their parents. But I guess you can’t make an omelet without cracking a few eggs, eight?

Over in Illinois, where the state senate passed a marriage equality bill some time ago, it seems the house will take a vote on the issue by the end of May. The marriage vote in the Illinois house has been too close to call for weeks, which is why the bill has not been brought to a vote. But hey. “Too close to call” is better than “no chance of passage,” so let’s keep our fingers crossed. And in Delaware, the state house approved a marriage bill on April 23. As I write, on May 1 if you must know, a senate committee is expected to move the bill to a floor vote. So, yay! I know that civil unions seem like a bit of a letdown with all our progress towards equality. But still, there’s reason to celebrate the launch of civil unions in Colorado this month. Couples lined up at the crack of whatever time it was in order to tie their knots. I know they could only tie a loose little bow, but it was better than a kick in the pants. Finally, speaking of kicks in the pants, that’s what we got over here in the Lone Star State, where our ultra conservative Attorney General issued a five-page opinion suggesting that cities, counties and school districts do not have the right to recognize domestic partners. Doing so, wrote Greg Abbot, creates a legal status similar to marriage in violation of the Texas constitution. Fortunately, it looks as if (Austin’s) Travis County, the Austin school district, and other entities that have partner benefits in place are going to ignore the position paper, which is not binding. But it will no doubt have a chilling effect on the growth of domestic partner programs around the state. And it’s just one more reminder to my wife and me (California 2008) that even though Austin is a fabulous place to live, we may eventually be forced to move. ENDA? Not This Again! I was disturbed to see that the Employment Nondiscrimination Act has been introduced in the U.S. Senate, yet again. Some of you may recall that I don’t like this bill, which purports to end GLBT workplace discrimination. Why do I hate it so much? Because it carves out a special legal remedy for GLBT people when there already exists a powerful federal law that covers everyone else (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). Back in the 1990s, when ENDA was first introduced, the idea of adding “sexual orientation” to the categories covered in Title VII was impractical. But that was 20 years ago! Why are we still pushing this relic, which could actually harm our community rather than help it? The last version of ENDA that was worked over by Congress a few years back had a limited or nonexistent right to file a lawsuit. It was a Swiss cheese bill, filled with loopholes that would have forced courts to evaluate cases of gay bias under a very low bar. Why would we want such a mechanism when the rest of the country operates under a tough statute that is backed by half a century of case law and includes the right to sue for damages? (The current ENDA, as far as I can tell, caps damages at $100,000 to $300,000.) In the absence of ENDA, many courts have chosen to interpret Title VII to cover trans bias, as well as cases of antigay discrimination that involve sexual stereotypes. A male worker who is harassed for his effeminate style, for example, could bring suit under Title VII. (Sexual stereotyping is considered a form of impermissible sex discrimination under current law.) If we pass ENDA, however, courts will have to take direction from the new law,

Professional Services which as I mentioned is a pale shadow of Title VII. Plus, it reinforces a second-class status for GLBT workers, who will be formally relegated to an inferior level of protection. If you’re old enough, you might remember that California once banned gay bias in the workplace under a section of the Labor Code rather than under the Unruh Civil Rights Act. The compromise was a useless disaster, later rectified by the state legislature. So why are we engaged in this “baby steps” exercise in the U.S. Congress? Someone please tell me.

Leaders in providing LGBT accounting and tax specific services.

Crazy Cats Down Under I just took another tour through a “gay” search of Google news, where I was still finding news about Jason Collins and gay men in sports even up into screens 50 and 60. Amazing. Persevering towards news on other topics, I discovered that a trio of women who call themselves “Australian Cat Women” have managed to buy the domain name for the country’s leading antigay conservative group, the “Australian Christian Lobby.” The Cat Women paid something like 19 Australian dollars for the rights, which I’m guessing the people at Christian Lobby failed to renew. They immediately posted their logo, a cat under a rainbow, and when word of the coup began to spread, they found themselves with hundreds of thousands of viewers. The women are not sure how to capitalize on their new platform. The whole thing was supposed to be a joke, but now the possibilities abound. The Australian Christian Lobby had not responded to media inquiries as of April 29.

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Cute story, don’t you think? My impression is that Australia doesn’t have a strong conservative religious faction. I think their Prime Minister is an official atheist. But it’s still fun to mess with these bozos, wherever and whenever we have the chance. Binational Gays Should Probably Wait I suppose I should write about the Immigration Bill. Gay activists have been annoyed that the proposals emerging from the Gang of Eight do not include sponsoring citizenship for foreign gay spouses, and Patrick Leahy has indicated he may add an amendment recognizing gay partners when the now-massive bill arrives at the Senate Judiciary Committee. But according to Marco Rubio, such an amendment would doom the entire legislation. What’s an activist to do? Well, what we probably should do is give up this particular fight. We will likely prevail in just a few months, when the High Court is expected to strike the Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional. With DOMA out of the way, the federal government will treat a gay spouse like any other spouse. Meanwhile, the Immigration Bill, if passed, will improve the lives of maybe 250,000 undocumented LGBT residents. Do we really want to stand on principle with so much at stake for so many people, gay and straight, who live in the shadows? But what if DOMA is upheld? We’ll just keep fighting of course. But let’s not scuttle immigration reform in the process. Plus, you know DOMA is doomed. By the way, have you noticed a lot of elephants in TV commercials these days? Aren’t they adorable? There’s the elephant that goes to the hotel. Then there’s the one who makes it hard for people with COPD to breathe. And there’s a car insurance elephant (continued on page 22)

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To Co-Exist Is Fine, But to Co-Create Is Divine ARIES (March 21 – April 19) Activate your earning potential, Aries. Power structures are shifting – especially with regard to career and reputation. Maximize your assets by pursuing resourceful opportunities that resonate with your value system. better. TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) Your efforts to establish healthier boundaries could easily be misinterpreted now. Achieve results you seek by approaching others with compassion. Remember, sweet Taurus – you’re a bull, not a bully.

Astrology Gypsy Love The Native American concept of “Great Spirit” describes a sacred power that thrives within everything. While some regard the energy as “Grandfather” or “Grandmother,” not every tribe assigns gender – or just one gender – to this holy flow, believed to unify all earthly creatures and objects. Astro-vibes implore us to honor our partnership with nature now. To co-exist is fine, but to co-create is divine


GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) Slow down, Gemini. Soulful stimulants in your subconscious require your body to regain more rest than usual now. Make peace with dealings that have been draining you on the down-low. CANCER (June 21 – July 22) Team up, Cancer. Be on the lookout for creative collaborations that trigger your natural talent for nurturing others. Hone in on humanitarians who are eager to tickle your philanthropic fancies.

LEO (July 23 – August 22) While professional advancement is a promising possibility now, you must first fix flare-ups in your daily wellness regime. Shape up, Leo. Your health is the foundation of your wealth.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22) Ready for a refreshing adventure, Virgo? Well, you’re in luck. New philosophies are formulating within, and exotic messengers will visit frequently to reaffirm novel avenues of higher learning. Tally ho!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21) Consider your source, Sagittarius. Everyday tasks get an exhilarating zap of inspiration if you sync action with intention. Even the mundane can be magical when you play with a purpose.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19) Your self-image is ready for a recharge, Capricorn. Passionate expression isn’t only encouraged – it’s downright essential for your divine development. Sidestep the status quo, and write your own rules.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22) Controversy surrounding proprietary possessions will spark a deeper understanding of your truest desires. Let go, dear Libra. Dissolve attachments to old baggage that only serve to cramp your current style.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18) Feeling a bit anxious in your humble abode? Reclaim your roots, Aquarius. Domestic projects could provide a regenerative release and soothe emotional upsets. Nourish every nook of your nest now.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21) You’re tending to a tense tug-of-war now, Scorpio. Pleasing your partners could take a toll on personal limits – and vice versa. Redefine your relationship criteria to balance both ends.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20) The pace is picking up, Pisces. Savvy social interactions and a sampling of several newfound experiences have you buzzing like a busy bee. Keep calm by coalescing with your community.

Gypsy Love’s astrology readings have helped 1000’s of people attract what they authentically desire.

As Heard on the Street . . .

compiled by Rink


Mother’s Day is coming. Do you think you are becoming more like your mother as you age?

Carole Migden

Michael Tate

Selma Soul

Lisa Williams

Nikos Diaman

“I am independent, like my mother, and I have some of the same proclivities, such as an appreciation for flowers, and for arranging them.”

“Yes. Like my mother, I never miss a good sale. And, like her, I am getting more glamorous as I age. ”

“I am becoming more like both my mother and my father as I get older. ”

“Yes, absolutely.”

“Yes, I am following my grand daughter’s life.”

16 BAY   TIM ES MAY 2 , 2 0 1 3

Arts&Entertainment My Work As an Extra on “The Endless Possibility of Sky” the set by covering every inch of the wall and floor space with black plastic bags. A black couch sat in the middle of the almost empty room; two chairs and a lamp on a table were the only other pieces of furniture. A bunch of mirror balls hung from the ceiling by dental f loss. The room looked cool/ surreal, and showed how creative Todd could be on a micro-budget.


Gary M. Kramer Writing about film, and interviewing actors and directors, I have gotten to know many filmmakers and performers over the years. I talk with them about their craft and how they create their films and their characters, but it’s rare that I get the chance to see them at work on a film set. It’s like someone who eats sausage getting to see how it is made. When I mentioned this to Todd Verow, an indie queer filmmaker I admire, we discussed the possibility of my being a fly on the wall of his latest film. Todd agreed to let me peel back the curtain and visit him as he filmed a scene for his film The Endless Possibility of Sky, now out on DVD. Todd emailed me the sides (pages for the scene being shot that day), and I felt like an actor in a Woody Allen film—I just got to see the scene being f ilmed. I had no knowledge of any other aspect of the project or characters. The scene in question is a drug orgy. It’s very funny, and a bit naughty. I was sent the location information, and when I arrived, the place was sauna-like hot, even though it was 36 degrees outside and I climbed across snowdrifts to get there. Todd was shirtless and in shorts, “dressing”

I gingerly took a seat, and met/chat with Philly, the mono-monikered actress who played the meth lab mistress for the scene. Philly recounted the events of the previous day when she and Todd were filming in the snowy streets and they were nearly arrested. She approached a police van while in character, and the cops apparently didn’t like that. As Philly and I chatted, waiting for the other talent to arrive, we bonded over attending the same high school, though decades apart. Meanwhile, Todd finished dressing the set and “striking” the lights (turning on the spots that make the hot room even hotter). Philly went off to get dressed and into character. She put on a black polyester outfit that made her itchy and hot. “This is so uncomfortable,” she complained, as Todd literally made a belt out of clear plastic tape to secure her outfit, “But it helps me get into character.” She explained that she based her meth pad mistress on “a hideous queen I once knew in San Francisco who wore a kimono and was surrounded by young boys.” When she returned with startling blue eye shadow and red lipstick smeared on her lips vertically, she said she “had” her character. Philly looked kooky and fabulous. Next thing you know, Todd is handing out releases for the cast, and I’m being asked to sign one to appear in the film as an extra. I would be in the

scene, in my underwear (the other actors are nude) playing a writer working on his book about the meth pad. I didn’t think the character was much of a stretch, and under the guise of participating for art, I stripped down to my black Calvin K lein boxer briefs. I was grateful the room was like a sauna. Todd warned Philly that the spray bottle he gave her to squirt on the actors contained alcohol, so it should be kept away from the lighters and open f lames. Given that every inch of the place was covered in plastic bags, I scanned the room for a fire extinguisher. Finding none, I silently hoped that nothing would catch fire.

As shooting was about to commence, I stood against a wall “in character,” in my underwear, and made scratches on my notepad. Philly went to the door with Todd and his handheld camera (a Panasonic DVX100B) so he could film Rob, an actor, in the scene as he entered. The idea was to catch Rob off guard, and to create a sense of realism. The concept worked beautifully. I watched this magic happen, and everything suddenly came together organically. Rob went to the couch with two other actors, Michael and Brandon, who were making out quite erotically, and he started to participate. It was pretty hot to watch these sexy, naked actors being so uninhibited; I’m getting a real eyeful. I

picked a good day to visit. This is so much more interesting than filming a scene of two characters just talking. The scene continued on really long, and the actors were really into the sex. I acknowledged their commitment and couldn’t stop staring, even though I was ready for Todd to yell, “Cut.” When Michael coughed, he acted as a tweaker, and it was really convincing. Meanwhile, Todd was roaming around the couch shooting. He crouched beside me, which enabled me to see him zooming in on the action, covering all of the angles. Eventually he called, “Good, good,” his code that he got what he wanted. (continued on page 22)

Duke Ellington Lives on in Doug Ellington’s Seductive Music you come across something completely beautiful.” This was his reply when I asked him what inspired the evocative title for his soon-to-be released second album. He answers questions with questions, and his answers always lead to more questions. It is through music that Doug is able to articulate what we know and experience metaphysically.

Music Shelley MacKay Doug Ellington’s new album, Din In the Distance, satiates an internal longing. He asked me, “Do you ever have an agenda throughout your day, and yet there may be this underlying thing that’s pulling you in a certain direction? You subconsciously know it’s there, and through the process of realizing what that nagging thing is,

I first met Doug at a musical event last year. He was performing a tribute to his ultimate inf luence, Duke Ellington, and I was there to listen. Later that week, I sang a few songs with him at a local club. A month later, I recorded the song for my first music video in his recording studio, Lama Box in Oakland. While Doug is best known as a trumpet player, he produced, composed, arranged, sang the vocals for and engineered Din In The Distance. “The only thing I didn’t do is master it,”

he said. “I’m kind of scared of being criticized on all ends, but I’m so close to it. I know exactly what I want.” As someone who has spent a lot of his life in recording studios, he wanted to get “dirty with the nuts and bolts of the production side.” Doug’s music is an eclectic combination of genres, including rock, hip hop, r&b and jazz. Yet, he is not boxed in by any of them. “I wasn’t raised to think in terms of genres,” he explained. “I was raised to think in terms of sound.” The sound he’s created on Din In The Distance is bigger than life: seductive, catchy and still unpredictable. As Duke Ellington would say with the intention of high praise, the music is “beyond category.” Doug believes that everything is energy and he listens to the energy that comes from an artist.

“Genres can be misleading,” he told me. “It would be great if there were no genres, although it makes sense from a marketing standpoint.” Imagine walking into a record store and asking the clerk, “How do I find this sound? I don’t know the artist’s name, but it goes like this...” Doug makes his point by humming a few notes.

lington on w w w.reverbnation.com and www.digthedin.com. Shelley MacKay is a Bay Area-based jaz z , po p , r&b a n d rock vocal i st/ songwriter. L earn more at www.shelleysings.com.

When I asked Doug to elaborate on Duke Ellington’s influence on his music, he told me that Duke “is the core of everything I do.” One day, a while back, Doug got a call from Narada Michael Walden, an acclaimed producer and artist. He asked Doug what his favorite song was by Duke. Doug said, “I love everything he did in the 30’s; I love everything he did in the 40’s. Can we narrow it down to at least a decade rather than just a song?” Din In The Distance is scheduled for release this June. Check out Doug ElBAY   T IM ES M AY 2, 2013


Living Legends in New Zealand: The Topp Twins

Inspiring LGBTQ Prof iles Kathleen Archambeau “It’s just another highway/Just another road-side café/ It’s just another airport/ Just another train stop away/It’s just another milestone/On a long travelling day/ And how does the grass grow on your side/ of the fence?/And how does the moon shine on your side/of the world?” The Topp Twins, Lyrics from Milestones New Zealand Songwriters, Performers, and Comedians (1981- ) In the Topp Twins’ world of New Zealand, the moon shines brightly on the recent marriage of Lynda Topp and long-time partner, Donna Luxton. They were featured on the cover of the New Zealand Woman’s Day in March 2013. It was the first gay cover on a women’s magazine in New Zealand ever. And, on Wednesday, April 18, in New Zealand, the New Zealand Parliament voted in favor of Louisa Wall’s bill to allow gay marriage. The Topp Twins, born in 1981 in small-town rural Huntly, have done a lot to neutralize the opprobrium against LGBT Kiwis and to lighten the mood of New Zealanders. They

poke good-natured fun at farmers, socialites, Girl Guide camp leaders and bar stool warmers with their myriad, well-received caricatures. From the highest-grossing documentary in NZ history, The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls, to one of the most popular television comedy shows, Lynda and Jools Topp have stood up and been counted at every major turn in recent New Zealand history – from protesting nuclear testing and the French bombing of the Greenpeace boat to their fights against breast cancer and for gay marriage in New Zealand. Of the gay marriage bill, Lynda Topp said, “Everybody should be able to stand up and say, ‘I’m getting married.’ A Civil Union is demeaning, this idea that you will never be good enough, that your love is somehow less or not as worthy. There’s no romance to it.” Jools Topp was diagnosed with breast cancer in October of 2006 at the age of 48. Already breast cancer activists, the Topp Twins now use their celebrity status to educate the public about the disease.

Spanning 30 years of songwriting and singing, the two girls who started as buskers in Auckland in flannel shirts and jeans, rose to be New Zealand icons, a phrase in a song they wrote to honor their farm-working mother. Winners of every New Zealand music award, the twins were awarded honorary doctorates by Waikato University. Like many true artists, they only come out with a CD when they feel the material is ready, so their last three CDs were spaced far apart: Grass Highway (2000), Flowergirls & Cowgirls (2005) and Honky Tonk Angel (2009). These yodeling, fun-loving twins are living legends from the first country to grant women the right to vote and from the first small country to refuse nuclear testing in their region’s waters. From the bottom of the world, with this week’s gay marriage vote to make New Zealand the first country in the Asia Pacific to legalize gay marriage, the Topp Twins must be sitting on top of the world.

I Need a Nap!

Speak Up! Speak Out! Laugh Often! Karen Williams These days, everyone’s on some kind of health kick. We’re working out at gyms and yoga studios, talking about health and wellness, and experimenting with all types of fitness regimens and diet plans. We are aware of the challenge to keep in shape and maintain our weight, and the vigilance that it takes to stick to our goals. If we work out at home, we better stick to our exercise channel because with one click of the remote, our resolve can be destroyed by the junk food commercials shown regularly on prime time.

Of the ten commercials we witness during our favorite half-hour sitcom, six of them are urging us to snack on food items that we do not need. Our temptation to visit the fridge during these ads is aided by the increased loudness in the volume of the television. We can still hear how good the snack is going to taste even as we prepare it. Though it’s difficult, many of us are persevering with diet and exercise to achieve our healthy weight goals and stave off diseases of excess. It seems that it’s in our American genes to go over the top with everything. We over eat, so we’re overweight. We do overtime at work. We’re overly stressed and sleep-deprived. Doesn’t anyone want to take a nap? I’m all for watching what I eat, and yoga remains my exercise regimen of choice; although I’m not sure if falling asleep on the mat at the end of my sessions qualifies me as a workout diva! What I know for sure is that sleep is my new drug of choice and that a nap a day keeps the “grouchies” away! I get up early each morning to chant, pray and meditate. I go to meetings, do paperwork, make business calls and check off my “To Do” list. I stay

(RHODE ISLAND continued from page 3) will vote to restrict their freedom and the way the government and the law equality, and more likely you will treats them is different. They saw that advocate for their inclusion as full, this is unfair, and that it is wrong, rather than as second-class, citizens. and that it is un-American. And they Senator after senator in Rhode Isvoted to make it right. land last week said that they had been planning to vote against the marriage It turns out that being open, honest equality bill before they got to know lesbians and gay men, spent time with and out of the closet – telling our stosame-sex couples and their kids, and ries, in our own words, to the people saw that while their love and commit- already in our lives – is among the ment and family values are the same, very best tools we have to ensure our 18 BAY   TIM ES MAY 2 , 2 0 1 3

up as long as I can; yet around 2:30 every day, my biorhythm shifts. I begin to wind down mentally and before I know it, I am putting myself down for a nap. Napping worked for my children and now that they’re grown and gone, it works for me. There is simply no way that I can work from dawn until midnight and globe-trot as I do without my naps. Even the proverbial “cat-nap” works wonders for my psyche and my physique. Give me ten to thirty minutes to lay it down and upon rising, I am brand, fresh, and new! No sleep deprivation here! I rest before I make major decisions, before a night of hard partying and playing, or during a day of running errands. I nap because I can! Adequate rest is just as important as diet and exercise when it comes to maintaining good health. We Americans don’t like to be deprived of anything. So do yourself a favor and take a nap! Your heart, mind, body, and psyche will be glad you did. Shhh! Karen Williams is a napper! Reach her at karen@sf baytimes.com.

equality. That is a “lifestyle” worth promoting. T hom Watson, a leader in the nationwide grassroots organization Marriage Equality USA, lives in Daly City with his f iancé and partner of ten years, Jeff Tabaco. T hom and Jeff plan to marry this year, after the U.S . Supreme Court agrees with the lower courts that California’s Prop 8 is unconstitutional.

Jersey Boys Broadway Cast – Photos by Steven Underhill

Professional Services

Bay Times photographer Steven Underhill met cast members of Broadway’s Jersey Boys national touring company in a variety of settings: GLA AD Kickoff Party featuring actor Wilson Cruz, Richmond Ermet AIDS Foundation’s (REAF) One Night Only, in front of the Curran Theater and more. The musical received rave reviews from Sister Dana and many other attendees during the recent run of the show in San Francisco.

BAY   T IM ES M AY 2, 2013


compiled by Robert Fuggiti

See many more Calendar items @ www.sfbaytimes.com

“Does Your Mother Know” by Irene Hendricks will be on display along with a collection of her other works on May 4 & 5 at Hunters Point Studios.

music and a fun crowd at one of the best gay dive bars in town.

Amor for VIDA – The Children’s Creativity Museum. $25. 6 pm to 8:30 pm. (221 4th St.) www.vidachildren.org.VIDA Children is a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization focused on improving the lives, education and career potential of Oaxacan children in need. Gym Class – Hi Tops. Free. 10 pm. (2247 Market St.) www. hitopssf.com. Enjoy a night of fun at Castro’s only gay sports bar. Tubesteak Connection – Aunt Charlie’s. $5. 10 pm. (133 Turk St.) www.auntcharlieslounge.com. Dance the night away to great

2 am. (2369 Market St.) www.guspresents.com. The Castro’s hottest weekly party with go-go dancers and early drink specials.

Before You Know It - Sundance Kabuki. $12.50. 6 pm. (1881 Post St.) www.sundancecinemas.com. “Before You Know It” raises the curtain on a profoundly neglected segment of the LGBT community: its senior population. Flashback Friday – Bench and Bar. $5. 10 pm to 2 am. (510 17th St.) www.bench-and-bar.com. Celebrating the best in old school music with drink specials all night long. Boy Bar – The Café. $5. 9 pm to


CALL 415.865.2000

Major Sponsors Rudolf Nureyev Dance Foundation Larry and Joyce Stupski Sponsors Richard C. Barker Christine H. Russell Fund of the Columbia Foundation

A Puja for Women – Tantra for Women. $95. 1 pm to 9 pm. (Sebastopol) www.tantraforwomen.com. Expect a delightful and deeply fulfilling day of sharing heart-felt connection, food, and sacred ritual with women who’ve studied Tantra and their loved ones.

Maria Kochetkova in Wheeldon’s Cinderella (© Erik Tomasson)


Lead Sponsors Mrs. Jeannik Méquet Littlefield Mr. and Mrs. John S. Osterweis

Dessert First – Project Open Hand. $65-$125. 5 pm to 8 pm. (757 Market St.) www.openhand. org. The Bay Area’s most talented pastry chefs come together to create their signature desserts for you to taste.

Ladies Go Biking – Point Richmond. Free. 10 am. (1414 Harbour Way S., Richmond) www. facebook.com/groups/8105350745. A 15 to 20 mile ride along the Richmond Marina Waterfront. Riders meet at the Crane Pavilion in Richmond.

Secure your seats for Cinderella next season by becoming an SF Ballet subscriber!


Suzy Kellems Dominik Stephanie Barlage Ejabat The William Randolph Hearst Foundation Cecilia and Jim Herbert Production Sponsors Major Sponsor Timothy Dattels and Kristine Johnson

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo – The Mexican Museum. Free. 12 pm to 4 pm. (Fort Mason Center) www.mexicanmuseum.org. Enjoy a free day at the museum to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Glamazone – The Café. Free. 9 pm to 2 am. (2369 Market St.) www.cafesf.com. Enjoy drink specials during the day and drag performances through the evening.

Piano Bar 101 – Martuni’s. Free. 9 pm. (4 Valencia St.) www.dragatmartunis.com. Sing along to your favorite songs with friends and patrons. Gay Bowling – Mission Bowling Club. $15. 5 pm to 8 pm. (3176 17th St.) www.missionbowlingclub. com. Mix, mingle and meet new friends at this weekly bowling social. Full bar and restaurant inside club.

Tinsel Tarts in a Hot Coma – The Hypnodrome Theatre. $30. 8 pm. (575 10th St.) www.thrillpeddlers.com. “Tinsel Tarts in a Hot Coma” is a new full-length, restored version of The Cockettes’ 1971 musical extravaganza. Through June 1.


Koret Foundation

Performance Sponsors Sue and John Diekman Jason M. Fish and Courtney Benoist Elizabeth and Richard Fullerton Mrs. Beth Grossman


20 BAY   TIM ES MAY 2 , 2 0 1 3

Open Studio with Artist Irene Hendrick – Hunters Point Shipyard. Free. 11 am to 6 pm. (Building 101, Studio 1224) www. irenehendrick.com. Local artist Irene Hendrick displays her beautiful paintings for all to enjoy. Also May 4.

Karaoke Mondays – Lookout. Free. 8 pm to 1 am. (2600 16th St.) www.lookoutsf.com. KJ Paul hosts a weekly karaoke night.

Alicia and Philip Hammarskjold Sandra and James Katzman Bob Ross Foundation Randee and Joseph Seiger


“Little Me” will be at the Eureka Theatre May 4 through May 19. (Photo: David Allen)

Trivia Night – Hi Tops. Free. 10 pm. (2247 Market St.) www.hitopssf. com. Test your trivia knowledge at

this popular sports bar. Block Party – Midnight Sun. Free. 9 pm. (4067 18th St.) www. midnightsunsf.com. Enjoy weekly screenings of your favorite music videos.

Little Me – Eureka Theatre. $25$75. 7 pm. (215 Jackson St.) www. theeurekatheatre.com. This outrageous musical, based on the novel by Patrick Dennis, “Auntie Mame”, highlights the rags-to-riches tale of Belle Poitrine, who moves from the wrong side of the tracks in Venezuela, Illinois, to Hollywood fame and Southampton luxury. May 4 through May 19. Second Annual Playground Film Festival – Rialto Cinemas Elmwood. $50+. 7:30 pm. (2966 College Ave., Berkeley) www.rialtocinemas.com. Six brand-new films by Bay Area filmmakers and writers, adapted from short plays from the celebrated Best of Playground. Through May 25. Last Drag Quit Smoking Class – LGBT Community Center. Free. 7 pm to 9 pm. (1800 Center) www.sfcenter.org. A free quit smoking class for LGBT and HIV positive smokers. Meetings every Wednesday through May 22.

Author Talk – GLBT History Museum. Free. 7 pm to 9 pm. (657 Mission St.) www.glbthistory.org. Author, activist, queer social critic and former San Franciscan Matilda Bernstein Sycamore returns to the city to recount how it all will come to an end with her new book, “The End of San Francisco.” National Give OUT Day – Horizons Foundation. Become a part of history and participate in the first national Give OUT Day where hundreds of organizations and thousands of people across the country join together to support

Monday Night Bluegrass – Amnesia. Free. 6 pm. (853 Valencia St.) www.amnesiathebar.com. Enjoy a night of Bluegrass music every Monday night at this cozy mission bar.

“Les Liaisons Dangereuses” will be at the New Dragon Theatre through May 12. (Photo: James Kasyan) Right: “Petal” will be at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts May 10 through June 8. (Photo: Keith Sutter) Mother’s Day with Mommie the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgenDearest – Castro Theatre. $15. der & queer community. Donate 7:30 pm. (429 Castro St.) www.casonline at www.giveoutday.org. trotheatre.com. The mother-of-all Fabulous at 40 – The Bellevue camp films “Mommie Dearest” will Club. $150. 6:30 pm. (525 Bellevue be celeb-rated at this stellar Ave., Oakland) www.pacificcenter. screening, featuring a rare live givezooks.com. Pacific Center will appearance by actress Rutanya celebrate their 40th year of service Alda. to the East Bay LGBTQ community with a night of food, fun and friends.

The Rocky Horror Show 40th Anniversary Tribute - Victoria Theater. $30. 8 pm. (2961 16th St.) www.store.peacheschrist.com. Peaches Christ Productions presents a truly unique celebration that will include a fully realized rock music concert and appearance by Patricia Quinn, who played ‘Magenta’ in the original version. 4th Annual LGBT Golf Fore Good Tournament – Chardonnay Golf Club. $150. 1 pm. (2555 Jameson Canyon Rd., American Canyon) www.horizonsfoundation.org. Enjoy a day of competitive golf while supporting The Horizons Foundation. Cinderella – War Memorial Opera House. $112-$375. 8 pm. (301 Van Ness Ave.) www.sfballet. org. SF Ballet concludes its 2013 LGBT Nite Out series with the U.S. premiere of Christopher Wheeldon’s magical new production of “Cinderella.”

Ellen Robinson and Her Quartet – Piedmont Piano Company. $20. 8 pm. (1728 San Pablo Ave., Oakland) www.ellenrobinson.com. With her new album “Don’t Wait Too Long,” jazz vocalist Ellen Robinson delivers an intimate concert you won’t want to miss. 24th Annual GLAAD Media Awards – Hilton San Francisco. $350+. 5:30 pm. (333 O’Farrell St.) www.glaad.org. Celebrate the most outstanding images of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in the media at the largest, most visible LGBT gala in the nation.

Petal – Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. $24-$65. 2 pm. (701 Mission St.) www.smuinballet.org. Smuin Ballet ends its season with an invigorating lineup of fresh choreography from Helen Pickett and Darrell Grand Moultrie. May 10 through June 8. Women’s Networking Event & Fundraiser – AT&T Park. $500 per box seat. 1:05 pm. (AT&T Park) www.centergiantssuite.eventbrite.com. Join the SF LGBT Center and key leaders within the LGBT community to discuss ways to build a stronger network of women in our community.

Pain Play Workshop – Good Vibrations. $25. 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. (1620 Polk St.) www.goodvibes.com. This workshop with Pepper will cover everything you need to know about basic pain play in the bedroom, from safety rules and hit zones, to the reasons and psychological approaches, to actual demos. Video Tuesdays – Lookout. Free. 8 pm. (2600 16th St.) www. lookoutsf.com.VJ 6PAC plays the best in music videos every Tuesday. Funny Tuesdays – Harvey’s. Free. 9 pm. (500 Castro St.) www. harveyssf.com. An LGBT comedy night hosted by comedian Ronn Vigh.

Open House – Women’s Community Clinic. Free. 5:30 to 7:30 pm. (1833 Fillmore St.) www. womenscommunityclinic.org. Celebrate National Women’s Health Week and mingle with the Women’s Community Clinic staff and volunteers. Light refreshments will be served.

Les Liaisons Dangereuses – The New Dragon Theatre. $15$35. 2 pm. (2120 Broadway St., Redwood City) www.dragonproductions.net. A tale of seduction set in France among aristocrats, this drama explores decadent sexuality, moral, and manipulation played as the ultimate battle of the sexes. May 12.

Strange Ideas, Time-Travel and Reckless Contact Art Exhibit – Visual Aid Gallery. Free. 10 am to 6 pm. (57 Post St.) www. visualaid.org. In this exhibition of ambitious, large scale mixed media paintings, David Young Allen explores the complex achievements of three men who opposed slavery. April 28 through May 30. Comedy Returns to El Rio – El Rio. $7. 8 pm. (3158 Mission St.) www.elriosf.com. Now celebrating its 4th anniversary, this monthly (every 2nd Monday of the month) multicultural comedy show features the best of Bay Area comedians and beyond. BAY   T IM ES M AY 2, 2013


(SISTER DANA continued from page 9)


My Life, My Choices: Planning for Future Health Care Decisions

May 9 • 6 – 7:30 p.m. San Francisco LGBT Community Center 1800 Market Street Ensure your health care wishes will be carried out, even if you can’t advocate for yourself. Learn how to document your choices, choose the right person to make decisions for you, and communicate your values and goals about medical treatment choices.

Seminars are free, but reservations are required.

Register at (415) 526-5580 or hbtb.org

D r . Ka t h l e e n Ke n n e d y, O . D . 415.626.0858 552 castro street w w w. f y e o c a s t r o . c o m

a nd neighbor M i s s y (A m a nd a Seyfried). As in any farce or big family occasion, there are plenty of mini-dramas going on besides Ellie and Donald’s awkward reunion. Their daughter Lyla (Katherine Heigl) has just kicked out her husband (Kyle Bornheimer), while their son Jared (Topher Grace) is a 29-year-old doctor still holding out to lose his virginity to his true love. Robin Williams is a Catholic priest - on the wagon — providing marriage counseling. Adding to the hysterical hysteria is Alejandro’s strict biological mother Madonna (Patricia Rae), who does not believe in divorce, which is why Ellie and Donald must pretend to

(ROSTOW continued from page 15) too. For the record, I’m pleased that someone decided to rename the scary sounding “emphysema.” COPD seems much more manageable. Particularly when you take the drug that gets the elephant to get off your chest and walk beside you in companionable silence.

be married still. Madonna is visiting America for the f irst time and barely speaks English. Meanwhile Missy’s WASP parents (Christine Ebersole and Dav id R asche) have problems with their daughter marrying a “brown person.” It’s a tremendously talented cast and witty script. I don’t know why so many critics gave it the thumbsdown. Adult f lick pick: Behind the Big Top is even better than Under the Big Top, the greatest show on earth. ragingstallion.com. M ay 12 t h i s o f f i c i a l l y M o t h er’s Day, so be sure to wish your “Mommie Dearest” a happy one!

Cocktails All Around!

Silence? That came and went successfully for the ten zillionth year in a row. Want more stories about mean florists and photographers who don’t want to participate in our weddings? I thought not. Too depressing. Oh, I think I should tell you about our out lesbian District Attorney here in Austin, who got nailed for a DWI the other day.

Yes, I know that had nothing to do with GLBT news, but what else do you want to talk about? The Day of

I know, I know. It could happen to any of us, right? (Well, some of us at least.) But Rosemary Lehmberg had

(ENDLESS continued from page 17) “I like to let it run and see what happens,” he said about his approach to shooting this lengthy sex scene. Next, Todd was going to “cheat” me and moved me away from my corner and more towards the “action” on the couch. I was even hotter now, leaning up against the wall covered in plastic bags. Action began, but the director yelled, “Cut!” when lines were f lubbed, and we started the take again. Another error was made, and we went again and again, and a fourth time. Todd was unf lappable, however. In the next take, he provided an aside to me, “Good with the pad.” I smiled at the note he gave me and took pride in my work as an ex-

tra. We shot the scene one more time, and Todd said, “This is the last time, I promise!” Philly answered knowingly, “He always says that!” As we started filming again, I sensed that everyone was getting a little punchy. Todd was now shooting a point-of-view scene from the doorway, moving past a naked Michael tweaking on one side of the room, me in my corner and the nude guys on the couch. I couldn’t keep a straight face in this, my last scene of the day, because I was hot and tired and hungry. But I laughed because I imagined someone walking past the open (front) doorway, seeing this room covered entirely in black plastic, with a bunch

Perhaps a nice set of wood hangers would be a nice gift. Or take her to MOTHER’S DAY WITH MOMMIE DE A R EST, the cult camp classic screened by Marc Huestis at the Castro Theatre, May 11th, 7:30pm, featuring Mommie Dearest star Rutanya A lda ( Joan Crawford’s loya l ma id “Carol A nn”) live in-person! Hosted by Matthew Martin playing Joan (Faye Dunaway) w ith “Mommie Severest” look-alike contest. ticketf ly.com. Sister Dana sez, “Have a Happy Cinco de Mayo, and while we ’re celebrating Mexican Independence, howzabout decent, humane immigration reform and the Dream Act passing?!”

a blood count of around .23 and an empty vodka bottle on the passenger seat, taking Driving While Intoxicated into the entirely new category of Driving While Out Of Your Mind Drunk. At least she lived up to our municipal motto, “Keep Austin Weird,” because nothing says “weird” like getting behind the wheel when you are nearly comatose from alcohol consumption. arostow@aol.com

of naked and nearly naked people hanging out in it, wondering what the hell is going on. I heard Todd say, “Good, good,” on the replay of the video, and the scene was wrapped. I was thanked for my time. I put on my clothes, said my goodbyes and headed back out into the real world. © 2013 Gary M. Kramer Gary M. Kramer is the author of “Independent Queer Cinema: Reviews and Interviews,” and the co-editor of the forthcoming “Directory of World Cinema: Argentina.” You can follow him on Twitter @garymkramer.

Round About — Lambda Legal Soiree

Lambda Legal’s 2013 Soiree Lounge was held at La Terra Gallery, featuring entertainment by Tonynominated Mx. Justin Vivian Bond. (Photos by Rink) 22 BAY   TIM ES MAY 2 , 2 0 1 3

Round About in Photos

Celebrating the Castro Country Club’s 30th Anniversary at the Eureka Valley Recreation Center were performer Olivia Hart, Country Club manager Terry Beswick, Lee Hewitt and many members and friends. (Photo by Rink)

Dr. Frankie Bashan (second from right), speed dating guru, welcomes participants at OUT Ladies Night held at Café Flore every month on the 1st Thursday. (Photo by Phyllis Costa) Author Felice Picano discussed his new book, 20th Century Unlimited, at Books Inc. (Photo by Rink)

Interior Designer Joe Darling and Social Activist Troy Brunet at SF Ballet’s LGBT Nite Out. (Photo by Javier Perez)

Writer Ron Williams read from his book San Francisco Native Sissy Son at Books Inc. (Photo by Rink)

Supervisor Scott Wiener presented a City Proclamation to staff and students at the Harvey Milk Academy’s Spring Fair Fundraiser held on site at the Academy. (Photo by Rink)

Volunteers at Harvey Milk Plaza collecting funds for the AIDS Emergency Fund. (Photo by Rink) A benefit for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) at Toad Hall included a lively burlesque performance. (Photo by Steven Underhill) Participants joined with volunteers in fundraising activities during the MDA benefit at Toad Hall. (Photo by Steven Underhill)

Volunteers encouraged bidders during the Silent Auction at the Toad Hall MDA benefit. (Photo by Steven Underhill)

Volunteers encouraged bidders during the Silent Auction at the Toad Hall MDA benefit. (Photo by Steven Underhill)

Hunky Jesus Contest winner Please Us Jesus was congratulated by co-emcees Sister Roma and Sister Dana at the VIP Lounge. (Photo by Rink)

San Francisco Pride leaders attending the recent Pride Party at Destino’s included Joshua Smith, vice president; Lisa Williams, board chair; and Earl Plante, CEO. (Photo by Rink) BAY   T IM ES M AY 2, 2013


24 BAY   TIM ES MAY 2 , 2 0 1 3

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