AN ARTIST’S STATEMENT “Hidden Journey” is one of my favorite pieces and I had quite a bit of fun making it. It took me a couple weeks to finish it because at time I would second-guess myself and not draw; however, when I would stop thinking and just draw, I somehow knew what I was doing and would go with it. I feel I am a little chaotic when I make art; I’ll make some line or shape or sometimes I’ll see a new picture and try and go with that. Even then I may stray even further if something new comes forth with my imagination. When I started this drawing I had just learned of what a zentangle is, and I had made one before it, and after getting the feel for a zentangle, I wanted to try one that I spent even more time on and put fourth an effort I felt proud of. My goal was to try and be really random with my lines and choices about whether something should be filled in or decorated with pointillism—all while trying to focus on how my hand moved in various ways when drawing. While creating “Hidden Journey” I would listen to music and look at books for some inspiration for whatever I thought would be fun to try and draw—all while putting my own twist on it.
Volume 16 • 2021