The Santa Fe New Mexican
Advertising online
202 E. Marcy St. Santa Fe, NM Phone: 505-‐9863007 Fax: 505-‐984-‐1785 E-‐Mail: Website:
Advertising avenues ‘Run of Site’ (ROS) advertising is the most common form of advertising offered by These ads run sitewide, rotating between several positions. Each ad can be targeted in a variety of ways such as: section, city of residence, time of day,* or by impressions. Impressions will be served between the time the ad is booked, and the end of that calendar month.
Time of day
Ads in the right rail can be chosen in one of two sizes. The medium box is 300 x 250px and the skyscraper is 300 x 600px.
Top 10 sections that readers visit at = best advertising value
• News • Homepage / Front page • Sports • Opinion • Pasatiempo • Life • Print Edition / Flip-‐through paper • Classifieds (landing page) • Explore Santa Fe • Magazines • Outdoors
Ads in the right rail can be chosen in one of two sizes. The medium box is 300 x 250px and The skyscraper is 300 x 600px.
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
BOOK ENDS The most viewed ad positions on the website are the Left and Right Book Ends at the top of the page that sandwich the Santa Fe New Mexican masthead. These positions load more quickly than other ad positions on the page, ensuring more impressions. Coupled with the fact they do not rotate, these will bring more exposure to your business and are available to purchase by section or ROS. Note for AE: These positions must be static, no ads with movement. Additionally, no competitors may be sold to other sponsored positions on the same day.
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
PENCIL AD (EXPANDABLE) Exclusive position for an entire day. The Pencil Ad expands every time the mouse passes over it. Each time someone moves the mouse toward the navigation bar, for example, they will pass over the pencil ad (960x30), causing it to automatically expand Note for AE: The Pencil ad can be booked for more than one day, but it can not be booked the same day as a Roadblock, or even just the Book Ends. Additionally, no competitors may be sold to other sponsored positions on the same day .
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
WALLPAPER Exclusive position for an entire day(s). A great way to make a strong statement for any promotion or event. Available for any section on the website, including (but not limited to): Sports; Taste; News; Homepage; Explore/Calendar Section, etc.
Note for AE: No competitors may be sold to other sponsored positions on the same day
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
Exclusive position for an entire day(s). A great way to make a strong statement for any promotion or event. Available for any section on the website, including (but not limited to): Sports; Taste; News; Homepage; Explore/Calendar Section, etc. A Roadblock includes both Book Ends, the Pencil, and the extended Wallpaper *Notes for Ad Exec: This is only available when all three spots (Book Ends, Pencil, and Wallpaper are open) — and there can be no Page Curl booked on the same day
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
VIDEO ADS Send us a video ad for your campaign, or let us format an existing video of yours for online viewing. Click through rates for video ads are 5 times better than standard display ads!
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
7 Our newest feature,, is the place to find out what is going on, where to eat, when to hear live music, who has a gallery opening, and more. Between our free calendar and business directory — locals can get all their information in one spot.
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
8 A listing for your business in EXPLORE is free, and you can add your website or more information to the listing. An ENHANCED LISTING is also available. This includes your logo, your daily hours, directions and a map, multiple photos of your business, and links to all your social media sites like Facebook & twitter.
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
SPECIAL SECTIONS Advertising is also available on seasonal, holiday and other special sections.
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
SUBMISSION OF ADS ALL of the ad positions listed above can be targeted to deliver impressions on any page(s), including News; Sports; Taste; Real Estate; Outdoors; individual magazines and more.
— Important: The ‘sponsored’ positions (Pencil, Book Ends & Wallpaper) may not be sold to two competing businesses on the same day. — Technical details for clients:
• Medium Box: 300px w x 250px h; 72 dpi, max size 100 kb • Skyscraper: 300px w x 600 px h; 72 dpi, max size 100 kb • Pencil: Two sizes are required — 960px w x 30px h & 960px w x 300px h; each at 72 dpi, max size each 100 kb • Book Ends: 160px w x 80px h; 72 dpi, max size 100 kb (note: we encourage clients to provide Book End – LEFT with text, and Book End –RIGHT with an image)
• Wallpaper: Two images are required (Left, and Right) 200px w x 600px h; each at 72 dpi, max size each 100 kb • Flash Ads: An additional charge will apply to create a flash ad. If a client submits their own flash file, no extra fee will be charged. • GIF Ads: maximum of 4 slides; 72 dpi, max size 100 kb • Video Ads: options (to be determined) (submission requirements also tbd) *25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)
• Enhanced Listing on EXPLORE: Complete and return the form provided by AE (note: these will be updated every Tuesday online)
• Roadblock: 6 pieces of artwork are needed for this ad. Each at 72 dpt, each with a maximum size of 100 kb. Please see sizes below: (note: this can only be booked when all these spots are available)
• Pencil: Two sizes are required — 960px w x 30px h & 960px w x 300px h • Book Ends: 160px w x 80px h; 72 dpi, max size 100 kb • Wallpaper: Two images are required (Left, and Right) 200px w x 600px h
*25 % extra cost for ‘dayparting’ (i.e. targeting by date or time)