The Santa Fe New Mexican, May 16, 2013

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Carlos Gilbert teacher ends career with theatrical flair Local news, A-6

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Thursday, May 16, 2013 75¢

Tax bill report over $70M short State finance chief says analysis of measure’s impact before rushed House vote used faulty figures

By Steve Terrell

The New Mexican

Gov. Susana Martinez’s finance chief admitted to legislators this week that he gave the state House of Representatives inaccurate information on the controversial tax bill that zipped through the Legislature amid confusion in the closing minutes of the session.

Tom Clifford, secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration, admitted that estimates he gave of how much the major tax package would cost the state were wrong. He said the bill, which Martinez predicts will stimulate economic development, could cost more in future years than legislators were told before they passed it. Clifford had told the House that the

bill, which includes a reduction of the state’s corporate income tax rate from 7.6 percent to 5.9 percent over a five-year period, would have a positive effect on state revenue over the next five years. However, a fiscal impact report published a few days after the legislation session ended said the state could end

Please see TAX, Page A-4

Shedding light on a lost artist

Buy the book Edward O’Brien, Mural Artist, 19101975, by Peter E. Lopez, is available at Collected Works Bookstore or for $25.


Department of Finance and Administration secretary apologized for using the wrong figures to analyze a tax bill’s impact on the state before a House vote.

Obama aims for damage control In flurry of actions, president fires IRS chief, tackles Benghazi attack and AP phone records By Julie Pace

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Under mounting pressure, President Barack Obama on Wednesday released a trove of documents related to the Benghazi attack and forced out the top official at the Internal Revenue Service following revelations that the agency targeted conservative political groups. The moves were aimed at halting a perception spreading among both White House opponents and allies that the president has been passive and disengaged as controversies consume his second term. In another action, the White House asked Congress to revive a media shield law that would protect

Please see OBAMA, Page A-4

InSIde u Holder faces tough questions in Congress. PAge A-4 u Email shows Patraeus objected to CIA’s revision of talking points on Benghazi attack. PAge A-5 Edward O’Brien’s mural in the main building of the St. Catherine Indian School campus in Santa Fe is one of four murals he completed in New Mexico. Peter Lopez, a santero from Montezuma, published the first biography on O’Brien after being awestruck by the mural, Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Love for the Indian Race, in 2009. NATALIE GUILLÉN/NEW MEXICAN FILE PHOTO

Work of muralist featured in new biography hangs in darkened building on St. Catherine Indian School campus By Tom Sharpe

The New Mexican


eter E. Lopez was introduced to the work of Edward O’Brien four years ago, when he visited the abandoned main building of the St. Catherine Indian School campus. Lopez, a santero who lives in Montezuma near Las Vegas, N.M., made arrangements to get inside the building at the behest of his sister, a home designer, who had a client request for a rendition of a mural inside the building. The electricity on


Fashion Showcase 2013 Santa Fe Community College’s student fashion show, 6:30 p.m., Jemez Room, SFCC, 6401 Richards Ave., $8 in advance, $10 at the door, 428-1358.

the campus had been shut off, leaving the mural in darkness, so Barbara Tafoya, the real estate agent who led Lopez inside, agreed to remove the window coverings. “When we returned to the room, sunlight was streaming through the windows onto the twenty by ten foot mural that stood before us,” Lopez writes in his new biography of O’Brien. “There was complete silence between Barbara and me as we gazed upon the mural. I was in awe of the magnificent work of art before me.” O’Brien’s mural, Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Love

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Obituaries Lennon James McAdams, 92, May 10 Esequiel Lopez, 97, Pecos, May 13 Carlotta Clark-Van Brunt Luis E. Guzman, 62, Albuquerque, May 8 Dr. Richard Arellanes, 66, Las Vegas, N.M., May 12 PAge A-10


for the Indian Race, depicts the Virgin of Guadalupe surrounded by images of Native Americans — from ancient Maya masks to more modern images of Southwestern Indians at Roman Catholic services. Lopez said he had never heard of O’Brien before seeing the mural. After viewing the work, he searched the Internet for information on the artist, but found nothing. “He was off the map,” Lopez said. “I wanted to put him back on the map. New Mexicans should know about him.” That led to

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Today Mostly sunny. High 83, low 48.

McCurdy ousted in state semifinals Jemez Valley holds off Bobcats for shot at Class A title in game today against Capitan. SPOrTS, B-1

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Medical care shortage in N.M. likely to increase Aging population, wider insurance coverage to strain health providers By Barry Massey

The Associated Press

New Mexicans could have longer waits for a doctor or specialist as demand grows for medical services because of an aging population and expanded insurance coverage under the federal health care law, legislative auditors said Wednesday. A report released by the Legislative Finance Committee said state residents could encounter growing problems of access to medical care due to the potential need of 2,000 physicians, 3,000 registered nurses and as many as 800 dentists. Up to 172,000 uninsured New Mexicans are expected to receive medical coverage next year, either

Please see CAre, Page A-4

Two sections, 24 pages 164th year, No. 136 Publication No. 596-440


THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013

NATION&WORLD The Associated Press


As Pope Francis toured St. Peter’s Square in his open-topped popemobile Wednesday during his audience with the public, someone at the edge of the crowd thrust a bird cage at him. Looking puzzled, his security detail took the cage, containing a pair of doves, and handed it to Francis. Without hesitation, the pope opened the cage, extracted one bird and released it over the square. L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

By Alan Levin

Bloomberg News

WASHINGTON — The regional airliner was climbing past 9,000 feet when its compasses went haywire, leading pilots several miles off course until a flight attendant persuaded a passenger in row 9 to switch off an iPhone. “The timing of the cellphone being turned off coincided with the moment where our heading problem was solved,” the unidentified co-pilot told NASA’s Aviation Safety Reporting System about the 2011 incident. The plane landed safely. Public figures from Sen. Claire McCaskill to actor Alec Baldwin have bristled at what they say are excessive rules restricting use of tablets, smartphones, laptops and other devices during flights. More than a decade of pilot reports and scientific studies tell a different story. Government and airline reporting systems have logged dozens of cases in which passenger electronics were suspected of interfering with navigation, radios and other equipment. The FAA in January appointed an advisory committee from the airline and technology industries to recommend whether or how to

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broaden electronics use in planes. The agency will consider the committee’s recommendations, which it said are expected in July. Lab tests have shown some devices emit radio waves powerful enough to interfere with airline equipment, according to NASA, aircraft manufacturer Boeing and Britain’s Civil Aviation Authority. Even Delta Air Lines, which argued for relaxed rules, told the Federal Aviation Administration its pilots and mechanics reported 27 suspected incidents of passenger electronics causing aircraft malfunctions from 2010 to 2012. Delta said it couldn’t verify there was interference in any of those cases. The FAA prohibits use of electronics below 10,000 feet, with the exception of portable recording devices, hearing aids, heart pacemakers and electric shavers. Once above that altitude, devices can be used in “airplane mode,” which blocks their ability to broadcast radio signals, according to the FAA. There’s an exception for devices that aircraft manufacturers or an airline demonstrates are safe, such as laptops that connect to approved Wi-Fi networks. The potential risks from personal electronic devices are increasing as


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Pentagon under fire for sex abuse WASHINGTON — One after another, the charges have tumbled out — allegations of sexual assaults in the military that have triggered outrage, from local commanders to Capitol Hill and the Oval Office. But for a Pentagon under fire, there seem to be few clear solutions beyond improved training and possible adjustments in how the military prosecutes such crimes. Changing the culture of a male-dominated, change-resistant military that for years has tolerated sexism and sexist behavior is proving to be a challenging task. “We’re losing the confidence of the women who serve that we can solve this problem,” the top U.S. military officer, Gen. Martin Dempsey, said in unusually strong terms Wednesday. “That’s a crisis.” Dempsey, whose comments during a flight from Europe to Washington were reported by the Pentagon’s internal news service, suggested that a deepening of the sexual assault problem may be linked to the strains of war. “I tasked those around me to help me understand what a decade-plus of conflict may have done to the force,” he said. “Instinctively, I knew it had to have some effect.” The Associated Press

the aviation system transitions to satellite-based navigation, according to the FAA. In order to improve efficiency, planes will fly closer together using GPS technology. As a result, interference from electronics “cannot be tolerated,” the agency said last year. While sticking with its prohibitions on use during some phases of flight, the FAA in 2010 issued guidelines allowing broader use of personal electronics. Following techniques suggested by RTCA, a Washington-based nonprofit that advises the FAA on technology, airlines have been able to install Wi-Fi networks allowing passengers to go online in flight. Four in 10 airline passengers surveyed in December by groups including the Consumer Electronics Association said they want to be able to use electronic devices in all phases of flight. Thirty percent of passengers in that same study said they’d accidentally left on a device during a flight. McCaskill, D-Mo., has called for lifting restrictions on non-phone devices such as the Kindle. In an interview, she called the existing rules “ridiculous.” Restrictions on U.S. commercial aircraft began in 1966 after research

found some portable radios interfered with navigation equipment, according to the FAA’s request last year for comments on whether it should change existing rules. In one 2004 test, a sincediscontinued Samsung Electronics cellphone’s signal was powerful enough to blot out global-positioning satellites, according to NASA. The device, which met all government standards, was tested because a corporate flight department had discovered the phone rendered a plane’s three GPS receivers useless, NASA’s researchers reported. While such incidents are rare and difficult to re-create, they continue to pile up. A log kept by the Montreal-based International Air Transport Association airline trade group recorded 75 cases of suspected interference from 2003 to 2009, Perry Flint, a spokesman for the group, said in an interview. Peter Bernard Ladkin, a professor of computer networks at the University of Bielefeld in Germany, said he has compiled similar accounts from pilots in Europe. “These are serious, conscientious pilots,” Ladkin said. “They know what they’re doing. They don’t subscribe to theories about ghosts or something.”

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Robin Martin

CANNES, France — The Cannes Film Festival got off to a blockbuster, if stormy start, as Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby opened on a soggy French Riviera. Amid heavy rain, dancing flappers flocked down the Cannes red carpet Wednesday night, bringing a touch of the Jazz Age to the Croisette. Gatsby stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan and Tobey Maguire helped give the festival’s opening day a strong dose of star power. At the opening ceremony, DiCaprio, joined by his Gatsby co-star, Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan, declared the 66th Cannes officially begun. Over the next 12 days, dozens of the world’s most artistically ambitious films will premiere on Cannes’ global stage. But Wednesday was a day for blockbusters — both the big-budget Gatsby and Hollywood’s most accomplished director of spectacle: Steven Spielberg. Spielberg is serving as jury president at this year’s Cannes. His presence here is a rarity (he’s had films at Cannes before, including E.T. and Sugarland Express, but never had a movie in competition), and he was


‘Off’ button key to pilot interference reports

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Stormy Cannes gets underway

By Lindsey Tanner

The Santa Fe New Mexican


In brief

Shrinks, critics face off over DSM revisions CHICAGO — In the new psychiatric manual of mental disorders, grief soon after a loved one’s death can be considered major depression. Extreme childhood temper tantrums get a fancy name. And certain “senior moments” are called “mild neurocognitive disorder.” Those changes are just some of the reasons prominent critics say the American Psychiatric Association is out of control, turning common human problems into mental illnesses in a trend they say will just make the “pop-a-pill” culture worse. Says a former leader of the group: “Normal needs to be saved from powerful forces trying to convince us that we are all sick.” At issue is the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, widely known as the DSM-5. The DSM has long been considered the authoritative source for diagnosing mental problems. The psychiatric association formally introduces the nearly 1,000-page revised version this weekend in San Francisco. It’s the manual’s first major update in nearly 20 years, and a backlash has taken shape in recent weeks. The manual’s release comes at a time of increased scrutiny of health care costs and concern about drug company influence over doctors. Critics point to a landscape in which TV ads describe symptoms for mental disorders and promote certain drugs to treat them. Previous versions of the DSM were also loudly criticized, but the latest one comes at a time of soaring diagnoses of illnesses listed in the manual and billions of dollars spent each year on psychiatric drugs. The group’s 34,000 members are psychiatrists — medical doctors who specialize in treating mental illness. Unlike psychologists and other therapists without medical degrees, they can prescribe medication. While there has long been rivalry between the two groups, the DSM-5 revisions have stoked the tensions. The most contentious changes include: u Diagnosing as major depression the extreme sadness, weight loss, fatigue and trouble sleeping some experience after a loved one’s death. Major depression is often treated with antidepressants. u Calling frequent, extreme temper tantrums “disruptive mood dysregulation disorder,” a new diagnosis. The psychiatric association says the label is meant to apply to youngsters who in the past might have been misdiagnosed as having bipolar disorder. Critics say it turns normal tantrums into mental illness. u Diagnosing mental decline that goes beyond normal aging as “mild neurocognitive disorder.” Affected people may find it takes more effort to pay bills or manage their medications. Critics of the term say it will stigmatize “senior moments.” u Calling excessive thoughts or feelings about pain or other discomfort “somatic symptom disorder,” something that could affect the healthy as well as cancer patients. Critics say the term turns normal reactions to a disease into mental illness. u Adding binge eating as a new category for overeating that occurs at least once a week for at least three months. It could apply to people who sometimes gulp down a pint of ice cream when they’re alone and then feel guilty about it. u Removing Asperger’s syndrome as a separate diagnosis and putting it under the umbrella term “autism spectrum disorder.” Dr. David Kupfer, chairman of the task force that oversaw the DSM-5, said the changes are based on solid research and will help make sure people get accurate diagnoses and treatment.


DEMETRIA MARTINEZ: The author reads from and signs copies of The Block Captain’s Daughter, 6 p.m. Collected Works Bookstore, 202 Galisteo St. FASHION SHOWCASE 2013: Santa Fe Community College’s student fashion show, 6:30 p.m., doors open at 6, Jemez Room, $8 in advance, $10 at the door, youth discounts available, 428-1358. Santa Fe Community College, 6401 Richards Ave. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BEGINNERS: Workshop for anyone who wants to learn about social media. The first half hour of this two-hour workshop addresses a basic overview of what social media is and what it can deliver. Trainer: Amy Lahti, WESST/Albuquerque. RSVP: rperea@wesst. org. WESST/SFBI, 3900 Paseo Del Sol. NATIONAL THEATRE OF LONDON IN HD: The broadcast series continues with This House, a play about Parliament by James Graham, 7 p.m., $22, student discounts available, Lensic Performing Arts Center, 211 W. San Francisco St.


Lotteries pianist Chris Ishee, 7-9 p.m., no cover. 213 Washington Ave. COWGIRL BBQ: Chava and Paid My Dues Rhythm & Blues, 8 p.m., no cover. 319 S. Guadalupe St. EVANGELO’S: Guitarist Little Leroy with Mark Clark on drums and Tone Forrest on bass, 9 p.m.-close, call for cover. 200 W. San Francisco St. LA BOCA: Nacha Mendez, pan-latin chanteuse, 7-9 p.m., no cover. 72 W. Marcy St. LA FIESTA LOUNGE AT LA FONDA: Bill Hearne Trio, roadhouse honky-tonk, 7:30 p.m., no cover. 100 E. San Francisco St. LA POSADA DE SANTA FE RESORT AND SPA: Pat Malone Jazz Trio, 6 p.m., no cover. 330 E. Palace Ave. STEAKSMITH AT EL GANCHO: Mariachi Sonidos del Monte, 6:30-8 p.m., no cover. 104-B Old Las Vegas Highway. THE MATADOR: DJ Inky spinning soul/punk/ska, 8:30 p.m.-close, call for cover. 116 W. San Francisco St. VANESSIE: Bert Dalton Duo, jazz, 7 p.m.-close, call for cover. 427 W. Water St.

VOLUNTEER COMMUNITY FARM: The Santa Fe Community Farm in the Village of Agua Fría, 1829 San Ysidro Crossing, grows and gives fresh fruits and vegetables to the homeless and

less fortunate. Volunteers of any age and ability are needed to help out. Drop in and spend time in the sunshine and fresh air. The hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, except Wednesdays and Sundays. For information, email sfcommunity or visit www. PEOPLE FOR NATIVE ECOSYSTEMS: Volunteers are needed to join the feeding team for the prairie dog colonies in Santa Fe. If you can give a few hours a week to help, call Pat Carlton at 988-1596. PET PROJECT: Do you love “thrifting?” Would you like to help the animals of Northern New Mexico? Combine your passions by joining the Santa Fe Animal Shelter’s resale team. The stores, Look What The Cat Dragged In 1 and 2, benefit homeless animals, and volunteers are needed to maintain the sales floor, sort donations and create displays to showcase our unique merchandise. The stores are at 2570-A Camino Entrada (next to Outback Steakhouse) and 541 W. Cordova Road, next to Wells Fargo. No experience necessary. For more information, contact Katherine Rodriguez at 983-4309, ext. 128, or krodriguez@sfhumane, or Anne Greene at 474-6300 or agreene@

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Corrections The New Mexican will correct factual errors in its news stories. Errors should be brought to the attention of the city editor at 986-3035. KITCHEN ANGELS: Join the crew by volunteering two hours a week. It will make a real difference in the lives of homebound neighbors. Kitchen Angels is looking for drivers to deliver food between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. Visit or call 471-7780 to learn more.


Stem cells produced from human cloning Researchers likely to step up demand for donated eggs By Melissa Healy Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — For the first time, scientists have created human embryos that are genetic copies of living people and used them to make stem cells — a feat that paves the way for treating a range of diseases with personalized body tissues but also ignites fears of human cloning. If replicated in other labs, the methods detailed Wednesday in the journal Cell would allow researchers to fashion human embryonic stem cells that are custom-made for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other health problems. Theoretically capable of reproducing themselves indefinitely, these stem cells could be used to grow replacements for a wide variety of diseased cells — those of the blood, skin, heart, brain, muscles, nerves and more — that would not risk rejection by the patient’s immune system. The report also raises the specter that, with a highquality donor egg, a bit of skin, some careful tending in a lab and the womb of a willing surrogate, humans have cracked the biological secret to reproducing themselves. That is an objective American scientists have squarely renounced as unethical and scientifically irresponsible. At the same time, most acknowledge that such “reproductive cloning” will one day prove too tempting to resist. In the hope that other researchers will validate and extend their results, the scientists at Oregon Health & Science University provided an exceptionally detailed account of their techniques. But for anyone with a well-equipped fertility lab, the comprehensive guide could be a useful handbook for cloning a baby. OHSU cell biologist Shoukhrat Mitalipov led a team of 23 scientists who methodically culled the lessons learned from stem cell research on amphibians, mice and rhesus monkeys — as well as from

the abundant failures of others in the field. They devised a welter of new techniques to use the DNA of a fully formed skin cell in its most primitive embryonic form. The approach they used — called somatic cell nuclear transfer — effectively strips an egg of its chromosomes and packs it instead with DNA from a donor. The researchers said their methods were so efficient that they could create at least one embryonic stem cell line from each batch of eggs donated by 10 female volunteers. In one case, a single donor produced eight eggs of such exceptional quality that researchers were able to derive four embryonic stem cell lines. The success of the experiments rekindled debate among bioethicists, who have long anticipated that human cloning would become a reality. Though 13 states have passed laws banning reproductive cloning, the United States is one of just a few industrialized countries that has not prohibited the practice. Seven states also have banned therapeutic cloning. Oregon is not one of them. The OHSU team’s success underscores the urgent need for federal rules that spell out consistent national limits on therapeutic cloning and put a clear ban on the technology’s use in fertility clinics, said Johns Hopkins University bioethicist Jeffrey Kahn. Researchers are also likely to step up their demand for donated eggs so they can conduct similar experiments.


Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN

Cardinal to atone for misconduct Cardinal Keith O’Brien Scottish cleric gets rare sanction, the first by Pope Francis.

By Nicole Winfield The Associated Press

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican on Wednesday ordered a disgraced Scottish cardinal to leave Scotland for several months to pray and atone for sexual misconduct, issuing a rare public sanction against a “prince of the church” and the first such punishment meted out by Pope Francis. Cardinal Keith O’Brien resigned as archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh and recused himself from the March conclave that elected Francis pope after a newspaper reported unnamed priests’ allegations that he acted inappropriately toward them. O’Brien subsequently acknowledged he had engaged in unspecified sexual misbehavior. He apologized and promised to stay out of the church’s public life. On Wednesday, the Vatican said O’Brien, once Britain’s highest-ranking Catholic leader, would leave Scotland for several months of “spiritual renewal, prayer and penance” for the same reasons he decided not to participate in the conclave. The statement didn’t specify that the decision was imposed

on O’Brien by the Vatican as punishment, and in fact went out of its way to suggest that the decision was O’Brien’s. But in the past, wayward priests have been sanctioned by the Vatican with punishments of “prayer and penance,” and the statement made clear Francis supported the move and that the Holy See would decide his future fate. Such a sanction is very much in keeping with the church’s legal tradition of making a public reparation for a scandal done to the church, said Austen Ivereigh, director of the Catholic Voices, a British-based Catholic advocacy group. “Because there has been a public scandal, there has to be a public reparation in some way, and it is normal for somebody to be sent away,” he said in a phone interview. “This is very much in that canonical tradition of making public reparation.”



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The issue is significant because victims of clerical abuse have long denounced the lack of accountability among the church hierarchy for having covered up the crimes of pedophile priests. Bishops and cardinals have long been virtually untouchable. Even though O’Brien has not been accused of abusing minors, his case had been watched to see if Francis would dare take any action against a senior cardinal who had strayed. “For a church member to be asked to leave the place of his residence for a period of penance and prayer, it’s about as a strong a sanction as you can get,” said Ivereigh. The Vatican spokesman declined to provide further explanation Wednesday and the spokesman for the Scottish church declined to comment.

Deal reached in suit

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A lawsuit filed against the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and Bishop Robert Finn by a girl who was 2 years old when Kansas City priest Shawn Ratigan took pornographic photos of her has tentatively been settled for $600,000, Minnesota attorney Gregg Meyers, representing the girl, said Wednesday. It was reached after a full day of mediation between the parties Tuesday, soon after U.S. District Judge Gary Fenner in Kansas City dismissed one of two counts in the suit. Ratigan pleaded guilty in August to taking pornographic photos of the girl, known as Jane Doe 173 in the litigation, in May 2006 at a church in Buchanan County. He awaits sentencing. The Associated Press

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THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013

Holder gets grilling in Congress The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans and Democrats on Wednesday challenged Attorney General Eric Holder over the Justice Department’s handling of the investigation of national security leaks and its failure to talk to The Associated Press before issuing subpoenas for the news service’s telephone records. In exchanges that often turned testy, Holder defended the inquiry while pointing out that he had removed himself from any decision on subpoenas. The attorney general explained that he had been interviewed about what he knew of national security developments that prompted the probe. The investigation follows congressional demands into whether Obama administration officials leaked secret information to the media last year to enhance the president’s national security credentials in an election year. The Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for the AP, seizing the records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to the AP and its journalists in April and May 2012. Holder defended the move to collect AP phone records in an effort to hunt down the sources of information for a May 7, 2012, AP story that disclosed details of a CIA operation in Yemen to stop an airliner bombing plot around the anniversary of the killing of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. The attorney general called the story the result of “a very serious leak, a very grave leak.” Under questioning, Holder said he recused himself from the investigation though he couldn’t provide the panel with the exact date nor did he do so formally in writing. “There doesn’t appear to be any acceptance of responsibility for things that have gone wrong,” Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., told Holder. He suggested that administration officials travel to the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and take a photo of the famous sign, “The buck stops here.”

Obama: Criticized for slow reaction Continued from Page A-1 journalists from having to reveal information, a step seen as a response to the Justice Department’s widely criticized subpoenas of phone records from reporters and editors at The Associated Press. The flurry of activity signaled a White House anxious to regain control amid the trio of deepening controversies. The incidents have emboldened Republicans, overshadowed Obama’s legislative agenda and threatened to plunge his second term into a steady stream of congressional investigations. Standing in the East Room of the White House, the president said Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller had resigned and vowed that more steps would be taken to hold those responsible accountable. “Americans have a right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it,” Obama said of the IRS actions. “I will not tolerate this kind of behavior at any agency, but especially at the IRS, given the power that it has and the reach that it has into all of our lives.” The president, seeking to keep up his more robust profile on the controversies, also said he would take questions from reporters Thursday at a previously scheduled news conference with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Obama had addressed the IRS matter on Monday, but his measured words left many unsatisfied, particularly given that he had waited three days to address the developments. He also repeatedly asserted that he was waiting to find out if the reports were accurate, even though top IRS officials had already acknowledged the controversial actions. Adding to narrative of a passive president were White House

efforts to distance Obama from the IRS scandal, as well as the revelations that the Justice Department had secretly obtained work and personal phone records of journalists. In both cases, the White House insisted the president had no prior knowledge of the events and learned about the matters like the general public — from news reports. Obama’s cautious response, combined with his lack of awareness about controversies brewing within his administration, opened him to quick criticism from his Republican foes. “If Obama really learned about the latest IRS and AP secret subpoena scandals in the news, who exactly is running the ship at the White House?” Republican National Committee spokesman Kirsten Kukowski said. But in a worrying sign for the White House, some Democrats also criticized the president for not being more aggressive in responding to trouble within the government. Robert Gibbs, Obama’s former White House press secretary, said the president should have appointed a bipartisan commission of former IRS officials to look into the issue of targeting political organizations. And Gibbs gently chided his former boss for using passive language when he first addressed the political targeting during a White House news conference Monday. “I think they would have a much better way of talking about this story rather than simply kind of landing on the, ‘well if this happened, then we’ll look at it,’ ” Gibbs said during an appearance on MSNBC. The pair of new fresh controversies coincided with a resurgence in the GOP-led investigation into the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the U.S. ambas-

sador and three other Americans. Congressional Republicans launched another round of hearings on the attacks last week. And on Friday, a congressional official disclosed details of emails among administration officials that resulted in the CIA downplaying the prospect that the attacks were an act of terror in talking points used to publicly discuss the deadly incident. Obama aides insisted the emails were either taken out of context or provided no new information but resisted pressure to make the emails public for five days, before finally disclosing the documents to reporters Wednesday. The emails revealed that then-CIA Director David Petraeus disagreed with the final talking points, despite the White House’s insistence that the intelligence agency had the final say over the statements. The White House has publicly defended its handling of the controversies. Obama spokesman Jay Carney has insisted it would be “wholly inappropriate” for the president, in the case of the Justice Department matter, to weigh in on an active investigation, and in the case of the IRS controversy, to insert himself in the actions of an independent agency. However, legal scholar Jonathan Turley disputed those assertions, saying there is no legal reason a president would be precluded from learning about the investigations before the public or commenting on them, at least broadly. “These comments treat the president like he’s the bubble boy,” said Turley, a law professor at George Washington University. David Axelrod, Obama’s longtime adviser, acknowledged the White House could have acted more aggressively in “the interest of stagecraft.” But he insisted that the president’s handling of the matters will ultimately be vindicated.

Artist: Mural at Sombrillo ashram was O’Brien’s last Continued from Page A-1 Edward O’Brien, Mural Artist, 1910-1975, published earlier this year, the first biography of the muralist. O’Brien was born to Irish Catholic parents in Pittsburgh in 1910. He studied art at the Carnegie Tech and then the Art Institute of Chicago, and then he lived in a cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. A punctured ear drum kept him out of World War II. The post-war years found him roaming the country, riding freight trains and doing odd jobs, but remaining true to his artistic and spiritual quests. For a time, he lived in a Trappist Monastery in Kentucky. He also visited Mexico to see its murals. Upon returning from Mexico in 1960, O’Brien, then 50, moved to Santa Fe, at the suggestion of a friend, to work as a book illustrator. Soon, he was offered a commission to paint a mural at the Loretto Academy for Girls. The work was lavishly praised in The New Mexican, “setting into motion events which changed his life,” Lopez writes. When Loretto Academy was demolished, O’Brien’s mural, painted on canvas, was moved to a morada in La Madera. Over the next 15 years of his life, O’Brien completed six religiously themed murals, each taking two to three years to complete. In addition to the two in Santa Fe, he painted one at the Benedictine Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey in Pecos, one at St. Benedict’s Abbey in Benet Lake, Wis., one at the Catholic Parish of St. Pius V in

Muralist Edward O’Brien died in 1975, less than a month after completing his last mural at the Sikh ashram in Sombrillo near Española. COURTESY SIKHNET.COM

Chicago and one at the Sikh ashram in Sombrillo near Española. O’Brien died in 1975, less than a month after completing the Sikh mural, which depicts white-robed, turbanwearing, bearded men in meditation surrounding the Virgin of Guadalupe. His remains were brought back to the St. Catherine campus for a viewing and

funeral service in front of the mural he had painted there. He was buried in the campus cemetery. Lopez, 73, paid to publish 144 copies of his biography on O’Brien, which is available at the Collected Works Bookstore in Santa Fe or via at $25 per copy. Lopez, who is putting the finishing touches on El Campesino,

a 14-foot sculpture of a farmworker carved from a dead Siberian elm in Las Vegas’ Old Town Plaza, said about half the initial copies of the book have sold so far, and that he will consider another press run in the future. Contact Tom Sharpe at 986-3080 or

Tax: Santa Fe rep says wrong numbers swayed vote Continued from Page A-1 up forgoing more than $70 million in fiscal 2017. Clifford’s apology to legislators this week prompted one veteran Santa Fe lawmaker to respond that many of his colleagues would have voted against the tax bill if they’d been given the right numbers. “That’s my opinion,” Rep. Jim Trujillo, D-Santa Fe, said on Wednesday. Trujillo, who is deputy chairman of the House Taxation and Revenue Committee, said he voted against the tax bill despite the more optimistic numbers that Clifford gave the House during the rushed last-minute debate on the bill in March. Clifford this week apologized to the committee for giving wrong figures on the House floor, saying he was using figures from an analysis on an earlier version of an omnibus tax bill. “Secretary Clifford was working from a preliminary draft of a fiscal analysis during the lengthy legislation, and the final fiscal analysis shows that there is

Jim Trujillo Santa Fe Democrat says many would have voted against House tax bill if impact report had been accurate. ample revenue to cover any losses from the tax reductions,” a spokesman for Clifford said Wednesday. “Over a 17-year phase-in, the tax bill is revenue-positive early on, dips negative for a few years and goes back to positive for the remainder of the implementation,” spokesman Tim Korte said. The tax bill, which could raise the tax burden on cities and counties while decreasing the rates for businesses by gradually eliminating “hold harmless” payments from the state to local governments, passed with wide bipartisan support. Only a few Democrats and a handful of Republicans in the House voted against it.

Brian Egolf

Fellow Santa Fe Democrat says projected revenue losses in 2017 won’t be a big problem for state. Is Trujillo right that other legislators would have voted against the tax bill, had they known about the projected negative revenue effect in 2017? Rep. Brian Egolf, D-Santa Fe, said Wednesday, “I can’t really argue with Jim about that. Some members might have changed their votes.” However, Egolf, who voted for the bill, said different fiscal projections from Clifford wouldn’t have changed his vote. “There were too many things in that bill that needed to be passed,” he said. He pointed to a portion of the bill that makes multistate corporations pay the same corporate tax rates as local businesses. Egolf also said the part of

the bill that gives bigger incentives for television series production in the state was essential for the economy. As for the projected revenue losses in 2017, Egolf said that shouldn’t be a serious problem for the state budget. He suggested that putting less money into state reserves would ease that impact. Trujillo said he was concerned about a portion of the bill that phases out “holdharmless” payments to state and city governments for revenues lost by eliminating the gross receipts tax on food and medicine several years ago. He also said he doubts supporters’ claims that the lower corporate tax rate in the bill will attract businesses to New Mexico. “I think a better way to attract businesses is to fix the education system,” he said. Many opponents decried the fact that the bill — introduced in the final hour of the the session in the Senate in the form of a lengthy amendment of a film-incentive bill — was not debated in any committee, that the floor debate was rushed and some opponents were not allowed to speak.

Care: Increase in health providers critical Continued from Page A-1 through an expansion of Medicaid or a state-run health insurance exchange. More than 400,000 New Mexicans lack health care coverage. “The number of health care professionals and their maldistribution throughout the state cannot adequately meet current demand, let alone the additional pressures brought about by the newly insured in 2014,” the report said. “In the near term, the lack of supply will result in longer wait times to see a provider and more difficulty accessing specialists. As New Mexico’s population expands and becomes proportionately older, the state can expect even greater health care access problems.” Auditors said “it’s unlikely that New Mexico will experience a train wreck” in 2014, but there will be a gradual deterioration of access to health care. Auditors recommended the state take a number of steps to increase the number of health care providers, including physician assistants and nurse practitioners who can help ease the shortage of doctors. “About half of the population is basically healthy and can be cared for by nurse practitioners and physician assistants, a professional group that can be trained more quickly and at less cost than physicians,” the report said. However, New Mexico produces more physicians than it does nurse practitioners. From 2007 to 2011, the state’s public colleges and universities educated 234 nurse practitioners, while 263 physicians came out of the New Mexico’s medical school. There were 79 physician assistants educated during that same time. The report said the total number of registered nurse degrees from New Mexico schools dropped from 2007 to 2011, despite the state providing $28 million to nursing programs since 2004. Auditors suggested the state’s Medical Board should consider expanding the role of physician assistants by giving them more independence to practice outside the supervision of a doctor. Other recommendations in the report include increasing money for programs to train physicians in family medicine, expanding student loan repayment programs for physicians and reviewing licensing requirements for all health care professionals to eliminate possible barriers for recruiting more providers to New Mexico. Auditors said New Mexico needs to change the delivery of health care so that patients with chronic illnesses, who use a greater share of medical services, get more coordinated care. “New Mexico should shift its emphasis from sick care to wellness and prevention, thus redefining the health care workforce and delivery of health care services beyond the traditional clinical setting,” the report said. The recruitment and training of medical professionals needs to reflect those changes in how health care is provided, auditors said. At a committee hearing on the audit, Dr. Michael Landen, the state epidemiologist, said New Mexico needed to not only increase the number of medical providers in the state but also to address disparities in health care access. Southeastern New Mexico was most lacking in health care coverage, he said. That largely rural area has the highest rate of cancer deaths but the lowest number of oncologists. “We can’t just allow our health care resources to end up where they will, distributed where they will,” Landen said.


Interior chief to focus on Indian eduation cal state of our schools The Associated Press remains a significant chalWASHINGTON — Interior lenge.” Jewell Secretary Sally Jewell told a testified that Senate panel Wednesday that 68 schools “Indian education is embarrasswere in poor ing” as she laid out her prioricondition but ties on issues affecting Native Sally Jewell later said the Americans and Alaska Natives. number in writJewell made her first appearance as Interior secretary before ten testimony, 63, was accurate. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., the Senate Indian Affairs Comasked about the state of school mittee, chaired by Sen. Maria repairs in his opening remarks Cantwell, D-Wash. The Intebefore Jewell testified. He said in rior Department includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which a school on a reservation in his state is “desperate, desperate” for oversees a school system for replacement and deals regularly Native Americans. Jewell said some $2 billion has with leaky roofs, mold, rodent been spent on American Indian infestations and sewer problems. “When the wind starts blowschools over the past decade ing at a certain rate, they have and that dozens of schools to leave the school because it remain in poor condition. She doesn’t meet the safety stanalso said across-the-board feddards. This can be when it’s 20 eral budget cuts have forced a $40 million reduction to Indian below zero in northern Minnesota. It puts the Indian education education spending. “Indian system to shame,” Franken said. education is embarrassing to There is a $1.3 billion backlog you and to us,” Jewell said. on Indian school construction After the hearing, Jewell said projects, Franken said. Even so, she has not yet been on a tour the president did not request of schools — she was sworn in new funding for rebuilding April 12 — but has been told of schools, “leaving thousands the serious condition of some of Indian children to study in of the schools serving Native crumbling and even dangerous American children. “When we have a number of schools iden- buildings,” he said. Jewell said her agency “cannot tified as in poor condition, that’s not what we aspire to,” she said. repair and replace schools without money.” She said her agency In written testimony, Jewell has made what happens in the said the $2 billion in spending classroom and repairs, rather had reduced the number of than new school construction, schools from more than 120 to 63, but she stated that the “physi- the spending priorities for 2014. By Suzanne Gamboa

Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN

CIA revised Benghazi talking points Email shows Petraeus wanted more disclosure

scratched out from the CIA’s early drafts of talking points mentions of al-Qaida, the experience of fighters in Libya, Islamic extremists and a warning to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo on the eve of the attacks By Nedra Pickler The Associated Press of calls for a demonstration. “No mention of the cable to Cairo, WASHINGTON — Then CIA-Director either?” Petraeus wrote after receiving David Petraeus objected to the final talking Morell’s edited version, developed after points that U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice an intense back-and-forth among Obama used five days after the deadly assault on administration officials. “Frankly, I’d just as a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, soon not use this, then.” because he wanted to see more detail pubSenior administration officials told licly released, including a warning issued reporters Wednesday that Morell made the from the CIA about plans for an embassy changes to the talking points because of attack, a newly released email shows. his own concerns that they could prejudge The White House on Wednesday an FBI investigation into who was responreleased 99 pages of emails and a single sible for the Sept. 11, 2012, attack that killed page of handwritten notes made by U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three Petraeus’ deputy, Mike Morell, after a other Americans. The officials said Morell meeting at the White House the day before also didn’t think it was fair to disclose the Rice’s appearance. On that page, Morell CIA’s advance warning without giving the

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State Department a chance to explain how it responded. Critics have highlighted an email by then-State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland that expressed concern that any mention of prior warnings or the involvement of al-Qaida would give congressional Republicans ammunition to attack the administration in the weeks before the presidential election. Fighting terror was one of President Barack Obama’s re-election strong points. That email was among those released by the White House, sent by Nuland on Sept. 14 at 7:39 p.m. to officials in the White House, State Department and CIA. “I have serious concerns about all the parts highlighted below, and arming members of Congress to start making assertions to the media that we ourselves are not making because we don’t want to prejudice the investigation,” she wrote.

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CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! Share the good news with all your neighbors, friends and family in The Santa Fe New Mexican! All Graduates Welcome! College, High School, Vocational, Middle School, Elementary School, Day Care.

Amanda R. Portillo Capital High School

Henry Gerard Lucero

Congrats Panda! With love and pride we’ve watched you work hard and succeed. You continue to make us very proud. Love Mom, Dad, Grams and Paco.

University of New Mexico

Congratulations Lobo Louie on a job well done! Enjoy your career with Disney Entertainment. Love, Mom, Dad, Jessica and Berna.

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Leonard Noriega, Jr. Pagosa Springs Elementary

Our handsome Len, Congratulations! You’re on to Middle School. We’re so proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad, Grandma Rose, Lisa, Carl & Lute.


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THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013

Coss selects Utilities head to succeed city manager


Choice pending OK from councilors By Julie Ann Grimm The New Mexican

Martha Armijo is retiring after 38 years as a first-grade teacher at Carlos Gilbert Elementary. PHOTOS BY JANE PHILLIPS/THE NEW MEXICAN

A theatrical farewell Carlos Gilbert Elementary teacher concludes career with play about school

By Robert Nott The New Mexican


he story about the giant exploding pumpkin didn’t make it into Down Memory Lane, the show that students at Carlos Gilbert Elementary School are presenting this week for parents, teachers and other kids. Nor did the tale of the pet snake who got away in the school one day and whose skeletal remains were discovered by electricians many years later. But for the most part, the school pageant — orchestrated by former Carlos Gilbert teacher Dolores Pong and retiring teacher Martha Armijo and featuring Armijo’s firstgrade kids — covered the important parts of the school’s 71-year-history. The play debuted Wednesday afternoon and the students will perform it again at 6 p.m. Thursday at an event in the gym commemorating the retirement of three staffers, including Armijo. “I don’t feel sad,” Armijo said after the Wednesday show. “I feel good about the decision I made. I’ve taught about 900 first-grade students over the years. I’ve already taught kids of kids. I feel good about what I’ve done. It’s time to do something else.” But she went out in theatrical style, working with Pong — who retired last year after 37 years at the school — to put together a play honoring the school’s history. As the first-grade pageant made clear, Carlos Gilbert School is located on land once owned by the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, which ran its Chile Line down from Colorado to the old Santa Fe Depot off Guadalupe Street. The school district paid $3,600 for the property and built the school for less than $50,000 in the early 1940s; it opened in 1942. Carlos Gilbert was a life-insurance salesman who served on the school board — as one song in the show confirmed. The school’s first principal, Lida B. White, supervised 13 teachers in a school that only had three telephones in the entire building and a cafeteria in the basement. In the late 1940s, the school’s fourth-grade had almost 50 kids in it, and the teacher who handled that crowd earned about $82 a month. Armijo said she decided to retire in April, and that’s when she and Pong started putting together the show. She recalled opening and helping to operate the former Cosmic Cafe in

From left, 7-year-olds Katherine Sena, who played the first principal, Lida B. White, and Lucas Gabaldon, who portrayed Carlos Gilbert, return a chair to their classroom after performing in Down Memory Lane, a play about Carlos Gilbert Elementary School that was co-written and co-directed by Armijo, their first-grade teacher.

the downstairs hallway, where first-graders put together the menu (including ice cream sundaes) and waited on guests. That part of the school’s history was included in the play. Armijo grew up in Santa Fe and attended the Loretto Academy and later St. Michael’s High School. She still fondly recalls her mentor teacher, Mary Lou Stark, and said of her first day of teaching, “I was scared. I probably don’t remember the rest of it.” She, Pong and Robert Stark (who has been at the school about 30 years and runs the Astronaut Club, which is referenced in the play) were once the young trio of the school, Armijo recalled. The school long has had the reputation of keeping teachers for long periods of time, and it wasn’t until about 10 years after she started that Armijo, Pong and Stark suddenly became the veteran teachers after most of the old-timers retired one summer. Armijo’s last first-grade class is full of exceptional students, she said. Many of them praised her ability to teach them math. But when it came to guessing ages, the kids were a little flummoxed. One said Armijo is 37, another 27, and a third confidentially said that, because she has taught at the school for 38 years, she must be 41. Armijo declined to correct their math.

Student Olivia McFaul said Armijo is “smart and very friendly and she talks nice but sometimes we’re not nice back to her … and we have to be nice.” Maria Gauna, whose son, Michael, played the energetic black hawk mascot in the school play, said Armijo “finds something in all of her kids to make them love learning.” Marielee Rasor, whose twins, Christian and Aidan, are in Armijo’s class, said, “Our family benefited from [Armijo’s] years of experience. She’s had twins in her class before and she understands the dynamics of that relationship, what to do and how to handle the sense of competition.” Armijo, who is married — her husband’s name is Michael — said she will finish cleaning out her room next week after the last day of school on Tuesday, May 21. And then? “Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “I like building dollhouses and making miniatures. I want to take some time off for myself now.” The best thing about Carlos Gilbert, she said, is its small size, which leads to collegiality. “I’ve made a lot of friends here,” she said. “And colleagues. And, of course, there’s been a lot of good kids.” Contact Robert Nott at 986-3021 or

A longtime department head with the city of Santa Fe would become its next city manager if the City Council gives its approval later this month. Mayor David Coss said Wednesday he believes Brian Snyder, director of the city’s Public Utilities Department, is the best choice to replace City Manager Robert Romero, who will retire from the $128,500-a-year post at the end of the month. Snyder, 38, a state-licensed professional engineer, has been a city employee since 2004, working his way up from engineering supervisor in the Water Division. He became division director in 2009, then department director in 2010, with the responsibility to oversee the Water, Wastewater and Environmental Services divisions. Before moving to Santa Fe, Snyder worked in the private sector and for governments in Virginia and Pennsylvania. “He has managed a pretty large workforce. He is familiar with the union rules and City Hall, with procurement and in management,” Coss said in a telephone interview Wednesday. “I just think he’s a good guy to step in right now.” Romero was the third city manager appointed by Coss. His first city manager, Asenath Kepler, is an attorney who was on the job for about seven months before the City Council voted to terminate her contract. Coss had asked her to resign and she refused, later challenging Coss for election as mayor. Next came Galen Buller, also a former Public Utilities Department director, who filled the role for about four years. Romero, who had been director of the Public Works Department, was named city manager in 2010. Santa Fe’s city manager is charged with day-t0-day administrative control over city operations, including hiring, firing and oversight of about 1,500 employees. The city charter stipulates that the mayor appoints a city manager with the consent of the council. The next City Council meeting is May 29. Coss already has announced he won’t seek a third four-year term as mayor. That means whoever is elected in March of 2014 will be able to re-evaluate the manager choice. Four city councilors and a few other area residents have hinted they are considering campaigning for the mayor’s post. Councilor Patti Bushee is the only person to make a formal declaration of a campaign. Councilor Bill Dimas said Wednesday morning on a radio talk show, however, that he will enter the race. “In a way, I’ve made the decision. I’m going to run,” Dimas, a retired magistrate judge, said on the Julia Goldberg Morning Show on KVSF-FM 101.5. “I’m just not going to officially announce at this point.” Santa Fe’s official election calendar begins Sept. 3, when the city clerk will release documents so candidates may begin collecting signatures on nominating petitions. Candidates for mayor must collect about 250 signatures of registered voters (.5 percent of the registered voters in the city). Voters are only permitted to sign one nominating position for each ballot position. Those petitions are due back to the clerk in November. Those who qualify for the ballot formally declare candidacy in December. Early voting begins Jan. 28. Contact Julie Ann Grimm at 986-3017 or Follow her on Twitter @julieanngrimm.

New tenant for ‘oldest house’ Bell Tower Properties, a residential realty firm, has leased the downtown Santa Fe adobe-and-rock building known as the “oldest house.” Doug Roberts of Phase One Realty confirmed Wednesday that the firm, previously based on Camino La Tierra, is moving into the 2,066-squarefoot structure on De Vargas Street. Craig Huitfeldt incorporated Bell Tower Properties in 2010. “They’ll have a real estate office in one part of it,” Roberts said. “They’ll be open seven days a week and have the museum open with brochures and will be able to answer basic questions.” The museum was closed in mid-March, when its paid curator, who ran a gift shop in the building, resigned so she could take care of her ailing mother. St. Michael’s High School owns the building at 215 E. De Vargas St., along with nearby San Miguel Chapel, known as the oldest church. The “oldest house” roof beams have been carbon-dated to between 1646 and 1714, but it is said to be built on the foundation of a Native American dwelling that dates to the 1200s. The New Mexican

Developer pitches Manderfield School plans to neighbors Canyon Road site could become home to coffee shop, condos, art studios By Robert Nott The New Mexican

A Santa Fe real estate developer who is negotiating with Santa Fe Public Schools to purchase the vacant Manderfield School on Canyon Road would like to turn the site into a residential/commercial center with condos, rental apartments, a coffee

house and several artists’ studios. Neighbors learned of the plan during an early neighborhood notification meeting Wednesday evening. Jenkins Gavin Design and Development Inc. gave the presentation to about 25 attendees. Though no one voiced outright opposition to the plan and several offered support, many neighbors raised concerns about increased traffic and infringement on privacy. The school board approved the sale of the roughly 12,000-square-foot site to Clare and Michael Maraist for about $960,000 earlier this year. Clare Maraist said during Wednesday’s meeting

that the sale will only become final if she can clear the usual hurdles in developing the site. “I’m not going to buy it if I can’t do something with it,” she said. The plan includes 10 residential units — four of which are one-story condos — a roughly 1,000 square-foot coffee shop, and six to eight art studios, each measuring somewhere between 400 and 500 square feet. Artists may conceivably hold art openings and sell art out of these studios. The project calls for a total of 35 parking spaces — 17 for commercial use and 18 for the residents.

Section editor: Howard Houghton, 986-3015, Design and headlines: Kristina Dunham,

“I like the project,” one neighbor told the assembly. “We need to do something with that building. It’s been a blight for some time.” Still, he raised concerns about increased traffic in the area. Other neighbors asked about trash pick-up plans, the height of the proposed condos and whether the developers would ensure that drainage does not run onto adjoining properties. The deal still needs to be approved by the city Planning Commission, the City Council and the Historic Districts Review Board. If all goes well, the Maraists could have contractors breaking ground by the fall of 2014, with con-

struction then taking about 18 months. Clare Maraist said that every time she drove by the empty school at 1150 Canyon Road, she envisioned its potential as a gathering spot for neighbors. “I want to make everyone happy. Something has to be done with the building,” she said. The school, named after former school board member Eugenia Manderfield, was built in the 1920s. The district shut it down in the 1970s though other entities utilized the building into the mid-90s. Call Robert Nott at 986-3021 or



Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN


Timeline uncertain as city works on track liability issues ebration marked the completion of more than $450,000 in city spending on a road, parking lot Santa Fe’s only sanctioned and perimeter fence. But by Janmotocross track could remain uary, the Parks Division put up closed for the most of the sumsigns stating that the track was mer. closed for winter. A month later, The gate to the 55-acre Buckcity Risk Management Director man Track in the publicly Barbara Boltrek said the track owned La Tierra Trails network lacked appropriate liability west of N.M. 599 has been insurance and recommended locked since last fall because of that it remain off limits until concerns about liability insurinsurance could be secured. ance, and city officials said After adjusters from Travelers Wednesday that there’s no solid Insurance — which carries the plan in place to open it soon. city’s liability policies — vis“I hesitate to put a time on ited the park this spring, they it,” said Ike Pino, director of the told city officials the company city’s Public Works Department, couldn’t insure the track unless “but it’s going to be closed for a a certified engineer reviewed while longer.” its features and made changes The track was carved out by to make it safer, Pino said. The users over the past four decades company suggested that the city or so and was largely developed contract with a nonprofit to take by volunteers who used shovout an insurance policy. els and rakes to create bumps, Pino and other city staff met jumps and ramps for motorcycle this week with organizers of a and ATV riders. group called “I Ride New MexThe spot became so popular ico,” founded by Daniel Coriz, that the city planned major who had hoped to make a deal access improvements as part to operate the track on behalf of its master plan for parks. In of the city and secure private October, a “grand opening” cel- insurance. Delays with federal

approval of the group’s pending nonprofit status mean the city is now looking for another nonprofit to take on the responsibility. The city will pursue a dual strategy recommended by Travelers. Under that plan, a request for proposals will seek a group to secure private insurance and operate and maintain the track, and the city will hire an independent engineer with expertise in motocross safety to figure out a way to make the track insurable under the standards of the city’s carrier. It’s not clear why officials didn’t plan to secure additional insurance coverage when they spent nearly a half-million dollars on construction adjacent to the track. Pino said part of the problem appears to be that the track had been built by hand until just a few weeks before the grand opening. When the city sent big, earth-moving equipment to the site for a weekend to assist with maintenance, volunteers and Public Works Department employees decided to make some of the features steeper.

“I’ve got to get out of Santa Fe just to get my riding in,” he said. “I’ve been riding at that same track since the late ’80s when I was a kid. They fixed it up and put all kinds of money into it and then closed it. It’s really frustrating.” Bransford said he didn’t think the work this fall made the track more dangerous. “They made some of the jumps a little bit bigger, but they The gate to the motocross track, first chained last October, were in better shape because could stay closed through the summer as the city tries to they actually fixed them. They resolve insurance and liability issues. NEW MEXICAN FILE PHOTO get rutted from the tires and from the weather. The rain espe“In hindsight, if we were Motocross riders in the region cially erodes the track. So when savvy enough to notice at that have few choices for legal, safe they fixed it up, it was, in my point that the track had been places to pursue their passion. opinion, a lot safer because they modified to the point of being Some have even cut a fence to were smoother.” uninsurable, we would have access the Santa Fe track withHe said the city’s insurance been better off,” Pino said. “I out permission. concerns are a bit of an overthink it’s legitimate to question For people like Jesse Bransford, reaction. Lots of riders get hurt, that.” not riding isn’t an option. But and they do the activity knowBoltrek said she first became Bransford, a Santa Fe police offi- ing they might be injured, and aware of potential liability issues cer, said he won’t sneak around. “the last thing they would have at the track in November when Instead, he hauls his new motor- thought of is suing the property she was contacted by Parks cycle to Moriarty, Arroyo Seco, owner.” Division Director Ben Gurule, Albuquerque or even Colorado who raised concerns about about once a week. On Wednes- Contact Julie Ann Grimm whether the city should clear ice day, he traveled to federal land at 986-3017 or jgrimm@ near Española. from the track.

In brief

Gallup, film; Sean Hennington of Roswell, film; and Jesse Garcia of Rio Rancho, studio art. In addition, the school awarded two full-ride Unique Voice scholarships to Alejandra Castro of Mexico and Priscilla Torres of El Salvador, to cover full tuition, room and board, and base fees. Those scholarships are aimed at full-time students who plan to earn a bachelor’s

in October 2012 at three downtown locations, and the new designs soon will be installed at 40 bus stops for Santa Fe Trails. The shelters and street furniture, such as benches, were purchased with federal stimulus money, said Transportation Bus shelters across the city Department Director Jon will get new features this spring Bulthuis, who noted the ameniand summer. Revamped busties will “provide a better public shelter prototypes were installed transportation experience for

By Julie Ann Grimm The New Mexican

Eatery robbed of wine, sake, cash Santa Fe police are investigating the theft of 24 bottles of wine and sake from a Cerrillos Road restaurant. Owners of Dara Thai Restaurant, 1710 Cerrillos Road, reported that sometime between 9:45 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m. Tuesday, the restaurant was broken into through a locked and dead-bolted back door. Twenty-four bottles of wine and sake, valued at about $450, along with about $500 in cash was reported stolen, according to a Santa Fe police report. Officers were unable to find any fingerprints, shoe prints or even vehicle tracks inside or outside the restaurant, the report states.

LANL cleanup funds restored Federal funds needed to continue cleaning up transuranic waste at Los Alamos National Laboratory were approved Wednesday by a congressional committee. The House Committee on Appropriations approved a “reprogramming” request to transfer funds from other programs to cover the $19 million shortfall facing the Department of Energy in the 2013 budget year for waste cleanup at the lab, according to the New Mexico congressional delegation. The shift is intended to ensure the lab can meet its promise to remove thousands of barrels of radioactive waste by 2014. The funds had been reduced by sequestration, the automatic federal spending cuts that took effect this spring. The lab is moving 3,706 cubic meters of radioactive waste stored in above-ground containers to the Waste Isolation Pilot Project in Carlsbad. Efforts to move the waste stepped up after the Las Conchas Fire came close to the storage facility, sparking public concern over the risks. More than 60 percent of the waste has been moved and the cleanup effort is ahead of schedule, according to the lab. Still, the remaining waste is still vulnerable to wildfires. The appropriations committee was the last of four congressional committees that had to approve shifting money around from other programs to come up with the funds for the LANL cleanup program.

County supports solar program The Santa Fe County Commission voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a resolution in support of the future development of a community-owned solar energy project that would allow people who can’t install their own solar panels to purchase solar energy shares or subscriptions from project. Residents who invested would receive a credit on their electric bills, which would offset or eliminate their electric costs. The resolution directs county staff to work with interested residents, the city of Santa Fe, the Public

Regulation Commission and the Public Service Company of New Mexico to pursue a plan for such a project in Santa Fe County.

Liquor license transfer gets OK The Santa Fe County Commission on Tuesday approved a transfer of a liquor license from a Shell station at 7510 Airport Road to a new location at 2200 S. Meadows Road. The license will still be owned by Brewer Oil Co., which plans to use the license in new gas station and convenience store it plans to open.

Railyard cinema meeting planned Officials with Violet Crown Cinema and the Santa Fe Railyard Community Corporation will hold an early neighborhood notification meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 16, at Warehouse 21. Cinema developer Bill Banowski will present his company’s plans for the project and answer questions from the community, according to an announcement from the nonprofit that manages the city-owned property. The board of directors last month voted to begin negotiations with the Austin-based cinema to lease a parcel in the Railyard for a similar theater, rejecting proposals from Maya Cinemas and two other theater chains. The cinema is planned as a 30,000 square-foot, 11-screen, 600-seat facility with an attached 4,500 square-foot restaurant and bar located between Flying Star and Santa Fe Clay.

Learn about composting tricks The public is invited to learn about backyard composting at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 18, at La Tienda in Eldorado. The one-day workshop will be taught by Sam McCarthy, manager of Payne’s Organic Soil Yard, along with master composter Deb Farson and students from Santa Fe’s Tierra Encantada Charter School. Composting diverts food waste from landfills and helps build healthy, productive soil. A complete straw bale composting system will be awarded to one participant at the end of the workshop. The workshop is part of the Green Café series organized by a local group that promotes sustainable living practices. Eldorado/285 Recycles seeks to expand and improve recycling, composting and reuse of materials and household items.

College awards art scholarships The Santa Fe University of Art and Design announced the 12 recipients of its new Robert Redford/Milagro Initiative Scholarships for emerging artists. The students receive either $7,000 or $15,000 per year in scholarship funds, depending on the arts program in which they are enrolled. Of the 12 students, five are from New Mexico: Cecily Smith of Cochiti Pueblo, for photography; Korie Tatum of Rio Rancho, photography; Carrie House of

degree in film and who represent voices of indigenous people from around the world.

Bus shelters get updated design

Santa Fe.” Autotroph Inc., a local company, designed the new line of bus shelters and furniture, which features ventilation, wind blockage, seating and lighting on some models. The shelters are fashioned after traditional punched tin work and basketry of the region. The New Mexican

IT Professionals: ITD is recruiting all IT disciplines!

• Programmers/Developers (Mainframe COBOL, MS Studio, C#, and Java) • Network and Infrastructure Technicians and Desktop Support • DBAs (mainframe DB2, Oracle and MS SQL) • Chief Security Officer, Project Managers and Business Analysts The State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department is a High Tech/High Profile State Agency. We are responsible for the collection of up to $8 Billon per annum in revenue. All major systems are in the process of being upgraded. Upgrades include our tax systems and the system that supports NM MVD. We are searching for full time employees and contract employees to assist us in achieving these goals. All candidates with the right skill set are welcome—let’s see if we can find a way to match our needs as we are hiring both contractors and employees. TRD provides an Excellent Team environment with a 40 hour work week and up to date technical environment. Full benefits package with pension plan, full health insurance, dental and vision benefits. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer You can submit your resume directly to us, although you will have to ultimately apply through the NM State Personnel Office website. All applicants will be hired through the state personnel classified system and candidates must follow the rules found on the SPO website: Position Requirements • Most positions require a technical degree; experience may substitute for education in some cases • Strong analytical and technical expertise preferred, strong written and oral communication skills required for customer interaction. • Strong people skills are required due to working in diverse team environments • Reliable, Self-starting, and Strong initiative preferred • Previous IT experience required for all positions Current Openings by Functional area: Motor Vehicle: IT DBA 2 (3) Desktop Support: IT Tech Support Specialist 1 (2), IT Network Specialist 1 GenTax/E-file: IT Applications Dev 3 Infrastructure: IT Systems Manager II, IT Network Specialist 1 ONGARD: IT DBA 2, IT Generalist 1 Data Warehouse: IT Applications Dev, IT Applications Dev 2 We are holding TWO Job Fairs to allow candidates to meet the management team at TRD ITD.

SANTA FE JOB FAIR will be held on Thursday May 16, 2013 from 10:30-2:30 at the Joseph Montoya Building; 1200 South St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM (SW corner of St. Francis and Cordova), third floor—signs posted ALBuQuERQuE JOB FAIR will be held on Friday May 17, 2013 from 11-3 in the Bank of the West Building; 5301 Central Avenue, Albuquerque, NM (NE corner of San Mateo and Central), first floor— signs posted


Thursday, May 16, 2013


TIME OUT Horoscope


The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Thursday, May 16, 2013: This year you see life from a renewed perspective. At times there could be some negativity around you, but you will do your best to find a more positive path or more suitable alternatives. Leo serves as an anchor for you. ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHHHH Don’t worry if you wake up grumpy, because your mood will change quickly. Whether someone brought you doughnuts or a different type of treat, you have reason to smile. Tonight: Continue being spontaneous. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHH You are anchored, and you know what you want. Someone might try to nudge you off that position, as it could come off as stubbornness. Tonight: Head home. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHH Keep a conversation moving, and don’t allow negativity to flow in. If you feel tired or drained, consider a checkup with the doctor. Tonight: Go with the moment. CANCER (June 21-July 22) HHH Put 100 percent into whatever you do. You see what others don’t. They appreciate your insights, depending on how they are delivered. A little diplomacy goes a long way. Tonight: Run errands. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHHH A conversation is important, but don’t make it a bigger deal than need be. In fact, a touch of lightness and concern will produce better, more positive results. Tonight: All smiles. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHH A conversation could be affecting your mood, and therefore your plans. Could you be making more of a comment than what was meant? Talk to an older friend or loved one. Tonight: Do for you.

Super Quiz Take this Super Quiz to a Ph.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the Ph.D. Level.

5. Pasta known as fusilli is what

Subject: CULINARY MATTERS (e.g., Amandine denotes what


ingredient? Answer: Almonds.)

Answer________ 6. Guacamole is a type of ____.



1. Cock-a-leekie is a type of ____. Answer________ 2. What term indicates food cooked in the style of Florence, Italy?

PH.D. LEVEL 7. Term for the protein found in wheat flours. Answer________

Answer________ 3. What is nougat? Answer________

8. What is the literal translation of foie gras? Answer________ 9. What shape is pasta known as

GRADUATE LEVEL 4. Baba refers to a small ____.





1. Soup. 2. Florentine. 3. A confection (candy). 4. Cake. 5. Spiral-shape (corkscrew). 6. Dip (sauce). 7. Gluten. 8. Fat (goose) liver. 9. Bow tie.

SCORING: 18 points — congratulations, doctor; 15 to 17 points — honors graduate; 10 to 14 points — you’re plenty smart, but no grind; 4 to 9 points — you really should hit the books harder; 1 point to 3 points — enroll in remedial courses immediately; 0 points — who reads the questions to you? (c) 2013 Ken Fisher


The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error. © 2013 by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Today in history

Dog owners use caution at parks Dear Annie: I have an 8-monthold puppy, and I take her to a local dog park so she can run off leash and play with the other dogs, which she loves. In the three months I have been taking her, “Phoebe” has never been attacked or fought with another dog. That was until last night, when Phoebe approached another dog that was on a leash and that dog attacked her. My puppy whimpered and howled while being bitten on her neck and back. I tried to get her away, but the other dog was so vicious. The owner of the other dog just stood there making no effort to pull his dog away, nor did he apologize. I finally extracted Phoebe from the other dog’s mouth. As I was walking away, the owner said he doesn’t know why his dog doesn’t like other dogs. I was too shaken to reply. Besides, I felt sorry for the vicious dog, wondering what could have happened to make him like that. Luckily, Phoebe was not severely injured. I did my best to soothe her, but it took several minutes to calm her down. Before I left the park, I warned other owners about the dog that attacked mine. Why would someone bring a dog that hates other dogs to a dog park? There is a gentleman who arranged for the park to exist and is the “leader.” Should I tell him what happened? I don’t want to get the park shut down, which is why I didn’t call the police. What do I do? — Phoebe’s Human Mom Dear Mom: If the park has a “leader,” then he is the person to notify. This owner seems ignorant of dog behavior and may have been trying to “socialize” his dog by bringing the animal to a pet-friendly park. But it sounds as if that dog needs training. It would be a kindness for someone to point that out to him and make a referral before an animal is seriously hurt. Dear Annie: As an alcoholic in recovery, it was interesting to me to

Sheinwold’s bridge

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHHH Your ability to get past an immediate issue will help you to function on a higher level once again. You could hear some unexpected, good news from a close loved one. Tonight: Where the crowds are. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHHHH You might be limiting yourself with selfimposed restrictions. Take today and live in the moment by listening to what others are really thinking, feeling or saying. Tonight: Could be late. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHHH Get past a momentary sense of insecurity. You might discover that a bright new perspective will greet you as a result. Tonight: Why stop? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHHH Work with an individual directly. Though your friends might mean well, they don’t always have the best sense of direction. Tonight: Chat over dinner. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHHH Others seek you out. Enjoy all of the activity, and know that you are valued. Touch base with a child or loved one. Tonight: Hang out with a good friend. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HHHH You want to turn a situation around, but you’ll need to work within established boundaries. Use caution with any investments. Tonight: At a favorite place. Jacqueline Bigar

Chess quiz

WHITE FORCES MATE Hint: Check, it may be mate. Solution: 1. Rd7ch! Kg6 2. Rg7ch! Kh5 3. Qh8 mate. [Topalov-Nakamura ’13].

Today is Thursday, May 16, the 136th day of 2013. There are 229 days left in the year. Today’s highlight in history: On May 16, 1943, the nearly month-long Warsaw Ghetto Uprising came to an end as German forces crushed the Jewish resistance and blew up the Great Synagogue. An estimated 14,000 Jews were killed. The remaining Jews, more than 40,000 of them, were deported to concentration camps.

Hocus Focus

observe the self-righteousness in my family about my addiction as they went through their heart surgeries stemming from their addictions to chocolate cake, bacon and cherry pies. They are just as addicted to food as I am to alcohol. They say it’s “different,” but how is it more legitimate to grab a doughnut when under stress than to pour myself a cocktail? In spite of their heart surgeries and the struggle of carrying 300 pounds on a body designed for 150, they somehow see slamming down a cherry cobbler as acceptable, but my having a beer is a sin. Moderation in all aspects of our lives might not be a bad idea. — No Hypocrite in Paducah, Ky. Dear Paducah: Addictions, regardless of type, involve the inability to control one’s appetite, whether it be for food, drugs, liquor, gambling, whatever. Unlike most other addictions, however, one cannot give up food altogether. So while we agree that there is hypocrisy, and of course moderation is best, there is in fact a difference between food, which is necessary for life, and alcohol, which is not. Imagine how much harder it would be to control your addiction if you were told that you absolutely must have three shots a day, but not a fourth. Or a beer. Or a replacement from the well-stocked pantry Dear Annie: I agree with “Retired Teacher” about high school guidance counselors. She is right on the money. Guidance counselors are not in schools to assist students with personal problems. That isn’t even in their job description. Their primary function is to advise students about the courses they need to graduate. After that, a multitude of assessment responsibilities fill their time. While many may wish they could counsel to the emotional well-being of their students, they simply don’t have the time. — K.


Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN


Visit for more about animals, events, photos and the Off-leash blog.

Dogs are sometimes scarier than fire


n my other life, I’m a volun- glasses and visors. teer firefighter. As my mom But there is one dog that is so says, “Why don’t you quit terrifying that even macho firevolunteering and get a real job?” fighters only speak its name in whispers and only late at night. In response, I usually just shrug my shoulders and hope You guessed it: We are talking for the pager to go off. about that most scary of animals, the angry Chihuahua! But, to the point of this colMy encounter umn: Firefighters occurred one afterand animals are connoon in April. Our stantly interacting. pagers toned, “Hondo. We’ve responded Single car rollover. to calls with horses, Entrapped driver.” cows, goats, one rattlesnake (I still refuse I drove to the scene. to talk about that one) I could see a small car and dogs. smashed up against the guardrail. We deal with dogs Hersch on almost every Our captain, Adam, Wilson home emergency call. waved me over. “One Not to brag, but Erik patient, the driver. Tales of Tails Litzenberg, ex-Hondo Restrained. He seems firefighter and now fine. He said he blew Santa Fe Fire Department chief, a tire. But the car is crushed performed CPR on a dog and and he’s trapped. Can you take saved his life. operations?” I nodded and walked over to No one who is a part of the car. Operations is middle Hondo Volunteer Fire and management. Adam was the Rescue has been hurt by a dog. incident commander. He was Watch — tonight, we’ll have a call and someone will be bitten. responsible for the large strategic issues. For example, should The only time I was even slightly nervous about dogs was we invade Iran? Should we supat a house during a diabetic call. port climate-change legislation? My job was saying useful I was standing outside. This middle management things like, family had two Rottweilers, “How long is this going to take?” both at least 130 pounds. The “Put your shields down.” “Could dogs trotted around from the you hurry already?” back of the house, sat on either With our big hydraulic side of me and simultaneously spreader, the crew popped open leaned into me. I definitely got the sense that the message they the door and pushed it out of the way. were sending was, “We’re cool if you’re cool … ” Mike reached in to cut the seat belt. Then, “Damn!” he I laughed nervously, gulped, exclaimed, jerking back. and tried to stay focused. But those Rottweilers were so cool He stood up holding the Chithey should have worn sunhuahua. The dog had been hid-

ing under the seat. Everyone began to back away. Mike looked at me. I immediately yelled, “Don’t give it to me!” But what else is middle management for? Without missing a beat, Mike, with arms extended, gave me the 10 pounds of rage. All activity stopped as everyone watched mini-Cujo and I wrestle. I had the advantage of being in full bunker gear. Cujo was extremely motivated to find and rip my throat out. I held him at arms length, while he strained to get his teeth into me. I staggered back. The driver, still sitting in the drivers seat yelled, “Don’t hurt him! Please!” Not a word about my safety. Not a suggestion on how to calm the dog down. “Hey, I need help here,” I yelled. But my so-called friends were laughing so hard they were on their knees. I was on my own. “Put him in your truck,” Mike finally yelled, “until we’re done.” “Great,” I said. “Where’s your car? Why my truck?” But I was out of options. I slowly backed up, holding the dog as far away from me as possible. I finally turned and tossed him — gently — into the back of my Suburban. I quickly slammed the door and immediately regretted the idea. It was Chihuahuan carnage! The dog went insane, racing back and forth in the car biting the seats, grabbing my iPhone,

In brief

Dog bowl auction helps homeless A silent auction of dog bowls made by local artists and a photography exhibit highlight a May fundraiser for the Street Homeless Animal Project. Pets on the Patio, set for noon to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Counter Culture Café, 930 Baca St., features a photography exhibit by Tony Stromberg and the silent auction of handmade dog bowls. Treats for pets and their human guardians also will be available. The Street Homeless Animal Project, founded and led by Karen Cain, provides pet food, veterinary care and spay/neuter services for the animal companions of homeless people in the area. Cain, the winner of a prestigious Milagro Award from Animal Protection New Mexico, founded SHAP in 2010 after working for years in the homeless community as a licensed counselor and homeless advoElizabeth Enenbach’s cat, Halfie, likes to get on the computer to review feline internet social media sites such as this one. cate. PHOTO COURTESY JOE ENENBACH For more information about the event or the project, please call 501-4933.


Nonprofit PAWS hits 20 years An area animal rescue group will celebrate 20 years of saving lives with a fundraising event in June at the Museum Hill Café in Santa Fe. The all-volunteer People for Animal Welfare Society, a nonprofit dedicated to the prevention of cruelty to animals, the promotion of humane animal care and curbing animal overpopulation through low-cost spaying and neutering, will host a dinner at 5 p.m. June 1 at the café, 710 Camino Lejo. The event features a cash bar and gourmet buffet for both vegetarians and nonvegetarians. Tickets are $100. PAWS operates an emergency food bank for pets, promotes the understanding of the interdependence of people, animals and the environment, and works to save animal lives through adoptions, rescue and spaying and neutering. President of the nonprofit is Jane Carson; other board members include Karen Kleeman, Claire Leonard, Tom Alexander and Jeanne Pschorr. In addition to the group’s outreach work, PAWS annually sponsors New Mexico’s Week for the Animals, a September

ShAre your pet Shot

Got a pet photograph you’d like to see in The New Mexican? Email your pictures to bbarker@sfnew All submitted photos should be at least 4 inches wide at 220 dpi. Submissions will be printed once a week as space is available. No money will be paid for published photographs. Images must be original and submitted by the copyright owner. Please include a descriptive caption. The New Mexican reserves the right to reject any photo without notice or stated reason.

event that alternately focuses on adoptions, humane education and spaying and neutering. For more information or tickets for the June 1 fundraiser, please call 466-1525 or email

Shelter plans free spay clinic Thanks to ongoing support for free spaying and neutering in the community, the Santa Fe animal shelter will host another free clinic for dozens of dogs at its south-side clinic May 23. The first-come, first-serve event at the shelter’s Spay/Neuter & Wellness Clinic, 2570 Camino Entrada, offers free altering to the first 50 dogs. A generous donor, who helps with free spaying/neutering throughout the region, is underwriting the event.

Check-in is at 7 a.m. Arrive early to secure a surgery slot. Dogs must be between 8 weeks and 5 years of age and weigh more than 2 pounds. Animals shouldn’t have food after 10 p.m. the night before surgery. For more information about the event, call the clinic at 474-6422 or visit the Shelter’s website at www.sfhumane

Raffle benefits homeless pets A Santa Fe bakery that specializes in quality treats for pets is sponsoring a raffle to support the Santa Fe animal shelter. Pooch Pantry Bakery & Boutique, 301 N. Guadalupe St., is raffling off an iPad2 to support the shelter. Tickets are $10 each and only 100 tickets will be sold, said Pooch Pantry owner

shaking and chewing it, ripping up gloves and attempting to destroy anything that had my scent on it. I glared at the extrication team. They, still laughing, went back to work. The driver then helpfully spoke up. “I’ll call my girlfriend. She can come and get Angel.” “Angel,” I thought. “The dog’s name is Angel?” After the extrication I still had the problem of getting back in my Suburban. There was no way “Angel” was going to allow that. Every time I approached, she tried to get at my face. Finally, I feinted toward the back and then jumped into the driver’s seat. Defeated — temporarily — she retreated to the rear and continued to growl at me and stare with those bulging Chihuahua eyes. Carefully keeping an eye on my rearview mirror, I drove back to our station in full bunker gear with my helmet on and face-shield down to be met by the girlfriend. She immediately ran up to the car and opened the door. Angel jumped happily into her arms, sweet as can be. But as the girlfriend turned away, Angel turned and gave me that baleful Chihuahuan look, “Next time I’ll get you in your sleep, Bro … ” Hersch Wilson is a Santa Fe author who longs to know all things canine. His column normally appears every other week, but he’ll be taking a break next time. Email him at Daphne Wright. The drawing will be held May 31. The on-sight bakery features fresh, all natural, homemade treats made from the best ingredients. The store also carries a full line of raw foods, highquality dog and cat foods and boutique items for pampered pets. Wright said she hopes the raffle is popular so the bakery can sponsor similar raffles. For more information, call the store at 820-1130.

Dog classes focus on behavior Several workshops that focus on dog training will be offered by CHACO’s Hub in Tesuque. A six-week puppy socialization class will be offered Saturdays from May 18 through June 22; a class on playing (hunting) games, designed to physically and mentally exercise dogs as a way of reinforcing positive behavior will be held on Tuesdays through June 11; and a team walking class, a three-day workshop on teaching dogs to walk on a leash, will be held on three consecutive Thursdays: May 23, May 30 and June 6. Space is limited for classes and workshops. For times, costs and more information, please visit www.chcodognewsev CHACO is lead by Almudena Ortiz Cue, a certified pet dog trainer who is also a certified TellingtonTouch practitioner.

Sterilized pets live longer A new survey based on data compiled from millions of dogs and cats shows sterilized pets tend to live longer. Neutered cats lived on average 62 percent longer than unneutered males, while spayed cats lived 39 percent longer than unsprayed females, according to the Banfield Pet Hospital’s 2013 State of Pet Health Report. Neutered male dogs lived 18 percent longer, while spayed dogs live 23 percent longer. The annual survey was based on data compiled from visits by 2.2 million dogs and 460,000 cats to Banfield hospitals in 2012. The survey results were published recently in Veterinary Practice News. To see the full report, visit The New Mexican



Pet connection Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society: Ace loves people almost as much as he loves tennis balls. This pit bull mix is a great big lump of affection searching for a loving family. Sky is an easy-going gal with some special needs. She is newly vision-impaired, but that doesn’t stop her from finding the warmest spots around to take a nap in. These and other animals are available for adoption from the shelter at 100 Caja del Rio Road. The shelter’s adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Visit or call 983-4309, ext. 610. Española Valley Humane Society: Fortune Cookie has the dashing good looks of a chow and the exuberant, friendly personality of a golden retriever. He loves everyone and is just about the happiest dog in the shelter. Sabra is a beautiful 4-year-old beauty queen. She is great with people and has lived with other cats. She also loves to cuddle. These and other animals are available for adoption at the shelter, 108 Hamm Parkway. The shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from noon to 4:45 p.m. Sunday. Call 505-753-8662 or visit the website at www.espanolashelter. org.



Fortune Cookie




Felines & Friends New Mexico: Littermates Dana and Smudge found a home together, but the owner had to give the two up because of allergies. Both kittens are playful and sweet. Dana is a beautiful girl with a short black-andwhite coat, while Smudge is a handsome boy with a short black-and-white coat. Cats of all ages are available for adoption from Felines & Friends and can be visited at Petco throughout the week during regular store hours. Adoption advisers are available from 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Petco on Cerrillos Road. Become a Felines & Friends volunteer. Visit the website at NM38.html or call 316-CAT1.

Edgewood dogs soon available for adoption require patience and training. Santa Fe Tails Dog Academy The Santa Fe animal shelter & Daycare will offer some of is urging the community to the dogs care and socialization come forward and adopt dogs to improve their adoptability involved in the alleged hoard- and to help ease the shelter’s ing case in Edgewood — the space crunch. so-called Edgewood 48. Emily Burlingame, the shelThe 33 dogs released ter’s behavior and training team Wednesday to the custody of leader, who has worked with all the shelter are among the of the dogs in the case, said the 48 seized in April at an Edgedogs are coming around conwood home. The owner sidering their circumstances. relinquished her rights to the She said the vast majority of the majority of the dogs Monday. heeler mixes will make loving She agreed to pay for the family pets once they adjust to upkeep and care of 10 of the their new lives. dogs until the court case is The dogs will be available resolved. She faces charges of after their spay and neuter suranimal cruelty. geries. To encourage adoptions, “We know many of you have the shelter will offer a special asked when and if these dogs adoption fee of $48 for the adult would be available for adopdogs involved in the case. Puption,” said Mary Martin, the pies 3 months and younger are shelter’s executive director. available at the regular adop“Many of these kiddos will be tion fee of $156. The 41 puppies available within 48 hours, and born at the shelter from the six we urge anyone who has room pregnant dogs in the case are in their heart and home for a the property of the shelter and dog that may need a little extra will be available once they are TLC to come meet them.” weaned, spayed and neutered. Some of the dogs are pupFor more information about pies and will require very little adoptions, call the shelter’s from new families aside from Adoption Desk at 983-4309, regular training and love. Oth- ext. 610. Check the shelter’s ers are timid at first, underFacebook page, socialized or fearful and will sfhumanesociety, for photos. The New Mexican

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THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013

Workshop on fire risks Friday A free workshop is planned this week to educate the public about the fire dangers associated with overgrown forests. The workshop, from 9 a.m. to noon Friday, May 17, at the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds, will be presented by Santa Fe County and the Santa Fe-Pojoaque Soil and Water Conservation District. Experts, including urban forester George Duda, will talk about forests, drought, wildfire risk and the role of forest management. The Santa Fe County Fire Department will make a presentation about the areas where forests and urban areas meet. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service will provide information on federal cost-share programs available to help reduce fire risks. New Mexico currently has the worst drought conditions of any state in the United States, according to federal agencies who publish the U.S. Drought Monitor. Santa Fe has extreme fire risks, especially in areas along the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and in brush-filled open spaces within the city. The New Mexican

Police notes The Santa Fe Police Department is investigating the following reports: u A burglar broke into an apartment in the 1200 block of Zepol Road about 10:45 p.m. Tuesday and stole three video game consoles. u A thief broke into a 2007 Toyota Sequoia in the 2500 block of West Zia Road and took several items between 5:15 and 7 p.m. Tuesday. u Three rings, an Xbox 360 video game console, several video games and two 32-inch TVs were stolen from a house in the 6500 block of Valentine Way at about 10 p.m. Tuesday after someone got inside through an unlocked back door. u Two women are suspected of stealing computer software from the Sewing Center of Santa Fe, 3014 Cielo Court, between 6 and 7 p.m. Tuesday. u Antonio Guerrero-Luna, 22, 3636 Gunnison Road, was arrested on a charge of receiving stolen property after he admitted to purchasing stolen goods Tuesday. The Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the following reports: u A 2006 Infiniti was extensively damaged sometime between 9 p.m. Monday and 3 p.m. Tuesday while it was parked off Old Buckman Road. u Someone stole gasoline, electronics and a car battery from a 1977 GMC pickup parked off Entrada de Ortiz in Chimayó between 7 a.m. Monday and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. u A large quantity of hand tools and building supplies was reported missing from a commercial property in the 2500 block of South Meadows Road on Tuesday. A backhoe also was taken in the burglary, which took place a short distance off Agua Fría Street.

Speed SUVs u The Santa Fe Police Department listed the following locations for its mobile speed-enforcement vehicles: SUV No. 1 at Salazar Elementary School from 7:25 to 8:15 a.m. and 2:10 to 2:55 p.m., and on Agua Fría Street at Harrison Road at other times; SUV No. 2 at Nava Elementary School from 7:25 to 8:15 a.m. and 2:10 to 2:55 p.m., and on Siringo Road at Calle de Sueños at other times; SUV No. 3 on Siringo Road between St. Francis Drive and Boltuph Road.

Help lines Esperanza Shelter for Battered Families hotline: 800-473-5220

Legislative auditors fault N.M. gambling regulators By Barry Massey

The Associated Press

New Mexico needs to strengthen its regulatory oversight of a billion-dollar gambling industry that includes horse racing tracks and casinos operated by Indian tribes, legislative auditors recommended Wednesday. A report by staff of the Legislative Finance Committee said the New Mexico Racing Commission and the state Gaming Control Board are understaffed and hampered by

limited regulatory powers. The Racing Commission regulates the five racetracks in the state, all of which operate casinos. The Gaming Control Board oversees the state’s gambling compacts with 14 tribes as well as nontribal gambling at racetracks and by nonprofit groups and fraternal organizations. Gambling generated revenue of about $1 billion last year, with the state receiving $133 million in taxes and a share of tribal casino profits. Sen. John Arthur Smith, a

Deming Democrat and LFC vice chairman, said the state needed better regulation to ensure the integrity of gambling at tracks, casinos and by charitable organizations. The audit said the Racing Commission, despite a law enacted this year, needs more money to increase the frequency of testing of horses to detect illegal drug use. Lawmakers approved a measure earlier this year to earmark about $700,000 for drug testing of horses starting in 2015.

The report said racing regulators need to improve their auditing of pari-mutuel wagering, a betting-pool style of wagering used at horse races, to ensure that tracks are paying the proper amount of taxes. The LFC auditors also said the commission “struggles to address” unlicensed horse racing that illegally occurs in the state. At a committee hearing on the audit, Sheryl Edgar, an Albuquerque certified public accountant who worked as a racetrack controller, said there were “gap-

ing holes in the audit process” by regulators of casino revenue that supplements winnings paid at horse races. “We need real internal controls and real audits for the maintenance of integrity and safeguarding of all of this money,” Edgar told lawmakers. Auditors recommended that Indian gambling compacts be amended to give the Legislature access to financial information about casinos to allow lawmakers to better oversee gambling and the state’s regulation of it.

Funeral services and memorials LENNON JAMES MCADAMS Lennon James McAdams, 92, passed away peacefully on Friday May10, 2013. Born in Greenfield, Tennessee on November 4, 1920, Len was an energetic, positive family man whose presence impacted all of those with whom he interacted either briefly or throughout his very productive, long life. Len, Mac, Dad or Grand Pa as he was known to his family and many friends, graduated from the University of Tennessee and served briefly in the U.S. Navy at the very end of World War II. Upon return from the service, Len began a career with Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation which lasted for over forty years and took him to assignments throughout the US and to Australia and Africa. In 1943, Len married Annie Theresa Farrell in San Jose, California. After retiring in 1982, Len and Terry lived in Alamo, California then Gig Harbor, Washington and travelled extensively prior to settling in Santa Fe, NM close to their daughter Nancy in 2005. They were married for sixty six years until Terry’s passing in 2009. Since that time, Len has made his home at Ponce de Leon. Len and Terry loved being parishioners at the Cathedral Basilica St. Francis of Assisi. Lennon James McAdams was preceded in death by his parents, Lennon Dean McAdams and Eleanor Deuberry McAdams of San Jose, California; two brothers, Jerry McAdams and Gene "Toby" McAdams, both of San Jose, California; his loving wife of sixty-six years, Annie Theresa Farrell McAdams. He is survived by one daughter, Nancy Eleanor Mroz and her husband, Gene Mroz of Santa Fe, New Mexico; and four sons: Lennon James McAdams II and his spouse, Pamela Shaw McAdams of Seattle, Washington, Robert John McAdams and his spouse, Wanda Dawn McAdams of Lafayette, Louisiana, Thomas Dean McAdams and his spouse, Donna Granade McAdams of Mobile, Alabama and William Joseph McAdams and his spouse, Sandra Cruse McAdams of Kingsport, Tennessee; nine grandchildren, and ten great grandchildren. A funeral mass will be held at The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. A "Celebration of Len’s Life" will be held at Ponce de Leon on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 10:00. Burial will take place at Santa Clara Mission Cemetery in Santa Clara, California on Friday, May 17, 2013. The family wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks to Dr. Lisa Robles and Amber Care Hospice, especially Dr. Karin Trohn and Virginia Gilstrap for their loving care of Len. The family will be eternally grateful to the caregivers from Ponce de Leon Assisted Living for their compassionate care during Len’s final transition. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi at

Berardinelli Family Funeral Service 1399 Luisa Street Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505)984-8600 Please sign our guestbook for the family at:


Age 62, a resident of Albuquerque since 1995, previously of El Paso, TX went home to The Lord on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. He is survived by his wife and soul mate, Cathy; children, Miriam Granillo and husband Anthony, Erin Guzman and fiancé Chris, Sarah Sparacio and husband Randy; grandchildren, Vincent Bonanno, Isabella and Randy Sparacio; siblings: Andy Guzman and wife Sandy, Liz "Mimi" Perez and partner Ralph, Mike Guzman and wife Connie, Gilbert Guzman and wife Annette, Teri Ronga and husband Nick; sister-inlaw, Rachel Wessels and husband Brian; brother-in-law, Bill Ritch and wife Cindy; his beloved Memaw; as well as numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and his many friends. Luis was preceded in death by his loving parents, Luis B. and Paz C. Guzman. He was a member of Hoffmantown Church for many years. Luis worked for Garcia Automotive Group for the past 15 years and in the automotive industry for 35+ years. He truly loved what he did for a living and all the special people he worked with over the years. He was an avid Green Bay Packer fan and the best fajita maker there ever was! A Memorial Service will be held Saturday, May 18, 2013, 2 p.m., at FRENCH - Wyoming with a reception celebrating his life to follow. The family would like to extend a special thank you to Dr. Annette Fontaine for her compassion and wonderful care as well as the Presbyterian Hospice team. Words cannot express our heartfelt gratefulness to the Garcia family and all those at Garcia Automotive Group as well as BreatheAmerica and its employees for their generous and loving support during this difficult time. Please visit our online guestbook for Luis at FRENCH - Wyoming 7121 Wyoming Blvd. NE (505) 823-9400



A lifelong resident of Pecos, NM passed away on May 13, 2013, after a short illness. He was born on April 19, 1916 to Emiliano Lopez and Cesarita Solano. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 69 years, Terecina who passed away in September of 2007, whom he missed very much; special granddaughter, Karen J. Garcia; parents Emiliano Lopez, Cesarita Solano and step-mother, Julianita Lopez; two brothers, Jose and Donaciano Lopez; and a sis-

ter, Lucy Branch. He is survived by his family that always felt the wonderful love of their father. Daughter: AnnaBelle Rivera (Oliver), Nambe; their family- Mark and sons Leondro (Stephanie) their children, Aubrey, Trevor and Julia, and Marcos all from La Mesilla.; Michelle Meldrum (Mitch) and sons Ari and Skyler, AZ; Melvin and daughters Rachel and Andrea, Nambe; Melissa and son Joseph, Nambe; Daughter: Olivia Kesler (Clark), Rio Rancho; their family Perry and daughter Kaitlin, ABQ; Mike (Margaret) and family Donyelle, Sarah and Adam, Silver City; Darrell (Jill), SD; Shawn (Amy) and daughters, Abby, Brianna and Jessica, WI; Cheryl Scheibeler (TJ) and sons, Rory, Quinn and Kale, CO; Son: Kelly (Vivian) ABQ; their family- Karla Simoes (Casey), son and daughter, Troy and Hallie, ABQ; Kathleen Sandoval (Geoff) and sons Andres and Lorenzo, ABQ; Kristine LopezReid (Jason) and daughter Addyson Karen, ABQ; Son: Leon (Soledad), Santa Fe - their son Leon Keith, his daughter Talia Makai, ABQ; his sister Sara Sanchez (Lee), Santa Fe; brothers, Julian (Frances), Santa Fe and Gilbert Lopez, NV. Sisters-in-law surviving are Celia Meredith, OR; Maclovia Espinoza, CO; Dolores Roybal, ABQ; and Judy Roybal, Santa Fe. He was a strong, talented, religious, loving, and humble man with a big heart who would give you the shirt off his back. This is evident by the countless friends in his life. He had a huge love for his family and friends. He had a tremendous hardworking work ethic. He was never afraid or too proud to do any kind of honest work. His passion for music was born very young in his life and it led him to touch the lives of many families and musicians in the Pecos Valley. Many musicians played in his band, and many families were touched by his music at the various functions over the years. Viewing will be Friday from 1-3 pm at Berardinelli Funeral Home. A Rosary will be held Friday, May 17, 2013, 7 p.m. at St. Anthony’s Parish in Pecos. Mass will be celebrated at 10 am Saturday, May 18, 2013 at St. Anthony’s Parish in Pecos. Interment will follow at Pecos Cemetery.

Berardinelli Family Funeral Service 1399 Luisa Street Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505)984-8600 Please sign our guestbook for the family at:

DR. RICHARD ARELLANES Dr. Richard Arellanes beloved husband, father and grandfather, passed away Sunday, May 12, 2013 at his home in Las Vegas, New Mexico after a long battle with cancer. Born the oldest of seven children on August 31, 1946, Richard was raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico by his loving parents, Maguin and Rachel Arellanes. He moved to Las Vegas, New Mexico in 1966 to pursue his undergraduate education at New Mexico Highlands University. There, he met and married his beautiful wife, Carol Harrison. Richard went on to pursue his doctorate in dentistry at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, graduating in 1974. He practiced dentistry in Las Vegas, New Mexico for thirty five years until his retirement in 2011. Throughout his life, Richard was a dedicated father and husband, who cherished time spent with family. He enjoyed golf, reading and playing with his grandsons, Liam and Alexander. To his family, Richard was the embodiment of love and fortitude, and he will never be forgotten. Richard is preceded in death by his father, Maguin Arellanes and mother, Rachel. He is survived by his wife, Carol Arellanes; daughter, Andrea Arellanes-Lucero and husband Julian Lucero; brothers, Michael Arellanes and wife Irene, Nick Arellanes and wife Esther; sisters: Patricia Montoya, Kathy Arellanes, Sandra Ortiz and husband George, Susan Padilla and husband Eloy; grandchildren, Liam and Alexander; and many nephews and nieces. A Funeral Mass will be held on Friday, May 17, 2013 at 9 a.m. at Immaculate Conception Church in Las Vegas. Interment will immediately follow at Mount Calvary Cemetery. Please visit for online condolences. The family of Richard Arellanes has entrusted their loved one to Nelson Funeral Home 801 Douglas Avenue, Las Vegas, NM 505-425-6551

Has passed away after a determined battle with cancer. She will be remembered as a devoted mom to her own children, as well as to a circle of loved ones she mentored. Carlotta was a pursuer of justice, a fine equestrian, lover of travel, good humor, and scary movies. Carlotta is survived by her husband, Willie; her sons, Asher and Jordan; her daughter, Abra; and a community of dear friends. A graveside service will be held at 2 pm, Sunday, May 19th at Rivera Memorial Gardens in Santa Fe.

417 East Rodeo Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87505 Phone: (505)989-7032 Fax: (505)820-0435

In Loving Memory of AUGUSTINE "TINNIE" GRACE November 7, 1904 May 16, 1973 Dad, 40 years ago today you left us to be with God. Since then Gus and Herman have left this world, but I know you and Mom were there with open arms to hug and welcome them home. Once in awhile I get a silent tear when I am missing you but then a precious memory comes up of the days I do remember I had with you. You took the time to teach me right from wrong so I could make good, confident decisions. You taught me to love and cherish what life has to offer, and believe me I have! I have tried to use those teachings with my children and, hopefully, they too will learn what I did from you and Mom that life is full of possibilities of their own. I think of you and Mom every day, and it helps me to feel your presence in my life! Your loving daughter, Veronica!

DEVARGAS FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY Christian Gurule, 24, Albuquerque, Peñasco, May 13, 2013

Celebrate the memory of your loved one with a memorial in The Santa Fe New Mexican

Call 986-3000

Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN



The West’s oldest newspaper, founded 1849 Robin M. Martin Owner


It’s past time for heads to roll

Robert M. McKinney Owner, 1949-2001 Inez Russell Gomez Editorial Page Editor

Robert Dean Editor

By Richard Parker MCT Forum


USTIN, Texas — The twin revelations of the Internal Revenue Service targeting conservative political organizations and, now, that the U.S. Justice Department was spying on The Associated Press — all in a few days — mean this: It is time to air the dirty laundry of this administration’s intelligence and surveillance programs — and it is way past time for heads to roll in Washington. Love it, like it or hate it, one thing is clear about the Obama administration: It is addicted to secrecy. First, Congress should launch a bipartisan, joint and open House-Senate investigation of the domestic surveillance activities of the Obama administration. Two, Attorney General Eric Holder should be forced to testify under oath, with the potential criminal penalties. And then he should be fired. Finally, an investigation by Congress should include investigations into the covert activities of the administration abroad, too. President Barack Obama entered office amid admittedly difficult economic, let alone political circumstances. He pledged to govern boldly and with transparency, to heal the partisan and other divides of the nation. He has faced intransigence, which borders on hatred frankly, from some in the Republican House. The president won re-election by talking big again. And yet he has governed relatively small. Aside from his health care law — which no one really understands — his achievements have been spare. Yes, Detroit did not fail. Nor did Wall Street. Yet it is hard to accept the administration’s chief argument: Things could have been worse. And that’s only because it is impossible to prove the negative. Policy aside, this president’s second term is beginning to mirror the temptations of previous presidents’ second terms: The excesses of


Santa Fe baseball is catching fire

S secrecy, spying and covert wars. It could well be that Obama’s drone wars do not emulate Ronald Reagan’s IranContra conspiracy — and yet we do not know that for a fact. The administration has even reportedly failed to send a witness to Congress to testify on its secret, robotic assassination program, according to The New York Times. It is one thing for the president not to particularly like lawmakers who disparage him — sometimes in a way that they would never disparage a white president, frankly. It is entirely another for the national security apparatus of the United States to turn its shoulder to the elected representatives or the people, however ludicrous or comical those representatives might be. The targeting by the IRS of conservative political organizations is, frankly, potentially chillingly Nixonian, and Congress needs to determine if political considerations beyond the obvious were at work and whether the director of the IRS acted on his own, whether officials at Treasury were involved — and yes, whether anyone had direction,

official or otherwise from the White House itself. Congress should not politicize this investigation; it should act in a determined and bipartisan fashion, coordinated between the House and the Senate. If Republicans or Democrats play politics, they should not expect public support. Last, the fact that the Justice Department secretly obtained the phone records of The Associated Press is a despicable, final outrage. So far, the government has not indicated why it seized the records without prior warning. The administration has not bothered to explain why it broke into the electronic communications of not just this country’s, but one of the world’s most trusted news organizations; presumably the government was interested in the AP’s reporting of a leak regarding a CIA operation in Yemen. But department regulations require that none other than the attorney general himself sign off on spying on a news organization. So, there are two logical explanations. One is that the third leg of the investigative stool for Congress must be the admin-

istration’s surveillance operations abroad — including its targeted, drone assassinations. It simply must be exposed to public scrutiny. This administration has killed an American citizen abroad and stolen the information of an American news organization at home, likely all in the name of its covert wars abroad. Contrary to its many promises, the Obama administration loves the darkness of secrecy far more than the disinfectant of sunlight. And that is dangerous for the president, his administration and, more important, the public. The war in Iraq is over. The war in Afghanistan is effectively done. Osama bin Laden is long dead. It is time to come clean about what the Obama administration has done abroad. It is past time for the Obama administration to come clean about what it has done at home. And it is way past time for Holder to go. Richard Parker writes for McClatchy-Tribune, The New York Times, The New Republic and The Columbia Journalism Review.


Don’t let gun violence become the new normal


just finished reading about the latest shoot out. It was a New Orleans Mother’s Day parade. The FBI spokeswoman, Mary Beth Romig, said there is no indication that it was an act of terrorism. “It’s strictly an act of street violence in New Orleans,” she said. The article went on to say that such shootings have become “more common.” Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas assured the residents, “We’ll get them.” How long can we sit back and say that this isn’t our problem? Gun safety is our problem! This isn’t about the Second Amendment. It’s about what we are going to do to address this problem. Paul Schmitt

New Mexicans for Gun Safety Santa Fe

Send your letters of no more than 150 words to letters@sfnew Include your name, address and phone number for verification and questions.

official cannot understand what is being said then there is a penalty.” However, the NMAA executive director, Sally Marquez, said that it is within her authority to override any rule. “We will not abide by that rule.” The on-court official was told not to repeat that action. My question to her is two fold: Aren’t school sports required to teach students to play by the rules? Why cannot a high school student speak English? Jake Mahrer

By the rules On page A-10 of the May 11 edition, there was an article called “Student using Spanish penalized in tennis match.” The New Mexico Activities Association assistant director of sports, Joe Butler said, “The crux of the matter is that the United States Tennis Association code requires a player to speak in a language that the official understands. If the

Santa Fe

Not absent at all In your Saturday story by Glen Rosales (“Local runners reach personal goals at state championships,” May 12), it says: “When it came to team success at the Class A/AA State Track and Field Championships, the North was noticeably absent.”


Section editor: Inez Russell Gomez, 986-3053,, Twitter @inezrussell

The North was noticeably absent? I don’t know if you have noticed, but Cimarron is about as North as you can get and won the boy’s Class A state championship! Three state championship relays, state champions in the 800, 1,600, 300 hurdles and Cimarron’s Henry Sime was the Class A high point individual. A young Cimarron team dominated the meet for two days to defeat a great Cliff team. So the North did show up. You just have to look a little higher than Santa Fe when you are holding up the banner as the North’s newspaper. Joe Giglia

head track coach Cimarron Municipal Schools Cimarron

No loopholes Let’s have a level playing field on background checks. Have them done online, in stores, at gun shows. No loopholes. Simple. After all, who needs to avoid background checks? Not the good guys! Peter Wurzburger

Santa Fe

anta Fe’s newest favorite pastime returns today with the first home game of the Santa Fe Fuego season. In just one year, watching the games at Fort Marcy Ballpark has become an essential activity on spring and summer evenings. The game starts at 6 p.m., with Taos as the opponent. With 20 fresh faces on the roster, fans should enjoy better games and more wins as the team competes in the Pecos League. Last year, the Fuego finished last — so the team has little place to go but up. Still, despite lousy pitching and hours-long games, the team led the league in attendance. Santa Fe residents have latched on to even the bottom rung of professional baseball. It’s a grueling rung for players. They will play 70-plus games, two-thirds at home because of Santa Fe’s attendance (a per-game average of 600, according to league officials). The team’s day off takes place July 6, when Santa Fe hosts the Pecos League All-Star Game at Fort Marcy Ballpark. We get the big game because our fans show up. While our Fuego was not on fire last year — competitively speaking, that is — the team brought fun and camaraderie to a city that often divides itself. Columnist Rob Nikolewski, writing about his experience at the ballpark last year, put it this way: “I saw people from all parts of our little burgh gather in one place and enjoy themselves. I saw parents taking their kids and I saw grandparents in folding chairs and I saw teenage boys and girls giggling and paying no attention to the game whatsoever. … White men of a certain age are prone to rhapsodize about the greater meaning of baseball. I’m not falling into that trap. I’m just saying, having that minor league baseball team here this summer made our town a better place.” Here’s to baseball, the Santa Fe Fuego and nights at the ballpark. Let’s play ball.

Numbers to celebrate


he Santa Fe Police Department deserves credit for the latest burglary numbers — the April rate was the lowest in 10 years, with just 88 burglaries reported. That number includes everything from residential break-ins, commercial and auto burglaries, unlawful entries, even attempted burglaries. In the allimportant category of home safety, residential burglaries since January are down 34 percent since the same time last year. The decline is occurring in Santa Fe County, too. There, residential burglaries are down about 60 percent from January through April. Both Chief Ray Rael and Sheriff Robert Garcia say targeted patrols and high-profile drug arrests are making the difference. Would-be burglars, it seems, are in jail rather than breaking into homes. It’s a welcome trend, one that we want to see continue — and spread to other nuisances. We can’t wait to hear strategies to slow aggressive panhandling and combat graffiti vandalism, both of which remain out of control. Crime, alas, never sleeps.

The past 100 years From The Santa Fe New Mexican: May 16, 1913: A large, well-lighted and ventilated up-to-date sacristy has replaced the old one at the Cathedral of St. Francis. The improvements were begun by tearing down the second and third stories of the old residence once occupied by the priests south of the cathedral. The ground floor, consisting of several rooms, occupied until recently by Monsignor Fouchegu, the vicar general and rector of the cathedral, was left standing. The partitions between the rooms were torn down, however, and also a 38-inch wall which separated the apartment from the old sacristy. May 16, 1963: The state’s crackdown on delinquent taxpayers has resulted in the collection of more than $10,000 in back taxes by the State Gasoline Tax Division of the Bureau of Revenue. The investigation was ordered by Gov. Jack M. Campbell shortly after he took office and resulted in the department turning up outstanding debit vouchers totaling $115,672 which the previous administration had left. Division employees are making an all-out effort to collect these unpaid taxes from last year and by May 7 had reduced the total delinquency by $10,215.00.




THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013

Matthew J. Valdez of Santa Fe caught this tiger muskie on May 4 at Bluewater Lake. COURTESY PHOTO

N.M. fishing report Catches of the week QUEMADO LAKE: On May 11, Kasee Ganado, age 4, from Alamo caught her very first fish. It was a 15-inch, 1.5-pound rainbow trout. She was using salmon eggs. On May 12, “Pie Town” Karen caught a 24-inch, 6-pound rainbow trout. She was using nightcrawlers. BLUEWATER LAKE: On May 10, Rob Covelli of Albuquerque caught and released a 45.5inch, 28-pound tiger musky. He was using shrimp. From May 10 through May 12, Covelli caught and released 10 catfish between 10 and 20 pounds and 17 tiger musky. He was using shrimp for the catfish and Rapalas for the tiger musky. NOTE: If you have a catch of the week story or just want to tell us about your latest New Mexico fishing experience, send it to It could be included in the next report. For catches of the week, include name, date and location, as well as type of fish, length and weight, plus bait, lure or fly used.


Today’s talk shows 3:00 p.m. KASA Steve Harvey KOAT The Ellen DeGeneres Show Actor Chris Pine; Robin Thicke and Pharrell perform. KRQE Dr. Phil KTFQ Laura KWBQ The Bill Cunningham Show KLUZ El Gordo y la Flaca KASY Jerry Springer CNN The Situation Room FNC The Five MTV The Show With Vinny 3:30 p.m. MTV The Show With Vinny 4:00 p.m. KOAT The Dr. Oz Show KTEL Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste KASY The Steve Wilkos Show FNC Special Report With Bret Baier 5:00 p.m. KCHF The 700 Club KASY Maury FNC The FOX Report With Shepard Smith 6:00 p.m. CNN Anderson Cooper 360

FNC The O’Reilly Factor 7:00 p.m. CNN Piers Morgan Live FNC Hannity MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 8:00 p.m. CNN Anderson Cooper 360 E! E! News FNC On the Record With Greta Van Susteren 9:00 p.m. FNC The O’Reilly Factor TBS Conan 10:00 p.m. KTEL Al Rojo Vivo CNN Piers Morgan Live FNC Hannity 10:30 p.m. MTV The Show With Vinny TBS Conan 10:34 p.m. KOB The Tonight Show With Jay Leno Adam Sandler; Phil Jackson; Family of the Year performs. 10:35 p.m. KRQE Late Show With David Letterman Barbara Walters; Jesse Eisenberg; MS MR performs. 11:00 p.m. KNME Charlie Rose

KOAT Jimmy Kimmel Live Actor Chris Pine; actress Connie Britton; Dawes performs. MTV The Show With Vinny 11:37 p.m. KRQE The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson 12:00 a.m. KASA Dish Nation E! Chelsea Lately Kate Bosworth; Natasha Leggero. FNC The Five FX Totally Biased With W. Kamau Bell MTV The Show With Vinny 12:02 a.m. KOAT Nightline 12:06 a.m. KOB Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 12:30 a.m. E! E! News FX Totally Biased With W. Kamau Bell 1:00 a.m. CNN Piers Morgan Live FNC Red Eye FX Totally Biased With W. Kamau Bell 1:06 a.m. KOB Last Call With Carson Daly

TV 1

top picks

7 p.m. on FOX American Idol The finalists reunite for the last time before host Ryan Seacrest reveals the identity of the 12th American Idol. Viewers will be kept in suspense for a couple of hours, though, as the season finale always contains plenty of filler — entertaining filler, admittedly — with the big announcement coming in the episode’s final moments. 7 p.m. on CBS The Big Bang Theory Leonard (Johnny Galecki) is offered a terrific job opportunity, but it means he’ll have to move overseas — an idea that will take some getting used to for Sheldon and Penny (Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco). Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar and Mayim Bialik also star in the season finale, “The Bon Voyage Reaction.” 7 p.m. on CW The Vampire Diaries The season finale gives new meaning to the term “school spirit,” as ghosts converge on graduation day, determined to settle old scores and fulfill their destinies. An encounter with a ghost puts Damon’s (Ian Somerhalder) life in danger, and Matt and Rebekah (Zach Roerig, Claire Holt) team up to fight a ghost intent on finding the cure. Caroline (Candice Accola) receives an unexpected gift in “Graduation.”




8 p.m. on NBC The Office Chances are you never looked at your workplace or your coworkers the same way after seeing an episode of The Office. The comedy series that started nine seasons ago as an adaptation of Ricky Gervais’ Britcom ends its run tonight with an hourlong finale. Let’s hope viewers get a satisfying sendoff for Andy, Dwight, Jim and Pam (Ed Helms, Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer) and the rest of the Dunder Mifflin Scranton staff. 8 p.m. on CBS Elementary A two-hour episode concludes the series’ freshman season. In “The Woman; Heroine,” Irene’s (Natalie Dormer) reappearance has Sherlock (Jonny Lee Miller, pictured) flashing back to the events that precipitated his downward spiral into addiction, while he and Joan (Lucy Liu) find themselves in Moriarty’s crosshairs once more. Aidan Quinn also stars.


CHARETTE LAKES: Fishing was fair to good using Power Bait, worms and salmon eggs for trout. CIMARRON RIVER: Trout fishing was very good using Panther Martins, poly wing emergers, elk hair caddis, Cimarron specials, Cimarron worms, salmon eggs and worms. Anglers reported catching several healthy holdover fish from previous-year stockings. Fishing at the Gravel Pit Lakes was good using Pistol Petes, small spinners, salmon eggs and Power Bait. CLAYTON LAKE: Hot spot for trout: Fishing was very good using Power Bait and homemade dough baits for limits of rainbow trout. CONCHAS LAKE: Fishing was fair using stink bait and nightcrawlers for catfish. A few smallmouth bass were caught by anglers using tube jigs, senkos, jerk baits and spinner baits. COYOTE CREEK: Trout fishing was fair using Power Bait and salmon eggs in the beaver pond areas. EAGLE NEST LAKE: The boat ramps are open and the boat docks were put in place last Friday. Fishing for northern pike was fair to good using spoons, jerk bait, swim baits and clousers. Fishing for trout was fair to good from the bank and from anchored boats for anglers using Power Bait and salmon eggs. Anglers trolling did best using Arnies and Platte River specials. Fishing for perch was fair to good using worms. LAKE MALOYA: Fishing was very good using Power Bait, salmon eggs, worms, Pistol Petes, Panther Martins, wooly buggers and parachute adams for trout. The annual fishing derby will be May 31 to June 2. For more information, call the State Park Office at 575-445-5607. RIO GRANDE: Hot spot for trout: Fishing continued to be very good using caddis, mayflies, streamers, Panther Martins, Fisher Chick spinners, salmon eggs and worms for trout. Fishing was good using streamers and small jerk baits for smallmouth bass. Fishing was fair using streamers, big leech patterns and Rapalas for northern pike. UTE LAKE: Fishing was very good trolling crank baits for white bass. Fishing was good using senkos, worms, smallie beavers and grubs in shallow water for smallmouth bass and an occasional largemouth bass. Fishing was good using stink bait for catfish. Fishing for crappie and walleye was slow with just a few fish taken by anglers using minnows, grubs and crank baits.

Northwest ABIQUIÚ LAKE: Fishing was fair to good using zonkers and jerk baits for smallmouth bass. Fishing near the boat dock was great using nightcrawlers, jigs and poppers. ALBUQUERQUE AREA DRAINS: There are still plenty of holdover stocked trout in these waters for some good close-to-home fishing. BLUEWATER LAKE: Fishing was very good using Rapalas, swim baits, jerk baits, clousers and spoons for tiger musky.

FENTON LAKE: Trout fishing was good for anglers using garlic scented Power Bait, salmon eggs, worms, corn, wooly buggers, olive Pistol Petes and Kastmasters. HERON LAKE: Fishing for lake trout was slow. A few kokanee were caught by anglers using Panther Martins. JEMEZ WATERS: Trout fishing on the Jemez was good using emergers, elk hair caddis, small copper John Barrs, worms and salmon eggs. Fishing on the San Antonio and East Fork was good using brassies, egg patterns, hares ears, emergers and worms. Fishing on the Cebolla was fair to good using worms, salmon eggs, small copper John Barrs and caddis. LAGUNA DEL CAMPO: Trout fishing was good using worms, Power Bait, spinners, small spoons and salmon eggs. NAVAJO LAKE: Fishing was good using tube jigs, worms, senkos and jerk baits for smallmouth bass and largemouth bass. Fishing was good using small tubes and curly tail grubs for crappie. The best crappie action reported was from the upper Pine and in La Jara Canyon. SAN JUAN: Fishing in the Quality Water section was good using brown or grey foam back emergers, green eggs, olive streamers, olive wooly buggers, flash back pheasant tails and parachute adams. Fishing through the bait waters was fair to good using wooly buggers, copper John Barrs, nightcrawlers, Power Bait and salmon eggs. SANTA CRUZ LAKE: Fishing was good using Fisher Creek spinners, Pistol Petes, Power Bait, salmon eggs and worms for trout. Anglers using worms also caught a few bluegills. SEVEN SPRINGS BROOD POND: This water is open to anglers 11 years old or younger. The pond was recently stocked and is a great place to take youngsters to fish. TIGER PARK POND: This is a great spot to take the kids if you are in the Aztec area.

Southwest ELEPHANT BUTTE: Fishing was good using white crank baits, grubs and jerk baits for white bass. The best reports we received were from anglers fishing the south side of Long Point. Fishing was fair using minnows, grubs and small jigs for crappie. Fishing was good using smallie beavers, senkos, tubes, chatterbaits, spinner baits crank baits for black bass. Fishing was good using shrimp, nightcrawlers and liver for catfish. Fishing was fair using grubs, spinners, minnows, swim baits and crank baits for white bass and an occasional crappie. The Monticello and Dam Site boat ramps remain closed due to low water conditions. The Rock Canyon ramp has reopened. LAKE ROBERTS: Hot spot for trout: Although fishing pressure was down this past week, fishing was very good using worms, Power Bait, garlic cheese and salmon eggs for trout. Fishing for bass should be good.

Southeast EL RITO CREEK: Trout fishing was fair to good using parachute adams, worms and salmon eggs. GRINDSTONE RESERVOIR: Trout fishing was very good using Power Bait, worms, salmon eggs, small Kastmasters, small Z Rays, Pistol Petes and spinners. SANTA ROSA LAKE: The lake has reopened to boating but the launch area is undeveloped and boating is restricted to no wake speed only. Fishing was fair using jerk baits, senkos and tubes for smallmouth bass. Fishing was slow to fair using crank baits, minnows, grubs and tubes for walleye. A few crappie were taken by anglers using worms, minnows, grubs and tubes.

This fishing report, provided by Bill Dunn and the Department of Game and Fish, has been generated from the best information available from area officers, anglers, guides and local businesses. Conditions may vary as stream, lake and weather conditions alter fish and angler activities.


Scoreboard B-2 Horse racing B-2 Prep B-3 Baseball B-4 Tennis B-5 Classifieds B-6 Comics B-12



Lady Bobcats face elimination game McCurdy meets rival Rangerettes after falling to Rehoboth Christian in the Class A-AA quarterfinals By Angela Maria Williams

For The New Mexican

RIO RANCHO — Chalk it up to the jitters. No matter the talent, youth is usually a doubleedged sword. And the McCurdy softball team is young, with only two seniors in the lineup. Boasting a crop of up-and-comers comprised mostly of eighth-graders, freshmen and sophomores, the Lady Bobcats’ inexperience was evident

during the Class A-AA State Softball Tournament on Wednesday at Rio Rancho High School. The District 2A-AA champions barely survived the morning’s first round against the No. 12 seed Zuni, edging the Lady Thunderbirds 5-4. McCurdy promptly fell to No. 4 seed Rehoboth Christian 11-7 in the afternoon quarterfinals. The Lady Bobcats (17-10) continue in the double-elimination bracket with a win-or-gohome matchup against district rival Mora at 8 a.m. Thursday. The game against Zuni (12-11-1) was a bit of a comedy of errors and it was no different against the Lady Lynx. In a rare switch, McCurdy head coach Nathan


Rolling along: LeBron James and Miami knock off Chicago to advance. Page B-5

Returning to form? Byron Nelson defending champ Jason Dufner looking to turn his year around in Texas. Page B-2

Velasquez pulled catcher Poekwin Garcia when she made a throwing error that allowed Rehoboth freshman Tyra West to score on her own double in the third inning for a 2-0 lead. Garcia’s error in the first inning led to Rehoboth’s first run. “They’re young,” Velasquez said. “Our catcher at the beginning was a freshman and the nerves just got her, so I put our number one-catcher [junior Eliana Griego] back in. What you do is shake it off.” Against Rehoboth (20-4-1), however, the Lady Bobcat’s nerves in the batter’s box cost them the

Please see game, Page B-3



Chicago skates by Detroit Blackhawks use scoring flurry to take series lead By Jay Cohen

The Associated Press

McCurdy’s Chris Serrano slides safely into second base as Jemez Valley freshman Russell Gachupin catches the ball during a Class A State Baseball Tournament semifinal Wednesday afternoon at Rio Rancho High School. PHOTOS BY JUNFU HAN/FOR THE NEW MEXICAN

Back to the dugout Jemez Valley holds off McCurdy in semifinals

Questa’s title hopes end against reigning champs

By James Barron

By James Barron

The New Mexican

The New Mexican

IO RANCHO — All Santiago Lovato could do was swallow the pain. It leaked out through the McCurdy senior’s eyes, though. The tears welled up as he recounted the moment his prep baseball career ended Wednesday — on Cesar Rodriguez’s strikeout by Jemez Valley starter Darian Sando in the seventh inning that capped a 7-4 win for the Cinderella Warriors in a Class A State Baseball Tournament semifinal at Rio Rancho High School. Lovato, who labored through 167 pitches, seven walks and eight Jemez stolen bases, saw the finality

RIO RANCHO — Find first base. This was the mantra that led the Questa Wildcats to the Class A State Baseball TournaCapitan 3 ment semifinals. On Wednesday Questa 1 morning, Raul Villegas did everything he could to hide it. The senior co-ace for the topseeded Capitan Tigers did what his partner Tracker Bowen did last May to the Wildcats — he held them to one hit. Once again, Questa senior Kendall Cordova was on the wrong end of a pitcher’s duel as Capitan held on for


Please see DUgoUt, Page B-3

Bobcats infielder Julio Molina fields a ball against Jemez Valley during a Class A State Baseball Tournament semifinal Wednesday afternoon at Rio Rancho High School.

Please see HoPes, Page B-3


Errors plague Pecos in loss to No. 2 Cobre By Zack Ponce

The New Mexican

RIO RANCHO — Pecos knew there was only one way to upset Cobre in its Class AA State Baseball Tournament quarterfinal matchup. Thanks to advanced scouting and a few phone calls, Panthers head coach Augustin Ruiz started senior Devin Henderson on the mound with the hope that his repertoire of off-speed pitches could thwart Cobre’s power-hitting lineup. It did. However, Pecos’ strategy fell flat with miscues behind the mound, dooming the Panthers to a 13-4 loss to the Indians at Rio Rancho Cleveland High School. Cobre (21-7) advanced to the semifinals where it

meets Mesilla Valley at 10 a.m. Thursday. “Devin did a good job pitching, you can’t ask for anything more of him,” Ruiz said. “He kept them off balance and we did one of the two things right.” One of those things was hit. Cobre 13 The Panthers (17-10) matched Cobre’s 11 hits with 10 of their Pecos 4 own but leaving nine runners on base killed Pecos’ hopes of keeping pace with the Indians. The bigger flaw was porous defense. Cobre, the No. 2 seed and 2012 AAA champion, jumped out to a quick 4-1 lead by the third inning thanks to three Pecos errors — leading to three unearned runs. “For some of them, it may have just been jitters,” Ruiz said, who’s defense had committed six errors

by the game’s conclusion. “You forget where you’re throwing your relays. You forget where guys were on base and stuff like that. I think it was the mental part of it where we broke down.” One of the more egregious mishaps occurred in the second when Pecos right fielder Brandon Quintana fired a ball towards third base in an attempt to throw out Willie Fletcher, but the ball sailed high and allowed Fletcher and a teammate to score. Cobre pressured Pecos from the start, sending any and all baserunners standing on first over to second. “We have a tendency to hit into a few double plays, so we try to use our running game,” said

Sports information: James Barron, 986-3045, Design and headlines: Jon Lechel,

Please see eRRoRs, Page B-3

CHICAGO — Johnny Oduya and Marcus Kruger scored in the third period, goalie Corey Crawford made 20 saves, and the Blackhawks 4 Blackhawks beat Detroit 4-1 in the Red Wings 1 opener of their second-round playoff series Wednesday night. Chicago dominated the final two periods in its first game in the Western Conference semifinals since it won the Stanley Cup in 2010. Marian Hossa scored the opening goal, and Patrick Sharp had an empty-netter and two assists to give him nine points in the playoffs. “I thought it was our best game of the playoffs, no question,” Sharp said. Jimmy Howard finished with 38 stops in a terrific performance, but Detroit still lost to rival Chicago for the eighth straight time dating to last season. The series resumes Saturday afternoon at the United Center. The 75th all-time playoff game between the Blackhawks and Red Wings was tied at 1 after two periods, and Howard made a great stop on a breakaway by Dave Bolland 4½ minutes into the third. Chicago kept working and went in front to stay on a heady play by Oduya. He drifted in from the point and sent Sharp’s pass past Howard on the glove side with 12 minutes left. “He sneaks in there, and it was a great play by Johnny,” Sharp said. “I saw him pinching in, I felt like he was wide open, and he called for the puck.” Kruger then jumped on a loose puck and sent a backhander into the upper right corner to make it 3-1. That was more than enough for Crawford, who caught a break when Damien Brunner’s rebound attempt went off the crossbar and straight down before Brent Seabrook swept it away with about three minutes left. “Sometimes you got to get some breaks,” Crawford said. “Seabs came in there and he made a great play to clear it out.” The opener of the 16th playoff series between the two teams was the first game for Chicago since it eliminated Minnesota last Thursday. Detroit closed out Anaheim with a 3-2 win in Game 7 on Sunday, taking the final two games of the series against the second-seeded Ducks. Despite the long break, there was no sign of rust for the Blackhawks. And the Red Wings skated right with Chicago despite all that travel in the first round and the thrilling conclusion to the series against Anaheim. This one was fast and frenetic from the start. Two similar teams more than familiar with the other’s style, energized by their first playoff meeting since Detroit beat Chicago in five games in the 2009 Western Conference final. The Blackhawks struck first, taking advantage of the first power-play opportunity of the game. Detroit needed less than two minutes to respond, tying it when Brunner poked in a rebound for his third career playoff goal.




THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013



NHL PLayoffs Conference semifinals

EasTERN CoNfERENCE Pittsburgh 1, ottawa 0 Tuesday’s Game Pittsburgh 4, Ottawa 1 friday’s Game Ottawa at Pittsburgh, 5:30 p.m. sunday, May 19 Pittsburgh at Ottawa, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 22 Pittsburgh at Ottawa. 5:30 p.m. x-friday, May 24 Ottawa at Pittsburgh, 5:30 p.m. x-sunday, May 26 Pittsburgh at Ottawa, TBD x-Tuesday, May 28 Ottawa at Pittsburgh, TBD Boston vs. N.y. Rangers Thursday’s Game N.Y. Rangers at Boston, 5:30 p.m. sunday, May 19 N.Y. Rangers at Boston, 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 21 Boston at N.Y. Rangers, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 23 Boston at N.Y. Rangers, 5 p.m. x-saturday, May 25 N.Y. Rangers at Boston TBD x-Monday, May 27 Boston at N.Y. Rangers, TBD x-Wednesday, May 29 N.Y. Rangers at Boston, TBD WEsTERN CoNfERENCE Chicago 1, Detroit 0 Wednesday’s Game Chicago 4, Detroit 1 saturday, May 18 Detroit at Chicago, 11 a.m. Monday, May 20 Chicago at Detroit, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 23 Chicago at Detroit, 6 p.m. x-saturday, May 25 Detroit at Chicago, TBD x-Monday, May 27 Chicago at Detroit, TBD x-Wednesday, May 29 Detroit at Chicago, TBD Los angeles 1, san Jose 0 Tuesday’s Game Los Angeles 2, San Jose 0 Thursday’s Game San Jose at Los Angeles, 8 p.m. saturday, May 18 Los Angeles at San Jose, 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 21 Los Angeles at San Jose, 8 p.m. x-Thursday, May 23 San Jose at Los Angeles, 8:30 p.m. x-sunday, May 26 Los Angeles at San Jose, TBD x-Tuesday, May 28 San Jose at Los Angeles, TBD Best of 7; x-if necessary


Through Tuesday scoring GP David Krejci, BOS 7 Evgeni Malkin, PIT 7 Jarome Iginla, PIT 7 Sidney Crosby, PIT 6 Derick Brassard, NYR 7 Milan Lucic, BOS 7 Pascal Dupuis, PIT 7 Joe Pavelski, SJ 5 Logan Couture, SJ 5 Henrik Zetterberg, DET7 Zdeno Chara, BOS 7

G 5 3 2 3 2 2 6 4 3 3 1

a PTs 8 13 10 13 8 10 6 9 7 9 7 9 2 8 4 8 5 8 5 8 7 8


NBa PLayoffs Conference semifinals

EasTERN CoNfERENCE Miami 4, Chicago 1 Wednesday’s Game Miami 94, Chicago 91 Previous Results Chicago 93, Miami 86 Miami 115, Chicago 78 Miami 104, Chicago 94 Miami 88, Chicago 65 Indiana 3, New york 1 Tuesday’s Game Indiana 93, New York 82 Thursday’s Game Indiana at New York, 6 p.m. x-saturday, May 18 New York at Indiana, 6 p.m. x-Monday, May 20 Indiana at New York, 6 p.m. Previous Results Indiana 102, New York 95 New York 105, Indiana 79 Indiana 82, New York 71 WEsTERN CoNfERENCE san antonio 3, Golden state 2 Tuesday’s Game San Antonio 109, Golden State 91 Thursday’s Game San Antonio at Golden State, 8:30 p.m. x-sunday, May 19 Golden State at San Antonio, TBA Previous Results San Antonio 129, Golden State 127, 2OT Golden St. 100, San Antonio 91 San Antonio 102, Golden State 92 Golden State 97, San Antonio 87, OT Memphis 4, oklahoma City 1 Wednesday’s Game Memphis 88, Oklahoma City 84 Previous Results Oklahoma City 93, Memphis 91 Memphis 99, Oklahoma City 93 Memphis 87, Oklahoma City 81 Memphis 103, Oklahoma City 97, OT Best-of-7; x-if necessary


Through Tuesday scoring G Durant, OKC 10 Anthony, NYK 10 Harden, HOU 6 James, MIA 8 Curry, GOL 11 Parker, SAN 9 Paul, LAC 6 Lopez, Bro 7 Lawson, DEN 6 Rebounds G Garnett, BOS 6 Evans, Bro 7 Gasol, LAL 4 Bogut, GOL 11 Asik, HOU 6 Howard, LAL 4 Noah, CHI 11 Hibbert, IND 10 Duncan, SAN 9 assists Williams, Bro Curry, GOL Lawson, DEN Conley, MEM James, MIA Paul, LAC Durant, OKC Gasol, LAL Parker, SAN Ellis, MIL

fG 107 99 45 67 92 81 49 58 48 off 9 16 7 39 21 10 51 45 19 G 7 11 6 10 8 6 10 4 9 4

fT 82 66 53 51 35 45 33 39 28 Def 73 70 39 85 46 33 55 51 67

Pts 318 279 158 193 259 211 137 156 128 Tot 82 86 46 124 67 43 106 96 86 ast 59 91 48 73 58 38 63 25 55 22

avg 31.8 27.9 26.3 24.1 23.5 23.4 22.8 22.3 21.3 avg 13.7 12.3 11.5 11.3 11.2 10.8 9.6 9.6 9.6 avg 8.4 8.3 8.0 7.3 7.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.1 5.5

aTP-WTa TouR Internazionali BNL d’Italia Wednesday at foro Italico Rome Purse: Men, $4.17 million (WT1000); Women, $2.37 million (Premier) surface: Clay-outdoor singles - Men second Round Jerzy Janowicz, Poland, def. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (8), France, 6-4, 7-6 (5). Alexandr Dolgopolov, Ukraine, def. Stanislas Wawrinka (15), Switzerland, walkover. Gilles Simon, France, def. Mikhail Youzhny, Russia, 7-5, 6-3. Benoit Paire, France, def. Julien Benneteau, France, 6-7 (3), 6-4, 7-6 (4). Marcel Granollers, Spain, def. Andy Murray (3), Britain, 6-3, 6-7 (5), retired. Jeremy Chardy, France, def. Kei Nishikori (16), Japan, 6-4, 6-1. Philipp Kohlschreiber, Germany, def. Albert Ramos, Spain, 6-4, 6-1. David Ferrer (4), Spain, def. Fernando Verdasco, Spain, 5-7, 7-5, 6-3. Ernests Gulbis, Latvia, def. Viktor Troicki, Serbia, 6-1, 6-1. Rafael Nadel (5), Spain, def. Fabio Fognini, Italy, 6-1, 6-3. Women second Round Li Na (5), China, def. Zheng Jie, China, 6-3, 6-1. Roberta Vinci (13), Italy, def. Nastassja Burnett, Italy, 6-1, 6-4. Dominika Cibulkova (14), Slovakia, def. Melanie Oudin, United States, 5-7, 6-1, 6-3. Maria Kirilenko (12), Russia, def. Varvara Lepchenko, United States, 6-3, 6-1. Jelena Jankovic, Serbia, def. Bojana Jovanovski, Serbia, 6-2, 6-0. Sara Errani (7), Italy, def. Christina McHale, United States, 7-5, 5-7, 6-2. Sam Stosur (9), Australia, def. Peng Shuai, China, 7-6 (5), 6-0. Lourdes Dominguez Lino, Spain, def. Yanina Wickmayer, Belgium, 6-4, 6-4. Maria Sharapova (2), Russia, def. Garbine Muguruza, Spain, 6-2, 6-2. Sloane Stephens (16), United States, def. Kiki Bertens, Netherlands, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2. Carla Suarez Navarro, Spain, def. Romina Oprandi, Switzerland, 6-4, 6-2. Ayumi Morita, Japan, def. Urszula Radwanska, Poland, 6-3, 6-1. Victoria Azarenka (3), Belarus, def. Julia Goerges, Germany, 6-2, 6-0. Doubles Men first Round Thomas Berdych and Radek Stepanek, Czech Republic, def. Daniele Bracciali and Andreas Seppi, Italy, 6-4, 6-2. Paolo Lorenzi and Potito Starace, Italy, def. Marcos Baghdatis, Cyprus, and Juan Martin del Potro, Argentina, 6-3, 2-6, 10-8. second Round Santiago Gonzalez, Mexico, and Scott Lipsky, United States, def. Jurgen Melzer, Austria, and Leander Paes (8), India, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (3). Marcel Granollers and Marc Lopez (2), Spain, def. Julien Benneteau, France, and Nenad Zimonjic, Serbia, 6-4, 6-7 (4), 10-8. Robert Lindstedt, Sweden, and Daniel Nestor (3), Canada, def. Flavio Cipolla, Italy, and Filippo Volandri, Italy, 6-4, 6-3.



East W L T Pts Gf Ga New York 6 4 3 21 19 15 Houston 6 3 2 20 17 10 Kansas City 6 4 2 20 15 9 Montreal 6 2 2 20 15 11 Philadelphia 4 4 3 15 14 18 Columbus 3 4 3 12 12 10 New England 2 4 4 10 6 9 Toronto 1 5 4 7 11 15 Chicago 2 6 1 7 6 15 D.C. United 1 8 1 4 5 19 West W L T Pts Gf Ga Dallas 7 1 3 24 18 11 Portland 4 1 6 18 18 12 Los Angeles 5 3 2 17 17 9 Salt Lake 5 5 2 17 13 13 Colorado 4 4 3 15 10 9 San Jose 3 4 5 14 12 18 Vancouver 3 4 3 12 12 14 Seattle 3 3 3 12 10 7 Chivas USA 3 5 2 11 12 18 Note: Three points for win and one for a tie. Wednesday’s Games Los Angeles 4, Philadelphia 1 saturday’s Games Columbus at Toronto, 3 p.m. Portland at Vancouver, 5 p.m. Chicago at Philadelphia, 5:30 p.m. New England at Houston, 6:30 p.m. Dallas at Seattle, 8:30 p.m. Colorado at San Jose, 8:30 p.m. sunday’s Games Los Angeles at New York, 11 a.m. Kansas City at D.C. United, 3 p.m. Salt Lake at Chivas USA, 8:30 p.m.

Central Iowa Chicago San Antonio West Arizona San Jose Spokane Utah

NoRTH aMERICa Major League soccer


Tour of California

Wednesday at santa Barbara, Calif. stage 4 a 83.6-mile road race 1. Tyler Farrar (Garmin-Sharp), United States, 3 hours, 14 minutes, 9 seconds. 2. Ken Hanson (Optum/Kelly Benefit), United States, same time. 3. Gianni Meersman (Omega Pharma-Quick Step), Belgium, s.t. 4. Kris Boeckmans (Vacansoleil-DCM), Belgium, s.t. 5. Peter Sagan (Cannondale), Slovakia, s.t. 6. Michael Matthews (Orica-GreenEdge), Australia, s.t. 7. Thor Hushovd (BMC), Norway, s.t. 8. Sylvain Chavanel (Omega Pharma-Quick Step), France, s.t. 9. Jeremy Vennell (Bissell), New Zealand, s.t. 10. Jasper Stuyven (Bontrager), Belgium, s.t. overall standings (after 4 stages) 1. Janier Acevedo (Jamis-Hagens Berman), Colombia, 17 hours, 13 minutes, 59 seconds. 2. Tejay van Garderen (BMC), United States, 12 seconds behind. 3. Philip Deignan (UnitedHealthcare), Ireland, 27 seconds behind. 4. Mathias Frank (BMC), Switzerland, 45 seconds behind. 5. Michael Rogers (Saxo-Tinkoff), Australia, 55 seconds behind. 6. Francisco Mancebo (5-Hour Energy/ Kenda), Spain, 1 minute, 3 seconds behind. 7. Chad Haga (Optum/Kelly Benefit), United States, 1:13 behind. 8. Matthew Busche (RadioShack Leopard), United States, 1:15 behind. 9. Lawson Craddock (Bontrager), United States, 1:32 behind. 10. Cameron Meyer (Orica-GreenEdge), Australia, 1:40 behind.

aRENa LEaGuE National Conference W 4 4 3 W 7 5 5 3

L 4 4 4 L 1 2 3 4

T 0 0 0 T 0 0 0 0

TRANSACTIONS tRaNsactIoNs BasEBaLL american League

Pct .500 .500 .429 Pct .875 .714 .625 .429

Pf Pa 404 351 409 438 287 329 Pf Pa 553 392 383 354 536 446 391 399

south W L T Pct Jacksonville 6 2 0 .750 Tampa Bay 5 3 0 .625 Orlando 2 5 0 .286 New Orleans 1 6 0 .143 East W L T Pct Philadelphia 3 4 0 .429 Cleveland 2 5 0 .286 Pittsburgh 2 5 0 .286 friday’s Game New Orleans at Spokane, 8 p.m. saturday, May 18 San Antonio at Cleveland, 5 p.m. San Jose at Jacksonville, 5 p.m. Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh, 5 p.m. Orlando at Philadelphia, 5:05 p.m. Iowa at Utah, 7 p.m. sunday, May 19 Arizona at Chicago, 2 p.m.

Pf Pa 440 348 457 421 352 432 244 397 Pf Pa 397 355 330 422 256 355

american Conference

CLEVELAND INDIANS — Optioned RHP Trevor Bauer to Columbus (IL). HOUSTON ASTROS — Assigned RHP Philip Humber outright to Oklahoma City (PCL). NEW YORK YANKEES — Sent RHP Joba Chamberlain to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL) and LHP Cesar Cabral to Tampa (FSL) for rehab assignments. Selected the contract of INF David Adams from Scranton/WilkesBarre. Designated 3B Chris Nelson for assignment. OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Optioned OF Michael Taylor to Sacramento (PCL). Reinstated OF Coco Crisp from the 15-day DL. TEXAS RANGERS — Agreed to terms with RHP Scott Richmond on a minor league contract and assigned him to extended spring training. TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Sent RHP Dustin McGowan to Dunedin (FSL) for a rehab assignment.

National League

LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Reinstated RHP Zack Greinke from the 15-day DL. Placed RHP Josh Beckett on the 15-day DL, retroactive to May 14. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Agreed to terms with RHP Carlos Zambrano on a minor league contract. PITTSBURGH PIRATES — Placed INF John McDonald on the 15-day DL. Recalled INF Jordy Mercer from Indianapolis (IL). SAN DIEGO PADRES — Released RHP Fautino De Los Santos.


fight schedule

May 17 At Crocus City Hall, Myakinino, Russia, Denis Lebedev vs. Guillermo Jones, 12, for Lebedev’s WBA World cruiserweight title; Alexander Povetkin vs. Andrzej Wawrzyk, 12, for Povetkin’s WBA World heavyweight title. May 18 At Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, N.J. (SHO), Devon Alexander vs. Lee Purdy, 12, for Alexander’s IBF welterweight title; Lamont Peterson vs. Lucas Martin Matthysse, 12, welterweights; Thomas Williams Jr. vs. Otis Griffin, 10, light heavyweights; Anthony Peterson vs. Dominic Salcido, 10, lightweights; Shawn Porter vs. Phil Lo Greco, 10, welterweights. At The Grand Oasis, Cancun, Mexico (FOXSN), Shane Mosley vs. Pablo Cesar Cano, 12, for the vacant WBC International welterweight title; Jorge Silva vs. Cesar Chavez, 10, welterweights; Roberto Manzanarez vs. Oscar Arenas, 10, lightweights; Sergio Thompson vs. Gustavo Sandoval, 10, super featherweights.

THISDate DATE oNON tHIs May 16

1976 — The Montreal Canadiens win their 19th Stanley Cup with a 5-3 victory over the Philadelphia Flyers, capping a four-game sweep. 1980 — The Los Angeles Lakers beat the Philadelphia 76ers 123-107 to win the NBA title in six games. Rookie guard Magic Johnson fills in at center for the injured Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and comes up with 42 points, 15 rebounds and seven assists and is named the Finals MVP. The 42 points are the most scored by a rookie in an NBA Finals game. 1996 — Steve Yzerman scores 1:15 into the second overtime as Detroit advances to the Western Conference finals with a 1-0 victory over the St. Louis Blues in Game 7. It’s the second time in NHL history that a Game 7 is scoreless heading into overtime. 1999 — The New York Knicks become the second eighth-seeded team in NBA playoff history to defeat a number one seed in the playoffs when they beat the Miami Heat in five games.

fooTBaLL National football League

BALTIMORE RAVENS — Announced the retirement of LB Rolando McClain. BUFFALO BILLS — Signed LB Kiki Alonso. CAROLINA PANTHERS — Signed P Jordan Gay. HOUSTON TEXANS — Signed C Tyler Horn. Released RB George Winn and OT Dann O’Neill. KANSAS CITY CHIEFS — Signed FB Braden Wilson. MIAMI DOLPHINS — Promoted Jason Jenkins to vice president of communications. MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Signed Gs Jeff Baca and Travis Bond and P Jeff Locke. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS — Signed DB Duron Harmon. Released DL Kyle Love. OAKLAND RAIDERS — Signed KR Josh Cribbs to a one-year contract.

soCCER Major League soccer

MLS — Reduced the two-game suspension of San Jose F Marvin Chavez to one game. Suspended Vancouver D Johnny Leveron, Chivas D Mario De Luna, Colorado F Edson Buddle and Real Salt Lake D Kwame Watson-Siriboe one game and fined them undisclosed amounts for their actions in recent games. D.C. UNITED — Announced the retirement of D Robbie Russell. PORTLAND TIMBERS — Terminated the contract of D Hanyer Mosquera.


CHARLOTTE — Announced men’s basketball G Braxton Ogbueze has transferred from Florida. EMORY & HENRY — Named David Willson men’s basketball coach. PENN STATE — Announced G Jermaine Marshall is leaving the men’s basketball team. RUTGERS — Named Julie Hermann athletic director. SAM HOUSTON STATE — Named Mike Collins assistant football coach. SHENANDOAH — Named Chad Brashears men’s part-time assistant basketball coach. TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN — Named Hannah Burleson women’s assistant basketball coach. TCU — Suspended DE Devonte Fields two games for an unspecified violation of university and team policy.


Defending Nelson champion still shows little emotion The Associated Press

IRVING, Texas — Jason Dufner outwardly showed little emotion last year when he won the Byron Nelson Championship in the midst of his incredible stretch of golf. The same goes for Dufner when things aren’t going as well, such as this season. “I don’t show it, but obviously it’s going on inside. I played a lot of rounds this year with frustration and anger on my mind,” Dufner said Wednesday. “I’ve got a good way of hiding the good and the bad. But there has been more anger and frustration this year than there was last year, for sure.” His victory at the Nelson, after which there was no overwhelming

outburst of excitement, capped a four-week span in which Dufner got his first two PGA Tour victories and also got married. He followed that with a runner-up Jason Dufner finish at Colonial, a fourth-place finish at the U.S. Open and made 21 consecutive cuts to end the season. “I don’t reflect on it very much at all,” he said. “Nothing is staying the same in golf. You’re either getting better or you’re getting worse. At this moment in time, I’m a little bit worse than I was last year.” Heading into Thursday’s opening

round of the Nelson, Dufner hasn’t had a top-10 finish this season and has already missed two cuts — twice as many as last year. He is coming off his worst round of the season, a closing 80 at The Players Championship with three double bogeys. The last person to win consecutive Nelsons was Tom Watson, who won three in a row from 1978-80. The only other back-to-back winners are Jack Nicklaus and Sam Snead. A week after The Players, the Nelson field includes only six of the top 25 players in the world ranking, led by No. 7 Louis Oosthuizen — who missed the cut last year in his only previous Nelson appearance.

“I would rather come in a bit more in form than coming in top-ranked player [in the field],” said Oosthuizen, the 2010 British Open champion. Playing on Nelson sponsor exemptions are Guan Tianlang, the 14-yearold amateur in his second PGA Tour event since making the cut at the Masters, and 19-year-old Jordan Spieth. Spieth is playing in the Nelson for the third time, this time as a pro who has made six of nine cuts and already won nearly $700,000 this season. As an amateur at the Nelson, he tied for 16th as a 16-year-old in 2010, then played on the same day as his high school graduation two years ago when he tied for 32nd. “This tournament is dear to my

heart, and it gave me a big bump when I was able to get the exemption and take advantage when I was 16 and 17,” said Spieth, who played one season at the University of Texas before turning pro. “Now back in a little different position now, not in school anymore, but I could be more excited to be back here. This is my favorite event of the year.” While Dufner might not reflect on that impressive stretch last season, the TPC Four Seasons conjures good memories and those couple of months did give him a good perspective on his potential level of play. Thursday could mark another starting point for Dufner to make the turn, and head back in the winning direction.

Orb draws rail as 1-1 favorite in Saturday’s Preakness Stakes The Associated Press

BALTIMORE — The Preakness draw was over, and trainer Shug McGaughey listed a variety of reasons why he was OK with having Kentucky Derby winner Orb starting Saturday’s race from the rail. Then someone asked him, “If you had your choice, where would you want to be?” Without hesitation, McGaughey responded, “The outside.” Despite getting the inside post in Wednesday’s draw, Orb was made an even-money favorite to win and keep alive his bid to become horse racing’s first Triple Crown winner since Affirmed in 1978.

“I saw it bounced around in the papers that we would be 4-5,” McGaughey said. “I am a little surprised that with him being even money, with the next shot was 5-1. That’s a pretty good spread. We’ll see what the public does. Like I always say, I wish every horse I run would be the favorite.” The brown colt is looking for his sixth straight victory as part of the smallest Preakness field since 2007. Govenor Charlie, trained by Bob Baffert, added his name to the list Wednesday for the 1 -mile race. Starting from the inside won’t help, but McGaughey reasoned it’s a lot better

PREAkNESS ODDS 1. Orb 2. Goldencents 3. Titletown Five 4. Departing 5. Mylute 6. Oxbow 7. Will Take Charge 8. Governor Charlie 9. Itsmyluckyday

Even 8-1 30-1 6-1 5-1 15-1 12-1 12-1 10-1

than getting the No. 1 post at Churchill Downs for the Derby. “It’s not nearly the problem it would be in the Derby,” he said. “The Derby is kind of catty-cornered. You got to shove your way out of there or you get shut off down in there. It’s pretty

straightforward here. There are only nine horses. There’s not going to be that kind of jockeying into the first turn. We’ll just hold our position and see how the race plays out.” Still, the last horse to win the Preakness from the inside post was Tabasco Cat in 1994. Starting from the rail is a disadvantage because, if a horse does not get out in front from that spot, it can easily get pushed to the back of the field by the other competitors. “He’ll get a clean break and he’ll be able to sit where he wants to sit,” McGaughey said. “If he’s good enough he’ll be able to make that run, and hopefully he gets there.”

Mylute, the second favorite at 5-1, hopes to take advantage of working out the No. 5 post. “The draw was great. We’re in the middle and we’ve got Orb and Departing inside of us, which is great because we can watch and see what happens,” said Todd Quast, general manager of GoldMark Farm, co-owner of Mylute. “Our horse ran the same race Orb did in the Derby but was three to fourth lengths behind him. So this time, maybe if we can stay a little closer to him at the beginning, we can maybe turn the tables on him. “No disrespect to him, he’s a fantastic horse, but I think our horse is pretty good too.”

Not to mention, Orb is on the rail. “We need to make up three or four lengths, and that may be one of the factors that helps us,” Quast said. Orb won the Derby by 2½ lengths, so he remains the horse to beat. “I don’t know that the rail’s all that bad,” said Hall of Fame trainer D. Wayne Lukas, who has three horses in the race — Oxbow, Will Take Charge and Titletown Five. “Orb is still the one to beat.” Lukas was delighted with the post positions drawn by his three entrants. “I love mine. I thought it was real good,” he said.


Hopes: Capitan faces Jemez Valley for title Continued from Page B-1 a 3-1 win at Rio Rancho High School. The fourth-seeded Wildcats saw their season end to the same team in almost the same fashion as last year’s loss to the Tigers, by a 3-0 score, as they went on to their second straight A championship. Capitan plays No. 7 Jemez Valley at 9:30 a.m. Thursday with a three-peat on the line. It was just a repeat for the Wildcats — of hung heads and streaming tears. Junior catcher Marcus Chavez laid on the bench with his jersey over his head. Cordova again smeared tears against his eye black, as a stellar career at Questa came to an end. “I wanted this so bad,” Cordova said. “This whole team wanted it so bad. We just wanted it bad.” And like last year, defense was at the heart of the matter. A fielding error by Questa shortstop Jesus Ortega, as he lost the grip on Bobbie Hughes’ chopper up

the middle, allowed Mikey Hamm to break the scoreless tie in the third inning. Ruben Mendoza followed with an RBI single for 2-0. After Juna Cintas’ grounder slipped into left field to score Cordova for the Wildcats’ lone hit and run in the fourth, Capitan (154) responded quickly. Cordova tried to pick off Dillon Trapp, who led off with a single, but the throw slipped past Cintas and into foul territory. Cintas chased the ball, and his throw to third base bounced over brother Jo Cintas’ head, allowing Trapp to score. The rest of the day was filled with missed chances. The Wildcats (16-6) put four runners on base with four walks and a hit batsman over the final three innings, but three were stranded in scoring position. It didn’t help that three of the runners got on base with two outs, leaving the Wildcats little choice but to collect a big hit. “I felt we were fairly aggressive against

Villegas,” said Cruz Chavez II, Questa head coach. “I was really happy we were trying to hack. We thought he threw a lot harder than he really did.” In the fifth, Isaiah Chavez grounded out to Villegas, leaving Zach Padilla at second. Cordova was hit by a pitch and Juan Cintas walked in the sixth, but Jo Cintas struck out swinging, one of 10 strikeout victims by Villegas. Matt Maldonado walked with one out in the seventh, but he was left at second when Padilla and Chavez struck out to end the Wildcats’ season. Coach Chavez lamented not getting chances to face more southern teams to prepare his team for the postseason. “We were lucky enough to see [Magdalena, which Questa played three times],” Chavez said. “We’re lucky to have McCurdy, another top-notch team in the state. When you don’t see these kids, it kinda flusters you. We try to load up our schedule, but … I gotta tip my hat off to Villegas.”

Dugout: McCurdy had cut the lead to four Continued from Page B-1 of a career that ended much the same way it did for him this season. He was a part of football and basketball teams that reached the state semifinals, only to be denied the chance to play for the blue trophy. That honor in baseball goes to the seventh-seeded Warriors, who play top seed Capitan for the A title at 9:30 a.m. Thursday. As the teams lined up for the postgame handshake, Lovato soaked in a rush of memories compiled over five years. Yet, it was all too much. “You think about everything,” Lovato said, pausing in the melancholy of reflection as his eyes started to water. “There’s not much you can do. Just swallow it.” There was a lot to swallow for the second-seeded Bobcats. The top four spots in the order went 0-for-10 with four walks and two hit-by-pitches, leaving the bottom half of the lineup to try to pick up the slack. McCurdy head coach Roberto DeVargas said his seniors pressed too much, perhaps wanting to atone for what they couldn’t do in the previous two sports. “They were trying so hard,” DeVargas said. “Those four or five guys are seniors, and they wanted a good showing. I think they were trying so hard, trying to do so much in one at-bat.” Lovato personified that desire in the afternoon’s climatic moment in the sixth inning. McCurdy (14-7) staged a two-out rally and cut a 7-1 deficit to 7-3 thanks to three singles and a Jemez error. They had the bases loaded with two outs for Lovato, their best hitter. Sando threw five strikes in the at-bat, as Lovato fouled off two of them to stay alive. But Lovato swung from the heels on an outside curveball and came up empty in the pivotal moment. Sando used his own senior experience to keep his cool. “I’ve been in tougher situations than that,” Sando said. “I was nervous, but I just focused and threw that outside curveball.” Jemez (13-9-1) also proved to be opportunistic against a faulty McCurdy defense, posting three runs in the first with the help of two errors by Bobcats freshman shortstop Julio Molina. In the third, it was the combination of left fielder Dennis Padilla and catcher Alejandro Coff that got a Warriors rally going. His throw on Noah Fragua’s single to stop Quinn Padilla at third base bounced in front of and over Coff. Padilla raced home for a 4-0 edge. The miscues forced Lovato to labor through a combined67 pitches in those two frames alone, but neither Lovato nor DeVargas were thinking about pulling him from the hill.

Artie Sanchez, Indians head coach. Henderson’s forte quickly became a hazard as his slow wind-up delivery allowed Cobre runners to slide into second base before his pitch hit catcher Scottie Sanchez’s mitt. “I don’t really have that great of a pickoff move and they’re quick on the bases [so] you can’t really do too much about that,”

most. Though aggressive at the plate, they were unable to make much contact. McCurdy ended up with only four hits. McCurdy did see a little sunshine at the top of fifth when the Rehoboth pitcher Mariah Miller struggled on the mound after netting eight strikeouts in the four previous innings. The Lady Lynx were up 10-1 when she loaded the bases for McCurdy. Relief pitcher Krystin James replaced Miller, but the Lady Bobcats posted a five-

Northern New Mexico


Local results and schedules Today on TV

Schedule subject to change and/or blackouts. All times local. CYCLING 2:30 p.m. on NBCSN — Tour of California: Stage 5 EXTREME SPORTS 10 a.m. on ESPN — X Games in Barcelona, Spain 5 p.m. on ESPN — X Games in Barcelona, Spain (taped) GOLF 5 a.m. on The Golf Channel — European Tour: Volvo World Match Play Championship first-round matches in Bulgaria 10:30 a.m. on The Golf Channel — Tour: BMW Charity Pro-Am first round in South Carolina 1 p.m. on The Golf Channel — PGA Tour: Byron Nelson Championship first round in Irving, Texas 4:30 p.m. on The Golf Channel — LPGA Tour: Mobile Bay Classic first round in Mobile, Ala. (taped) HOCKEY 4 a.m. on NBCSN — IIHF World Championship: Quarterfinals 6:30 a.m. on NBCSN — IIHF World Championship: Quarterfinals 9 a.m. on NBCSN — IIHF World Championship: Quarterfinals Noon on NBCSN — IIHF World Championship: Quarterfinals MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 6 p.m. on MLB — Detroit at Texas or San Francisco at Colorado

NHL 5:30 p.m. on NBCSN — Conference semifinals, Game 1: N.Y. Rangers at Boston 8 p.m. on NBCSN — Conference semifinals, Game 2: San Jose at Los Angeles

HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULE This week’s varsity schedule for Northern New Mexico high schools. For additions or changes, please call 986-3045.

Today Baseball — Class AAA State Tournament, quarterfinals: St. Michael’s vs. Silver, 3 p.m. (at St. Pius); Robertson vs. Sandia Prep, 7 p.m. (at Rio Rancho Cleveland) Class AAAA State Tournament, quarterfinals, at La Cueva: Los Alamos vs. Piedra Vista, noon Softball — Class A-AA State Tournament at Rio Rancho: loser’s bracket, McCurdy vs. Mora, 8 a.m. (Field 2) Class AAA State Tournament at Rio Rancho: Robertson vs. Portales, 10 a.m. (Field 1); West Las Vegas vs. Hope Christian, 10 a.m. (Field 2); St. Michael’s vs. Bloomfield, 10 a.m. (Field 3)

Friday Baseball — Class AAA State Tournament, semifinals, at Cleveland High School: Ruidoso/Lovington winner vs. St. Michael’s/ Silver winner, 10 a.m. (Rio Rancho Cleveland) Class AAAA State Tournament, semifinals, at Cleveland High School: Los Lunas/Santa Teresa winner vs. Los Alamos/Piedra Vista winner, 1 p.m. (Rio Rancho Cleveland) Softball — Class A-AA State Tournament at Lobo Field: pairings and times TBD Class AAA State Tournament at Lobo Field: pairings and times TBD Track and field — Class AAA-AAAAA State Championships at UNM Soccer/Track Complex: field events start at 8 a.m.; running events start at 10 a.m.

Saturday Baseball — Class AAA State Tournament, championship game, at Lobo Field: pairings TBD, 10 a.m. Class AAAA State Tournament, championship game, at Lobo Field, pairings TBD, 3:30 p.m. Softball — Class AAA State Tournament at Lobo Field: pairings and times TBD Track and field — Class AAA-AAAAA State Championships at UNM Soccer/Track Complex: field events start at 8 a.m.; running events start at 11 a.m.


Basketball McCurdy pitcher Santiago Lovato delivers to Jemez Valley during a Class A state semifinal Wednesday at Rio Rancho High School. JUNFU HAN/FOR THE NEW MEXICAN

“He was my horse,” DeVargas said. “He was going to battle, and he earned it.” “My arm wasn’t fazing me,” Lovato said. “This is all that we had. We all knew we had to get past this game to get to the next.” As Lovato said good-bye to his career, the future of the Bobcats responded to the pressure of the moment. Molina made up for his miscues with a 2-for-4 performance at the plate, and his

chopper found a hole between first and second to drive in two runs in the sixth to make it 7-3. Second baseman Chris Serrano had three hits and drove in the final run of the night on a single to left to score Darren Herrera in the seventh for 7-4. But the comeback was too late and too short. For Lovato, that was too much to take.

Henderson said. “That’s hard, it puts a lot of pressure on you, especially in a tight game like this.” The Indians added three insurance runs in the fourth and fifth to grasp a 10-3 lead and put the game out of reach. Only six of Cobre’s 13 runs were earned. “Take away those mistakes and it’s still going to be a close game because it’s Cobre, it’s always going to be a dogfight to the end,” Ruiz said.

The upset fell short but Ruiz is pleased with the improvement he saw from his team and is equally optimistic the Panthers can return to the state tournament next year. “Yea we lost, but we’re still one of the top eight in the state and we got here for a reason,” he said. “It didn’t work out for us today but it’s going to be a learning experience for us [especially] for the young guys.”

Game: Cobre scores 27 runs against Pecos Continued from Page B-1


NBA 6 p.m. on TNT — Conference semifinals, Game 5: Indiana at New York 8:30 p.m. on ESPN — Conference semifinals, Game 6: San Antonio at Golden State

Errors: Indians score 3 runs in 4th inning Continued from Page B-1

Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN

run rally to make it 10-6. But McCurdy managed just one more run the rest of the way. It was a learning experience the Lady Bobcats have plenty of time to master. “We haven’t been this far since ’07, so it’s a turning point for them,” Velasquez said. “We’re going to be even stronger next year.” And McCurdy senior Amanda Villareal had some advice for her younger teammates. “Just to keep the attitudes up and stick together when things get tough and don’t

get down on each other,” she said. IN OTHER ACTION

u Despite an unexpected 15-4 upset over No. 8 seed Estancia in the first round, No. 9 Mora couldn’t hold on in the quarterfinals. The Rangerettes lost 13-0 to No. 1 Loving (19-2). u It was a rough day for No. 15 Pecos, as it drew No. 2 Cobre for the tournament’s first round and lost 27-0. The three-inning game was a hit fest for the Lady Indians (22-5) and the Lady Panthers (13-14) struggled in the outfield to slow them down.

u St. Michael’s High School will host boys and girls camps this summer in Perez-Shelley Memorial Gymnasium. The first runs June 3-6. The second camp runs July 15-18. The cost is $75 for players in grades 3-9, and $40 for players in grades 1-2. Registration forms are available at at the athletics page, or call 983-7353. u The Capital Lady Jaguar shooting camp is June 3 and 4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost is $40 per participant. For more information, call Tom Montoya at 690-4310. u The fourth annual Santa Fe Preparatory camp is June 3-7 from 9 a.m.-noon in Prep Gymnasium. It is for boys and girls between the ages of 10-15, and cost is $100 per participant. Instruction is led by the Prep coaching staff and former players. For more information, call Dan Van Essen at 310-2631. u The Pojoaque Valley girls basketball team is holding a summer league every Wednesday, starting June 5. For more information, call Ron Drake at 281-6443

Football u The Santa Fe Young American Football League is holding registration for the upcoming season from 9 a.m.-noon May 24. Registration also is scheduled for June 1, 15 and 29. All registration sessions will be at the YAFL headquarters. Fee is $105. For more information, call 820-0775. u The ninth annual St. Michael’s Horsemen football camp is June 10-13 from 8 a.m.-noon. The camp is open to boys and girls between grades 1-8. Cost is $75. For more information, call Joey Fernandez at 699-4749.

Running u The 2013 Santa Fe Runaround will be held Saturday, May 18. There will be a 5K, 10K, and kids 1K Fun Run starting at the historic Santa Fe Plaza. Registration information can be found at, or You may also register race day starting at 6:45 a.m. on the Plaza, or in person at The Running Hub, 527 B West Cordova. For more info, visit, or call Jim Owens at 231-6166.

Volleyball u The Santa Fe University of Art and Design is holding a volleyball camp for children from grades 5-8 from May 28-31 from 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Driscoll Center. Cost is $55. For more information, call Robin White at 231-1944

Note To get your announcement into The New Mexican, fax information to 986-3067, or you can email it to Please include a contact number. Phone calls will not be accepted.


Office hours 2:30 to 10 p.m.

James Barron, 986-3045 Will Webber, 986-3060 Zack Ponce, 986-3032 FAX, 986-3067 Email,



THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013


Slugger helps lift ChiSox The Associated Press

MINNEAPOLIS — Adam Dunn homered twice, doubled and drove in five runs, powering Chicago White Sox 9 past Minnesota 9-4 on Twins 4 Wednesday. Dunn hit a pair of two-run shots for his 35th career multihomer game. He’s hit three home runs in the last two games and has nine this year. Dayan Viciedo also went deep for the second straight day, helping Dylan Axelrod (1-3) pick up his first victory this season. ASTROS 7, TIGERS 5 In Detroit, Brandon Barnes caught Miguel Cabrera’s basesloaded drive against the wall in right-center field for the final out, and Houston avoided a season sweep against the Tigers. Carlos Corporan hit a tiebreaking double in the top of the ninth for the Astros, who lost their first six meetings with the Tigers by a combined 50-12. Hector Ambriz (1-2) got the win for Houston. RANGERS 6, ATHLETICS 2 In Oakland, Calif., Nelson Cruz hit a three-run homer, Alexi Ogando earned his first career win against the A’s, and Texas took beat Oakland. Ogando (4-2) didn’t allow a hit until Eric Sogard’s leadoff double in the sixth. The right-hander won his second straight decision and earned only his second victory in seven outings since consecutive wins starting the season. Cruz greeted reliever Jesse Chavez in the fifth with a first-pitch drive to left for his 10th homer. MARINERS 12, YANKEES 2 In New York, Raul Ibanez again treated Yankee Stadium as his playground, hitting a grand slam and a two-run homer to help Seattle rout New York. Ibanez’s slam came during a seven-run first inning. Yankees backup shortstop Alberto Gonzalez got the final out in the ninth inning in his first professional pitching appearance. Every Seattle starter had at least one of its season-high 16 hits. RED SOX 9, RAYS 2 In St. Petersburg, Fla., Jon Lester stayed unbeaten, Stephen Drew hit his second career grand slam, and Boston roughed up AL Cy Young winner David Price. Price (1-4) departed from the marquee pitching matchup because of left triceps tightness during Boston’s eight-run third inning, which Drew finished with his towering homer off Jamey Wright. The Red Sox stopped a threegame losing streak that’s been part of a May slide. INTERLEAGUE PADRES 8, ORIOLES 4 In Baltimore, Alexi Amarista had three extra-base hits, and San Diego matched its seasonhigh with 17 hits for a twogame sweep. Everth Cabrera had four hits and a walk, and Jedd Gyorko had three singles for the Padres, who are 13-6 after a 5-15 start. John Baker hit a go-ahead, two-run single in the second against Freddy Garcia (0-2), and Kyle Blanks hit a solo home run in a two-run fourth as San Diego took a 4-1 lead. J.J. Hardy and Matt Wieters homered for the Orioles. INDIANS 10, PHILLIES 4 In Philadelphia, Jason Kipnis hit a three-run homer, Nick Swisher and Mike Aviles went deep to back Corey Kluber, and Cleveland beat the Phillies. Corey Kluber (3-2) gave up three runs and six hits in six innings. A day after rookie Jonathan Pettibone held the Indians in check, Cole Hamels got roughed up by one of the league’s highest-scoring offenses. Cleveland had been in a slight funk, scoring just seven runs in its previous four games. BLUE JAYS 11, GIANTS 3 In Toronto, J.P. Arencibia and Adam Lind each hit two-run home runs, Ramon Ortiz won for the first time since 2011, and the Blue Jays won their seasonhigh fourth straight. Ortiz (1-1) allowed one run and six hits in seven innings for his first win since beating the Mets in a relief appearance with the Cubs on Sept. 11, 2011.

American League

East W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home New York 25 15 .625 — — 7-3 L-1 13-8 Baltimore 23 17 .575 2 — 6-4 L-2 9-8 Boston 23 17 .575 2 — 3-7 W-1 13-10 Tampa Bay 20 19 .513 41/2 21/2 7-3 L-1 14-7 Toronto 17 24 .415 81/2 61/2 7-3 W-4 9-12 Central W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Detroit 22 16 .579 — — 5-5 L-1 13-7 Cleveland 22 17 .564 1/2 1/2 7-3 W-1 11-8 Kansas City 19 17 .528 2 2 3-7 L-1 10-8 Minnesota 18 19 .486 31/2 31/2 5-5 L-2 9-10 Chicago 17 21 .447 5 5 5-5 W-2 8-9 West W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Texas 26 14 .650 — — 7-3 W-2 11-4 Oakland 20 22 .476 7 4 2-8 L-2 10-10 Seattle 19 21 .475 7 4 6-4 W-1 11-9 Los Angeles 15 24 .385 101/2 71/2 4-6 W-1 8-10 Houston 11 30 .268 151/2 121/2 3-7 W-1 6-16 Tuesday’s Games Wednesday’s Games San Diego 3, Baltimore 2 San Diego 8, Baltimore 4 N.Y. Yankees 4, Seattle 3 Houston 7, Detroit 5 Toronto 10, San Francisco 6 Chicago White Sox 9, Minnesota 4 Detroit 6, Houston 2 Texas 6, Oakland 2 Tampa Bay 5, Boston 3 Seattle 12, N.Y. Yankees 2 Chicago White Sox 4, Minnesota 2 Toronto 11, San Francisco 3 L.A. Angels 6, Kansas City 2 Boston 9, Tampa Bay 2 Texas 6, Oakland 5, 10 innings Kansas City at L.A. Angels Thursday’s Games Seattle (Harang 1-4) at N.Y. Yankees (Pettitte 4-2), 5:05 p.m. Boston (Doubront 3-1) at Tampa Bay (Cobb 4-2), 5:10 p.m. Detroit (Verlander 4-3) at Texas (Darvish 6-1), 6:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Quintana 2-1) at L.A. Angels (Williams 2-1), 8:05 p.m.

East W L Atlanta 22 18 Washington 21 18 Philadelphia 19 22 New York 14 22 Miami 11 29 Central W L St. Louis 25 13 Cincinnati 24 16 Pittsburgh 23 17 Chicago 17 23 Milwaukee 16 22 West W L San Francisco 23 17 Arizona 23 18 Colorado 21 19 San Diego 18 21 Los Angeles 16 22 Wednesday’s Games Cleveland 10, Philadelphia 4 Arizona 5, Atlanta 3 Pittsburgh 3, Milwaukee 1 Cincinnati 4, Miami 0 Chicago Cubs 6, Colorado 3 N.Y. Mets at St. Louis Washington at L.A. Dodgers

Away 12-7 14-9 10-7 6-12 8-12 Away 9-9 11-9 9-9 9-9 9-12 Away 15-10 10-12 8-12 7-14 5-14

National League

Pct .550 .538 .463 .389 .275 Pct .658 .600 .575 .425 .421 Pct .575 .561 .525 .462 .421

GB — 1/2 31/2 6 11 GB — 2 3 9 9 GB — 1/2 2 41/2 6

WCGB L10 Str Home Away L-2 9-5 13-13 — 4-6 11/2 6-4 L-1 12-9 9-9 41/2 5-5 L-1 9-11 10-11 7 3-7 L-5 9-12 5-10 12 3-7 L-4 5-13 6-16 WCGB L10 Str Home Away — 8-2 W-2 11-6 14-7 — 8-2 W-5 16-6 8-10 — 6-4 W-2 12-8 11-9 6 6-4 W-1 9-12 8-11 6 2-8 L-2 10-11 6-11 WCGB L10 Str Home Away — 5-5 L-2 15-7 8-10 1/2 7-3 W-2 12-11 11-7 2 3-7 L-1 11-7 10-12 41/2 6-4 W-2 10-8 8-13 6 3-7 W-1 10-13 6-9 Tuesday’s Games Philadelphia 6, Cleveland 2 Pittsburgh 4, Milwaukee 3, 12 innings Cincinnati 6, Miami 2 Colorado 9, Chicago Cubs 4 St. Louis 10, N.Y. Mets 4 Arizona 2, Atlanta 0 L.A. Dodgers 2, Washington 0

Thursday’s Games N.Y. Mets (Niese 2-4) at St. Louis (Wainwright 5-2), 11:45 a.m. Milwaukee (Burgos 1-1) at Pittsburgh (Liriano 1-0), 5:05 p.m. Cincinnati (Latos 4-0) at Miami (Fernandez 2-2), 5:10 p.m. San Francisco (M.Cain 2-2) at Colorado (Chacin 3-2), 6:40 p.m. Washington (Strasburg 1-5) at San Diego (Volquez 3-3), 8:10 p.m. TODAY’S PITCHING COMPARISON

American League

Pitchers Harang (R) Pettitte (L)

Line 7:05p -155

2013 W-L 1-4 4-2

ERA 7.30 3.83

Team REC 1-4 4-3

Boston Tampa Bay

Doubront (L) Cobb (R)

7:10p -155

3-1 4-2

6.40 3.09

4-1 5-2

2-0 16.2 2-1 16.0

4.32 2.81

Detroit Texas

Verlander (R) Darvish (R)

8:05p -120

4-3 6-1

1.93 2.73

4-4 7-1

1-0 13.0 3-0 20.0

0.69 3.60

Chicago Los Angeles

Quintana (L) Williams (R)

10:05p -140

2-1 2-1

3.72 3.06

2-5 1-1

0-1 1-0

1.80 2.89

Seattle New York

National League

2012 vs. Opp. W-L IP ERA No Record 0-1 6.1 5.68

5.0 9.1

Pitchers Niese (L) Wainwrght (R)

Line 1:45p -200

2013 W-L 2-4 5-2

Milwaukee Pittsburgh

Burgos (R) Liriano (L)

7:05p -140

1-1 1-0

6.86 1.69

1-3 1-0

No Record 0-0 7.0 3.86

Cincinnati Miami

Latos (R) Fernandez (R)

-200 7:10p

4-0 2-2

3.04 3.65

6-2 4-3

0-1 12.1 5.84 No Record

Cain (R) Chacin (R)

8:40p -115

2-2 3-2

5.04 2.70

3-5 3-3

2-0 15.1 0-1 13.0

1.76 6.23

Strasburg (R) Volquez (R)

-150 10:10p

1-5 3-3

3.10 5.15

2-6 3-5

0-1 0-0

9.00 1.29

New York St. Louis

San Francisco Colorado Washington San Diego

ERA 5.93 2.30

Team REC 3-5 6-2

2012 vs. Opp. W-L IP ERA 1-0 6.0 0.00 0-2 11.1 9.53


4.0 7.0

1939 — The Cleveland Indians beat the Philadelphia Athletics 8-3 in 10 innings in the first American League night game, held at Philadelphia’s Shibe Park. 1953 — The White Sox loaded the bases against the Yankees in the ninth inning, but Vern Stephens, who had 10 grand slams in his career, was lifted for a pinch hitter. Pitcher Tommy Byrne, the substitute batter, then hit a homer off Ewell Blackwell for a 5-3 win. 1965 — Jim Palmer, 19, won his first major league game and hit his first homer, off Jim Bouton. The Baltimore Orioles beat the New York Yankees 7-5. 1972 — Rick Monday hit three consecutive homers to lead the Chicago Cubs to an 8-1 win at Philadelphia. Greg Luzinski’s 500-foot home run hit the Liberty Bell monument at Veteran Stadium for the Phillies’ only run. 1981 — Craig Reynolds of Houston hit three triples to lead the Astros to a 6-1 victory over the Chicago Cubs. 1997 — The Montreal Expos overcame an early nine-run deficit and rallied past the San Francisco Giants 14-13 on David Segui’s RBI single in the ninth inning. The Giants took an 11-2 lead after three innings. Montreal came back with four runs in the fourth, three in the fifth and three more in the sixth for a 12-11 lead. Glenallen Hill’s RBI single capped a tworun seventh that put the Giants ahead 13-12. 2000 — The Los Angeles Dodgers went into the Wrigley Field crowd after a fan ran off with Chad Kreuter’s cap in the ninth inning of Los Angeles’ 6-5 victory. The game was delayed for nine minutes while some Dodgers and fans fought. 2006 — The New York Yankees, down 9-0 in the second inning, matched the biggest comeback in Yankees history when Jorge Posada hit a game-winning, two-run homer with two outs in the ninth for a 14-13 victory over the Texas Rangers. 2008 — Jayson Werth of Philadelphia hit three home runs and tied the team record with eight RBIs in a 10-3 win over Toronto. 2009 — Gabe Gross and Akinori Iwamura pulled off a double steal in the fifth inning of a 4-2 win over Cleveland, giving Tampa Bay at least one stolen base in 18 straight games. It was the longest stretch in the AL since the New York Yankees had a 19-game run in 1914. 2011 — Michael Brantley’s three-run homer and Travis Hafner’s bases-loaded double keyed a 10-run fourth inning that sent Cleveland to a 19-1 win over Kansas City. Vin Mazzaro, the third Royals’ pitcher, was charged with 14 runs and 11 hits in 2 1-3 innings. Mazzaro became the first pitcher in modern baseball history (since 1900) to allow 14 or more runs in less than three innings.


BOxSCORES Cubs 6, Rockies 3 Chicago

ab r h bi ab r h bi EYong rf 4 0 0 0 DeJess cf 3 2 2 1 Fowler cf 4 0 0 0 SCastro ss4 1 2 1 CGnzlz lf 3 0 0 0 Rizzo 1b 3 0 2 1 Tlwtzk ss 4 1 1 0 ASorin lf 4 0 0 1 Helton 1b 3 1 0 0 Sweeny lf 0 0 0 0 Arenad 3b 4 0 1 0 Schrhlt rf 4 0 0 0 Rutledg 2b 4 0 3 2 Valuen 3b 4 0 1 0 Torreal c 3 0 0 0 DNavrr c 4 0 0 0 WRosr ph 1 0 0 0 Barney 2b3 2 1 0 Garlnd p 1 0 0 0 Smrdzj p 2 1 1 2 Brignc ph 1 1 1 1 Russell p 0 0 0 0 Blckmn ph 1 0 1 0 Totals 33 3 7 3 Totals 31 6 9 6 Colorado 010 001 001—3 Chicago 120 000 30x—6 E—Gregg (1). DP—Colorado 1, Chicago 1. LOB—Colorado 5, Chicago 5. 2B—Rizzo (11), Barney (8). HR—Brignac (1), DeJesus (5), Samardzija (1). SB—Barney (2). CS— Valbuena (1). S—Samardzija. IP H R ER BB SO Colorado Garland L,3-4 5 7 3 3 1 4 Outman 1 1-3 2 3 3 1 2 W.Lopez 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Belisle 1 0 0 0 0 1 Chicago Samardzija W,2-5 8 5 2 2 2 7 Russell 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Gregg 2-3 2 1 0 0 0 HBP—by Outman (DeJesus). Umpires—Home, Jeff Kellogg; First, Eric Cooper; Second, Paul Schrieber; Third, Chad Fairchild. T—2:47. A—38,083 (41,019).


Red Sox 9, Rays 2

Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi Ellsury cf 4 1 1 0 Jnnngs cf 5 1 2 1 Victorn rf 5 0 0 0 KJhnsn dh5 0 0 0 Pedroia 2b 5 1 2 1 Zobrist 2b4 0 0 1 D.Ortiz dh 4 1 1 1 Longori 3b4 0 1 0 Carp ph-dh1 0 0 0 YEscor ss 4 0 1 0 Napoli 1b 4 1 1 1 Loney 1b 3 0 1 0 JGoms lf 3 1 1 1 SRdrgz lf 2 0 1 0 Nava lf 1 0 0 0 Joyce rf 1 0 0 0 Mdlrks 3b 4 1 2 1 JMolin c 3 0 1 0 Sltlmch c 3 1 0 0 Scott lf 1 0 0 0 Drew ss 3 2 2 4 RRorts 2b 3 1 2 0 Loaton c 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 9 10 9 Totals 36 2 9 2 Boston 008 000 010—9 Tampa Bay 002 000 000—2 LOB—Boston 4, Tampa Bay 9. 2B—Pedroia (10), Napoli (18), Middlebrooks (10), Drew (4), Y.Escobar (6). 3B—Jennings (2). HR— Middlebrooks (7), Drew (3). SB—Jennings (6). IP H R ER BB SO Boston Lester W,6-0 7 8 2 2 0 5 Uehara 1 1 0 0 1 1 De La Torre 1 0 0 0 0 2 Tampa Bay Price L,1-4 2 1-3 5 4 4 1 1 J.Wright 1 1-3 3 4 4 1 1 C.Ramos 3 1 0 0 0 2 Farnsworth 1 1-3 1 1 1 0 2 Lueke 1 0 0 0 1 0 HBP—by Lester (S.Rodriguez). WP—Lester, C.Ramos. Umpires—Home, Sam Holbrook; First, Joe West; Second, David Rackley; Third, Rob Drake. T—3:31. A—15,767 (34,078).

Reds 4, Marlins 0

Cincinnati ab Choo cf 5 CIzturs ss 4 Votto 1b 4 Phillips 2b 5 Bruce rf 4 Paul lf 3 DRonsn lf 0 Hannhn 3b 3 Mesorc c 4 Leake p 3 Lutz ph 1 Chpmn p 0

r 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

h 4 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

bi 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


ab r h bi Pierre lf 4 0 1 0 Diaz ph 1 0 1 0 Polanc 3b 4 0 1 0 Dietrch 2b5 0 2 0 Ozuna rf 4 0 1 0 Ruggin cf 3 0 0 0 Dobbs 1b 4 0 2 0 MDunn p 0 0 0 0 Hchvrr ss 4 0 0 0 Brantly c 3 0 2 0 Sanaia p 2 0 0 0 Coghln ph1 0 1 0 NGreen 1b1 0 0 0 Totals 36 4 11 4 Totals 36 0 11 0 Cincinnati 100 201 000—4 Miami 000 000 000—0 DP—Cincinnati 2, Miami 2. LOB—Cincinnati 9, Miami 12. 2B—C.Izturis (1), Phillips (10), Bruce (13), Dietrich (2). HR—Choo 2 (9). IP H R ER BB SO Cincinnati Leake W,3-2 6 2-3 9 0 0 1 6 S.Marshall H,5 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 LeCure 1 1 0 0 0 2 Chapman 1 1 0 0 1 2 Miami Sanabia L,2-6 6 9 4 4 3 3 Webb 1 2 0 0 0 0 Qualls 1 0 0 0 0 0 M.Dunn 1 0 0 0 1 2 HBP—by Leake (Polanco). WP—S.Marshall. Umpires—Home, Todd Tichenor; First, Dale Scott; Second, Bill Miller; Third, CB Bucknor. T—2:58. A—14,866 (37,442).

Blue Jays 11, Giants 3

San Francisco ab r Pagan cf 5 1 Scutaro 2b 3 1 Sandovl 3b2 0 Arias 3b 2 1 Posey dh 3 0 Pence rf 3 0 Torres rf 1 0 Belt 1b 3 0 Pill 1b 0 0 GBlanc lf 3 0 Quiroz c 4 0 BCrwfr ss 4 0 Totals 33 3

h bi 3 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 10 3


ab MeCarr lf 3 MIzturs 2b1 Bautist rf 5 Encrnc dh3 Arencii c 5 Lind 1b 4 Lawrie 3b 3 Rasms cf 4 Bonifc lf 4 Kawsk ss 3


r 2 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 1

h 1 0 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 0

bi 0 0 2 1 2 2 0 1 1 0

351111 9

San Francisco 100 000 020—3 Toronto 532 001 00x—11 E—Scutaro (6), Pagan (3), Kawasaki (3). DP—San Francisco 1, Toronto 1. LOB—San Francisco 9, Toronto 8. 2B—Pagan 2 (8), Posey (11), Quiroz (3), Me.Cabrera (7), Bautista (8), Rasmus (6). HR—Arencibia (10), Lind (3). S—Scutaro. SF—Sandoval, Pill, Encarnacion. IP H R ER BB SO San Francisco Vogelsong L,1-4 2 6 8 3 2 1 Gaudin 3 1-3 4 3 3 3 2 Mijares 1 2-3 0 0 0 0 3 J.Lopez 1 1 0 0 0 0 Toronto R.Ortiz W,1-1 7 6 1 1 1 1 Storey 2 4 2 2 1 3 HBP—by Vogelsong (Rasmus), by Gaudin (Lawrie), by R.Ortiz (Posey). WP—R.Ortiz. Umpires—Home, Tom Hallion; First, Ron Kulpa; Second, Mike Muchlinski; Third, Phil Cuzzi. T—2:54. A—32,863 (49,282). Seattle

Mariners 12, Yankees 2

New York ab r h bi Gardnr cf 3 0 1 0 BFrncs lf 1 0 0 0 Cano 2b 3 0 0 0 J.Nix ss 1 0 0 0 V.Wells 2b3 1 1 1 Grndrs cf 4 0 1 0 Overay 1b3 0 2 0 AuRmn c 1 0 0 0 DAdms 3b4 0 1 0 ISuzuki rf 4 0 0 0 CStwrt 1b 4 1 1 1 AlGnzlz p 3 0 1 0 Totals 41 121612 Totals 34 2 8 2 Seattle 700 023 000—12 New York 100 010 000—2 E—I.Suzuki (1). DP—Seattle 1, New York 2. LOB—Seattle 9, New York 6. 2B—M. Saunders 2 (4), Overbay (10). HR—Seager (5), Ibanez 2 (6), V.Wells (10), C.Stewart (3). SB—Gardner (7). IP H R ER BB SO Seattle Iwakuma W,5-1 7 8 2 2 0 4 O.Perez 1 0 0 0 1 2 Wilhelmsen 1 0 0 0 0 1 New York P.Hughes L,2-3 2-3 6 7 7 2 0 Claiborne 2 1-3 1 0 0 0 2 B.Marshall 5 2-3 9 5 5 5 1 Alb.Gonzalez 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 WP—B.Marshall. Umpires—Home, Alan Porter; First, Greg Gibson; Second, Hunter Wendelstedt; Third, Jerry Layne. T—2:48. A—34,081 (50,291). ab MSndrs cf 4 EnChvz cf 1 Ackley 2b 3 Seager 3b 4 Andino 3b 1 KMorls dh 5 Morse rf 4 Smoak 1b 4 Ibanez lf 5 JMontr c 5 Ryan ss 5

r 1 0 2 2 0 1 2 1 2 0 1

h 2 0 1 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 1

bi 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 6 0 0

Pirates 3, Brewers 1

Milwaukee Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h bi Aoki rf 4 0 2 0 SMarte lf 4 1 1 0 Segura ss 4 0 0 0 Tabata rf 2 0 0 0 Braun lf 3 0 1 0 Snider rf 1 0 1 0 ArRmr 3b 4 0 0 0 McCtch cf3 2 0 0 Lucroy c 4 0 1 0 GSnchz 1b2 0 0 0 CGomz cf 4 0 1 0 Walker 2b4 0 1 2 Weeks 2b 3 1 1 1 RMartn c 3 0 0 0 AlGnzlz 1b 3 0 0 0 Inge 3b 2 0 0 0 Gallard p 2 0 0 0 Mercer ss 2 0 1 0 YBtncr ph 1 0 0 0 WRdrg p 1 0 0 0 Badnhp p 0 0 0 0 GJones ph1 0 0 0 Totals 32 1 6 1 Totals 25 3 4 2 Milwaukee 000 000 100—1 Pittsburgh 000 002 01x—3 E—Weeks (5). DP—Pittsburgh 1. LOB— Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 6. 2B—Braun (10), S.Marte (8). 3B—Lucroy (2). HR—Weeks (3). SB—McCutchen 2 (9). S—Mercer, W.Rodriguez. IP H R ER BB SO Milwaukee Gallardo L,3-3 6 3 2 2 4 5 Badenhop 1 2-3 1 1 0 2 1 Mic.Gonzalez 0 0 0 0 0 0 Axford 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh W.Rodriguez W,4-2 7 6 1 1 1 5 Melancon H,14 1 0 0 0 0 2 Grilli S,16-16 1 0 0 0 0 1 Mic.Gonzalez pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. WP—Gallardo, Badenhop. Umpires—Home, Brian O’Nora; First, Bill Welke; Second, Adrian Johnson; Third, Fieldin Culbreth. T—2:45. A—13,554 (38,362). Chicago

White Sox 9, Twins 4

Minnesota ab r h bi Carroll 3b 5 2 3 1 Mauer dh 5 0 3 0 Wlngh lf 4 0 1 2 Mornea 1b5 0 2 0 Doumit c 4 0 1 0 Arcia rf 4 0 0 0 Hicks cf 4 0 0 0 EEscor ss 4 1 1 1 Flormn ss 2 1 0 0 Parmel ph1 0 0 0 Dozier 2b 0 0 0 0 Totals 40 9 14 9 Totals 38 4 11 4 Chicago 002 120 220—9 Minnesota 110 002 000—4 LOB—Chicago 9, Minnesota 9. 2B—A.Dunn (3), Keppinger (3), Carroll (2), Mauer (16). 3B—Rios (1). HR—A.Dunn 2 (9), Viciedo (4), E.Escobar (2). SB—Rios (7), Florimon (4). SF—Viciedo. IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Axelrod W,1-3 5 1-3 9 3 3 1 4 Lindstrom H,5 1-3 2 1 1 0 0 Thornton H,10 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 N.Jones 1 0 0 0 0 0 Omogrosso 1 0 0 0 0 1 Minnesota Pelfrey L,3-4 4 8 5 5 2 3 Swarzak 2 1 0 0 1 1 Duensing 1-3 2 2 2 0 0 Roenicke 1 2-3 2 2 2 1 1 Perkins 1 1 0 0 0 1 Pelfrey pitched to 3 batters in the 5th. HBP—by Axelrod (Willingham). T—3:26 (Rain delay: 0:04). A—35,613 (39,021).

ab Wise cf 5 AlRmrz ss 5 Rios rf 4 A.Dunn 1b 4 Konerk dh 4 Gillaspi 3b 4 Viciedo lf 4 De Aza pr-lf0 Kppngr 2b 5 Gimenz c 5

r 0 1 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0

h 0 1 3 3 1 2 2 0 2 0

bi 0 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 2 0

Astros 7, Tigers 5



ab r h bi ab r h bi Grssmn lf 3 0 1 0 Infante 2b4 0 1 0 Elmore 2b 4 1 2 0 TrHntr rf 3 0 0 0 C.Pena dh 4 1 1 1 MiCarr 3b 5 0 1 0 Carter 1b 3 1 0 0 Fielder 1b 4 0 0 0 JMrtnz lf 3 1 1 3 VMrtnz dh4 1 0 0 BBarns cf 0 1 0 0 JhPerlt ss 2 1 1 0 Corprn c 3 1 2 2 Tuiassp lf 3 1 3 1 Crowe pr-rf0 1 0 0 D.Kelly ph1 0 0 0 Pareds rf 3 0 1 0 B.Pena c 3 1 1 1 JCastro c 0 0 0 0 AGarci cf 3 1 1 3 Dmngz 3b 3 0 0 1 Dirks ph 1 0 0 0 MGnzlz ss 4 0 0 0 Totals 30 7 8 7 Totals 33 5 8 5 Houston 010 400 002—7 Detroit 040 001 000—5 E—Ma.Gonzalez (4). DP—Houston 2, Detroit 1. LOB—Houston 2, Detroit 7. 2B—Elmore (1), Corporan (2), Paredes (4). HR—J. Martinez (3), Corporan (3), A.Garcia (1). CS— Grossman (4), Paredes 2 (2). S—Paredes. SF—Dominguez. IP H R ER BB SO Houston Keuchel 5 2-3 7 5 4 2 3 Blackley 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 E.Gonzalez 2-3 1 0 0 1 1 W.Wright 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Ambriz W,1-2 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Veras S,5-7 1 0 0 0 2 0 Detroit Scherzer 7 5 5 5 3 7 Smyly 2-3 2 0 0 0 2 Alburquerque L,0-11-3 0 1 1 1 1 Coke 1 1 1 1 0 0 Alburquerque pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. HBP—by Veras (Tor.Hunter). WP—Alburquerque. Balk—Scherzer. T—3:03. A—40,315 (41,255). Texas

Rangers 6, Athletics 2

ab Kinsler 2b 3 Andrus ss 4 Brkmn dh 4 Beltre 3b 4 N.Cruz rf 4 Morlnd 1b 3 DvMrp lf 3 Chirins c 4 LMartn cf 4

r 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

h 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 1

bi 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 0

Philadelphia Hamels L,1-6 5 6 5 5 2 Durbin 2-3 1 2 2 1 Horst 1-3 1 0 0 1 Aumont 1 1 0 0 0 Valdes 2 2 3 3 1 HBP—by Hamels (Raburn). WP—Albers. T—2:59. A—38,440 (43,651).

Padres 8, Orioles 4

San Diego Baltimore ab r h bi ab r h bi EvCarr ss 5 1 4 1 McLoth lf 4 0 0 0 Venale rf 5 0 2 1 Machd 3b5 2 4 0 Headly 3b 3 0 1 0 Markks rf 5 0 2 1 Quentin dh 5 0 1 1 A.Jones cf5 0 2 1 Alonso 1b 5 0 1 0 C.Davis 1b4 0 1 0 Gyorko 2b 5 2 3 0 Wieters c 2 1 1 1 Blanks lf 5 2 1 1 Hardy ss 4 1 1 1 Amarst cf 5 3 3 2 Flahrty 2b4 0 0 0 JoBakr c 4 0 1 2 Pearce dh3 0 0 0 Totals 42 8 17 8 Totals 36 4 11 4 San Diego 020 201 201—8 Baltimore 010 100 101—4 E—Tom.Hunter (1). DP—San Diego 2, Baltimore 1. LOB—San Diego 11, Baltimore 10. 2B—Venable (3), Amarista 2 (7), Machado 3 (17), Markakis (8), C.Davis (14). HR—Blanks (2), Amarista (3), Wieters (6), Hardy (7). SB— Ev.Cabrera (12). CS—Ev.Cabrera (4). IP H R ER BB SO San Diego Marquis W,5-2 5 7 2 2 4 3 Thayer H,7 1 0 0 0 0 1 Thatcher 2-3 1 1 1 0 1 Bass 1 2-3 3 1 1 1 1 Street 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Baltimore F.Garcia L,0-2 3 2-3 7 4 4 2 1 McFarland 2 4 1 1 1 1 Tom.Hunter 1 1-3 3 2 1 0 2 Patton 1 1 0 0 0 1 Strop 1 2 1 1 1 1 Marquis pitched to 2 batters in the 6th. WP—McFarland. T—3:11. A—32,418 (45,971).


ab r h bi Crisp cf 3 0 0 1 Jaso c 1 0 0 0 DNorrs c 1 0 0 1 Lowrie ss 3 0 1 0 Cespds dh4 0 1 0 Moss rf 4 0 0 0 Dldsn 3b 3 1 1 0 S.Smith lf 4 0 1 0 Barton 1b 2 0 0 0 Fremn 1b 2 0 0 0 Sogrd 2b 2 1 1 0 Rosles 2b 1 0 0 0 Totals 33 6 7 6 Totals 30 2 5 2 Texas 002 040 000—6 Oakland 000 001 100—2 E—Lowrie (7). DP—Oakland 1. LOB—Texas 7, Oakland 7. 2B—Chirinos (2), Sogard (3). HR—N.Cruz (10). SB—Andrus 2 (10), L.Martin (1). CS—Dav.Murphy (2). SF— Crisp, D.Norris. IP H R ER BB SO Texas Ogando W,4-2 6 4 2 2 1 3 Kirkman 2 1-3 1 0 0 2 3 Scheppers 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Oakland Straily L,1-2 4 1-3 4 5 4 4 2 J.Chavez 3 2-3 3 1 1 1 3 Neshek 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ogando pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. HBP—by Ogando (Jaso), by Straily (Kinsler, Andrus). WP—Straily, J.Chavez. T—2:53. A—20,414 (35,067).


Arizona ab r h bi ab r h bi JSchafr lf 5 2 2 0 GParra rf 3 1 2 0 Smmns ss 5 0 1 0 Gregrs ss 4 1 1 1 J.Upton rf 3 1 1 0 Gldsch 1b4 1 3 0 FFrmn 1b 4 0 3 3 ErChvz 3b3 1 2 3 McCnn c 5 0 1 0 C.Ross lf 4 0 1 1 BUpton cf 5 0 0 0 MMntr c 4 0 0 0 JFrncs 3b 4 0 0 0 Prado 2b 4 0 1 0 R.Pena 2b 4 0 2 0 Pollock cf 4 0 0 0 THudsn p 2 0 0 0 Kenndy p 1 0 0 0 RJhnsn ph 1 0 1 0 Kubel ph 0 1 0 0 Gattis ph 1 0 0 0 Pnngtn ph1 0 0 0 Totals 39 3 11 3 Totals 32 5 10 5 Atlanta 001 020 000—3 Arizona 100 040 00x—5 E—Prado (2), Gregorius (2). DP—Atlanta 2. LOB—Atlanta 12, Arizona 6. 2B—F.Freeman 2 (7), Goldschmidt 3 (11), Er.Chavez (7). IP H R ER BB SO Atlanta T.Hudson L,4-3 5 8 5 5 2 4 Gearrin 2 2 0 0 1 0 Varvaro 1 0 0 0 0 1 Arizona Kennedy W,2-3 5 5 3 3 3 7 Mat.Reynolds H,4 1 2 0 0 0 1 Ziegler H,6 1 2 0 0 0 1 D.Hernandez H,8 1 1 0 0 0 1 Bell S,6-8 1 1 0 0 0 1 T—3:00. A—23,524 (48,633).

Indians 10, Phillies 4


Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h bi Stubbs cf 5 2 2 0 Rollins ss 4 0 2 3 Kipnis 2b 4 3 3 3 Utley 2b 4 0 0 0 ACarer ss 4 1 2 2 MYong 3b 3 0 0 0 Swsher 1b 5 1 1 2 Howrd 1b 4 0 0 0 MrRynl 1b 4 0 1 2 DYong rf 4 1 2 0 Allen p 0 0 0 0 DBrwn lf 4 0 0 0 Hagadn p 0 0 0 0 Ruiz c 4 1 2 1 Bourn ph 1 0 0 0 Mayrry cf 4 2 2 0 Albers p 0 0 0 0 Hamels p 0 0 0 0 CSantn c 5 0 1 0 Frndsn ph1 0 0 0 Raburn lf-rf4 0 0 0 Durbin p 0 0 0 0 Aviles 3b 3 1 1 1 Horst p 0 0 0 0 Kluber p 2 1 0 0 Aumont p 0 0 0 0 Brantly lf 0 1 0 0 L.Nix ph 1 0 0 0 Valdes p 0 0 0 0 Galvis ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 101110 Totals 34 4 8 4 Cleveland 002 122 030—10 Philadelphia 001 020 001—4 DP—Philadelphia 1. LOB—Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 5. 2B—Stubbs (9), Kipnis 2 (8), Mar.Reynolds (7), Rollins (12), Ruiz (2). HR—Kipnis (6), Swisher (6), Aviles (3). S—Hamels. IP H R ER BB SO Cleveland Kluber W,3-2 6 6 3 3 0 5 Allen 1 0 0 0 0 2 Hagadone 1 0 0 0 1 0 Albers 1 2 1 1 0 1

LATE BOxSCORES Rays 5, Red Sox 3

Tampa Bay ab r h bi Jnnngs cf 4 0 0 0 Joyce lf 3 0 1 2 Zobrist rf 4 0 0 0 Longori 3b4 1 1 0 Loney 1b 4 1 2 0 Scott dh 4 1 1 1 KJhnsn 2b4 0 1 0 RRorts 2b 0 0 0 0 JMolin c 3 1 3 2 YEscor ss 3 1 2 0 Totals 30 3 3 3 Totals 33 5 11 5 Boston 300 000 000—3 Tampa Bay 000 500 00x—5 DP—Boston 1. LOB—Boston 5, Tampa Bay 7. 2B—Pedroia (9), Drew (3), Loney (12), Scott (1), J.Molina (3), Y.Escobar (5). HR—D. Ortiz (5). SB—Joyce (2). CS—Loney (1). S—J.Molina. IP H R ER BB SO Boston Lackey L,1-4 4 1-3 9 5 5 1 3 A.Miller 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 Mortensen 1 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 Breslow 1 1 0 0 0 1 A.Wilson 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Tampa Bay M.Moore W,7-0 6 3 3 3 2 8 McGee H,7 2-3 0 0 0 2 0 Lueke H,1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Jo.Peralta H,9 1 0 0 0 0 1 Rodney S,7-9 1 0 0 0 0 3 A.Miller pitched to 1 batter in the 6th. HBP—by M.Moore (Ellsbury). T—3:14. A—15,227 (34,078). ab Ellsury cf 1 Victorn rf 4 Pedroia 2b 3 D.Ortiz dh 4 Napoli 1b 4 JGoms lf 4 Mdlrks 3b 4 Drew ss 3 Lvrnwy c 3

Diamondbacks 5, Braves 3


4 0 0 1 1


r 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

h 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0

bi 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0

White Sox 4, Twins 2

Minnesota ab r h bi Dozier 2b 4 0 0 0 Mauer c 4 0 1 0 Wlngh lf 4 1 1 0 Mornea 1b4 1 2 0 EEscor pr 0 0 0 0 Parmel rf 4 0 0 0 Plouffe 3b3 0 1 1 Arcia dh 3 0 1 1 Hicks cf 3 0 0 0 Flormn ss 3 0 0 0 Totals 34 4 12 4 Totals 32 2 6 2 Chicago 020 000 020—4 Minnesota 000 010 100—2 E—A.Dunn (3). DP—Chicago 1, Minnesota 4. LOB—Chicago 6, Minnesota 3. 2B—Wise (2), Flowers (4), Willingham (8), Morneau (11). HR—A.Dunn (7), Viciedo (3). SB—Al. Ramirez (7). CS—Dozier (3). S—De Aza. IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Peavy W,5-1 7 5 2 2 0 6 Crain H,10 1 0 0 0 0 1 A.Reed S,12-13 1 1 0 0 0 1 Minnesota Correia L,4-3 7 9 4 4 1 2 Fien 1-3 1 0 0 1 0 Duensing 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Pressly 1 2 0 0 0 1 Correia pitched to 2 batters in the 8th. T—2:44. A—32,023 (39,021). ab De Aza lf 4 AlRmrz ss 4 Rios rf 3 A.Dunn 1b 4 Viciedo dh 3 Gillaspi 3b 4 Kppngr 2b 4 Wise cf 4 Flowrs c 4


r 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

h 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 2

bi 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

Tigers 6, Astros 2

ab Grssmn cf 4 Elmore 2b 4 JCastro c 4 Carter 1b 4 C.Pena dh 4 JMrtnz lf 3 Pareds rf 2 Dmngz 3b 3 MGnzlz ss 3

r 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

h 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0

bi 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0


ab r h bi Dirks lf 5 0 1 1 TrHntr rf 4 0 1 0 MiCrr 3b 3 2 2 1 Fielder 1b 2 1 0 0 VMrtnz dh4 0 2 1 Avila c 3 0 0 0 Infante 2b3 1 2 0 D.Kelly cf 2 1 1 1 Grcia cf 2 0 0 0 RSntg ss 4 1 1 1 Totals 31 2 5 2 Totals 32 6 10 5 Houston 020 000 000—2 Detroit 000 032 10x—6 DP—Houston 2. LOB—Houston 3, Detroit 7. 2B—J.Martinez 2 (7), Dirks (3), Mi.Cabrera (10), R.Santiago (2). HR—Mi.Cabrera (8). SB—Infante (2). SF—Paredes. IP H R ER BB SO Houston Harrell L,3-4 5 7 5 5 3 1 Blackley 1 1-3 0 0 0 1 2 Ambriz 1-3 1 1 1 0 1 W.Wright 1 1-3 2 0 0 0 2 Detroit Fister W,5-1 7 5 2 2 0 7 Benoit 1 0 0 0 0 2 Valverde 1 0 0 0 0 2 Harrell pitched to 3 batters in the 6th. HBP—by W.Wright (Fielder). WP—Harrell, Blackley 2. T—2:59. A—34,542 (41,255).


Choo-led Reds extend winning streak to five The Associated Press

MIAMI — Shin-Soo Choo hit two homers and four pitchers combined on an 11-hit shutout Wednesday night to help Cincinnati Reds 4 extend its winning streak to a seasonMarlins 0 best five games by beating the Marlins 4-0. Choo hit solo homers in the fourth and sixth inning, giving him nine this season. “This ballpark is big,” Choo said. “Some balls fly, some don’t. I’m not thinking about hitting homers. I’m just swinging hard.” The two-homer effort was his second in eight days, but he came into the game batting only .225 in May. “I haven’t been feeling great,” he said, “but tonight I hit the ball on the barrel.” Mike Leake (3-2) went 6⅔ innings and pitched around nine hits. The Marlins had 14 baserunners but stranded 12 and hit into two double plays. That gave the crowd of 14,866 little to cheer about, and the biggest roars came when highlights of the Heat’s playoff

victory over Chicago two miles away were shown on the video scoreboard. Alex Sanabia (2-6) took the loss. PIRATES 3, BREWERS 1 In Pittsburgh, Wandy Rodriguez allowed one run over seven strong innings and Neil Walker hit a two-run single as the Pirates beat Milwaukee. Rodriguez (4-2) gave up six hits, walking one and striking out five. Jason Grilli worked the ninth for his National League-leading 16th save as the Pirates moved six games above .500 for the first time this season. Walker, playing his third game since returning from a stint on the disabled list with a hand injury, lined a single to center with one out in the sixth off Yovani Gallardo for his first RBIs in nearly a month. Gallardo (3-3) walked four and struck out four in six innings, allowing just three hits. Rickie Weeks hit his third homer to provide Milwaukee’s only run. Norichika Aoki had two hits for the Brewers. Milwaukee has dropped 10 of 12. CUBS 6, ROCKIES 3 In Chicago, Jeff Samardzija hit a tworun home run and pitched eight strong innings for his first win since opening

day, and the Cubs beat Colorado. David DeJesus led off the first inning with a home run and Anthony Rizzo had two hits for the Cubs, who won backto-back series for the first time this season. Reid Brignac hit a pinch-hit homer for the Rockies, who finished a 2-4 road trip. The Rockies have not won back-toback games since a season-high eightgame winning streak April 12-20. They have not won a three-game series at Wrigley Field since Sept. 29 to Oct. 1, 2006. Samardzija (2-5) allowed two runs and five hits. He struck out seven and walked two. Colorado starter Jon Garland (3-4) allowed three runs and seven hits in five innings. He struck out four and walked one. CARDINALS 4, METS 2 In St. Louis, rookie Shelby Miller followed up his nearly perfect one-hitter with 5⅔ scoreless innings, and the Cardinals scored the go-ahead run in the seventh on a wild pitch in the victory over New York. New acquisition Rick Ankiel’s two-run homer off rookie Seth Maness (3-0) tied it in the top of the seventh and was his

first against the team that converted the former left-handed pitcher to an outfielder in 2005. Shaun Marcum (0-4) made it out of the fifth for the first time in four starts since beginning the year on the 15-day disabled list. He left the game with two on and two out in the seventh and Scott Rice’s wild pitch to pinch hitter Ty Wigginton allowed Daniel Descalso to score the go-ahead run. DIAMONDBACKS 5, BRAVES 3 In Phoenix, Paul Goldschmidt hit three doubles, Eric Chavez drove in three runs, and Arizona beat Tim Hudson and Atlanta. Cody Ross added an RBI double as the Diamondbacks won the final two games of the series after a 10-1 loss in the opener. Hudson (4-3) had been 7-0 in nine career starts against Arizona before he got tagged. Hudson allowed five runs and eight hits in five innings — he’s given up 11 runs over 8⅔ innings in his last two starts. Ian Kennedy (2-3) yielded three runs and five hits in five innings. He struck out seven and walked three. Heath Bell pitched the ninth for his sixth save in eight chances.

Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN


Heat forward LeBron James, who had 23 points, seven rebounds and eight assists, looks to pass around Chicago forward Carlos Boozer during the first half in Game 5 of an Eastern Conference semifinal Wednesday in Miami. WILFREDO LEE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Heat beat Bulls, advance about a minute remaining and, when Wade knocked the ball off Boozer’s leg after a Miami MIAMI — A fast start and an even faster finish miss with 45 seconds left, the Heat retained poswere enough to send the Heat back to the Eastern session — with a fresh shot clock to boot. Conference finals. But Miami didn’t score, and the Bulls had a LeBron James scored 23 points, Dwyane Wade final chance. Robinson missed a 3, and Butler added 18, and Miami rallied faked his way free for a good look that hit the rim, Heat 94 from an 11-point second-half before bouncing away. deficit to beat Chicago 94-91 Bulls 91 Time expired, and the Heat lingered on the on Wednesday night and close court in celebration. out its second-round series in five games. Wade held on to the game ball as he shook Forward Chris Bosh scored 12 points and Udoa few fans’ hands, and he, James and Bosh nis Haslem added 10 for Miami, which ran out to exchanged some high-fives — the last three a 22-4 lead, then was outscored by a whopping Miami players to leave the floor. 29 points over the next 27 minutes before recovGrizzlies 88, Thunder 84 ering. The Heat outscored the Bulls 25-14 in the fourth. In Oklahoma City, the Grizzlies advanced to the Forward Carlos Boozer finished with 26 points Western Conference finals for the first time in franchise history by beating the Thunder. and 14 rebounds for the Bulls, who were without Zach Randolph had 28 points and 14 rebounds, Derrick Rose for the 99th straight game. Mike Conley added 13 points and 11 assists for Point guard Nate Robinson and swingman Memphis, the fifth seed. Jimmy Butler missed potential tying 3-pointers Kevin Durant missed a 16-foot jumper from the on the final possession of the season for left wing to tie it with 6 seconds left, finishing off Chicago, which dropped the last four games of a miserable shooting night for the three-time NBA the series. scoring champion. Robinson scored 21 points, Butler had 19, and Durant ended up with 21 points on 5-for-21 Richard Hamilton 15 for the Bulls. shooting, the third-worst performance of his playAnd there was drama, all the way to the end. off career. Robinson’s 3-pointer with 1:43 left got the Bulls The Thunder, who made it to the NBA Finals last to 94-91, and Butler knocked the ball away from season, were eliminated in five games. Chris Bosh for a turnover on the ensuing Miami The top seed in the West went 2-6 after All-Star possession. Russell Westbrook guard went out with a knee injury that required surgery. But Boozer missed an open 15-footer with The Associated Press


Murray injured; Nadal wins in Rome The Associated Press

ROME — Back pain forced Andy Murray to retire midway through his second-round match at the Italian Open on Wednesday. He might have to sit out the French Open, too. Rafael Nadal began his bid for a seventh Rome title by cruising past local hope Fognini 6-1, 6-3 in 61 minutes, and two-time defending champion Maria Sharapova eased past qualifier Garbine Muguruza 6-2, 6-2. Meanwhile, rising Polish player Jerzy Janowicz upset No. 8 seed Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 6-4, 7-6 (5) then celebrated by

ripping his shirt apart, showing off his muscular physique. Murray walked off the court after winning the Rafael Nadal second set against Marcel Granollers. “I have an issue with my lower back,” Murray said. “It’s been an issue for a while.” Murray took a long injury break early in the second set, getting his left thigh and lower back massaged.

Granollers won the first set 6-3 and Murray won the second 7-6 (5). This tournament is a key clay-court warmup for Roland Garros, the year’s second Grand Slam, which starts May 26. “I would be very surprised if I was playing in Paris,” Murray said. “I need to make a plan as to what I do.” Nadal will next face Latvian qualifier Ernests Gulbis. Gulbis routed Viktor Troicki 6-1, 6-1. Sharapova now meets No. 16 Sloane Stephens, who rallied past Kiki Bertens 4-6, 6-3, 6-2.

Now through May 31, 2013

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THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013

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»real estate«


LOTS & ACREAGE TEN TO Twenty Acre tracks, east of Santa Fe. Owner Financing. Payments as low as $390 a month. Negotiable down. Electricity, water, trees, meadows, views. Mobiles ok. Horses ok. 505-690-9953



$800. 1 Bedroom, Hillside Historic District.

PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space available for rent in town, lots of traffic, at 811 St. Michael’s Drive, Santa Fe: 1813 sq. ft. and 980 sq. ft. suites. All major utilities and snow removal included, plenty of parking. Ph. 505-954-3456

Great neighborhood. All utilities included. Walk to Plaza. Private patio. Clean. Off-street parking. Nonsmoking. no pets. Prefer quiet tenant. 505-685-4704




1998 TRAILER CAMPER For Sale. $2500 obo. Sunset Model. Located in Stanley, NM. Call for an appointment, 505-500-0331.



3/2 1900 SQ. FT. ADOBE SOLAR, PLUS 1200 SQ. FT. 2/1 APARTMENT. PRIVATE SETTING. 2.89 ACRES. OWNER FINANCE WITH $78,000 DOWN OR $390,000. 505-470-5877

NEW CONSTRUCTION 3 bedrooms, 2 Baths, 2 car heated finished garage, 2.5 acres, 2380 Square Feet $495,000. TAYLOR PROPERTIES 505-470-0818

Call Tim for appt at 505-699-2955 METICULOUSLY MAINTAINED Karsten K-14 2003, 68’ x 31’. Ideal for moving to land. ASKING, $95,000. Purchase price $143,506. Call, 505-424-3997.

OUT OF TOWN $199,000. 4 CABINS, 8 ACRES.


Beautiful, Remodeled home on 1.1 acres. New Tile, Carpet, Granite, Countertops in Kitchen and Baths, Kiva Fireplace, New Windows and Doors. New Lighting, New Stucco. Insulated finished two car garage. Walk-in closets, Raised ceilings with vigas in Living room, portals. Views of the Ortiz Mountains.

$319.000 Call Jeff at 505-660-0509 Realtors Welcome

5600 SQUARE FOOT WAREHOUSE with 800 SQUARE FOOT LIVE-IN SPACE. Near National Guard. $2000 rental income. 1 acre. $290,000. 505470-5877


4600 square feet, 600 square foot 2 car garage. 2 miles north of Plaza. 1105 Old Taos Highway. Needs updating. $510,000. (505)470-5877

RIVER RANCH Private River Frontage 1,000 Acres, high Ponderosa Pine Ridges. Well, utilities. Rare opportunity to own this quality ranch. $1,599,000 Great New Mexico Properties 888-883-4842

Call today to find out how. Carmen Flores 505-699-4252 Homewise, Inc. 505-983-9473

NEWER 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOUSE ON 1.5 ACRES. 25 MILES FROM SANTA FE IN ROWE, NM. On the edge of the Santa Fe National Forest. Large laundry room, all tile and wood floors. Loads of natural light. Wood stove. Excellent insulation. Storage shed. Fenced back yard. Plumbed for gray water use. $164,000. Call Kathy DeLaTorre, Barker Realty, 505-6997835. MLS # 201300863.


Overlooking a deep arroyo, home to deer, coyote and many species of birds. The Llano Compound was designed according to "green" principles by a student of Frank Lloyd Wright and built by the group who built Biosphere II. Uniquely Santa Fe 575-640-3764


$9.00 A SQ FT

1 BEDROOM ADOBE, Flagstone floors, Vigas, Kiva fireplace, Skylight. 12 minute walk from Plaza. $900 monthly plus utilities. Lease. 505-307-6589

LOTS & ACREAGE 1 OF 4, 5 ACRE LOTS BEHIND ST. JOHNS COLLEGE. HIDDEN VALLEY, GATED ROAD. $25,000 PER ACRE, TERMS. 505-231-8302 HOME ON 3.41 acres in exclusive Ridges. 2,319 sq.ft., 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, 1 Fireplace, 2 Car Garage. Attached studio with separate entrance. Horses allowed. Only 1 mile from Eldorado shopping center. Appraised by LANB for $518,000. Sale by owner $499,000. (505)466-3182. NM PROPERTIES AND HOMES 505-989-8860 1367 sqft. near Old Taos Highway. 2 bedroom 2 bath, study. Price allows for upgrades.

3.3 LA TIERRA ACRES. 121 Fin Del Sendero. Shared well. Beautiful neighborhood with restrictions. $32,000 down, $1200 monthly or $160,000. (505)470-5877


15 miles north of Trinidad. 123 acres. Trees, grass, mountain views and electricity. Borders State Trust Land. $123,000: $23K down, $900 month. All or part. Owner finance. (719)250-2776

HUMMINGBIRD HEAVEN! 25 minutes from Harry’s Roadhouse. SPOTLESS! 2 baths, terraces, granite, radiant. Private Acre. Non-smoking. No pets. $1400. 505-310-1829

3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, den, fireplace, 2car garage, washer, dryer hook-ups, tile and wood floors, no pets, $1150 mo. + utilities, $600 deposit, call: 6991043 for appt. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, utility hook-ups. Fenced. $975 monthly plus utilities, $600 deposit. 505-471-9744

CHARMING, CLEAN 2 BEDROOM, $800 Private estate. Walled yards, kiva fireplace. Safe, quiet. Utilities paid. Sorry, No Pets. 505-471-0839

4 offices, two baths, lots of parking or $1,450 per month. 5 offices, lounge area, 2 baths, very high quality finish. Call James Wheeler at 505-988-8081 NAI Maestas & Ward


South of Santa Fe 505-359-4778 or 505-980-2400



Santa Fe River Frontage. Bike path to Plaza. Large sunroom, new kitchen, windows and paint. Nicely furnished. No pets. $850. 303-697-9000

2 BEDROOM 2 BATH 1 car garage, laundry hook ups, tile floors. $900, breathtaking mountain view, trails, golf course, lake.

3,000 to 27,000 sq ft. Quality space just off St. Michaels



3 BEDROOM 2 BATH 2 car garage, washer and dryer. $1000.

CHARMING, CLEAN 1 BEDROOM, $700. Private estate. Walled yards, kiva fireplace. Safe, quiet. Utilities paid. Sorry, No Pets. 505-471-0839

1,430 sq ft office, close to hospital, 5 offices, 2 baths, very charming and in great condition. $325,000 or $2,264 monthly.

BEAUTIFUL CONDO. Granite countertops, rock fireplace, hickory cabinets, Washer, Dryer, fitness center, heated pool, tennis court, security. No Smoking Call 505-450-4721.


IN THE HEART OF THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 245 acre approved development up to 575 units. Residential multi family apartments, commercial uses allowed. Next to the IAIA, and Community College. Utilities to lot line. Priced to sell, Old Santa Fe Realty 505-983-9265

Heart of the Historic East Side Walking distance to the Plaza

1, 2 BEDROOM CORONADO CONDOS: $600, $700 plus utilities. New paint. New flooring. Cerrillos, Camino Carlos Rey. Pets OK. 505-501-9905

NORTH SIDE FURNISHED EFFICIENCY with spectacular views, deck, 2 acres. $800 monthly including utilities. First, last, plus security deposit. No pets. 505-820-1910


Exquisite Adobe Home $540,000


EASTSIDE WALK TO CANYON ROAD! Furnished, short-term vacation home. Walled 1/2 acre, mountain views, fireplace, 2 bedroom, washer, dryer. Private. Pets okay. Large yard. 970-626-5936

SANTA FE HOMES FROM $122,750 - $196,250 Affordable new construction is available for those who qualify for the city program. These brandnew homes for modern living are reserved for the working families of Santa Fe. Find out if you qualify and call Carmen today. Homewise is with you through the entire homebuying process, helping you improve your credit, find a home, and secure a safe fixed-rate mortgage. Low interest financing with no mortgage insurance for qualified buyers. Down payment assistance may also be available.

Call Carmen to find out how. Carmen Flores 505-699-4252 Se habla español Homewise, Inc. 505-983-9473



2 bedroom 2 bath Vigas & Beams 2 Kiva fireplaces Mountain views Landscaped Courtyard Brick & Wood floors Radiant heat Total privacy

Homewise can help you. Monthly payments could be lower than your rent. Santa Fe homes for as low as $150,000. Low down payment. Call Carmen Flores to find out how you can qualify to buy a home through Homewise. Financing and down-payment assistance is available for those who qualify.




505-992-1205 TWO UNITS AVAILABLE Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath $1,100 plus utilities and 2 bedroom, 2 bath front house with old Santa Fe charm. STUDIO APARTMENT 1 bath, full kitchen, carpet, fireplace, small fenced in yard. $500 plus utilities. NEWLY RENOVATED 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wood floors, vigas, fireplace, washer dryer hook-up’s, office with seperate entrance. $1,300 plus utilities. CHARMING 2 bedroom, 1 bath home close to Hospital, parks and high school. Central location allows quick access anywhere in town. $575 plus utilities. COUNTRY LIVING. LARGE, 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. 20 minutes to Santa Fe or Los Alamos. Safe, quiet, affordable, luxury. (505)470-4269, (505)455-2948. COUNTRY LIVING. LARGE, 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. 20 minutes to Santa Fe or Los Alamos. Safe, quiet, affordable, luxury. (505)470-4269, (505)455-2948. HOME FOR RENT. 3 Bedroom, 2.5 bathroom. $1100 monthly plus utilities. $800 deposit. No pets, no smoking. Near Airport Road. Call 505-4710074

HOUSE FOR rent, close to downtown, off Agua Fria St. and St. Francis Dr. Available May 16th. $1000 month. call 466-7326, no pets. PASSIVE SOLAR 1500 square foot home in El Rancho. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $1,100 first and last, plus $600 deposit. 505-699-7102



1200 & 1300 SQUARE FEET

800 square feet downstairs, 400 - 500 square foot living area upstairs. Skylights, high ceilings. Wayne Nichols, 505-699-7280.

LOT FOR RENT MOBILE HOME SPACES AVAILABLE Tesuque Trailer Village 505-989-9133

QUIET 12.5 acres. 20 miles south of Santa Fe. Facilities for 5 to 7 horses. Consider rent to own. $1250 monthly. First month down. 505-920-1253, 505577-4728, or 575-687-2253

MANUFACTURED HOMES 2012 KARSTEN 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Mobile Home for Sale or Rent, $900 per month to rent. $38,000 to Buy Space #193 in Casitas de Santa Fe MHP. Call, Tim at 505-699-2955 for appointment. Deposit Required. 2 BEDROOM 1 bath mobile home for rent. $425 monthly. Located between Santa Fe and Las Vegas. 575-421-2626 or 505-328-1188 BEAUTIFUL DOUBLEWIDE now available. Gated area for privacy in El Duende, Rio Arriba County, five miles north of Espanola on Highway 84/285. Completely furnished. 3 Bedrooms. Landscaped beautifully with lawns and trees in quiet place. References required. 505-929-1818, 4294427 for more information.


4 BEDROOM, 3 bath, 3 car garage, near plaza. 2 decks, landscaped, custom amenities throughout. Spectacular views. $3800 monthly. 505-920-4024

1404 SECOND Street. Great space! 800 sqft. Very clean, track lighting, alarm system, internet connection. $700 monthly. Includes utilities. Call 505983-5410

1 BEDROOM close to downtown. Very quiet. No pets, no smoking. $725 monthly plus deposit. 505-982-2941


Beautiful mountain views off of West Alameda. Approx. 950 sq.ft. $1,100 month includes utilities, $700 deposit. Forced air heat. Clean & ready to move-in, include washer, dryer, Saltillo tile & carpet. Private parking. No smoking. No pets. 1 year lease.

Call 505-231-0010.

STUDIO APARTMENT for rent. All utilities paid. ABSOLUTLEY NO PETS! $600 a month. (505)920-2648

LAS CAMPANAS 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH Furnished. A/C. No pets, nonsmoking. 6 month lease minimum. $6500 monthly plus utilities. $14500 deposit. 203-481-5271

POJOAQUE: 3500 square foot, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, garage, front and back yards. Extras. Must see! $1,500 monthly plus utilities, and security deposit. Non-smoking, no pets. Lease. 505-455-3158


Great location and parking! $500 monthly includes utilities, cleaning, taxes and amenities. Move in incentives! Please call (505)983-9646.

SENA PLAZA Office Space Available Call Southwest Asset Management, 505-988-5792.

RETAIL SPACE RETAIL, GALLERY SPACE. Available downtown Santa Fe. 1,440 square. feet. Value priced call 505-715-1858.


Discounted rental rates . Brokers Welcome. Call Southwest Asset Management, 505-988-5792.

ROOMMATE WANTED 1 ROOM available in 3 bedroom home. $400 monthly plus utilities. Call (505)490-3560.

$450 INCLUDES UTILITIES. Shared bath. 3 miles north of Plaza. No dogs. Deposit. Month-to-month. 400 square feet. Available 5/2. 505-470-5877 QUIET AND peaceful. $350 PER month, share utilities. 505-473-3880


ROOM FOR RENT $475 plus half utilities. New, 5 year old house, nicely furnished, kitchen access and house share!

Furnished or Unfurnished Bedroom with Private Bath Washer & Dryer. Safe, quiet, nice neighborhood. Close to Community College. Lease preferred, but not mandatory. Available July 1st 505-238-5711

STORAGE SPACE A-Poco Self Storage 2235 Henry Lynch Rd Santa Fe, NM 87507 505-471-1122 4x5 $45.00 5x7 $50.00 4x12 $55.00 6x12 $65.00 8x10 $65.00 10x10 $75.00 9x12 $80.00 12x12 $95.00 12x24 $195.00


Airport Cerrillos Storage U-Haul Cargo Van 505-474-4330 WANTED TO RENT

BIKE OR Bus for you or clients. Reception, conference, two offices, workroom. Close to schools, shopping. $1100/utilities. 505-603-0909.


SUNNY WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEWS, great for Artists! 2500 SQ ft. $1800 monthly includes utilities, you pay propane. Newly renovated East Side Adobe home. Country setting, huge yard, 4 miles from plaza. 2 bedroom, 1 and 1/4 bath. 2 car garage, or storage-workshop. Fireplace and wood stove. 1 year lease. References. Dog ok. 505-690-7279


Ideal for Holistic Practicioners. 765 square feet, 3 offices, reception area. Quiet, lots of parking. 505-989-7266


2 year lease on horse property with home, barn and 10 or more acres, budget is $3000 per month. William 970-426-8034



Private desk, and now offering separate private offices sharing all facilities. Conference room, kitchen, parking, lounge, meeting space, internet, copier, scanner, printer. Month-To-Month. Wayne Nichols, 505-699-7280.


Reception area, 11’ x 14’. Office #1: 14’ x 11’, office #2: 14’ x 11’, small kitchen with microwave and mini fridge, security, gated parking with 24-hour access, heated and cooled. $800 monthly, first and last months rent plus deposit. Airport Road and 599, available now.


CENTRALLY LOCATED WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 1,600 sq. ft. warehouse in gated, fenced property on Pacheco Street. 1,600 area includes; 1 bathroom, furnace, and office area with upstairs storage. Walk through and overhead doors. $1,600 per month with $1,600 deposit and one year signed lease. Space is great for many things; work shop, auto shop, dance co, etc. Please call 505-983-8038 or email us at

Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN

sfnm«classifieds »announcements«


FOUND FOUND CAT: FLUFFY grey and white. Big white patch on back. Black spot on nose. Sweet and laid back cutie. Street: Rosina and Declovina area. 505-310-1270

FOUND TOYOTA car key and house key on Calle Ojo Feliz. 505-988-1723

LOST CAMERA. PANASONIC Lumix. Black, az/nm photos. Lost May 9th in plaza area. REWARD! Call 252-312-7985 LOST DOG IN La Cienega area. Small gray dog. Huge reward! Please call 505-629-8500 or 505-316-1533 LOST EARRINGS. Large turquoise stone and small lapis stone with gold french wires. Whole foods Cerrillos Road, Bumble Bee’s downtown. REWARD! (505)438-6299 SILVER DEER pin with wire antlers. Buffalo Thunder or Cities of Gold. 505-929-3812

PUBLIC NOTICES CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN STREET PREACHER, Thomas Horan Jr. lectures end-time prophecies, with art paintings displayed. 5/21/13, Main Library, (Washington Street) 10 a.m.

The ITT Department Director performs a variety of professional, administrative and managerial duties related to overall planning, organizing and executing all phases of the City’s information technology and telecommunications (ITT) activities and services; and, directs all ITT operations to meet customer requirements as well as the support and maintenance of existing applications and development of new technical solutions. The City of Santa Fe offers competitive compensation and a generous benefit package including excellent retirement program, medical/dental/life insurance, paid holidays, generous vacation and sick leave. For detailed information on this position or to apply online, visit our website at The closing date for this recruitment is 5/24/13. EEO/ADA

to place your ad, call










for private all-girls middle school. Preferred candidate experienced, licensed, passionate about teaching critical thinking, exchange of ideas, excellence in oral & written communication, analytical reading & literature. Email resume to: No phone calls please.

Has immediate openings for a:



We offer competitive salaries.


DOUBLETREE JOB FAIR We Are Hiring! All Positions! Tuesday, May 21 from 2:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. 4048 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87507

Please contact Carol, 505-982-8581.

CLASSIFIEDS Where treasures are found daily



Must be fluent in English. Professionalism a MUST! Apply in person at 250 E. Alameda, Santa Fe, 87501 between 9AM and 5PM weekdays.

Have an empty house or apartment you need to rent? Read the WANT TO RENT column for prospective tenants.

Place an ad Today!

CALL 986-3000


Santa Fe Preparatory School seeks a Part-Time Spanish teacher for grades 8 -12 beginning August 2013. We are looking for a dynamic individual eager to join ambitious, collaborative faculty. BA and native or near-native proficiency required. Please submit cover letter and resume to Lenora Portillo, Santa Fe Preparatory School, 1101 Camino de la Cruz Blanca, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505. EOE


Special Education Instructor/Behavior Specialist New Mexico School for the Arts (NMSA)

ADMINISTRATIVE United States District Court. Parttime Administrative Assistant (20 hours per week) $28,704-$37,314 DOQ. Specialized experience required. See full announcement and application at Cover letter, resume & application to: u s d c j o b s @ n m c o u r t . f e d . u s . Successful applicants subject to FBI & fingerprint checks. EEO Employer.


Must be able to communicate effectively in English. Apply in person at 250 East Alameda. Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. No Phone calls please

ANTIQUE ICE CREAM Stool & Chair (needs bottom), $50. (505)466-6205 ANTIQUE ICE CREAM (505)466-6205


Pay based on experience. Good communication skills a must! No nights/ evening work. May work from home. Apply in person: Express Alterations, 1091 St. Francis; or call 505-204-3466 between 10 and 5.

GE Spacemaker Microwave XL 1400 Raypak boiler 50 gal water heater (American Water Heater Company) Nina 577-3751


COCA-COLA CHANGE tray, 1973. New. (Elaine Coca-Cola). $15. (505)466-6205 COKE TRAY Elaine Coca-Cola change tray. Original. $65. 505-466-6205 ENAMEL PITCHER & Bowl, white. $45. (505)466-6205

and independent

rights at Capitol



8, 2011

Local news,




for rs waiting 16,000 customeservice, heat crews to restore

l makers gril State law r gas crisis utility ove

For more information please contact Robert at 505-428-7635 or


CHARLIE’S ANTIQUES 811 CERRILLOS TUESDAY- SUNDAY 11-5:30. WORLD COLLECTIBLES of art, jewelry, pottery, military and more! We buy. (505)470-0804

to task Gas Co. taken New Mexico lack of alert system over shortage,

Needed in the Pecos/Rowe area.


GE Profile Double oven 1 convection

ART DECO, nude. Very old. 4” tall. Ivory color- black base. $50. 505-4666205

Locally owned

Newspaper Distributor

GE PROFILE Convection Oven. Model# JKP70SPSS. New, $900. Retail $1369. 505-660-6672

out 300 has sent by the city’s Traffic systems fines. people ticketed Redflex paid their alerting haven’t notices notices that they of those speed SUV say 20 percent FILE PHOTO MEXICAN Officials error. NEW were in

City flubs accounting of fees for speed SUV citations paid people who Dozens of default notices were sent By Julie Ann


Mexican Fe by the Santa got nailed SUV” doing about Joseph Sovcik “speed Street Galisteo on stretch of Police Department’s School early a 25 mph 38 mph on Elementary Martinez

The New

ASSORTED STEEL BUILDINGS Value discounts as much as 30% Erection info available Source#18X 800-964-8335



GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE. 401 ANTIQUES OF CARRIZOZO 401 12th Street in Carrizozo, NM. [Directly behind Wells Fargo Bank] Carrizozo is 2½ hours south of Santa Fe at Hwy 380 & Hwy 54 intersection All Furniture and Furnishings for sale Sale Prices… UP TO 60 % OFF Listed Prices! Open Wednesdays - Saturdays 10 AM to 5 PM 575-648-2762 or by Appointment 575-648-1172 HAND-PAINTED JAPAN, cotton-ball holder. Top removable. Approximately 100 years old. $75. 505-4666205

SEARS TREADMILL. Works except incline. $100. You haul away. 505-3104826

FIREWOOD-FUEL HUNDREDS OF T R U C K L O A D S . We thinned 30 plus acres of Ponderosa and some CEDAR FIREWOOD AND FENCEPOSTS. It is piled in random lengths and diameters in our forest. SOLD BY TRUCKLOAD DEPENDING ON BED SIZE. $70 FOR 8 FOOT BED. You load. Five miles east of Peñasco. Call for haul times- days and location. 575-587-0143 or 505-660-0675

ROSE MEDALLION China, 48 pieces. $350 or best offer. 505-466-7767


STAFFORD SMIRE Chamber Pot. Blue. $50. (505)466-6205

CALL 986-3000

with a classified ad. Get Results!

MANAGEMENT Experienced, passionate, sharply dressed, organized, positive team player sought for Assistant Manager at exciting Los Pinones Apartments. Hrly + bonuses & benefits . Resume to: or fax (505) 881-3980.


NMSA, a public/private partnership in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is seeking resumes for the position of Special Education Instructor/Behavior Specialist.

FUN AND fast paced dental office looking for a Dental Assistant. Must be radiology certified with minimum of 2 years experience assisting. Fax resumes to 505-9956202.

Responsibilities include: Leading all IEP meetings, Participating in SAT processes, Developing interventions, and Creating processes and protocols

MEDICAL COORDINATOR An excellent opportunity with benefits. Up to $15 an hour DOE. Contact HR department. (855)357-6311

Please visit http://www.nmschoolfortheart for qualifications and position description.

11 VICTORIAN FIGURINES Occupied Japan. Some marked, some not. $100. 505-466-6205

for activists rally Immigrants,





SCHOOLS - CAMPS PRIVATE VOICE LESSONS NOW ACCEPTING NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Special summer rates available! Beginners welcome! Experienced, motivating teacher, 20+ years working with young voices. Private or small group lessons. Students will learn healthy vocal technique, auditioning and performance skills. Summer is the perfect time to begin singing lessons. For the joy of singing.... please contact: Carolyn: 505:920-1722

Have a product or service to offer? Call our small business experts today!




Santa Fe Certified Medical Assistant wanted for established Surgeon focused on Phlebology. PT, FT, benefits per Policy, wage negotiable. Fax resume to 623-234-2543.

service«directory CALL 986-3000

Have a product or service to offer? Call our small business experts to learn how we can help grow your business! CARETAKING



DUTCH LADY, reliable, educated, looking for live-in job with elderly person, 7 nights, 6 days. 505-877-5585

A+ Cleaning Homes, Office, Apartments, post construction, windows. House and Pet sitting. References available, $15 per hour. Julia, 505204-1677.

REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE, PRO-PANEL ROOFS, PAINTING, FENCING, YARDWORK. MINOR PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL. 25 years experience. Consulting. Licensed. References. Free estimates. (505)470-5877





JUAN’S LANDSCAPING Coyote fences, Yard cleaning, Pruning, Tree cutting, Painting (inside, outside), Flagstone & Gravel. References. Free Estimates. 505-231-9112

40 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Professional Plastering Specialist: Interior & Exterior. Also Re-Stuccos. Patching a specialty. Call Felix, 505-920-3853.

PROFESSIONAL, HONEST, REASONABLE Excavating, Paving, Landscaping, Demolition and Concrete work. Licensed, Bonded, Insured References. 505-470-1031


WE PROVIDE : Dr. Visits, assistance with meds, personal attention, cooking and light housekeeping. Thoughtful companionship, 24/7. Licensed and Bonded. Great references upon request. Maria Olivas (505)316-3714

Housecleaning, garage cleaning, hauling trash. Also, Cutting Trees, Flagstone Patios, Driveways, Fencing, Yard Work. Greg & Nina, 920-0493

CLASSES BEGINNERS GUITAR LESSONS. Age 6 and up! Only $25 hourly. I come to you! 505-428-0164 BEGINNER’S PIANO LESSONS, Ages 6 and up. $25 per hour. From fundamentals to fun! 505-983-4684

WE GET RESULTS! So can you with a classified ad

CALL 986-3000


sprinklers, drip, new installations, and rennovations. Get it done right the first time. Have a woman do it. Lisa, 505-310-0045.

CHIMNEY SWEEPING CASEY’S TOP HAT Celebrating 35 years solving Santa Fe’s unique chimeny problems. Save $15 during the month of May with this ad. Call Casey’s today! 505-989-5775

TRINO’S AFFORDABLE Construction all phases of construction, and home repairs. Licensed. 505-920-7583



Housecleaning, garage cleaning, hauling trash. Also, Cutting Trees, Flagstone Patios, Driveways, Fencing, Yard Work. Greg & Nina, 920-0493

LAURA & ARTURO CLEANING SERVICES: Offices, apartments, condos, houses, yards. Free phone estimates. Monthly/ weekly. 15 Years experience. 303-505-6894, 719-291-0146

COTTONWOOD LANDSCAPING - Full Landscaping Designs, Rock, Trees, Boulders, Brick, Flagstone. FREE ESTIMATES, 15% OFF ALL SUMMER LONG! 505-907-2600, 505-990-0955.

Coyote and Wood Fencing Outdoor Landscaping, Painting, Flagstone, Tree Removal, Hauling Trash and Yard Work. Call, 505-570-9054. Drip, Sprinkler, & Pump troubleshooting, repair, install. All problems solved. Call Dave 660-2358.



Windows and carpet. Own equipment. $18 an hour. Silvia, 505-920-4138. Handyman, FREE estimates, Bernie, 505-316-6449.

ARTIFICIAL TURF. High quality, remnants at a fraction of the cost. Ideal for large or small areas. Call, 505-471-8931 for more information.

AC JACK, LLC SERVICES. All your home and yard needs. Flowerbeds, trees, & irrigation maintenance available. Email: 505-474-6197, 505-913-9272.

TRASH HAULING, Landscape clean up, tree cutting, anywhere in the city and surrounding areas. Call Gilbert, 505-983-8391, 505-316-2693. FREE ESTIMATES!


FOAM ROOFING WITH REBATE? ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Fred Vigil & Sons Roofing. 505-603-6198, 505-920-0230 ROOF LEAK Repairs. All types, including: torchdown, remodeling. Yard cleaning. Tree cutting. Plaster. Experienced. Estimates. 505-603-3182, 505-204-1959. for activists rally Immigrants,

Locally owned

and independent

to task Gas Co. taken New Mexico lack of alert system over shortage,

Aardvark DISCOUNT M O VERS serving our customers with oldfashioned respect and care since 1976. John, 505-473-4881. PASO DEL N O RTE. Home, Offices: Load & Unload. Honest, Friendly & Reliable. Weekends, 505-3165380.


Plan Now! New Installations and Restorations. Irrigation, Hardscapes, Concrete, retaining walls, Plantings, Design & intelligent drought solutions. 505-995-0318


I CLEAN yards, gravel work, dig trenches. I also move furniture, haul trash. Call George, 505-316-1599.

ANDY ORTIZ PAINTING Professional with 30 years experience. License, insured, bonded. Please call for more information 505-670-9867, 505-473-2119.

JUAN’S LANDSCAPING Coyote fences, Yard cleaning, Pruning, Tree cutting, Painting (inside, outside), Flagstone & Gravel. References. Free Estimates. 505-231-9112


To place a Legal ad Call 986-3000

rights at Capitol



8, 2011

Local news,




for rs waiting 16,000 customeservice, heat crews to restore

l makers gril State law r gas crisis utility ove

out 300 has sent by the city’s Traffic systems fines. people ticketed Redflex paid their alerting haven’t notices notices that they of those speed SUV say 20 percent FILE PHOTO MEXICAN Officials error. NEW were in

City flubs accounting of fees for speed SUV citations paid people who Dozens of default notices were sent By Julie Ann


Mexican Fe by the Santa got nailed SUV” doing about Joseph Sovcik “speed Street Galisteo on stretch of Police Department’s School early a 25 mph 38 mph on Elementary near E.J. Martinez

The New


STORAGE A VALLY U STOR IT Now renting 10x10, 10x20, Outdoor RV Spaces. Uhaul Trucks, Boxes, Movers. In Pojoaque. Call 505-455-2815.


Trees pruned, removed, stumps, leaf blowing, fruit trees, evergreens, shrubbery & tree planting. Debris removal, hauling. 473-4129

YARD MAINTENANCE Plumbing, roof patching, dumping, weed wacking, trim grass, edging, cutting trees, painting, fencing, heating and air conditioning, sheet rock, taping drywall. 505-204-0254


THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013

sfnm«classifieds »merchandise«


PACIFIC YURT: 16 ft, 256 sq ft., very good condition, includes heater, 3 windows, fully insulated with floor, platform, $6,650 OBO. 505-466-9339


to place your ad, call PETS SUPPLIES


Have a product or service to offer? Call our small business experts today! PETS SUPPLIES

BICHON FRISE Puppies, 3 males, Born March 3, 2013. Hypo-allergenic royalty lap dogs. Registered, Health Cert. & Shots. Parents on Site. Hurry, FREE with Donation to Charity. $1000.00 (941)358-2225


BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PETSAFE® PATIO Panel 81" x 8.5" x1". White Doggy Door. $100. 505-699-6591

Sacco is an 8 wk old male tabby kitten with cute white mittens

Need some extra cash in your pocket? CUSTOM MADE Connelly Pool table, 100 % Ash Wood, 8 foot table with imported Italian Slate, has minimal use. New paid $5500, sacrifice at $1500 obo. 505-753-0000, 505-9293333. ROCKING CHAIR, teak, with cushions. $75. 505-474-9097 Used single box & foam mattress set. Joanne (505)471-1784


SOLD! MORSO MODEL 3440 woodburning stove, for 1200 sqft, 35,000 BTU. Excellent condition, $800.00 OBO Tube feeding sets: 36 sealed packages of Kangaroo Joey, 1000ml pump sets with FeedOnly Anti-Free Flow (AFF) Valve. Suitable for use with pump or gravity drip. Nina (505)988-1889


VENTA AIR Cleaning-Humidifier. Fine condition. $100.00 505-699-6591

CAL-SPA HOT TUB. 78x78. Moving, can’t take it. $500 you pick-up. Thermostat motor ozonator replaced 2010-11. Has cover. 505-820-0459 HAYWARD 4800 DE Mico-Clear Filter. New grids engage. $195. 505-438-0722 HOT TUB, and cover seats 4. 220 volts. Can deliver $1,400. 505-6626396

LAWN & GARDEN CUB CADET riding mower. 50" cut. Asking $2000. 505-920-1253 or 575687-2253

FRESH CLEAN MULCH 505-983-3906 HORSE MANURE (free tractor loading) Arrowhead Ranch 424-8888

ADAGIO ELECTRIC Piano. Full keyboard, bench. Warranty. Lightly used. $499. 505-438-0008

OFFICE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT 3 BUSINESS phones in good shape Gabe 466-0999 CANON COPY machine. 20 copies per minute with sorter and feeder. New toner. Jennifer 505-982-9282

FILE CABINET. 2-drawer, letter size. Perfect. $25. 505-983-6676 HP Printer 13X LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGE (505)983-4277 LETTER SIZED file folders various colors- Doug 438-9299 OFFICE DESKS in good condition 505-466-1525


HORSE MANURE (you haul any amount) Barbara 466-2552

ORGANIC HORSE Manure Barbara 471-3870

KODAK MINI Video Camera. Use with computer and Micro SD card which is nice! $25. 505-216-6208

SPORTS EQUIPMENT PRO-FORM FOLDING Treadmill, 830 QT, $75. You pick up. 505-820-0459


MISCELLANEOUS 24 EL Palacio Magazines. Varied issues from 1976 to Spring 2013, $9. 505-795-9009

BALING TWINE used Arrowhead Ranch 424-8888

TV RADIO STEREO 18" MAGNAVOX TV, with remotes, indoor antenna, converter box. $100 obo. Must Sell Now. 505-795-9009

46" SONY TV. $100. Call Joey. 505-8198622


Good quality 6ft artificial Christmas tree. Disassembles into 4 sections including stand. Helen (505)820-0729 METAL 2-WHEEL CART. Basket is 26’Hx15"Wx15"D. Like new, $10. 505474-6226 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC M a g a zines most recent 5 years in mint condition great for school or reading room. Email: or 989-8605 NYLON POTATO or onion 50lb sacks Dan 455-2288 ext. 101

For more information call the Espanola Valley Humane Society at 505-753-8662 or visit their website at SMART, HANDSOME, young, orange male kitty. All vaccinations, microchipped, neutered, licensed. Looking for a good home. Veternarian reference required. 505-231-6670

Sell Your Stuff!

»garage sale«

Candie is an 8 wk old chow mix pup with 3 adorable brothers These pets and more will be at PetSmart in Santa Fe on Saturday 5/18 from 9am-3pm. For more information call the Espanola Valley Humane Society at 505-753-8662 or visit their website at

Call Classifieds For Details Today!


FOR SALE Lamp repair restoration and assembly Business established 20 years. With clientele, convenient location with parking, will train. 505-988-1788.


Add an Attention Getter to make your ad stand out Call our helpfull Ad-Visors for details

CALL 986-3000

GARAGE SALE NORTH 914 DON Juan CARPORT, YARD SALE! Sat and Sun, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Furniture, Art, Clothes, Antiques, Toys and Collectables. Very eclectic, very cool. Visa, MC.

VIENTO DEL Norte Condominiums: Calle Meija St. past Lodge Hotel at St. Francis & Alamo Community-Wide Garage Sale: Saturday, May 18th, 9am to 2pm Furniture, Electronics, Household, Books, Clothes, Jewelry, Tools, Art Work.

IT Professionals: ITD is recruiting all IT disciplines!

• Programmers/Developers (Mainframe COBOL, MS Studio, C#, and Java) • Network and Infrastructure Technicians and Desktop Support • DBAs (mainframe DB2, Oracle and MS SQL) • Chief Security Officer, Project Managers and Business Analysts

Lots of folding wire fencing for vegetable and/or flower gardens. (505)231-6863

PATIO SET, 5-Piece. 40" diameter. 2 chairs. $55. 505-660-6034

My name is Badge and I am the cutest little-big guy at the shelter! I am going to be a very large dog, as I am only 10 weeks old and 30 pounds already. I am very friendly and will grow into a gentle giant with your love and lots and lots of puppy food! My adoption fee is $85 and includes my neuter, 1st shots, deworm, microchip and 30 days of health insurance.


LIVESTOCK BULLS, BULLS, Bulls. Registered Black Angus plus, 12 to 16 months of age. 8 available, $2,000. Santa Fe. 505-4701546


Get Results! Call 986-3000 to place your ad!

The State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department is a High Tech/High Profile State Agency. We are responsible for the collection of up to $8 Billon per annum in revenue. All major systems are in the process of being upgraded. Upgrades include our tax systems and the system that supports NM MVD. We are searching for full time employees and contract employees to assist us in achieving these goals. All candidates with the right skill set are welcome—let’s see if we can find a way to match our needs as we are hiring both contractors and employees. TRD provides an Excellent Team environment with a 40 hour work week and up to date technical environment. Full benefits package with pension plan, full health insurance, dental and vision benefits. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer You can submit your resume directly to us, although you will have to ultimately apply through the NM State Personnel Office website. All applicants will be hired through the state personnel classified system and candidates must follow the rules found on the SPO website: Position Requirements • Most positions require a technical degree; experience may substitute for education in some cases • Strong analytical and technical expertise preferred, strong written and oral communication skills required for customer interaction. • Strong people skills are required due to working in diverse team environments • Reliable, Self-starting, and Strong initiative preferred • Previous IT experience required for all positions Current Openings by Functional area: Motor Vehicle: IT DBA 2 (3) Desktop Support: IT Tech Support Specialist 1 (2), IT Network Specialist 1 GenTax/E-file: IT Applications Dev 3 Infrastructure: IT Systems Manager II, IT Network Specialist 1 ONGARD: IT DBA 2, IT Generalist 1 Data Warehouse: IT Applications Dev, IT Applications Dev 2 We are holding TWO Job Fairs to allow candidates to meet the management team at TRD ITD.

SANTA FE JOB FAIR will be held on Thursday May 16, 2013 from 10:30-2:30 at the Joseph Montoya Building; 1200 South St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM (SW corner of St. Francis and Cordova), third floor—signs posted ALBuQuERQuE JOB FAIR will be held on Friday May 17, 2013 from 11-3 in the Bank of the West Building; 5301 Central Avenue, Albuquerque, NM (NE corner of San Mateo and Central), first floor— signs posted

Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN

sfnm«classifieds »garage sale«

to place your ad, call

»cars & trucks«




COUPLE MARRIED 41 YEARS, AGES 70 & 76 ARE STARTING TO DOWNSIZE! Collectibles, crystal items, furniture, CDs, records, glassware, cookware, clothing, and other unique treasures! FRIDAY & SATURDAY, 7:30-7:30 PM 4638 SUNSET RIDGE (1 block from Southside library toward 599 on Valentine, make left onto Apache Knoll, right onto Sunset Ridge).

WINDOW GUARD for 3/4 Ford truck. Has railings. $85. 505-310-4826


MULTI-FAMILY SALE SATURDAY 5/18, 8-2 PM. 115 E CHILI LINE ROAD Tools, kitchen, appliances, books, CDs, BOISE player, etc.

THE SAN MARCOS ASSOCIATION is having a garage sale on the weekend of MAY 18/19 at Helen Boyce’s home 3741 SR 14, SANTA FE, NM 87505 about three-quarters of a mile south of the Lone Butte General Store. Starts at 10 am. LOTS of stuff this time around.

GARAGE SALE WEST 2034 KIVA Road (off Osage) Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Old New Mexican wpa furniture, carved desk and ropero, display case from the Old Taos Inn, Indian artifacts, folk art, great chimayo coat, old animal traps, fantastic womens clothes, shoes, and accessories, household, lots of odds and ends.

5 AVILA CT., GOOD SIGNS. Friday, Saturday, 8-3. Cleaning out - rugs, books, women’s clothing, men’s hunting clothing, limited edition duck prints, antique Coleman gas table lamp, high back wicker chair, electric golf cart, much more.

BEAUTIFUL BLACK on Black SS 396 138 code 1967 Chevelle. Completely redone with a fresh big block 454 with less than 5000 miles. 4 Speed , new bumpers but have old ones that come with the car. can be seen at Mustang ED’s on Lopez Ln. $31,000 Calls Only 505-310-0381

825 EAST PALACE DRIVEWAY SALE Latilla doors, phones, photo eq, iMac, CD/DVD, preschool math, shoes, books, jewelry, martini glassessomething for everyone! SATURDAY MAY 18 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. SATURDAY, MAY 18TH & SUNDAY, 19th, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 1854 Otowi Road. Propane Grill, Dishes, Clothes & Miscillanious items.

1986 Chevy 4-wheeel drive $3800. New motor transmission and transfer case. Short bed with 3/4 ton axles. Runs great. Has about 40 miles on the new motor. New paint but the hood has some hail dents on it. It is a running driving truck truck but needs to be finished. Has a suburban front fenders and grill. Call or text Tim 575-595-5153

1990 HONDA CRX - $2600. Runs pretty nice with new clutch, 4 cilynders, sun roof, 5 speed, cd, rims 17", and rebuilt motor so works great. Ready to go. Call 505-501-5473

2003 LEXUS ES-300 SEDAN FWD One Owner, Clean Carfax ,Records, Manuals 60,484 Miles, Non-Smoker, Garaged, New Tires, Loaded Pristine $13,995 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR VEHICLE! VIEW VEHICLE Paul 505-983-4945

2012 IMPREZA SPORT. Only 16k miles, under warranty. Alloy wheels. AWD, automatic, CD, power windows & locks, winter mats, cargo mat, more! One owner, clean Carfax. $21995 Top dollar paid for trade-ins. Mercedes-Benz of Santa Fe 505-913-2900 Open Mon-Sat 9-6

1999 PONTIAC Bonneville SE with 81,000 original miles, 3.8 V6, front wheel drive, New tires, Power everything, Premium sound system with CD player. Car is in excellent condition $3,800 CASH ONLY Call Jose at 505-718-6257

FORD Focus, 32 mpg, manual. Showroom condition. Garaged, 18k original miles. New car at 1/3 the price. New Michelins. $6,250. 505699-6161.



2005 INFINITI G-35 COUPE MANUAL-6SPD One-Owner, Local, Carfax, 34,421 Miles, Garaged, Non-Smoker, Every Service Record, New Tires, Pristine, $19,495 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR VEHICLE! VIEW VEHICLE Paul 505-983-4945

2011 MINI Cooper Countryman S AWD - only 17k miles! Free Maintenance til 09/2017, Cold Weather & Panoramic Roof, 1-owner $27,431. Call 505-2163800

SUBARU FORESTER 2008 97k miles, all power, auto, all season mats, new Michelin tires. $8900 obo call 505 463 8486


1978 CHEVY, 4 door 3/4 ton Truck TOO MUCH to list! This is a complete restored custom truck, with a racing cam and only 2000 miles on engine, loaded with chrome and extras, 23,000.00 in reciepts not including labor, trophy winner, with first place, best of show, engine, class, sound system and more. I can send photos. Call for details make offer. 505-4693355 $23000

1938 CHEVY deluxe project car. Complete with Fenders, hood, running boards, 350 crate engine. Call Dennis 719-843-5198.

1985 580E Diesel back-hoe case loader for sale. Excellent for small jobs and farm work. Enclosed cab, 24" & 18" buckets. $8900 OBO 505-670-7582 or 505-757-2926

2011 BMW 328Xi AWD - only 14k miles! navigation, premium & convience packages, warranty until 11/2015 $30,331. Call 505-316-3800


1996 DODGE RAM SLE 4x4 Ext. Cab. $3200. 153,000 MILES, 2 1/2 inch leveling kit, clean cloth interior, automatic, 4x4 works great! Asking $3200 (Will consider trade for a Jeep Cherokee 6 cyl. (1994 & up) CALL STEVE AT 505-316-2970 OR 505-577-5916

2008 KIA Optima with only 87,000 miles. I am asking $8,500 obo, book on this car is still $9,800. Please serious inquires only! Please feel free to call with questions or for any additional questions (505)901-7855 or (505)927-7242

1 9 99 NISSAN Sentra with a new clutch. Very clean reliable car. Really good gas milage, clean inside and outside. Clean title, the engine is completly clean, no leaking oil, no check engine light. $3200 O.B.O. Call or txt 505-469-7295

2010 BMW 335Xi AWD - only 13k miles! navigation, premium & cold weather packages plus xenon headlamps, fast, pristine, and loaded $33,931. Call 505-216-3000

2011 LEXUS CT200h - over 40 mpg! 1owner, clean carfax, 8 year hybrid warranty, well-equipped $26,891. Lexus of Santa Fe, 505-216-3800.

1988 PORSCHE CARRERA TARGA 911 Standard, Clean Carfax, Local Owner, Garaged, 61,548 Original miles, Every Service Record, Pristine $32,000 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR VEHICLE! VIEW VEHICLE Paul 505-983-4945

1964 FORD GALAXIE 500 In Storage for 43 Years! Original and in Excellent Condition. Two door fastback, FE big block 352 / 4-barrel, cruse-omatic auto trans. Runs and drives excellent. 505-699-9424.

2012 JEEP Grand Cherokee Laredo 4WD - low miles, 1-owner, clean carfax $28,471. Lexus of Santa Fe, 505-216-3800. Lexus of Santa Fe, 505216-3800.

Toy Box Too Full? Car Storage Facility

2004 HONDA Accord V6 EX-L leather interior heated seats, power driver and passenger seats, Moon roof, 6 cd stereo auto climate controls power everything, New tires, all maintenance done timing belt, water pump at 105k miles, clean carfax 110k miles on the car now thats about 12,000 a year charcoal grey with grey leather inside. Clean car inside and out 22 mpg city and 31mph hwy. Asking $8800 or BEST OFFER 505-204-2661 2005 TOYOTA PRIUS. 85k. Grey. New tires plus 2 snow tires. Great shape. $10,700 OBO. John, 505-473-2747.

WE GET RESULTS! So can you with a classified ad

CALL 986-3000

Airport Road and 599 505-660-3039

2003 Jeep Liberty Sport, 4x4, V6, 4DR, PW, PD, AC, Automatic, Cruise, Clean 1 Owner Vehicle. $7250. Call (505)3109853 or (505)699-9905


CLICK AND CLACK King Features Syndicate

1982 Chrysler Cordoba 318 4BBL rear power amplifier, mag wheels, all power, excellent maintenance records, second owner, $3,400 or best offer. 505-471-3911

Saturday, May 18th 9:00a.m. 4:00p.m. Sunday 10:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. 222 Closson Street. 5 Unit Condo Sale. Art, Furniture, Tools, Books, Clothing, Appliances, Furnishings. Cash Only. SAVING THE BEST FOR LAST ESTATE SALE. FRIDAY- SUNDAY, 9-5 Everything must go! Too much to list, contact Ruby, 818-590-1044.


2003 MERCEDES BENZ E320. Loaded power windows, power locks, heated seats, 6 disc changer, power seats, automatic, v6, and much more. Very good condition, luxury and reliable. Just serviced and new tires. 141,000 miles. $8000 obo Please call for more info (505)720-1344

ESTATE SALE FRIDAY 7:30 TO 12:30 118 WEST LUPITA Lots of collectibles and other fantastic stuff, all at great prices!

LOS ALAMOS HUGE SALE 5/16 & 5/17, 8-5 5/18 8-2. Barranca Mesa Subdivision 113 El Viento Street Furniture, Antiques, TEAC & SONI Stereo System, Garden & Power Tools; Camping, Kit Applc, Crystal, China, Espresso sets; Decorative items, framed posters & books; Children clothing, Toys, (Play Mobil doll house; doll carriages, Barbie’s, German children books, Legos, Duplo, Brio Wooden Train set & more) Peugeot Bike. Too Many items to List! Please drop buy!


1967 IMPALA $3,500 obo, 1997 Cadillac $1,000. 1973 Impala $800. 22" Rims $650. Fishing Boat (16 Foot) $800. 505429-1239

ESTATE SALES ESTATE SALE 25 Y E A R S in our house, 45 y e a rs Collecting around the world; moving, starting to divest: antiquities; designer and special furniture, art and ephemera; designer, ethnic, vintage clothing; trunks; trees; china, crystal, linens, antique lace, books; studio and book arts supplies! Friday & Saturday, May 17 & 18. 9 to 3. 1012 Calle Lento, near Governor’s Mansion. 505-920-2300.



HUGE REMODELING REDECORATION SALE! SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9-2 40 CAMINO DIMITRIO Furniture, art, china, books, antiques, rugs, electronics, exercise equipment, C A R S , decorative items, light fixtures, Hammond organ. 505-466-1143

450 AVENIDA Primera South, off Hyde Park Road. Multi-family garage sale in Estancia Primeria Clubhouse parking lot. Saturday, May 18, 8:00 - 1:00 (no early birds please). Folk art, carving tools, pottery, baskets, framed art, power & hand tools, furniture, lamps, kitchen items, small appliances, 5x5 "Soccer mom" tent, artificial 7 ft. Christmas tree used once.


PRISTINE 2012 RAV4. LOADED! 4WD, V-6. $300 for 23 months to take over lease, or $22,582.00 pay off. Save $5,000 off new. Full warranty. 505699-6161

CASA SOLANA SHOPPING CENTER 9 a.m. Fantastic Yard Sale benefitting Brain Education Yoga Program. Lap-top, I-pod, Printer, Clothing, Fabric Crafts, Sporting Goods, Furniture,, Children’s items, Household goods.


Have a product or service to offer? Call our small business experts today!



TAIL-GATE AT THE GRAND OPENING OF FLEA AT THE DOWNS, MAY 25 Open & Covered 10x30 Spaces First Come, First Served, $15 & $20 Gates open to tail-gaters and vendors at 6:30 a.m. Saturday & Sunday 505-982-2671



SATURN VUE 2004, 128,000 miles, 4 Cylinder 5 Speed Manual, new struts and shocks, runs great. 505-424-1180

2001 Jeep Cherokee Sport - $4400. 4.0 engine, 4-wheel drive, automatic, Power windows, mirrors, door locks, CD Player Runs Great Call or text: 505-570-1952.

1994 JEEP Wrangler, 4x4, V6, 4.OL, 5 speed engine. $6100. 125,500 miles. Has a new battery, bake pads and full tune-up before winter. Recently placed flow master exhaust system and Rancho RS5000 shocks. I also have an extra bikini-top. Interior is in great condition and Jeep runs strong. 631-259-1995 or 505-920-8719


Dear Tom and Ray: My wife Olivia’s first car (in the early ‘70s) was a purple-sparkle dune buggy built on a VW Bug frame -- one of the least safe but coolest cars ever. As we have grown older, she has pined for her dune buggy, so last year I bought her a safer facsimile: a bright-red Honda Fit. She LOVES it, and so do I. Here’s the catch: About three months after we got the car, a 20-something boy fiddling with the CD player in his very large minivan rear-ended her at a stoplight,

2010 MERCEDES-BENZ C300 4MATIC LUXURY SEDAN. Luxurious black-on-black C300, AWD. Special alloy wheels, unique grill, walnut wood trim, memory seats, garage door opener, heated seats, moonroof and more. 36k miles. $25,995. Top dollar paid for trade-ins.

Mercedes-Benz of Santa Fe Open Monday - Saturday 9-6. 505-913-2900

pushing her “red dune buggy” into a much larger Jeep 4x4. Our car was pretty smashed up in the front and rear. She was able to drive it home (even though the air bag had deployed), and we had all the front- and rear-end damage repaired (at a cost to the insurance company of nearly $8,000). My question is: Do you guys think this car should be OK after this injury? The repairs were largely cosmetic (bumpers, headlight, hood, rear hatchback), besides replacing the restraint system. The car looks and drives fine. Please tell me Olivia’s beloved “red dune buggy” should be fine, so I don’t have to talk to any more insurance agents. -- Donald RAY: It should be fine, Donald. It obviously took a serious hit if the air bag deployed. But I trust that the insurance company did its due diligence and concluded that it wouldn’t be wasting $8,000 if this thing were fixed. TOM: The primary concern I would have had is whether the frame got bent. But I assume the insurance company checked that and found it to be OK.

2007 SUBARU Impreza. 65,000 miles, special edition package, power doors, power moon roof, auto, air, etc. Black. $10,500. 505-466-0806

RAY: If you want to confirm this for yourself, take the car to a place that does wheel alignments, and ask for a four-wheel alignment. TOM: If the frame is bent, they will not be able to align all four wheels. So if they tell you your alignment’s fine, that tells you your frame is fine, too. RAY: It’s always possible that with a serious collision, there’s undetected damage: wires that got pinched, or mechanical damage that only pops up later. But if the insurance company didn’t total the car, if it now looks and drives fine and if you can align the wheels, I’d say don’t worry about it, and let your wife enjoy her ride. TOM: And by the way, you’re very lucky to have a wife who’s so easy to please. She wants a dune buggy, you give her a Honda Fit, and she says, “Okey-dokey!” RAY: My brother’s just jealous, Donald. He tried, unsuccessfully, to convince his wife that the ‘78 Fiat he gave her was a Cadillac. Of course, that was two wives and four Fiats ago.


THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013

sfnm«classifieds »cars & trucks«


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2005 SUBARU Legacy Outback XT. 94K miles, new subaru motor, turbo, etc. (2000 miles). AWD, automatic, black, cream interior, leather, tint, moon roof, loaded. $9,900. 505-6609477

1994 Toyota Corolla - $1950. 154.000 miles, manual, A/C, Electric, Cruise Control, runs very good, very good on gas, 505-316-0436.

2002 CHEVY Avalanche. 116,000 miles, black leather interior, 24" rims, new single din multimidia DVD receiver, new window tint, has no oil leaks. Runs like new! NOT 4x4. For more info: Call txt 505-261-9565 if no answer txt or call 505-316-0168 Asking $8500. Might consider trades. Serious buyers only please.

1995 Ford Mustang Gt V8. Runs great, has after market rear lights, nice stereo. High miles but runs great! Good heater & AC, nice tires and rims. New paint job only 2 months old. Must drive! Interior needs seat covers and a little cleaning but fast car! call to see 505-930-1193 $4000

2004 SUZUKI Vitatara - $4900. 87,000 MILES, V-6 engine, 5-speed, 4-wheel drive, Power windows, power door locks, power mirrors, RUNS GREAT Call or text: 505-570-1952.




2010 TOYOTA RAV-4 LIMITED 4X4 One-Owner, 38,000 Miles, Records, Carfax, Manuals, X-Keys, NonSmoker, Garaged, New Tires, Remaining Warranty $22,995 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR VEHICLE!

2011 TOYOTA FJ Cruiser - only 20k miles! 1-owner, clean carfax, Upgrade Package #3 $31,951, Lexus of Santa Fe, 505-216-3800.

2011 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta Sportwagen TDI - low miles, rare DIESEL WAGON, 1-owner, clean carfax, panoramic roof, heated seats $24,971. Lexus of Santa Fe, 505-216-3800.

2001 CHEVY 2500 HD 4x4 - $11500 6.0, Crew Cab, short bed, 96,000 miles. 5th wheel rails, tow package, new tires $11,500 obo. 505-796-2177

Have a product or service to offer?

VIEW VEHICLE Paul 505-983-4945

2002 CHEVY Trail Blazer $5400. Automatic, 170,000 miles, very clean , V6 motor vortec 4200, CD, A/C, power windows. Runs pretty good. Very nice! 505-501-5473

2008 TOYOTA Tacoma Double Cab TRD 4WD - 1-owner, clean carfax, V6, SR5, TRD, the RIGHT truck $26,851. Lexus of Santa Fe, 505-216-3800.

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2010 TOYOTA Prius II - low miles, 40+ mpg, 1- owner, clean carfax, excellent condition $20,621 Lexus of Santa Fe, 505-216-3800

1999 VOLVO V70 Wagon - $4900. Exceptionally clean, 84,000 miles, leather interior, sunroof, automatic Call or text: 505-570-1952 2001 CHEVY BLAZER LT 4X4. $3500 (ESPANOLA). V6, AUTO, PL, PW, CD, AC, CRUISE, TILT, GREAT CONDITION. CALL MIKE 505-920-4195 2004 FORD 150 4X4 FX4 OFF ROAD $14,300. 4 DOORS, ALL POWERS, 6 CD, A/C, WORKS AND RUNS GREAT! VERY CLEAN, LIFTED, NEW TIRES, CRUSE CONTROL, AUTOMATIC V8 MOTOR 5.4, 160,000 MILES, CLEAR TITLE, IN VERY GOOD SHAPE, VERY NICE! 505501-9615

2009 SAAB 9-5 Aero - only 34k miles! Immaculate, new tires, turbo, clean carfax, last year this was available! $17,891. Call 505-216-3800

2004 VW-BEETLE-GLS CONVERTIBLE MANUAL Clean Carfax, Every Service Record, 76000 Miles, Non-Smoker, Garaged, Manuals, X-Keys, Leather, Loaded, Pristine,$8,995 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR VEHICLE! 2009 TOYOTA RAV4 4WD - only 12k miles! 1-owner, clean carfax, awesome fuel economy $18,922. Lexus of Santa Fe, 505-216-3800.


Sell your car in a hurry! Place an ad in the Classifieds 986-3000

CAMPERS & RVs 1997 33’ Pace Arrow Vision Motorhome. Asking $12,000. 505466-3011



VIEW VEHICLE Paul 505-983-4945 2011 HONDA CRV EX-L AWD - only 12k miles! super clean, leather, moonroof, fully equipped $25,471. Call 505-216-3800

2011 SUBARU Forester 2.5X Limited low miles, leather, heated seats, navigation, moonroof, rare fully loaded model $23,361. Call 505-216-3800

2011 SUBARU Impreza Outback Sport Hatch - rare 5-spd, low miles, navigation, moonroof, super nice! $18,671

1984 Chevrolet 2-ton, 16 foot flatbed. 2WD, 454 manual transmission (4-speed). 56,000 original miles. $2,000 OBO!

2008 TOYOTA Camry SE V6 3.5L 81k miles. Silver with black interior, power seats, power moon roof, spoiler, automatic 6 speed transmission, Tinted windows, Newer tires, Fully serviced by dealer, great car on gas, lots of power, JBL sound, cruise, lots of options. Asking $14,600 OBO Clean title, clean Carfax, always taken care of and serviced. Contact (505) 2042661

FREEDOM ON TWO WHEELS! HarleyDavidson Sportster 883 (2000 yr) Black & Chrome 18,000 miles Asking $3700 Excellent condition! 505757-3084 in Glorieta.

Need some extra cash in your pocket? 2001 WHITE Honda Accord DX. 180,000 miles. Runs great, automatic, blue cloth seats, Pioneer Radio/CD, 4 cylinder. A/C & heat works. Nice gas saver. Clear title. Comes with black leather bra. $5300 OBO. Cash only. Call 505-501-3390

1988 Chevrolet 1-ton dually 4X4. Power windows, power locks. 454 automatic transmission. $2,000 OBO!

2002 INFINITI QX4. Runs beautifully and in good condition. Exceptionally clean. 122,000 miles. $6,600. 505-820-7615

Call Andrew, (505) 231-4586. Evenings preferred or leave message.


2006 TOYOTA AVALON LIMITED FWD, Carfax, Records, One Owner, Non Smoker, Garaged, New Tires, Loaded $13,995 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR VEHICLE! 2006 SUBARU Outback L.L.Bean Wagon - amazing 45k miles! heated leather, moonroof, truly like new $18,863 Lexus of Santa Fe, 505-2163800.

VIEW VEHICLE Paul 505-983-4945

1997 XG6 Jaguar. $3000. V6, 4.0 engine, all power seats and windows , leather, good paint. 125k miles. Salvage title. Trade? For more info call 505-501-9584.

Sell Your Stuff!

PICKUP TRUCKS 1992 FORD Ranger. 5 speed, extended cab, real clean. $2200 1992 Ford Escort. 5 speed, 2 door. $1700 OBO. 505-204-2921

SELL YOUR PROPERTY! with a classified ad. Get Results!

CALL 986-3000

1998 FIREBIRD Transam. MUST SEE to believe, flawless condition, fast, chip, LS1 eng., Auto, T-TOP, New TIRES!, garaged, fantastic condition! $12,000. 505-469-3355 2002 MAZDA MIATA Special Edition. Many performance and appearance upgrades. $12,500 or best offer. Chris, 505-501-2499;

Call Classifieds For Details Today!

2001 JEEP Charokee Sport. 6 Cylinder, automatic, 147,000 Miles. $4995 Call Manny at 505-570-1952


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Thursday, May 16, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN

sfnm«classifieds LEGALS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RFB No. ’13/28/B Competitive sealed bids will be received by the Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency and will be delivered to City of Santa Fe, Purchasing Office, 2651 Siringo Road, Bldg. "H", Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 until 2:00 p.m. local prevailing time on Wednesday, June 5, 2013. Any bid received after this deadline will not be considered. This RFB is for the purpose of procuring:



g owners for the Purpose of Implementing Fire Hazard Mitigation Activities. 2)Ordinance No. 2013-21: An Ordinance Relating to Requirements for City Contractors; Amending the City of Santa Fe Purchasing Manual to Establish a New Provision to Prohibit Discrimination.

3)Ordinance No. 2013-22: An Ordinance Relating to Benefits for Domestic Partners; Creating a New Section 19-3.8 SFCC 1987 to Require that the City of Santa Fe Provide Domestic Partner Benefits for Employees of the City of Santa Fe Who Are Eligible to Receive Benefits, Including Benefits TRACK-TYPE WASTE for Dependent Children HANDLER DOZER FOR of Domestic Partners.



The Bidder’s attention is directed to the fact that all applicable Federal Laws, State Laws, Municipal Ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over said item shall apply to the bid throughout, and they will be deemed to be included in the bid document the same as though herein written out in full. The Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency (Agency) is an Equal Opportunity Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or national origin. The successful Bidder will be required to conform to the Equal Opportunity Employment regulations. Bids may be held for sixty (60) days subject to action by the Agency. The Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids in part or in whole. Bid packets are available by contacting: Shirley Rodriguez, City of Santa Fe, Purchasing Office, 2651 Siringo Road, Building "H", Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505. Telephone number is (505) 955-5711. Questions related to this bid can be directed to Randall Kippenbrock, P.E., Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency, 149 Wildlife Way, Santa Fe, NM 87506. Telephone number is (505) 4241850, ext. 100. The RFB is also available a t http://www.santafen ATTEST: Robert Rodarte, Purchasing Officer Legal#94564 Published in the Santa Fe New Mexican on: May 16, 2013 CITY OF SANTA FE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NOS. 2013-20, 2013-21AND 2013-22 Notice is hereby given that the Governing Body of the City of Santa Fe held a public hearing at their regular meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 and approved the following: 1)Ordinance No. 2013-20: An Ordinance Relating to the City of Santa Fe Fire Department; Amending Section 2-10.3 SFCC 1987 to Establish the Stated Purpose of the Fire Department Authority and Powers; to Authorize the Right of Ingress and Egress on All Public or Private Streets, Alleyways, Roads, Driveways and Thoroughfares; and to Grant the Fire Chief the Full Authority to Sign Agreements With Land-


Copies of these ordinances are available in their entirety on the City’s web site http://www.santafenm. gov (click on Government/City Clerk/Ordinances) or upon request and payment of a reasonable charge, in the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, 200 Lincoln Avenue, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Yolanda Y. Vigil, City Clerk Legl #95239 PUbl May 16, 2013 CITY OF SANTA FE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ADVERTISEMENT BIDS


SEALED BIDS FOR: F i r e Station #4 - Re-Roofing ’13/33/B PRE-BID CONFERENCE: May 21, 2013 2:00 PM Fire Station No. 4 1130 Arroyo Chamiso Roa Santa Fe, NM 87504 TO BE OPENED AT: Purchasing Office 2651 Siringo Road Building H Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 (505) 955-5711 TIME: 2:00 P.M. Local Prevailing Time DATE: May 30, 2013 ADDRESSED TO: City Purchasing Officer City of Santa Fe 2651 Siringo Road Building H Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Bids will be received until the above time, then opened publicly at the Purchasing Director’s office or other designated place, and read aloud. BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE ABOVE TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED. Bidding Documents are posted on the City web s i t e and also may be obtained from Chip Lilienthal Facilities Division 2651 Siringo Road Santa Fe NM 87507 Phone number 505-9555938. Structural Engineering/drainage drawings are available. Electronic copies may be obtained by calling Chip Lilienthal 505-9555938 or hard copies may be obtained at 2651 Siringo Road Building ’E’. A deposit is not required. Any unsuccessful Bidder, upon returning such set within ten (10) days of Bid date, and in good condition, will be refunded his payment. All sets shall be returned to the Landscape Architect within ten (10) calendar days, regardless of whether or not the individual is believed to be a successful Bidder. Contractors not returning their sets within ten (10) days after Bid date, will mean forfeiture of the entire deposit. N/A Bid Documents are also on file at Builders News and Plan Room, Construction Reporter, and Dodge Reports in Albuquerque, and online


to place legals, call LEGALS

q q , through Reed Construc- FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT tion Data. COURT COUNTY OF SANTA FE Bids for the project will STATE OF NEW MEXICO be presented in the form of a base bid plus alter- No. D-101-PB-2013-00082 nates if any. Award will be made to the bidder IN THE MATTER OF THE providing the lowest to- ESTATE OF REBECCA tal base bid of Option McDOWELL CRAVER, ’A’, or Option ’B’, or Op- DECEASED tion ’C’. Bidder shall Bid all items for either Op- NOTICE TO CREDITORS tion ’A’, or Option ’B’, or Option ’C’. Bidder shall NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN include in the signed that the undersigned documents their license has been appointed Perand classification. Con- sonal Representative of tract award will be this Estate. All persons made to the responsible having claims against Bidder submitting the this Estate are required low Base Bid for Option to present their claims ’A’, or Option ’B’, or Op- within two (2) months tion ’C’, however the after the date of the first Owner may award the publication of this Nocontract to the respon- tice or their claims will sible Bidder submitting be forever barred. the low combined Bid Claims must be present(Base Bid plus Add Alts ed either to the underand applicable Gross signed Personal RepreReceipts Taxes), within sentative at P.O. Box the amount of funds 1575, Santa Fe, New available, if applicable. Mexico, 87504, or filed with the First Judicial Bid security, made paya- District Court, Judge ble to the City of Santa Steve Herrera Judicial Fe, the "Owner" in the Complex, P.O. Box 2268, amount of 5% of the Santa Fe, New Mexico, proposal sum shall be 87504. submitted with the Bid. Bid security shall be in DATED: May 03, 2013. the form of a Bid Bond issued by Surety li- William Lionel Craver, censed to conduct busi- Jr., ness in the State of New Personal Representative Mexico, or by certified check. The Bidders se- THE CULLEN LAW FIRM, curity shall be retained P.C. by the Owner until the Attorneys for the PerContract is signed; the sonal Representative other Bidder’s security 2006 Botulph Road shall be returned as P.O. Box 1575 soon as practicable. Santa Fe, New Mexico Failure or refusal by the 87504-1575 successful Bidder to en- (505) 988-7114 (office) ter into Contract with (505) 995-8694 (facsimthe Owner will consti- ile) tute Liquidated Damag- es in favor of the Owner. The bid shall also in- Legal#94545 clude a signed "Non- Published in the Santa Collusion Affidavit of Fe New Mexican on: May Prime Bidders", signed 9, 16, 2013 "Certificate of NonSegregated Facilities", a ITEMS STORED by Carol signed "Certificate of Caskey, 186A Arroyo Bidder Regarding Equal Honda Rd, Santa Fe, NM, Employment Opportuni- consisting of many boxty", a Subcontractor’s es, a trunk, coffee taListing and; if applica- bles, kitchen items, ble, a Local Preference clothes, art work, to be Application. The project sold May 31, 2013 by is subject to the New Eldorado Self Storage, Mexico Office of Labor Avenida Vista Grande, Commission, Minimum Santa Fe, NM. Call 466Wage Rates for the 1810 for information. State of New Mexico. Such wage rates are Items stored by Matt bound into the Contract Taylor, PO Box 43, Documents. The suc- Glorieta,NM, consisting cessful Bidder shall, of boxes, desk, leather upon notice of award of chair, to be sold May 31, contract, secure from 2013 by Eldorado Self each of his Storage, Avenida Vista Subcontractors a signed Grande, Santa Fe, NM. "Non-Collusion Affidavit Call 466-1810 for inforof Subcontractors". mation. The Bidding Documents contain a time for com- Items stored by Roberta pletion of the work by Farrington, 2140 Ridge the successful Bidder, View Circle, Santa Fe, and further imposes liq- NM, consisting of art uidated damages for work to be sold May 31, failure to comply with 2013 by Eldorado Self that time. Storage, Avenida Vista Grande, Santa Fe, NM. The Owner reserves the Call 466-1810 for inforright to reject any and mation. all Bids, to waive techni- LEGL# 95129 calities, and to accept Publ May 9, 16 2013 the Bid it deems to be in LEGAL NOTICE the best interest of the City of Santa Fe. The City of Santa Fe is an Equal Opportunity Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or national origin. The successful Bidder will be required to conform to the Equal Opportunity Employment Regulations. Bids will be received by the City of Santa Fe and will be delivered to City of Santa Fe, Purchasing Office, 2651 Siringo Road, Bldg. H Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 until 2:00 P.M. local prevailing time May 30, 2013. Any bid received after this deadline will not be considered. This bid is for the purpose of procuring: FIRE STATION No. 4 - RE-ROOFING ATTEST: Robert Rodarte, Purchasing Director City of Santa Fe, New Mexico Legal #94676 Published in the Santa Fe New Mexican on May 16, 2013

To place a Legal ad Call 986-3000

Notice is hereby given that the POJOAQUE VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT , Santa Fe County, New Mexico called for Sealed Bids for:

RFB# 05.29.13 POJOAQUE MIDDLE SCHOOL CAFETERIA RENOVATIONS AND ADDITION The project consist of interior renovations, partial demolition of existing partitions, electrical and mechanical improvements and metal stud/bar joists addition of restrooms and entry foyer. Interested parties may secure a copy of the Request for Bids, Contract Documents and any amendments if applicable from: Douglas Patterson, AIA Living Designs Group Architects 122A Dona Luz Street Taos, NM 87571 Phone: 575-751-9481 dpatterson@ldgtaos. com Please contact Jessi-


Life is good ...


LEGALS ca Sanchez or Jessica Roybal, Living Designs Group Architects, @ (575)751-9481 to be included in the spec-holder list in order to receive amendments to this request if applicable.

toll free: 800.873.3362 email:



p meanor criminal penalties for its violation. In addition, the New Mexico criminal statues impose felony penalties for bribes, gratuities and kick-backs.

y a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact NMHIA office at 1800-204-4700, prior to the meeting. Public documents including the agenda can be provided by accessi n g nsurance/healthcarereform/index.html.

Sealed bids will be received and opened by the Pojoaque Valley A mandatory site vis- School District-Central it is scheduled for Office (Attention to: Lisa 2:00 PM Local Time Montoya) 1574 State on Monday, May 20, Road 502 West, Santa Fe, NM no later than 2 : 0 0 2013 . PM Local Time MonThe procurement day, May 27, 2013.

Code, Sections 13-128 through 13-1-199 NMSA 1978, imposes civil and misdemeanor criminal penalties for tis violation. In addition, the New Mexico criminal statues impose felony penalties for bribes, gratuities and kickbacks.

As per NMSA 1978, Sections 13-1-131 and 13-1132, the Pojoaque Valley School District reserves the right to cancel this procurement or reject any/all bid proposals if it is in the best interest of the Pojoaque Valle School District to do so, and to waive all technical irregularities not involving price, quality or Sealed Bids will be re- quantity of construcceived and opened by tion, services or materiPojoaque Valley als.





NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 40-8-1 through Sec. 40-8-3 NMSA 1978, st seq. the Petitioner Idalia A. Chacon Navarrete will apply to the Honorable Sarah M. Singleton, District Judge of the First Judicial District at the Santa Fe Judicial Complex in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at 8:30 a.m. on the 17th day of June, 2013 for an Order for Change of Name from IDALIA A. C h a c o n Legal #94677 Navarrete to Idalia Published in the San- Amaya Chacon.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Education for the Pecos Independent School District will take School DistrictBy Order of the Governplace on Tuesday, Central Office (Atten- ing Body May 21, 2013. tion to: Lisa Montoya, Pojoaque Valley Schools Controller) 1574 State The meeting will beRoad 502 West, Santa /s/Terry Cummings gin at 6:00 pm in the Fe, NM no later than Director of Operations Pecos Schools Board 2:00 PM Local Time Room. Monday, May 27, LEGAL#94569 2013. PUBLISHED IN THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN Agendas are availaAs per NMSA 1978, MAY 10 THROUGH MAY ble at the Administration Office on the day Sections 13-1-131 and 23, 2013 13-1-132, the MEMBERS OF THE PUB- prior to the Board Pojoaque Valley LIC are invited to pro- Meeting. School District re- vide comment on hearserves the right to ings for the issuance of The meeting may incancel this procure- or transfers of liquor li- clude Budget Adjustment or reject any/all censes as outlined be- ment Requests. bid proposals if it is low. All hearings will be in the best interest of conducted at the NM Al- An Executive Session the Pojoaque Valley cohol and Gaming Divi- may take place durSchool District to do sion offices on the dates ing the agenda to disso, and to waive all specified for each Appli- cuss limited persontechnical irregulari- cation in the Toney nel matters and/or ties not involving Anaya Building, 2550 pending litigation as Road, Santa Fe, per NM Statutes Artiprice quality or quan- Cerrillos NM. The Hearing Officer tity of construction, assigned to this applica- cle 15 Open Meetings services or materials. tion is Annette Brumley. 10-15-1 Subparagraph H (2 & 8). Action item She can be contacted at as a result of execuBy Order of the Gov- 505-476-4548. tive session if neceserning Body Pojoaque Valley Application # A853779 sary. Schools for a Beer & Wine Restaurant Liquor License FRED TRUJILLO, SUon May 23, 2013 @ 3:30 PERINTENDENT /s/Terry Cummings Director of Opera- p.m., for Plaza Burritos, PECOS INDELLC/DBA: Burrito Com- THE tions SCHOOL pany located at 111 PENDENT Washington Ave., Santa DISTRICT IS AN EQUAL LEGAL#94570 Santa Fe County New OPPORTUNITY EMPUBLISHED IN THE Fe, Mexico. PLOYER AND DOES SANTA FE NEW MEXI- Legl 95240 NOT DISCRIMINATE CAN MAY 10 Publ May 16, 23 2013 ON THE BASIS OF THROUGH MAY 23, Members of the pub- RACE, NATIONAL ORI2013 lic are invited to pro- GIN, RELIGION, AGE, LEGAL NOTICE vide comment on SEX, MARITAL STAhearings for the issu- TUS, HOMELESSNESS DISABILITY IN Notice is hereby given ance of or transfers OR WITH that the P O J O A Q U E of liquor licenses as COMPLIANCE VALLEY SCHOOL DIS- outlined below. All FEDERAL AND STATE TRICT, Santa Fe County, hearings will be con- LAWS. New Mexico calls for ducted at the NM AlSealed Bids for: cohol and Gaming Di- LEGAL#95172 vision offices on the PUBLISHED IN THE RFB# 05.27.13 dates specified for SANTA FE NEW MEXIDUAL ATHLETIC FIELDS each Application in CAN MAY 15, 16, 2013 Toney Anaya NOTICE OF REQUEST The Pojoaque High the 2550 School Dual Use Athletic Building, FOR PROPOSALS Fields is a new construc- Cerrillos Road, Santa NEW MEXICO SCHOOL tion project that will be Fe, New Mexico. The FOR THE ARTS built on the existing 7.61 Hearing Officer asacre site owned by signed to this appliNew Mexico School Pojoaque Valley School cation is Annette District. The dual athlet- Brumley. She can be for the Arts, a stateic field shall provide fa- contacted at 505-476- wide public charter high school, located cilities for girls softball 4548. at 275 E. Alameda, and both boys and girls Santa Fe, NM has issoccer. The entire field Application #A852679 will consist of an artifisued an RFP (Request cial turf surface, contain for a Beer and Wine for Proposal) for Food both home and visitor Restaurant Liquor Li- Service Management dugouts, spectator cense on June 11, for the 2013-2014 bleachers and various 2013 at 3:00 p.m. for School Year. A copy Cafe Greco, LLC/DBA: site amenities. of the RFP and inquiCafe Greco located at ries regarding the Interested parties may 233 Canyon Rd., Unit secure a copy of the Re- 2, Santa Fe, Santa Fe RFP may be obtained by contacting Christiquest for Bids, Contract County New Mexico. na Yamashiro, BusiDocuments and any Legal #95238 amendments if applica- Published in the San- ness Manager, at 505310-4194 or ble from: ta Fe New Mexican on cyamashiro@nmscho Douglas Patterson, AIA May 16, 2013 The Living Designs Group Architects Notice is hereby giv- deadline to submit a 122A Dona Lopez Street en of the Board meet- proposal to this reTaos, NM 87571 ing of the New Mexi- quest is July 1, 2013 at Phone: 575-751-9481 10 a.m. There is a co Health Insurance mandatory prebid Exchange, to be held m on May 16, 2013 from meeting at the School on June 4, 2013 at 10 Please contact Israel 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Padilla, Living Designs on May 17, 2013 from a.m. Group Architects, @ 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. (575)751-9481 to be in- The meeting will be LEGAL#95193 cluded in the spec- held at CNM PUBLISHED IN THE holder list in order to re- Workforce Training SANTA FE NEW MEXIceive amendments to Center, Meeting CAN MAY 1 THROUGH this request if applica- Room 103, 5600 Eagle MAY 20, 2013 ble. Rock Ave. NE Albu- STATE OF NEW querque, NM 87113. MEXICO COUNTY OF A mandatory site visit is scheduled for 2:00 PM This meeting is being SANTA FE FIRST DISTRICT Local Time on Mon- called pursuant to JUDICIAL the Open Meetings COURT day, May 20, 2013. Act Resolution NMSA IN THE MATTER OF A PEThe Procurement Code, 1978, Ch. 10, Art. 15. If TITION FOR CHANGE OF Sections 13-1-28 through an individual with a NAME OF Idalia Amaya 13-1-199 NMSA 1978, im- disability is in need of Navarrete poses civil and misde-


Deputy Court Clerk Plaintiff, Submitted by: Idalia v. Amaya Chacon Petitioner, Pro Se MARY M.


LEGAL#94651 LISA PUBLISHED IN the Santa JIMENEZ, Fe New Mexican on: GRIEGO TAPIA, STEVEN J. VALDEZ, May 16, 23, 2013

MICHA G. VALDEZ, PALISADES COLLECTION LLC ASSIGNEE OF HSBC, RICHARD JEROME TAPIA, SUNWEST BANK RIO ARRIBA, SANTA FE COUNTY TREASURER NO. D - 1 0 1 - C V - AND THE STATE OF 2013-00401 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TAXASTATE EMPLOYEES TION & REVENUE, CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff, Defendant(s). v. NOTICE OF SUIT THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, STATE OF New Mexico DEVISEES AND to the above-named ASSIGNS OF LEROY Defendants Mary M. BENAVIDEZ, DE- Jimenez aka Mary CEASED; Martha Jimenez, Lisa UNKNOWN SPOUSE Griego Tapia, Richard (IF ANY) OF LEROY Jerome Tapia. BENAVIDEZ; JOHN GREETINGS: DOE and JANE DOE, You are hereby notiDefendants. fied that the abovenamed Plaintiff has NOTICE OF PENDENCY filed a civil action OF ACTION against you in the above-entitled Court THE STATE OF NEW and cause, the generMEXICO TO THE FOL- al object thereof beLOWING NAMED OR ing to foreclose a DESIGNATED DEFEND- mortgage on properANTS: ty located at 3048A Lopez Ln, Santa Fe, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, NM 87507, Santa Fe DEVISEES AND AS- County, New Mexico, SIGNS OF LEROY said property being BENAVIDEZ, DE- more particularly deCEASED; UNKNOWN scribed as: SPOUSE (IF ANY) OF All of that certain LEROY BENAVIDEZ; tract of land as JOHN DOE and JANE shown on plat entiDOE tled "Plat of Survey for Mary M. Jimenez a GREETINGS certain tract of land DEFENDANTS: situate within a portion S.H.C. 688, TR. 1 & You are hereby noti- S.H.C. No. 1244, Tr. 1, fied that State Em- Section 6, T16N, R9E, ployees Credit Union, N.M.P.M...", filed in as Plaintiff, has filed the office of the an action in the First County Clerk, Santa Judicial District Court Fe County, New Mexiof Santa Fe County, co, on November 17, New Mexico, and 1997, in Plat Book 375, wherein the said page 020, as DocuPlaintiff seeks to ob- ment No. 1003,168. tain constructive service of process And all improveupon you. ments, including but not limited to, the The general object of manufactured home said action is: Com- attached thereto and plaint on Promissory more particularly deNote and for Foreclo- scribed as: VIN sure 12521988AB STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF SANTA FE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT

You are further notified that unless you serve a pleading or motion in response to the complaint in said cause on or before 30 days after the last publication date, judgment will be entered against you. The name and post office address of the Attorneys for the Plaintiff is as follows: ALDRIDGE, GRAMMER & HAMMAR, P.A., 1212 Pennsylvania, NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the First Judicial District Court of Santa Fe County, New Mexico, on the 29th day of March, 2013. STEPHEN T. PACHECO CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT

Unless you serve a pleading or motion in response to the complaint in said cause on or before 30 days after the last publication date, judgment by default will be entered against you. Respectfully Submitted, THE CASTLE LAW GROUP, LLC By: /s/ __Steven J. Lucero__ Electronically Filed Elizabeth Mason Keya Koul Steven J. Lucero 20 First Plaza NW, Suite 602 Albuquerque, NM 87102 Telephone: (505) 8489500 Fax: (505) 848-9516 Attorney for Plaintiff NM12-02185_FC01


LEGAL#94275 PUBLISHED IN THE Legal#95186 SANTA FE NEW MEXICASE NO. D-101-CV-2013Published in the San- CAN MAY 16, 23, 30, Fe New Mexican 2013 Continued... ta on: May 9, 16, 23, 2013


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THE NEW MEXICAN Thursday, May 16, 2013


















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