Collaborative Public Events Sports Webinars
Webinars on Development
S P O RTS DIPLOM AC Y A U.S. Embassy webinar on “Sports Diplomacy: Exploring the Role of Sports in Developing International Relations,” was moderated by one of the 2020-2021 CIRS interns, Khansa Maria (SFS’21). The webinar featured guest lecturers:
COL LABORATIVE EVEN TS WITH ED UCATION ABOVE AL L (EAA) Jason Foley, Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for the Middle East at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), shared his experience and insight with GU-Q students and Education Above All (EAA) Foundation staff on “Development and Diplomacy in the International Arena.”
• Danyel Reiche, GU-Q • Craig LaMay, NU-Q • Amal Mohammed Saleh, Qatar National Basketball Team • Kathleen Bates, Qatar Foundation
Georgetown University in Qatar • Annual Report 2020-2021
F R O M Q ATAR 2 0 2 2 T O T H E A M ER I CA S 2 0 2 6 A webinar titled “From Qatar 2022 to the Americas 2026: Creating Connections and Opportunities between FIFA World Cup Tournaments” was held in collaboration with the U.S.-Qatar Business Council. The research we are doing on Qatar’s role as host will be beneficial for future work on the intersection of global sporting events and society. —Danyel Reiche The talk featured GU-Q’s Danyel Reiche and Simon Chadwick, the Director of Eurasian Sport at Emlyon Business School. WAT C H T H E L E C T U R E
The partnership between GU-Q as a provider of foreign service education and Education Above All, as a leading global development foundation focusing on education, has productively illustrated how synergies across multiple sectors can positively result in desirable tangible outcomes. — Fahad Al Sulaiti, CEO, Education Above All
GU-Q and EAA also collaborated with Joe Cerrell, the Managing Director of Global Policy and Advocacy for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to discuss “Working Together During COVID-19: A Global Approach to Development.” The webinar highlighted the challenges to human development initiatives posed by climate change, conflict, and a global pandemic.