A.J. Plummer Design Portfolio

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AJ Plummer Graphic Designer

Pg# Typology Project Name

The Man Behind the Logo Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Anthony John Plummer II, but everyone just calls me AJ. I am a graphic designer with an interest in working with your company. My interest for graphic and digital art started in my senior year of high school. I had my first exposure to Photoshop, and the rest is history. I saw graphic design as a combination of two of my favorite hobbies, drawing and computer work. But I quickly discovered that it is not as simple as that. As one of my mentors, Ed Seubert, told me, “Graphic design is not decoration, it is thinking artistically and critically.� It is the harmony of both side of the brain, and that is what I find interesting and fun about graphic design.

(650) 888 7904

Graphic Designer

CONTACT graphicalvibes @gmail.com www.ajplummer. myportfolio.com


Ps 2015-2017

College of San Mateo

SF State University

Digital Media Program

Visual Communication and Desgin







Project Name

AJ Plummer












BUCK outfitters





AJ Plummer

Power Play Poster Poster Design

Power Play

Goal: Design a poster for the AIGA and SFMOMA event. Must create a connection to the city. Hierarchy is the main focus. Design and develop a hierarchy that can be seen from three distances, without sacrificing legibility and design aesthetic.


8 Power Play AJ Plummer

Brief - Desing poster for AIGA and SFMOMA event - employ Hierarchy (“3 distance legibility”)

Design Brief This was an assignment for my Spring 2017 Typography class. Our goal was to design a poster for the, then upcoming, lectures the AIGA held at the SF MOMA. We given a body of text and had to designa poster for the event, that was not only related to the city, but mainly typographic in nature, no images were to be utilized.

Design - city related - personal connection - step back from literal - deploy metaphor & abstraction - BUILDINGS - play with scale and perspective - dynamic colors Poster -17” x 22” Time frame -1-2 weeks

AJ Plummer

Research Power Play

I wanted to evoke a feeling of the city. Buildings are the main feature of any city, and since the event was centered around the city I made it the main feature of the poster. I also developed a color scheme for the final poster by using Kuler and the images.


10 Power Play

Sketches/Iterations I knew from the beginning what direction I wanted to take the poster. I have a history of making designs based of cities and buildings so this was a good start for the project. I ended up using the top down view instead of the cityscape type view I used in my previous projects.

AJ Plummer

Out of my multiple thumbnails and sketches, I latched on to two in particular. I ended up with going with the design on the left.

AJ Plummer

Today, many urban designers are creating public spaces that are open, interactive, and engaging, such as the High Line in New York City and the new South Park renovation in San Francisco. Increasingly, play has become a strategy that designers use to prompt participation between residents, their environments, and each other. At the same time, urban landscapes in the Bay Area and beyond are being transformed by rapid development, with pressures to privatize, police, and speculate on space.

MARCH 7 Tactical Interventions Liz Ogbu principal, Studio O Douglas Burnham principal, Envelope A+D


Histories of Bay Area Urban Design Robert Kett curatorial assistant, architecture and design, SFMOMA Benjamin Grant urban design policy director, SPUR

6-7:30 pm MARCH 14 Injecting Play John Bela director, Gehl Studio Allison Arieff editorial director, SPUR

MARCH 21 Reinventing the Commons David Fletcher landscape architect, Fletcher Studio Jennifer Dunlop Fletcher Helen Hilton Raiser curator of Architecture and Design, SFMOMA

Phyllis Wattis 151 3rd St , Theater at San Francisco SF MOMA CA, 94103 Use code PARTNER2017 for a discounted admission

Join SFMOMA for a series of talks and discussions with curators, architects, planners, and strategists that explore the role of play and the dynamics of power in illuminating the history, understanding the present, and determining the future of our sought-after public spaces.

Power Play

FEBRUARY 28 Theories of Public Spaces Walter Hood professor of landscape architecture, environmental planning, and urban design, UC Berkeley Susan Moffat project director, UC Berkeley Global Urban Humanities Initiative

Design and the





Power Play

Final Thoughts Overall this project was more tedious than difficult to complete. With the tighter spaces the type was a little tricky to make legible. I still want to take this design further. I might come back to it and add more details such as windows. In the end I am pleased with not only the design of the buildings but with my type treatment as well.




#292526 Impact

AJ Plummer

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:�{}[]

AJ Plummer

Cityscape Textile Design


Goal: Using photos, design a pattern for textiles. The designs should be metaphors developed from the photos. Stray away from the literal and create resonance with the patterns. Keep in mind: what will this be made into?


16 AJ Plummer


Brief - Design textile - use photography as basis for pattern

Design Brief For this project, we were instructed to create a pattern, that would be used to be made into a product, such as a tote or other small carrying case. The inspiration for the pattern were photos that we took in roder to create metaphors and relate the meaning to a pattern. We were given a few days to collect photos from our everyday lives and choose what we felt would make the best patterns.

Photos - focused on quality - personal connection - step back from literal - deploy metaphor & abstraction - RESONANCE - avoid the banal Textile - shirt (pocket, sleeves only?) - phone case, ipad case? - hat **** Time frame No rush, client still needs to decide printing location, paper type, etc. Personal time: 1-2 weeks

AJ Plummer

Photography Cityscape

Research was fairly simple for this project. I looked up a few patterns just to see how they should be formatted in the computer, but other than that, most of the work away from the comupter was just that, away from the computer. Photography played a major role in this project, we could develop a patter from any other medium.


18 Cityscape

Sketches/Iterations/Feedback From my photos I chose the one I felt would yeild a nice pattern. The cityscape photo I took, whould turn into a rough sketch, exagerating the view of the buildings. Sketches would then be dropped into Illustrator, turned into vector art and colored. The color choice came from the Adobe Kuler application.

AJ Plummer

This photo set the basic structure of the pattern. Blocks built up on each other.

AJ Plummer





AJ Plummer


Final Iterations Once I took this to the comupter, this was actually the longest part of the whole process, I individually made each the buildings by using the line and pen tool. Another hard aspect of the pattern was to actually make the pattern line up and be symetrical on both sides.


AJ Plummer

It’s-It Redesign Re-Branding & Package Design

It’s-It Redesign

Goal: Redesign the packaging for the It’s - It ice cream company. Bring the dated design into contemporary standards. Also develop the packaging for a more eco-friendly design. No plastic, all biodegradable.


24 It’s-It Redesign

Design Brief For this project, we were instructed to redesign the logo and packaging for the Bay Area ice cream company, It’s-It. The goal was not only to redesign the overall brand and look of the company, but to design in a more contemporary fashion.

AJ Plummer

The original It’s-It packaging.

AJ Plummer

Research It’s-It Redesign

Research was mainly conducted on Pinterest. I searched for multiple ice cream packaging designs, but I also took a look at hamburger and sandwich packaging as well. Based in my findings, I opted for a roundel style logo.


26 AJ Plummer

It’s-It Redesign

Sketches/Iterations ONe of my major inspirations was the wheel gum, Hubba Bubba. It seemed like a round cookie sandwich would fit perfectly into one of those containers if it was big enough. to compliment my sketches I also constructed a 3D model of my template to see how to would open and fit in hand.

AJ Plummer

3D Model It’s-It Redesign

After constructing and feeling a tangilbe model, I adjusted my template a little, instead of having three separate parts, they would be connected. Two “ears” to hold the sandwich, and one long “nose”, that wraps around the sandwich.


28 AJ Plummer

It’s-It Redesign

Logo Design This was a cahllenging part of the process. I wanted to maintain the heritage of the company, but also use more contemporary elements. I played around with a handlettered look, and even an eploded view, before settling on the roundel design. In the end, I decided to go with the fair theme. The initial design was too similar to other designs, so a quick trip to Illustrator and I came up with the final logo.

AJ Plummer






It’s-It Redesign




In the end, the final logo was connected more with the original. So in a way I accomplished my goal more than my initial logo.


30 AJ Plummer

It’s-It Redesign

Final Thoughts This was an interesting project. It was the first major project I’ve done that was mainly focused on the packaging. I’m used to just focusing on the graphic design aspect, but this was a nice change of pace. The structural design is just as important as the graphic design. The final packaging design took cues from both rounds of sketching.




Century Gothic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:”{}[]

AJ Plummer

Graphical Vibes Clothing Co. Branding

Graphical Vibes

Goal: Design and develop a clothing company fro the ground up. Sports based, keep the logos simple and memorable. Main slogan is “EAT. LOVE.[SPORT]�. Maintain simplicity and quality.


34 Graphical Vibes AJ Plummer

Brief - Create Graphical Vibes Clothing Co. - simple yet memorable street clothing

Design Brief This is a personal project that has been in the making since 2012. It has been in my mind since I first decided I wanted to be a graphic designer in high school. It has been an accumulation of all the skills I have learned as a desgin student, but has been put on hold more times than I would like. My personal brief was simple, “create and brand a street clothing line�.

Logos - focused on simplicity - personal connection - step back from literal - deploy metaphor - RESONANCE Apparel & Accessories - shirts (longsleeves, shortsleeves, tanks) - stickers - hats Time frame No time limit, constantly growing

AJ Plummer

Research Graphical Vibes

My research was arather extensive. Not only did I conduct research about street clothing and modern trends, but also what materials the designs would be prnited on. The garment research was just as extensive as the actual competitive research. One thing I quickly found out, there is a lot of competition.


36 AJ Plummer

Graphical Vibes

Iterations My sketches astarted off as doodles in my notebooks. I knew I wanted multiple action sports to be represented. My choices were skateboarding, BMX, surfing and snowboarding. The symbols and other iconography were to be simple and easy to decipher, nothing too abstract. The main design takes place in the form of a mantra of sorts. “EAT.LOVE.[SPORT]�

Despite the simple and clean nature of the finall logos, this was a difficult step in the process. I had to debate whether I wanted a more simplified or more detailed logo. In the end, I went the more simplifed route.

AJ Plummer

Iconography Graphical Vibes

My symbols, as stated earlier, were to be simple and easy to decipher. Eat represented by a hamburger. Love by a heart, skate with a wheel, pedal with a bike gear, carve with waves, and shred with a snowflake.




Graphical Vibes

Final Thoughts This is still a work in progress project. I started when I was young and inexperienced. But this project has grown with me. It means a lot to me. Like I said there is still tons of work to do, but I am proud of how the progress has manifested over the years.

#ffffff Bebas

AJ Plummer

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:{}[]

AJ Plummer

Buck OutďŹ tters Branding

Buck Outfitters

Goal: Develop a faux clothing company. Company will be outdoors themed. Design logo with both symbol and type. Symbol should be simple enough to understand, but abstract enough to stand out.


42 Buck Outfitters AJ Plummer

Brief - Fake Clothing Company - create logo, and store based stationary

Design Brief This was a personal project I came up with for myself. I was to create a company based on the doodles in my early college year notebooks. I found a nice little sketch of a deer that I did in 2014. It was the perfect size to make a logo. So I created Buck Outfitters and set the logo around the concept of a new outdoor clothing brand.

Logo - focused on simplicity - buck/deer connection - full body vs head? - abstract but noticeable - RESONANCE Clothing & Stationary - T-shirts - store totes - messages from company Time frame Personal time: 1-2 days

AJ Plummer

Research Buck Outfitters

To understand the feeling of how outdoorsy clothing lines I went to the Internet and went to multiple outdoor clothing websites to get a general understanding of the look and feel.


44 Buck Outfitters AJ Plummer

Sketches/Iterations My initial sketch was three years old, so I only had one to work with. I took it into Illustrator and make lines matching up to all the straight lines of the sketch. After removing the excess and filling the logo, I got a nice buck for my logo. I used Impact. I wanted a more comtemporary typeface for my outdoor cothing line.

BUCK outfitters

I wanted a power stance for the deer. Much like how lions are the kings of the jungle, I see deer, more specifically bucks as kings of the forests and woods.

AJ Plummer

Buck Outfitters




Buck Outfitters

Final Thoughts Overall this was a fun project to work on. I gave myself a brief and utilized the skills I’ve gained so far to complete it.


BUCK outfitters Impact

AJ Plummer

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:”{}[]

Goal: Develop a design for the Dominican University Black Student Union, to put on the union shirts and hoodies. The logo needs to integrate the union’s motto of “Unity” and have a quote from Frederick Douglas.

Black Student Union

Clothing Design

AJ Plummer

Black Student Union


50 AJ Plummer

Black Student Union

Brief - Create design for shirts and hoodies - Stand out and incorporate motto

Design Brief This was the first freelance job I did where there were multiple parties involved in the decision making. It was a group of around 15 students, so I had to make sure all their likes and dislikes were taken into account. Thankfully they came to agreements quickly and didn’t leave in in Limbo too long.

Logo - Based off my original “DESIGN” type project - Use the word “UNITY” with other similar words Quote - “Without a strugglethere can be no progress” Time frame -Needed quickly. - 3-5 days max

My cousin showed the students my portfolio and they saw my “DESIGN” poster I made and they loved it. The main inspiration was this design.

AJ Plummer

Black Student Union


52 Black Student Union AJ Plummer

Type Development Since I already did a personal project with the same design, this was a fast process. I learned this effect when I was a senior in high school and it was always a personal favorite. The students also liked the design and they wrote a list of all the words they wanted included in the design.

AJ Plummer

Black Student Union



“Without a struggle there can be no progress” Black Student Union

–Frederick Douglas

Final Thoughts Despite having to work with multiple students this was a straight forward and fast project. This only took three days to complete and have all the files ready for shirt printing. Needless to say, I was pretty nervous about the multiple hands in the pot, but in the end, the students came together and made

AJ Plummer






ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:”{}[]

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:{}[]

Myriad Pro Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:”{}[]


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:”{}[]

AJ Plummer

D3 Hair Salon Branding

D3 Hair

Goal: Design the logo, business card and shirt for an up and coming hair salon. The logo needs to be elegant enough for women, but not so much that it deters men. Logo will also be included in shirt and card designs as well.



Brief - Create logo - Business card (skills and info) - T-shirt for both employees and advertising

AJ Plummer

D3 Hair

Design Brief This was a rather straight forward job. The client wanted a logo, a business card and a t-shirt made so they can promote their up coming hair salon. The cloent wanted something simple, opting for both a typographic and symbol based logo. “Elegant and simple” was what I was given. So I started to come up with some ideas on what I could design.

Logo - D3 (name of salon) - Elegant, script - Blowdryer? On T-shirt? - Comb and shears Card - White on black - Email, phone, instagram - Logo with blowdryer Info “ Specializing in Hair Care,Hair Extensions,Designer Cuts,Color and More For over 15 years, Traveling Stylist for Special Occasions, Photo Shoots and Behind the Scenes” Time frame No rush, client still needs to decide printing location, paper type, etc. Personal time: 1-2 weeks

AJ Plummer


D3 Hair

Being that this was for a hair salon, elegance took a front row seat in my research. I conducted my research on Pintrest mainly, using keywords such as “beauty salon”, “hair salon”, “feminine designs”, “script logos”, just to name a few.


60 D3 Hair

Sketches/Iterations/Feedback I started my initial sketches with some simple script handlettering. The client enjoyed the emphasis on the letter D idea so my main fouce was to highlight the letter. The number 3 was a little more difficult to incorporate, but in the end we both decided to insert the 3 into the letter D.

AJ Plummer

The sketches went through multiple interations and ideas were rampants. In the end, both the client and myself wanted a more simplified design

AJ Plummer D3 Hair

At this stage of the process, the client wanted to include a hair dryer, comb and shears. I opted to add it to the shirts. This would serve as a visual motif to tell clients whether the employee is a stylist or a barber.


62 AJ Plummer

D3 Hair



Final Thoughts Overall this was a fun project to work on. While the client may have been a little difficult to work with at times, we both came to agreements on multiple stages of the process and in the end we both enojyed the results. A lesson I took from this would be to create a mood board with the client so we can both get the feel of what the final project is going to look like.

D3 Hair Salon Century Gothic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:�{}[]

AJ Plummer

D3 Hair


(650) 888 7904

graphicalvibes @gmail.com www.behance.net/ ajplummer9c41e

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