A b o u t
t h e
d e s i g n e r
S o f i a L i m o n i s a g ra p h i c d e s i g n e r b a s e d i n S a n Fra n c i s c o . B o r n a n d ra i s e d i n M e x i c o ’s b o r d e r t o t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , s h e h a s a d a p t e d a n a c u t e s e n s e o f s t y l e w i t h t h e m u l t i c u l t u ra l i n f l u ences from both her countries. Her eclectic taste for art and d e s i g n a l l ow s h e r wo r k t o b e f l e x i b l e , d ive r s e a n d e x p r e s s ive .
R e b ra n d i n g
Dizzy Gillespie: R y t h m i c R e vo l u t i o n
D u b l i n e r s b o o k
Pa r k m e rc e d
D r e a m e r s
D e ma is a h ig h - e n d 6 0 ’s i n s p i re d cl o t h i n g s t o re by t h e d e s i g n e r D e m a G rim. H e r c o lo rf ul s h o p h a s b e e n l o ca t e d b e t we e n 2 1 s t a n d 2 2 n d o n Va le n c ia st . fo r 1 9 ye a r s . D e m a ca rr i e s a va r i e t y o f p i e ce s f ro m l o ca l de sig n e rs. T h e sin g l e p u r p o s e o f t h i s p ro j e ct i s t o re cre a t e a n i m a g e o f D e ma ’s v isio n t h a t ca n d o i t j u s t i ce . T h e p u r p o s e i s t o re p re s e n t t h e u n iq u e n e ss o f D e m a ’s s t yl e t h ro u g h t h e u s e o f m o d e r n d e s i g n i n s p i re d by t h e b o ldn e ss o f t h e 6 0 ’s M o d e r a .
e D
Primary Logo
Dema reflects a very striking era. Dema expresses the revolutionary jet-set style and this logo captures the boldness of the movement. The rich colors are chosen for their sense of fun and fearlessness. The contrast of light and heavy colors exude confidence and elegance. The heavy geometrical shapes create a pattern that can easily be related to the similar textiles Dema is very known for using. The display font selected for the logo highlights the retro sense of the brand from the thick-to-thin-to-thick strokes that make Dema more than a name. It’s a statement.
Spring Logo
Summer Logo
Brand Display font
Brand text font
abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz
Abril fattface
Dema Dema Fall Logo
Gill Sans
Winter Logo
Dema Dema
Because of the logo’s simple and minimal aspects it allows for flexibility and variations in them that reflect the tone of Dema’s identity: spontaneity and originality. The Dema logo has been modified according to its change in season. The colors shown are pallets carefully chosen and were inspired by the popular seasonal color pallets in the modern 60’s.
On this mock-up we see a variation to the primary logo on the previous bags. This second mock-up can be simplified to its basic logo colors wrapping on the products. Because of its bold and easily identifiable colors the Dema logo can function on ocassion without any text. Avoiding repetition is always an important factor for keeping a lofo fun, exciting and unpredictable. 14
C e l e b r a t o r y
p r o j e c t
A celebratory project is created commemorating the late Jazz legend Dizzy Gillespie. This project gives one license to think multi-dimensionally when approaching typographic solutions. In all things associated with this project one “becomes” the artist by using the legend’s life, career and politics when analyzing the content. This project documents the history of the musician and reflects the movement he participated in creating. With careful use of typographic elements the project expresses Gillespie’s impact in the jazz world.
A night with Dizzy Gillespie Celebrating the birth of modern jazz at The Great American Music Hall 10. 21. 15
A night with Dizzy G i l l e s p i e Celebrating 60 years of GroovinĘź High The Great American M u s i c H a l l 0
A night with Dizzy Gillespie Celebrating the birth of modern jazz at The Great American Music Hall 10. 21. 15
2 4
1 4
A night with Dizzy Gillespie Celebrating the birth of modern jazz at The Great American Music Hall 10. 21. 15
The thumbnails shown are preliminary poster designs for the artist’s celebratory event. The ideations show the use of expressive, strong geometric forms with a bold and colorful pallet.
A night with Dizzy Gillespie Celebrating 60 years of Groovin’ High The GreatAmerican Music Hall May 24,2015
This is the final design for the artist’s celebratory event. The contrast of geometric neo-classical typography, the organic brush strokes and the three-color pallet represent the artist’s impact and breaking from conventions creating the Bib-bop afro-cuban jazz style.
Gillespie as a player and teacher: “His playing showcases the importance of intelligence. His rhythmic sophistication was unequaled. He was a master of harmony—and fascinated with studying it. He took in all the music of his youth—from Roy Eldridge to Duke Ellington— and developed a unique style built on complex rhythm and harmony balanced by wit. Gillespie was so quick-minded, he could create an endless flow of ideas at unusually fast tempo. Nobody had ever even considered playing a trumpet that way, let alone had actually tried. “Bent” trumpet Dizzy Gillespie with
performing in 1988Gillespie’s trademark trumpet featured a bell which bent upward at a 45-degree angle rather than pointing straight
For the commemorative book cover I’ve chosen an abstract image of the event poster with a variation on the placement of the title to avoid repetition in design. 24
For this book design I have aesthetically recreated James Joyce’s book “Dubliners”. Published in 1914, the early twentieth century philosophies applied in the arts and design gave birth to strong political movements in the arts. This book reflects a design for a book published at a specific point in time for design. This book emphasizes the book’s readability and functionality based on the design techniques and styles catering primarily to the reader.
The ideation process shows the simple minimalist design incorporated. The geometric layout drives the reader around the book. It tells a story within a story. 30
As an inspiration I’ve chosen the suprematism movement focusing on the functionality in design by guiding readers through the use of simple geometric blocks of images and text.
The final book design focuses on the organization of the book creating a system to facilitate the navigation from short story to short story. This book aims at working with shapes and text complementing the use of white space. 32
She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. Her head was leaned against the window curtains and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne. She was tired. Few people passed. The man out of the last house passed on his way home; she heard his footsteps clacking along the concrete pavement and afterwards crunching on the cinder path before the new red houses. One time there used to be a field there in which they used to play every evening with other people’s children. Then a man from Belfast bought the field and built houses in it—not like their little brown houses but bright brick houses with shining roofs. The children of the avenue used to play together in that field— the Devines, the Waters, the Dunns, little Keogh the cripple, she and her brothers and sisters. Ernest, however, never played: he was too grown up. Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick; but usually little Keogh used to keep nix and call out when he saw her father coming. Still they seemed to have been rather happy then. Her father was not so bad then; and besides, her mother was alive. That was a long time ago; she and her brothers and sisters were all grown up; her mother was dead. Tizzie Dunn was dead, too, and the Waters had gone back to England. Everything changes. Now she was going to go away like the others, to leave her home. Home! She looked round the room, reviewing all its familiar objects which she had dusted once a week for so many years, wondering where on earth all the dust came from. Perhaps she would never see again those familiar objects from which she had never dreamed of being divided. And yet during all those years she had never found out the name of the priest whose yellowing photograph hung on the wall above the broken harmonium beside the coloured print of the promises made to Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque. He had been a school friend of her father. Whenever he showed the photograph to a visitor her father used to pass it with a casual word: “He is in Melbourne now.” She had consented to go away, to leave her home. Was that wise? She tried to weigh each side of the question. In her home anyway she had shelter and food; she had those whom she had known all her life about her. Of course she had to work hard, both in the house and at business. What would they say of her in the Stores when they found out that she had run away with a fellow? Say she was a fool, perhaps; and her place would be filled up by advertisement. Miss Gavan would be
T y p o g r a p h y
d e s i g n
Through observations and field research I have designed a Typeface called “Arqui” inspired by the San Francisco southwest neighborhood “Parkmerced”. For this project i’ve created a typeface that makes a statement about the late 40’s neighborhood. The typeface tells a story and reflects the essence of the neighborhood.
The inspiration behind this design is the architectural style in Parkmerced that was originally inspired by the 1800’s French “Beaux” arts. The structure’s modern take on the lavish detailing can be seen in the serifs’ brackets.
A a B C D E e F G H I J K L M N O o P Q R S T U u V W X Y Z + = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
i n f o r g r a p h i c
d e s i g n
Dreamers is a film by Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci. The film tells the story of an American student in Paris who becomes entangled in an erotic conflict with other two Parisian cinephiles. It is set against the backdrop of the 1968 Paris student riots. This website design helps audiences get a better and deeper perspective of the film’s inspirations and history. Users can find background information on the film, a detail description of the film’s inspiration and cast. This website reflects the film’s period aesthetic with a modern take for a better and more effective user experience.
FEMICIDES IN MEXICO This orientation card shows information on the femicides happening in Mexico from 2007-2012. On the left we see the introductory page with an article sharing the back story of femicides in Mexico and is paired with two graphs (2007 & 2011) of states in Mexico and the numbers found of femicides. To the right we can see the back of the orientation card showing graphs of the characteristics of the femicides from each state. 46
THE SHRINKING OF THE MIDDLE CLASS IN THE US On this 17 X 22 poster the subject is the shrinking of the middle class in the United States. I decided to compare data from the top wealthiest countries and the top poorest in the world. Viewers can see the comparison of income per capita vs the income per household from 2006-2012. For the top wealthiest countries I’ve also provided a bar graph showing the GDP for each. Finally, we see a line graph showing the attitude of dissatisfaction vs satisfied Americans from 2000-2015. The compilation of graphs determine the shrinking of the majority of the country’s population in wealth. 48
GENTRIFICATION IN THE MISSION DISTRICT OF SF A very popular topic in San Francisco inspired this info-graphic booklet. Gentrification is being analyzed, specifically, the loss of the Latino culture and community in The Mission District. On the front page we see the introductory article about the background of gentrification and it’s effects it has had throughout the years in this community. To the right we see graphs that compare the effects of gentrification in the Mission to the effects it has had in the city overall. We see the higher dramatic impact this neighborhood has had with housing sale prices increasing much higher than anywhere else in the city. The number of evictions and reasons why Latino families have been evicted. And finally showing the change in demographic throughout gentrification. 50
R E G A R D S 619.520.3540