Stuff I’m Good At:
My name is Taylor Ridgway and I am a Graphic Design student at San Francisco State University, graduating in Fall of 2015 My passions in design are UI/UX, Type, and Publication Design.
R Studio - HTML - Animation- Book Design - After Effects - Bo
Some Things I Like:
Visual Insight - Contract Designer | June 2014 Berkeley Cycle Works - Sales | July 2015 - Present
Mountain biking, painting, lettering, sign painting, type design, rollerblading, video games, hiking, nature, education, graffiti, cars, tinkering, art galleries
Stuff I’m Great At: InDesign - Illustrator - Photoshop - Hand Sketching - Lettering - MS Word - MS Excel R Studio - Typography - Infographic Design - Branding & Logo Design - Illustration
Work Experience
Find Me www.taylordridgway.design https://www.linkedin.com/in/taylordridgway https://www.behance.net/taylordridgway
Love and Loathing Left in Peace Challenging Perspectives Dutchman HWTExtendedFamily.com Burger Depot In the Rough
1. Love & Loathing
Sketching • Illustrator Packaging Design • Branding Design Photoshop • Logo Design Typography • Hand Lettering Book Design • InDesign
Love and Loathing was a project for Graphic Design 2: Typography in which I created a branding for a
celebration of playwright, novelist, and HIV/AIDS activist Larry Kramer’s life and work. The project inc
an event poster and a commemorative set vessel containing a novel, a DVD with packaging, and an e for this project, was a container for a condom).
Love and Loathing
Sunday, May 17 The Castro Theatre
429 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
I started to experiment with drawing by hand and using Photoshop to clean it up; the result still looked too clean and unnatural, so I decided to take the original image, complete with the tracing paper which I had painted it on, and experiment with it. I found that the poster was better balanced when upside down, and I started to draw from my success in Dutchman to try and find a way to enlarge a smaller section of the composition to use. Still, it felt empty and off balance.
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December 21 Th The Ca Cast Cas stro troo Thheeatteerr Sa San FFrranc ancciisc an so
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Final Poster
For my final poster design, I decided it was best to use a larger section of the original painting, and to enlarge my prima conveys the heart break, loss, anger, and decline of health which Larry Kramer has been surrounded by since AIDS was the early 1980s. The imagery for the poster is hand-painted and significantly edited in Photoshop, while the type was pla Illustrator.
Love and Loathing
The Love and Loathing branding includes a prim logo; the primary logo is the red ampersand con heart, where the secondary is the logotype feat of the campaign. The logo is hand painted and c Photoshop, and the type is hand painted as sep collaged in Photoshop.
Condom Packaging
For the extra item which was required for the bo design a condom; the condom which is featured ing special edition condom because Kramer an acquaintances and both a part of the ACT UP m believes that anyone who practices unprotecte murderer because they could be spreading the conveyed by the copy on the condom. The pink Kramer’s work with the organization ACT UP.
Love and Loathing
Final Book
Love & Loathing Vessel
The final book is designed as a visual experience rather than a readable book; the copy in the book is completely obscured in certain areas, and the text is used to create a visual theme.
The vessel matches the book jacket in design, a intentionally to convey the long, hard life that Kr
2. Left in Peace
Sketching • Illustrator Illustration • Animation After Effects • Digitization
Left in Peace
Left in Peace is an animation project in which I was tasked with creating an original animation music song Dusty Stars, by TokiMonsta. The project was created by first storyboarding and hand sketching digitizing the resources in Illustrator, and finally animating the project using After Effects.
Left in Peace
Too Short - Lil B
Left in Peace Ident Part 1: Tombstone falls into place, undead limbs emerge.
Ident Part 2: Undead groan, the ground shakes, tombstone thuds down.
Ident Finale: Letters thud down onto tombstone, accompanied by foley.
Left Behind Productions is the name I associate with animation works that I make; for the Left in Peace project, I was gi create an ident for extra credit, and created one which I now use across all animation projects which I am associated w
Left in Peace
Leaving earth turns dark an being; the Gh glect his read surroundings
The music begins to play, and the Ghost emerges, reading his book.
The pages fro continue to c background a higher, and th
Finally, Left in of happiness his wildest dr
The Left in Peace music video is set to Tokimonsta’s song, Dusty Stars, and uses the music as a cue for plot and timing. first experience giving movement to my illustrations, and I learned that I enjoy the process greatly.
4. Challenging Perspectives Sketching • Illustrator InDesign • Infographic Design R Studio • Illustration Photography • Photoshop
The goal of Challenging Perspectives was to create an infographic about a subject which uses two d of visualizing data within a bi-fold 8.5x11 booklet. The booklet visualizes trail erosion data in the form
the center spreads, and uses pictographs to graphically explain proper trail building techniques on th
Challenging Perspectives
In Your Footsteps
Solving the Mystery of Trail Eriosion
Front Page Version 2
Quidernatur? Me mod ut odiam in re nobitem quassequis id molupta net enis saestias eium nos eserem voluptae sequaspiet reptasp errunt pelestium eseque con nos doluptusam, cum cum re solore pore, sae pore nonseque remped modis et, untorum fugiam con rerum aut ium fugiam quatioremque plabo. Name sequasp elendel lenisit omnia aceptatem in necesti nimus etur assero modit officto doluptatur, ut quam il illes aut essim accus moditas et optam, occullecusam aut assum aditat. Erit eumquis sintorp oribus aut quaernation rerspelia aut ex et lab il iniam, que nihicae exerovi tatius cusam arciend itatet
apel iur atectet uribus ant exernat ionsedi dio blaboriata et exerum non pario. Hent, temporat mint int as pore con rero ius re et et ere nus esequi si offic tem eos modi optaqui none vente ipsus seremporeic te aut lat fugitiu mquiam accullabor alignam, sum re sam dus, sit veritas conestis quatur solor molorehent assumenima si dolo beatum corrum quo mo quid quas platibus is aut voles dollam aut qui nobitet verestis audiand ebitiumendis ne velignatem sam volorumqui aut apienis este mosam, sa comnit ditation netur re, sitem nulparc itibus entia voloritio et, tenimi, nonse eatem sequam nimi, as iumque nihit assequa speriam rat diatur sinimet
Front Page Version 1 Graph Title
Graph Title Graph Caption
Graph Caption
Rae aut eatiorias sequossundi ab invendero blaut fuga. Us eos pa niminci llaborum ilNam cusapedipid magnamet eos porro cus moluptat porio cum imagnamet ab ipsae. Leserspid utessumet rehentiis et, tem qui non perspiet exeribu sdaniendit doluptatem. Nem es et pellaborum earitaspero excepero quoditas non rem nos
Rae aut eatiorias quossundi ab in blaut fuga. Us eo niminci llaboru cusapedipid ma eos porro cus m porio cum imag ipsae. Leserspid rehentiis et, tem perspiet exeribu dit doluptatem. et pellaborum e excepero quodit nos
Graph Title
Graph Title Graph Caption
Graph Caption
Rae aut eatiorias sequossundi ab invendero blaut fuga. Us eos pa niminci llaborum ilNam cusapedipid magnamet eos porro cus moluptat porio cum imagnamet ab ipsae. Leserspid utessumet rehentiis et, tem qui non perspiet exeribu sdaniendit doluptatem. Nem es et pellaborum earitaspero excepero quoditas non rem nos
Rae aut eatiorias quossundi ab in blaut fuga. Us eo niminci llaboru cusapedipid ma eos porro cus m porio cum imag ipsae. Leserspid rehentiis et, tem perspiet exeribu dit doluptatem. et pellaborum e excepero quodit nos
Aximus, alibusandunt endant aut que culpa is net essin comnit iduci doleceribus molorundam que cus ducia acearum quo officia volorrum nossernam in cuscilitatur apiduci llesti nos dolo exerferiaes pa cus elentius, optatio nempere, conseque alit acerspi enditia voloritatem estotat ut et acestrum facessum secaecat es simagnis nobis ent explacipid qui diostrumquo dempori doluptiatem. Ur as aut magnim ut eos int, quuntotatur, quas que es nos enduciae pre atusae rem quodictatem faccatu mquiscia ped qui te pos endae ne rernam que parci optatestia es res derunt, odici omnihilla si ilit volupta spellestin corercil is eni nis desti volor mod expeliq uassum, in con nis et fugiant omnihit ad molorerrum ea consece atquaeperum laborro optur seria nest offic tem ipsam untiamus voloratio di omnime volorer estint omnis et eveniendit volume perspiciis dolesti occus es autaquam exerupt atibusa erionse dicius apelibusae aliqui vit fuga. Nam, od eum inus, occulpa dolor simus, consedia plabo. Ut et velent etur as intin reperit experum volectem repelitaqui nis ad ut omnienihil modissi tatibus quidit pa serumqui sitatiissi dis enimporro mos ma dolor am, officit ad mincta provita temque dolenti ssinctenihil ilitatquo il illatur magniet magnistis exceate modigenis adia volupid ut voleceperum, sae seque volorro ressene doluptatur moluptae conectio molupta verorro et, sanihil luptiae ipsantias et aut earum que cor aut ent apera dolores tionem inctaquo velestia derion rerovit, ut venis dit dolorep eriatur, quam la quae nia culluptas doloremoles et everum latis as nia sumqui qui cum et la vent lam alitate quos etur? Inctiis
Aximus, alibusandunt endant aut que culpa is net essin comnit iduci doleceribus molorundam que cus ducia acearum quo officia volorrum nossernam in cuscilitatur apiduci llesti nos dolo exerferiaes pa cus elentius, optatio nempere, conseque alit acerspi enditia voloritatem estotat ut et acestrum facessum secaecat es simagnis nobis ent explacipid qui diostrumquo dempori doluptiatem. Ur as aut magnim ut eos int, quuntotatur, quas que es nos enduciae pre atusae rem quodictatem faccatu mquiscia ped qui te pos endae ne rernam que parci optatestia es res derunt, odici omnihilla si ilit volupta spellestin corercil is eni nis desti volor mod expeliq uassum, in con nis et fugiant omnihit ad molorerrum ea consece atquaeperum laborro optur seria nest offic tem ipsam untiamus voloratio di omnime volorer estint omnis et eveniendit volume perspiciis dolesti occus es autaquam exerupt atibusa erionse dicius apelibusae aliqui vit fuga. Nam, od eum inus, occulpa dolor simus, consedia plabo. Ut et velent etur as intin reperit experum volectem repelitaqui nis ad ut omnienihil modissi tatibus quidit pa serumqui sitatiissi dis enimporro mos ma dolor am, officit ad mincta provita temque dolenti ssinctenihil ilitatquo il illatur magniet magnistis exceate modigenis adia volupid ut voleceperum, sae seque volorro ressene doluptatur moluptae conectio molupta verorro et, sanihil luptiae ipsantias et aut earum que cor aut ent apera dolores tionem inctaquo velestia derion rerovit, ut venis dit dolorep eriatur, quam la quae nia culluptas doloremoles et everum latis as nia sumqui qui cum et la vent lam alitate quos etur? Inctiis quibusdam inim fuga.
Back Page Version 1 & 2
Inside Spread Version 1
Challenging Perspectives Sediment Yield Following Following User Treatments on Dry Plots
Sediment Yield Following User Treatments on Prewetted Plots
Sediment Yield Prior to User Treatments on Prewetted Plots
Sediment Yield Differences Prior to and Following User Treatments on Prewetted Plots
Mountain Biking May Not Be As Destructive as You Believe
A Changing World New Survey Data and Trail Building Techniques
Graph Caption
Graph Caption
Graph Caption
Graph Caption
Rae aut eatiorias sequossundi ab invendero blaut fuga. Us eos pa niminci llaborum ilNam cusa-
Rae aut eatiorias sequossundi ab invendero blaut fuga. Us eos pa niminci llaborum ilNam cusa-
Rae aut eatiorias sequossundi ab invendero blaut fuga. Us eos pa niminci llaborum ilNam cusa-
Rae aut eatiorias sequossundi ab invendero blaut fuga. Us eos pa niminci llaborum ilNam cusa-
Inside Spread Version 2
Traditionally, conservationalists and land managers have held a firm destrictive sport, causing significant erosion due to increased stress upo rough tires and to changes in the flow of water down the mountain. Rec have been challenged by increasing amounts of data from land use surv biking causes equal or less erosional stress upon trails in most situations techniques have created sustainable water flow solutions which allow th way that causes significantly less erosion.
Front Cover For the front c give the cove the slope on w typically take
Challenging Perspectives
Erosion Zone
Sediment Yield by Trail Use Type User Treatments on Sediment Yield Following Prewetted Plots 96 80
Mean Sediment Yield
Mean Sediment Yield
Mean Sediment Yield
30 69 65
Mean Sediment Yield
User Treatments on Sediment Yield Following Dry Plots
Sediment Yield Diffe User Treatme
r Treatments on Sediment Yield Prior to Use Prewetted Plots
40 38 30
0 10
cle Control Hiker Bicycle Motorcy
ntly different horses were significa level. Horses Trail plots used for es at the 0.05 hors and rs, hike from bicycles, the control. ntly different from were not significa
cle Horse Hiker Control Motorcy
lly different from hikers were statistica ifTrail plots used for ps at the 0.15 sign level and all grou bicycles at the 0.05 e was some bias ther that ests sugg lts ilable for ava icance level. This resu was ent ent yield; less sedim with respect to sedim ainment for hikers. detachment and entr
15 10
Bicycle Motorcycle
more sediment than uced significantly ifiHere, horse plots prod s at the 0.05 sign and hiker trail plot the bicycle, control, were significantly cle orcy mot by plots used rol cont and cle cance level. Trail bicy l and rs at the 0.05 leve s different from hike er and bicycle plot ificance level. Hik rol cont the or r plots at the 0.15 sign othe each ntly different from were not significa plots.
Bicycle Co
Here, the horse plo 0 hiker plots at the respectively. Hiker fol yield t sedimen d horse and hiker make more sedim prewetted soils.
an? What Does Any of ThiSursveyMeContext Providing Statistical and
A Changing World l Building Techniques New Survey Data and Trai untain biking firm belief that mo
is a
e held a fast moving, land managers hav the ground from ts eased stress upon ever, these viewpoin erosion due to incr how nt ly; ifica ent sign Rec in. sing cau t mounain down the mounta destrictive sport, s which suggest tha the flow of water vey in sur s use nge d g cha lan to ldin bui rough tires and amounts of data from situations. Additionally, new trail in ged by increasing t have been challen ss upon trails in mos to run down the hill stre ter al wa ion the eros w less allo or which biking causes equal ter flow solutions ted sustainable wa techniques have crea ntly less erosion. lly, causing significa ura nat e mor y a wa Traditionally, con
servationalists and
of chart the results
afte d was measured ch sediment yiel s of t a sur vey in whi on on targetted area
ment collecti ified significance used a means of sedi are under the spec ntially, the study use. When results produced by specific areas; esse r each type of trail ly unlikely to be afte eme t extr men are sedi lts the collected that these resu .05), this means the statistics are. able th reli e mor of (in the case, p=0 the l, by uses a trail; the significance leve t of erosion caused chance; the lower sure of the amoun sediment than duction is one mea significantly more e pro t duc pro t men y not sedi onl s l doe Soi . The ing ion by this measure e that mountain bik ificantly more eros of this study indicat horses. does not cause sign by it ls t trai tha ns the of mea use uses, which e erosion is regularly causes mor this sur vey which The above graphs
Data for Bar
Inside Spread The inside spread provides the primary information: gra which indicate that mountain biking is not more destruc trail uses, and that the only trail use which is more dest The graphs are coded in R Studio, and cleaned up in Ill
Back Cover The back cov graphs of cor building tech to minimize e irrigate trails.
Trail Building Techniques
Making Water Flow Down the Natural Slope
no n) Steep backslope (dark brow away causes water to fall and wear ing runn , pool a gutter in which to erosion. down the hill and causing
ge When the trail doesn’t chan ow grades, it causes water to fl the than r down the trail rathe slope. flowing down the natural
outside Lack of a slope toward the pool of the trail causes water to and erode the trail.
yes grade of A backslope following the water to the natural hillside allows flow naturally down the hill.
Who Cares Anyway?
guide Frequent changes of grade the water down the hill more naturally.
allow Trails sloped to the outside natural water to continue along its path.
Data for Pictographics: : Ame http://www.americantrails.org/r
rican Trails
Mountain Bikers, Stigmatized
ntained that bicycles uphold them have long mai theory; and the people fighting to y like it have debunked this Traditional land use laws man and y stud this , ever is to allow on trails; how by horses, a trail use which use is on were simply too destructive erosi ase incre ly has been found to significant Association (IMBA) ng Biki n ntai Mou the only trail use type which l iona rnat ling advocates such as the Inte user groups. widely accepted. Popular bicyc inable trails for use by all three myths, and create useable, susta these el disp to ng ghti fi now are
02.1 : Patterns 9/30/15 Taylor D. Ridgway DAI 523 - Trogu
3. Dutchman
Sketching • Illustrator Typography • Poster Design • Logo
For the Dutchman project, I was challenged to create a 30 in x 40 in movie poster for the film Dutchma
Harvey. To me, the challenge was to create something unique which would convey the themes which
while watching the film; these themes included heavy allusion to Snow White, heavy tension (racial a
chaotic acting and camera work, the invisibility of the main cast to the extras, and confused and hype
Dutchman Al Freeman
Shirley Knight
A film by Anthony Harvey A film adaptation of the play Dutchman by LeRoi Jones
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall...”
Al Freeman
Shirley Knight
A fılm by Anthony Harvey A fılm adaptation of the play Dutchman by LeRoi Jones
“Mirro on
Dutchman “Mirror, mirror, on the wall...”
Dutchman D Du utc tchhm maann man
Final Design
The typographical collage on the poster represents blood and applies through the red color, the chaos and confusion th words, and the heavy subtext of the movie using the small text in the background containing relevant quotes from the m specific focus on certain elements. The large, abstract shapes are an enlarged portion of the smaller type collage.
6. HWTExtendedFamily.com Wireframing • Illustrator HTML • Web Design
TheExtended Family
HWTExtendedFamily.com is a project in which I was given the task of coding a website with multiple tioning links, as well as images which visitors could browse through. The site is no longer online, but illustrated below.
About Header
Body Conten
Links Social Media
Header Images
Body Content
Social Media
HeaderFamily TheExtended
HWT Home Home
Images Home
About About About Me
Images Home
Contact Us
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing do Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, elit, sed sed do eiu temporincididunt incididuntut utlabore laboreet etdolore doloremagna magnaaliqua. aliqua.Ut Utenim enimad adminim minimv tempor nostrudexercitation exercitationullamco ullamcolaboris laborisnisi nisiututaliquip aliquipex exea eacommodo commodocons con nostrud auteirure iruredolor dolorininreprehenderit reprehenderitininvoluptate voluptatevelit velitesse essecillum cillumdolore doloreeu euf aute pariatur.Excepteur Excepteursint sintoccaecat occaecatcupidatat cupidatatnon nonproident, proident,sunt suntininculpa culp pariatur. deserunt mollit anim id estdeserunt laborummollit anim id est laborum
Design Portfolio
Social Media
Art P
Contact Header Home
Images Home
Contact Us
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum
Social Media
For the ExtendedFamilyHWT website, the wireframing directly into the creation of my final project. The projec almost entirely accurate to the final product, and I was rest of my resources in Illustrator based on my wirefram problems.
JavaScript Image Zoom
The ExtededFamilyHWT website was my first experience with creating a website which was actually hosted online; tho the code before, getting the code to work properly online was a learning experience. I found the experience of designin fun, and the process of coding it tedious but not nearly as challenging as I had expected.
5. Burger Depot
Sketching • Illustrator Lettering • Branding Design Illustrating • Digitizing Typography • InDesign
The Burger Depot Rebrand was a project in which I took an existing store which was lacking a mean
designed it a logo, and created a branding guideline featuring full instructions on use of color, typogra imagery for the restaurant and the associated logo. Critical pages from the guideline booklet are feat
Burger Depot
Sketching and Ideation For the Burger Depot brand, I knew early on that I wanted to create a design which used light-hearted illustrations in order to attract children and adolescents, while remaining attractive to older clientele as well. The burger train solution was one of my earliest, and remained my favorite through more sketching; however, elements of my original logo sketches such as the milkshake-as-depot solution became an intrinsic part of the overall brand.
Burger Depot
Burger Depot
Bu D
Burger Depot Burger Depot
Burger Depot
Burger Depot
Brand Guidelines for Burger Depot 52
Master Logo Standard Application The standard application for the Burger Depot logo is within the scenery frames provided below.; the scenery should not be used at a size below 2.5”. The scenery may be used in alternate shaped frames; however, it must be altered to fit the frame. It may also be used without a frame as seen on the business card later in this brief.
Master Logo
Exclusion Zone and Sizing Paramete
The Burger Depot logo should not be used at sizes be there is no upward limit to master logo size.
Bur Dep
Burger Depot
A clear space should always be provided around the left. This space is defined by four times the stroke of stroke when applicable) taken at usage size. This me surrounding the logo will proportionately have the sa around it regardless of usage size. In the symbol blow represented with an ‘X’. The recommended size for s of the Burger Depot logo on 8.5x11” paper is 2.5 inche frame where appropriate.
Burger Depot Burger Depot
Burger Depot
Master Logo Primary - Color & Secondary - Black and White
Colors Primary
CMYK: 85-65-36-18 RGB: 54-83-113
CMYK: 75-68-67-90 RGB: 0-0-0
Typography Primary Typefaces
Cooper Black
ABCDEFGHIJKLNOPQRS WXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw 0123465789 !@#$%^&*()_{}[]
Cooper Black is the Burger Depot display face; it is sho only. Cooper Black was chosen due to it’s soft edges an and freehand letter used for display in the 1970’s. It sho point size below 12 points. It is intended to be used for t signage.
Gill Sans MT
ABCDEFGHIJKLNOPQRSTUBW abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
0123465789 !@#$%^&*()_{}[]
CMYK: 37-27-100-2 RGB: 170-163-53
Gill Sans is intended for use in subheads, and large bod chosen for its legibility, and because it is a soft, rounde the visual identity that has been established for Burger used at a point size below 8 points. Examples of good u be seen on the Business Card and Take Out Menu later
Typography Alternate Typefaces
CMYK: 12-19-85-0 RGB: 228-197-71
Times New Roman
ABCDEFGHIJKLNOPQRSTUBW abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy 0123465789 !@#$%^&*()_{}[]
Arial is an alternate font to be substituted for Gill Sans MT. Sho available, Arial is the only font that should replace it for any an Gill Sans MT. It was chosen for its wide availability and simila should not be used at a point size below 8 points.
Burger Depot
Products Clothing
Products Clothing
7. In The Rough
Sketching • Illustrator Lettering • Book Design Type Design • Photography Photoshop • Calligraphy
In the Rough
In the Rough is a typeface and type specimen book which is designed as a nod to homemade signage
and to the faded old letters at the bodega down the block. A combination ideosyncratic sans-serif sm script full caps brings an ideosyncratic font which immediately brings to mind that kind-of-almost aw the neighborhood bodega.
the beginning of a digital life
In the Rough
abcdefghi klmnopqr stuvwxyz 1234567890 !#&*.,'<
In the Rough
In the Rough
*a c
Senior Design Project Skills in Use: Hand Sketching, Illustrating, Adobe Illustrator, Animating, Digitization. Left in Peace is an animation project for Digital Media 3: Motion Graphics in which I was tasked with creating an original animation music video for the song of my choice. The project was created by ďŹ rst storyboarding and hand sketching resources, then digitizing the resources in Illustrator, and ďŹ nally animating the project using After Effects.
Atlas Skills in Use: Hand Sketching, Illustrating, Adobe Illustrator, Animating, Digitization. Left in Peace is an animation project for Digital Media 3: Motion Graphics in which I was tasked with creating an original animation music video for the song of my choice. The project was created by ďŹ rst storyboarding and hand sketching resources, then digitizing the resources in Illustrator, and ďŹ nally animating the project using After Effects.
Infographic 3 Skills in Use: Hand Sketching, Illustrating, Adobe Illustrator, Animating, Digitization. Left in Peace is an animation project for Digital Media 3: Motion Graphics in which I was tasked with creating an original animation music video for the song of my choice. The project was created by ďŹ rst storyboarding and hand sketching resources, then digitizing the resources in Illustrator, and ďŹ nally animating the project using After Effects.
Infographic 4 Skills in Use: Hand Sketching, Illustrating, Adobe Illustrator, Animating, Digitization. Left in Peace is an animation project for Digital Media 3: Motion Graphics in which I was tasked with creating an original animation music video for the song of my choice. The project was created by ďŹ rst storyboarding and hand sketching resources, then digitizing the resources in Illustrator, and ďŹ nally animating the project using After Effects.