HR Times Volume 3 Issue 1 - Evaluate & Improve: The Importance of Performance Evaluation

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 About Us 02 Editor's Notes 6-7 Interview from Professionals 8-11 The HRSA Exec Team's Guide to: Surviving First Year 03 Sponsor Recognitions 12-14 Interview from Professionals (cont'd) 04 Introduction Performance Evaluations 15 SFU HRSA Updates and Survey 05 Meet the Professionals 16 Thanks for Reading! Editors-in-Chief Ashley Chia, Asmita Birring Production & Design Editors Nikki Chen, Jenna Emperador

The Human Resources Student Association (HRSA) is a student run business organization at Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business. We provide students with networking opportunities and resources to learn about the various functions of Human Resources and its significance in the workplace. Through the initiatives and events offered by the organization, HRSA strives to increase student awareness and engagement Founded in 2004, HRSA is regarded as a successful and accomplished student organization, recognized as the only Human Resources business organization at SFU.

HR Times is a magazine run for students by HRSA. Founded in 2020 as a new initiative, we hope to support and inform students on the various trends in HR

ABOUT US President VP of Corporate Relations VP of VEvents P of Internal Relations VP of External Relations VP of Visual Media VP of Visual Media VP of Technology & Production VP of VMarketing P of Finance & Operations
Victor Le
Hailey Shin Andrew Oberson Asmita Birring Ashley Chia Gleanne Abella Isabella Laing Johnson Ngo Nikki Chen Jenna Emperador Connect with us on our social media: IG: @sfuhrsa FB: Linkedin: https://www linkedin com/company/sfuhrsa/ Website: www sfuhrsa com 1


Welcome to the start of the 2022 2023 term! It’s a new school year, and SFU HRSA is excited to present to you: HR Times Volume 3 Issue 1!

This month, we ’ re looking into the area of Performance Evaluation Performance Evaluation is a formal and effective process used in the workplace to measure an employee’s work performance based on their tasks and responsibilities. Through these evaluations, employees can receive feedback on their strengths and weaknesses while working toward better team or organization function.

It is a privilege working with professionals, students, and alumni to connect our readers and to learn more about the HR industry If you are interested or know someone who is interested in being a part of our magazine, please reach out to us at

On behalf of the entire HRSA family, we thank you for your support in our 8 month journey of content that we share with you!


Asmita Biriring VP of Corporate Relations



Our event cannot be successful with the help of our amazing sponsors! Here are the organizations currently sponsoring HRSA

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Introduction to Theme Performance Evaluations

Providing feedback on and recognition of an employee’s quality of performance is essential for companies and organizations to understand the wants of their employees while also setting expectations for future job performance. This is where performance evaluations come into play. Benefiting both employer and employee, these valuable communication tools are one of the keys to overall success in the workplace. The purpose of the magazine is to inform students on the various trends in Human Resource Management.


Laura Conroy

Qatalyst's Director, Evaluation & Performance Measurement

Meet The Professionals

She oversees projects and manages teams across the Qatalyst platform. Laura brings over 13 years of evaluation and performance measurement experience to her projects. She has also led a number of training and projects related to strategic planning and performance management for public and private sector organizations. She is experienced in completing systematic reviews as well as knowledge exchange and transfer, such as synthesizing evidence to improve outcomes for service providers Laura has an MBA, is a Credentialed Evaluator (CE), and has obtained the project management professional (PMP) designation She is a results driven, detail oriented project manager with a diverse background in assessing organizational policies, programs, and initiatives

Monique Snyder has worked in both tech and skilled trade industries during her five years of practicing HR As a true generalist and now Human Resources Manager at Encepta, she has experience in all facets of HR her interests lay in human relations, team optimization, supporting employee health and mental wellness and forward thinking, functional HR practices In her spare time, Monique enjoys whipping up delicious desserts and gardening.

Tulloch Consulting and SnapHR (

Founder & CEO

I founded Tulloch Consulting in 2013 while still working full time in the public sector, with the goal of creating a consulting agency that would enable small businesses to thrive through great people practices. Since then, we've grown considerably and currently have a team of 10 HR pros some of the absolute best individuals I have ever worked with and clients across Canada and the US. We provide both strategic and fractional HR services. Currently, I'm working on a new business venture a resource for those new to the HR world that would include tools and templates, articles and how tos, courses, and more

Fun Fact: There is a whole world out there! My past roles were local and with large, hierarchical companies where I really felt more like a cog in a big machine, with no real authority or autonomy. It was scary when I went out on my own, but it's been absolutely the best thing I've ever done, and wish I'd done it sooner. For those just starting their careers, don't be afraid to try out different roles within HR and with different companies until you find something that really fits you, and your values, well.


Interview from Professionals

Laura: Misconception: Once a year performance evaluations are sufficient. Less frequent performance evaluations can lead to inaccurate assessments. It can also lead to recency bias where there is too much of a focus on the most recent activities instead of the overall time period As a best practice, managers should ensure regular conversations (formal and informal) are being had with employees

Monique: A common misconception is that everyone loathes performance evaluations! While I do acknowledge that a vast majority of people do not look forward to review season, if it's done right, it can be a very rewarding and affirming process We recently surveyed our staff on their thoughts on our review process and experience from Spring 2022 and 80%+ of the responses were positive.

Jana: There are actually quite a few misconceptions about employee performance evaluations out there! What I've heard most often is that they are a waste of time: they are too labour intensive, or they are just a paper pushing exercise without any real value, or they focus on the wrong things When done right, performance evaluations are not a waste of time; in fact, they are key to helping accelerate employee growth and development.

If a company has employees with the belief that they are a waste of time, then the company likely isn't doing performance management correctly and it really won't have any value.

Performance management isn't meant to be a one off; it doesn't exist in a silo but rather as a partnership between a manager and their team member The actual formal paperwork may be twice or more per year, but performance management is an everyday practice It is really more about continuous coaching and feedback, and creating a safe place where individuals can figure things out, occasionally fail, and learn from it. It's about focusing on growth.

What is one misconception that you’ve heard about employee performance evaluations in the workplace?

Laura: Goals and target setting Together, both managers and employees identify and communicate clear goals and targets. Goals and targets are then discussed at regular intervals. Managers should support employees in achieving their objectives through guidance, mentorship and suggestions for training for example. Employees should take ownership of these goals and identify opportunities and/or concerns along the way It is important to set achievable goals in the beginning

Monique: I think a blended approach to performance evaluations is always valuable, relying on the methods of measurement or evaluation that makes sense for the organization and teams is going to have the best results. We look at our performance evaluations from a stance of the "Five Pillars of Performance Management" which, for Encepta, includes questions, rankings and dialogue on these five aspects: technical skills, job content/execution, KPIs/goals, culture engagement, and Encepta core values embodiment. I find this method valuable because it's custom to the Encepta employee experience and they are measures that are easy to identify both by the manager and the employee. It is good to keep things simple and straightforward for performance evaluations for those who may not love the exercise

Jana: I'm a huge proponent of 360s up, down, and sideways! I think it gives a much greater perspective on overall performance for an individual than just top down. The caveat to 360s though is that you want to gain timely insight from various individuals, not just once or twice a year asking the same people the same questions about a team member

360s can be leveraged throughout the year: at the conclusion of a project or other initiative, or every few weeks if there isn't a natural break. Change up the people who are asked to provide feedback, and keep the questions open ended. It's as simple as asking: What does Joe do well that he should continue to do? What should Joe stop doing?

360s should also include a self evaluation this can help identify any gaps between how the individual views their performance from the views of others.

Which method of performance evaluation do you find most valuable/is your favourite? Why?


The HRSA Exec Team's Guide To: Surviving First Year

HRSA’s very own Executive Team! To

first year at SFU

more about

Jenna Emperador

VP of Visual Media

Fun Fact: 2nd Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo

Advice: Don't be afraid to talk to new people! Most people are friendly and connections are important.

Nikki Chen

VP of Visual Media

Fun Fact: I like to bullet journal!

Advice: I would say try to join clubs in your first year and go to as many events as possible! It's a great way to meet new friends and build connections!

month’s Guide To is presented by
celebrate Fall 2022 and what is considered many students’
we ’ re looking back on our first year and sharing our first year experiences and memories with you. Continue reading to learn
Touched the avocado...
My first ever networking event with my besties!8

Asmita Birring

VP of Corporate Relations

Fun Fact: I don’t like avocados

Advice: I would definitely encourage first years to get involved in the extra curriculars that SFU offers, whether that’s a club or student union related to your major, or one of your hobbies for example the hiking club. It’s a great way to meet other new students and get the most out of university life

Gleanne Abella

VP of Finance & Operations

Fun Facts: I'm afraid of heights, but I want to try hot air ballooning like in the movie, Up!

Advice: HAVE FUN! You may be nervous or eager to take on opportunities, but don't forget to enjoy every moment.. You're only in your first year once, so make sure you start off your university life with no regrets!

Ashley Chia

VP of External Relations

Fun Fact: I spend way too much time rearranging my Spotify playlists (52 playlists and counting )

Advice: Make an effort to go to your classes whatever they may be lectures, tutorials, labs, etc ! Yes, they can be boring and seem like a waste of time, but remember that these are great opportunities to ask your Instructors/TAs questions and raise concerns, get those participation marks, get the inside scoop on upcoming exam and paper criteria, make new friends and connections, and more!!!


Andrew Oberson

VP of Events

Fun Fact: I am almost in my third year, and I have still yet to memorize my student number.

Advice: Don't sweat a low grade on a test or assignment! Use it as an opportunity for growth, but also understand that grades are far from everything.

Hailey Shin

VP of Internal Relations

Advice: One piece of advice I would give to first year students would be to go to class prepared and have a general timeline of your work as well as due dates so that you won’t get overwhelmed. I found it helpful to have my tasks written down in order from top priority to low priority. This helped me manage my time efficiently and stay organized

Isabella Laing

VP of Marketing

Advice: First year is a great opportunity to try new things and put yourself out there! If there’s something you ’ re interested in, try to get involved in it


Japanese international students that I met at a Beedie networking event.

ohnson Ngo

P of Technology & Production

un Fact: I helped tailor my friends' clothes and ade alterations when I was in high school.

dvice: Participate in as many interesting events nd take on club positions to explore the many elds in business. This will allow you to build a etwork of like minded individuals and figure out hat you wanna do.

You get to meet great people everywhere! Take my team for example from last year!

Victor Le President Fun Fact: I love to cut grass :)

Advice: Seize any opportunity you get! Extracurricular activities may not seem useful or exciting to you at first but it will definitely help you in the long run. By exposing yourself to an engaging community like Beedie, you will not only improve on your soft skills but it'll introduce you to aspects that you never thought that you would be interested in. Do case competitions, join clubs, and attend events! Make the best of your university career!


Interview from Professionals (Cont'd)

Laura: Regular conversations with your employees allow for course correction and ensures employees are recognized for their contributions to the organization all year

Monique: From my personal experiences, the greatest benefit has been taking a moment to really reflect on what I have accomplished in the past "x" amount of months. I think many can feel caught up in the day to day of work but seeing everything you have built or influenced to get you to the current, can be very rewarding I also appreciate the opportunity to identify where I can improve myself it's all about self development and emotional intelligence as much as it is technical skills and metrics.

Jana: They are a great tool for getting from A to B If you have individuals that are serious about professional development and growth within the organization, or someone who has a skill or knowledge gap, this is the tool that will help them get there Proper goal setting and identifying the resources someone needs to upskill are instrumental to making progress in an effective way.

Looking back on your experiences, what has shown to be the greatest benefit of employee performance evaluations?

What would you say to those employers and employees out there who are skeptical of performance evaluations?

Laura: It is common to be skeptical of performance reviews if employees are not rated on objective criteria. Ensuring employees and managers collaborate in setting goals and targets will allow for transparency in the process and should help decrease concerns

Monique: I hear you, I feel you. BUT build something small and impactful to start, rather than avoiding the process all together. How will you know where to go in the future if you cannot assess where you are today? That frame of mind applies to not only employees on an individual level, but an organization as a whole If you are unsure where your talent and employee skill sits today, how will you guide your business into a prosperous future?

Jana: I would say to throw out any preconceived notions about them and learn from companies that are doing it well Done right, it accelerates performance company wide, which ultimately contributes to the bottom line Underperformers need to be coached and supported, or let go if they are unable to upskill as they, too, impact the bottom line but not in a good way.

Another aspect is that employees appreciate feedback, and want to know they are doing well and contributing to the goals of the organization it's a key piece in the employee engagement arena They also want to feel like everyone is being treated fairly in terms of output and compensation, and the only way to ensure this is to actively manage it.


Monique: Performance evaluations are just a single aspect of the overall performance management approach managing performance should happen more frequently than once or twice per year. Don't hesitate to congratulate someone on a job well done, reinforce that good behaviour, or find the right way to deliver some constructive feedback or points of improvement.

Jana: I've always said there are two things that need to be measured: the WHAT that gets done along with the HOW the work gets done It's great to recognize high achievers but not at the expense of having stepped on others to get there. The HOW of work is a critical piece that drives culture, and measuring the HOW in performance valuations is just as important as measuring what they do.

I also abide by the 'keep it simple' principle Don't make things cumbersome Don't make it complicated Keep evaluations short, concise, and an ongoing practice

Is there anything more that you would like to share with our readers?
SFU HRSA Updates With a new year of HR Times, HR Secrets, and more, we would love to hear from our audience on what you want to see from us. So, when you have a moment, please head to the following survey link so that we can better cater our initiatives to you: Again, follow our social media to learn and stay updated about our opportunities and initiatives! Follow us on our social media to see Season 3, Episode 1 of HR Secrets, dropping later this Fall. Also keep your eyes open for our upcoming events and initiatives later this year! 15

for reading!

Think People. Think Possibilities. Thanks

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