participant education about us CPE originated from the anti-war movement in 1970 at Florida State University as a part of our schools radical tradition and historical resistance to the war. From this stemmed CPE to provide an alternative to the traditional curriculum taught at FSU. Students wanted to explore socially relevant topics and to foster a healthier philosophy of education through classes in which anyone could teach or attend. CPE is one of the last free schools in a university setting in the country. As of late, American academia has not only maintained hierarchical learning, but it has also allowed ideological teaching to trickle in. The university setting is traditionally a place to debate and challenge others, so it is imperative that through circulative teaching and education, students don’t fall into biases and learn to gain autonomy in formulating beliefs, opinions, and methods in a shared system of learning.
our mission 1. CPE shall be a forum for progressive and alternative ideas on education, politics and the arts. 2. CPE shall provide an area where students and local citizens can initiate and enact new programs which interest them.
3. CPE shall engage in a form of critical pedagogy through a method of horizontal learning according to the Pure University Movement. 4. CPE shall provide these educational classes and programs without charging a fee for instruction.
people teaching people. 2 CPE Catalog
Spring 2019
FOOD INSECURITY by Jessica Plank
WTF IS THE PLANT? by unpaid muckraker
by Nazrene Alsiro
Spring 2019
CPE Catalog
courses SPRING 2019
events On Feminism and Palestine FSU Students for Justice in Palestine co-host with CPE Listen to Palestinian activist, Saida Mizyed, discuss the Palestinian Women’s Union she founded in the West Bank amongst other feminist issues regarding the occupation and resistance to it. FRIDAY, Feb. 15th | SSB 214 | 6pm
Shizu Homma Presents: Dancing Empty, Hanging Body; Dancing out in the World This is a four-day workshop of Butoh dance technique, which can be taken in full, or in part - everyone is welcome to come to any and all sessions. Two site-specific dance actions will also take place, 2 hours each, probably at an outdoor location like Landis Green, Cascades Park, or Railroad Square. Though it is recommended that the Butoh and site specific dance classes both be taken, it is not required. Day Time and Location TBD
classes Organizers Workshop FSU Students for Justice in Palestine co-host with CPE Palestinian activist, Saida Mizyed, will host a discussion about the brass tacks of organizing, sharing more a more in-depth and practical perspective on her organizing work.
Dumpster Diving! Get w the Freegan program! with Brian Damage This workshop is an introductory to Dumpster Diving. Who does it? Where can you find stuff? Why is it a thing? How do you know what’s good? Mr Damage has been diving since high school and wants to share tips and tricks for you to get started ASAP. Bring your questions and lust for free stuff and adventure to The Plant. FRIDAY, Mar. 8th | The Plant (517 W. Gaines St.) 5:45-6:45pm
Socialism 101 FSU alumni Hobie Vogt will give an introduction on socialism beyond current limitations of the subject to Bernie Sanders. WEDNESDAY, Mar. 13th | SSB 220 | 7-8pm
Antifascism: A How-To The word “fascism” has been on a lot of people’s lips lately, but what exactly is fascism and, more importantly, how do we combat it? Join Pearson Bolt and Center for Participant Education for an evening discussion on antifascist organizing, theory, and praxis. In order to defeat fascism, first we must understand it as a political dogma rooted in late-stage capitalism, nationalism, xenophobia, and misogyny. Then, we will explore the history of antifascist movements — from England to Spain to Germany to the United States. We’ll close with a practical conversation about how to organize ourselves and our communities against the fascist creep. THURSDAY, Mar. 28th | SSB 219 | 7:30-8:30pm
Radical Democracy in the South: Cooperation Jackson with Gabrielle Maynard and Tyler Crown
Learn how to easily market your movement with a printer and baking flour! Brian Damage moved here from NYC and has installed tens of thousands of posters around major cities from Manhattan to Miami. Join us to learn the cheapest, most effective recipes and methods from his years of experience. BYOB--bring your own bucket, broom!
In this presentation FSU alumni, Gabrielle Maynard and Tyler Crown, will discuss Cooperation Jackson, a project in radical democracy taking shape the heart of the American South. Cooperation Jackson is many things, so far including worker cooperatives, people’s assemblies, solidarity housing, farming and soil regeneration projects, and more, but its ambitions lie in developing a solidarity economy in Jackson, Mississippi, attaining Black selfdetermination, and “[advancing] the struggle for economic democracy as a prelude towards the democratic transformation to eco-socialism.” Presenters will situate this ambitious project in the historical, nation-wide struggles that gave rise to it.
SUNDAY, Feb. 24th | The Plant (517 W. Gaines St.) | 6-7pm
MONDAY, Apr. 1st | SSB 220 | 6-8pm
SATURDAY, Feb 16th | The Plant (517 W. Gaines St.) | TBD
Wheat-Pasting 101! with Brian Damage
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Spring 2019
Animal Ethics: What Do We Owe to Animals? FSU graduate student, Samuel Pons, will join us for a philosophical discussion on the progressive, social justice, animal rights movement as well as complementary documentaries. Do we owe them more? Or less? In what ways are they different from us? And it what ways that matter morally? THURSDAY, Apr. 11th | SSB 221 | 6-7:30pm
Photography 101 and Cinematic Arrangement FSU student, Vanessa Burden, will share basic photography skills, for those that want to learn how to compose and capture photos using the correct manual settings on a DSLR camera, and will include ideas about “composition” and photographic arrangement. It will comprise of an instructional lecture as well as hands-on usage of the camera supplied by the course instructor. You do not need your own camera to attend! April | Details TBD
weekly classes Contact Improv FSU Candidate for her MFA in Choreography, Bridget Close, will lead a weekly Contact Improv session, including an instructional section and a “Contact Jam” Tuesdays (Starting March 5) | Time and Location TBD
Capoeira by Sierra Patch
Practice Safe Sec: Operational Security & Community Organizing In a world of climate change crisis, economic turmoil, and creeping fascism, community organizers are up against the ropes. As the leaks of Edward Snowden show, the U.S. surveillance state is ubiquitous in its assault against freedoms of speech and liberty of movement. All activists and political organizers must develop a robust sense of operational security in order to protect and defend social movements from the state and from far-right reactionaries. Come hang out with the Center for Participant Education and Pearson Bolt and learn some practical ways to protect your identity, online and in the streets.
Led by Aigars Larionovs, MFA Student in FSU School of Dance Capoeira is Afro-Brazilian movement art containing elements of dance, martial arts and cultural education. Developed through a long history of resistance and survival by the enslaved Africans in Brazil, now an artform practiced world-wide. It is a cultural manifestation that helps improve physical strength, flexibility and coordination, all the while learning a new way of expressing one’s self. Wednesdays (Starting February 20) The Plant (517 W. Gaines St.) | 6-7pm
See our Facebook page FACEBOOK.COM/FSUCPE
for event specifics and updates
THURSDAY, Apr. 4th | SSB 221 | 7:30-8:30p
Spring 2019
CPE Catalog
food insecurity by Jessica Plank
n Leon County 1 out of every 5 people goes hungry. We currently have the 3rd highest food insecurity rate in the entire state. Food insecurity, as defined by the USDA, is described as state in which consistent access to adequate food is limited by a lack of money and other resources at times during the year. Combine this lack of money with food deserts, and the food insecurity rate rises even higher. In Tallahassee’s Promise Zone, which includes areas such as Frenchtown and South Side, 3 out of every 5 people go hungry. Increasing access to nutritious food includes many players such as Frenchtown Farmer’s Market, South Side Farmer’s Market, as well as local programs and food banks like Second Harvest of the Big Bend. When it comes to college campuses, the food insecurity rate is not well known. Feeding America reveals that 1 out of every 10 people served by its food banks nationwide struggles between choosing to pay for school and choosing to pay for food. What that number does not capture is how many college students are currently struggling with food insecurity, let alone how many are currently using available food resources. The US Government Accountability Office discovered last December that food insecurity on college campuses can range anywhere from 9% to over 50% of the student body. Students most at risk for food insecurity include first-generation college students, community college students, students who are single parents, living with disabilities and/ or come from lower-income households.
If you are a student who struggles with consistent access to food or know someone who is, here are some local resources in town: University Pantries: FOOD FOR THOUGHT PANTRY Located at University Center A: Suite 4100 Open M-F 8AM-5PM FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FOOD PANTRY Located at Student Health Services, 1700 Lee Hall Dr.
For other Food Access sites, head to → How to Get Help → Referral List
6 CPE Catalog
Spring 2019
UPCOMING MOBILE PANTRIES CLOSE TO CAMPUS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD | Greater Love COGIC: 524 E. Orange Ave Contact Janice Stanley, 850-445-0112 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD | A New Day Initiative: 1317 High Rd Contact Frank Douglas, 850-570-1353 SATURDAY, MARCH 2ND | Greater Love at Bond: 1720 S Gadsden St. Contact Janice Stanley, 850-445-0112 SATURDAY, MARCH 2ND | Downtown Community Church: 231 E Palmer Ave Contact Taylor Warke, 850-206-2885 SATURDAY, MARCH 9TH | A New Day Initiative: 1317 High Rd Contact Frank Douglas, 850-570-1353 SATURDAY, MARCH 16TH | Watson Temple: 665 W Brevard St Contact Julie Allen, 850-545-9439 At mobile pantries, providers distribute food to those in need. Mobile pantries are subject to cancellation, for inclement weather or for other reasons. For more information, and for more stable, “brick & mortar” food providers, please visit our website,, under the How to Get Help section for our Referral List.
SNAP 2727 Mahan Drive, MS#42 Building Two, Third Floor Tallahassee, FL 32308-5403 (850)412-4002 or (800)248-2243
FRENCHTOWN HERITAGE FARMER’S MARKET 524 N. MLK JR. BOULEVARD, TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 SATURDAYS 10AM-2PM Products that you can purchase with SNAP at Frenchtown Farmer’s Market: Fruits and vegetables | Breads and cereals | Baked goods Farm fresh eggs | Seeds and plants that produce food
Spring 2019
CPE Catalog
Fight with Unions for the Working Class, Fight Against Union Leadership for the Working Class: The League of Revolutionary Black Workers by Jordan Scott
orkers are facing unprecedented oppression, including but not limited to, separation of families, racist and radical attacks by gunmen, a supreme court poised to end Roe v Wade, and erasure of Trans rights. Yet, people who envision a more equitable and just society have reason to be hopeful. “Whereas the 80s, 90s, and 2000s were a period of stagnation and regression, I sense that progressive forces are on the rise and poised to make real demands… if they can get organized”, a retired unionist from Chicago told me in June. For all the unmerited criticisms directed toward Gen Z’s and the so called Z-lenials, they may lead the political movement we need to create noticeable material improvement for working class people. Their political and class consciousness likely stems from a few different sources: coming of age in the post 2008 great recession; having immediate access to news via smart phones; and Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, which brought new light to topics once limited to niche left organizations and actively suppressed by the Democrats. However, neither political parties, nor voting by itself, can save us. My intention in this article is to tell you a lesser-known story of workers fighting at the intersection of class exploitation and racial oppression. By doing this, I hope to increase awareness of the nuances of power and show some tactics, beyond voting, that workers can use to increase wages, combat fringe benefit (health insurance, pensions, etc.) cuts, and improve working conditions at our worksites. As students leave university and move into the workforce, some will have the opportunity to join a union. In “rightto-work” states, such as Florida, where union membership is not guaranteed as a part of employment, knowing the importance of joining your unions (or building a union where it is absent) is all the more important. Throughout the twentieth century, unions were at the
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Spring 2019
“Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it.” Frantz Fanon forefront of the struggle for improving working conditions and wages. They still have this potential today. Yet, rabid attacks on unions since the 80s have led to a decline in union membership and labor stoppages (strikes). However, unions are not without fault in their own decline. Detroit autoworker, James Boggs, predicted in the 60s that unions would cause their own decline if they continued down the path of prioritizing electoral politics and the Democratic party over striking and rank and file leadership of the union. In short, Boggs was right.
active, although certainly only, movements were DRUM (Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement) located in Chrysler’s Dodge Main plant in Hamtramck (a city within the city limits of Detroit) and ELRUM (Eldon Avenue Revolutionary Union Movement) in the Eldon Avenue Gear and Axle plant, strategically placed in Chrysler’s sole gear and axle plant. Furthermore, the majority of workers in both of these plants were black. These groups were moving to produce literature to shed light on the material conditions of black workers and the power that they welded in changing those conditions via wildcat strikes.
Make no mistake about it: I am not against unions and no worker espousing progressive, socialist, or even liberal values, or otherwise concerned with conditions of the working class as a whole, can justifiably forego joining their union when one is available to join. That being said, we should understand the nature of the beast. The story of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers (LRBW) can help us learn about this historical flaw. The League of Revolutionary Black Workers (LRBW) arose out of a volatile political climate in Detroit during the late 1960s. On the national level, the first Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 (prohibiting employment discrimination), Malcolm X had been assassinated in 1965. Blacks people were becoming more and more disillusioned with liberalism and searching for alternate outlets to combat oppression, which we can see in the rise of the Black Panther Party and Black Nationalism. Conditions in the auto industry in Detroit weren’t much better, particularly for black workers. In order to unionize Ford (the last of the big three auto unions to succumb to unions), the UAW promised to advance the interests of black workers alongside those of workers as a whole. Nearly 30 years later black workers had made advances in absolute terms i.e. workers’ wages were up, conditions were safer, and auto work served as an avenue into a relatively robust middle class. Yet, black workers still held the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs, and made up a substantially smaller portion of the skilled and white-collar jobs when compared to their white counterparts. By 1968, many workers were fed-up with waiting on the UAW to make good on its promises. Revolutionary Union Movements (RUM), willing to combat the company and the UAW simultaneously, were springing up. The two most
A second element of the LRBW arose out of a revolutionary newspaper called the Inner City Voice (ICV) began in October of 1967. It published monthly for a year, appealing to a black, working class readership. The writers were inspired by V.I. Lenin’s 1901 piece Where to Begin where he claims that a lasting and conscious movement must ground itself in journalistic literature by and for the people. By the beginning of 1969 the editors of ICV and the leaders of some of the RUM movements began discussing a way to more closely link the existing movements in the plants and the revolutionary newspaper. In March of 1969, this umbrella organization would come to be called the League of Revolutionary Black Workers. The LRBW was headed by an Executive Committee of seven men all under the age of 30, General Baker, Kenneth Cockrel, Mike Hamlin, Luke Tripp, John Watson, John Williams, and Chuck Wooten. (The League suffered from patriarchal issues that are worthy of critique, but that it outside the scope of this essay. They drew their analysis of their situation, that of the black working class, from an unapologetically Marxist-Leninist paradigm which allowed them to declare things such as this in their General Program: “Our black community is virtually a black working class, because of our relationship to the basic means of production… The racist subordination of black people and black workers creates a privileged status for white people and white workers… The white labor movement has turned its back on the black workers problems such as less job security, speed-up, less pay, bad health (silicosis, in particular), the worst kind of jobs, and in most cases exclusion from skilled trades”. Of course, the companies, union, and local government did not welcome a group espousing such a radical and combatant ideology. The LRBW met obstacles at every turn. In the cases of two major wildcat strikes headed by League constituents (one in DRUM and in the other ELRUM), black workers, particularly those associated with these organizations, took the brunt of the punishment allotted by the companies. This, of course, was not a surprising reaction from Chrysler. What does raise questions, though, is the reaction or lack thereof of the UAW, whose responsibility
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it is to defend workers from abuses by the companies. The UAW saw fit to come to the defense of Chrysler, rather than of the workers they were avowed to defend. A leader of the UAW, Emil Mazey, penned a letter to all 350,000 union members denouncing “black militant violence” while simultaneously tooting the UAW’s proverbial horn stating that the UAW “has done more to further the black man’s cause than any other [union] in the nation.” In another instance, DRUM ran a candidate, Ron March, for Trustee of UAW Local 3, in which he experienced heavy repression. All candidates were permitted to put up posters or pass out leaflets except for March, cars with paraphernalia supporting March or DRUM at the polls were given tickets, and after March won the initial election, local police officers went to a bar across the street to harass black workers. This resulted in a physical altercation between workers and cops. A runoff election was scheduled between March and his closest competitor, and the union Local took action. They sent a strongly worded letter to retired workers from the plant encouraging them to exercise their right to vote in this election, a legal but unprecedented move that brought out hundreds of voters who maintained significant racial prejudices. March was ultimately defeated in the runoff election.
Tragically, the League’s days were numbered. By mid-1971, was in shambles, mostly due to severe and continued repression and lack of resources. Still, the LRBW forced the UAW to, at least implicitly, address the persisting racism within both its leadership and its rank-and-file. Both Douglas Fraser, who would go on to become president of the UAW in 1977, and Mike Hamlin have agreed that much of the racial progress made in the UAW in the 1970s would not have occurred without the LRBW. Modest as it may be, the auto industry would see noticeable increases in black foremen and black union stewards.
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Spring 2019
The LRBW, more than any other group during that time, understood the complex relationship between unions and the working class. Unions are the only major institution that fight to improve material conditions for the working class. Yet, union leadership is often in cahoots with the ruling class and are all too willing accept stagnation or minor victories in order to maintain their own place in society. Recent events are indicative of this. Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO (the largest federation of labor in the United States) has a salary of $391,000, not including bonuses etc., yet the Washington Post reported in October that the AFL-CIO has put a freeze on “about 50 janitors, drivers, secretaries and accountants at the union’s offices”. As a result, workers may strike in the nation’s capital against the largest union organization in the country! In another recent event UPS workers voted “no” on a contract but James Hoffa, the president of the Teamsters Union whose total compensation is $387,000 a year, ratified the contract against the workers’ will. How can union leaders lead working class organizations when they are not a part of the working class? On the other hand, there are great examples of recent rank-and-file victories. In West Virginia teachers went on strike, built community support through community engagement, and won a five percent pay increase. They also won pay increases for state workers and other public school employees as a part of their demands. Arizona teachers saw an even greater increase, winning a 20 percent pay increase over three years. Hotel workers in Chicago were able to win stronger contracts and improved wages by going on strike, while Chicago window washers won a 27 percent increase! In each of these cases one thing is constant: the rank and file led strikes against immiserating working conditions. In some cases, union leadership reluctantly supported the strikes, while in other cases they were outspokenly against striking. When workers come together we win, with or without the support of union leadership! I truly believe that, within this generation, we can do things like end homelessness and poverty, provide free universal college education, universal healthcare, and decrease hours of work by taking advantage of the wonders of automation and robotization, rather than using technological advances to further exploit workers. A world like that must be fought for, but damn it if it isn’t worth fighting for, what is?
Jordan Scott is a state worker, and secretary and steward for AFSCME Local 3037 the state workers union local.
organizations Students Organize for Syria SOS at FSU is the chapter of the national organization Students Organize for Syria at Florida State University. This chapter follows the SOS mission to stand in solidarity with the Syrian people in their struggle for freedom and human rights, to assist Syrians in their effort to build a self-determined and pluralistic society, and to raise awareness of and help alleviate the humanitarian crisis currently taking place in Syria. We are devoted to sustaining an organized student network that is unified for the cause of a free Syria.
Migrant and Refugee Education Alliance MREA seeks to support refugee and migrant families in Tallahassee by providing English tutoring to refugee and migrant students in Leon County Schools. MREA trains University students to work with English language learners of various levels and pairs members with students in elementary, middle, and high schools based on scheduling availability. MigrantRefugeeEducationAlliance/
Amnesty International Amnesty International's Mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human
rights for all. Amnesty International is independent of any political, ideological, or religious affiliations. The purpose of Amnesty International is to advocate and educate the Florida State University campus and community about numerous human rights abuses, issues and violations on the local, national, and international levels. AmnestyInternationalFSU/
Advocates for Immigrant and Refugee Rights at the College of Law The goal of AIRR is to provide a medium through which students at Florida State University College of Law will be able to learn, advocate, and teach about immigrant and refugee rights issues. 425 W. Jefferson St.
FSU/FAMU African Student Association We, the African Student Association of Florida State University seek to promote closer ties, academic and social interests, and understanding among African students within the university and the community at large. All activities and functions of the African Student Association shall be legal under university, local, state, and federal laws. As an organization that desires to address issues facing young African adults, ASA plans to foster relationships to raise awareness and interest in the needs and cultures of Africa and Africans among our community and the
diverse campus of FSU.
American Civil Liberties Union at Florida State University The ACLU is established to safeguard and promote civil liberties through pro bono legal opportunities and College of Law events. The ACLU is a student chapter of the state ACLU organization. We will coordinate pro bono opportunities for law students, host panels and lectures, and coordinate trips to national and state conferences. We will also provide networking opportunities.
Asian American Student Union The AASU shall serve to promote and provide for the social welfare of the Asian student body at Florida State University. It shall function as an educational and cultural learning instrument for the FSU community, by providing cultural programs and materials, which promote awareness of and appreciation for the various and distinct Asian cultures as well as to advocate for the growth of civic engagement and involvement with our members as well as students at FSU. The AASU shall serve as the nucleus of a network to improve the opportunities and living conditions of the Asian community. To this end, the AASU shall represent all registered Asian student organizations on campus, coordinate available resources, and serve as a catalyst in protecting the rights of
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the Asian student body.
Black Student Union The Black Student Union seeks to develop unity among the Black students.The BSU shall serve primarily to promote and provide for the social welfare of the Black Student Body at the Florida State University. The BSU shall be limited neither to the aforementioned objectives nor to the Florida State University in scope. The BSU shall also strive to provide and promote economic, political and academic enrichment through its activities, and it shall serve as a catalyst to the enlightenment of the Florida State University community to the distinct and proud cultural heritage of Black people in America as well as on the African continent. Finally, it shall be a source of edification of the Black experience at Florida State University.
create a vibrant campus economy and high quality of life while respecting the need to sustain natural resources and protect the environment. Sustainable programs are those that result from an institution’s commitment to environmental, social, and economic health. Sustainable Campus seeks to have our University serve as a living model of sustainability, providing learning experiences that students, faculty and staff may develop, apply and practice at FSU and in their extended communities. Sustainable Campus is rooted in the values of sustainability as a process, we need the participation, collaboration, and action by our campus community to be truely sustainable. (850) 645-7819 969 Learning Way Tallahassee, FL 32306
(850) 644-0939 921 W. Jefferson St.
Buddhist Student Association at FSU
by Samantha Stone
Dream Defenders
What is sustainability? What is a sustainable campus? A sustainable campus is one that develops processes and systems that help
Dream Defenders is a coalition united against institutional racism and systematic oppression of minority communities.
Spring 2019
The Environmental Service Program will foster a strong sense of place, spreading knowledge and concern for local environmental problems in the North Florida area.ESP aims to engage students and community members with the environment around them through education, service, and advocacy. We focus our activities on Leon, Jefferson, Wakulla and Taylor counties conducting educational service field trips and hosting speakers on pertinent environmental topics, encouraging sustainable lifestyles that connect humans with the environment. We may also host petitions, letter-writing campaigns, or organize social activism to raise awareness and achieve our goals. We take an active approach, empowering students to take action on important issues they feel strongly about as well as volunteering for causes.All activities and functions of the Environmental Service Program shall be legal under University, local, state, and federal laws.
Empowering Women Globally
Sustainable Campus
12 CPE Catalog
Environmental Service Program
Student Activities Center A305 Oglesby Union
The Buddhist Student Association at FSU is a registered student organization at Florida State University. The purpose of the Buddhist Student Association at FSU is to serve the Florida State University and the surrounding community by organizing Buddhism-related activities on or around the FSU campus. These events include such things as community service, meditation, study, practice, and education. BuddhistStudentAssociationAtFSU/
A Recognized Student Organization at Florida State University that aims to promote sustainable solutions that will ultimately result in women's empowerment and gender equality. In spite of contemporary humanitarian efforts, women all over the world still face devastating violence and discrimination. Our mission is to work towards better standards of living and advocate for women's agency, as well as gender equality. EmpoweringWomenGlobally/
Family Tree Our goals are to provide services that promote the well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, to work to eliminate the conditions in society that allow homophobia to exist, and to be a place where everyone is welcome. (850) 222-8555 5126-C Woodlane Circle
Food Recovery Network at FSU Food Recovery Network unites students on college campuses to fight waste and feed people by taking the surplus unsold food from their colleges and donating it to hungry Americans. Founded in 2011, FRN has grown to include chapters at 190+ colleges and universities in 48 states that have recovered over 2,000,000 pounds of food.Each chapter works with on-campus dining halls and other, off-campus eateries to divert food from the landfill to community members in need, while also raising awareness on issues of food waste and hunger in America. (386) 984-2602 Mendenhall, Building A, Room 110,
Global Peace Exchange Global Peace Exchange (GPE) is a non-profit and studentrun international development organization founded in 2006 at Florida State University. GPE is open to students of all majors, degree levels, and career interests. Our vision is a global community of people passionate about the complexity of issues affecting our interconnected world. Our mission is therefore to connect students with global issues through (1) international non-governmental organization partnerships, (2) support of both
local and international causes, (3) critical dialogue about international development, (4) and professional opportunities. 636 W Call St globalpeaceexchangefsu/
Habitat for Humanity at Florida State University Habitat for Humanity at FSU is a nonprofit organization dedicated to eradicating substandard housing and making decent housing a matter of conscience and action. Habitat for Humanity at FSU participates in many different types of events. We host fundraising events ranging from 5Ks to car washes. We organize construction work on Habitat homes on Saturdays. We also promote awareness of the problem of substandard housing in the Big Bend area. Habitat also hold all kinds of bonding events for members to get to know each other. (850) 644-3342 Dunlap Student Success Center 100 S Woodward Avenue
Hispanic Latino Student Union HLSU shall serve as a nucleus for a network with other nation- al institutions and organizations to improve the opportunities and living conditions of the Hispanic/Latino community, as well as an educational and cultural learning instrument for students, faculty and staff.
Muslim Student Association The aims and purposes of MSA shall be to serve the best interest of Islam and Muslims at Florida State University so as to enable them to practice Islam
by Nazrene Alsiro
as a complete way of life, to spread awareness about Islam and Muslims on campus, to encourage and promote cultural dialogues on our campus, and to create a respectful and caring community for the benefit of the student body. All activities and functions of the Muslim Student Association shall be legal under University, local, state, and federal laws.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People The principal objectives of the Association shall be: to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of all citizens; to achieve equality of rights and eliminate race prejudice among the citizens of the United States ; to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through democratic processes.
PeaceJam Southeast at FSU The mission of PeaceJam Southeast at FSU is to create a new generation of young leaders on Florida State’s campus dedicated to positive change in themselves, their communities, and the world by committing 1 Billion Acts of Peace. PeaceJam is an international non-profit organization that strives to educate youth through the use of Nobel Peace
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Prize Laureates. FSU is the home to PeaceJam's Southeast affiliate and provides many opportunities for students to become involved in spreading the mission of our organization. (850) 645-8782
Poetic Lyricism Poetic Lyricism is catered to the individual that is,both, well equipped with a poetic mind and well endowed with lyrical capability. For those still undergoing development in the field of poetry, writing, singing, musical instrumentation, and disc jockeying, the program is geared to your enhancement. Others who have reached the "show- n-tell" stage in their works may use the organization for lyrical display and mental feedback. Members will have the opportunity to network amongst other members and guest speakers who share an attraction to the arts.(727) 656-3490
POOR ASS PISS by J.R. Wheatley
independence and a sustainable environment. We offer workshops and educational events throughout the year, as well as opportunities to influence our leaders to support renewable energy innovation and the end to our fossil fuel dependence
Students for a Sustainable Drug
Pride Student Union To provide services and programs to address the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, asexual and intersex students and to increase the awareness of issues pertinent to them within the Florida State University community. Further, The Pride Student Union shall endeavor to create a supportive and healthy environment for the welfare of all students regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Rethink Energy Florida A Tallahassee-based 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is to educate, engage, and empower citizens to take action toward achieving energy
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Policy SSDP along with the NORML, believe that the current drug policy is very flawed and ineffective, and that drug use should be looked at as a public health issue as opposed to a criminal act. Our goal is to legalize all drugs in order to tax and regulate them, therefore making them safer and beneficial to the government. Our organization has advocated a sensible drug policy on campus, as well as nationwide.
SISTUHS SISTUHS, Inc. An organization for women that was established to foster the personal growth and development of African-American women. We aim to encourage Strength, Initiative, Spirituality, Tenacity, Unity, Health,
and Substance through community service, education, political activism, and association of people
Students for Justice in Palestine SUJP is part of a national network of Palestine solidarity activists, and is active on virtually every major campus in the country. We advocate non-violent resistance to the illegal Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, and believe in the Palestinian right of self determination.
FSU Student/Farmworker Alliance FSU’s chapter of a national network of students and young people organizing with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to uproot exploitation in the fields and build a food system based on justice, respect and dignity for farmworkers.
Take Back the Tap FSU Take Back the Tap aims to raise awareness of the numerous health,
financial, and enviornmental benefits of drinking tap water. Take Back the Tap works to encourage the FSU community to use reusable water bottles and to take advantage of our many hydration stations on campus. Take Back the Tap is a program within Sustainable Campus. (904) 446-6091
Tallahassee Food Not Bombs How do you end hunger? Give people some food. FNB gets together weekly to cook and share with the homeless and hungry in Tallahassee, meeting in the pavilion on Park Ave between Martin Luther King and Duval St. behind the Leon County Library. We are always looking for help with cooking! If you’re interested in getting involved, we’re desperate for new volunteers, so you should come to a sharing on Sunday and talk to the people who have cooked that week
and get a tasty lunch.
Transitions Tallahassee An organization for people who want to create a truly sustainable, resilient, fossil fuel-free Tallahassee community. We focus on three main concerns: peak oil, climate change, and the economic crisis accompanying peak oil. We strive to create a network of people with the skills, knowledge, and motivation to make the much needed transition off of dirty, nonrenewable energy. Our vision is long-term, and our work is on-going! transitiontallahassee/
Veterans for Peace Tallahassee We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace. To this end we will
work, with others to increase public awareness of the costs of war. All people of good will are invite to help us achieve our goals. Military veteran status is not required. (850) 893-7390 groups/261822483920967/
Women Student Union The Women Student Union fosters the growth of women personally, professionally and politically. The WSU will celebrate the power existing within every woman to promote selfautonomy, denounce all limitations, educate on systems of oppression and advocate inclusivity within a diverse community. WSU facilitates a network among organizations, departments, and services to embrace, engage and empower. (850) 644-2617 109 Collegiate Loop Thagard - Fourth Floor FSUWomenStudentUnion/
The Great Return March STARTED ON MARCH 30TH, 2017
Protestors have been gathering at the Gazan border every Friday to fight for their right to return and the end of the Siege on Gaza PHOTO CREDITS: MOHAMMED ZAANOUN
Spring 2019
CPE Catalog
WTF IS THE PLANT? by an unpaid muckraker
The Plant is a DIY community creative space on Gaines Street in Tallahassee. For many years the building has been a patron to the local, independent, DIY art and activist scene of Tallahassee. Apart from being a raw industrial space with modest amenities, the building sits in a prime spot fostering community collaboration; Located between FAMU and FSU, 2 blocks from Railroad Square Art Park, and is halfway between the Stadium and Cascades Park.
WHO RUNS THE PLACE? “The Plant Collective” is a loose-knit group of volunteers comprised of: students, working-class, musicians, professional instructors, acting enthusiasts, artists, chefs, makers, philosophers, entrepreneurs, etc, welcoming every type of artisan——with any level of experience--to participate!
WHAT KINDA PEOPLE LIKE THAT SORTA THING? The Plant has always been a transient place for projects, but it’s not just the flash-pan spontaneity that attracts folks. It has been a host to many recurring events for years. “NoThanx-Giving” an annual event is a chili cook-off benefit hosted by FSU SJP; Guests are encouraged to question settler-colonialism and how it has——and still continues to threaten indigenous peoples’ lives, culture, and sovereignty. The Plant enthusiastically hosts multiple cooking competitions that inspire people to try their hand at making vegan desserts, soups, mac-n-cheese, and most recently the space held the first Pasta-La-Vista competition. Awards (in the form of trophies, prizes, and even a Championship Belt!) are awarded to the winners. The coveted Mac-N-Cheese title belt and trophies are passed on to splendid new chefs. The Plant has also hosted Kid Empowerment Day, where children create via Pendulum Painting, Foam block printing, Multi-media explorations and many other techniques. The Plant is the home of the World’s Largest Doodle, a weekly project open to all who love to doodle. There is a workshop area open to all, with free arts and craft supplies, gardening tools, and a small wood working area. Through donations at events, other fundraising benefits, and crowd funding, The Plant is able to keep their doors open.
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HOW LONG CAN THAT LAST? Around twenty years so far! But, volunteers at The Plant have seen the “invisible hand” of gentrification wipe away neighbors and community icons (including a mysterious fire that erased The Bookmine from the map, the dissolving of worker-controlled Bread & Roses Food Co-op due to financial pressures, and lots of public art removed by authorities). Now with the addition of a new bougie art-wash club + big chain hotels and corporate grocery store, the need to defend independent community resources grows. Each of these new neighbors is an assault on the authenticity and rawness that makes All Saints District and Gaines Street enticing to the artist in all of us. Without a strong core of organizers and artists, The Plant’s days could also be numbered. On a lighter note, you are invited to participate in this radical project at any level; Don’t have time to volunteer? Consider donating $3 (through patreon)! Can’t afford to donate? Come partake in our bimonthly Really Really Free Market, and/or food shares!
EMBRACE THE ARTIST, PERFORMER, AND LEADER IN YOU! If you want to participate and support this radical local independent DIY art space, you can do so by volunteering, or planning an event! Events can be like the aforementioned ideas, or anything you want. The Plant wants you to express yourself, share your craft, or facilitating a workshop/skill share or teach-in! You can easily find the Volunteer Application and Event Proposal Forms on our website. Fill it out online, or just come to an open meeting at the space. There are open weekly meetings every Tuesday from 6-7pm.
CONNECT WITH THE PLANT 517 W. Gaines St. Patreon: FB: IG: @theplant.tally
Vegan brunch made everyday with a changing menu.
Open 8am-12am everyday 903 Railroad Ave.
It’s donation-based so any time you need a cup o’ coffee and can’t afford one, they will give you one for free! Best to tip them when you do have money, to support their mission to keep students’ thirst quenched! They have wifi and plenty of chill seating, including a fireplace. They’re located super close to campus. They also feature fairly traded, locally roasted (Lucky Goat) beans! Open 8am-5pm on weekdays only 548 West Park Ave.
All Saints Vegan-friendly coffee-shop located in All Saints district. Vegan snacks, free wi-fi, and arcades make for the #1 place to pretend to do homework.
Lucky Goat A coffee-passionate cafe specializing in an approachable connoisseurship. (850) 688-5292 Open 7am-6pm, Sunday 8am-6pm 1307 N. Monroe St #5
Black Dog Railroad Square Located in Railroad Square Art Park, this cafe features food, coffee drinks, kombucha, adult beverages, and occasional live poetry and music.
Donut Kingdom! A small, family-owned business that strives to do all the great things any big business can do. Our mission is to spread happiness to the world through quality, hand-cut donuts, fresh baked bagels, ice cream, shakes, and freshly brewed coffee. 685 W. Tennessee St
Sweet Shop Cafe and Lounge The Sweet Shop has been a wellknown and well-loved part of college life at Florida State University since 1921. Serving Breakfast and Lunch all day 7 days a week. Great place to study, snack, and lounge! INDIFFERENT by J.R. Wheatley
701 W. Jefferson St
Bamboo House A Chinese Buffet, but you can also order off the menu. Delicious carnivore options and also has several types of tofu and vegetable. Try the orange tofu! Definitely better than most! 112 East 6th Ave.
Krishna Five dollars gets you enough vegan and lacto vegetarian food to fill you up for hours. Located in the Center for Global Engagement on Woodward Ave. Monday through Friday 11:30-1:30
Decent Pizza This is one of Tallahassee’s brilliant pizza palaces. Try the vegan slice, it’s basically a personal pizza 1026 N Monroe St
Little Athens A Mediterranean restaurant super close to campus. The falafel is tasty and there is a combo that includes baklava! Convenient for a just off campus dinner. 666 West Tennessee Street
Lofty Pursuits An adorable ice cream parlor and toy store, with tons of flavors, toppings, milkshakes, and even vegan options! Owned by a former CPE member. Definitely a drive, but worth it! 1415 Timberlane Road
Lucy & Leo's Cupcakery These cupcakes are the bomb, often given out at big on campus events. They even have vegan ones on Wednesdays. Locally made at the shop by some nice people. 1123 A Thomasville Rd
Spring 2019
CPE Catalog
Tan's Asian Café
621 Art Gallery
Featuring international/fusion/cajun quisine, Nefertari’s is a dining experience! Also check out Tallahassee’s only regular iteration of Black On Black Rhyme spoken word/poetry/ musical experience, every Tuesday. Entry to Black on Black Rhyme is free before 8pm.
Best Asian tofu selection in Tallahassee. Great lunch special. Definitely a drive, but totally worth it!
621 Gallery is committed to bringing contemporary art, artists, ideas, and programs to the North Florida and South Georgia region. Offerings include monthly educational programming for children and adults, literary readings, musical, theatrical and dance performances, as well as participation several times a year in outdoor festivals at Railroad Square. They also offer internship opportunities for students and non-students interested in arts organizing and gallery curation. Every First Friday, 621 presents new gallery exhibitions, and every first Thursday hosts a tour of the gallery with featured artists.
(850) 210-0548 812 S. Macomb St.
Momo's Pizza Slices as big as your head and a great selection of beers make this a Tallahassee institution. (850) 224-9808 1416 W Tennessee St.
Samrat Lovely Indian eatery. It’s a bit of a drive, but their buffet (11:30-2:30) is worth it. (850) 942-1993 2529 Apalachee Pkwy.
Soul Vegetarian Restaurant Soul Veg started out as a cart but has now upgraded to a full store on Adams St. The name says it all: vegan and vegetarian soul food. Try the vegan mac’n’cheez; it’ll knock your socks off. On Sundays the platters are half off!
(850) 523-4282 2743 Capital Cir NE #110
VooDoo Dog They have about 10 different creative hot dog styles, like the Jefferson, a bacon dog topped with homemade mac ‘n’ cheese and crushed butter crackers. Veggie dogs available! Arguably the best fries in town. DEFINITELY the best home made veggie burger in town! Great for veggie & carnivores alike! (850) 252-5501 805 S Macomb St.
The Bark Once Bread and Roses Cafe, now a full-on restaurant operation, The Bark has unreal vegan and vegetarian fare. They have constant programming, from FSU English Department reading series to crusty punk, noise shows, and dance parties. Their menu features favorites like the Tofu Bahn Mi, and always has interesting specials.
ART FAMU Foster-Tanner Art Gallery
All vegan sandwiches of funky and traditional varieties made with local and organic ingredients. Sandwiches come with sides, make sure to try the poutine. Lunch and dinner on weekdays, brunch and late lunch on weekends. Favorite restaurant of many CPEers.
Located on the campus of FAMU, the Foster-Tanner Art Gallery is a teaching gallery, with art exhibitions and public programming during the academic year and beyond. Their mission is to present art exhibitions that are both relevant to the FAMU community and serve diverse audiences. As a Historically Black College and University art gallery, they feature art primarily by artists of the African Diaspora while sharing richly diverse culture with the surrounding area.
832 W Tharpe St
(850) 599-8755 1630 Pinder St.
(850) 893-8208 1205D S Adams St.
Sweet Pea Café
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621 Industrial Drive, Railroad Square Art Park
FSU Museum of Fine Arts (FSU MOFA) The MOFA connects Florida State University and the broader community to the arts. In addition to maintaining a permanent collection of over 6000 objects, MoFA presents exhibitions of historical and contemporary art works that contribute meaningfully to the scholarship and conversations that sustain the civic and intellectual life of our campus, city, and region. 530 W Call St
LeMoyne Art Gallery LeMoyne’s mission is to promote and advance education, interest, and participation in the contemporary visual arts. They provide fine art exhibitions, yearround art classes, and special art-related cultural events for the citizens of Tallahassee and surrounding area. 125 N. Gadsden St.
FAMU Essential Theatre
FSU Community Arts Initiative
FAMU Essential Theatre presents annual season of works that range from classical to comtemportary, with an emphasis on African American culture.
CAI hopes to: Build stronger connections between the FSU School of Dance and the general population of Tallahassee; Help students see the benefits of engaging with communities outside of the particular artist collectives to which they belong; Explore ways to engage with audiences and community members beyond a gallery wall or performance on a proscenium stage; Provide an opportunity for students to explore the concept of artist-as-citizen, through both theory and practice.
FSU School of Dance
The mission of the Florida State University School of Dance is to provide an environment conducive to the highest caliber of dance training, art making and scholarship. Our approach encourages fluidity between the processes of making art, honing craft and deepening intellectual explorations. We cultivate the individual creative voice with exposure to diverse technical and philosophical approaches.
FSU Student Theatre Association
FSU School of Theatre
FSU STA supports student theatrical production and theatre-inspired programming.
FSU SOT’s mission is to use the evolving, live, collaborative art of theatre to develop artists and scholars who have a lifelong passion for the arts.
MOVIES SLC (Student Life Cinema) Located on campus. Free for students. Shows classics and new releases year-round. Keep an eye out for their midnights- they’re always interesting.
All Saints Cinema A movie theater run by the Tallahassee Film Society (TFS) is a 501(c)3 tax exempt nonprofit organization. Incorporated in 1999, TFS was formed for the purpose of bringing foreign and American independent films to the Tallahassee area. Modeled after other film societies in the southeastern United States, TFS presents films all year around. In addition, we occasionally promote specialized film events and guests. 918 ½ Railroad Ave
Leon County Public Library
The Mickee Faust Club for the REALLY Dramatic Arts
Your FSU card works at Leon County Libraries.
The oldest, longest-running Queer and (dis)Ability Theatrical Production Company (to our knowledge), Mickee Faust aspires to world media domination in competition with their frivolous, Disney loser enemy in Orlando. Go see their shows, take their tours, make theatre with them! The mission of the Mickee Faust Club is to give the people of Tallahassee, Florida an alternative venue and voice. Professionals and novices work together to create theater, radio and video of their own making. Together they promote the presence of that original, alternative, creative voice locally, nationally and internationally.
(Main Branch) 200 W Park Ave 623 McDonnell Dr. in Railroad Square Art Park
Club Downunder A venue run by FSU students on campus. Hosts many performances throughout the semester and is free for students. Your best bet for hot new indie music in Ogelsby Union.
Retrofit Records Gaines St. start-up record store! Time for Tallahassee to repent for allowing Vinyl Fever to close down. Run by former V89 DJs and staples in the local music community. They also have shows n’ kegs sometimes. 439 W Gaines St
Cosmic Cats Comics Comics, manga, DVD Rentals, artwork, toys, card games, in-store gaming and more. Located in Railroad Square.
RADIO V89.7 FSU’s own radio station, featuring music you can’t hear anywhere else, like their 2 hr show, “Better Off Dead.”
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90.5 FAMU Featuring the best in hip-hop, reggae, jazz, neo-soul, gospel and R&B.
GROCERIES Frenchtown Farmers Market Every Saturday morning on MLK. Great selection of local produce and sometimes baked goods. EBT/Food Stamps buys twice as much as at regular grocery stores! You heard right!!
Lake Ella Farmer's Market A great selection of locally grown produce right next to Black Dog Cafe. Wednesdays from 3-6pm
New Leaf Market A locally owned co-op. Sometimes they have local produce. Wednesday is student discount day. 1235 Apalachee Parkway
Red Hills Online Market
free health and wellness screenings. Through the frequent visitor punch card, you earn a free gift after six visits. More features and services will be added. Check back monthly for updates and special events. Open on the second and fourth Thursday of each month (unless otherwise noted.
THRIFT Children's Light House Thrift Store One of the best places in town for cheap used furniture. They also have clothes, knick knacks and books! 2810 South Adams Street
Collections on Gaines All profits from the thrift store go to helping out the Refuge House Foundation, which provides direct services to abused women, their children, and sexual assault survivors, as well as working toward eliminating conditions in society that allow such violence to continue. 2810 South Adams Street
Good Cents
You can order produce, meat, dairy, and baked goods directly from local farmers online Sundays to Wednesday morning, and pick them up at one of their drop off locations.
Although it’s owned by the bloodsuckers of Goodwill, the extreme cheapness of this place makes it noteworthy. They weigh clothes by the pound, which costs around $1.50.
300 Mabry St.
South Side Farmers Market
Savvy Salvage
Focused on serving the nearby community, this market provides easy access to fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs and seafood from local farmers. Nestled within the Greater Bond Community, the Southside Farmers Market is creating a sense of place with live music, arts & crafts, cooking demonstrations and
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Nowhere have you found a thrift shop with an owner who will dress you up right and help you find the best fit for your flat! See Justice at Savvy Salvage in Railroad Square Art Park, right behind 621 Art Gallery and Cosmic Cat Comics.
by Nazrene Alsiro
Tallahassee Flea Market Out on Capital Cir. and Woodville Hwy, this is the place to be for junk and a cheap sack of groceries. Saturday and Sunday from early morning to around 2pm.
The Other Side A giant warehouse of vintage and used goods ranging from furniture, to tea cozies, to maillots. Located in Railroad Square. (850) 224-6666
BIKES Bicycle House Not for profit bicycle repair place is run by volunteers. Scott, the proprietor of Bike House, is super friendly and will help you with your bike in a pinch and let you know what can be done to make it safer in the long run.
Joe's Bike Shop Cool bike shop located on Lake Ella, free bike adjustments for life on new bikes bought here. (850) 222-3855 1637 North Monroe St.
University Cycles Boasts decades of service experience and employs great people who sell
and fix bikes. Located very close to campus on Gaines St. (850) 222-1665 668 W. Gaines St.
GET OUTSIDE! The Greenway Lovely places to hike, picnic, and enjoy the fresh air while riding your horse.
Florida Caverns State Park Florida’s only state park to offer cave tours to the public. The cave has dazzling formations of limestone stalactites, stalagmites, soda straws, flowstones and draperies. Florida Caverns is also popular for camping, swimming, fishing, picnicking, canoeing, boating, hiking, bicycling and horseback riding. Cave tour lasts approximately 45 minutes and are considered to be moderately strenuous. default.cfm
Lake Ella A quaint and relaxing place to shop local boutiques, drink coffee, and take a stroll with a lover or friend. Farmer’s market here Wednesday from 3pm to dusk. Located near the intersection of Tharpe and Monroe
Lake Jackson Mounds Archaeological State Park More than eight centuries ago, Native Americans inhabited the area around Lake Jackson, just north of Tallahassee. The park site was part of what is now known as the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex. Today, it encompasses six earthen temple mounds and one possible burial mound. default. cfm
Letchworth-Love Mounds Archaeological State Park
St. George Island
Florida’s tallest Native American ceremonial mound. The people who built the mound are believed to have been members of the Weeden Island Culture, a group of Native Americans who lived in North Florida between 200 and 800 A.D. The park offers picnicking, birding, and hiking and a nature trail winds around the perimeter of the ceremonial mound. default.
Maclay Gardens Basically, it’s a one-hundred year old garden that is totally beautiful. The Blooming season is January through April, which means there are more flowers but there is a garden fee per person in addition to the car fee. A great place for a date or to take your parents when they visit.
San Marcos de Apalache Historic State Park The many different flags welcoming visitors demonstrate the colorful history of this site, from the first Spanish explorers to the present day. The history of this National Landmark began in 1528 when Panfilo de Narvaez arrived in the area with 300 men. Ambrister and Arbuthnot were lynched here by Andrew Jackson which almost caused a war with Britain.
Sinkholes Tallahassee is surrounded by sinkholes that formed on top of the Floridan aquifer, and allow for swimming and fun. To keep them a secret, we’re gonna leave the directions out. Ask a tally townie.
About 2 hours away, but totally worth it for the pristine beaches. But be careful of mosquitoes in the summertime!
St. Marks Trail A nice biking trail that runs from Florida’s capital city, through the Apalachicola National Forest, and ends in the coastal community of St. Marks.
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge & St. Marks Lighthouse The lighthouse, uplands forests, forested swamps, fresh & brackish water marshes and a pristine salt water estuary ecosystem compose this unique area of Florida’s Gulf Coast, making the St. Marks Unit a favorite for outdoor enthusiasts.
Torreya State Park High bluffs overlooking the Apalachicola River make Torreya one of Florida’s most scenic places. The park is named for an extremely rare species of Torreya tree that only grows on the bluffs along the Apalachicola River. Developed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s, Torreya is popular for camping, hiking, and picnicking. Bird-watching is also a popular activity. CPE saw a bald eagle here on its retreat in Spring ‘11. It’s about an hour west of town, but the view from the top of the rock-bluff campsite is worth the drive.
The Wacissa River A beautiful tributary of the Wakulla river in Monticello. A few years back some CPE members helped the locals fight off Nestle when they were trying to bottle water out of it! You can rent a canoe, and head down to the Big Blue spring to have your mind blown.
Spring 2019
CPE Catalog
99 PROBLEMS by J.R. Wheatley
Wakulla Springs Home of one of the largest and deepest freshwater springs in the world, this park plays host to an abundance of wildlife, including alligators, turtles, deer, and birds. Daily guided riverboat tours provide a closer view of wildlife, and glass bottom boat tours are offered when the water is clear. A nature trail offers a leisurely walk along the upland wooded areas of the park. The water is always cool and refreshing for swimming. Amenities include floating docks and a diving platform. Been around since before the beginning of Tallahassee time, and is of “Tarzan” and “Creature from the Black Lagoon” fame.
HOTLINES, WOMEN’S HEALTH BEWARE of fake reproductive health clinics and crisis centers! They often mislead
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women in to thinking they are scheduling abortions, when in fact the clinic is using delay tactics. A Women’s Pregnancy Center is a notable example in town.
Victim Advocacy The Leon County Sheriff’s Victim Advocacy (850) 922-3300
North Florida Women's Health & Counseling Services Abortion clinic offering safe and legal procedures as well as compassionate doctors and counselors.
counseling, crisis intervention, and community referrals. Dial 2-1-1 or (850) 617-6333
Planned Parenthood Tallahassee Offers lots of health services to women, including annual pap smears, and to men (STD/STI testing, for example). There are two Tallahassee locations. (850) 574-7455 2618 Tennessee Street
Refuge House
2-1-1 Big Bend
Provides direct services to abused women, their children and sexual assault survivors. They also provide shelter where their residents participate in counseling, support groups and case management. For immediate service call their hotline.
A free, confidential hotline available 24 hours a day, They offer telephone
(850) 681- 2111 or (850) 500-1119
(850) 877-3183 365 days a year. 2412 W. Plaza Dr.
board of directors Nada Zaitoon
Aaron Ellis
Director of CPE
Assistant Director of CPE
(FOR INQUIRIES) (201) 314-5162
(FOR INQUIRIES) (850) 567-3775
AVAILABLE POSITIONS: Treasurer Public Relations Coordinator Class Coordinator E-Board Catalog Designer Future Director/Assistant Director
WHAT WE DO CPE hosts free classes, workshops, and discussions facilitated by anyone: student, professor, or community member. We also host guest speakers, including past guests Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, Bobby Seale, Bill Ayers, Allen Ginsberg, The Yes Men, and many many more! In addition, we work to provide a platform for progressive student activism within and outside of the Tallahassee community.
WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH CPE Want to teach a class? Share a skill? Facilitate a discussion? Publish an article, poetry, or your artwork? Want to advertise your organization? Interested in helping us organize? You, too, can help provide a platform for people to learn from one another! Send us a message by e-mail or Facebook!
SPECIAL THANKS: Elizabeth Martin; Jessica Plank; Carolyn Harris; Jordan Scott; Sarah Notley; Kimberly Dicks; Brian Damage and The Plant; Denise Bookwalter and FSU Fine Arts Print Studios; FSU School of Dance; FSU Art Department; FSU SGA and Student Senate; everyone whose art and words appear in this catalog, as well as everyone leading and attending our events!
The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the FSU Student Government Association or staff. All rights revert back to their original owners upon publication. This magazine is funded by the Student Government Association. Cover art by Brian Damage | Catalog Designer: Sarah Notley
Spring 2019
CPE Catalog
we make decisions by consensus. we fight against the subjugation of the oppressed. we aim toward total inclusivity. we strive to reflect the needs of our community. we are a forum for progressive and alternative ideas.