SGBA Product Portfolio
Effective Marketing Skills Training
Marketing for Managing Directors & Business owners Overview
Letting potential customers know your products features, how well it works and how it can benefit them is the job of marketing.
However, marketing is a discipline many businesses fail to do well. Mostly because they fear its apparent complexity and that it will be expensive. However the take up of the internet and electronic media means it has never been simpler or more cost effective. And the rewards for getting it right are more customers and better profits.
The Objective
The objective of the Highly Effective Marketing workshop is to teach you how to create and deliver a professional marketing programme for your business.
What you will learn
How to create an effective marketing plan for your business To identify different potential customers and their buying intentions Websites: know & understand the essentials Social networking & when to use it; Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, blogging etc. The basic marketing Ps: Product, Pricing, Place and Promotion Who are your competitors and why they are not a threat When & how to use advertising How to write a PR brief, copywriting and straplines
How you will benefit
Improve the effectiveness of your Marketing Increase your sales Increase your turnover Improve your market communication
For more information contact: Gain more Referrals Shaun Brailsford AInstIB Tele: +44(0)1489 894622 …practical advice that works from the independent experts. Email:
Maximise your Human Resources Who is this for? One of the most valuable resources in many SME’sis its staff but ensuring that they achieve their full potential and remain motivated can be a headache for the businessowner.
What results should you expect? Packtypes®equips leaders, it empowers managers, it inspires individuals and what’s more it’s fun. Packtypes®is a revolutionary new approach to getting the best out of people for it is totally engaging and one model has endlessuses.
Areas that could be covered A Packtypes®programme can target some or all of the following areas: • Personal development • Team dynamics • Leadership development • Customer engagement • Brand development • Role analysis and job descriptions • Recruitment • Mergers and acquisitions • Succession planning The more you experience it the more you realise how much you can do with it.
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Methodology New ideas Risk taking Hound
People / Emotion
G u a rd D o g
Results / Action
Pointer Facts / Certainty Mu rrays Pa cktyp es © 1 7.10 .08
Replacing the complexity of the world’s most respected performance improvement tools with a pack of cards has produced a simple, quick, effective alternative. The cards feature eight self explanatory and highly memorable Packtypes®.The eight different Packtypes®represent a different attitude, personality or behavioural and
communication preference.
Costs A half day workshop for four directors/managers will enable the organisation to implement Packtypes®to inspire and energise the whole staff. The cost includes four sets of material. Packtypes®training and is only available through Packtypes® Accredited Practitioners. To book your workshop or for more information on Packtypes® or tel. no. 01293822521 or or tel, no. 01306711044 or or tel. no. 01883716393
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
International Opportunities Who is this for? Those companies who see export as the next step in their strategy for growth. Whether you wish to open a fully owned subsidiary, seek a Joint Venture, seek a distributor or agent, SGBAcan help. We can assist you in developing strategic relationships in EUROPE,ASIA & NORTHAMERICA.
What results should you expect? An export programme fully attuned to the needs and products of your company.
Areas that could be covered You can choose from... A review of strategic objectives and market acceptability Identification of any applicable export Grants Market research in chosen territory Assessment of key players and competition Research & Due Diligence of potential partners Introductory approachesand discussions with shortlisted potential partners Identification of trading laws pertaining to the territory Identification of local Grants and Sweeteners Assistance in negotiations Ongoing assistance and local management
......... each time tailored to the needs of the client.
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Costs The cost for the basic export audit is £400 plus VAT. For a more detailed review including analysis of your export strategy, and compilation of an export action plan £800 + VAT.
The Export Audit provides a low cost, low risk, high value solution with no further obligation.
Call now to book your export audit.
For more information contact:Ian Thomas Tel: 0870 787 7590
Save Energy and Save Money
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Who is this for? The cost of energy has increased dramatically and is set to keep increasing. Slowly but surely companies are realising that making energy savings is not only good for the bottom line but is good for the planet.
What results should you expect? With increased awarenessthroughout the organisation of the multitude of relatively small actions that can affect the amount of energy consumed, a significant reduction in energy consumption can be expected. Furthermore a review of the condition of fabric, plant, machinery and energy strategy will add to the reduction in energy and carbon footprint. Frequently the identification of just one energy saving opportunity will pay for the assessment.
Areas that could be covered Most SMEowners (82%)believe that energy efficiency is the joint responsibility of themselves and their employeesbut only 14%invest in the training of staff. Significantly 66%of employeesbelieve that they would change their behaviour if training were given. Other areas to be considered are:• Review of the working environment temperatures and seasonal dress code • Heating systems and boilers • Energy efficient lighting • Draught proofing assessment and elimination of leakages • Renewable energy sources • Action Planning
Methodology The programme will start with a walk around review of the establishment to identify bad practice, inefficient equipment and poor energy habits. The resulting brief report will identify the areas which would
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
benefit from attention and will provide a rapid return in terms of reduced energy consumption. A follow up programme detailing further longer term measures can be established
Costs The cost for phase 1 of the programme is ÂŁ400 plus VAT. The cost for subsequent phasesof the programme varies depending on the objectives but each phase will be costed and the expected results quantified before moving forward. For more information contact: Geofrey Steward C.Eng., FIET, AInstIB Accredited Energy Assessor Tel: 01293822521 Email:
‌practical advice that works from the independent experts.
The 7 Touches Marketing Programme™ Who is this for? Companies who have one or many of the following issues: Static or declining turnover Limited room to expand in existing markets High exposure to a small number of large customers Good early growth but now want to move to the next level
What results should you expect? The aim of this programme is to deliver profitable growth where little exists currently. This could be in existing markets or to expand into new markets. This programme can also be used for launching new products or services and for virtual or e-marketing.
Areas that could be covered The programme will target some or all of the following areas: • • • • • • •
Goals and Objectives Product/service analysis Profitability analysis Target markets and ideal customer definition Marketing activity Saleschannels and process Resource requirements
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
• Action Planning
Methodology The programme is split into phases,each of which has a specific output that has value in its own right. The outcome to Phase1 is a marketing action plan designed to communicate with the target market with the Seven Touches required to take a prospect through the processto becoming a customer. Subsequent phasesimplement the action plans developed in phase 1 using a combination of internal and external resource to do the work and to manage and monitor progress against the original objectives. There is no obligation to continue after phase 1 although maximum benefit will be obtained after subsequent phases.
Costs The cost for phase 1 of the programme is £1500plus VAT. Costs for subsequent phasesof the programme vary depending on the objectives but each phase will be costed and the expected results quantified before moving forward. For more information contact: Bob Francis Tel: 01903784651 Mob: 079414326807
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Business Assessment Who is this for? A BusinessAssessment is a comprehensive, objective review of a businessto help the owners and managers to identify actions for improvement. This is suitable for all types of businessesand can assist with planning, strategy reviews, marketing plans and many other businessdevelopment areas.
What results should you expect? The aim of this Assessment is to deliver a detailed analysis and comprehensive action plan that can be easily implemented. The written report can be used by the management of the businessto change and develop each area to help achieve its goals. The report also provides a SWOTanalysis and Scorecard.
Areas that could be covered The Assessment will cover some or all of the following areas: • Businessplanning and resources • Strategy and Vision • Financial Strength and Control
• Marketing and Customers • Quality • People • Action Planning
• Products and Processes
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
In addition there are a large number of other assessments that can be undertaken. These include: Going for Growth: Assessyour ability to grow the business Investment Ready: Are you ready for investment? Marketing Essentials: Assessyour marketing activity Export Readiness: Key issuesin developing export markets Developing the Skills of Your People: Focus on people development Leadership and Management: Review your leadership and management skills Start Up Review: Key issuesto consider when starting a business Effective BusinessPlan: Checklist for an effective businessplan Performance Audit: Improve performance and plan for improvement
and many others
Sample Assessment
Sample of scorecard
Costs The cost for the basic Assessment is ÂŁ500 plus VAT. The BusinessAssessment provides a low cost, low risk, high value solution with no further obligation. Call now to book your BusinessAssessment. For more information or a sample report contact: Bob Francis Tel: 01903784651
‌practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Performance Management Programme Who is this for? Managing Directors and/or Owners of companies who want to improve the performance of their staff.
What results should you expect? At the end of this programme individuals will be able to: • • • • •
Identify performance requirements Set effective objectives Measure performance against objectives Manage under-performance and high achievers Develop an effective performance management process
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Areas that could be covered The programme will target some or all of the following areas: • • • • • • •
Objective/task setting and delegation Communication skills Giving effective feedback Appraisal processand paperwork Roles and responsibilities in performance management Personal development planning Succession planning
Methodology This programme can be delivered to teams or on a one-to-one basis using real examples from the workplace. Phase1 – discussion with MD and others involved to identify which aspects of Performance Management needs development Phase2 – develop programme using appropriate modules listed above tailored to meet needs of organisation and/or individual/s Phase3 – deliver programme over agreed timeframe
Costs The cost for Phase1 of the programme is £750 plus VAT. Cost for subsequent phasesof the programme will vary depending on the outcome of Phase1 but each phase will be costed and the expected results quantified before moving forward. For more information contact: Deb Herbert Tel: 01306711044 …practical advice that works from the independent experts.
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Free Website Review Who is this for? Companies who have one or many of the following issues: • Low rate of 'hits' • Poor performance on e-commerce sites • Lack of businessfrom website visitors • Need to use the website for e-marketing
What results should you expect? The programme will review the key areas of a website and suggest actions that can be taken to gain immediate improvements in traffic to the site and positioning in search engines. You will gain an understanding of what is required to improve your website resulting in more hits, more conversions and increased sales.
Areas that could be covered Areas for review include: • Keywords • Headlines • Meta data • Compliance with legislation (including DDA) • Review of copy • Layout, functionality and navigation • Further suggestions for improvement
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Methodology Send email with your URL (web address) and short email report with recommendations for improvement will be sent within 48hours. There will be no further obligation. We can also provide a "pay by results" Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Programme as well as design and manage Pay Per Click (PPC)campaign. Theseare suitable for all clients whether they have an e-commerce site or any other type of site.
Costs The cost for the Website Review is free. Costs for other programmes are subject to quote
For more information contact: Bob Francis Tel: 01903784651 Mob: 07941426807
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Customer Service Programme Who is this for? Any organisation or individual/s wanting to improve the quality of service they give to their customers.
What results should you expect? At the end of the programme individuals will be able to: • • • • •
Define their internal customer network Understand the importance of giving excellent customer service Identify and apply quality customer service skills in the workplace Communicate effectively with external customers Negotiate successfully with their service providers
Areas that could be covered The programme will target some or all of the following areas: •
• • • • • • • •
Who are our customers? Internal vs external customers What is excellent customer service? What skills are needed? Communication skills Negotiation skills Assertiveness Dealing with ‘difficult’ people Dealing with complaints
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Methodology This programme can be delivered to groups or on a one-to-one basis using real examples from the workplace. Phase1 – discussion with MD and others involved to identify which aspects of Customer Service need development Phase2 – develop programme using appropriate modules listed above tailored to meet needs of organisation and/or individual/s Phase3 – deliver programme over agreed timeframe
Costs The cost for Phase1 of the programme is £750 plus VAT. Cost for subsequent phasesof the programme will vary depending on the outcome of Phase1 but each phase will be costed and the expected results quantified before moving forward. For more information contact: Deb Herbert Tel: 01306711044
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Individual and Team Coaching Who is this for? Managing Directors and/or Owners of companies and their Directors who want to increase their performance and develop their skills and confidence on a one-to-one or team basis.
What results should you expect? Typical coaching areas include: • • • • •
Identifying goals to move the individual and businessforward Focusing on how to achieve those goals Engaging the individual in the specific leadership challenges he/she faces Identifying what an individual wants and needs from their role Helping new directors to assimilate and achieve businessobjectives
Areas that could be covered The programme will target some or all of the following areas: • • • • • • •
Goal setting Action planning Personal development Delegation Management style and techniques Leadership and motivation People management
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
Methodology This programme can be delivered to teams or on a one-to-one basis using real examples from the workplace. Phase1 – discussion with MD and others involved to identify objectives of the Coaching programme Phase2 – develop programme using appropriate modules listed above tailored to meet needs of organisation and/or individual/s Phase3 – deliver programme over agreed timeframe
Costs The cost for Phase1 of the programme is £300 plus VAT. Cost for subsequent phasesof the programme will vary depending on the outcome of Phase1 but each phase will be costed and the expected results quantified before moving forward. For more information contact: Deb Herbert Tel: 01306711044
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.
…practical advice that works from the independent experts.