Beyond Swimsuit Season
By Erin Del Toro, Licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist Oh boy, it’s here: the time of year where the intensity of the southern Utah sun reminds us to switch our winter gear out for tee shirts, tank tops, shorts, and swimsuits. For many of us, it’s the ultimate reminder to lose a few pounds, and that’s almost always a big can of worms. If you have worked to lose weight time and time again in the past and have not yet been successful in keeping it off, you may feel that there’s no hope for you or maybe that you haven’t tried the right meal plan or exercise program. You may even research the latest diets, scan social media fitness influencers, or ask your thin friends their secrets. This may seem difficult to believe, but decades of clinical trials show that tailored diets and exercise programs usually yield only short term results. The ketogenic diet is the most recent diet program to take a serious place in the spotlight. But despite bestselling books and the excitement created by social media influencers, clinical trials show that the keto diet manifests no superiority over other calorie-reducing diet plans. In addition, long-term studies show that the keto diet is no more successful at keeping the weight off than other programs. It’s likely that the answer to your weight problem will not be solved by mere restriction. If you have never had a diet plan work for you long term, you’ve probably been looking at weight loss the wrong way.