2 minute read
Letter from the President
Seasons are magical in the way they bring incremental yet very clear changes. I always welcome and celebrate the differences. My favorite season is either the one we’re in or the one that’s coming next. Winter holds the wonder of the holidays and the possibility of a short and sweet snowstorm or two. We bundle up against the cold and dream of t-shirt days. Spring days get longer, and the weather can’t seem to make up its mind: winter one day, summer the next. After lots of wind and a little spring rain (if we’re lucky), it’s suddenly hot and time for swimming, trips to the lake, vacations, and fun. Kids are out of school for such a short time, and before we know it, we’re shopping for school supplies and hurrying to squeeze in one more big activity before school starts. Nothing screams fall like going back to school!
Besides the kids starting a new school year, I can always tell when fall is coming by looking at the Dixie sky. Watch this year, and you’ll see what I mean. The summer sky is bright blue, but by October, the Dixie sky turns a beautiful periwinkle. The coming of fall announces the time to gather in the harvest and prepare for the season ahead when fertile land lies dormant. It signals a yearning for the end of daylight savings time, soups and stews, and warm bread right out of the oven. Shorter days seem to announce that it’s time to curl up with good books as if the “gathering in” extends to gathering new awareness and knowledge.
The season of “back to school” isn’t just for kids or young college students. It’s for everyone, even stay-at-home moms or dads whose children are finally in school and who want to get more education in order to get back into the workforce. This fall might be the time! For anyone thinking about updating or upgrading skill sets, there is no better time than the present.
Dixie Tech offers twenty-six fully-accredited programs specifically designed to get you into a career that you’ve always dreamed of. Medical assistants, certified nurse assistants, and pharmacy technicians are in great demand right now in Washington County, with jobs waiting to be filled. Employers are always looking for welders, auto and diesel technicians, and collision repair technicians. These are just a few of the careers that you can prepare for at Dixie Tech. We have new cohorts starting on a regular basis. Schedule a tour, visit with our Student Services staff, and ask about the amazing scholarships available right now.
I know for sure that seasons come and go. Don’t let another season go by without doing something to move yourself ahead. The incremental growth you’ll realize by going back to school will bring very clear and beneficial changes to your future for years to come.