4 minute read
Eat the Rainbow: Colorful Foods That Heal and Bless
“It seems to me that our three basic needs, for food and security and love, are so entwined that we cannot think of one without the other.” MFK Fisher, American Food Writer
My friend Sharon and I catch up with each other by going to lunch on a regular basis. So when she suggested I write about food and mood, it seemed the perfect topic, especially since we are heading into fall and harvest time.
What is so important about the color of food? Food is natural medicine, and certain foods heal specific things. The color of each individual food indicates the part of the body it will target on an energetic and physical level. For example, you have seven energy centers (commonly known as chakras) that run along your spine. They are: • Root chakra (Red)—located at the base of your spine.
This is your connection to earth; it is your foundation. It is responsible for your sense of being grounded and financially secure. Obesity and autoimmune disorders are just a few issues that begin here. • Sacral chakra (Orange)—located just below the navel.
It represents creativity, intimacy, and connection. Kidney stones, water balance, and bladder problems originate here. • Solar Plexus (Yellow)—located just above the navel.
Self-worth, confidence, and power connect to the solar plexus. If this is out of alignment, you might experience digestive disorders, diabetic tendencies, and food allergies, just to name a few. • Heart chakra (Green)—located along the spine in the center of the chest.
This is your love, compassion, and forgiveness area. The thymus gland (a huge part of your immune system) is here along with blood, circulation, lungs, heart, and collar bones. High blood pressure, insomnia, and breathing issues might be a problem for you if this is out of balance.
Colorful Foods
That Heal and Bless
By Brigit Atkin
• Throat chakra (Blue)—located at the center of your neck.
This chakra is associated with your voice, expression, and communication. Your thyroid sits right in the middle of this chakra, so metabolism can be affected. If this is blocked, you’ll have a difficult time speaking up for yourself. • Brow chakra (purple)—located in the middle of the forehead.
It is also called the Third Eye and corresponds with your imagination, intuition, “seeing the bigger picture.” If this area is blocked, you might be prone to headaches and glaucoma, and you will probably have a hard time concentrating as well as following your instincts. • Crown chakra (violet/white)—your spiritual wisdom.
If this chakra is struggling, you may feel exhausted or be prone to seizures and migraines.
In a lot of ways, we are what we eat. As you look to foods to help you regain your balance and heal yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically, consider the following: • To balance the root chakra, think RED: red apples, beets, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates. Also think “root” vegetables: sweet potatoes, rutabaga, and carrots. Affirmation: I am Safe. • To balance the sacral chakra, think ORANGE: oranges, mango, orange peppers, peaches, apricots, sweet potatoes, salmon, flaxseed. And since this is a water center, stay hydrated with plenty of clean water, coconut water, or herbal teas. Affirmation: I am Life. • To heal the solar plexus chakra (gut), think YELLOW: bananas, pineapple, corn, lemon, yellow squash, yellow curry. Also think grains: oats, spelt, rice, sprouted grains, beans. As an added bonus, yellow is a natural mood lifter. Affirmation: I am Will. • Heart help is GREEN: Kale, broccoli, spinach, garden salads, greens, celery, cucumber, zucchini, green beans, lime, mint, kiwi, peas, green apples, pears, avocado. There are a lot more out there, but this is a great start. Green is a universal healer. Hospitals generally use lots of green (think scrubs) to encourage healing. Affirmation: I am Love. • To help the throat chakra, get creative finding BLUEish foods: blueberries, blackberries, eggplant. Also helpful are chocolate, herbal teas, and raw honey (think of soothing a sore throat). Affirmation: I
am Sound.
• To balance the brow chakra, think PURPLE: purple grapes, berries, eggplant, purple kale, cabbage. Cacao is also a great brain food. Affirmation: I am Light. • And finally, to balance crown chakra, think WHITE: There are no foods here. Instead, think fasting, meditation, prayer. Medicinal herbs or essential oils, such as sage, lavender, frankincense, and juniper, are wonderful in helping balance this very important part of your body and energy. Affirmation: I AM.
Food should be your friend. Food is what connects you with your loved ones. Food heals, soothes, and energizes. Food also influences your mood, your sleep, your recovery. If you have trouble with food, pay attention to what specifically is bothering you. As you learn to pay attention to your body and its messages and to your emotional and mental needs, you’ll acquire the ability to intuitively know what food you need for healing and general well-being.
All this talk of food is making me hungry. I think I’ll go to lunch with a friend.
About the Author
Brigit Atkin–Brigit of Brightworks helps improve the lives of others facing challenges and difficulties. She is certified in the SimplyALIGN™ method and was trained by founder Carolyn Cooper herself. For more information, visit www.brightworksbybrigit.com.