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Exercise Is Medicine and Physical Activity Vital Signs....................33 Who Should Have a Personal Emergency Response System?
There are many different circumstances contributing to the need for a medical alert system. If someone is at risk of losing their independence or their opportunity to make choices or if they are alone for any part of the day or night, they are candidates for Rescue Alert of Dixie’s personal emergency alert services.
For seniors, falls in and around the home have serious consequences. You may not realize that:
Falls are one of the most serious health risks among seniors over the age of sixty-five, affecting more people than strokes and heart attacks combined.
Falls are the leading cause of death due to injury in people sixty-five and over.

Those who fall are two to three times more likely to fall again.
Many chronic medical conditions place millions more seniors at risk. Cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, diminished hearing and eyesight, and Parkinson’s disease all leave seniors vulnerable to helplessness at home.
There is some positive news.
Some falls are preventable. Falls caused by environmental factors (like fall hazards in the home) or from the side effects of medication can be foreseen and avoided.
Getting help quickly after a fall reduces the risk of hospitalization by 26 percent and death by over 80 percent

You can’t always prevent a fall, but you can always be prepared for one. Help is on the way!
Some of the things that makes Rescue Alert of Dixie better than the other companies are features like the panic button range, battery monitoring, and microphone sensitivity, all of which provide usability and increase the reliability of the system as a whole. Our response centers are EMD certified, which means that when you press your button, you are speaking to someone who is a certified emergency medical dispatcher. Additionally, we manufacture our own units right here in Utah, so we are not buying them from overseas like a lot of our competitors. Our in-house design and engineering team customizes our system to fit your needs, enabling the savings to be passed on to you!
There are no long-term contracts, and the service is very affordable (less than a dollar a day). Rescue Alert of Dixie is a local company, providing a wide range of options, such as in and around the home services, mobile units that work everywhere, medication dispensers, and fall-detect buttons.
Researching personal emergency medical alert systems can be an overwhelming task. When it comes to you and your loved ones, you cannot afford to settle for anything but the best, especially when it comes to a personal emergency response system. Call Rescue Alert of Dixie at (435) 986-1735 for your free consultation today!

Let’s be real. Pain is not fun. I struggled with back pain from an old injury for years. I tried many treatments. Some were helpful for a while, but then the pain would return. Other treatments were completely unsuccessful. Even the most innovative and productive treatments lacked long term effectiveness because of one consistent issue: lack of process. I went years without pain resolution until I understood this concept and found a process that worked for me. Now, I can bike, run, and play ball just as I did before my injury.
To eliminate pain and restore health, the Three Phase Approach is the most effective form of treatment.
Phase One: Remove Inflammation and Put Out the Fire
Think of your body as a house. If your kitchen is on fire but you don’t like the way your porch looks, should you remodel the porch before putting out the flames in your kitchen? You would want to extinguish the fire and fix the damage in the kitchen before turning your attention to the porch. Similarly, you must look at the body as a whole and put the fire out internally. There is comprehensive blood chemistry testing that is important to review when uncovering the causes and finding ways to resolve inflammation.
Phase Two: Repair the Damage
Once you’ve discovered the source of the fire and put it out, it is time to repair the damage that has been done. Be aware that this is the phase most treatment providers jump into before uncovering the source of the problem. While this phase is important, the results will typically be less effective unless phase one has been completed.
In phase two, multiple treatments may be right for the individual. These treatments, which include ozone therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy, and injection therapies, can all be helpful, but when combined with phase one, they can be even more transformative.
Phase Three: Rebuild and Regenerate
In this phase, we start to make enhancements on our house and really make it shine internally and externally. In the rebuild and regenerate phase, innovative and regenerative treatments are used to help your body recover fully with the appropriate ingredients.
Just as in phase two, many treatment providers might use only this phase in their treatment plans. However helpful this may be, without phase one and two, you risk short term results and prolonged pain.
Anodyne Pain & Wellness has perfected this process over time, and we want to help as many people as possible get out of pain and move toward wellness. We love helping patients feel better, and we often hear, “I wish I would’ve done this years ago” or “I feel like I did twenty years ago.” Helping our patients live life to the fullest is what drives us.
Call us and reference the Three Phases Approach in the St. George Health & Wellness Magazine for a complimentary consultation and a free book: Your Health Transformation. Visit www.acueastwest.com or call (435) 773-7790 for more information.
Three Phases

to Eliminate Your Pain
By Cade Archibald, Wellness Provider, Anodyne Health & Wellness Solutions