Landscape Design Portfolio

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This site is a Landscape Design project of a balcony located in each Delux Suites of “Vivarea-Hotel & Resorts” ,Goa, Maharashtra. The design process of this project was to design the balcony a space where guest can relax and enjoy the stay comfortably including a pool for the guest. Urban green spaces are very important for cities, especially the rapidly expanding ones. The world`s cities are becoming increasingly congested and polluted. This is a cause for alarm inasmuch as the majority of people live in cities at present. Consequently, changes in the urban environment are taking place as vegetated surfaces are being supplanted by low-albedo materials. These materials are used for constructing high density buildings, which are the major cause of increasing temperatures in the urban environment via the urban heat island effect, alongside the number of residents and the lack of plants and trees.

Concept Sheet Site Data Plant Research Zoning Layout Softscape Layout Hardscape Layout Rendered Eleavation Rendered Views

Landscape in a space involves all the senses as gardens smell and touch flowers while performing a series of simple mechanical activities, which relax them and reduce the level of stress. As a result, they can sit and enjoy in their own comfortable green zone. Colors also have positive effects on people. It is well known that, in addition to other warm colors, green has a soothing effect. Therefore, plants and flowers are used to beautify gray walls and cold metal fences.


3d Sketch

L i v in g Ro o m

B a lc o n y

B a t h ro o m B e dro o m

R C C C e i l in g

Wo o de n C e i l in g

Wo o de n S c re e n

F lowe r B e d Wo o de n F lo or

POOL F lo or L ig h t

F i d d l e L e a f F i g Tre e

Peace Lily

Wo o d e n S e a t i n g





Wa l l S p o t l i g h t s


Peace Lily F i d d le - L e a f F ig s

Peace Lily

Wo o de n F lo or S p l i t - L e a f P h i lo de n dro n

P o ol

Peace Lily










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