“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke Student Government of Loyola Chicago March 17, 2015, 4:00 PM McCormick Lounge, Coffey Hall, Lake Shore Campus Senate Agenda
1. Roll Call 2. Visitors and Guest Speakers a. Paul and Greg Stellatos: Go Grocer Introduction b. Group Concerns about Divestment 3. Approval of the Minutes 4. Unfinished Business a. The Coffee Vendor Legislation: Senator Bunnage (Second Reading) 5. Committee and Board Reports 6. New Business and Discussion a. FY 2016 Budget: Senator Kelley (First Reading) b. CAN Amendment: Senator Kelley (First Reading) c. AoG Omnibus 2015: Senator Kelley (First Reading) d. Clean Construction Policy: Senator Shah (First Reading) e. The Think Before You Flush Resolution: Senator Santy (First Reading) f. Divestment from Companies Resolution: Senator Alam (First Reading) g. Executive Spending and CFO Oversight Discussion: Senator Santy