“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
1. Roll Call a. Call to order at 4:04pm 2. Visitors and Guest Speakers a. Internal Election Candidates i. Nashiha Alam 1. Many of you know me. Was on Senate sophomore year. On Judicial Board this past semester but just resigned today because I realized my true passion is for Senate. Really missed this room, have had some great memories in here writing legislation and working with you all. Seeing what this organization has done has really motivated me. One of the best things I’ve been apart of at college, want to come back. Taken some time over the past year and given thought to what I want to pursue in life. Changed major from Finance to WSGS. True passion for social justice. Worked with activists across the country on multiple issues (Ferguson, across U.S.-Mexico border). In SJP, organizing a lot. Free speech policy discussion on campus, wants to bring it to Senate. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. A lot needs to be done in regards to socially responsible investing. Introduced divestment resolution last year, needs to be foundation before any divestment talk takes place. Fossil fuel divestment or disinvestment from other corporations. Experience with Board of Trustees. ii. Gina Chan 1. Sophomore, psych and neuroscience major. SGLC is a great opportunity to connect with community. Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Service events in the area. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Gina: Hope to accomplish better understanding of what SGLC wants to do. Wants to better the community, use my voice, be an active part of this community. Wants to get more involved. SGLC is the organization that is connected with everyone so it is the easiest way to connect. 2. Sen Tsarouhis: Do you have anything in mind of what you want to do with your position? i. Gina: Very new to this. Focusing on community aspects and connecting more closely to Chicago. ii. Sen Kelley: Other involvements on campus? 1. Gina: Loyolathon, raised over $10,000. Decided not to be apart of that this semester because wanted to try something new. iii. John Cirone 1. Thank you so much for having me here today. I’m 22, commuter student, study Physics. My entire adult life has been dedicated to helping people. In military at 17, volunteering. Accepted to do research here at Loyola benefiting city of Chicago and Loyola. Doing a business start-up, dedicated to using science to help
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
the world. Make things easier for everyone. Whether I’m here or not, I’m going to be helping people. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. John: Helping Loyola and SGLC in the Justice department. My research this summer is completely related to social justice and using mathematics to formulate why things are happening the way they are. 2. Sen Bosnich: Any specific social justice causes you are passionate about? i. John: Education and specifically science. Enthusiasm really lacking these days. Social injustice is that lack of passion in education. 3. Sen Nowak: What other organizations are you involved in? i. John: Managing Student Veteran Associations on campus. Our goal is to make the veterans of Loyola feel welcome here. Getting the community to show veterans that we’re here for them. iv. Jacob Dumbauld 1. Freshman, living in San Francisco Hall. Purpose to better the situation for students with dietary restrictions on campus. Suffers from life-threatening milk allergy—sent to the hospital twice. Seen instances where food was incorrectly labeled as vegan/vegetarian. Current position of student manager of Aramark. Hope that I can be on RCDC to better support students with dietary restrictions. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Jacob: Hope to create and enforce policies that will make it easy for Aramark to interact with students, allow more open interaction between Aramark and the student body. 2. Sen Bunnage: How do you see the experience of the workers relating to what you want to accomplish? i. Jacob: Aramark brings in a lot of workers from overseas and people who don’t necessarily speak English very well. Going to speak to all of the workers about my experience of being sent to the hospital twice. v. Rachel Greene 1. Thank you for having me today. Sophomore majoring in Advocacy and Social Change, minor in WSGS. Vice President all four years in high school. Led service events as a senior in high school. Really interested in social change. Very hardworking and genuine and determined, work well with others. Peer advisor, work for First and Second Year Experience. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Rachel: Important for us to become more of a community, starting programs that unite us as a group. Important for us to see each other’s differences and similarities. 2. Sen Kelley: Can you list any organizations you’re involved in? i. Rachel: Feminist Forum last year.
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
vi. Jonathan Gornet 1. Economics major, freshman. Lived in Arizona and went to Jesuit university, transferred to school in St. Louis. Was VP of Spanish Honor Society, won two medals at high school in Arizona. Passionate about finance, good addition for Allocations. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Jonathan: Would strongly promote communities because of my transfer experience. 2. Sen Bosnich: Any other work experience regarding budgets? i. Jonathan: I do mock portfolios but didn’t do anything official. 3. Sen Tsarouhis: Any other organizations on campus that you’re involved in? i. Jonathan: Trying to get into Investment Banking and Financial Markets association and part of Leadership Learning Community. vii. Rana Hamadeh 1. Think I can bring a lot of positive energy. In Wellness Advocates, important issue. You deal with a lot of important issues that I would like to voice my opinion with. Transfer student, would like to build a community where transfers, minorities, and others feel comfortable. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Rana: Make a more comfortable community where everyone feels comfortable coming to us and asking any questions they need to be answered. 2. Sen Kelley: Can you tell us what else you’re involved in? i. Rana: MESA and Wellness Advocates. 3. Sen Santy: What issues surrounding wellness are you most passionate about? i. Rana: Nutrition, alcohol abuse, sexual abuse. Most passionate about sexual abuse, a lot of points that I didn’t even know as a Wellness Advocate. Needs to be focused on. viii. Taylor Hines 1. Sophomore, studying accounting, finance and economics, plan to attend law school. Involved in Women and Leadership. Epsilon Phi Delta. Strong proponent of social justice. Would like to join SGLC to promote positivity, creativity, diversity. Initiate discussion to raise awareness. Opportunity to encourage student body. Address a lot of topics we are often thinking about but do not have an outlet to talk about. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Taylor: Would like to see a more everyday interest as opposed to surveys. Attended events sponsored by SGLC. 2. Sen D’Onofrio: How do you see yourself getting everyday opinion? i. Taylor: I was unaware of how many members SGLC was composed of. Being an active individual, talking to your friends.
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
3. Sen Nowak: What organizations are you involved in? i. Taylor: Women in Leadership. ix. Alex Hobt 1. Freshman, interested in SGLC since last semester. Would make a good impact because I’m very ambitious. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Alex: Want to be on Allocations. 2. Sen Tsarouhis: Besides your interest in finances and allocations, are there other issues you feel strongly about? i. Alex: Safety and transportation 3. Sen Santy: Do you have experience working with budgeting? i. Alex: A little bit with myself and past job as manager. Accounting major. x. Mary Makarious 1. My brother is on student government; he keeps talking about it. Was part of NHS and Model UN in high school as VP and Secretary, respectively. Great way to bridge the gap to talk to people; it’s so easy to complain that there are problems without knowing the other side of the situation. I like that student government is really big. Not just geared towards one particular thing. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Mary: You guys are doing a great job, I have no complaints. But if a complaint did come up, I would not want it to be a dead end. 2. Sen Tsarouhis: What issues do you think are most relevant to you? How do you feel your experiences in high school can help you? i. Mary: I know how to speak to people of different backgrounds and different points of view. I come from a strong enough background knowing I can sit and talk to people. One issue George was complaining about last year was textbooks for intro classes. I want to do something like that to help out. 3. Sen Nowak: You’re passionate about the community aspect. Are you involved in organizations that focus on that? i. Mary: In Model UN and part of Neuroscience Society. Start the Fire Retreat, did the Service retreat. Was going to do Loyola 4 Chicago last semester but I couldn’t because of my schedule. xi. Sana Mohiuddin 1. Junior, transferred from Moraine Valley Community College. Biology major, psych minor. Wants to bring diversity to Senate. Difficult for people to feel part of the community, knows how that feels as a transfer student. Can bring in a lot of creative ideas. Was part of student government in high school, VP for four years. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Sana: Different ideas, culturally different. Can help people build a better community as transfer students. Helping them reach out to Senate and being more comfortable.
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
2. Sen Black: What committees are you interested in? i. I do really like the Wellness Center, so maybe something around that. 3. Sen Kelley: What issues are you most passionate about? i. Sana: Making sure you are actually following a correct path as a student. Some students find themselves not being able to handle the stress and participating in things. Guiding students to make better choices is what I’m passionate about. xii. Asawer Nihal 1. Freshman, just turned 18. From the northwest suburbs (Arlington Heights). Coming to Loyola was a great experience. Grew up playing five sports, joined the Running Club here. On Neuroscience Society and Best Buddies. Loves to read. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Asawer: Would love to come up with a way to further unite student body population. You do a great job but it doesn’t reach out fully. I have a lot of commuter friends who don’t feel as involved. 2. Sen Nowak: Which committee are you interested in? i. Asawer: Allocations. xiii. Damini Patel 1. Good evening, my fellow Ramblers! Junior on the pre-med track. Part of SASA and HSO, desk receptionist at residence hall, volunteers at NU Memorial. Teach culture and rituals of Hinduism. Walkathons, raise money for charity. Efforts of undocumented students have helped me. Father Garanzini told us we have four years to leave our mark and there is still so much I can do. Spring finals schedule being changed and increase in meal plans and tuition. Peshawar Massacre, Ferguson trial, Ebola outbreak. Strong will, friendly personality, perseverance, willingness to listen to others. Leadership experience. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Damini: Spring finals schedule. Students didn’t know about it prior to the decision, stressful for most students. Important to address those issues. 2. Sen Kelley: Any other issues facing the Loyola student body you are interested in? i. Damini: Very little involvement when it comes to USGA elections. Not enough awareness raised. Letting students know about what’s going on. 3. Sen Tsarouhis: Can you tell us about your leadership experiences? i. Damini: In the Hindu Student Organization, went on a retreat my freshman year that made me realize Loyola is a very diverse group. xiv. Brigid Paulsen 1. Became interested in SGLC this past semester after being involved in Hands Up, Don’t Shoot. Worked with President Bravo and VP Fasullo over the summer as an Orientation Leader. As an Orientation Leader and Peer Advisor, duty to know
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
about wide variety of opportunities and resources Loyola has to offer. Made more aware of resources that need to be worked on: limited dining hall options, res hall options, better representation of minorities. Wants to be apart of change on an intimate level. Good communication skills, strong team effort. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Brigid: Help promote organizations more on campus. Natalie Pine 1. Freshman. Record keeping, problem solving skills. Learned about servant leadership and my role within that. Learning community, social justice. Went to Ignatian Family Teach-In. Was able to learn how to serve in high school, Loyola showed me what it is to serve. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Natalie: I’ve been thinking about that a lot actually. What can I bring to the table? Realized a lot of commuters don’t have a connection to Loyola. Finding a way to bridge that gap. Radhey Punyani 1. First year undergraduate in the College of Business. Studying accounting and finance. Live in Lincolnwood, Illinois. Commute to Loyola. Attended Loyola Academy for high school. Grew up going to school at Sacred Heart. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Radhey: I can relate to commuting issues for students. Not afraid to stand out and give my opinions. 2. Sen Henry: What other organizations are you in? i. Radhey: Hindu Student Organization, IBFM, Loyola’s Investing Club. 3. Sen Nowak: What specific commuter issues? i. Radhey: Bring restricted to certain timings, implement more study spaces such as the Den. Maya Sheikh 1. Freshman from Minnesota. Don’t have much experience with student government. Co-chair of badminton team in high school, co-chair of Start Foundation in high school. Can bring a new excitement and ambition. Have a good drive with what I’m dedicated to. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Maya: More outreach. Didn’t know anything about student government when I came to campus. 2. Sen Tsarouhis: Any issues on campus that stood out to you? i. Maya: I can’t think of anything. 3. Sen Nowak: Any organizations you are involved in? i. Maya: MSA. Ryan Sorrell
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
1. Sophomore majoring in marketing and communications. First step you can take to be an agent for social change, extremely passionate about that. Founded a student organization: Chicagoland Loyola Coalition for Minority Advancement. Involved with different organizations. Worked with state representative from Kansas City, where I’m from. Answered constituent questions, went out and canvassed with her. Worked with State Senator Heather Steans. Administrative and research intern. Brother is in the air force, deployed overseas. Saw what it means to really want to make a social impact and that’s something I want to do. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Ryan: A lot of things. Having direct impact on student body. Want to be member of Justice committee. xix. Kiran Syed 1. Sophomore major in sociology and minor in bioethics, premed. AMSA, MSA, SASA, neuroscience society. Part of NJROTC and student government in high school. Hardworking, trustworthy, presenting new ideas, allowing people to understand what SGLC is about. Improvement of safety, hearing a lot about 8 RIDE, awareness of justice and violence. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” and this was my first step. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. Kiran: I know a lot about apps and I would love to have an app for 8 RIDE. Want to bring more awareness to SGLC so people can actually come to us and talk. Having open house events. Sometimes coming to Senate meetings is a little awkward, maybe not so comfortable for everyone. 2. Sen Kelley: What justice or violence issues are you passionate about? i. Kiran: Recent death at Loyola, Ferguson. Raising awareness of safety is important. xx. Adriana Ramos 1. Sophomore at Loyola majoring in business marketing and public relations. Interested in Justice committee. Fluent in Spanish, interest in learning about different cultures. Sister of Chi Omega. In high school, I was very involved in extra-curricular activities. I was Senior Class President, President of Key Club, and Vice President of our Public Relations Team. I was also a member of our Social Science Honor Society and Campus Ministry. Having been given the opportunity to represent myself and my school in many different activities, I was able to complete countless hours of community service, and act as a liaison between the student body and faculty. 1. What do you hope to accomplish this spring if elected to SGLC? i. If elected to SGLC, I would strive to the best of my ability to help those upon me to reach for a better tomorrow. I am a strong believer that collectively USGA can make a huge difference on campus. From tabling in Damen, to speaking to health officials in
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
hopes of serving a wider of variety of foods to Loyola students, I have seen a continuous positive impact that USGA has played on campus and it would be an honor to be part of such a great impact. I hope to strive for equality on campus for all students and to help better the community, one step at a time. 3. Approval of the Minutes a. Minutes approved. 4. Unfinished Business 5. Committee and Board Reports a. Spring Elections Board (Chair Lynch) i. Met last night, spoke about marketing plan, set budget, confirmed dates. Will start outreach to specific individuals. Will be working with Kelsey on marketing. b. Justice (Chair Bunnage) i. Hotel Community Meeting tonight at 7PM. I had a meeting with one of the candidates who works with the union that represents Aramark workers. They have a research team that has been collecting research on the hotel Loyola is working with. University made no effort to put information about this community meeting out there (except for Maura). Labor rights, just employment standards for workers working at the hotel. Aramark workers will be at the meeting as well. Ask questions about assurances that labor rights will be honored. 1. Sen Torossy: Where is the meeting? 1. Sen Bunnage: Bremner Lounge. c. Academic Affairs (Chair Bosnich) i. Check out the Textbook Pilot Program. Textbook sharing program. ii. Today is the last day to drop a class without a W. 1. Sen Shah: Today at midnight? 1. Sen Bosnich: Yes d. RCDC (Chair Winn) i. Commuter Appreciation event on Feb 10th 1-3pm in SGLC office. ii. AFAC meeting next Tuesday at 7PM in Damen 214. e. Safety & Wellness (Chair Santy) i. Tabling to encourage downloading of Here For You app. ii. In the process of arranging the smoking forum. f. Facilities and Transportation (Chair Torres) i. Having second and hopefully last meeting for 8 RIDE. Hope to draft a proposal soon. If you want to go, just email me. g. Advisor’s Report i. KC: Community forum on January 29th 7PM in the Den. Representatives from Campus Safety and Chicago Police Department. 1. Sen Bunnage: Will there be multiple representatives or just people from CPD? 1. KC: Primarily for CPD, Campus Safety and members of the community. Not for external people. The agenda is fairly set.
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
h. Executive Report i. Pres Bravo 1. Thank you to everyone who was apart of the 8 RIDE discussion. 2. Looking forward to legislation from Sen Bosnich on the spring finals schedule. 3. Two positions open for Associate Justice (7 applicants) and one for university senate (3 applicants) 4. CCO and inaugural Social Media Officer has been picked by Michael and I. 5. Coffee & Hot Chocolate (to warm up the hearts and body) tomorrow 4-5pm 6. Will see everyone who signed the contract at this year’s mid-year training. Starting with a meal and student speaker. i. CFO Chitkuer i. Continuing to collect money for quarter-zips after Senate. 6. New Business and Discussion a. Internal Election Discussion b. Office Supply Budget i. Sen Kelley: Why have we spent our entire office supply budget already? 1. CFO Chitkuer: Used to print the agendas weekly. 2. VP Fasullo: Biggest contributor was ink for the printer. That ink cost a lot of money. We were only allowed to use preferred vendors and they only offered ink in huge quantities. 3. CFO Chitkuer: Most was used on ink, then paper ($1200 out of $2000 used on ink and paper; $800 on the agendas). 4. Sen Torres: Facilities has $7000. c. Chief Communications Officer Appointment Confirmations i. Pres Bravo: I would like to introduce and hopefully confirm our appointments for CCO and Social Media Officer. 1. Speaker Murtaza: The AG is saying only the CCO needs to be confirmed. ii. Pres Bravo: When Michelle resigned, I forwarded you all that email. The role is a demanding one. She said it would be great to have someone else who helped with social media and someone who knew more about student government. She brought a different perspective even though it was her first semester on student government. Michael and I have made the decision to appoint Kelsey Cheng as Chief Communications Officer. Secretary on Loyola Swim Club. She’s a sophomore, so get them young! 1. CFO Chitkuer: How would the scholarship work with her? Michelle received the first half in the fall. 1. Pres Bravo: It divides in half. Michelle got half and Kelsey will get the remainder. iii. Kelsey Cheng 1. Sophomore, served as Senator the past semester and freshman year. Interest in the field of Communications, taken many art classes, pursuing public relations as a career. 2. Sen Bosnich: What’s your go-to Instagram filter? 1. C1
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 20th, 2015, 4:00 PM Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR South, Damen Student Center, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
iv. Kelsey Cheng approved as CCO. d. Guest Speaker at Senate i. Sen Tsarouhis: Anita wanting to come to our next meeting. 7. Adjourned at 6:32pm.