11 03 15 senate minutes

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My quote for today is “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” - Mother Teresa Student Government of Loyola Chicago November 3, 2015, 4:00 PM Damen MPR North, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes



Roll Call a. Call to order at 4:04 PM. b. Speaker Kelley takes roll. c. Absent: Sen Fleisher, Visitors & Guest Speakers Approval of the Minutes a. Minutes are approved. Unfinished Business Committee, Board, & Advisor Reports a. Standing Committees 1. Justice Committee (Chair Winters) Privilege Campaign was a great success. Thank you all that helped and came out to the events. Side note I will be giving a resignation speech at the end of meeting. 2. RCDC (Chair Flowers) Everything has been going well. Reminder today is the tour of the basement in this building, 6-7 PM. If you haven’t signed up but are interested, more than welcome to but please let me know. There is a limit to how many we bring down. We are tabling next Thurs 4-7 PM. a. Quick info about Aramark, currently working with them in a partnership with them to talk about nutritious information. Jake and I are working on nutritious. Also participating in new pilot program, Aramark’s new international menu is a recent change some of you may have seen in the dining halls. Each week there is a new highlight from different country. They received positive feedback. They see a decline in attendance by end of week in the dining halls so with this change they have seen no decline. They think students are enjoying this but still want feedback about it and how they can further improve thing. b. 2nd week in a row, our committee was on the cover of the Phoenix again because we are still missing a Residence Life Director. Pushing them to find. Search committee looking for a new one. Need one sooner than later because a lot to work on within residence life. Printers, wait until end of fiscal year. Appreciate input on what you see on a daily basis in dining halls or residence halls. Little things may

My quote for today is “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” - Mother Teresa Student Government of Loyola Chicago November 3, 2015, 4:00 PM Damen MPR North, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes

seem like a small issue but when they affect a lot of students it becomes a big one. 1. Pres Fasullo: No residence life director and you guys are becoming concerned…what is the game plan? a. Chair Flowers: I spoke with Father Garanzini about this. And he mentioned how it’s important to be pushing to find somebody. Been working with the process for search committee. They aren’t pursuing more people it seems like they are just interviewing people. Hard because we are working with a third party. It’s taken 10 months. i. Pres Fasullo: Do you plan on emailing people in leadership roles? 1. Chair Flowers: I have been working with Ray. a. Pres Fasullo: What’s his response? i. Chair Flowers: He hopes to find someone to fill the position soon as we all do. Budget of 38 million dollars they are responsible for and they currently do not have someone to oversee this. Ray feels like they aren’t moving forward with anything because they don’t have director. Will keep you guys posted. 3. Allocations (Chair Henry) Sorry I didn’t submit a Committee Report. Appeals were due at 4. SBR requests are due at 5 on Friday. Committee will be hosting Wednesday and Thursday 4-6 PM.

My quote for today is “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” - Mother Teresa Student Government of Loyola Chicago November 3, 2015, 4:00 PM Damen MPR North, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes


4. Academics Affairs (Chair Philbrick) Roadblock with the website. If anyone has any technology experience please contact me. a. Pres Fasullo: What is the roadblock? Chair Philbrick: We don’t understand the technology terminology, like what they mean in order to write the proposal. 1. Chair Flowers: I am information systems major, I can help. 5. Safety & Wellness (Sen Paulson for Chair Gandhi) Reminder that guest speaker at meeting tonight in SGLC at 7:30 to answer questions. Feel free to come talk to me after this with questions or comments. 6. Facilities & Transportation (Chair Pazik) Moving forward with solar thermal. Talked with Sundahl and Ryan. Next steps edit proposal, shifting proposal from exec to our committee since there is more workers to help with this moving forward. b. Special & Ad Hoc Committees c. Judicial Board i. Justice Daudi presents report. ii. Official report attached to this email. AG Brueck: Adding on to that, in looking over the surveys that we gave to you 2 weeks ago. Good feedback, a topic that was discussed a lot was the idea of limited laptop usage. I would ask that you take it upon yourself especially if you were one of the people that suggested it to redirect the conversation to bring a notepad or something to stay more focused. Will be getting back to you on this. d. Executive Board i. Pres Fasullo: I’m going to highlight a few things. Did people see my post in the group? Message from Rambler outdoor person. They are meeting with Neufeld on the 18th. Their program was reoriented so they cannot do trips off campus. Helped get both parties to meet so that’s a post ii. We had a great event for demonstration policy. 209 signatures. Against policy as it currently is. I want to encourage other committees to engage students.

My quote for today is “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” - Mother Teresa Student Government of Loyola Chicago November 3, 2015, 4:00 PM Damen MPR North, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes

1. Chair Flower: What’s Jane’s direct response taking them from off campus? a. Pres Fasullo: Decision wasn’t made clear to me which is part of the concern. Involved liability and finances. Philosophy of wanting more students to participate so if the campuses are on campus it may gain more participation. Frustrate leaders is because they want to do these elsewhere like they have done in the past. iii. Pres Fasullo: This came out about a month ago. This details campus safety interactions in the past year. Sexual assault, force, general calls, etc. Everyone received this email, everyone should read. This is really important. This is what you want to read to see data and numbers. This goes along with general notion that we are hitting the end of the first semester. All of you are in this room because you want to improve Loyola. If there is a concern, reach out to me – reach out to Ryan. 1. Sen Mitchell: Does it compare years on these charts? a. Pres Fasullo: Yes it is categorized. You’ll see it details from 2012 to 2014. I have yet to read it this year, I read last years. If you’re interested in the way campus safety interacts, I’m happy to work on stuff with you all. As student government it’s important to be involved and react to these things. If students are upset with the findings in this, then we need to react. I’ll bump this into the top of your emails. e. Advisors Advisor Howes: My quote for today is “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” - Mother Teresa My report is: Please help to promote these opportunities for students to share their thoughts. Jack McLean will visit the SGLC meeting on 11/17 to seek feedback. He and Mike Beazley are meeting with other student groups as well. The dates below are additional opportunities for students to provide feedback. Student Feedback on the Division of Student Development's Strategic Plan The Division of Student Development is developing a strategic plan, which is aligned with the institution's strategic plan. As part of that process, the division seeks input from students, it’s most important stakeholder. Please attend one of the following open forums to learn more about the plan and to give feedback. Both of these forums will be held in the Damen Student Center Cinema. If you have questions, please contact Director for Assessment, Mike Beazley

My quote for today is “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” - Mother Teresa Student Government of Loyola Chicago November 3, 2015, 4:00 PM Damen MPR North, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes (mbeazl1@luc.edu) or Assistant Vice President for Student Development, Jack McLean (jmclean@luc.edu). 12:30 - 2:00 PM, Monday, November 9 5:00 - 6:30 PM, Thursday, November 12

Lastly, I have noticed in interactions with students, a lot is happening do keep taking care of yourself. Care for yourself today / every day – it is important. VI.

New Business & Discussion a. Election Board Establishment - Nowak nominates Pres Fasullo. - Pres Fasullo accepts. -

Sen Farquhar nominates Sen Caldwell. Sen Caldwell accepts.


Sen Mifsud nominates Speaker Kelley. Speaker Kelley accepts.


Henry nominates Secretary LaGrone. Secretary LaGrone accepts.


Sheu nominates Sen Hanani. Sen Hanani accepts. 1. Sen Farquhar to everyone: How to make election committee better? a. Speaker Kelley: Snacks, food is good for soul-better committee. b. Secretary LaGrone: I think marketing is important in order to reach out to our diverse student body. Many want to get involved but haven’t heard about the information in order to get involved with SGLC so advertising is crucial. c. Pres Fasullo: Partnership and incentives for organizations to vote in election and when full

My quote for today is “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.� - Mother Teresa Student Government of Loyola Chicago November 3, 2015, 4:00 PM Damen MPR North, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes

organization does then SG sponsors it. Yielded 50% election participation. A lot of candidates leads to more voters. d. Sen Hanani: Ditto to what President Fasullo said about working with other organizations but also want to encourage transfer student participation- both to vote and to run. e. Sen Caldwell: Targeting freshmen, engaging students in one on one conversation, make SGLC more approachable. -

Motion to close meeting Meeting closed 4:36pm Meeting opened 4:38pm

Speaker Kelley: We now have board. They will need to convene within the next week. Lastly does someone have something to enter into the agenda? A. Chair Winters resignation speech Chair Winters: As I mentioned earlier in the meeting I am resigning. Wanted to give a speech to explain why I am resigning and to make it more official / professional. First and foremost, student government is accompanied with a great deal of things on our plates as students. I found out abruptly with the other things I am involved in it is not feasible. Based on the student promise, the need to care for self is something I feel I haven’t been doing adequately and it is very important. This was a very tough decision, took time to make this decision. Second point, culture the SGLC culture has been emotionally draining. People must come with collection of values predetermined. A blatant problem here, and we must question how as a body we represent student values. This is something to be improved in. I have faith in each and every one of you to be able to fix that. The needs and wishes of students should be addressed. Also important that dissenting values that deviate from your own are treated with professionalism. I

My quote for today is “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” - Mother Teresa Student Government of Loyola Chicago November 3, 2015, 4:00 PM Damen MPR North, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes

have faith in all of you while still putting things self for care first. Transition the justice committee. I have complete faith in this and in you all. I learned so much through the privilege campaign. Can’t wait to see what justice Committee and SGLC have in the future. I wish you all the best of luck. - Sen Wild moves to adjourn the meeting. - Meeting adjourned at 4:43 PM.

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