Student Government of Loyola Chicago – Fall Elections Packet All candidates must complete and hand in a packet before running to be a SGLC Freshman Representative.
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Important Dates Mandatory Requirements are in Red August 25th 7 pm – 8:30 pm Damen Student Center MPR August 26th – 30th Damen Student Center, 210
Meet & greet SGLC members and information session for Freshmen candidates Candidate Meetings. You must attend one to be eligible to run. Pictures will be taken for campaign headshots (look nice). Aug. 25th 7 pm Aug. 26th 5:30 pm, 6 pm, 6:30 pm, 7 pm Aug. 27th 5:30 pm, 6 pm, 6:30 pm, 7 pm Aug. 28th 5:30 pm, 6 pm, 6:30 pm, 7 pm Aug. 29th 5:30 pm, 6 pm, 6:30 pm, 7 pm Aug. 30th 11 am, 11:30 am Candidate Requirements Are Due ü Signed contract ü 50 signatures with LUC email addresses ü Statement of Candidacy ü Attended one Candidate Meeting Campaigning begins once the SGLC Elections Committee has given candidates clearance to campaign. Follow all rules and regulations in the SGLC Elections Code! Voting via LUC email SGLC Banquet
August 30th 12:00 pm CST
August 31st – September 6th Loyola University Chicago Campus
September 7th – 8th September 10th 6 pm Information Commons 4th Floor September 11th – 13th
SGLC LUREC Overnight Retreat Leave Friday 9/11, Return Sunday 9/13
If you have any questions, please email us at SGLCelections@luc.edu
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Fall Election Statement of Candidacy As per the Student Government of Loyola Chicago Election Code, you are required to make a statement of candidacy. You have the liberty to write what you wish. It is suggested that you focus on information that the voters will find useful and critical in deciding whom to vote for*. Suggested topics include: why you are seeking this office, how your work can benefit students and SGLC, past leadership experience, or specific issues you may want to address. Please limit your comments to one typed, single or double spaced page. Please email your statement of candidacy as a PDF document to SGLCelections@luc.edu by 12:00 PM on Sunday, August 30th. You may include an appropriate picture of yourself in the body of the Word document. In addition to the Statement of Candidacy, you have the option of creating an informative campaign video of yourself. The purpose of the video is to complement your statement of candidacy by presenting yourself in a manner you believe will best appeal to the student body. Please email your video to SGLCelections@luc.edu. If approved, your video will appear alongside of your statement of candidacy in the ballots. Voting for SGLC elections will occur online. Ballots will be distributed to freshmen students through their @luc.edu email accounts.
If you have any questions, please email us at SGLCelections@luc.edu
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Election Contract Name (as listed on your Loyola ID): Current Year:
Primary Phone Number: Loyola ID:
University email address: Do you live on-campus or commute from home? Are you available from 4:00-6:30pm each Tuesday evening? Desired elected position:
Freshman Representative
My signature below verifies the accuracy of the information contained herein. I have read the Election Packet and understand that this contract binds me to the SGLC Articles of Governance as applicable, and that violation of these bylaws will result in the appropriate consequences. Further, my signature authorizes a representative of the Loyola University Chicago Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution to release any and all applicable student conduct records to appropriate individuals (SGLC Advisors Kimberly Moore and Shannon Howes) involved with conducting the SGLC elections. And, I waive my right given under Public Law 93-380 to inspect said records before their release. My signature also authorizes the Office of Registration and Records to release any and all applicable grades and credit hour status (i.e. to ensure that I am a freshman student based on current number of credit hours) to appropriate individuals (SGLC Advisors Kimberly Moore and Shannon Howes) involved with conducting the SGLC elections. I waive my right given under FERPA to inspect said records before their release. Signature: Print Name
Date _______________________________
If you have any questions, please email us at SGLCelections@luc.edu
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Petition of Candidacy Student Government of Loyola Chicago Fall 2015 Elections We, the undersigned constituent students of Loyola University Chicago, support ___________________ as a candidate for the office of Freshman Representative in the Student Government of Loyola Chicago Fall 2015 elections. Name (First and Last)
University Email (@luc.edu)
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 If you have any questions, please email us at SGLCelections@luc.edu
Page 6 of 6 Â Name (First and Last)
University Email (@luc.edu)
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Please note that you must get 50 signatures of Current Loyola Undergraduates*. *This includes incoming freshman students. Â If you have any questions, please email us at SGLCelections@luc.edu