The Articles of Governance of the SGLC

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The Articles Of Governance Of The Student Government Of Loyola Chicago Index CHAPTER 1: Purpose & Membership Article 1: Name Article 2: Mission Article 3: Membership Article 4: Responsibilities and Rights CHAPTER 2: Document Construction Article 5: Definitions & Format of Bylaws Article 6: Amendments CHAPTER 3: The Senate Article 7: Membership & Duties of the Senate §1. Legislative Power §2. Composition §3. Vacant Seats §4. Legislative Measures §5. Executive Approval §6. Override Authority

Article 8: Officers of the Senate §1. The Speaker of the Senate §2. The Speaker Pro Tempore

Article 9: Standing Committees §1. Purpose and Vision §2. Committee Appointment §3. Internal Voting Rights §4. Chairperson §5. Bylaws §6. Bylaw Approval §7. Meetings & Reports §8. Tabling

Article 10: Special Committees §1. Activation §2. Composition §3. Bylaws §4. Reports §5. Dissolution §6. Committee List & Descriptions

Article 11: Ad-Hoc Committees Article 12: Senate Meetings & Agendas Document last edited 1/13/15


2 §1. Meetings §2. Attendance §3. Agendas

Article 13: Parliamentary Authority & Rules of Order §1. Order & Decorum §2. Quorum §3. Recognition §4. Motions §5. Voting §6. Discussion §7. Internal Appointments & Nominations §8. Internal Elections Procedure §9. Additional Rules & Authority

Article 14: The Legislative Process §1. Measure Construction and Sponsorship §2. The Legislative Process §3. Amending Measures §4. Alternative Tabling of Measures

Resolution Measure Cover Sheet Example Amendment Measure Cover Sheet Example Community Outreach Measure Cover Sheet Example CHAPTER 4: The Executive Committee Article 15: Membership and Duties of the Executive Committee §1. Executive Authority §2. Executive Committee Reports §3. Internal Election §4. President §5. Vice President §6. Chief Financial Officer §7. Chief Communications Officer §8. Chief of Student Organizations §9. Speaker of the Senate §10. Chief Justice §11. Executive Sustainability Officer §12. Appointed Positions §13. Order of Succession

Article 16: Cabinet §1. Purpose & Vision §2. Composition §3. Chair §4. Meetings §5. Bylaws

CHAPTER 5: The Judicial Board Article 17: Membership and Duties of the Judicial Board §1. Judicial Authority §2. Responsibilities and Duties

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3 §3. Judicial Review §4. Chief Justice §5. Associate Justices §6. Chief Justice Pro-Tempore §7. Meetings & Agenda §8. Hearings §9. Justice Removal §10. Judicial Report

Article 18: Censure, Misconduct & Resignations §1. Preponderance of the Evidence Standard §2. Censure §3. Impeachment §4. Rights of the Accused §5. Resignations.

CHAPTER 6: Campus Activities Network Article 19: Campus Activities Network §1. Composition & Purpose §2. Meetings §3. CSO Authority §4. Steering Board

CHAPTER 7: Non-Voting Members and Advisors Article 20: Auxiliary Officers §1. Appointment §2. Powers and Responsibilities §3. The Secretary §4. The Attorney General

Article 21: Advisory Liaisons §1. Powers and Responsibilities §2. The Chief Advisor §3. The Chaplain

CHAPTER 8: The Ethics Code Article 22: Ethical Standards §1. Respect for One’s Self §2. Respect for Others §3. Respect for the Community §4. Accountability §5. Visibility

CHAPTER 9: Elections Code Article 23: Spring & Fall Elections §1. Spring Elections Positions §2. Fall Elections Positions §3. Qualifications for Candidacy §4. Campaign Finance §5. Candidate Requirements §6. Rules for Campaigning §7. Endorsements §8. Polling Violations

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4 §9. The Ballot §10. Election Procedures §11. Rights of Candidates §12. Senate Approval of the Election

Article 24: Election Board §1. Composition §2. Officers §3. Powers §4. Sanctions Imposed §5. Tabling §6. Dissolution

CHAPTER 10: The Financial Code Article 25: SGLC Budget §1. Purpose and Application §2. The General Fund §3. Budgeting §4. Accounting Systems §5. Approval & Oversight

Article 26: The Student Activity Fund §1. Purpose §2. Allocation Authority §3. SAF Allocations Meeting §4. Spot Funding Requests §5. Semester Budget Requests §6. Budget Transfers §7. Senate Oversight §8. Appeals §9. Appeals Process §10. Funding Guidelines §11. Additional Rules & Regulations

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5 CHAPTER I: Purpose & Membership

Article 1: Name §1. The name of the undergraduate student government of Loyola University Chicago shall be The Student Government of Loyola Chicago, hereafter referred to as The SGLC.

Article 2: Mission §1. To form a strengthened representation of the Loyola University Chicago undergraduate student body, we hereby create the SGLC. §2. We commit wholeheartedly to voice the concerns of the student body, to act as an instrument for the cooperation of students, faculty, and administration, to provide an open forum for the dialogue and a voice for student opinions concerning the traditions, ideas, and affairs of the University; and we shall do so in order to afford all undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in the management of their own affairs.

Article 3: Membership §1. Membership in the SGLC shall be open to all full or part-time undergraduate students, as defined by the Loyola University Chicago Registrar, so long as the individual is in good disciplinary standing with the University and maintains a GPA of at least 2.5. §2. No individual may hold more than two internal positions in the SGLC. There shall be no limit to the number of external appointments. Internal appointees consist of, but are not limited to: all appointees by the Speaker of the Senate and the Executive Committee who deal with the efficient administration of SGLC affairs. External appointees consist of, but are not limited to: all persons tasked with representing the SGLC and student body in external affairs. §3. Any member who has served for any ten weeks of a semester shall be considered to have served for the full semester. §4. A term of the SGLC begins following the administering of the oath of Office for the newly elected members of the spring election and the term concludes after the administering of the Oath of Office for the newly elected members of the members of the following spring election. The outgoing Chief Justice shall administer the Oath. The Oath shall be: “I, (state first and last name) do solemnly swear to serve the students of Loyola University Chicago and to the best of my ability uphold the mission and Articles of Governance of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago. I hereby take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.” (A) If a Senator chooses to use a sacred text of their own preference when taking the Oath, they shall be responsible for providing it. (B) The use of texts shall not be forced upon any member of SGLC. §5. Emails sent from an “” address shall be deemed the signature of the individual to whom that address is assigned in all cases in which a signature is required. §6. Any undergraduate student of Loyola University Chicago as defined by the Office of Registration and Records is a constituent of the SGLC.

Article 4: Responsibilities and Rights §1. Members of the SGLC shall have the responsibility to uphold the mission of the SGLC, and shall have the responsibilities and rights provided within the SGLC Articles of Governance. §2. Members of the SGLC shall have the responsibility to follow all policies listed in the most updated Community Standards of Loyola University Chicago.

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§3. Elected and appointed officials of the SGLC shall display exemplary behavior by assuming greater ethical responsibility for their discourse and action as visible leaders on Loyola’s campus.

CHAPTER 2: Document Construction Article 5: Definitions & Format of Bylaws §1. Where applicable, texts shall be written following the Modern Language Association (MLA) standard. §2. All text shall be written in Times New Roman, 11-point font and headings shall be bold. §3. Unless the context of a text indicates otherwise, the plural shall imply the singular, and the singular shall imply the plural §4. Gendered nouns and pronouns shall be avoided. §5. A clause expressing an exact definition or manner of an item, or an exact responsibility, obligation or duty of a member shall be written using the future positive phrase “shall” or “shall be.” §6. A clause expressing an exact limitation or restriction of an item, or an exact limit or restriction of a member, shall be written using the future negative phrase “shall not” or “shall not be.” §7. A clause expressing a possible definition or a possible manner of an item, or a right of a member shall be written using the future positive phrase “may.” §8. Clauses shall, as much as possible, be limited to one topic contained within a single sentence. §9. Articles of the bylaws shall be numbered sequentially throughout their parent document using Arabic Numerals, e.g. Article 1: Name. §10. Sections of the bylaws shall be marked with the section symbol § and numbered sequentially throughout their parent document using Arabic Numerals, e.g. §1. §11. Subsections of the bylaws shall be marked by and listed sequentially within their parent section by English Alphabetic capital letters contained in parenthesis, e.g. (D). §12. Parts of the bylaws shall be marked and listed sequentially within their parent subsection by lowercase Roman Numerals contained in parenthesis, e.g. (iv). §13. Subparts of the bylaws shall be marked and listed sequentially within their parent part by lowercase English Alphabetic lowercase letters contained in parenthesis, e.g. (d) §14. Thus, a full citation of the fourth subpart of the fourth part of the fourth subsection of the fourth section of the fourth article of the SGLC Articles of Governance would read: SGLC Articles of Governance Article 4 §4 (D)(iv)(d) §15. The SGLC Articles of Governance shall be divided by chapters that categorize information and serve at categorical labels for the articles contained beneath them. Chapters serve organizational purpose in the table of contents but shall not be considered part of the citation of the document.

Article 6. Amendments Document last edited 1/13/15


§1. The SGLC Articles of Governance shall be amended only by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership of the SGLC Senate present, with quorum, at any scheduled meeting of the SGLC Senate. §2. A proposed amendment to the SGLC Articles of Governance shall be submitted in writing at the scheduled meeting of the SGLC Senate prior to the meeting at which the amendment shall be considered. A copy of the proposed amendment shall be distributed at the time of its proposal. §3. Revisions to the SGLC Articles of Governance are subject to approval by the Vice President of Student Development.

CHAPTER 3: The Senate Article 7: Membership & Duties of the Senate §1. Legislative Power: As the elected representatives of the undergraduate student body, all legislative power shall be vested in the members of the Senate. The Senate shall have the duty and power to legislate policies in order to carry out the mission of the SGLC, and for the general welfare of the Loyola University Chicago undergraduate student body. §2. Composition: There shall be 35 undergraduate members elected to the Senate. Senators shall be responsible for the representation of their constituents before the Senate and Loyola University Chicago community. Senate membership shall be composed as follows: (A) Seven Freshman Senators (B) Seven Sophomore Senators (C) Seven Junior Senators (D) Seven Senior Senators (E) Seven Undesignated Senators §3. Vacant Seats: Vacant Senate seats shall be designated as “Temporary Undesignated Senator” positions. These positions shall cease to exist upon the start of the spring term with internal elections of the Senate to fill the vacant seats. Senators who occupy these seats shall be called “Undesignated Senators”. §4. Legislative Measures: The Senate may enact legislative measures in either the form of a resolution, amendment or community outreach. (A) Resolutions shall be proposals and/or recommendations submitted to University Senate that express the official opinion of the undergraduate student population. (B) Amendments shall be internal modifications to the SGLC Articles of Governance and its bylaws. (C) Community Outreach shall be a measure proposed in the case of an event or community project to be hosted or supported by the SGLC. §5. Executive Approval: The Senate shall vote on the approval of all Executive nominations. §6. Override Authority: The Senate shall have the authority to override a veto of the President by a two-thirds majority vote.

Article 8: Officers of the Senate §1. The Speaker of the Senate The Speaker of the Senate shall be the chairperson of the Senate, internally nominated and elected from the membership of the Senate. The Speaker shall relinquish their ability to sponsor legislation, participate in debate, and shall vote only in the case of a tie. The Speaker shall be responsible for setting the agenda at all Senate meetings, as well as officiating the meeting in accordance with the rules of parliamentary authority included in

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Article 12: Senate Meetings & Agenda, Article 13: Parliamentary Authority & Rules of Order, Article 14: The Legislative Process. Article 14: The Legislative Process. (A) The Speaker shall establish an Election Board prior to any external election of the SGLC. i. Spring Election Board shall be established by the penultimate meeting of the Fall Semester of the term. ii. Fall Election Board shall be established by the penultimate meeting of the Spring Semester of the new term. (B) The Speaker shall assign and register an iClicker for each Senator. Each assigned iClicker will be distributed at the beginning of each Senate meeting. (C) The Speaker shall record the votes on all legislative measures and submit those records to the Chief Communications Officer within 48 hours of adjournment of the Senate meeting at which those votes took place. i. The voting record shall include the following: name of the legislative measure, the final vote tally, the names of the Senators who voted in the affirmative, the names of the Senators who voted in the negative, and the names of the Senators who abstained. (D) The Speaker shall set a date for an internal election upon notification that there are four vacant Senate seats. i. The Speaker shall have seven days from the time notified to determine a date for an internal election and inform the Secretary of the date. (E) The Speaker shall determine a date for an internal election in the spring term if there are vacant seats at the start of the spring term (F) The Speaker shall table about internal elections at least once in the week prior to the Senate meeting in which an internal election is to be held. (G) The Speaker shall appoint newly elected Senators from Fall Elections and an internal election to standing Senate committees. i. The Speaker’s appointments shall be approved by a formal, affirmative vote by a two-thirds of standing Senate committee chairs. (H) After Spring Elections and immediately after the election of the Speaker, Senators shall be assigned to standing committees proportionally by a system determined by the Speaker and approved by the Senate. §2.The Speaker Pro Tempore The Speaker Pro Tempore, hereafter referred to as the Speaker Pro Temp, shall be a Senator elected by a simply majority of the Senate. The Speaker Pro Temp shall assist the Speaker in their duties and shall assume the role of the Speaker in the event of the Speaker’s absence or dismissal.

Article 9: Standing Committees §1. Purpose and Vision: The standing committees shall be subsidiary legislative bodies of the SGLC, limited to their specific topics and their specific members. The standing committees shall be: (A) Academic Affairs i. The Academic Affairs Committee shall be concerned with academic issues at Loyola University Chicago, including, but not limited to: classes, curriculum, finals scheduling, library services, University Core requirements, and major/minor requirements. The Academic Affairs Committee shall also be the primary representative of the SGLC to the Academic Council. (B) Allocations i. The Allocations Committee shall hear Student Activities Fund requests from Registered Student Organizations. The Allocations Committee will then determine whether to fund the Student Organization and inform SAGA of its decision. The Allocation Committee may also review and propose changes to the Funding Guidelines as necessary. Any changes to the funding guidelines proposed by the Allocations Committee must be approved by the full SGLC Senate. (C) Facilities and Transportation

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9 i.

The Facilities and Transportation Committee shall be concerned with issues regarding campus facilities and transportation services, including, but not limited to: 8-Ride, inter-campus shuttles, room reservations, and building maintenance.

(D) Justice i. The Justice Committee shall be concerned with issues of social justice, environmental sustainability, and issues of Catholic and Jesuit identity at Loyola University Chicago. (E) Residents, Commuters, & Dining i. The Residents, Commuters, & Dining Committee shall be concerned with issues including, but not limited to the student residence hall experience, dining services on campus, and the offcampus student experience. (F) Safety & Wellness i. The Safety and Wellness Committee Shall be concerned with issues including, but not limited to: student health and issues of safety on campus and in the neighborhood. The Safety and Wellness Committee shall also be the primary representative of the SGLC to Campus Safety and to the Wellness Center. §2. Committee Appointment: Each Senator shall be appointed by the Speaker of the Senate to serve on a single standing committee. (A) After Spring Elections and immediately after the election of the Speaker, Senators shall be assigned to committees proportionally by a system determined by the Speaker and approved by the Senate. (B) After Fall Elections, newly elected Senators shall be assigned to committees proportionally determined by the Speaker and approved by the Senate. (C) After Fall Elections, newly elected Senators shall be assigned to standing committees by the Speaker. i. The Speaker’s appointments shall be approved by a formal, affirmative vote by a two-thirds of standing committee Chairs. (D) After an internal election, newly elected Senators shall be assigned to standing committees by the Speaker. i. The Speaker’s appointments shall be approved by a formal, affirmative vote by a two-thirds of standing committee Chairs. §3. Internal Voting Rights: Every Senator shall be a voting member of one committee and shall be registered as such. All committees, with the exception of the Allocations Committee, shall be open for all to participate in. However, only Senators registered to a given committee may vote in that committee. §4. Chairperson: All committees shall elect from its own membership a chairperson to organize and facilitate its meetings and business. The chairperson shall be elected during the first committee meeting of the new Senate term. §5. Bylaws: At the first meeting, each standing committee shall establish bylaws to facilitate the efficient operation of the committee for the appointed term. These bylaws shall include but are not limited to: (A) An official date and time of all regular committee meetings. (B) A committee attendance policy. This policy shall enumerate the number of excused absences that are permitted to a committee member as well as what shall constitute an excused absence from a committee meeting or event. (C) The process for selecting a chairperson and the process for removing a chair if they prove to be deficient in their duties. (D) Responsibilities which will be expected from all members of the committee, and which the committee members will be bound to fulfill. §6. Bylaw Approval: Committee bylaws shall be submitted to the Speaker of the Senate, the Attorney General and the Chief Justice before the second scheduled Senate meeting of the term. All committee bylaws must be approved by the Judicial Board and shall remain under the jurisdiction of the Judicial Board.

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§7. Meetings & Reports: Standing committees shall meet on a regular basis throughout the academic year and shall provide a written report at each regular session of the Senate. (A) Committees shall meet no less than once a week at a date, time and location specified in the committee bylaws. (B) Committee members shall attend all committee meetings except where excused by the committee bylaws. (C) The committee shall provide to the Senate and the Chief Communications Officer, or a designee of the Chief Communications Officer detailed written reports of their meetings and business. (D) In the conduct of the meetings of SGLC committees, the chairperson may establish the rules of order that shall prevail except as otherwise provided by law. (E) After each meeting the chairperson shall submit a committee report to the Secretary by a deadline established by the Speaker of the Senate. §8. Tabling: Committees shall organize tabling events a minimum of two times per semester. Tabling shall consist of reserving a space in a populated area of either the Lake Shore Campus or Water Tower Campus and there standing present to answer questions, distribute material, or gather feedback pertinent to the committee or the SGLC.

Article 10: Special Committees §1. Activation: A Special Committee shall be activated by a simple majority vote of the Senate. §2. Composition: Any activated Special Committee shall consist of a minimum of five Senators. A Senator shall be appointed to a Special Committee by vote of the Senate. §3. Bylaws: At the first meeting of the term of any Special Committee, the membership shall establish bylaws to maintain order within the committee for the duration of the term. Special Committee bylaws shall be submitted to the Judicial Board for approval and shall thereafter be maintained by the Judicial Board. §4. Reports: Upon activation, special committees shall provide a written report to the Secretary no less than 48 hours before each scheduled meeting of the Senate. §5. Dissolution: All Special Committees shall dissolve at the end of a SGLC term. §6. The Special Committees shall be: (A) Budget Review Committee i. The Budget Review Committee shall prepare the Budget of the SGLC for the succeeding term. ii. The Senate shall activate the Budget Review Committee no later than the second scheduled meeting of the Senate during the Spring Semester of each term. (B) The Constitutional Review Committee i. The Constitutional Review Committee shall be concerned with evaluating the effectiveness and correctness of the Articles of Governance, and shall draft amendments as necessary in order to maintain consistency, accuracy, and clarity throughout the Articles of Governance. (C) The Community Outreach Committee i. The Community Outreach Committee shall be concerned with fostering and maintaining community within the SGLC, as well as between the SGLC and other members or groups within the Loyola University Chicago administration, staff, faculty, and student body.

Article 11: Ad-Hoc Committees §1. Establishment: Ad-Hoc committees may be established as needed by an executive order of the President, an entertained motion by the Speaker of the Senate, or by a majority vote of the Senate. §2. Reports: Once established, ad-hoc committees shall provide a written report to the Secretary no less than 48 hours before each scheduled Senate meeting.

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Article 12: Senate Meetings & Agendas §1. Meetings (A) The Senate shall convene weekly during the regular academic term. (B) Regular Senate sessions shall be on Tuesdays at 4:00 pm during the fall and spring semesters. The Speaker of the Senate shall specify the meeting location and relay the information to the Chief Communications Officer for dissemination. (C) The Senate may convene for a special session upon recommendation by the Speaker of the Senate or the President and approved by the majority of Senate members. (D) The Senate shall convene for an emergency session upon the joint order of the President and the Speaker of the Senate. §2. Attendance (A) Senators shall notify the Attorney General and the Speaker of the Senate at last 24 hour in advance of any anticipated absence or truancy. Emergencies will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Senators who fail to notify the Speaker of the Senate and the Attorney General of their absence or truancy will be referred to the Judicial Board. i. The Speaker of the Senate shall be the sole determiner of whether or not an absence or truancy is excused. ii. No Senator shall accrue more than two excused absences per semester. Senators who accrue more than two excused absences in one semester will be referred to the Judicial Board. (B) Being truant shall be defined as arriving more than 15 minutes after the Senate session has been called to order. All Senators who arrive late to Senate must report to the Speaker of the Senate and provide a reason for their truancy. i. Senators who accumulate excessive truancies, as determined by the Speaker of the Senate, will be referred to the Judicial Board for action. §3. Agendas (A) At the Senate’s first meeting of each term it shall, from its membership, nominate and elect a Speaker. Until such time, the President shall serve as the interim chairperson. (B) At the Senate’s first meeting of each term it shall, from its membership, nominate and elect a Speaker Pro Temp. (C) The chairperson of the Senate shall begin each meeting of the Senate by calling the meeting to order. (D) Once a meeting of the Senate has been called to order, the Senate shall follow the following agenda: i. Roll Call ii. Visitors and Guest Speakers iii. Approval of the Minutes iv. Unfinished Business v. Committee and Board Reports vi. New Business and Discussion

Article 13: Parliamentary Authority & Rules of Order §1. Order & Decorum (A) When the chairperson of the Senate calls the meeting to order, every member shall be seated at their seat behind their set name card with their properly numbered iClicker. (B) If a member is called to order while speaking, they shall cease speaking and yield to the chairperson of the Senate. (C) All members of Senate shall exhibit respect and professionalism for one another when speaking in discussion, debate or questions. i. No member of Senate shall question the personal character of any other member of Senate during discussion, debate or questions.

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12 (D) All members of the SGLC shall exhibit respect and professionalism towards all visiting speakers and audience members at Senate sessions. (E) All visiting speakers and audience members shall respect the function of the SGLC and exhibit respect and professionalism when present at Senate sessions. (F) A point of order may be called by the chairperson of the Senate or the Attorney General at any time during a Senate session without recognition. A member of the Senate may declare point of order to the chairperson, but must still wait to be recognized by the chairperson to continue an explanation as to their point of order. i. A Senator may rise to a point of order when there is a violation of any of the following: the bylaws of the SGLC Articles of Governance, the Parliamentary Authority listed within Article 12: Senate Meetings & Agenda, Article 13: Parliamentary Authority & Rules of Order and Article 14:The Legislative Process of the Senate. (G) A point of clarification shall be in order at any time during a Senate session. A point of clarification is phrased as a question. Points of clarification shall be used when something has been said or a proposal has been made that may have generated confusion. i. Any Senator, having been recognized by the chairperson of the Senate, may precede their inquiry by saying, “I have a point of clarification,” or simply, “Point of clarification [...]” (H) A point of information shall be in order at any time during a Senate session. A point of information is a contributive statement that adds to something currently being asked or serves as a response to a point of clarification. Points of information shall be used when something has been said or a proposal has been made that lacks information necessary to take proper action, make decisions or vote in the affirmative versus the negative. i. Any Senator, having been recognized by the chairperson of the Senate, may precede their statement by saying, “I have a point of information,” or simply, “Point of Information. […]” (I) A point of parliamentary inquiry shall be made to ask a question about the procedures or rules. i. Any Senator, having been recognized by the chairperson of the Senate, may precede their statement by saying, “I have a point of parliamentary inquiry,” or simply, “Point of parliamentary inquiry […]”

§2. Quorum (A) Quorum shall be constituted by a simple majority of the total number of seated Senators. (B) The chairperson of the Senate must determine if quorum is present before the beginning of and during all meetings. (C) If quorum is not present, the chairperson of the Senate shall declare the session in recess until a quorum is present or Senate is adjourned. §3. Recognition (A) The chairperson of the Senate shall recognize a member of the SGLC by using their formal title of position within the governing body followed by their surname. (B) If a Senator desires to speak, they shall remain seated, raise their hand and await the chairperson’s recognition. A Senator shall not proceed with speech, debate or questions until formally recognized by the chairperson of the Senate. (C) Senators who arrive to a Senate session after the meeting has been called to order and roll call has been taken must be recognized as present by the chairperson of the Senate. i. The chairperson of the Senate shall say, “I’d like to recognize the tardy Senator(s)” and proceed to list the title and surname of each individual Senator who has arrived late. ii. If multiple tardy Senators are recognized at once, they must each be recognized by their SGLC title and last name. (D) Members of the Executive Committee and the Judicial Board, and Auxiliary Officers of the SGLC must be deferred to by a present and recognized Senator in order for them to be recognized to speak. Senators may defer to members of the Executive Committee or the Judicial Board, or Auxiliary Officers by saying, “I’d like to defer to (title) _______.”

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13 (E) Visiting speakers and audience visitors must be recognized by the chairperson in order to speak during a Senate session. The chairperson shall recognize visiting speakers and audience visitors by requesting that they introduce themselves by verbal introduction. (F) If a visitor or speaker wishes to speak during a Senate session, they must be deferred to by a recognized Senator. (G) If a Senator requires departure before the session is adjourned, they must formally request a point of personal privilege. The chairperson may either excuse or not excuse the Senator requesting to leave. i. If a Senator has not acquired previous permission to depart early from a Senate session, the chairperson may choose not to excuse them. An unexcused early departure may be grounds for Judicial action.

§4. Motions (A) A motion is a proposal that the Senate take certain action. Additionally, a motion may be made to bring business before the Senate. (B) Motions shall include but are not limited to the following: i. Motion to adjourn a meeting ii. Motion to table a legislative measure iii. Motion to make an amendment iv. Motion to close or open a Senate session v. Motion to vote by a certain method vi. Motion to establish a committee vii. Motion to reconsider an already voted upon motion or measure (C) A Senator shall present a motion by acquiring recognition from the chairperson of the Senate and declaring to the Senate, “I move to…” or “I move that […],” then stating the action they would like to have taken. (D) After a motion has been presented it is the duty of the chairperson of the Senate to immediately open the floor for debate and state the exact motion before the Senate for its consideration and action. i. The chairperson shall recognize the chief proponent of the measure for the first speech in favor of the motion. Then the chairperson shall ask if there is any further debate on the motion. ii. Subsequent debate will following a cycle of speech of negation and speeches of affirmation, respectively. iii. If there are points of debate, the chairperson of the Senate shall recognize each Senator with their hand raised. a. Each Senator may speak on a motion twice and each speech shall be limited to five minutes. b. When there are no further speeches of debate, the chairperson of the Senate shall put the motion to a vote. iv. If there are no points of debate, the chairperson of the Senate shall put the motion to a vote. (E) If the vote on a motion fails, the motion has been denied. The make of a failed motion may not propose the same motion again during the same Senate session. A failed motion may be proposed again by a different Senator. (F) A motion shall not be in order if there is already a pending motion before the Senate with the exception of amendments proposed to legislative measures, motions to vote by a specified method and motions to table a measure or topic of discussion. (G) The maker of any motion may withdraw their own motion from consideration by the Senate only if the Senate has not yet completed a vote on the motion. i. A Senator shall withdraw their motion by declaring before the Senate, “I withdraw my motion to […]” followed by the motion they would like to withdraw. ii. A Senator shall not withdraw a motion presented by another Senator. (H) A simple majority affirmative vote of the Senate shall be required for a motion to pass, except where otherwise specified in this Article. (I) A motion to reconsider an already voted upon motion shall be in order at any time of the Senate session within the following agenda items: Unfinished Business, Legislation and/or New Business and Discussion. Motions to reconsider must occur during the same Senate session at which they have been

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14 passed or during the following Senate session, but not after two weeks time has passed since the motion has been passed. i. A motion to amend an already made motion may be made and is debatable in all cases, except when if the motion to amend extends past the aforementioned deadline.

§5. Voting (A) A simple majority constitutes 50% plus one of the votes cast. (B) A 2/3 majority means two-thirds of the votes cast. (C) Abstention votes never count as votes cast. They are non-votes that do not count. (D) Passing votes on measures or motions within Senate require more affirmative votes than negative votes. i. Motion to original measure requires a 2/3 majority affirmative vote to pass ii. Voting on a measure itself requires a simple majority affirmative vote to pass iii. A motion made that is otherwise not listed above requires a simple majority affirmative vote to pass. (E) Passing votes must consist of a minimum of votes cast equal to half of quorum. (F) The chairperson of the Senate shall conduct votes electronically with the use of the iClicker devices issued to each Senator. (G) After debate on a motion or measure has ended, the chairperson of the Senate shall open the vote using the iClicker devices issued to each Senator. The chairperson of the Senate shall clearly state the options for the vote and identify the corresponding iClicker button for each option i. Affirmative votes shall be in favor of the measure, topic, question or motion on the table, that the measure, topic or question might succeed and pass with Senate’s approval. Affirmative votes shall always be cast by pressing the letter A on the iClicker device. ii. Negative votes shall be opposed to the measure, topic, question or motion on the table, that the measure, topic or question might fail and will not pass. Negative votes shall always be cast by pressing the letter B on the iClicker device. iii. Abstentions shall be cast when there is a conflict of interest, personal necessity, neutrality, etc. on a measure, topic, or question. Abstentions shall always be cast by pressing the letter C on the iClicker devices. (H) In the event that the iClicker devices malfunction, votes shall be cast by roll call. (I) Roll Call Vote. The chairperson shall conduct a roll call vote at the request of a Senator. A Senator may ask for a roll call vote when making a motion, when a motion is being made by another member, or as a request after the Senate has moved to the original measure. A Senator may ask for a roll call vote by saying, “I move for a roll call vote on the original motion or measure.” The chairperson shall then proceed to recite the roll, which each Senator voicing their vote after hearing their name. The chairperson shall record the votes as they are said. After taking tally and recording it, the chairperson shall announce the result of the vote. ii. An affirmative vote shall be indicated by a Senator responding with “Yes.” iii. A negative vote shall be indicated by a Senator responding with “No.” iv. A vote to abstain shall be indicated by a Senator responding with “Abstain.” (J) Vote by Show of Hands. The chairperson shall conduct a vote by show of hands at the request of a Senator. A Senator may ask for a vote by show of hands when making a motion, when a motion is being made by another member, or as a request after the Senate has moved to the original measure. A Senator may ask for a vote by show of hands by saying, “I move for a vote by show of hands on the original motion or measure.” The chairperson shall then proceed to conduct the vote calling first for the affirmative votes, followed by negative votes and lastly the abstentions. (K) Vote by Ballot. The chairperson shall conduct a vote by ballot at the request of a Senator or in the case of an internal election within SGLC. The ballot shall include the name(s) of the candidate whom the Senator wishes to cast their vote in favor of. §6. Discussion (A) Discussion of new issues shall take place within New Business & Discussion on the agenda. (B) Discussion of an issue, topic or question not related to a legislative measure heard at the same Senate session shall be indicated on the agenda for the Senate session.

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15 i.

Discussion issues, topics or questions are due, by email, to the Secretary, the Speaker of the Senate and the Attorney General 48 hours before the Senate session at which they shall be discussed. (C) If an issue, topic or question of discussion is not submitted 48 hours before the session with due notice to the Secretary and the Speaker of the Senate and the Attorney General, it must be brought up on the Senate floor by a recognized Senator who must announce what issue, topic or question they would like to discuss. The Senator must then ask the chairperson of the Senate if the floor might be opened for discussion and state the reason for entering discussion on the aforementioned topic. The chairperson shall grant the floor to be open for discussion unless the issue, topic or question violates any of the SGLC bylaws. (D) Once in discussion, all questions, points of clarification, points of information and discussion contributions must remain relevant to the issue, topic or question at hand. (E) Issues, topics or questions of discussion shall be regulated by the chairperson of the Senate and the Attorney General. i. Regulation authority includes determining relevance of contributions and calling points of order on statements of a rude, crass or disrespectful nature. ii. The chairperson of the Senate may encourage efficiency in conversation and suggest that repetitive statements be omitted from discussion. (F) Discussion of an issue, topic or question not related to a legislative measure heard at the same Senate session shall cease when there are no further contributions or questions from the members of the Senate and the chairperson of the Senate says to the Senate, “If there are no further questions or contributions, we will move on to the next item on the agenda.” i. If there are further questions, the chairperson must recognize the Senator(s) with further inquiries or contributions. (G) Discussion of candidates for an elected position within SGLC is required. The chairperson of the Senate must ensure the following occur during an internal election: i. Candidates must give testimony to their suitability for the position. ii. The Senate session must be closed to the candidates while discussion occurs on the floor. iii. Senate must re-open the meeting after discussion and voting on candidates has occurred. §7. Internal Appointments & Nominations (A) An election for an internal appointment shall be listed on the agenda under “New Business and Discussion.” If an election for an internal appointment has not been listed on the agenda, a Senator may present a motion to conduct the election. i. A motion to conduct an election for an internal appointment must pass by a simple majority. (B) The chairperson of the Senate shall open nominations for the election by saying “the floor is now open for nominations.” i. A motion is not required to open nominations or vote on the nominees. (C) Any candidate for an internal appointment must be formally nominated by a Senator. A nomination does not require a second or a vote. i. Upon recognition from the chairperson of the Senate, a Senator may nominate someone for an internal appointment by saying “I nominate…” followed by the full name of the person that Senator wishes to nominate. ii. The chairperson of the Senate shall ask the nominee if they accept the nomination. If the nominee accepts the nomination, the chairperson of the Senate shall recognize the nominee as a candidate for the internal appointment. iii. When there are no more nominations, the chairperson of the Senate shall say “nominations are now closed.” The chairperson of the Senate shall then announce the names of each candidate. (D) After the names of each candidate have been announced, the candidates shall be allowed to provide a statement on their candidacy. i. Speeches of candidacy shall not exceed two minutes each. ii. The chairperson of the Senate shall ensure that speeches of candidacy do not exceed two minutes each.

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16 (E) After each candidate has presented their speech of candidacy, any Senator may ask a question to all of the candidates in order to provide further information on the candidates’ eligibility for the internal appointment. i. If a Senator asks a question, each candidate shall answer the question. ii. Each answer shall be limited to two minutes in length. iii. The chairperson of the Senate shall ensure that answers to questions do not exceed two minutes each. (F) When there are no further questions, the Senate session shall be closed to the candidates while discussion occurs on the floor. (G) When discussion has concluded, the Senate shall vote on the candidates. The chairperson of the Senate shall call for the vote by saying “we will now vote on the candidates.” i. Voting on internal appointments shall be conducted by ballot, unless there are two or fewer candidates for the internal appointment. If there are two or fewer candidates for the internal appointment, the vote may be conducted by iClicker. (H) After the vote has concluded, the meeting must be re-opened.

§8. Internal Elections Procedure (A) Senators shall submit the questions they wish to ask the candidates to the Secretary at least 48 hours in advance of the Senate meeting in which an internal election is to be held. (B) The Secretary shall then submit the first seven submitted questions to the Speaker of the Senate. (C) Once the internal elections process has begun, candidates shall be directed to leave the room in which Senate is being held. i. Candidates shall be interviewed one at a time. ii. Only one candidate can be on the Senate floor at a time. iii. Candidates shall be called in to be interviewed by alphabetical order. iv. A candidate who has already been interviewed may sit in the audience section while other candidates are being interviewed. v. Candidates who have yet to be interviewed shall not be in the room in which Senate is being held while other candidates are being interviewed. (D) Candidates shall introduce themselves in no more than two minutes. (E) The chairperson of the Senate shall read the seven questions to each candidate immediately after candidates have introduced themselves. (F) Immediately after each candidate has answered the submitted questions, the Senate then may have the opportunity to ask no more than two points of clarification to each candidate. These questions must pertain to what a candidate has said during the internal elections process. (G) After candidates have introduced themselves and have been given the opportunity to answer all questions, each candidate shall leave the Senate floor and may sit in the audience section or choose to immediately leave. (H) After all candidates have had the opportunity to introduce themselves and answer all questions, the Senate shall move to close the meeting. (I) Next, the chairperson of the Senate shall determine how the Senate will discuss the candidates. (J) Once all candidates have been discussed, the Senate shall vote on them by ballot. §9. Additional Rules & Authority: Any circumstances pertaining to parliamentary authority that may arise during a Senate session that contain matters not included in the bylaws of the SGLC Articles of Governance shall be determined by the chairperson of the Senate, the Attorney General and the Chief Justice. (A) The Senate possesses the power to overrule the decision of the chairperson, Attorney General and Chief Justice by an affirmative vote of 2/3 majority of present members.

Article 14: The Legislative Process §1. Measure Construction and Sponsorship (A) All legislative actions shall be hereafter referred to as measures. (B) Measures shall be introduced for one of three possible purposes:

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17 i. ii. iii.

Resolutions Amendments Community Outreach a. Measures of this nature must include a detailed outline that includes the following information: activity plans, prospective date, venue/location, presence of food and beverage, vendors, sources of funding and other co-sponsors. Additionally, the Office of Student Activities and Greek Affairs requires four weeks to process activity planning and budget and thus any plans must be voted upon by Senate five weeks prior to the event. (C) All measures shall be submitted with a completed cover sheet to the Speaker of the Senate, the Secretary, the President of the SGLC, and the Chief Justice no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled Senate meeting at which the measure shall be considered. Blank cover sheets for resolutions and amendments and community outreach measures shall be found at the end of this article. a. Proposed amendments to the SGLC Articles of Governance must be submitted to the Senate a full week prior to the Senate meeting at which the proposal shall be considered. (D) A measure must be co-sponsored by either a standing or special committee or by a minimum of five Senators before it can be brought before the Senate. (E) Only Senators or committees shall sponsor measures. A committee shall sponsor a measure when the membership of that committee votes by at least a simple majority to do so, and writes the committee’s name onto the measure’s cover sheet. A Senator sponsors a measure by signing their name onto the measure’s cover sheet. Senators or committees shall only sponsor a measure if they feel comfortable voting in favor of the measure at the time that they agree to sponsor it. (F) Measures shall have a chief sponsor. The chief sponsor shall present the legislation to Senate. (G) Measures shall be written including clauses that enumerate the purpose of and reason for the measure beginning in “Whereas […]” proceeded by clauses that enumerate the proposed action of the measure beginning with “Therefore be it resolved by the Student Government of Loyola Chicago that […]” b. Example: “Whereas the student body asks that its needs are considered,” c. Example: “Therefore be it resolved by the Student Government of Loyola Chicago that the student body’s needs are considered.” §2. The Legislative Process (A) The chairperson of the Senate shall recognize the discussion of a measure, at such time that the measure becomes the current item of the agenda, by announcing the measure’s title and requesting that the chief sponsor stand and read the measure aloud. (B) The chief sponsor of a measure shall stand before the Senate and read the measure aloud beginning with the first line on the cover page and finishing with the last line on the final page. i. Should the measure exceed ten pages, the chairperson of the Senate may determine that the chief sponsor need only read the first ten pages of the measure. ii. Should the measure include a proposal or document, the chief sponsor is not required to read aloud the proposal or document, but may do so if the document does not exceed ten pages. (C) Once the measure is read in its entirety, the chairperson of the Senate will entertain only questions on the measure for the chief sponsor to answer. Once there are no more questions, the measure will be tabled automatically until the next Senate meeting. (D) During the subsequent Senate meeting, the measure will be considered under Unfinished Business. The chairperson of the Senate will invite the sponsor of the measure to offer the first speech of affirmation in favor of the measure when brought to the attention of the chairperson of the Senate. (E) After questions have concluded, subsequent debate will follow in a cycle of speeches of negation and speeches of affirmation, beginning with negation. i. The chairperson of the Senate and the Attorney General shall maintain the order of speeches of affirmation and negation. ii. Speeches are limited to ten minutes. iii. A person may only speak twice on a single measure. iv. Points of clarification and points of information may be asked during debate. (F) Debate shall end after a successful motion to the original measure.

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18 i.

Moving to the original measure shall be achieved by a Senator, once recognized by the chairperson of the Senate, saying, “I’d like to move to the original measure.” a. The chief sponsor may not move to the original measure. ii. A successful motion to the original measure shall be determined by at least a 2/3 majority vote. iii. If the motion to the original measure fails, debate will continue until the motion can be successful or the measure is tabled to a future Senate session. (J) After debate has ended and the motion to the original measure has passed, the Senate must vote on the measure itself. This occurs automatically after the motion to the original measure has passed. (K) The chairperson of the Senate shall announce to the Senate the title of the measure and the voting options. (L) The chairperson of the Senate shall declare the results of a vote by announcing the title of the measure, whether it has passed or failed, and the number of affirmative votes to the number of negative votes to the number of abstentions. §3. Amending Measures (A) Measures may be distributed to Senate informally upon completion of a draft with the consent of sponsors or with a passing vote for committee sponsorship. i. Measures that are sent to members of the Senate informally for review, edits and informal consideration may be reviewed, edited and altered with the consent of sponsors or with a passing vote from the committee co-sponsoring the measure. (B) Measures submitted to the Secretary for consideration during a Senate session may not be edited off the Senate floor after they have been submitted. (C) An amendment to a measure currently on the floor may be made by making a motion and stating the proposed amendment. i. Amendments must be voted on by the Senate. Amendments to a current measure require a simple majority vote. (D) Motions to make amendments shall follow the parliamentary procedure listed under Article 13, §4 of this document. §4. Alternative Tabling of Measures (A) An alternative tabling procedure on a piece of legislation shall occur when a simple majority of duly elected Senators votes to table. (B) A Senator may move to table by saying, “I move to suspend consideration of the measure.” (C) Should the Senate reach the required number of votes to table, the measure in question will be tabled for the duration of the meeting. The measure in question will also automatically be submitted for consideration at the following meeting as a result of the successful vote. It shall be added under “Unfinished Business” on the agenda. (D) There shall be a limit of two tabling votes per any piece of legislation. i. The intended use of an alternative tabling procedure is to produce discussion and provide education among the Senate on a piece of legislation on which a consensus cannot be immediately formed.

Resolution Measure Cover Sheet Example



MEASURE OF THE SENATE Title of the Proposed Resolution Purpose of the Resolution ______ - ______ - ______ to be filed by the Secretary

Signed by the President of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago

Chiefly Sponsored By: Co-Sponsored By: Amendment Measure Cover Sheet Example



MEASURE OF THE SENATE Title of the Proposed Amendment to the SGLC Articles of Governance Purpose of the Amendment ______ - ______ - ______ to be filed by the Secretary

Signed by the President of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago

Chiefly Sponsored By: Co-Sponsored By: Community Outreach Measure Cover Sheet Example THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT OF LOYOLA CHICAGO OF LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO

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MEASURE OF THE SENATE Title of the Proposed Event Purpose of the Event ______ - ______ - ______ to be filed by the Secretary

Signed by the President of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago

Chiefly Sponsored By: Co-Sponsored By: TITLE OF THE PROPOSED EVENT Brief statement regarding the purpose of the proposed event

CO-SPONSORS (IF ANY) PROSPECTIVE DATE Document last edited 1/13/15




It is the responsibility of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago to support the Loyola University Chicago undergraduate community,


Be it resolved that the Student Government of Loyola Chicago shall sponsor the proposed event in the manner described in the above proposal, to take place on the date indicated in the above proposal, subject to the details provided in the above proposal.

CHAPTER 4: The Executive Committee Article 15: Membership and Duties of the Executive Committee §1. Executive Authority: All executive authority shall be vested in the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the duty and power to carry out actions and implement changes as legislated by the Senate. §2. All members of the Executive Committee shall submit weekly reports to the President of the SGLC regarding the execution of their responsibilities, allocated duties, and any other updates relevant to the SGLC.

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§3. Internal Election (A) Non-elected executive officers and other associated presidential appointments shall be filled through an application and nomination process. After conferring with the Vice President, the President shall, from a pool of applicants, nominate to the Senate one candidate for each position, which the Senate shall confirm or reject with a majority vote. i. Applications for any open presidentially appointed position must be advertised to the entire student body of Loyola University Chicago and made public for at least one week before the nominee is selected. ii. The SGLC Advisor shall be consulted before appointment nominees are selected to ensure eligibility based on academic performance and student conduct within the university. §4. President (A) As the elected undergraduate student body president, the President shall have executive power and responsibility for the effective and efficient administration of the affairs of the SGLC and the leadership of the Loyola University Chicago undergraduate student body. i. The effectiveness of the government shall be the President’s primary responsibility. ii. The President may choose to establish administrative procedures, job description(s), commissions, or groups which they deem necessary for the effective and efficient administration of the SGLC. (B) The President shall be the official spokesperson of the SGLC. i. As spokesperson the President shall be limited to relaying votes, current SGLC initiatives, and any other material confirmed by a simple majority of the Senate. (C) The President shall nominate student representatives to the Board of Trustee subcommittees and University Senate, after consulting with the Vice President. i. The nominees must be approved by Senate. (D) The President shall nominate individuals to any vacant appointee positions, after consulting with the Vice President. i. The nominees must be approved by Senate. (E) The President shall have the authority to issue Executive Orders to further the official governance of the SGLC. All Executive Orders shall conform to the SGLC bylaws. i. Such Executive Orders shall stand permanent until changed by the Senate or succeeding Executive Orders (F) The President shall have the power to veto legislative measures, in part or in full, that have been passed by the Senate. The President shall return vetoed legislative measures to the Senate with a written statement including specific recommendations for change. i. If the President fails to sign a legislative measure within 13 days of its approval by the Senate, it shall be deemed vetoed. ii. At a scheduled Senate meeting, the President shall submit and present specific written recommendations for change on a vetoed legislative measure within 14 days of the legislation’s initial passing. (G) The President shall ratify legislative measures by affixing their signature upon them. (H) The President shall chair the Executive Committee i. The President shall be responsible for compiling a written report of the action of the Executive Committee and providing a written report to the Secretary no less than 48 hours before the weekly Senate meetings. ii. The President reserves the right to create and fill positions that are necessary and proper to the functioning of the Executive Committee. iii. The President reserves the right to remove positions of their committee, however the decision to remove an executive member must be sustained by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. (I) The President shall be responsible for the planning and execution of the SGLC Retreat. i. The SGLC Retreat shall take place in the fall semester of the term after Fall Elections are completed. ii. The retreat shall be mandatory for all active members of SGLC. a. Absences may be excused by the advisor.

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24 iii. The President shall confer with the Speaker of the Senate and the Chief Justice regarding the planning and execution of the SGLC Retreat. iv. The President shall also reserve space for the retreat for the incoming SGLC before the end of the fall semester of their first term.

§5. Vice President (A) The Vice President shall assist the President in maintaining the efficient operation of the Executive Branch. (B) The Vice President may serve as Acting President at the written request of the President. (C) The Vice President shall act as the liaison between University Senate and the SGLC, and shall make monthly reports to the Senate on the activities of University Senate. (D) The Vice President shall oversee the activities of SGLC appointees. (E) In the absence of a Chief of Student Organizations, the Vice President shall serve as the Chief Executive of CAN until the election of a CSO. (F) The Vice President shall report once per semester to the SGLC on the business of the University Board of Trustees. §6. Chief Financial Officer (A) The Chief Financial Officer, hereafter referred to as the CFO, shall be charged with the maintenance and management of the SGLC budget in accordance with the SGLC Financial Code chapter, including Articles 22 and 23. i. Duties shall include but are not limited to: delivering weekly reports to the Senate concerning the transactions and balances of the SGLC financial accounts. (B) The CFO shall work with SAGA to complete quarterly sweeps of RSO accounts to reclaim any unused, yet allocated funding to be reallocated by the Senate. (C) The CFO shall act as an advisor to the Allocations Committee. i. The Allocations Committee Chair and the CFO shall decide, at the beginning of each Senate term, what role the CFO will play in Allocations Committee proceedings for the given term. ii. Only in the event of a tie shall the CFO have a vote in the Allocations Committee. §7. Chief Communications Officer (A) The Chief Communications Officer, hereafter referred to as the CCO, shall be responsible for communicating the SGLC agenda and actions to the student body. (B) The CCO shall be charged with maintaining and updating the SGLC website,, with minutes, legislation, events, and updated contact information for all SGLC members. i. The CCO shall publish the agenda for each scheduled meeting of the Senate on the SGLC website and all appropriate SGLC social media platforms. The agenda shall be published no later than 23 hours prior to the scheduled Senate meeting. (C) The CCO shall be charged with the professional and punctual production of an update detailing the activities and initiatives of the SGLC to the student body. i. The CCO shall solicit the content of this update from all SGLC committee chair persons. (D) A SGLC newsletter shall be published at least once a semester and contain progress reports from the Speaker of the Senate, Chief Justice, Chief Communications Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Student Organizations, Vice President and President. §8. Chief of Student Organizations (A) The Chief of Student Organizations, hereafter referred to as the CSO, shall serve in an auxiliary role for student organizations, through the promotion of connections between organizations and as a student resource for these groups. (B) The CSO shall be the primary liaison between student organizations and the SGLC and administration of the university as needed. (C) The CSO shall also chair the Campus Activities Network. (D) The CSO shall make a monthly report to the Senate regarding their activities pertaining to student organizations.

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§9. Speaker of the Senate (A) The Speaker of the Senate shall be the primary representative of the Senate to the Executive Committee. (B) The Speaker shall attend all Executive Committee meetings. (C) The Speaker shall not have the power to vote within the Executive Committee. (D) The Speaker shall give reports of the actions of the Senate to the Executive Committee. (E) Responsibilities of the Speaker within the Executive Committee shall be determined in a meeting held between the President and the Speaker. §10. Chief Justice (A) The Chief Justice shall serve as the primary judicial advisor to the Executive Committee. (B) The Chief Justice shall not have the power to vote within the Executive Committee. (C) Responsibilities of the Chief Justice within the Executive Committee shall be determined in a meeting held between the President and the Chief Justice. §11. Executive Sustainability Officer (A) For the purposes of the Executive Sustainability Officer, hereafter referred to as the ESO, and the SGLC, sustainability is defined as: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (B) The ESO. shall be responsible for coordinating activities and programs that support and promote campus sustainability. (C) The ESO. shall be responsible for informing the SGLC on all issues related to campus environment and sustainability in the form of a report to be given under the “Executive Committee Report” agenda item. (D) The ESO. shall act as the Executive Committee advisor to the President on environmental and sustainability policy. (E) Further duties may be assigned by the President. §12. Appointed Positions (A) Appointed positions shall consist of, but are not limited to: any student seat held on the Board of Trustees Committees, University Senate Committees, and other coordinating or search board. (B) The President shall have the right to appoint these positions with the consent of a simple majority of seated members of the Senate. (C) These appointees shall be tasked with representing the SGLC and student body in their capacity as a student representative. (D) Appointees shall be under the purview of the Vice President who shall report on their activities to the Senate. (E) The term of presidentially appointed positions shall expire at the end of their respective terms. (F) Any failure to properly represent the SGLC shall result in Judicial action. §13. Order of Succession (A) In the event that the position of President is vacant, the Vice President shall become the President. (B) If by resignation or removal from office, there is neither a President nor Vice President to discharge the powers and duties of the office of the President, then the Speaker of the Senate shall, upon their resignation from the Senate, act as President. (C) If, at the time when under subsection (A) of this section there is no Speaker of the Senate, then the Chief Justice shall, upon their resignation from the Judicial Board, act as President. (D) If by resignation or removal from office, the officers listed in subsections (B) and (C) are exhausted, an emergency internal election shall be called to fill all vacant positions within the Order of Succession, as determined by the SGLC advisor. (E) An individual acting as President in the case of a succession shall continue to do so until the expiration of the current Presidential term.

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Article 16: Cabinet


§1. Purpose & Vision: The Cabinet shall serve as a coordinating body for the SGLC. The Cabinet shall discuss overall SGLC strategy and vision. It shall also serve to foster collaboration between the three branches of the SGLC. §2. Composition: The Cabinet shall be composed of the members of the Executive Committee and the chairs of the standing Senate Committees. The chairperson of any special and/or ad-hoc committee may attend Cabinet meetings at the request of a majority of the Cabinet. §3. Chair: The President shall chair the cabinet. §4. Meetings: The Cabinet shall convene on written and timely order of the President. §5. Bylaws: At the first meeting of the term, Cabinet shall pass by-laws which shall govern the body for the duration of the term. These by-laws shall be submitted for approval to the Judicial Board and shall remain within the jurisdiction of the Judicial Board.

CHAPTER 5: The Judicial Board Article 17: Membership and Duties of the Judicial Board §1. Judicial Authority: All authority of judicial review and oversight shall be vested in the judicial branch, represented by the Judicial Board. §2. Responsibilities and Duties: The SGLC Judicial Board shall be responsible for hearing motions of impeachment and censure complaints that have been passed by the Senate or filed by the Attorney General, respectively, as well as any other alleged violations of the SGLC Articles of Governance and committee by-laws. (A) The Board shall hear all cases involving the proper and efficient administration of the SGLC brought before them by the Attorney General. (B) The Judicial Board shall be charged with maintaining an updated copy of the SGLC Articles of Governance. §3. Judicial Review: The SGLC Judicial Board shall have the power of Judicial Review over the SGLC Articles of Governance. (A) The Judicial Board is further charged with the maintenance of the SGLC Articles of Governance, committee by-laws, and all other internal SGLC documents. (B) The SGLC Judicial Board shall have the authority to exercise judicial review of the constitutionality of any legislation passed by the Senate or Executive Order issued by the President. §4. Chief Justice (A) The Chief Justice shall preside over all meetings of the Judicial Board. (B) The Chief Justice, or their designee, shall provide a Judicial Board Report, which shall include dissenting opinions, if any, to the Senate no later than one week after issuing a ruling. (C) The Chief Justice shall also serve as an advisor to the Executive Committee. (D) The Chief Justice shall be elected by the student body at large. §5. Associate Justices (A) Four Associate Justices shall serve on the SGLC Judicial Board. (B) The Associate Justices may write a concurring or dissenting opinion regarding a case heard by the Judicial Board. (C) Associate Justices shall be nominated by the President and individually confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate.

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§6. Chief Justice Pro-Tempore: The Chief Justice Pro-Tempore, hereafter referred to as the Pro-Temp, shall be a current Associate Justice appointed by the Chief Justice and approved by a majority of the members of the Judicial Board. (A) The Pro-Temp shall assist the Chief Justice in their duties and shall assume the role of Chief Justice in the event of the Chief Justice’s absence or dismissal. (B) The Pro-Temp may carry out all the responsibilities of an Associate Justice with no additional authority except in the case of the absences or dismissal of the Chief Justice, in which case they would take on the role of the Chief Justice exclusively, until the return of the Chief Justice or, in the case of dismissal, until a new one can be appointed. §7. Meetings & Agenda (A) The SGLC Judicial Board shall meet weekly at a time and location determined by the Chief Justice. (B) All four Associate Justices and the Chief Justice must attend the meetings of the Judicial Board, exceeding no more than four excused absences. (C) Quorum for the Judicial Board requires attendance of the Chief Justice and two Associate Justices; all meetings will be closed to the public. (D) Senators and members of the Executive may attend, but must be approved before the meeting by the Judicial Board. (E) Meetings shall adhere to the following agenda. i. Call to order and roll call. ii. Review pending cases. iii. Review passed legislation. iv. Hold hearings. §8. Hearings: Hearings shall adhere to the following Agenda. (A) Pre-hearing motions (B) Introductory statements i. Plaintiff-five minutes. ii. Defendant-five minutes. (C) Presentation of Plaintiff’s case-15 minutes (D) Presentation of Defendant’s case-15 minutes (E) Closing arguments i. Plaintiff-five minutes ii. Defendant-five minutes §9. Justice Removal: A member of the Judicial Board may be removed from office by a 2/3 majority of the Senate. §10. Judicial Report: A complete record of each meeting shall be included in a Judicial Board Report. (A) This report shall include, but is not limited to, the status of measures passed by the Senate and Judicial Rulings and Opinions on complaints filed by the Attorney General, (B) The Judicial Report shall be disseminated to the SGLC within one week after each meeting of the Judicial Board.

Article 18: Censure, Misconduct & Resignations §1. Preponderance of the Evidence Standard: The Judicial Board shall judge any misconduct case using the Preponderance of the Evidence Standard. (A) Preponderance of the Evidence shall be defined as the standard that is met when enough evidence is presented by the plaintiff to make it more likely than not that the defendant is guilty of a violation or violations of the SGLC bylaws. §2. Censure: A censure shall be a judicial reprimand of any member of the SGLC. Censures shall be enacted through the following process:

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28 (A) Any member of the Loyola University of Chicago community may file a complaint, which outlines the specific violation of the SGLC Articles of Governance with the Attorney General. (B) The Attorney General shall conduct an investigation of all relevant parties. After investigation, they shall file a censure of the party under investigation with the Judicial Board if they see fit. A complaint shall be filed no less than 72 hours before the Judicial meeting in which it be heard. The Attorney General shall notify the defendant no less than 36 hours prior to the judicial meeting in which it shall be heard. (C) The complaint shall be heard at the next scheduled Judicial meeting. The Attorney General shall present the SGLC complaint and the defendant shall have the right to defend themselves. If the complaint is sustained, the Chief Justice shall present the ruling at the next scheduled Senate meeting. (D) After a member of the SGLC receives their third censure, the Senate must review their misconduct and vote to file an impeachment complaint. This subject shall appear under “Unfinished Business” in the meeting’s agenda. (E) The recipient of a censure may choose to appeal their censure to the Judicial Board on the grounds that no rule was, in fact, violated, or if there were mitigating factors, which shall be determined by the Judicial Board after the Board has announced the censure to the Senate. (F) The Judicial Board shall have the discretion to issue multiple censures should they deem it appropriate.

§3. Impeachment: Grounds for impeachment shall consist of failure to fulfill the duties of a member’s position as enumerated in the SGLC Articles of Governance, and failure to conduct oneself in a manner befitting a member of the SGLC. (A) The impeachment process may be preceded by the equivalent of three censures. (B) Impeachment complaints against any member of the SGLC shall only be filed by the Attorney General after being passed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate. At this point, the SGLC official in question shall be stripped of all privileges associated with their position, which shall include but are not limited to the capacity to vote in the Senate, until the Judicial Board issues a ruling in the case. (C) The Judicial Board shall be presented with pending impeachment complaints once they are voted on by the Senate. The Board shall hear the complaints at their regularly scheduled meeting. (D) The Judicial Board shall remove a member of the SGLC from office should an impeachment complaint be sustained. (E) Individuals who are impeached and removed from office shall be ineligible for any SGLC elected or appointed position for the rest of that academic year. (F) Individuals who have been removed from office retain the right to submit an appeal to the Judicial Board. Should the petition for appeal be granted, the Judicial Board shall hear the appeal the week following the original ruling. (G) While a case is being appealed, the defendant shall remain a member of the SGLC under the conditions of their impeached status. §4. Rights of the Accused (A) The accused shall be entitled to the following: i. To have prior knowledge of all the charges and have the charges explained clearly and fully at every point during the hearing ii. To be informed of the names of the witnesses to testify against them iii. To hear all testimony and see all written statements concerning the charges iv. To refute statements made by witnesses and question them v. To have a fair and prompt hearing vi. To be notified promptly of the results of the hearing vii. The opportunity to present a counter claim to the court, which will be handled as an original petition §5. Resignations: A resignation shall be deemed official once the resignee has tended their resignation in writing to the Chief Justice, President, and Speaker of the Senate. (A) Should any individual choose to resign from SGLC, they will need to seek judicial approval before elected or appointed to any SGLC position for that academic year.

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29 CHAPTER 6: Campus Activities Network

Article 19: Campus Activities Network §1. Composition & Purpose: The Campus Activities Network, hereafter referred to as CAN, shall be a body composed of one representative of each registered student organization. CAN shall serve the collective interest of Loyola student organizations. (A) One person may serve as the RSO representative for multiple organizations. (B) CAN shall be organized into subsections according to their classification by SAGA. Each of these subgroups shall internally elect a delegate to the CAN Steering Board. §2. Meetings: CAN meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Chief of Student Organizations (CSO), but shall be held monthly. (A) A general meeting shall be called to address an issue pertinent to general membership. §3. CSO Authority: The CSO has the ability to address concerns of individual student organizations outside the scope of CAN in the manner they deem appropriate. §4. Steering Board: CAN shall be directed by the CAN Steering Board which shall be chaired by the CSO, composed of the delegates from each of the RSO subsections, and advised by the SAGA Graduate Assistant. (A) This board shall meet prior to every CAN meeting to determine what should be placed on the agenda for the upcoming CAN meeting. (B) The delegates shall further be responsible to serve as the primary contact person for the various RSOs within their subgroup to contact should they have a problem or need advice. (C) The delegates will also communicate any pertinent issues to SAGA or the SGLC if the need arises.

CHAPTER 7: Non-Voting Members and Advisors Article 20: Auxiliary Officers §1. Appointment (A) Auxiliary Officers shall be appointed through an application process conducted by the Executive Committee. Appointments shall be approved or rejected by a simple majority vote of the Senate. (B) The Executive Committee may appoint multiple candidates to be considered by the Senate for an Auxiliary Officer position. (C) The Senate shall approve a maximum of one candidate each to any of the Auxiliary Officer positions. (D) If an Auxiliary Officer position becomes vacant as a result of resignation or impeachment, the Executive Committee shall immediately create and publish a new application and the position shall be filled as soon as possible in accordance with subsections (A) through (C) as stated above. §2. Powers & Responsibilities (A) Auxiliary Officers shall not be allowed to vote within the SGLC, unless stated otherwise within the Articles of Governance. (B) Auxiliary Officers shall possess any and all rights, powers, responsibilities, and obligations afforded to each and every member of the SGLC, as stated within the Articles of Governance. §3. The Secretary (A) The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Senate, the Executive Committee, and the Cabinet. (B) The Secretary shall be responsible for minute-taking and record-keeping for the Senate, the Executive Committee, and the Cabinet. (C) The Secretary shall be responsible for distribution of meeting agendas, pertinent measures, committee reports and other appropriate documentation to all members of the SGLC 24 hours prior to every scheduled meeting of the Senate.

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30 (D) The Secretary shall be responsible for distribution of meeting minutes from each meeting of the Senate to all members of the SGLC no later than 24 hours following the adjournment of the meeting. (E) The Secretary shall be responsible for distribution of meeting minutes from each meeting of the Executive Committee and the Cabinet to all invited members no later than twenty-four hours following the adjournment of the meeting. (F) The Secretary shall coordinate with the Chief Communications Officer to ensure that all meeting agendas, pertinent measures, meeting minutes, committee reports, and appropriate documentation are published appropriately as otherwise stated within the Articles of Governance. (G) The Secretary should be responsible for printing all necessary documents including agendas and legislation for all scheduled Senate meetings. The Secretary shall distribute these materials to all Senators.

§4. The Attorney General (A) The Attorney General shall attend all meetings of the Senate. (B) The Attorney General shall be responsible for maintenance and enforcement of parliamentary order in all sessions of the Senate in accordance with Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the Articles of Governance and all other SGLC bylaws. (C) The Attorney General shall be responsible for investigation and enforcement of any and all instances worthy of censure or impeachment in accordance with Article 18 of the Articles of Governance. Article 21: Advisory Liaisons §1. Powers and Responsibilities (A) Advisory Liaisons are not members of the SGLC, and therefore shall not be allowed to vote within the SGLC. §2. The Advisor(s) (A) The Advisor(s) shall be a member of the Loyola University Chicago administration, staff, or faculty. (B) The Advisor(s) shall be appointed by the Division of Student Development. (C) At the discretion of the Division of Student Development, there may be a maximum of two Advisors at any given time. (D) The Advisor(s) shall inform SGLC discussion and advise the SGLC on matters including but not limited to adherence to Loyola University Chicago’s mission and identity. §3. The Chaplain (A) The Chaplain shall be appointed by the Department of Campus Ministry. (B) The Chaplain shall inform SGLC discussion and encourage reflection on purpose and adherence to Loyola University Chicago’s mission and identity.

CHAPTER 8: The Ethics Code Article 22: Ethical Standards §1. Respect for One’s Self (A) The embodiment of cura personalis which includes care of the whole person and suggests individualized attention to the needs of others and one’s self; distinct respect for unique circumstances and concerns; and appropriate appreciation for singular gifts and insights. §2. Respect for Others (A) Others shall be defined as: i. All elected and appointed officials of the SGLC. ii. All auxiliary officers within the SGLC. iii. All faculty, staff, administrators, and students of Loyola University Chicago.

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31 iv. Any person not yet defined herein. (B) Members of the SGLC shall abide by the section of the Loyola Student Promise which reads: i. I promise to recognize that each individual person is valuable and has a unique perspective that contributes to the growth and development of all. I will respect the individuality of others regardless of appearance, ethnicity, faith, gender, ability, sexual orientation, or social standing.

§3. Respect for the Community (A) Community shall be defined as: i. All members of the Loyola University Chicago faculty, staff, administration, and student body including the surrounding campus environment. ii. The neighborhoods surrounding all campuses and properties affiliated with Loyola University Chicago. iii. The SGLC body at large which consists of all associated members including auxiliary officers. (B) The execution of goals within the defined community shall be carried out within a campus environment where people feel safe, sustained, engaged, challenged, and appreciated. §4. Accountability (A) All members of the SGLC are personally responsible for their individual actions and shall abide by the standards of ethical behavior set forth in this article. (B) All members of the SGLC shall hold each other accountable to the standards of ethical behavior set forth in this article. §5. Visibility (A) The SGLC and its members shall enforce ethical behavior within the public sphere. i. Unethical behavior is considered to be within the context of the “public sphere” if someone notes the unethical behavior and it is reported to the Attorney General. ii. This includes all social media outlets where SGLC members are substantially identified as such by internal or external parties. (B) The SGLC and its members shall encourage ethical behavior within the private sphere. (C) The SGLC and its members shall display respect for all parties within any affiliated SGLC meeting or event i. This includes exhibiting professionalism and deference during the process of presenting and debating legislation.

CHAPTER 9: Elections Code Article 23: Spring & Fall Elections §1. Spring Elections Positions: The following positions are elected in the Spring Elections: (A) Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and Undesignated Representatives (B) President and Vice President Ticket (C) Chief Justice (D) Chief of Student Organizations §2. Fall Elections Positions: The following positions are elected in the Fall Elections: (A) Freshman Representatives (B) All remaining open positions §3. Qualifications for Candidacy (A) All candidates shall meet the following general qualifications: i. Shall be a member of the undergraduate student body. ii. Shall be in good disciplinary standing as determined by the Office of the Dean of Students.

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32 iii. Shall maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative Grade Point Average as determined by the records of the Office of Registration and Records. iv. Shall be a candidate for only one position. v. Shall receive 50 signatures petitioning for placement on the ballot. vi. Shall be members of the constituency of the office they are seeking as defined by the Office of the Registrar.

§4. Campaign Finance: In all general elections, candidates shall be subject to the following public financing and spending cap restrictions. (A) Rules for Candidates a. Candidates for office shall receive printing funds for their campaign in the amount of one quarter of the spending cap for the position contingent upon approval of the Elections Board. i. Spending Cap a. Candidates for executive office shall be subject to a spending cap of $100. b. Candidates for legislative office shall be subject to a spending cap of $50. c. Candidates for judicial office shall be subject to a spending cap of $50. ii. Submission of Receipts a. In order to receive Election Board approval of campaign materials as outlined above, candidates shall submit receipts for purchases to ensure compliance with the spending caps. (B) Rules for Endorsing Organizations i. Spending Cap a. Organizations which have endorsed a candidate for executive office in compliance with the rules outlined above may spend up to $50 for campaign materials which advocate the election of that candidate. b. Organizations which have endorsed a candidate for legislative office in compliance with the rules outlined below may spend up to $25 for campaign materials which advocate the election of that candidate. ii. Submission of Receipts a. In order to receive Election Board approval of campaign materials as outlined above, the endorsing organization shall submit receipts for purchases to ensure compliance with the spending caps. §5. Candidate Requirements (in Order to be Placed on the Ballot) (A) All candidates shall obtain an election packet which contains the SGLC Elections Code, the candidacy petition, details regarding candidates meetings, and the election contract. (B) Candidates or their representative shall attend a Candidates Meeting with the SGLC Election Board. Should a representative be sent, they shall present a letter from the candidate certifying their authority to act as an agent of the candidate. At the Candidates Meeting, election procedures shall be outlined and the following documents shall be submitted: i. A Candidacy Petition. Candidates shall submit their candidacy petition which shall contain a minimum of 50 signatures. ii. An Election Contract. Candidates shall sign an election contract binding them to all policies of the SGLC Bylaws. Violations of the SGLC Bylaws may result in sanctions being imposed by the Election Board. iii. A Statement of Candidacy. Candidates shall submit a statement of candidacy not to exceed one page as well as a current headshot of themselves. The Election Board shall make all reasonable efforts to make the statements. §6. Rules for Campaigning (A) Candidates and their agents shall be limited to providing factual and substantiated information. Candidates shall be prohibited from engaging in acts of libel and/or slander. (B) Campaigning shall be restricted to days permitted by the Election Board in accordance with the SGLC Elections Code. This shall not be construed to prohibit obtaining signatures on election petitions.

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33 (C) Candidates and their agents shall submit all elections materials to the Election Board for approval prior to dissemination. Contents of and the dissemination of election materials shall be in accordance with the policies of Loyola University Chicago as well as the laws of the United States, the State of Illinois, the County of Cook and the City of Chicago. (D) The mutilation of campaign materials shall be prohibited. Any candidate or their agents who knowingly destroys, mutilates, defaces, falsifies, forges, conceals, or removes any campaign materials shall be guilty of mutilation of campaign materials. (E) Candidates for the office of President and Vice President shall run as a ticket. When submitting their candidacy petition, candidates for the offices of President and Vice President shall be required to name their running mate. (F) Candidates for Chief Justice, Sophomore Representative, Junior Representative, Senior Representative and Undesignated Representative shall be prohibited from running as a ticket. Candidates shall be guilty of running as a ticket should any campaign materials be produced listing the names of more than one candidate. (G) Candidates and their agents shall be prohibited from campaigning door-to-door in residence halls. (H) Candidates and their agents shall be prohibited from physically campaigning in University computing facilities during polling hours. (I) Specific building restrictions shall be as follows: i. Centennial Forum Student Union (CFSU). Posting shall be allowed in CFSU on the designated bulletin boards upon approval from the Information Desk. ii. Dining Facilities. Posting shall be permitted in dining facilities upon receiving written approval from dining services staff. iii. Dumbach Hall. Posting shall be permitted on all classroom and hallway bulletin boards. Posting is prohibited on building walls. iv. Mundelein Center. Candidates shall solely post on the bulletin boards in this building. Posting shall be prohibited on building walls and elevators. Preventing the functioning of this building shall be prohibited. v. Cudahy Science. Campaigning and posting in Cudahy Science shall be prohibited. vi. Sullivan Center for Student Services. Campaigning and posting in Sullivan shall be prohibited. vii. Life Science Building. Posting on floor bulletin boards shall be allowed upon the approval of the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s office. Posting of fliers is permitted on classroom bulletin boards. Campaigning is prohibited in the building proper. viii. Residence Halls. Materials for posting shall be submitted to the Department of Residence Life for approval and posting. ix. Libraries. Campaigning shall be prohibited in Cudahy and Lewis libraries, as well as the Information Commons. x. Terry Student Center. Postings shall be submitted for approval and posting to the information desk. xi. Maguire Hall and Corboy Law Center. Posting shall be permitted on classroom and floor bulletin boards in these academic buildings. xii. Outdoors: The use of sidewalk chalk is prohibited. xiii. Posting shall be prohibited on boards maintained by Academic Departments in all University buildings. xiv. Cuneo Hall. Campaigning and posting in Cuneo Hall shall be prohibited. xv. Institute of Environmental Sustainability (IES). Campaigning and posting in the IES shall be prohibited. xvi. Student Complex. All posting material shall be submitted to the front desk for posting. Campaigning shall not restrict the function of this building.

§7. Endorsements: Any Registered Student Organization (except the SGLC) may endorse one or more candidates for office. (A) A letter of endorsement signed by the President of the organization shall be required to be submitted to the Election Board before the candidate may claim the endorsement or before the organization takes any action publicly supporting the candidate.

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34 (B) Upon receipt of a letter of endorsement, the endorsing organization becomes an agent of the candidate, making the candidate responsible for the actions of the organization. (C) Standard rules regarding running as a ticket apply to actions taken by endorsing organizations.

§8. Polling Violations: The following actions or conspiracy to commit the following actions shall be polling violations, subjecting the candidate to the imposition of sanctions by the Election Board: (A) Vote Buying. The buying of votes shall be prohibited. Any candidate or their agents who knowingly gives or lends or promises to give or lend any money or other non de minimis consideration to any voter shall be in violation of the prohibition on vote buying. (B) Promise for Vote. It shall be prohibited for any candidate or their agent to knowingly promise to cause or support the appointment of any person to any University public or private office or to perform or refrain from performing any official act. Such actions shall be in violation of the prohibition on promise for vote. (C) Selling of Vote. It shall be prohibited for any candidate or their agent to vote for or against any other candidate in consideration for any gift, loan, or other non de minimis consideration including a promise to cause or support the appointment of any person to any University, public or private office. Such actions shall be in violation of the prohibition on selling of vote. (D) Prevention of Voting or Candidate Support. It shall be prohibited for any candidate or their agent to prevent any person from lawfully voting, or supporting or opposing the nomination or election of any candidate to SGLC office through the use of force, intimidation, threat, deception or forgery. Such actions shall be in violation of the prohibition on prevention of voting or candidate support. (E) Voting more than once. It shall be prohibited for any candidate or their agent to submit, cause to be submitted, or aid in the submission of a ballot by an individual who has previously voted in the current election. (F) Mutilation of Election Materials. It shall be prohibited for any candidate or their agent or person delegated by the University to assist with the elections to destroy, mutilate, deface, falsify, forge, conceal, or remove any record, register of voters, affidavit, election results, ballot, or any document or computer program which is used or preserved in connection with any election. i. Such actions shall be in violation of the prohibition on mutilation of election materials and may result in sanctions by the election board, the filing of charges through the University conduct system and/or local law enforcement as required. (G) Tampering with Voting Machines. It shall be prohibited for any candidate or their agent or person delegated by the University to assist with the elections to tamper with or aid in tampering with any machine or device used in connection with voting or the counting of votes so as to interfere with the proper functioning of such device, to alter the results recorded or intended to be recorded on such device, or to record or cause to be recorded votes which are not cast legally. Such actions shall be in violation of the prohibition on tampering with voting machines. §9. The Ballot (A) The ballot shall include all open positions for that election, broken down by position, with candidates listed in random order in a manner determined by the Election Board. (B) An extra spot shall be included for every position so that voters may cast a write-in vote. (C) The Election Board shall oversee the inclusion of referenda on the ballot. i. Referenda may be composed of any specific question regarding the undergraduate community, or the policies or structure of the SGLC. ii. Referenda shall be placed upon the ballot upon majority approval of the Senate or by submission of a signed petition of 500 or more verified Loyola University Chicago undergraduate students. iii. Referenda which win majority approval are of equal weight to a SGLC Resolution or Bill, and shall not be vetoed by the President. §10. Election Procedures (A) All general elections shall be conducted by an electronic or computer based medium.

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35 (B) The Candidate who receives the plurality of votes for a position shall be the winner of that election. When a position calls for multiple candidates to be elected, the candidates receiving the highest vote counts shall be the winners. i. In the event of a tie the election shall be determined by a 2/3 majority vote of the Senate. (C) Fall Elections i. Candidates Meetings shall be conducted between Monday and Wednesday of the second week from the beginning of the fall semester. ii. Campaigning shall begin at 12:01 AM on Monday of the third week from the beginning of the fall semester and shall conclude at 11:59 PM on Sunday of the fourth week from the beginning of the fall semester. iii. Voting shall be conducted on the Monday of the fourth week from the beginning of the fall semester, and the results shall be posted when available that week. Exact dates on which voting shall be conducted shall be established by the Election Board. (D) Spring Elections i. Candidates Meetings shall be conducted between Monday and Wednesday of the sixth week before the beginning of final exams. ii. Campaigning shall begin at 12:01 AM on Monday of the sixth week before the beginning of final exams and shall conclude at 11:59 PM on Sunday of the fourth week before the beginning of final exams. iii. The Election Board shall hold a public election rally at a time and location of their choice during the period in which campaigning is permitted. Candidates shall be provided an opportunity to speak and answer questions at this rally. iv. Voting shall be conducted four weeks before the beginning of final exams, and the results shall be posted when available the fourth week before the beginning of final exams. Exact dates on which voting is to be conducted shall be established by the Election Board.

§11. Rights of Candidates (A) Publication of Election Results. All election results shall be made available to all candidates. (B) Right of Grievance. All candidates shall have the right to file a grievance with the Election Board before or during the elections. The Election Board shall hear all grievances, and shall take proper action. §12. Senate Approval of the Election: The Senate shall vote to approve the results of the Election. Candidates shall have the right to file a grievance with the Speaker of the Senate which shall be heard at the next Senate Session. (A) Should the Senate not approve the results of the election at the first meeting after the publication of election results, the results shall be sent to the Judicial Board.

Article 24: Election Board §1. Composition: The Election Board shall consist of five members nominated and elected by the Senate. Members shall be current SGLC members. No individual who is a candidate for election and/or is participating in the campaign of any other individual for office in the SGLC shall be nominated for or serve on the Election Board. §2. Officers: The members of the Election Board shall assign the following positions to specific members of the Election Board: (A) A Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be responsible for conducting meeting and hearings of the Election Board. (B) A Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the Minutes and other records of the Election Board’s proceedings. §3. Powers: The Election Board shall have the power to interpret the laws of the SGLC regarding the conduct of elections. The Election Board shall have the power to conduct hearings to determine if a candidate has violated the laws regarding the conduct of elections. The Election Board shall maintain a journal of all proceedings.

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§4. Sanctions Imposed: The Election Board shall have the power to impose sanctions on candidates for violation of the laws regarding the conduct of elections as follows: (A) A minor offense: For a minor offense, the Election Board may impose sanctions on a candidate up to and including limitations on the type, quantity, and location of campaigning. (B) A major offense: For a major offense, the Election Board may impose sanctions on a candidate up to and including removing the candidate from the Ballot. (C) All sanctions imposed by the election board may be appealed by the candidate to the Judicial Board. §5. Tabling: The election board must table at least once on the two election days when voting is live for both Spring and Fall Elections. §6. Dissolution: The Election Board for any given term shall dissolve within one week of Senate’s confirmation of the election.

CHAPTER 10: The Financial Code Article 25: SGLC Budget §1. Purpose and Application: There shall be a budget provided to the SGLC by the Loyola University Chicago Vice President of Student Development. The overall budget amount shall be negotiated between the President, the Chief Financial Officer, the Speaker of the Senate, the Executive Director of the Department of Programming, and the Loyola University Chicago Vice President of Student Development. The SGLC shall not apply for funding from the Student Activities Fund. (A) The Chief Financial Officer shall be tasked with managing and maintaining the SGLC financial accounts and transactions. §2 The General Fund: The General Fund shall provide resources for the general operations of the SGLC. The General Fund shall operate based on line items pursuant to Article 24 §4(B)(i) §3. Budgeting: The Vice President of Student Affairs of Loyola University Chicago shall issue the budget to the SGLC. (A) Drafting of the Budget: The Budget Special Committee shall be charged with drafting the SGLC Budget, consisting of the General Fund, the SAF, and the Reserve Fund. The Budget Special Committee shall consult with the relevant officers concerning the individual funds. The structure of the funds is defined in Article 24 §4(B). (B) Senate approval of the Budget: After the budget has been drafted it must be sent before the Senate as a measure sponsored by the Budget Special Committee. The Budget Special Committee shall provide an assessment of the current budget and budget draft for the upcoming year. If the bill is rejected the Budget Special Committee must submit a new budget at the following Senate session. §4. Accounting Systems: All SGLC financial affairs shall adhere to the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The record of all expenditures from the SGLC budget and tracking the status and transactions of all SGLC funds shall adhere to GAAP. It shall be the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer to ensure compliance with GAAP. The outgoing and incoming Chief Financial Officer shall create an appropriate use of GAAP for the upcoming year. (A) Line Items: Line items are to provide funding for particular functions or programs of the SGLC. Each line item shall be assigned to the appropriate officer. Expenditures from a line item may only be used for their named function by the officer or their designee. (B) Pool Funds i. General Fund: The General Fund shall be a pool of funds to be allocated pursuant to §5. It shall be held as a balance in the GAAP. ii. Student Activity Fund: The SAF shall be a pool of funds to be allocated to eligible student organizations pursuant to Article 25: The Student Activity Fund. The activity of the Student Activity Fund shall be tracked through the SAF Tracker as a component of the GAAP.

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37 iii. The Scholarship Fund: The Scholarship Fund shall be a pool of funds to be allocated to eligible members of the SGLC.

§5. Approval & Oversight (A) General Fund Access: Access to the General Fund is limited to officers in the interests of fiscal management and responsibility. The Chief Financial Officer and the President shall authorize all transactions. (B) Expenditures: Spending requests must be filed with the Chief Financial Officer at least four business days prior to the date needed. All funding requests must abide by the policies of the Registered Student Organization Handbook. (C) Financial Status Reports: The Chief Financial Officer shall prepare a report to be submitted to the Senate on a weekly basis. This report shall detail the status and activity of all SGLC financial accounts based on the information provided by the GAAP. (D) Intra-Fund Transfers: Intra-Fund transfers are transfers of monies between lines in a single fund within the General Fund. The President and the Chief Financial Officer must approve line transfers. (E) Inter-Fund Transfers: Inter-Fund transfers are transfers of monies between the three SGLC funds. The SGLC Senate must approve all Inter-Fund transfers.

Article 26: The Student Activity Fund §1. Purpose: The Student Activity Fund, hereafter referred to as the SAF shall provide resources to be allocated to Registered Student Organizations as provided by Article 25. The Student Activity Fund is a pool fund as described in Article 24 §4(B)(ii). §2. Allocation Authority: The Allocations Committee of the SGLC shall be the appropriator of the SAF. Eligible Registered Student Organizations, as determined by Student Activities & Greek Affairs (SAGA), may request funding from the Student Activity Fund through Semester Budget Requests and through SPOT Funding Requests. (A) All funding must conform to University Policy to be eligible for allocation. The Allocations Committee shall not allocate more than sixty percent of the SAF for the fall semester of any given academic year. §3. SAF Allocations Hearings: The Allocations Committee shall hear SPOT Funding Requests and Semester Budget Requests on dates determined by SAGA. (A) The Allocations Committee shall meet at the end of each semester to hold Semester Budget Requests hearings for Registered Student Organizations. §4. SPOT Funding Requests: SPOT Funding Requests are requests for SAF money, which fund Registered Student Organizations’ planned experiences or events. (A) Specific funding request dates will be set in the months of September, October, January, and February and determined based on the academic calendar. (B) Registered Student Organizations may submit two SPOT funding event requests per SPOT cycle. (C) Registered Student Organizations shall submit SPOT funding requests via OrgSync by a date and time set by SAGA. (D) SPOT funding requests, once approved, shall be used for the current semester in which the request is made. (E) SPOT funding requests shall be limited to 20,000 dollars per event request. §5. Semester Budget Requests: Semester Budget Requests are requests for SAF money, which fund Registered Student Organizations’ planned experiences or events. (A) Specific funding request dates will be set in the months of November and March and determined based on the academic calendar. (B) Registered Student Organizations shall submit Semester Budget Requests via OrgSync by a date and time determined by SAGA.

Document last edited 1/13/15

38 (C) After hearing any rehearing requests a final allocation recommendation will be prepared and submitted to the Senate. (D) Semester Budget Requests, once approved, shall be used for the subsequent semester in which the request is made. (E) There is no request cap for any event requests during the Semester Budget Request cycle.

§6. Budget Transfers: Budget Transfers are requests made by Registered Student Organizations to transfer funds across line items of a specific planned experience or event, not across entire planned experiences or events. (A) Registered Student Organizations desiring to alter the amount of funding allocated within a funding category shall submit a budget transfer request to SAGA. (B) The Request may be approved in all or nothing. (C) Registered Student Organizations may not fundamentally alter the premise of the budget proposal. §7. Senate Oversight (A) The full Senate shall receive a briefing at the beginning of each new academic year concerning allocation protocols and the budget guidelines to facilitate their role as appropriator of the Student Activity Fund. (B) The Speaker of the Senate shall participate in budget training along with the Allocations Committee and/or schedule a training session with the Allocations Committee adviser, so the Speaker is able to facilitate their role as appropriator of the Student Activity Fund. §8. Appeals (A) Registered Student Organizations may file an appeal of the Allocations Committee ruling on their funding request. i. Registered Student Organizations may file an appeal of the Allocation Committee’s funding decision with the Senate. ii. A Registered Student Organization that wishes to appeal a funding decision must submit an appeal form to be reviewed by SAGA and the Senate before the deadline assigned by SAGA and the SGLC Chief Financial Officer. This petition must include reasons for the appeal, any pertinent documentation, and a copy of the original budget request. iii. The appealing Registered Student Organization shall not alter their original funding request(s). iv. An appeal that does not fall into either ground mentioned in §8(B)(i) and §8(B)(ii) shall be considered invalid. v. The Speaker of the Senate shall determine whether submitted appeals are valid or invalid. vi. The Speaker of the Senate shall deny a hearing for an appeal that is determined invalid. vii. The Speaker of the Seante shall allow a hearing for an appeal that is determined valid. viii. The Speaker of the Senate shall notify the submitter of an appeal whether or not their appeal will be heard by the Senate at least 48 hours before the Senate meeting in which the appeals are set to be heard. ix. The Speaker of the Senate shall communicate to the Senate any appeal that is determined invalid and provide a rationale explaining why it was determined invalid. (B) Grounds for Appeal of an Allocations decision i. An Appeal based on Procedural Error which shall consist of the Registered Student Organization proving that the Allocations Committee failed to adhere to its guidelines. The Senate must first determine whether the Allocations Committee did in fact deviate from its guidelines. Should this be sustained, then the Senate as a whole will determine whether or not to fund the Registered Student Organization in full. ii. Line Item Appeal shall consist of a Registered Student Organization disputing a particular lineitem in an approved funding request. The Registered Student Organization may appeal if the Allocations Committee reduced the allocation below the amount requested for a particular budget item, contending that the current allocation is insufficient to cover the cost of the event. The Senate will only rule on whether or not to allocate the full amount of the Registered Student Organization requested funding.

Document last edited 1/13/15


§9. Appeals Process

(A) The petitioning Registered Student Organization must submit in writing to SAGA and the SGLC Chief Financial Officer the reasons for the appeal, any pertinent documentation, and the original funding request. No changes may be made to the original funding request. (B) Members of the petitioning RSO will be allowed to attend the Senate meeting in which their request is heard; however only one member of the petitioning RSO shall be allowed to speak on behalf of the RSO and answer any questions from the Senate. (C) The Chair of the Allocations Committee shall provide a detailed report on the rationale for the original ruling at the Committee level. The Chair shall answer all questions for the Allocations Committee. Members of the Allocations Committee must abstain from participation in the Appeals hearing. (D) The student organization shall then have the opportunity to present their case before the Senate. (E) Any sustained appeals shall be communicated to SAGA and the pertinent student organization within 24 hours of the Senate’s vote by the Speaker of the Senate. §10. Funding Guidelines: The budget guidelines shall be created by SAGA and the Allocations Committee and a copy of said guidelines will be given to the President and the Chief Justice. §11. Additional Rules & Regulations: Additional rules and regulations may be prepared by the SGLC in conjunction with SAGA. The SGLC Articles of Governance Chapter 9: The Financial Code and such additional rules and regulations shall be published as “Funding Guidelines” and shall hold the full force and effect of law following approval through the Senate and Judicial Board.

Document last edited 1/13/15

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