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8. Transmission Delivery Nomination Required
Renomination” at any time between the Nomination Time and 01:00 hours on the Gas Flow Day which shall specify:
(a) the Biomethane Delivery Nomination in respect of which it is made;
(b) the Renomination Effective Time;
(c) the quantity of gas nominated for delivery to the System; and
(d) where requested by the Operator, the hourly flow rate for each hour of the Gas Flow Day.
7.2 The Operator may reject, or at its discretion, approve a Biomethane Delivery Renomination which does not meet the requirements of paragraph 7.1; and where the Operator rejects a Biomethane Delivery Renomination the prevailing Biomethane Delivery Nomination (or earlier Biomethane Delivery Nomination) shall remain in place.
7.3 A Biomethane Delivery Renomination which has not been rejected by the Operator within 60 minutes of its submission shall be deemed to be approved.
7.4 An approved Biomethane Delivery Renomination shall replace the previous Biomethane Delivery Nomination (or earlier Biomethane Delivery Renomination).
7.5 Where the Operator requires (or ceases to require) reduction or cessation of deliveries at a BSEP under the Code, the User shall make a Biomethane Delivery Renomination consistent with that requirement.
8. Transmission Delivery Nomination Required
8.1 By no later than 3 hours after the Nomination Time on a Gas Flow Day the Operator will determine the Transmission Delivery Nomination Required of the User for the Gas Flow Day as the sum of:
(a) the Nomination Quantity under the User’s NDM Offtake Nomination;
(b) the sum of Nomination Quantities under each of the User’s DM Offtake Nominations;
(c) the User’s Daily Shrinkage Nomination Quantity (calculated in accordance with Section D paragraph 4.4);
(d) the sum of the quantities in any Biomethane Delivery Nominations made by the User;
provided always that: