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4 Shrinkage

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11 Not Used

(d) UDQI;

and on D+7 the Operator shall notify the User of its provisional Daily Quantities (subject to any revisions made before Close-out) for each of (a) to (d) above.

3.5 At any time between D+1 and M+6, a User’s UDQI shall only be adjusted by the Operator as a result of:

(a) any adjustments required under paragraphs 2.3(a) and/or 2.3(b);

(b) an adjustment to the User’s BDQD pursuant to Section E paragraph 12; and

(c) a revision to the TTDQD and/or a revision of the TBDQD as a consequence of adjustments under Section E paragraph 12.

3.6 For the avoidance of doubt:

(a) a User’s UDQI shall be final at M+6; and

(b) a User’s provisional UDQI at the Close-out Date may be subject to revision prior to M+6 in accordance with paragraph 3.5.

4 Shrinkage

4.1 For the purposes of the Code "Shrinkage" means gas in the System which:

(a) is used by the Operator in connection with the operation of the System, including gas vented from the System by the Operator other than gas vented in accordance with Section G paragraph 7.6; and

(b) which is lost or otherwise unaccounted for as offtaken from the System.

4.2 Shrinkage shall:

(a) include gas offtaken from the System which has been illegally taken:

(i) upstream of the point of offtake (in accordance with Section H paragraph 6) at any Supply Meter Point; and

(ii) subject to paragraph (b)(ii), at or at a point downstream of the point of offtake, at a Supply Meter Point, in a case in which the Operator is entitled to recover the value of the gas;

(b) not include gas offtaken from the System;

(i) except as provided in paragraph (a)(ii), illegally taken at or downstream of the point of offtake at any Supply Meter Point;

(ii) taken at or at a point downstream of the point of offtake, at a Supply Meter Point of which the Registered User has ceased to be a User pursuant to Section O paragraph 5, except in the case where, after the Supply Meter Point has been Isolated, the Operator becomes entitled to recover the value of the gas.


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