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2 Output Quantities
1.3 In relation to a System Entry Point, a “Delivering User” is a User treated as delivering gas to the System on that Gas Flow Day.
1.4 In relation to a Supply Meter Point, an “Offtaking User” is the Registered User of a Supply Meter Point and the person treated as offtaking gas from the System at that point on that Gas Flow Day.
1.5 Unless the context otherwise requires, references in the Code to quantities delivered to or offtaken from the System by a User are to the quantities treated in accordance with this Section D as being so delivered or offtaken,
1.6 For the purposes of the Code in respect of each Gas Flow Day the “Close-out Date” is the 5th Day after such Gas Flow Day.
1.7 In accordance with Section M paragraph 8.2 a User may give a Daily Read Error Notice to the Operator in respect of a Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or a DM Supply Meter Point (as applicable) for a Gas Flow Day until the Close-out Date for such Gas Flow Day.
2 Output Quantities
2.1 For each Gas Flow Day and for each User, the User's UDQO shall be determined as the sum of;
(a) the User’s DM Daily Quantity;
(b) the User's NDM Daily Quantity; and
(c) the User's Delivery Proportion of any amounts of gas vented in accordance with Section G paragraph 7.6,
for that Gas Flow Day.
2.2 On D+1 the Operator shall notify each User of its provisional Daily Quantities for each of the following:
(a) NDM Daily Quantity;
(b) Supply Meter Point Daily Quantity for each of the User’s Very Large DM Supply Meter Points and DM Supply Meter Points;
(c) DM Daily Quantity;
(d) UDQO;
and on the D+7 the Operator shall notify the User of provisional Daily Quantities (subject to any revisions made up to the Close-out Date) for each of (a) to (e) above.
2.3 At any time between D+1 and M+6, a User's UDQO shall only be adjusted by the Operator as a result of:
(a) an adjustment to the Supply Meter Point Daily Quantity following the receipt by the Operator: