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3 Amendment of Network Entry Provisions

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2.5 Network Entry Provisions in respect of a BSEP shall include:

(a) parameters for Gas Entry Conditions in accordance with the requirements of Annex G1;

(b) Measurement Provisions in accordance with the requirements of Annex G2,

and may include such other provisions as agreed between the Operator and the Delivery Facility Operator.

2.6 A Network Entry Agreement may contain provisions other than Network Entry Provisions and Network Entry Provisions may differ between BSEPs.

2.7 The existence of a Network Entry Agreement shall not relieve users of any obligations under the Code and the Operator shall not be required to secure in a Network Entry Agreement any remedy against the Delivery Facility Operator nor to take steps to enforce any provisions of a Network Entry Agreement.

2.8 A User shall not be entitled or required to be a party to a Network Entry Agreement.

2.9 A User applying to be the Registered User at a BSEP shall be responsible for obtaining and shall be deemed to have obtained and be fully informed of the applicable Network Entry Provisions.

3 Amendment of Network Entry Provisions

3.1 Subject to paragraph 3.2, the Network Entry Provisions applicable at a BSEP shall not be amended other than by agreement between the Operator and the Delivery Facility Operator.

3.2 For the purposes of paragraph 3.1, the Operator will not agree to an amendment of the Network Entry Provisions in a Network Entry Agreement except:

(a) to enable the Operator or the Delivery Facility Operator to comply with any Legal Requirement; and/or

in respect of any proposed amendment which is not a Legal Requirement, in accordance with paragraph 3.3 or paragraph 3.4 as the circumstances require.

3.3 Where a proposed amendment under paragraph 3.2(b) shall not, in the sole opinion of the Operator, have any impact on any Users or any other part, the Operator:

(a) shall inform the Registered User and provide relevant information about the proposed amendment; and

(b) ask such Registered User to provide any comments within 10 Business Days on the proposed amendment.


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