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This Annex G2 sets out the Measurement Provisions which form part of the Network Entry Provisions in accordance with Section G paragraph 2 and are the minimum requirements for such provisions which shall be included by the Operator in any Network Entry Agreement at a BSEP.
2. For the purposes of the Code the quantity of gas delivered to the System at a BSEP on a Gas Flow Day (the “BSEP Metered Quantity” in respect of that BSEP) shall be determined by reference to the Measurement Equipment at the BSEP.
3. Measurement Equipment at a BSEP shall include:
(a) Gas quality (calorimeter/ gas chromatograph);
(b) Metering equipment;
(c) Communication system;
(d) Dedicated flow computer; and
(e) any other associated equipment required to fulfil the Delivery Facility Operator’s obligations under the Network Entry Agreement.
4. Measurement Equipment and associated computer and communications equipment will be installed, commissioned, maintained and operated by the Delivery Facility Operator in conjunction with the Operator to meet the requirements of the Measuring Instruments Gas (Meters) Regulations 2006, the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997, the Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 and the principles of the Gas (Calculation of Thermal Energy) Regulations 1996 (as amended).
5. Measurement Equipment (including equipment for measuring gas quality, energy and the delivered volume) must meet the relevant specified British Standards, ISO technical standards or other relevant national or international standards as updated from time to time.
6. The Operator shall require that a gas quality risk assessment is completed by the Delivery Facility Operator using such procedures or standards as may be specified by the Operator from time to time before permitting a connection to the Distribution Network or signing a Network Entry Agreement.
7. The Network Entry Agreement shall contain provisions concerning notifications by the Delivery Facility Operator of changes to the type of waste to be processed at the production site.
8. The Operator shall establish a Target CV for gas tendered for delivery at the BSEP and an Acceptable CV Tolerance (both of which, for the avoidance of doubt, shall lie within the range for Gross Calorific Value set out in Annex G1).
9. The Network Entry Agreement shall provide that the Operator and the Registered User shall have access, given reasonable notices periods, to inspect the equipment and data records, witness meter
installation, calibration, commissioning and validation processes and perform tests on the equipment.
10. Live/real-time telemetry shall be installed at a BSEP to provide measurement information to the Operator as well as the Delivery Facility Operator.
11. Measurement Equipment shall be independently validated in accordance with the provisions of the Network Entry Agreement at intervals no greater than annually.
12. The Network Entry Agreement shall include obligations for the replacement or adjustment of Measurement Equipment as required following validations, and assumptions for the adjustment of measured quantities in the event of components being out of range or needing replacement.
13. The Network Entry Agreement shall include appropriate settings for alarms for calorific value, Wobbe, Sooting Index, Incomplete Combustion Factor, Specific Gravity, Carbon Dioxide and Odorant levels, and procedures for determining quantities in the event of a failed reading.
14. Volumes determined using the Measurement Equipment at a BSEP shall be corrected to metric standard temperature and standard pressure conditions (as defined in the Network Entry Agreement) and reported as cubic metres of gas. Measurement of volume shall be without bias and with an uncertainty of plus or minus 1.0% of the volume reading over the specified flow range.
15. Energy determined using the Measurement Equipment at a BSEP shall be corrected to metric standard temperature and standard pressure conditions (as defined in the Network Entry Agreement) and reported as kWh. The uncertainty of the energy flow must be better than plus or minus 1.1% of the energy flow over the specified flow range.
16. The Network Entry Agreement shall require that the Delivery Facility Operator keeps records for a period of a minimum of six years for the purposes of adjusting or reconciling any error.
17. Where the Delivery Facility Operator wishes to make modifications to the Measurement Equipment it shall give a minimum of three months’ notice to the Operator and such modifications shall only be accepted by the Operator on completion of validation of the Measurement Equipment pursuant to the Network Entry Agreement.
18. For the avoidance of doubt, Section L: Supply Meter Points does not apply in respect of BSEPs.