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5 Annual Quantity

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(b) the Operator giving Users not less than twenty (20) Business Days written notice of the coming into effect of the revised document.

5 Annual Quantity

5.1 Subject to paragraph 5.2, the "Annual Quantity" in respect of a Supply Meter Point at any time in a Gas Year is:

(c) in the case of a Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or DM Supply Meter Point (as applicable) the aggregate of the Supply Meter Point’s Daily Quantities for each Day in the period of 12 months ending on 31 July in the Preceding Year; and

(d) in the case of an NDM Supply Meter Point, the quantity determined in accordance with Section F paragraph 4.

5.2 The Annual Quantity of a New Supply Meter Point for the period from the First Supply Point Registration Date until:

(a) in the case of a Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or DM Supply Meter Point (as applicable), the end of the Gas Year in which such Supply Point Registration Date occurred or, if the First Supply Point Registration Date occurred after 31 July in any Gas Year, the end of the second following Gas Year; and

(b) in the case of an NDM Supply Meter Point, the end of the Gas Year in which such Supply Point Registration Date occurred,

shall be the estimated quantity in accordance with paragraph 5.3.

5.3 Where a User submits a Supply Meter Point Confirmation in respect of a Proposed Supply Meter Point which is a New Supply Meter Point:

(a) the User shall provide to the Operator the User's estimate of the quantity which the User expects to be offtaken from the System at the Supply Meter Point in a 12 month period under seasonal normal conditions, which estimate shall (if the Supply Point Confirmation becomes effective) be the Annual Quantity of the Supply Meter Point;

(b) where the Supply Meter Point is Daily Read, the Nominated Supply Meter Point Capacity shall not be less than the User's estimate of the maximum quantity of gas to be offtaken on any Day in the next 12 months on the basis of reasonable assumptions as to weather conditions; and

(c) the User’s estimates under paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be made in good faith and after all appropriate enquiries of the consumer and on the basis of reasonable skill and care.

5.4 Where a Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or DM Supply Meter Point becomes an NDM Supply Meter Point or an NDM Supply Meter Point becomes a Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or DM Supply Meter Point:


(a) the Annual Quantity of the Supply Meter Point for the Gas Year in which such change occurs shall not be affected; and

(b) for the following Gas Year:

(i) in the case of an NDM Supply Meter Point which has become a Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or DM Supply Meter Point, the Annual Quantity shall be the same as that for the Gas Year in which the change occurred; and

(ii) in the case of a Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or DM Supply Meter Point which has become an NDM Supply Meter Point, the Annual Quantity shall be determined in accordance with Section F paragraph 4.

5.5 Where a Supply Meter Point has been Isolated, the Annual Quantity for the Gas Year in which the Isolation takes place shall be unaffected by such Isolation; and the following and subsequent Gas Years, until the end of the Gas Year (if any) in which the Supply Meter Point is reconnected or has had its connection restored, the Annual Quantity shall be the same as that in the year of Isolation.

5.6 The Operator will notify to each User the Annual Quantity applicable for the Gas Year in advance of the commencement of the Gas Year by no later than 14 September of each Gas Year.

5.7 Following the notification of the Annual Quantity of any NDM Supply Meter Point for any Gas Year:

(a) the Registered User may, not later than 31 December of the Gas Year, notify the Operator that the User considers that the Annual Quantity fails to satisfy the requirement in paragraph 5.8, either:

(i) by reason of a change in the basis on which gas was consumed by the consumer during the Preceding Year; or

(ii) on the basis of substantial evidence as to the actual consumption of gas during the Preceding Year; and

(b) where a User so notifies the Operator:

(i) the User at the same time shall provide to the Operator details of the User’s reasons or evidence for its view and an estimate of the quantity which the User considers should be the Annual Quantity; and

(ii) the Operator will consider the details provided by the User, and where it is reasonably satisfied that the Annual Quantity substantially fails to satisfy the requirement in paragraph 5.8, will agree to revise the Annual Quantity for the relevant Gas Year to such quantity that the Operator reasonably determines does satisfy such requirement.

5.8 The requirement referred to in paragraph 5.7 is that the Annual Quantity should represent reasonable assumptions as to the quantity offtaken (or in the case of a New Supply Meter Point, which would have been offtaken) from the System in the period of 12 months ending 31


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