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13 Interruption: general

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12.6 Where a Proposing User submits a Supply Meter Point Confirmation for a Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or DM Supply Meter Point, in which the nominated Supply Meter Point Hourly Offtake Rate or Supply Meter Point Daily Offtake Rate exceeds the existing Supply Meter Point Hourly Offtake Rate or Supply Meter Point Daily Offtake Rate:

(a) a Supply Meter Point Confirmation will not become effective until the Operator has assessed whether it is feasible to make available gas for offtake at the nominated Supply Meter Point Hourly Offtake Rate or Supply Meter Point Daily Offtake Rate; and

(b) where the Operator determines that the nominated Supply Meter Point Hourly Offtake Rate or Supply Meter Point Daily Offtake Rate exceeds the maximum hourly offtake rate or the maximum daily offtake rate, the Supply Meter Point Hourly Offtake Rate or Supply Meter Point Daily Offtake Rate for a Supply Meter Point Confirmation which becomes effective will be the maximum hourly offtake rate or the maximum daily offtake rate determined by the Operator.

12.7 For the purposes of the Code the Supply Meter Point Capacity which a User shall be treated as holding on a Day at a Registered Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or DM Supply Meter Point shall be equal to the Supply Meter Point Daily Offtake Rate determined in accordance with this paragraph 12.

12.8 The Supply Meter Point Capacity which a User is treated as holding at a Very Large DM Supply Meter Point or DM Supply Meter Point for any Day in a Gas Year shall not be less than the highest Supply Meter Point Daily Quantity for the Supply Meter Point on any Day in the Preceding Year.

12.9 The Supply Meter Point Hourly Offtake Rate at a Supply Meter Point shall not be less than 1/24 of the Supply Meter Point Daily Offtake Rate for the Supply Meter Point.

13 Interruption: general

13.1 A Supply Meter Point is eligible to be designated an Interruptible Supply Meter Point in any Gas Year provided that:

(a) its Annual Quantity is greater than 2,196,000 kWh (75,000 therms); and

(b) the Conveyance Charge Statement includes a numerical value under the Licensed Category “Interruptible” for the relevant Distribution Charges.

For the avoidance of doubt where the Distribution Charge categories relevant to an Interruptible Supply Meter Point in the Conveyance Charge Statement are designated as “Not Applicable” a Supply Meter Point may not be designated as an Interruptible Supply Meter Point and paragraphs 13.2 through to 20 (inclusive) of this section L shall not apply.

13.2 By proposing that a Supply Meter Point is designated as Interruptible with effect from an Eligible Status Change Date, or submitting a Supply Meter Point Confirmation in respect of an Interruptible Supply Meter Point, and by not proposing an Interruptible Supply Meter Point is


re-designated as Firm with effect from an Eligible Status Change Date, the Registered User represents to the Operator that the requirement in paragraph 13.3 will be complied with.

13.3 The requirement referred to in paragraph 13.2 is that the contract or contracts of supply to the consumer, in force at the Eligible Status Change Date or (as the case may be) the Supply Point Registration Date, oblige the consumer to give effect to Interruption (including in the case where the requirement for Interruption is notified by the Operator under paragraph 18.4).

13.4 Subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 13, where at any time a Supply Meter Point is eligible to be an Interruptible Supply Meter Point in accordance with the paragraph 13, the Registered User may by giving notice to the Operator not later than the Change Request Deadline propose that the Supply Meter Point is designated as being Interruptible with effect from an Eligible Status Change Date.

13.5 A Supply Meter Point which has been designated as Interruptible will continue to be so designated until and unless it is re-designated as Firm under paragraphs 14 or 15.

13.6 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) a Supply Meter Point is "Interruptible" where the offtake of gas from the System at the Supply Meter Point is subject to Interruption in accordance with paragraph 15, and otherwise is "Firm";

(b) an "Interruptible Supply Meter Point" is a Supply Meter Point which is for the time being designated as Interruptible; and

(c) a "Firm Supply Meter Point" is a Supply Meter Point which is not for the time being designated as Interruptible (including one which has been re-designated as Firm).

13.7 For the purposes of this Section L:

(a) a reference to a Supply Meter Point changing status is a reference to the Supply Meter Point becoming a Firm Supply Meter Point where it was Interruptible or becoming an Interruptible Supply Meter Point where it was Firm; and where a Supply Meter Point has changed status it will (but without prejudice to the provisions of this paragraph 13 pursuant to which it may change status) continue to be treated as having done so irrespective of the Registered User of the Supply Meter Point;

(b) an "Eligible Status Change Date" is a date with effect from which a Firm Supply Meter Point may become Interruptible or an Interruptible Supply Meter Point may become Firm;

(c) in relation to a Supply Meter Point at any time an Eligible Status Change Date is:

(i) if the Supply Meter Point has at no time changed status, any date;


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