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15 Interruption: re-designation as Firm
Operator on or after 1st October in respect of the year commencing 1st October, shall be treated in the order in which they were received by the Operator;
(g) for a Firm Allowance greater than 30% of the peak daily off take which exceeds 58,614 kWh/Day (2,000 therms/Day) shall be treated as if it were an application for 30% of the peak daily off take in accordance with paragraphs(e) or (f); and
(h) may be refused by the Operator where the hourly rate of offtake is greater than 12.5% of the Firm Allowance or where in the Operator’s opinion the Firm Distribution Requirement is not satisfied in respect of such Supply Meter Point.
14.4 Applications under paragraph 14.1 in respect of a relevant Supply Meter Point for which a Firm Allowance is currently in force ("Current Firm Allowance"):
(a) may be made by the Registered User in accordance with the following process:
(iii) on or before 1st September, the Operator shall issue to the Registered User of a relevant Supply Meter Point with a Current Firm Allowance renewal notice, offering the Firm Allowance for the following year commencing 1st October; and
(iv) the Registered User may accept all or part of such renewal offer at any time before 15th September;
(b) shall be for a period of 12 months commencing on 1st October.
14.5 Where another User is to become the Registered User of a relevant Supply Meter Point, the Proposing User shall, at least 2 but not more than 7 Business Days prior to the proposed Supply Meter Point Registration Date, notify the Operator of such change. The Firm Allowance shall transfer to the new Registered User from the Supply Meter Point Registration Date.
14.6 All communication under this paragraph 14 shall be made by the Operator and/or the Registered User by telephone or facsimile or Electronic Means.
14.7 An application under this paragraph 14 shall not re-designate an Interruptible Supply Meter Point as Firm for the purposes of the Code.
15 Interruption: re-designation as Firm
15.1 Where a Supply Meter Point is for the time being an Interruptible Supply Meter Point:
(a) subject to paragraph 15.2 and except where the Supply Meter Point is or is to be an Operator Nominated Interruptible (ONI) Supply Meter Point, the Registered User may propose the Supply Meter Point is re-designated as Firm with effect from an Eligible Status Change Date, by giving notice to the Operator not later than the Change Request Deadline; and