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17 Interruption: requirements at Supply Meter Point
which, after taking into account the Operator’s ability to interrupt at other Interruptible Supply Meter Points, the Operator estimates that, in a year of 1-in-50 Severe Annual Demand, interruption would be required at the Supply Meter Point.
16.3 Where the Operator designates an Interruptible Supply Meter Point as an ONI Supply Meter Point, the Operator’s notice to the Registered User will specify:
(a) the number of days (exceeding the Interruption Allowance) on which the Operator may Interrupt the Supply Meter Point in accordance with paragraph 18; and
(b) the reductions in Applicable Commodity Rates referred to in paragraph 16.4.
16.4 The Applicable Commodity Rates payable by the Registered User in respect of an ONI Supply Meter point will be subject to reductions as provided (by reference to the Interruption Allowance in excess of the Interruption Allowance) in the Conveyance Charge Statement.
16.5 The Operator may from time to time by a further notice (of not less than 12 months) under paragraph 16.1 or by agreement with the Registered User alter the Interruption Allowance of an ONI Supply Meter Point.
16.6 The Operator may withdraw the designation of a Supply Meter Point as an ONI Supply Meter Point by giving notice of not less than 12 months (or such lesser period as the Registered User may agree) to the Registered User.
16.7 Where a User submits a Supply Meter Point Confirmation which becomes effective in respect of an Interruptible Supply Meter Point:
(a) if any Existing Supply Meter Point is, or pursuant to a notice given by the Operator to the Existing Registered User pursuant to paragraph 16.1 would have become, an ONI Supply Meter Point, the Proposed Supply Meter Point shall be, or as the case may be (with effect from the date when the Existing Supply Meter Point would have become an ONI Supply Meter Point) shall become, an ONI Supply Meter Point; and
(b) any Existing Supply Meter Point is, but pursuant to a notice given by the Operator pursuant to paragraph 16.6 would have ceased to be, an ONI Supply Meter Point, the Proposed Supply Meter Point shall (with effect from the date when the Existing Supply Meter Point would have ceased to be an ONI Supply Meter Point) cease to be an ONI Supply Meter Point.
16.8 The Operator will notify the Proposing User in respect of an Interruptible Supply Meter Point of whether (and where applicable the date from which) the Supply Meter Point is or is to become, and/or is to cease to be, an ONI Supply Meter Point pursuant to paragraphs 16.7.
17 Interruption: requirements at Supply Meter Point
17.1 Where a User is or is to become the Registered User of one or more Interruptible Supply Meter Points the User shall:
(a) not later than the relevant date (in accordance with paragraph 17.4) in respect of the First Interruptible Supply Meter Point of which it becomes Registered User, provide to the Operator at least one telephone number and at least one facsimile number and at least one email address (but not more than 4 numbers in total)
by means of which the Operator may contact, 24 hours a Day, a representative of the User, and the name(s) or title(s) of not more than 3 representatives of the User who may be contacted using such details;
(b) maintain the details provided under paragraph (a) up to date, and notify the Operator of any change in such details before such change takes effect; and
(c) secure that at all times on each Day one of such representatives is available and capable of being so contacted by telephone or by facsimile or by Electronic Means.
17.2 A User shall, in relation to each Interruptible Supply Meter Point of which it is or is to become the Registered User:
(a) not later than the relevant date (in accordance with paragraph 17.4), provide to the Operator:
(i) the names and/or job titles of representatives of the consumer ("interruption contacts") (who, for the avoidance of doubt, may be the same contacts as those referred to in Section J as "Emergency Contacts"), provided that the total number of interruption contacts provided for under this paragraph (and Emergency Contacts provided for under Section J) shall not exceed 5 in relation to any Supply Meter Point;
(ii) at least one (but not more than four) telephone number(s) for each interruption contact of which the Operator may contact, 24 hours a day, at least one interruption contact; and
(iii) one facsimile number, for the purposes of receiving communications pursuant to Section L and Section J, which is able to receive transmissions 24 hours a day; and
(b) take all reasonable steps to secure that the details provided under paragraph (a) are maintained up to date and to notify the Operator of any change in such details before such change takes effect;
(c) take all reasonable steps to secure that all times on each Day one of such representatives is available and capable of being so contacted by telephone and by facsimile and by Electronic Means; and
(d) secure that the consumer acknowledges the right of the Operator to contact the consumer in the circumstances in paragraph 17.4 and undertakes to comply with any notification by the Operator thereunder.
17.3 For the purposes of enabling the Operator to plan the exercise of its rights as to Interruption of Interruptible Supply Meter Points, in relation to each Gas Year the Registered User of an Interruptible Supply Meter Point will, if so required by the Operator, not later than the relevant date (in accordance with paragraph 17.4) and thereafter from time to time upon any significant change in such details, obtain from the consumer and provide to the Operator the consumer’s best estimate of the following details:
(a) whether or not gas is likely in normal circumstances to be offtaken at or between particular times of Day specified by the Operator for the purposes of this paragraph