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2 Supply Meter Installation

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Reading shall be ignored and another Meter Reading obtained as soon as reasonably possible.

1.15 In this Section M "IGE Meter Recommendation" means any recommendation or standard from time to time issued or updated by the Institute of Gas Engineers in respect of the nature, type, design, specification or manufacture of any Supply Meter Installation or part thereof (which do not form a part of the Code).

1.16 Section O paragraph 7 applies in respect of the ownership of data relating to Meter Readings and each User shall secure that its arrangements with any Meter Reader are consistent with that requirement.

1.17 Where a meter examiner finds or the Operator or a User believes that a Supply Meter is or has been registering erroneously, the relevant adjustment shall be made:

(a) in the case of a Non-Daily Read Meter in respect of a Larger NDM Supply Meter Point, as an adjustment in respect of the Metered Quantity for the purpose of Individual NDM Reconciliation pursuant to Section E paragraph 5 (and accordingly since the date of the preceding Valid Meter Read); and

(b) in the case of a Daily Read Supply Meter, by way of DM Reconciliation on the basis that the adjusted Meter Reading is treated as a DM Check Read (irrespective of the period since the preceding DM Check Read) in accordance with paragraph 7.

1.18 For the purposes of paragraph 1.17 the relevant adjustment is an adjustment in respect of the amount by which it is determined that the Supply Meter has over or under registered the volume of gas offtaken from the System at the relevant Supply Meter Point, which amount shall be either:

(a) the amount agreed by the Operator and the User, or

(b) if either the Operator or the User shall so require the amount determined by Expert Determination.

1.19 The Operator may issue guidance for assisting with the agreement of adjustment amounts under paragraph 1.18, but any such guidance shall not be binding on any User or the Operator.

2 Supply Meter Installation

2.1 The Registered User shall (subject to paragraph 2.8) secure that at each Supply Meter Point there is installed, operated and maintained in proper working order, for registering the volume of gas offtaken from the System at the Supply Meter Point, a Supply Meter Installation:

(a) complying with the requirements of paragraph 2.2, and located at a point in accordance with paragraph 2.3, and

(b) including such further equipment (including Daily Read Equipment and any corrector) as may be required in accordance with the further provisions of this Section M.

2.2 The Supply Meter Installation shall be of a type and standard of design and accuracy complying with, and shall be installed in compliance with, the IGE Meter Recommendations, and any other applicable Legal Requirements, as in force at the date of installation of the Supply


Meter Installation, and shall be stamped in accordance with Article 22 of the Order.

2.3 The point at which the Supply Meter Installation is to be installed shall be such point as shall be required by or shall be in accordance with any applicable Legal Requirement.

2.4 Nothing in this Section M prevents a User from securing that a Supply Meter Installation conforms to higher standards than are (or provides any function in addition to what is) required pursuant to paragraph 2.2.

2.5 As contemplated by the IGE Meter Recommendations, the design and specification of certain Supply Meter Installations (where required to be installed) will need to be agreed with the Operator on a case by case basis.

2.6 Supply Meter Installations installed as at the date of the Code shall be deemed (for the purposes of the Code) to comply with the requirements of paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3, provided that this shall not prejudice any requirement for the installation of a different Supply Meter Installation arising by reason of a change in the nature of or the use of the Consumer's Plant after the Supply Meter Installation was installed.

2.7 Whenever a Supply Meter Installation is replaced or modified (other than by the Operator pursuant to paragraph 2.8) the Registered User shall provide to the Operator such information concerning the replacement or modification, within such period, as the Operator may reasonably prescribe.

2.8 Paragraphs 2.9 to 2.12 apply where the Operator provides or has provided (whether before or after the date of the Code) the Supply Meter Installation or any part of it.

2.9 Where this paragraph 2.9 applies, except as the Operator may otherwise agree in an ancillary agreement with the Registered User:

(a) subject to paragraphs (d) and (e), the Operator will be responsible at its cost (except as to the cost of providing housing) for securing (on behalf of the Registered User) the installation (in accordance with paragraph 2.2), maintenance, repair and replacement of the Supply Meter Installation or relevant part thereof provided by the Operator, within a reasonable time after a request to do so;

(b) the Customer Charge payable by the Registered User will include (in accordance with the Conveyance Charge Statement) a component in respect of the provision and maintenance of the Supply Meter Installation by reference to the nature of the Supply Meter Installation which is installed;

(c) the Registered User shall secure that there are made available (without charge to the Operator) at the Supply Meter Point premises:

(i) a suitable site (at a location complying with paragraph 2.3) at the Supply Meter Point premises, and suitable support, protection and security, for the Supply Meter Installation;

(ii) supplies of power, water and drainage as appropriate for the Supply Meter Installation;

(iii) such access, at all reasonable times and in any event between 08:00 and 17:00


hours on any Business Day, to the Supply Meter Point premises as shall be required to enable the Operator to carry out all Meter Installation Works required pursuant to paragraph (a);

(d) the Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to secure that the Supply Meter Installation is not damaged or otherwise mistreated; and

(e) ownership of the Supply Meter Installation shall remain with the Operator (or any person to whom the Operator may transfer ownership); and the Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to secure that any notice to that effect affixed thereto by the Operator shall not be removed or defaced.

2.10 Nothing in paragraph 2.9 requires the Operator:

(a) to replace any part of a Supply Meter Installation other than where such replacement is necessary as a result of the failure (including by reason of damage, normal wear or tear or defective design or manufacture) thereof;

(b) to carry out any Meter Installation Works other than for the purposes of maintaining or repairing or (where required under paragraph (a)) replacing a Supply Meter Installation or part thereof provided by the Operator; and

(c) except in the case of routine maintenance, to carry out any Meter Installation Works until reasonable notice has been given to the Operator of the requirement for such works.

2.11 Nothing in this Section M prevents the Operator from providing at the request of a consumer a Supply Meter Installation which conforms to higher standards than are (or provides any function in addition to what is) required pursuant to paragraph 2.2, provided that (unless the Registered User has otherwise agreed) the amount of the Customer Charge payable by the Registered User will not thereby be increased.

2.12 Where, as a result of any failure or defect in any Supply Meter Installation provided by the Operator, gas cannot be offtaken from the System at the relevant Supply Meter Point, the Operator will not be in breach (by reason thereof) of its obligation to make gas available for offtake from the System until:

(a) written notice of such failure, defect or requirement has been given to the Operator; and

(b) the expiry after such notice of a reasonable period for the Operator to carry out the required Meter Installation Works.

2.13 The Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that:

(a) no person improperly breaks any seal affixed to any part of the Supply Meter Installation or tampers or otherwise interferes with any Supply Meter Installation; and

(b) upon each visit to the Supply Meter Point premises by any representative of that User or by any person (other than the Operator where it is engaged as Meter Reader) engaged (by that User or the consumer) to obtain an On-site Meter Read, there is promptly reported to the Operator any evidence which is or ought (having regard to the purposes for which such person is visiting the premises) to be apparent to such representative


or person of the breaking of any such seal or of any such tampering or interference (including any activated tamper alarm) or otherwise of theft or attempted theft of gas.

2.14 In the circumstances permitted by and agreed with the Operator (but not otherwise), a meter by-pass may be installed (as a part of the Supply Meter Installation) at a Supply Meter Point.

2.15 A "meter by-pass" is an installation by means of which the consumer may divert the flow of gas, so as not to pass through the Supply Meter, and thereby secure the continued offtake of gas at the Supply Meter Point, in the event of any failure of part of the Supply Meter Installation which would impede the flow of gas through the meter; and the "Meter By-pass Procedures" are the procedures published from time to time by the Operator in respect of the installation and operation of a meter by-pass.

2.16 Where a meter by-pass is installed at a Supply Meter Point:

(a) the Registered User shall secure that the consumer is fully informed of the Meter Bypass Procedures before a meter by-pass may be opened;

(b) the Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to secure that:

(i) the meter by-pass is utilised only in the circumstances permitted in and in accordance with the procedures required by the Operator, and that its utilisation is discontinued, and (except where the Supply Meter Installation is provided by the Operator, in which case notification to the Operator in accordance with paragraph (ii) shall be sufficient) the Supply Meter Installation is repaired or replaced, at the earliest possible time in accordance with such requirements;

(ii) upon the utilisation of the meter by-pass the consumer records the time at which it is utilised and the reading of the index of the Supply Meter, and gives notice to the Operator and to the Registered User, in accordance with the requirements of the Operator;

(c) on any Day on which the meter by-pass is utilised, the volume of gas offtaken through the meter by-pass shall be estimated by the Operator and agreed with the Registered User and such estimated volume will be added to the Metered Volume determined in the next following Meter Read.

2.17 The Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to comply with the requirements of the Operator for the purposes of paragraph 2.16.

2.18 Where as a result of any Meter Installation Works undertaken (pursuant to paragraph 2.9 or otherwise) by the Operator in relation to an applicable Supply Meter Point, the relevant Meter Information recorded in the Supply Meter Point Register ceases to be accurate, the Operator will after completing such works:

(a) amend the Supply Meter Point Register as soon as is reasonably possible so as to record the change in relevant Meter Information required as a result of such works; and

(b) provide to the Registered User details of the amendment made pursuant to paragraph (a).

2.19 For the purposes of paragraph 2.18:


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