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3 Meter Reading: NDM Supply Meters

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(a) an "applicable" Supply Meter Point is a Supply Meter Point, in relation to which the Operator provides (in accordance with paragraph 2.9) the Supply Meter Installation; and

(b) relevant Meter Information is such Meter Information as is specified in paragraph 3.6.

2.20 The Registered User shall be responsible for providing to the Operator information for updating the Supply Meter Point Register in respect of Supply Meter Points in relation to which paragraph 2.18 does not apply.

3 Meter Reading: NDM Supply Meters

3.1 Valid Meter Readings are required to be obtained from Non-Daily Read Supply Meters and provided to the Operator for the purposes of:

(a) Individual NDM Reconciliation under Section E paragraph 5; and

(b) the determination of Annual Quantities under Section F paragraph 4.

3.2 Users are responsible for obtaining Valid Meter Readings from Non-Daily Read Supply Meters in accordance with this paragraph 3 and for the validation (in accordance with paragraph 1.13) of such Meter Readings.

3.3 A Meter Reading obtained from a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter is a "Valid Meter Reading" and the relevant Meter Read a "Valid Meter Read" where the Meter Reading has passed validation in accordance with paragraph 1.13,and has been notified to the Operator in accordance with paragraph 3.10.

3.4 A Customer Read obtained will (subject to the requirements of 3.3) be a Valid Meter Reading unless no Valid Meter Reading other than a Customer Read has been obtained:

(a) in the case of a Monthly Read Meter, in the preceding 2 calendar months; and

(b) in the case of an Annual Read Meter, in the preceding 14 calendar months.

3.5 For the purposes of this Section M:

(a) the "Meter Reading Frequency" in respect of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter is the expected frequency of Meter Reads for the purposes of the Code;

(b) the Meter Reading Frequency of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter (a "Monthly Read Meter") is monthly where its Annual Quantity is not less than 732,000 kWh (25,000 therms);

(c) the Meter Reading Frequency of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter (an "Annual Read Meter") is annual where its Annual Quantity is less than 732,000 kWh (25,000 therms); and

(d) in relation to a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter:

(i) the "Meter Read Date" is the date of a Valid Meter Read;


(ii) the "Meter Reading Period" in respect of a Meter Read is the period to the Meter Read Date from the preceding Meter Read Date.

3.6 For the purposes of the Code, "Meter Information" is the information maintained by the Operator in the Supply Meter Point Register in relation to a Supply Meter Installation, comprising the following details (insofar as the Operator has been informed of or otherwise holds such details)

(a) the location of the Supply Meter Installation at the Supply Meter Point Premises;

(b) number of dials, units and serial numbers of the Supply Meter and any corrector; and

(c) meter access details, being details intended to facilitate the obtaining by Meter Readers of access to the Supply Meter; plus any other details that may be reasonably required by the Operator.

3.7 A User may inform the Operator of any respect in which the User considers that the Meter Information is incorrect by submitting a notification ("Meter Information Notification") specifying what the User believes to be the correct details.

3.8 In order to ensure that Meter Information is as accurate as practicable, the Registered User shall:

(a) in accordance with Section L paragraph 4.11(b), use reasonable endeavours to secure that it becomes aware, insofar as it might reasonably be expected to become aware, of any respect in which Meter Information provided to it by the Operator is or becomes incorrect or out of date, including giving appropriate instructions to the Meter Reader for the time being; and

(b) submit to the Operator a Meter Information Notification as soon as reasonably practicable after the User becomes aware that the Meter Information is or has become incorrect or out of date.

3.9 As soon as reasonably practicable after a Meter Information Notification is submitted, the Operator will revise the Meter Information in accordance with such notification, unless the Operator is not satisfied that the details contained in the notification are correct, in which case it will so notify the User, and the Operator and the User shall co-operate with a view to establishing the correct details; and once such details are established the Operator will make any required revision of the Meter Information; and a Meter Information Notification shall be 'outstanding' for the purpose of the Code until the Meter Information has been revised pursuant thereto or it has been established that the details in such notification were incorrect.

3.10 Meter Readings will be provided to the Operator by such means as is agreed with the Operator and will be provided by the User to the Operator by not later than the 5th Day following the Meter Read date.

3.11 For the purposes of paragraph 3.10, where a corrector is installed at a Supply Meter all readings comprised (in accordance with paragraph 1.10(a)) in the Meter Reading will be provided to the Operator.

3.12 The Operator will subject Opening Meter Readings submitted to it to validation (which is additional to that required to be undertaken by Users), and may subject any other Meter


Reading submitted to it to validation; but the Operator may accept all Valid Meter Readings notwithstanding that such validation may be failed.

3.13 Each User shall secure, in relation to Monthly Read Meters, that a Valid Meter Reading is obtained for each Relevant Monthly Read Meter, not less frequently than once every calendar month; such reading to be taken in the last 4 Business Days of the relevant calendar month.

3.14 Each User shall secure, in relation to Annual Read Meters that a Valid Meter Reading is obtained for each Relevant Annual Read Meter, not less frequently than once every 12 months.

3.15 Where a User has failed to comply with paragraph 3.13 in respect of a Monthly Read Meter or, as the case may be, paragraph 3.14 in respect of an Annual Read Meter then, in the case of:

(a) a Monthly Read Meter if there has been a failure to comply for 2 successive months; and

(b) an Annual Read Meter if the period since the last Valid Meter Read is 14 months or more then in the event that access to permit the meter to be read during the following month:

(i) is not permitted or arranged by the Registered User or the person whom the Operator reasonably believes to be the Registered User; or

(ii) is not available because the Registered User cannot be ascertained or found

then the Operator will use its reasonable endeavours to obtain a Meter Read and may exercise its powers of entry granted under Schedule 5 of the Order and take such further action in relation to the Disconnection of the supply to the Supply Meter Point as the Operator deems necessary, or take such other action as the Operator deems sufficient to protect the integrity of the System and ensure the safety of the public.

3.16 Where a Proposing User submits a Supply Meter Point Confirmation which becomes effective for an NDM Supply Meter Point paragraphs 3.17 to 3.20 (inclusive) shall apply.

3.17 The Proposing User shall secure that a Valid Meter Reading (an "Opening Meter Reading") is obtained from the Non-Daily Read Meter referred to in paragraph 3.16:

(a) for a Meter Read Date within the required date range (in accordance with paragraph 3.19); and

(b) provided to the Operator not later than 16:00 hours on the 7th Business Day after the Supply Point Registration Date.

3.18 Within 2 business days of receipt of an Opening Meter Read pursuant to paragraph 3.17(a), the Operator will notify the Withdrawing User of the Opening Meter Read; and if within 2 business days of receiving the Opening Meter Read from the Operator, the Withdrawing User notifies the Operator that it rejects the Opening Meter Read, then paragraph 3.20 will apply.

3.19 For the purposes of paragraph 3.17(a) the required date range is the period of 5 Business Days commencing 2 Business Days before the Supply Meter Point Registration Date.

3.20 Where an Opening Meter Reading is not provided to the Operator by the date required under paragraph 3.17(b), or if the Operator receives a rejection notice pursuant to paragraph 3.18:


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