Our Mission
SGNScoops exists to promote the gospel by unveiling what is intriguing and real about gospel music. With integrity, we aspire to highlight people who are fulfilling a call to minister and emphasize the music that inspires audiences and glorifies God.
Our People
Publisher | Rob Patz

Editor | Stephanie Kelley Layout/Design | Stephanie Kelley
Founder | Dr. Allen Smith Have
I was excited to be asked to interview Reggie and Ladye Love Smith. They are an inspiration to all those who hear them sing. With hearts set on the Lord and singing, these two voices meet up to bring a sound of gospel that resonates with all who listen. Though they have had some hard times, they never let go of what God has set before them. Here’s what they have to say about life and music.
Cyndi Kay Green: Please give us a brief introduction of yourselves.
Reggie: We are Reggie and Ladye Love Smith and I am a member of the Gaither Vocal Band. Ladye and I have been singing and recording with the Gaither Homecoming tours for many years. We are married and have one son, Bret, and a dog named Beauty, and we live near Nashville, Tennessee.

CKG: How did you start in the music industry?
Reggie: I started teaching after I graduated from college until I got a call from Larnelle Harris’ management company. They were looking for a tenor for his background touring group. Ladye Love had been with the group for about a month and had actually recommended me to them. Ladye and I met while attending the University of Mississippi and had sung together in the college choir. So that began both of our journeys into gospel music.
Ladye: I always wanted to be a part of the music industry, specifically in gospel music and ministry. I got a degree in Vocal Performance at the University of Mississippi and then decided to stay and get my master’s in Counseling. I got a call from the group Truth to join them, but then at the last minute, I was contacted by Larnelle Harris’ booking agency to sing background for Larnelle and tour with him. I had seen him in concert and had always wanted to sing “I’ve Just Seen Jesus” with him so that to me was a dream job. So, I joined Larnelle’s Christmas tour and we traveled with Larnelle for many years. We
learned a lot from him and have always appreciated how he has conducted himself both on and off the stage. We also toured with Pam Thum and then later, Sandi Patty.
CKG: What has been the hardest challenge in life and how has God walked you through that challenge?
My sister died when I was just 14, and I lost my mom about a year after Reggie and I got married. Those events were traumatic for me, and I really went through seasons of questioning God. The scripture in Mark 9 that says “I do believe, help my unbelief” became very real to me, and God showed me He was
big enough to handle all of my questions and doubts. I learned He has big shoulders and I never have to fear Him loving me less when my faith is weak. If anything, I feel His presence even more during difficult times. Living through those losses also gave me a lot of empathy for others going through similar circumstances.
Reggie: We came to a point in our marriage when we were trying to have children. After numerous medical procedures and tests, it was never clear why we couldn’t conceive. We were later blessed to be able to adopt our son Bret who has given us so much joy over the years. Shortly after we got Bret, Ladye did get pregnant, but then we lost the baby. I didn’t understand the reasons why and frankly, I was hurt and angry, watching God answer prayers for others but not for us. There were times when I just didn’t have the words to put a prayer together, but we just kept clinging to scriptures like Romans 8 where it says that the Spirit intercedes in our weakness and prays for us when we don’t know what to pray. We believe He carried us through those times and, in many ways, the disappointments caused us to develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God.
CKG: What influenced your salvation?
Ladye: I was raised in church and my family was always musical and sang in church. I loved to listen to them, and it sparked a great curiosity in me, and made me want to understand who this Jesus was they were singing about. I remember going down the aisle and accepting Christ at 7 years old and, because I was so young, our pastor talked with me several times after that day just to make sure I understood the true meaning of salvation. I remember dreaming at an early age of being somewhere other than church —like an auditorium or a large arena — and singing about Jesus and leading people to the Lord. Amazingly,God brought that to pass in my life.
Reggie: I grew up in a little Baptist church sitting next to my grandmother on an old wooden bench. Grandma sang alto while dad sang the other harmony parts. I was drawn to that music, and it really planted the seed of faith in my life early on. I invited Jesus to be my Savior around 8 years old during a Vacation
Bible School and my journey really started there. The old hymns I heard and sung as a child penetrated my heart, and they still encourage me to this day.
CKG: Are you working on a project or have you just completed one?
Reggie: We just released a new Christmas recording from Gaither Music Group entitled “That Special Time Of Year” and we truly enjoyed putting that together. We are always working on something different to keep our creative juices flowing.
CKG: What concerts or events are you looking forward to in the future?
Reggie: We always love traveling with the Gaither Vocal Band during their Christmas tour and Ladye and I are also doing some special Christmas concerts on our own as well, singing songs from our new CD. God has been opening more doors lately and we just try to be open to His leading and go where He wants us to be.

Russell Wise is celebrating 45 years in gospel music. He and Danny have been friends for numerous years, both hailing from Gadsden, AL. Russell assumes his driving position with great responsibility. He has been driving buses and out on the road for 43 years. He
One, he hit a deer and the bus won. Two, the driver’s side steer wheel blew. Gratefully, because of his years of training and quick thinking, he was able to safely stop the bus. He loves to meet the promoters and do a few “Go Lives” during concerts. Russell looks forward to each time the band hits the stage. This music
MIRACLE. I wrote that song while going through a tough time and it still gives me hope when I listen to it.
CKG: Other than the Gaither Vocal Band, who are your musical influences?
is in his blood. Russell said, “I have witnessed this group of men praying before taking the platform and I have heard their testimonies. I am grateful to be surrounded by those that keep each other encouraged”.
Ladye: I grew up listening to Barbra Streisand, Karen Carpenter, Olivia Newton-John and Sandi Patty. I was heavily influenced by my family and their love of big band music, and I still love that sound to this day.
Reggie: Growing up in Mississippi, I listened to a lot of R&B, Jazz and pop music. And, of course, I was a huge fan of Elvis Presley. Ladye and I have performed with so many different artists over the years. We’ve sung with country artists at the Grand Ole Opry; we’ve done all kinds of recordings for pretty much every genre of music. Ladye and I have recorded many different type of songs over the years. We even have an album of love songs that we did together. I think because we had such a wide range of musical influences, it taught us to appreciate all kinds of music.
CKG: If you had to sum up your message of hope which song would reflect that for you?
Chris Williams loves band dates. He is a great musician and supporter of this great music. His first memory of Gold City was when the group visited his hometown. The group was performing on a flatbed trailer. As a young man, Chris’s point of view was looking up into the sun and trying to catch just a glimpse of a booming bass voice and an unreal high tenor. He could only see the drummer, which was Doug Riley. He was the first Christian music influential drummer Chris had. When the group finished, Doug came down and shook his hand. From that moment, Chris knew exactly what he wanted. That day he told his mom and dad he wanted to play drums. He has followed in Doug’s footsteps and in Chris’s own words; “It is the most fun I have ever had but also the most pressure I’ve ever had as a musician. I understand the legacy I try to uphold every night on stage with Gold City.” When playing with the band, he has a custom-made bass drumhead that says – GC Band of Gold, in memory of Doug Riley.
Reggie: I co-wrote a song with Marty Funderburk a few years ago called “Hold On” which is on our CD entitled
Ladye: Currently, the song “The Goodness of God” has really impacted me. It just sums up so well the faithfulness of God and how He relentlessly loves us each and every day.
CKG: Reggie, when did you go full-time as a member of the Gaither Vocal Band?
I became a member of the Gaither Vocal Band in 2017, but Ladye and I traveled and recorded with the Gaither Homecoming tour for over 15 years prior to that.

Barbara Huffman is such a vital part of this organization. She has been working with Gold City for over 10 years and absolutely loves every milestone. Barbara stated, “Danny Riley is an incredible boss. He has a heart for ministry and has been a great example of steadfastness through a lot of adversity the past few years. His decisions are made with much prayer, and he takes care of every person on his team. All the men on that bus are like brothers to me, and I’m happy to be part of what they’re doing”. Barbara believes that this current team, assembled by God for this season, is one of the best yet! She joins a multitude of Gold City supporters and fans knowing and believing that even after 43 years in ministry, GC is still as relevant as ever. They continue making great life-changing music.
CKG: Ladye, do you and Reggie still perform together?
Ladye: Yes, in addition to touring with the Gaithers, we perform for churches, for large ministry organizations, conferences, etc. We also go overseas quite a bit and enjoy touring in other countries.
CKG: Reggie, what has been the most exciting part of becoming part of the Gaither Vocal Band?
Danny Riley is simply one of the most compassionate mentors traveling the ministry highway. His desire is to encourage the broken and see the lost enter a relationship with Jesus Christ. This is his prayer every single time Gold City takes the stage. One of Danny’s favorite lyrics is from a song he has sung for over 25 years, It’s Still The Cross. “…It’s still the name of Jesus that has power to save the lost, it’s still the cross.. Knowing I don’t have to do a thing but believe, repent and accept Jesus as my Savior is freedom to me”.
For me, it has been just the brotherhood, the camaraderie that exists in the group. They are just genuinely great guys to be around. Of course, having Bill Gaither at the helm is a privilege. I have learned so much from Bill over the years and he and Gloria have become part of our family. To learnunder two of the greatest songwriters in gospel music has been a distinct honor.
CKG: Ladye, what has been one of the most memorable experiences in your music career?
Without a doubt, the legacy of Gold City is in great hands. The future is bright, and this stalwart group of men will diligently continue spreading the gospel. God’s word is needed now more than ever and carrying this historic torch is a great responsibility. Southern gospel music showcases some of the greatest musical talents in the world. With God at the helm, preserving this music heritage is imperative. The words of these timely songs speak of His love, His tender mercies and His grace. A message that can change the hearts of all mankind.
There have been many memorable events but singing at The Cove in North Carolina and meeting Billy Graham and having him, George Beverly Shea, and Cliff Barrows in the audience is a very special memory for me. And then when the Gaither Vocal Band was asked to sing at Dr. Graham’s funeral; just being there was a great privilege. Another moment that springs to mind is when the Grand Ole Opry called me and asked me to sing a duet with Lisa Marie Presley. The whole time I was driving to the rehearsal I was thinking, “Don’t think about Elvis, don’t think about Elvis!” Lisa was very nice, and we had a great conversation that night.
Gold City’s newest release to radio, Once And For All, is now available on all streaming outlets. In addition, please call and request it at your favorite gospel station. This soul moving song was written by Doug Riley. To schedule Gold City for 2023/2024, please contact Dominion Agency today: 828-454-5900 or 828-2464498.

CKG: Do either or both of you have any advice for vocalists in search of growth in the same genre?
Be available to sing anywhere. Whether at a church, or a school, or a nursing home—be willing to go and use those opportunities to not only minister to people but also gain valuable experience being on stage in front of different audiences. The most important thing, especially in gospel music, is to have a servant’s heart towards people and sing every song as if you are singing for and to just one person.
Reggie: I agree with Ladye and would add that it is important to know your range and sing within your range. Everybody’s voice is different and just because you hear a song on the radio sung by a tenor, it doesn’t mean that song can’t be sung in a lower range by an alto. My son told me one time, “Daddy just be who you are and stop trying to do all these other things vocally.” That is great advice for anyone. Don’t try to be anyone else; just be you. I think he may make a good producer one day! My niece has an incredible voice and she asked me one time what she needs to improve, and I told her the most important thing to remember is to serve your audience as Ladye mentioned. The audience is not there for you; you are there for them.

CKG: As we go into the holiday season what do you look forward to the most?
Reggie: One Minute Cookies of course! And just being with friends and family and enjoying time together.
Ladye: I enjoy pulling out each ornament and remembering where we were when we got it or who gave it to us. The Christmas season brings back such sweet memories of loved ones who have gone on to heaven and we still embrace traditions that have been a part of our families for years. We also enjoy making new memories with friends and family each year, and just being reminded of the gift of salvation that we have been given through Jesus coming to earth just for us.
CKG: What is your prayer for future generations?
Ladye: My prayer is that they truly know God and not let culture dictate their beliefs. I pray they can recognize what is real and distinguish what is truth. I also hope
they learn to appreciate and retain the traditions that have sustained the Christian church for many generations.
Reggie: It seems to me the younger generation is tired of fake and phony. They have been raised on social media and I think they are getting weary all the pretense. They seem hungry for truth, and the word of God is the truth that has never changed and will never change. My prayer for my son has always been that he love God and love others. That is the essence of the Gospel.
CKG: What is your favorite Bible verse? Reggie? Ladye?
Reggie: Galatians 6:9-10 is always a good reminder to me when I am feeling tired and overwhelmed.
Ladye: Philippians 1:3 was a verse that I held onto after my sister and mom died. And Psalm 46 has always been a comfort to me in difficult times.
Thank you for taking time to share with us!

Christmas time as a child was always filled with excitement and anticipation. The twinkling lights, the festive decorations, and the promise of gifts under the tree made the season magical special. And the homemade goodies that my mom and her sisters made were always something to look forward to at the end of the big family meal.
But as I grew older, I began to realize that the true meaning of Christmas was not about the gifts or the parties, but about the birth of Jesus Christ. The story of His humble beginnings and His eventual sacrifice for the sake of humanity was a reminder of the true spirit of giving and love.
Now, as an adult, I look forward to Christmas with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the birth of Christ. The joy and peace that comes from celebrating His birth is more meaningful to me than any material gift. And though I spend time with God everyday of the year, it is at this special time of the year that I reflect on the birth of Christ and all that it means to me as a believer.
The birth of Jesus brings hope and comfort in a world that can often be chaotic and difficult. It reminds us of
the power of love and the potential for good that exists in each and every one of us.

As I reflect on the true meaning of Christmas this year, I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the growth I have experienced. I am thankful for the love and support of my wife, Kristen, my family and friends, and of course, all of you in my Southern Gospel family. I am filled with joy and excitement as I anticipate the celebration of Christ's birth and the sacrafices that He made for me.

Christmas may look different as an adult, but the true spirit of the season remains the same. The birth of Christ is a reminder of the power of love and the potential for good in the world. It is a time to celebrate and give thanks for the blessings we have received, and to look forward to the promise of a brighter future.
And a time to still enjoy all those homemade goodies at the end of a big family dinner.
Merry Christmas from Rob, Kristen and the staff of SGNScoops Magazine. We wish you a blessed and warm holiday season and pray that you and your family will have a wonderful new year.

It’s always amusing to me to see how God brings people together. The best part is when we realize later what He was doing, but in the moment, we had no clue. We walk away thinking, “Wow! That person was really awesome. I’m glad I met them.” Then months, or maybe even years later, we find out why God really had us meet them. Now, I know this isn’t always the case, but in this particular instance, it was. So, let me tell you about it.
Back in July, my husband and I had an opportunity to sing on a Christian television show in Nashville. The experience was awesome, but the people that we got to meet were even more awesome. One of those people was Angela Seng. She was performing her set when we walked in, and she was killing it! So much so, that it made me even more nervous to do our set! Her confidence was inspiring. Her smile was contagious, and I knew that I wanted to introduce myself after she was done. So that’s what I did. My husband and I walked right up to her, introduced ourselves, and had a conversation like we had known each other for a long time.
About two weeks later, my editor told me that she had a story she wanted me to write. She was super excited about it. I hadn’t written an article in a couple of months and decided I wanted to get back at it, so I said, “Send me the info!” When she sent me the name, my mouth dropped. It was Angela Seng! The woman I had just met in Nashville who I instantly felt a connection with. The even crazier thing is that Angela was supposed to be on the season before and ended up getting COVID-19 and couldn’t perform, so she had to come back for this
season. She said she knew that there was somebody that God wanted her to meet that wasn’t there for the season prior. Turns out, that person was me! So, there’s the story. I love how God works!

Angela started singing when she was 5 years old. That was the age that she was when she officially started singing, but really, she was one of those babies that came out of the womb singing instead a came from. There was a girl in Haiti, who was sowhose parents were going to a dump in MexicBarbies that are a mess, and how it’s the same

of crying. For as long as she can remember, she has always loved to sing. She also got saved at 5 years old when a singing group came to her church called "The Song Masters." There was a woman in that group whose name was Debra that impacted Angela so much that day and inspired her to want to be a singer as well. Little did Angela know that that was Debra Talley of the Talley Trio and she didn’t find that out until years later.
Angela ended up developing stage fright as a teenager and suffered from that for 30 years. While at a three-day retreat, she heard God tell her, “I want to use you, but I can’t because of your fear.” In that moment, she left her fear at Jesus’ feet and hasn’t picked it up since. Angela performs all over and has released some amazing gospel albums over the years. But that’s actually not what we are here to talk about. Yes, there’s more! So, make sure you keep reading.
Angela is a woman of many talents and traits. She has always served in some type of ministry, and has a servant’s heart. The goal of making her first album

wasn’t even to put on the radio; it was a fundraiser album. She had read a book about a little girl in Africa who sold her body just to be able to provide food for her brothers and sisters, and ever since then she has had a heart for children who have very little.

Angela’s mom and her would pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and one day when they were looking for things for one of the shoe boxes. They found a Barbie that was naked, and her hair was all messed up. Angela’s mom said, “Well, I can make her an outfit” and Angela said, “Well, I can restore her hair and clean her up.” So, she started searching Pinterest on how to restore Barbies. Unfortunately, Operation Christmas Child doesn’t allow used items in their boxes, so it was then that Angela started her ministry, Dolls on Mission.
Dolls on Mission provides kids in other countries, like Honduras, with Barbies. It may not seem like much but let me break it down for you. The average income in Honduras is $4 a day. Yes, you read that right. $4 a day. So, they aren’t spending their money on things like Barbies or really any sort of toys. A $10 Barbie here would be two and a half days pay
for them. Honduras is the second poorest country in Central America. So, if it were not for Dolls on Mission, these children would never see a Barbie. To our kids here in the United States, a Barbie is common. On average our kids probably have about 5 to 10 Barbies, whereas in Honduras that’s something that they can only dream about.
Angela has two missionary friends named Tim and Ashley who take these Barbies back to Honduras when they return. I want to share with you some stories. What may seem like one silly Barbie to you, has changed the lives of children in other countries.

A little girl named Jocelyn, had seen a video of Barbies at one of her friend’s house and she had picked out a particular Barbie that she wanted from that video. At that particular time, Angela had only sent two Barbies with Tim. Both were brunettes, in fact about 90% of Barbies are blonde. But when Tim handed her the Barbie, she exclaimed out loud, “That’s the Barbie I wanted!” Just think that that Barbie crossed oceans from Indiana to go to a little girl in Honduras who picked out that exact
Another little girl’s father had been killed and she was given a Barbie to help comfort her. There was another time that a Barbie brought a family together. The mother and the father had been separated from each other and when the missionary gave the Barbie to their little girl, the mother thought it came from the father and they got back together. In Honduras, a Barbie is considered a luxury item, so thinking that he spent all this money for their little girl, softened her heart. Nobody ever told them where it really came from. There was a girl in Haiti, who was sold as a child so their parents could pay off a debt. She was a teenager now but didn’t have a childhood. A little girl beside her was given a Barbie and she kept pointing at it. So, the missionary asked her if she would like one and she nodded her head yes. That Barbie was a part of a childhood that she never got. It signified something to her that she never got to experience and for a moment she got to feel what that joy as a child is like.

The Barbies have ministered to children living on the streets. They have ministered to children whose parents were going to a dump in Mexico to try and find things to sell for their family. They have ministered in orphanages, hospitals, schools, and anywhere that they can.
To us a Barbie is a memory of our childhood. It brings smiles to our faces as we think back on when we had our Barbie Dream Houses and cars, the Ken dolls and performing a fake wedding with the fanciest Barbie clothes. Our memories might include getting our friends together and lining all our Barbies up and telling stories. Using our imagination and creating this world that for a moment made us feel like we were something. But to these kids, in these countries like Honduras, it’s a feeling of hope, a sign of love, a sense of purpose, and a joy that most things here in the United States don’t even give us. It's something that may seem so simple to you, but to them is the world.
Angela also offers workshops to show others how to restore Barbies that were once used and thrown away, to something new! She also shows a representation of how we restore used Barbies that are
a mess, and how it’s the same thing that Jesus does to us! We were once broken, and He is able to put us back together with a new purpose. How sweet is that!
I encourage you today that if you were at all blessed by this story or if it even just brought back a childhood memory for you, to think about giving to Dolls on Mission. Angela accepts donations of Barbies in any condition, and has currently restored over 3,000 Barbies. You can also just donate monetarily if you feel led. You may even be able to see a picture of the Barbies you donate with the children on Angela’s social media pages, which I will share. Help Angela bring hope to children all over the world not just with a smile for today but for all eternity.
To donate please visit https://seng-inc.square.site/. You can also check out Angela’s music by going to angelasengmusic.org.

Angela has two missionary friends named Tim and Ashley who take these Barbies back to Honduras when they return. I want to share with you some stories. What may seem like one silly

As you wrap-up the brand new toy and put the final bow on the top of the shiny package, remember to be thankful for all that you have, both on this earth and awaiting you in Heaven.
Christmas is a time of giving, and as Christians, we are called to follow the example of Jesus and give generously to others. The Bible is full of passages that emphasize the importance of giving, and these passages can provide guidance and inspiration as we strive to be more giving during the holiday season and all year long.

One of the key themes of the Christmas story is the idea of giving. When the wise men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the baby Jesus, they were showing their devotion and reverence for the newborn king. Similarly, when we give gifts to others during the holiday season, we are expressing our love and appreciation for them. And we are demonstrating the generosity that God has shown to us through the most precious gift, salvation.
The Bible also teaches us that giving should not be done with the expectation of receiving something in return. In Matthew 6:3-4, Jesus says, "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." This passage reminds us that true giving is selfless and done with a pure heart, not for the sake of gaining something in return.
In addition to giving material gifts, the Bible also encourages us to give of ourselves. In Galatians 6:10, it says, "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." This passage reminds us that we should not only give to those we know and love, but also to those in need, especially our fellow believers.
As Christians, we are called to follow the example of Jesus and be generous givers. In fact, some of the biggest blessings in our lives come when we give to those who could never pay us back in full. Just as Christ gave to us, the lowly sinners, who could never repay him for his love an generosity, so should we give to those who need our time, love and resources.
Generosity is not just about giving money It is also about being hospitable and welcoming to others, and being willing to share what we have with those who are in need. In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul writes: "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord" (Romans 12:10-11).
In addition to being generous with our possessions and our time, Christians are also called to be generous with our forgiveness. This means that we should be willing to forgive others, just as God has forgiven us. As Jesus says in the book of Matthew: "For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions" (Matthew 6:14-15).
Generosity is an essential part of the Christian life. It is a way for us to show our love for God and for others, and to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. By being generous with our time, our talents, and our resources, we can make a positive difference in the world and bring glory to God.
During the holiday season and throughout the year, let us strive to give freely and selflessly, with a heart of love and compassion.

It's the most wonderful time of the year for many people. The Christmas season is full of great memories and nothing can make those memories flood back like the sounds of your favorite songs. Christmas music is important for a variety of reasons. Christmas music can be a cherished tradition that brings back fond memories of past holidays. It helps to create a warm and festive atmosphere and can be a source of comfort and inspiration, reminding us of the true meaning of the season and providing a sense of hope and peace.
Another reason that Christmas music is so important is that it helps to bring people together. During the holiday season, many people gather with family and friends to celebrate, and Christmas music is often a key part of these gatherings. Whether it's singing carols around the Christmas tree, listening to a holiday concert, or dancing to Christmas songs at a party, Christmas music has the power to create a sense of unity and community.
Christmas music is important because it has the ability to evoke powerful emotions. Christmas songs often speak to the joy, hope, and peace that come from believing in the miraculous birth of Jesus, and when performed with skill and passion, Christmas music can be a moving and uplifting experience.

Christmas music celebrates and preserves cultural and spiritual traditions. Many Christmas songs have been passed down through generations and have become an integral part of the holiday season. These songs are a valuable part of our cultural heritage and help to keep the spirit of Christmas alive.
There are many great southern gospel Christmas songs that have become classics over the years. If you don't have these tunes in your Christmas playlist, we encourage you to check them out. Some of the best include:
"Mary, Did You Know?" - This song, written by Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene, is a poignant and thought-provoking look at the incredible events surrounding the birth of Jesus. The lyrics ask Mary, the mother of Jesus, if she knew the significance of her son's birth, and the song is a reminder of the incredible sacrifice that she and Joseph made.
"O Holy Night" - This beautiful and moving song is a popular choice for southern gospel artists, and it has been recorded by many different groups and soloists. The powerful lyrics and soaring melodies make it a perfect song to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This song has been recorded by some of Southern Gospel's biggest names including Sandi Patty and The Booth Brothers. Also be sure to check out the versions of this tune by The Martins, The Isaacs and The Perrys.
"Go Tell It on the Mountain" - This traditional gospel song is a joyful and celebratory celebration of the birth of Jesus. The lyrics are full of excitement and joy, and the song is a reminder of the good news that the birth of Jesus brings to the world. Check out Erwin's or The Hoppers version of "Go Tell It on the Mountain".
"The First Noel" - This beautiful and timeless carol is a favorite of many southern gospel artists, and it has been recorded by many different groups and soloists. The beautiful melodies and heartfelt lyrics make it a perfect song to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Many southern gospel groups have recorded their own versions of the popular Christmas hymn "The First Noel." Some of the groups that have recorded this song include: The Gaither Vocal Band, Point of Grace, The Martins, The Collingsworth Family, The Booth Brothers, The Isaacs, The Hoppers, The Crabb Family, The Chuck Wagon Gang and The Booth Brothers.
"O Come, All Ye Faithful" - This beloved carol is a classic choice for southern gospel artists, and it has been recorded by many different groups and solo-

ists. The lyrics are full of joy and praise, and the song is a reminder of the importance of worshipping and praising God during the Christmas season. Listen for versions of this song performed by The Gaither Vocal Band, The Crabb Family, The Hoppers, The Perrys, and many other Southern gospel groups and artists

Christmas music is important because it brings people together, evokes powerful emotions, and celebrates and preserves cultural and religious traditions and most importantly, helps us to focus on the true
meaning of the season, the birth of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus. Whether you're a fan of traditional carols or contemporary holiday hits, checking out your favorite southern gospel Christmas music is an important part of the holiday season.

Christmas time can be a difficult season for those who are struggling with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. The pressure to be happy and joyful can be overwhelming, and the constant reminders of family and togetherness can be painful for those who are feeling lonely or isolated.

But despite the challenges that mental health issues can bring during the holiday season, there is hope and comfort to be found in the words of the Bible. The Bible offers a message of love, support, and strength, and it can provide guidance and comfort to those who are struggling.
One of the most well-known and beloved passages in the Bible is Psalm 23, which begins with the words "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." This verse is a reminder that God is always with us, and that He will provide for our needs and protect us from harm.
Another powerful and comforting passage can be found in Isaiah 41:10, which says "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." This verse offers a message of hope and encouragement, and it reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles.
Finding comfort and healing in God is the most important part of maintaining good mental health> You can also take other practical steps to prioritize your mental health. Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying active. It may also mean seeking out professional help, whether through church ministry, therapy or medication. If you are struggling with feelings of hopelessness or thoughts of self-harm, it is important to reach out for help immediately.
Focusing on your relationships with others is another way to find comfort during the holidays. Many people find peace in spending time with friends and family during the holidays. If you are feeling isolated or lonely, consider reaching out to your church family, a friend or family member for support. You may also want to consider joining a support group or participating in activities with others who are also struggling with depression. Check local churches for groups who are there to help.
Consider volunteering your time or donating to a charity that is important to you. Not only will this help to take your mind off of your own struggles, but it can also be a powerful way to connect with others and make a difference in your community.
Finally, remember to take care of yourself spiritually. For many Christians, Christmas is a time of reflection and spiritual renewal. Consider attending church services or other religious events, and take time to pray and meditate on the meaning of the season. If you are struggling with your faith, consider reaching out to a pastor or counselor for guidance and support.
In times of sadness and anxiety, turn to the Bible for guidance and comfort. The words of the Bible offer a message of love, support, and strength, and they can provide a source of hope and inspiration during difficult times. No matter what challenges we may face, the Bible reminds us that God is always with us and that He will provide for our needs and support us in our struggles.ling from Gadsden, AL. Russell assumes his driving position wit now available on all streaming outlets. In addition, please call and request it at your favorite gospel station. This soul moving song was written by Doug Riley. To schedule Gold City for 2023/2024, please contact Dominion Agency today: 828-454-5900 or 828-2464498.

In addition to their traveling and singing, David and Brenda host a radio program called “Spotlight Tunes” on SOGR radio.