SGP Style Guide

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Style Guide This guide has been created to help you design brochures, flyers, posters and other visual materials for any GEF Small Grants Programme country office, while maintaining a consistent, signature SGP style. This signature style will help people recognize and distinguish SGP’s materials from those of similar organizations and to brand SGP with a distinctive and cohesive look.

To start, remember to follow SGP style guidelines in placing the GEF and UNDP logos in a horizontal bar at the top of the publication’s cover, with the GEF logo to the left of the UNDP logo. Please also note that when referring to the programme using the acronym it should be SGP or GEF SGP not UNDP GEF/SGP, UNDP/GEF/SGP or GEF/SGP.

In this document and on this disk you will find the tools for designing with the Small Grants Programme’s brand identity: • the SGP Monogram, • the SGP colors, • Impact and Trebuchet,the recommended font families. • Templates

Style Guide

SGP Monogram SGP Logo



The SGP Monogram consists of two elements:

Style Guide

SGP positioned on its side, and the wording “The GEF Small Grants Programme� written out. These two elements are provided in a set relationship in the enclosed digital files. Redrawing or respacing the SGP Monogram is not recommended. The recommended colored backgrounds to place the SGP Monogram on are white and SGP Yellow (see SGP Colors section). Because the GEF Small Grants Programme has many country offices, the Monogram has been designed to accommodate many languages.While the Monogram ought to remain the same, the wording may be translated. Whatever the language, however,try to keep the wording in three or four horizontal lines in the space to the right of the Monogram. There may be some cases for which you may feel it appropriate to use the SGP Monogram on its own. A digital file, called SGPMonogram, has been provided for this purpose. The following files are provided on this disk: SGP Style Guide in QuarkXPress 6.5 (Mac), PDF, and MS Word formats Template files (see page 5) in QuarkXPress 6.5 (Mac) format SGPLogo (English, French, Spanish) in eps format GEF Logo (English, French, Spanish) in eps format SGPMonogram in eps format UN logo in eps format Impact and Trebuchet fonts

SGP Colors When printed,the SGP Monogram can be reproduced in 4 colors (CMYK) or in 1 color, depending upon your needs. For online use,the SGP Monogram also has designated Web-safe colors. There are two recommended colors, SGPYellow and SGP Brown. They are defined below and provided in the digital Logo files on this disk. SGP Yellow CMYK: Cyan: 0; Magenta: 20; Yellow: 76; Black: 0 Web-safe: FFCC33 Pantone: PMS 142

Style Guide

SGP Brown CMYK: Cyan: 0; Magenta: 60; Yellow: 87; Black: 72 Web-safe: 330000 Pantone: PMS 1817 The SGP Monogram uses When used on a white background: Vertical “SGP” letters: SGP Yellow Horizontal wording: SGP Brown

SGP Monogram on an SGP Yellow background: Vertical “SGP” letters: 25 % SGP Yellow (Cyan:0; Magenta:5;Yellow:19; Black:0). Horizontal wording: SGP Brown.

The SGP Monogram in black on a white background: Vertical “SGP” letters: 50% Black Horizontal wording: 100% Black If necessary and appropriate,a dark PMS color such as PMS 1817 can be used in place of black.

When monogram is used with SGP country name, please place the country name beneath the programme name as in this example.

Publications When publishing or issuing communications materials at the global and at the national level, the following elements should be taken into consideration as appropriate: When the publication is directly produced by SGP or by a publisher on behalf of the programme: • Indicate copyrights and any required permits for reproduction (copyrights © shall be those of the United Nations Development Programme) “Material contained in this publication is not subject to copyright. It may be reproduced for strictly non-commercial purposes, provided that the Global Environment Facility's Small Grants Programme is acknowledged.” • Acknowledge funding sources for the publication (UNDP, GEF, UNF, EC or other donors) as well as any co-funding partner for the project referred to • Acknowledge contributions by various parties e.g. editor, reviewers, overall comments, etc.

Style Guide

• Acknowledge author(s) of picture(s) and include caption(s) indicating country, project title and any other relevant information on the photograph(s) • Acknowledge author(s) of other illustration(s) or drawing(s) • Include UN standard disclaimer to indicate that views in the publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Organization(s) “The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the organizations or governments mentioned, the Global Environment Facility or the United Nations Development Programme.” • Obtain and include ISBN number or any other national cataloguing reference • Ensure the publication is dated • Ensure consistent use of the SGP signature Please refer to the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) or equivalent in your country for further advice on publications issues such as publisher agreements, how to obtain an ISBN, etc. When a publication / material is produced by SGP grantees:

• Copyrights will be retained by the NGO / CBO unless the organization is producing materials on behalf of SGP • Ensure the SGP financial contribution and any co-funding source is acknowledged • Secure the free right of SGP to reproduce in part or in whole the material for non-profit purposes related to SGP activities

Publication configurations:

Hands on Action For Sustainable Development 1992-2002

Hands on Action For Sustainable Development 1992-2002

Implemented by the United Nations Developement Programme

Style Guide

8.5 x 11 (horizontal) Implemented by the United Nations Developement Programme

8.5 x 11 (vertical)

Hands-on Action for Sustainable Development 1992-2002

Hands-on Action for Sustainable Development 1992-2002

Implemented by the United Nations Developement Programme

5.5 x 8.5

Implemented by the United Nations Developement Programme


Words and Pictures Words All text should be laid out horizontally (not vertically, at an angle, or on a curve). To optimize legibility, try to avoid laying out large bodies of text on dark backgrounds. For use with major heading or titles, the font “Impact” has been included on this disc. For body copy, the font “Trebuchet” is also included. To distinguish sub-headings, captions, sidebards or quotations from regular body copy, the bold and italic features of Trebuchet may be used.


Style Guide

In general, for the best results, try to supply images to the printer in one of the following formats. Consult your printer for their specific requirements. Slides: 35mm or larger format tranparencies Photographs: High-quality photographic prints or 35mm negatives. Digital Files: High-resolution (300dpi or greater) TIFF files, or vector-based eps files for type and line art. Also remember to obtain permission before using a photograph or illustration that does not belong to the UN, provide descriptive image captions, and credit the photographer whenever possible.

Paper To lessen the impact on the environment, try to produce printed materials on high-quality uncoated or matte-coated recycled paper with a minimum of 50% post-consumer content, and try to avoid printing on glossy or shiny paper.

For more information, contact: GEF Small Grants Programme Insert country information

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